Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jan 1963, p. 11

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Mrs Scannull Mount Vernon New York and son John Philadelphia spam the weekend lhe home Mr and Mrs Earl Thompson and visited Mrs Scannells molhcr Mrs Isaac 5an who is ill at 56 Colllngwood Hnopiml Miss Pansy Benelle and Ed Moor were in Toronto on Wed Congratulatlnns In Mr and Mrs Nnrmnn Olson to whom twin sons were born on Satur day Jan 19 at Stevenson Mem torial Hospital Allistnn Danny Ind Donald At the annual meeting Man meld UniledChurch on Friday evening the minister Mr Dahlln was tendered hearly vote of appreciation and must unanimous invitation to remain as pastor after his nrdiualan In May it permitted by tho niggioning cqmmm MONMV MVIMIIV Mon Tu rmm no Tn ml 11 Truth mm lTV var Ina Mum nml mu Nunml 1m llnu 1mm Haur nnmu vanu Kld Domino ma runm ll rm Ind MI Moon shaw no rumI 1100 cm TV Nu 1115 Wulher Epnrll Nun HM Dnnlerou nobln rUumY JANUARY 1000 runm mu hood Mumlnl Hun 5uda run was New loo Humnn llnnm Iomon any Nonndy llcpnn lluvlu lmmnum nn rum 1m New North Lon Ynunl bhnw Til 1mm Sculm Pnpral my nu mm mm Mmury Am Andy Nru wmmr SMHI um Tum MNUAnY 5mm mu Popeyn Puly nml mule Em lelnl wma r1 Nun Vulhu Spam ualrmhy Den Mum Dmny Thomu curry Moon Show nu too 33 nususvaA 328 28 The mble study was take mm The Word and The Way on the topicWhat Is religion The discussion brought out lhal there are many religious but the highest form is mind in the desire to serve God Mrs Hayward and Mrs Rhodes were refreshment hos tessess PERSONALS Mn and Mrs Sam Kingham are pcnding lw weeks with Capt and Mrs chlorKingham at Erltsdale Mnnilnbn The minutes the last lng were read by Mrs Bunnen The treasurer Alexander presented the clgl repgrynr lhig year The meeting opened with war ship service the heme which was Finishlng our Education poinllng out that our education never ends and one the best Helps in education is the Bib eh AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY The Gleaner of SL Johns Unjled Church met the home their president Mrs Mel Rhodes imi afid Mrs Carl were married 25 years Jan 23 house on the comer hi the 7th line of Mono and Hwy 69 owned by Edgar Manning Sheldon was destroyed by lire on Thursday ailernoon Mr and Mrs McDonald and children oi Camp Borden ware living there It was very stormy at ihe iima with high wind which blew al most across tha mad away ram neighboring homes Mrs Lucindn Kirkpatrick has moved from her apartment in Mansfield to live in Everett yam And rm Will Mlnmi Hum THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THU IERVICE By MRS IIIEAII DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCK TELEVISION PROGRAMS MANSFIELD CREEMORE CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU rnlyr Im III Inlul by pic VAllEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL SMHI PA 82433 bnnw Pardc Ireland am on mael lsohel Mrs finan mummy MIMI IW mm 00 in All luy uma 1m In no hop In Mild loo nlml an at 910 mo 10 was luv moo In an HJI 1130 Inn Wu mu um mlhl Wu rmmuw 1M1 In Tn Im lpam num Marl mmmm III flnIIIrvlllt Mme Hull Nvlwnll mm llmoq nur ma I5 um sfim Nm lnltrpol WEDNESDAY JANUARY IMO IN 1030 In as no EEE5 =2232 Tell hum Goad Manda Studlo rm Nun Pomp firm nply my Nnon lefl mm Whnl lmrll LII Slnl fllnl Anund rmnaly Gum Mr Vnunl Show Tn mm mm nu Don Imu urkllbtm Hound rmvlnclu Auun lrl ma FIRE DAMAGE The average among lures In destruction throughout Can ada ar the mm decade was l795000 acres Pane rcclar 01 Church Hl Unith Church assislcd by Rev White alrleml the decorum conductad llw luneral servlccs at the Laura gueKilkcnny parlors Bradlonll Temporary onto bmenl was made at the WI Llne Coma my vault lnnlsfil with inter ment later at Clemenls Came my Innlslil Pallbearers werr Lambert Wilson William Dun can leght Nelson Edgar Sturgeon Bert Danny and Mr Mncdonald liis quiet unassuming man nnr and his kindly genuine up righincss won for him the es teem and affection oi wide circle oi friends His religion addilinntion was nlways with affiliation was always with its inception in 1579 He is sub vived by his only sister Christ inu who will be 92 year oi age on Fcbl 1961 and niece Alice Roxerson of Blyth Ont in 1956 his elder brother Franklin predeceased him By MRS DWIGHT NELSON Dean memmubenfiogen son on Jan 21 l963 when he passed away at Simeon Manor Baotou in his 90th year Mr iflugerson was lhe son of James Rogersun and Elizabeth Mac Lennan Churchill who lived on the ith line lot I2 Innlslil Wllh the exception nl World War when he worked in muniiion plant Reubenx life was spent at farming lnlhe Churdlill district Mr and Mm Charles Faster and Mr and Mn Hamid Cara scadden while In Florida cal led on ML and Mrs Gear Nixon Melbourne Beach 11de In attend the funeral of their slamimlaw Mrs Harold Benelle They wen amm panied by their cousins Enrl Snell Rodlckvlll and Mrs El wood Arnold an ion Nelsnn of Shplpurne Several senior citizens of in village are hospitalized at the Collingwoad Hospital ior var ious ailments Tiny are Mu Richie Kerr Mrs William Weir and Clarence Puimanl Donald Hate oi Tannin spent the weekend with his parentl Mr and Mrs Frank Karel Miss Linda Mlddlebmk confined In her home on Francis kafller suffering heart at nc TORONTO Cr In min MIIAY mm hour rum mun mur Klllda rm um nu ma xn Conlfld nMI lclhulll Tm Elnry nl My Tth Soul mud nun Cm Nuwum ulna norflun IV Nm um 590m mu cmm Chm BARRIE mm Pm chump Inquiry comm vuncuou rv mm um Spam Nm Inurpox STROUD llnwcvcr he Amman ynlr bid in orderly lushlan dupilo he manner Mcndllh threw unlll they arrived In ha 50qu Ah hem mnlrnct Mllhll lwa 11m spade ovcrcnll was made by the Englle Illr Adam New dim who Is notcd lnr hls lend ency to bid lpldu with or with out mm In this null mll hand around In lhu mnlch bulwun Greul nrllnln and the United mm In I955 In Hm labia whore Lew Mnlh nnd Alvln 11th mm Nnrthoum for Ihu Amnricnn team the blddlnz cm as lhuwn Onenlni lead Traveller from Australia New Inland Germany Mcx loo Greece and Rhodesia also have let their mark advertising banned It Is permissible lo add Hula slogan alter town name South denier NorthSouth DAILY CROSSWORD anvil Hm Then are signs from every province but New Brunswick Newfoundland and Prince Ed ward island and from every slam in the United Stale ex up Alabama Mississippi and Delaware Mare than 1500 visitnrs have dune It The poles are strung along side the highway or about hall block ll Mick IS Wuh 1mm ll lmmlh loll um Im7 mm wmon LAKETYJ 01 Yuura expected to leave 5plnshy calling card when ynu visit lhls communlly at mil 635 11 the Alaska Illghway Its simple Get piece wood Iln or mylhlng elsa thats handy and paint on Manama of your hometown and the distance youve lrav elled Then mail it on one ul 40 poles at the nnnhcm edge of lawn unam mIL 17 loam mm nifim um It nry mutton organist Mn Nonnan ch assistanls Mlss Mary Dunsmore Ms Elaine Drury ehwir leader Miss Mary Dunsmore Elders Torn Kenny Gordan Thé finial meal or men Hill United Churdu was held Miles Hiékling secrekziry arrl Ca auqilarsL Roy Pan Mr and Mn Harold Drury and daughter Susan roomy anled by Mr and Mrs Ed zuwn Vlsited Mr and Mrs mm Junker In Tomnlu Stmley Greerfidfichudren Newmarke were visitors with Vlo1a Amnleq ampe By MRS CECIL DUNSMOIIE ANNUAL MEETING Leave Your OwnCalling Card When You Leave Watson Lake 70mm OQH 1mn £1864 CROWN HILL CONTRACT BRIDGE fiv momu 4M new one vulnerable masr um 9192 on 3mm OIIIEO nommodlu lulu Abnllh Conn lo humduh Id MAIL hung Man 50 had North Em nldhln in queen of than of 1min lOmflmnl 3m nbu Moulun mi lynx By JAY BECKER mm Ink IUIIVW lipmu Sanlh wrnl dawn one losing spade and dlnmand The mlsundermndlnx call lha Dril lnh mm 1530 poinu Tomormm ohllllhry HI out Item llkcly that South Hmughl the flute heart bid ahuwcd tho nee mud llnl new nnrlly an and that he lhero lure hld live dlamondl nvcr lnur mpdu lnslaud oLUvq hum presumablyhnd Im Inr mlmp rehcmlon Ho hauth the our mm hld mzrcly shnwtd he klnu and no mm Infily ournrg luppon Obvlomly svmclhing wrong with lho blddin when lhoy tndcd slx dlnmandl slond or six henna Perhaps North should have nnmcd hurl onnlhn um gnund nl bldfiing wnm Burl Sch lm and Tmnco nma held North South curds lur Grenl nrilaln lho secondlable he bidding went two shades bn tho AQ club and eventually last spdo trlck Ha ICDNd 1130 point for the slum nolh hnd Ila lmubk making slx 112leer lend cashedJlIreu rounds 01 hearts the king 01 clubs and the king diammuh He then discarded made bid showed firstround conkrol and powerlul hand HI redoubln alter East Leslie Doddsl dnuMcd requested Rom to name new suit if he could The cup lo hear over hue wnls ylnualjy Iutomqlic Taurisl who come unpmn pnrcd buy palm and brush here and the local Llans Club looks after erecting new poles Four travellers from Mlchl gen nailed up an oversized black cooking pot on which they wrote in while expect to be back some day but dont knuw The éallcclton started In the early 19405 when US soldier working on the highway nailed the first sign In me Sign were posted In subsequent years but the Idea really caught on only three 01 our years ago Mathew or llughson Calm left his name an an an than Some vmlors have been des perate or sign material Alfred Gngnon of Crown Mas uspd while sidewall Lire Sympmhy ll nlso extended to Mr and Mrs Irwin Luck on the death at their sXster Mrs Hambletan oi Barrie who died Jan 21 Prnceu Mar garet Hospital Toronto Mrs Hamblehm lived the early year at her me in Crnwn Hlll For exmnple lroup Is the best lmle town in east Tcxas PAINTED TIRE Vlncennns ML water melon capital and Cumin Iowa town on the move OInLy 11L the hum of the wlllle squlr Trustees Howard Partridge Hamld Drury Norman Tuck Eldon Atkinson Alvlu Smllh and Norvnl Caldwell Ushers How am Caldwell James Kenny MlphSmith John Dunsmore Norman chlding Leighton Smith This community was griebed to hear of me death of Mm Cecil Glam Jan 19 a1 aolualiu nmbmn ox ID hall mu IL lid tar mll a1 Ona um ML mun mo MI no lifllwfalg M91 WM um mu lM Wu PLMflCl umnwm Ml PM MN l9 ME NOW HIV Nm mu ow m1 TEE BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY JANUARY 28 196111 meru NARVAQUIETN mu mvuc FOR Msmml Nb WW 535 urnMm mwnovauom Emmy maturqu my

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