03 It is poor wind lha does not blow someone As lnnisï¬l is conccmcd that appears lo have been the maul of the electlon ol Alba1 DcConkcy the wanlcns Clair To rcplaee Mr Dch key on the munly roads com miflec nuno Jae Cochrane wax cledcd as member We wish to congramlm bolh these gcnllcrncn on their cloc tlons and led that our Joe will do as much or county mad as he has or lnnisfils whcro his mad program has result ed in new aspect on road Now when road ls built it ls no just anolhcr back conl ccssian but lull widlh matll completed ready or up sur face which will allow in due course Joes policy is that an lnnual expenditure on roads amvunllng lo two mills ol the In dollar would cvcnlunlly make mad in lnnisfil that wuld be lilting or modcrn trnllic and dcvelvpmunl no mallcr in which van of the iownaNp they were construct ed II the mad dollar of the county got mun value lrom his membership on the wads oommillce Um cmmly ill ap pmciale Councilim Cochrancn appointment to lhal commillre INNISFIL NOTES Last year ihm was rumor HIM outside Smmsts olhm Crown Prince Consianlinc of Greece 22 and his ï¬ancee 17yeamld Princess AnneMar la Denmark stood arm in ihan mombcrs Iho council wrka nguinxl chhraneg gmqu the council wrka nguinxl Reeve Cochranea gating the requir cd vols or his mmmiuct All have now that Ihe Dominion Gwd loads wnvm lion is held in lhe most beau tiful pm of Canada no ml he and Mn Cochrano will Rd in that trip COM MUS OCIATIUN Wllh nfnnnmmn and lirkdl mï¬vinx the lnwmhip nflm Lhtro could be Hula else loll but an the lmmshlp lo have membcndxip in Int nnwclmlon how wnvrnlion be held Icb 23 27 Since we have Mn Apcmllml cur winlm In In lunny wulh we have lnlssa nllrndlnz his nmlmlng luwmrr lrum rvmm llml have nzuclml us um run In ml runxrly ron nut 01 um nlminu ViHI I5 nrw am an Htmmv ounly lumnril lhln rnr we will be of Ihc nM uymnkrn minim nml un 1m umme human lo mu alarm minl lnvllnlmn mnld be ml nrn lhl vull hum In mmr Xmaim lmrn lmnnlll Inn nkrn wl su umnmmp ml mum Iilh Hwir the 4m llw mad mmnliuro In Lmluly llwm II he Mr nllclkhmv lII Turvum Ur In mxmuillm AN MIlf Tumhip mumil nwiml lrurr mm Ilmdlnnl IuidrM tmmirlng About Um mmlme I00 nrrrn mum Ivy he hmmhlp ml he Imflh 1ka EHI In FIINIIINL huh pm 1w many 11qu IM Hriully Th AKIIIMI it In NH win 1m pvr um um ho pmmcy Thur llro Imldiuzw il nwl MM In mulain mnw nlnv nml mm rump Elnulh Mm Ive wmrllml lltlylml Ivy hmul IIMIII 1vale lm UM llwn II nod mmk lmvi Innlrr IvllllL Imnrr Thin pnmuy wan mumI Iminz ho lmr 5M 11 Tom ml l1 pnvidr lnï¬h Iul 1m Illill wk of Ink lnu MI MN muld lm nwk pumrnm lur NleMymIM mm nmling uUnrfl nuulnmv mlmill mvmml mu In HM Hm muuva uf he nlaluhImvnl nl INI Wmcm rmlux um Illmnflll MMUVA Innisiils Reeve On Roads Committee ROYAL PAIR PLANS T0 WED asked and received through he lnnislil Planning Board The owner are dcsimus of having the project ready or operation by June thls year GRADE DELIVERED The order given last year tor new grader mm the Don tnion Road Machinery has hem ï¬lled with the arrival at the new 150 hp machlne at the township shed and the ahl merit back 01 the mycamd machine which was exchanged or the new one ptul the addi tional costs Our comm out says no price Wm mention ed out loud However this was decided on following tcnders or which the Domhtion ï¬rm was mnsidcrably the lowest bidder even alter they had treated the muncit ta return air ride to their plantl FLORIDA STORY arm al Copenhagen airport to day as lhcy awaited the ar rival of his partnu King Paul nnd Queen Frederik Canada Calling he radlo broadcast which lells the Cary ndinns every morning at nlno tho new from home especially detailed rcpon on he won tlwr mcnllonul Illa Ccmral 0mm was cxpenmdig up weaer That most mods worn only partlnlly 0pm including Highways 00 and CL 50 wo can look up at um um hem and smile hoping Ihnl the south winds can ighl back the Icy Mintl 1411 In InnMwnlltd nmve announced Walncxday It will purcllnu All Sltcl udl or mmw anllh Robert Vlmcrl vruldcnl nl Illa Album Mm lhc purdma nnmmrnl will Mlm prnvldu hm lnr Um mus nl Alla lo uhollyownvd Lubskllnry la recently Incnrpomlcd under llxc name Allan Slrrll Ca le or olmrrl And pramlk my note the mhnldlary Mine Company Plans To Buy Steel Firm For $55 Million Tha ngrumrnl nlw pmvidu nr hr min Ann Illa Al nm lhu sham Mu rmmlv wry er nl Um new Nmmny In nnddcmllnn or ammo 0r ll Hum mul HLGUJM fur lhr promiflory nulr Mr Winlrrl MM Ihc vurclme he sham and he mm mm he luv company wlll quire Ill Mm lo horva momma nml Hm mrnnuunrnll or lusn have nlmuly lmn mmh lllo Mgnm wlll nlw unmmll lnnnlly guarnnlw ohllznllnn Mwmnl by he nvw company uilh rrwrcl In Mlnl Hm Imflgngu bum 11w vllvr Rum am In Alum 771 Almu In AIL All tluml un Hm Tnmnm Bhwl lixdmnpzc Wnlnmlay ll Aum IAN7mm cumin mm rmlrm mm umr mun Ipmlifinl Iho Tcin lymph nnmu wll mn xlmlnl mm In In um lnmmrr wma man prli nfltrlnh 111i mwnu Ihal llI llll mm In null mm will play In nmlrbas and HM rumul Iho Mvrr wlll thrth NW win In anm In 11 mm In mm whlth Ihe Inm ll Mml murr leulPrIHnn FIHI mmrnl thlm nnly hm lcrltsrulallm WW Zone Eliminations For Next Olympics TORONTO CIljllo Mung was umis trying to get dawn hem and 90 our sun bathing We spent the weekend in the Mira Part of the sum and Em named to mm the December mt ad not hit those parts so hard and that many thwmnds of orange Elvves had not been damaged Howev ltd does not pre vent the dealer in citrus fruits 1mm pmtitmring Our hostess who wanted to hnvc some large grapclmit or her table while we wen there paid cent ortwoolthmhnstomm mmded by Arrange 3mm We went out on Sunday altemoou look or wit direct mm the men and found that one mddbuyahufllelolbcsteat mg oranges or 32 while bushel ol exocptiamlly large grapefruit cost 51 The rewrt lpado hy the citrus my 50 per cmp was madamJud does seem present to be liqu nuggetaged flowcvmj him no 11 are oompcmted far cmps unpicked mm dnmagcd gmvel and perhaps mm at them mim ï¬nd it mom pm limb to Inks this manner than to pay or flu picking and uwklna hm mm his dam on the ï¬nal mum The raw ngosmominthepaslycar havc Maui the damage Thu planted only altar ex Iive lands have how domed and milked when one lea all that work and mm but rm Greccz The engagqmqnl oï¬ the ydumzwcohplewhnd juit been summed AP Wiw photo on young rm tandiï¬g It must be ycry qigcquragjpg We do Ex how tho Known pay for then roe or not The older rm and their wit me not no badlfwoaodhy mi mat 657 ccnll 11mm blah or 1061 nnd mm In dale com nrod with low $2150 It um um authorized Uni of 2000000 11mm whlc 1442 are oumnndinm Dirmon 12 MIA nnnouncul Inxl wek they had nnpmvul Iho omr or the vurrhaxo of company by In Algom WILL CONSIDER ILAN Illa Mann dualInn will mm In Tomnlo lrb II In con lecr Hm plnn nml Minn Ilium holdm wlll med Im lho lol laflnu duy Thr we mmpanlrl nnncunrrd July In that lhc DNAr wnuld he made and Iho inlrrvrnlnz manlhl Imva lwrn lakrn up wilh worklnz nul he varioul lllu biu jmmncuml nlo Mkom Mu lehrm nn Inna umnlum xmxlucrr In lhe funmllnn mm Hm Ilrllhll IUn Tlnl Zlnc urywlgnllnn IAN Mia In vmdurcr nl lulu PM Wnfly NI Wt Lmd 04 4x 4x 45 PNPFPPSJEM comma mm mm mm 4D gazlvtflhimwuh nunon In burppr 4f rmm Mu Wu mat oi mm mrnm rmuusmx lassLs MTAWA CPDCanadas up labor lenderPresident Claude Jodoin of the Lanadian Labar CongressIs expedgd In step Into the spotlight laday Illa Edna invutigaliml ol Wam franl uniun lmublcs The batlle led In what Mr Jodam termed reign ter mr the Great Lakes against this 01 The head of Ihl 1050000 member CLC was subpoenaed as wllncss by Mr Jusflce Narris cslify abouthe longstandinglcuds within lhc ranksvul gmnnlzcdhlabar over maritime uni ism om ca theorgan lzallan which kicked out the Seafarm Inlemalional Union nf Canada in mm and hen launched the Canadlan Mari lime Unlun in ml to try to 62m the $1 Marine Probe Calls Iodoin To The Stand President Hal Banks an Amuricnn unianist who once had Mr Jodoinn support in bld or Canadian citizenship has denied responsibility or he slugging beatings and rough housc tactics that spread across the Great Lakes last summer The CLC Lhicl wns expected to start testimony alter the SlU uncluch ils croswaminatinn at Ehoy Robson nnlianal vice president the Canadian Brotherth Railway Traw part imd General Worker cw Mr Robson and the 350 member brotherhood have been PARIS CF suxaurai pal nu Jaurais That one sentence uttered in childish treble became some thing of classic of the French cinema in 1962 It was high we of La Guerre d2 Bantam War Buttons lowAbudgn ï¬lm that was turned down by several companies only In become surprise success at he bux ol flce NeijaperanvM it the cinemch sleeper Hus year We Rnbml mm brought nvernight lame lo elmyear cld Manin lartlgue known as THE WORLD OF THE ARTS SAULT 5TB MAINE Ont ChFour mm wen kllled and eighl others Injured when huge colm oven uplndcd In balkry the Algoma Slccl Corporation early Wednesday ihrce men rwem belicvzd lulled Immnlly by the blast and lourih died later Kn hospital Dead are Charch Wolfe 48 ï¬nl helper on he oven and the tnlher al lwo Charlu E4 Goodclham labor are man and the nlher one Henry Crawlard 50 foreman and the alhcr at seven and Slave Tnmuk 36 wlm dind lu hnmllnl foreman on No balmy and tho mum of tour Cam cl lhn cxpluslcn has not been dclurmincd but known ham occurred between No and No ballcflu Algomn with said when he oval cxplodtd It mallard wrcckngu nnd hum water pipes lhnl nodal lhn hawmcnl ol Ihu ballrry Four Killed Eight Injured During Coke Oven Explosion battery mnlalnn number or nvrm which 11ml coal In about 1000 drum to make coke 1s and ulhrr byprod Films Phrase Turns Classic Imwas mo world smuucus um when the gladlalor lcbol Spartacus struck all ma shackles ol slaw and challenged the mngIl ul lmpetlal Rome and so became symbol lrccdom or all mankind lor all limol KIRK MEWSHUME UllYlERIUN SIMMONS Willis HUGH PHER llSTlNW 40 mm mum CURTIS IIITllll FIIIHN NOW SHOWING outspoken Ma me any or yells aclivilirs oi the 55year uld union leadrr cam under close scruliny Wednesday by SIU lawyer Joseph Nuss mk ing to show an anliSIU pallem Maurice anhl lawyer for the brotherhood as well as or TLC agreed that both his clients an pursuing policy aimed at ridding organized la bor 91 the SW Pflt Gibus who became sud celebrity he had to tan Christmas hnlidayn Incognito is key linel had known wouldnt have conwcaldnes the may of ï¬lm ans because it Incorporates grammatical cr mu tormmn mung namel children frospccï¬ve groom Charlie Sallis Yidariz was the vxmm otra pram fol became tuch household phrase that oday any adult whn dam start sentence with Li ï¬nds somebody else com pleting it or him in ma um grammatical Pen Gibux way Correctly the phrase should rgad Si javais in mr ms pa vnu Hall The calm used with Inn ore to man mu Cola awn average about 40 feet lung 18 cal widn and 10 mt high As rescue tum dug through the rubble In th flooded hue mm they uncoch the cs Mr Crawlardx body was Inund about ï¬ve houn after the cxplaslnn He was buried under wall lhat had mllapscd mm the iome lheï¬lnsl N0 of tho Injured mm an In hnspilid In ulleadury condi llon ley are Joseph Mnrinlch aullcrinu hmkcn nose and Ihock and Ray Parr tunerng minor burn to Ms hands nml Mn and lhe than um lrealcd 1n bospllal or mer in juric and Ialcr released Corancr 11 Sulllvan uld ll looked as large bomb had muck he place All tho wlndawn ln he nllice buildan 100 yards way were blown out Corancr II lookd 11 had muck the window In he cm ol the blast In nlw Mllcvcd rcsponnlblu lnr shallcr 1ng windnwl In Iwn downtown Alum about llxrm mllrl lmm Hm Wrwcnd plant By KEN KELLY UITAWA CmThe collapse Wednesday at negaliahans or speedy passage of the govern ments 196m spending pro gram could lead to cris in Parliament and new election Liberal and New Democratic spokesmen charging that the gnvernmcnt is trying tomuuo Parilnmrntl ancient right to central the purse strings jecled Conservative proposal that they waive certain House rules topush through the dc talled spending program lowing stag party cell brala his forthcoming mar xiagc His ï¬ends Mr him 1115 Social Credit party lined up with ï¬ne government but be cause unanimous bonsem was required under Commons rules to give tiled the govern WHAT THEY CALI STOCK SITUATION CHICAGO ANLondon ol the Lutheran Church concluded meliminary talks Wednesday aimed at Ionnaflun at new interLutheran agency to Mn dingo social and missionary Liberals NDPs Boo Rushing CoSt Program Mending the twoday confu ence were deleualu mm the Lutheran Church in America the American Lulth Church and the lullach alurch Mis Ioufl Synod Together Ihcy np nun man than 95pcr cm Um 8100M Lulhcrans in lha United Sims and Canada canlerencu xpokcxman said the new ngcnzy which wnuld repute the Nalional Lutheran gmrch Co woqldfo or dimlo whim n1 Wmn churches In the Unilcd Slam only Aclivillcs of Canadian churches would be In pm poscd separate agenry Lutherans Try To Form Group Within Church In staleman lhe drlcaalcs said lhis being the im mem Inx to consider the maller the mymlallvu devoted mm 32 la the preliminary stage of the sludy Gemr21 Vconfcrcncu d1cdulcd lnr Org yttrilw nnd Jan 11 196 in diam IMPERIAL Starts FRIDAY uownnn MOTION PICTURE 10 ms womnans or IE wonm mt mas room Anvul mi comm Mull Enlmflnmi TAHMSBIIIBA menla proposal the negotia tion were lerminnled party which swings enough voles 30 to man the dilfcrLnce indlcnlw it would support the government on certain conditions as it has in five seven mmnï¬dence motisz so ar in the panHm busy intuseclion locked In that for mare man an ham harnde stock He was CP Wueplwlo 1112 other two motions were brought by the Social Crcdit party and aka deleatcdance by combined government Lib era and New Democratic party opposilion and once by gnvem men and ND voiut no ALTERNATIVE No alternative proposal was put forward at mmimlle com lerence oi party representa tive in the 0mm Vaumu Mlnixler Churchill government House leader llnwevur Liberal lam under Lionel Chcvricr said he is available it llr Churchill has lurther ruggesv tian 11mm are lhree key clemenu lnlhe crisil which now may The government has parlia mentary authority to lpend many only until Jan 31 The Ubernll are in posi aWDKW Eyeivfï¬Ã©qvï¬Saiuréqvfliab DANCING IOOF HAll OllIER ST ADMISSION 75 PER PERSON FRIDAY NIGHT mxm puma Moan 11mm THE RAVENS GIB WILEY SATURDAY NIGHT lion to mlarce their stand that the government can ask can sï¬lulionauy or further imerim spending authority only up In Fat 23 The fiscal year and March 11 by which lime Parliament would manually have approved lhe spending prom MAY RUN OUT 017 TIME Bu we ï¬nd bills start com ing In tar payment during the first weeks that month and Parliament fails to vote flu money Mween and about March the govemmcnl face the prospect or being unablu In pay in debt on men There are other my lot lhe government to pay the bills but they cant be used while Par liament is ï¬lling The swam menl could dissolve Paruammt call an election and pay the bills by governor generall wan ranuin died cabinet mien Or it could rcces Parliament pay the bills by warm and ask Parliament to approveJu action when Parliamml Iumu flying Both flhcsem altcmaum taught with pilfalls which an opposition could turn to um ï¬vinuge um coma Milkmen Bulb REGULAR PRICES i513 my