wrmxhnsujmm FM SwimI Ayn Mvie NIH II uquuuw pm min In dvxhidinqwm 11w how will at unrlcrway uilh uhihilion mom hallv 710 mcmbrn 01 me Barrie Clmmhcr Commrrm and the Junior Cllnmlwr Commerce will partlcimlc in ï¬lms openinz rcmnoniu Thch afliwliu vnll hr ol Iovml by drnwnslmlmn mum lmckry mum5y n1 Acmrding mmme spokesmen lhc urgnnixm have not out to prmidc Inmily an arminmonl lhc has cahhrc and mum to present he lhDVl family prim BROORHMLL MM The feature aurndmn Susan and Paul Hucmergard are run or mMmdm or Canadal junior champion ï¬gure skalinz award when they mmpctc in Vancaurcr prior Io hcir ap pearance in Barrie By lhc me he Barrie show lhcy muld be Canada No to tender for world hampiomhip laurcLu Mnxlcr 01 certmanic lor he threehour WW Mill Con way or CKVnTV Mr Can way will lnlmducc all In 14 am but will be pmunled 1111 show gets underway at gm on Smurgay Feb7l5 The arm committee he Barrie Winter Carnival has sc cured ho SCHEME one Canada lop junior ï¬gure flu in pain pnflldpzfle headliner along with an im prusi array of Inkn or he In mill the rain lhal hung over Ihe are in September lhe member of Ihe mimy agreed that the inside show was major success and much at Hersey reeledcd as diredor of Ihc Barrie Agrlml lural Socicly said Bards had more heavy horses can and sheep on ï¬ne grounds or awn ers wailing at lhe telephone than we haw ever had Dircd nn were requested to be avail able for my mzclings during operation hmxn each day flle wealhtrman wax to blame lur Ihe oonlusion that reigned the Barrie Fair in the la Iu part of Seplember 52 PlanArena Show To Top Them All ï¬e Agricultural SocMy an Vlront row from he la Mer vin Parker Mn Lloyd Credits Junior Fair AS SaVing Exhibition PROMOTED T0 INSPECTOR maul No Dim tad qumlm Itme II will nu nwnnvy rvraivwl Ivy mp summnuxlim mly mll mm mum lmywdnr Quill lhnmim Admmion his ymr has been $1 or llckd Hm per mit admiuion or lhu mire amin or 31 ndull and 50 mm prr child Avlvanrc 11m ily Ickm nrc available mm numhcrol dawnlown and plan muchle The ï¬nals ol lllc beard lulla ln mnlnl will also lm in lmlnl ln lhc program The Barrie Slmling luh will prey ml short pcrlornuncc as prtlude lo lluclr awn nnnual xkalin thaw IhL Barrie Arum which ls held in March Music will be pmvided throughout by he Krmpcnlcll Trumprl Ham and UN Harrie Cxly Connrt Hand highlight 01 HI pmxmm 31 iii time will be the upmar ancc of flu ncwiyimwncd WinA Itr Carnival Queen who will be received al centre Ice by narrics Mayor Les Cooke The mmmiiltc is also hopeful of organizing tugoiwar between memimrsmi Barrie ciiy mun cil and the Barrie and Disiritt ilinisicrini Assoc DEA ll MS The next act stars Dan Crl bar veteran permmar In Ihe annunl skating show who will present his skating davm for the youngslcrs lhc Barrie Legion Minor Hockey League album by an inler Wlinml Imrnl jumping dnman slralion and sled dog dcmom slmlion on the ice ry nu the Junior Seclion of our air to complete achieve ment days and did Ml hear complaint from our enlhusi astic junlm They appeared on accept lhe iainlas someflning Jerry Caughlin past presxdcnt said The weatherman locked alter the hi my well but the ladies wan was excellent We on he Conklin Midway wauld be an asset Io nur air but wealhcr also affected it 31 Eel last year would Have been record fair but or be MUD JUNIOR FAIR that was attributed lo lhe Jun Inr Show Ms Barbara Lloyd Mrs Maguire Miss Kathleen Cunnington junior reprrsen alive Jerry Gogghhn pmiv Evvtrnl mnllvrl um 41mm ml mhlninl In IhvI med lb had In MM Idenl nv Minn Inrlmflnx mu vacuum Immr InmIIlnn Hm ln mual Inuymm nrw Mutllwmdt mm rmMI rNYrrmlinn hurl vlnur Han In 1mm mum Wed mnmm IHocalNI lm II ML Wlan MI hurltrl 11 Ihu mm at land lur In new mlvlir Kth mm man In In 0an II In It lllal 1m nwrallnm mull lw ranlul nI IHIqu mk lnx lm any mum mpr lnklgr llnm MHIIMI Tnï¬n CoxnrllvA MnrvIn Fallon wu nmvvlnl nl hr lhu maul an llw mur lrnlallv nl Alllllnn Unlnn lnh llr Sdmol than in IN llnnlinfl Mrmnrlal Hlih Rhml Hoard lvr IMI Thn maln Hrm Imllnru IIII er vrvldnn Innlr xrl Am Ih HIWI in NM nl In hut lhal Ilprmhhll ht hem hp Iian Hm upfr mm In he one nl vlw dmlrmnn wnl Mu Newton Wil wm who Itrvnu hrr Hum ymr mtmbrr lhu Imnnl Imd Mm he anly woman Inns In on lhr Mllllnn School 1mm mm mum Elmlrm carrlrd um uh for Ike vmwl tommlum urc unry for elllrlcnt npemllnn Time lncludcd thnlrman pmptry flnr Con nlr 1mm nl mpv II Nrwlnn VHm rhumvm manua mrnl Edwnnl nlnnll rlmlr Hm llnam WIIllnm Irnd flnullna Imylnru val Hum nl ended In ml vulaua Mmmll 1rd Ailhoug Mr Scull in working in Omnnvllil he will mniinuc lo live in Miixivn or period or iime ML Scnli upmmi hll npprctiniian in he number at lhe board or liIcir canildenre In him nnd linicd he wnl pinnxcd nl lim good NMiofll ile iswcn mtmbtn oi line imnrd Ind lhu many lilinzx hini ind been accomplished during lhc pal yrar Ion Union Public Sdnoo Board lnuicu mu with the election at thninnan and varlolu mm millecs nnd welcomed new mm lo we mm in the person Jack Andaman Mon Ilcrbcrt Murphy xccrclnry Ike board dcnlk with the elec llan chairman Vlrtor Scolt wnl elected or hll lot term In Mr Clay suggested that the Junior Fair might be moved nne day ahead and laid again hcse juniors are to be congrat uhkd tn have Kvne ahead in Scplombcr under the existing conditions The Junior Fah is increasin in every way each yuan ALLISTON Special The Inaugural mdjpg Vof Ihe 11ng Mr C15 slalcmcn about the Junior Fnlr and mnvlng it Keith Clay ram lhe Depart men bl Agriculture said The More dis 9mm All Inside exhibit were up considerably from other lam mind was up as many of lhc seniors who had cdltlc and no space will agr almon all themhimed but or their wmmiltce mecï¬ngl ln concluslon said Mr or say We were not successful financially and wnversely we were not too unsuccessful due wmdmeflaimwilhmex hibilan few at he cummillce chall mcn reported an their depart ment and their respective suc cesses at the Fair Threehun dred and lwenly enlries were recorded in flower draw and 95 articlefwm registered for the nod exhibit mm on chid Dn rains People ware calling me gonlinuquxly lo see it we would VoteA Victor Scott Pres 10th Time dell Brennan and Fred Churchill second row mm the MI Carmlh Elllou Com mrchry treasurer Cyril Cook Jack lamb mix schd lo we nu lm by he Built he llama mu School Anodnllfln 11 rlmlmmn an it lhnl Un ner truulnr mnlinu would dad in the mun up hurler or 190 or prrunlnllun In AI lixlan Council cr will sn him auto 1116 matter will then be allowed up warding In his lminullnm School principal IL Stuart and vlcrprincipnl Gilmy mm In nKrcrmtlIl with mu nctlnn Thny mlvlwl lhnl lllc enrol ment In lhc Idlnol ll Intrcnsinz Ilmdily and 1min Iho pan manlh luplll had been ml miurd bringing the mm In Ichml mama cdor of Educalinn regarding the Schwls nnd Emergency may um Agnlns Nuclear Mark was deal with wherein was suggested that tame plan be made wiUxin the school or cm erncncy action in case din Mm Duc In crawdyd condi linm In lhe prcunl choc and the lack ol nudlmnum lpncc ll wns ell ml the advice of he Iocnl merucncy measure co ordinatnr In Slmcoc Counly xhouldvbo mqqcsudrnhd ct Mr Coughlln asked for sug Zcsmms from the flour to im prove the air or Ms ynar few people mumbled Th weatherman could be asked to grant our line days oi wen Lhcr Fred Churchill said There Is on nature that didnt gel enough publicily People wens walking around the mlddle raw jumping horses and fancy work being done on he grounds and dim knaw what was um in on Then should be some signs or something to in them know The work Ironing yui these mgxcsflom wan let thins directm Miss Barbara oyd suggested that the sheep and horse judg lng be held dmennl times and hat schedule time be in eried inlo the pragrarn book Mr Clay suggested that 11 address lysxcm he put up day in advance so hat in case of rain would be ready head one day bmught forth measure pro discussion from the loan It was suggested at one point that the scnim mum plan activities In round out the cumplele day and no lznva Ihat respanslbllity to he juniors on 61 scmznm Hughes ï¬n vlmmfldmt Haney mad vice Aflan erwn and keilh Caidwell Jmï¬or tentative Examiner Phow Cralrr Orrgo da nl In he Unilrd Slam II milu In dlamrltr nnd 1ng drrp Jack Komey may not be loo sun but hnl cm ml In mm It The mt In one hat Isnt dam loo orlm nl any Inwllng establishmml and mm cam hi cxciltmml 11 all day To me Join done you have mine out he lwo nut Ildc pin on well Ihlc Jack rolling with flu Cu Inw named Inch because no sponsor In he Mml Major League was awarded crest or making lhc 47410 spam Kcmcy ll almost posillre ll was In 4510 but mmrdkmn Holiday Bowl disaxme Jack Kemcy Isnt no sure he Kparc he mnvmcd In nlghl but whichever wny you look at Ril was hrs Ior Holiday Bowl Simcoe No John Kcarns and Peter Davis lnspcdm is Mnddem Jmcl mam and nkim Inspector II Simme No Rum Mayo and Sheila Stewart Inspector in hw Simm No Margaret Sy mon and Ricky McLachlan Inspectar Ferguson Simcoe No Jenn Wilson and Mary Jane Pmphoi In Ipcdor Soon Simooe Na Jane Leelair and Frénk blurphy Especial MacDonald The public speaking mmpcli lion spvnsorcd by Simcoe Coun ly Trustees and Ratcpnym Association will be amorva night eight oclock Hill mst Public School Speaker and Inspectors are 51mm No Jane Rldyard and Mldml King Illspedwr In Ellis Kemey Unsure Big Spare Annual meeflng of he Ylo night at 630 pm Xn Collier Street Unich Church FclIuw ship all Presidem Mn Wallace will pmsidc and David Wood is lhe guest speaker the ai 730 an Inslmctor Len Schlnendarf and Clarence Myey Follownig 13 YM YWCA activan ortoday Weight lfldng in he vbum gram ambtg pm In Illactor Alan Wrap Bridge Instmdion and play or adiu Instruction or be ginners and those ho an ad vanced at the mm 115 pm Imructmsses Mrs Parsons and Mn MCCAI Toddlén program at the from 9111 to pm In con W9 bidnsmsses The Northern HiY High School Service Club meets at North Collegiate 120 pm Menlnr Gard WalL Woman when they are pres nanl may do peculiar Ihlngx an Drill doctor laid In Supreme Court yerlerday during the trial of invyearold mother charged will manslaughter ln the death of her 18month nld Stephen Public Speaking 15 Ht Hillctest LiSt Activity ï¬t The jugqior 111611 women Earlemark was made Dr Admits Throwing InfantTo Floor Bogota Colombia Tcolilio Rojas 27 CMumhInA most lorloux bandit blamed by police or 512 ldllings Ibo by mlhlary pmrol Ewan ï¬lmLee Lawrle mo of Ihc worldn loading Muir or who win lrulrumlnlal In ticInning the Idle Franklin mural on he US dlme TomatoGem Wright 47 Onlarion hid inspcdm olvrh sans since 1936 uflcr undergav lng abdominal lurgcry Aux Cant HaulGuam Blanca consul the Domini can Republic Imea George Emmet Chapman 72 dircdar and founder of Am Paint and Varnish Company Mimi Sydney NJFRL Rev Run ald Cameron Macgillivray 77 vicar general of lhe diocese of Anllzonish and principal my man Catholic chaplain lnr Ca nadian armed senkc In Eng uand during the Second World Var 11am hubbyMohammad All 51 Pakistans iareign min lsier Pakistani high commis sionnzr in Canada mm 1919 In 1951 ambasudnr to flu Uniied States in 151 and 1953 and prime minister Pakixtan In 1953 and 1513 The money goes the Anib vrity which is body of repre sanlhves mm mnlcipalib in that are directly affected by the walershai the Nouawn saga Rim plus nppoinled by the valnce This my is Mailed hlhr for dollar by the Province cl Onlarln Io provide funds to conserve lhe natural resources ol the Valley the watershed and of he tributar ies of the Nouawasaga River These resouces indude land and water and all that moves When one hears that there is par capila levy of 10 cents cagh year to gn lo lhe work the Nolmwasaga Valley Canv acrvalion Authority when do we think that money goes and what use made It ma being held at Iheomado Supreme Court Simone Cuunly court house Dr Thomas who per farrncd an opemlan on the boy said Iha child had lraclure extending ram his right car In the up his ukulL During yesterdays lengthy proceedings below an altmale jury and Mr Justice Fra ser statement was finally ad mitted in which the young ma therlold ol Ihrowing her child to lhe flooruSha 11 Hrs Myra By THE CANADIAN PRESS AuthOIitYs Dollarsch To Conserve Resources JANUARY FUR SALE MIFKMT MIK JACKET In llnk lllmll ft 500 DEATHS my Garment McKinnonI Fully Guamnleld 518900 Smiag Junk Oniévi VT ampludluv 5min EXAMPLES OF JANUARY SAVINGS Conumcm Eudgfl Term if You wm BUY NOW AND SAVE JACKET AND STOLE WEATHER WILL BE HERE SOON UNA MINI 5mm and humy Qualny m1 um Yel ll MrKInnuu lnrl Dd lhdr Mum Ind bfl Jnnury Fur Kale II no on Tilt MunIan ul Hu lmlllfll mlnn Mlmd now ï¬an moury lll In lame limo deal wllll Ilzhlr ulnblhhrd llml lllllnl lo unanln Ind ulna luhlnd Ind fury urmwl sold 513900 Barrio Branch lb Royal Canadian Legion which KM um Ihe nwarrk 51M mix on arms would pmbably be out hi manlh or early In Pmuralim am under way the ball rolling in be Frbnmry Citizen he Yin 5Srd it Ls going In bowmc clogged with topsoilfmm he ï¬elds bvvc Momsblim and good and management will hold lhc topsoil on the and MM it In law to grow my and um 5m carried down increases rm decrease moisture in Ihe mil bring greater risk of ood and too Ixlnurimxs 57171 $0 mnlml walcr ix Because waler ls lhe must vllal element in all comma llon work the logical darling pain water Hence working by WQW the Author lty mtdlnalu mm In sc ture the but resultt This essential because all phase nl mnscrvallon wark are interlock ed and lnscpnrable For ex ample hen is llllle use in building dam or Insuring an 9ldane ll lb cmrvnir beth bastc Noltawasaga Authority and the North Grey mgion Aulhorily and Inctudcd with the Now what does an Aulhnnty do Whal In Its Indian 121 me what It involved and grows in them The object lb Aulhority is to preurve conserve and develop he nat ural resources ol the arm cov ered by the Authority map thaws the Noum saga Valley walenhed The Auuwrily however also re upomible or he watersheds of some minor streams ï¬rst wcx ol Collinng and include LAND AND WATER Ax minlfanud anVAulhorily is concerned with land and wat Prepare Program For Top Citizen The mtzmcntrlaken by Sgl Kenneth Chalmers ol he 01 laxla Provincial Police quaud Mn Cipher as saying lhc wax angry that dayyshe Iald in the xlntemcnt lha she knocked lhe beydown and then picked him up and Ihrew hlm clown again She later lack the child lo Soldiers Memorial Hospital In Drillia where emergency tur gcry or lracuued kull all ed In lave his life The dMInr removed blood clot bul lhe brain was damaged by he blow nnpm 1111150 Pvtgidth by Any Jam mm many vrdnud JIury F410 wlrrl Ind Mle uth loou Indy In ml lamina CHINA INK M11021 Much Iomlu Choice Hr mm $339M Ill 10 FL Bank Mini 31 mm porllon of organic mauer in he mil and maintenance of high level of lerlllity and the use all conurvation practices whch will reduce erosion ol lapsall la Ill mlnlmum hy pmmling wnslclul flood flow on land Crop produciion I1 however but part al Ilze objective of an Authority It must look at Iho mined under it ml in much bmader lerml In mm ourall conurvallon Ind Urucrvzfllnn coma lrnm reinreslalioufln Simcoe County great deal has been done in Ibis direction lllmufll the Counly Forests But mare can be done by in dividuals and municipalilies la increase Iree popuhliou and um help in hold water when it is wanted in the land REFORESIAHDN Reloreslalion is part of pin ned land use And good land use ix llic basil oi all tense lion planning or ii aired wa ET and is alluded by il The mainlenance of maximum pm duclion lrorn every an of land is closely allied la the waler posilion Good land use natur ally is assumed with water ll maximum production is be achieved each acre must be made In produee the erup whelher it be agricultural or niherwise which it it best mp ablc at producing This demandl Butï¬lhe great conlml ol waler Pan this mnlml water In lound in arm ponds and community ponds which me slam water in smaller or grealer amounts They are im porlanl parts of wattr camp vatlnn He died Aug 23111 day alter he wax admillni Sgt Chalmers uid 1m Ciplh cry yve him Italemenl Aug 22 indicaling that her hreeé yearolddauflzlar Fay had push ed the baby dam after an ar guman She gave him Ihe sec and atemem 5ch 10 after he old hat neighbor said that lhe gave him he nelghborlva diflmntvcrsion of the story The woman an Ojibway Indian was Keven monthl pregnant at the lynch one the basic things that In earn an Authority The liia comlnues FURS lTD HEATING FUELS Phano PA 66531 COOP BARRIE