Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Jan 1963, p. 2

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mumm on umpnn mm lmhmumuAlmxunumomw mum lm IM III mu muon Illw hum IllrmblMu my run Inn mu 5n mov Gu Amun Ablflhl Mum ll Mumnlum Allmu Anu qu Alul um um Ill TII mum ml mt ldnlmpfllrom r31 llmm 0w lull In Ihrve pmh nbly will he cansirlrmhlv prrs mm lnr nnulhrr ommanwmlxh prlmr millislrrl cnnfrrrncn Iammmo In lhc wring vnrllc math il rlcnr nl the Hart Ike Common Harm talk In 196 ml ullilc Aha wnnu lo main Ihc Cnmman Mum pcllliml IM cullurnl flu AM docs no gun Ihc Comnmuwmlm Icaublo acnmmlt nHrmnlhc 0m lame llmc Prime Hn Isltr Mncmkllan wlll not turn his bank nn Eurnpc or rnlcr In any nnrmnml Hun would cam pllcnle mum lnvllnllan mm the nix Common Market mzm hm He Already hnl Imublu enough wllh lhc Bumpnn lrtu Trade Assadnflnn nnd lhe ComnmnwwlllL British ionism policy is in brand agreement with Ken ncdyl grand dulgn inr an Alinnlic community French President dc Gnullc lhnughl in be Iiriding grandilaqucnlly into the pan Unalficially Inlonncd observ us lhlnk Brllain wlll innincl vcly more closer to Unllrd Stale and Canada with PreslA den Kcnntdyn Trade Expan Iirm Act and the Nassau part on Polaris arming oundallon or Ughlcr allianm Officially the British gavcm mcnt has declined lo Inlk about nllcrnatlvcl as long as the Eu ropean door mains slightly ninr ilul spokesmen ndmlt Iiriinin has had in reckon with he possibiiily oi laliurc imm lhc slmL By DOUG MARSHALL LONDON CWH the Com mon Market mm in mussel ail Brilnln my wall ind Iha Atlantic Ocean easier In bridge thnn the English Channel 71 um Arvva um I10 Mn Ilvl Ivl nmh Mll Ml rm Mm men of ligfiinys suggcsiiafi that the VanKE raise some speed Limits item so to 45 mllcs per our The dcparlmcnl suggested that the change be made in the nothcm portion Evaale not as bumr zone between the villages flulee zone and Iha departments newlyinslllulcd mge zone unfiighvgay 27 Sank membuzaléofificfl ch ha he dtpartmen wanted have 45mm mm It should ZELMVALE Slam dele gation of irate Elmvalo citizan went to their council meeting In 51 protest Depart Britain Wont Talk Alternative As Long As Market Door Open GUEST SPEAKERS Mr and Mrs Sam Steele discus lhcir rip on Europe wiih members of he Canadian Na lional Insmule or the Blind at last nights meeting Mr Elmvale Polk Protest Rise Of Speed Limit nm ml burng TODAYS STOCK PRICES Cumplltd l1 IL in Flynn ll Illmlop Hum munn mu AWIAMI bummu up mum cm In 0an ll Hmuv lurAddIMl m4 mum mum In with inni umM my Ml Ill Dam 7mm pm Ilwu hm mu nu ranr Inmn nun Imam nm on nu ma IM III Inf Annvl lnllnl NH um um um mum gm cm INDUSTRIAL IfiNlNfl H215 MK MONTHS GUIILIII CWGary Want 10 Tnmnlo chnu day multncrd In midl llunnl months In he Onlmln Ilo lavmnlnry hm nllrr pkmlmg Iy la mnpln1 1mm flu In imuilon on The prnspcd ls Hm Drllnln would make mnrc vigorous use cl imlluliam like lhl Oramh ixnllan fur IZumpcnn Pknnamlc Drvclnpmcnl mud tnnllmm la wtnvo liu mumn Europe And NCth America Commonweallh prclmmu prcsumahly Mnuld mnxlnuc at prmnl munh to he rrlld Knvcrnmrnl Canndfl Australia and particularly New Zulnnd nrilninl cumpclillre posllian wllh lhe all in mm par duaive capacity and lubnr costs has Alcadfly Improved Only ma longum effort or denial lo Hm community mathl arc likrly lo morn damaging One 1033 wnuld he he Inflow at us inrcslmcnl rapilnl ex pected if Brilnin jolnM Europe Bul British llrm nlmady me cxplmling lhc European market um um 1mm lnr xpanshm whnlci happrnl ll will not he 16 end of the world or British indusfly Chunrcllar the Exchequer Reginald Handling Iaid re cnnlly The currcnl In in In duslrial expansion results mom ram uncertaian than 1mm car he xix GEAVREB 10 EXPAND Exclusion from the European Economic Communil would not be us cnmslruphiu or Britains domtslic economy as has mm time been claimed The picture is brizhlcr than it was year ularly from Canada Australia and New haland The dclcgnllan was composed mldenls wha IIve In the area that would be alumd by Ina change of limits During lhu summer months Elmvnle In ac ualily becomes Ihc hub main highway loading In and mm the popular Vasaga Beach sort area Spakcsmcn or llm dnlcgallon tearful or lhe salcly nl their children allowed be same lina of lhinklng hat he village coun cll should not allow lhe proposal do an In nwn rand allowance outside village limlu and M11 Sleek 01d of their amusing trip through Scot land and England from which hey have recently mumcd In the pidure are mm loll Mn Agnes Nelson past alter was tempoaxfly NauruVII fluxm 57mm Im Imam tum lml mm on rut Naurui Nut 0m Na unm rup HIM Im mum fin Hm um mum rummu Hum mm lln mm Im mu In rme mun mm hpr In II 11w lrrhnlqua 1m vmblld hamly mung Inflkvmlr drum and Inrhwnh imp lul math urncy Ia ll Mrlrvl lbal Hullmenll mm In nllrr wen lhc nwnn Ind rum nl An KM and tinadd enemy mar HM TIMI Km VI OIUWHJJC nul MUn remu rm MUM In IM Huh an All lam lyiiwpm hi dz 11Io rnlnnhu now run In ll mic ham llxu lurk pruhnl um4 Imblha rmlni Iml In Hill vmknl Innlnmyvll clone in llva dr rm vrqvllnd Inr hm upm mrulal mm pl Irwin hac WASHINGTON Mll Thu ml lch win my punMt new lummlhx Inward Ihc cm llml mnqnnl Irprnly on mnnlimll nhlrlt and mom cave smurer 11m rmrlrd chnudny Ivy he Public ml 5ch kn In dmrihlng xlrvrlvpmcnl nl an rHrruw mrflmd or unv lnfl lrprmy lmnnla In flu 1M yuml nl whiln min The ml lrrmnl lmlnry llnl ml lhnllnn nl human lrpmy mun nulllrlc halhlvnan my ll Cnmlnnlliéll mint mom tar rnlhmlnu My trout and linguist nanns llill tall htr he erI one Sh hm rimr allowed heml la be lhnm Into the background by her lwa chm shim Mnrgmhc 21 and 11m ldlkle IE lrlcnd Iald It nlwnyl In whrn 1he Mound When AnneMarla ml beside Conslamlne Ihe circus sh lime awed by him no source said Frankly dont think In lnvc nl Iirx night the tour lnlnrmnnl mm AnneMmie was prolmhly much more Inter uud In Ihe anlmnh Mice May Help The Conquest 01 Leprosy mun mum old Ihe Ilary ol how AnneMarie ml the Crack prime clrcu when she was 12 and he was It me were raised flu Ionhcomlng union ol the two royal house All dinner party rclthmllngrlhclf cnxuzemcn Al Anjalirnborg Came calm lpokcsmnn described privale family celebra Inn with no ouuldm pmcnl AnneMarie 15 and Consflm line 22 are guest or honor II luncheon luday In lhe royal lparlmcnll cl Ihe mule COPENHAGEN lAPflle rayl amines of Greece and Denmark drunk loan Wed nesday night to lhe fulurl health and haminm at Fri cm AnneMarie Denmark and Crown Prince Constantin oIHGrccce Wm conduct survey Among all homeowner that would ho al lccled by 1h proposed change In other Inulneu council Illn cd an agreement with Central Mnngage and Hnusing Corpora IIon or $84500 to caver par llan of the cast of the villages pew mm lystem or sanllary waslev The cnlln cos the prljccl ls mm cm refcmd re quests or grants mm the Sal vation Army and John Howml Society to he finance commit ce or consideration when HI budget drawn Ilp wheq cynncil laced lg Royal Families Drink Toast ToGood Health ymsldcnt Mrs Elem How ard vicepmldem mu cphinc Green president and Mr and Mrs Steele The meeting was held he Odd Follow Hall Emuler Photo tTKE HARE EXAMINER THUMDAY JANUARY 24 nmuaml Whlu mm Cod no llllnnl Non Hay sud buly Varlahlr doudimu Illh malimnl InnHum nuId nalrlo mining mm and Ple clay onlinmnl 0M Winds vmmly In Finn Tlmmlvnu All hall VIM Windr EL rhnmm Inldmm Vvlnlhlln Aminm Nnnhcm Clnlr wrslrm Lnkz onlario llnlnmrlou rulerI WIM wr Hnnillon Tannin Ianly dandy wllh In Innuflurllu Ind cold lMay llnlnly flood will Mia11 um mm at unawllunlu And mod mun rm valum tnniufl nd rrlday Ind rum In Eynopnb Gradual modern Non billotly cold amr ll expetlcd In southern Onlnno lo nlulx and Friday but hrhk wlndl and local mow wlll ton IInqe lurlom drilling undid7m Lakc Huron lAh Ell mulhtm Nlnzarn maltm Lah 0mm Geormn n1 Alum nglann Saul Ble Ilnrlr lan don llamrdoui drlvln mud llunl Mninly rloudy wuh unaw flunkl and loml Iqualll II III haw drlfllng today And Friday 5wa modunllnl ltlnpflfllurfl Inmgm ud IrL day Wind mme 15 Nnrflmn Nlazan Lake St Formal luued by the Tar nmn wmlhtr omrr at 150 am Mn Grain rink from lhu Monica Club won Ihe DeVfl bin Tmphy In the opening dtaw The threelame win ner was Mchancl rink at Parry Sound am new rmxdl crew from Midland look Hon Alvin Hamilton 4km Ftdcnl Mmlmr nl Animi Entries 1mm Toronlo captur ed boll tropth In th and 11 am drawn while two Bar rie rink won prim MI entry of rinks lum ad out or Una ladies oven harp miel III BarfleCurlInK Club yetlerday allemwn and prev vidcd orfin wruner wccew In event trip la Britain was In highiimi of in nliflill moclinz oi the Canadian National innit mic or he Blind flu odd Fellow Hail Coiiier mm Mr And Mn 5am Starla entertained ihc member wiih talk on heir rip lhmuzh Rolland ire ind Ind England mm which they hive recently returned the business meeting it was decided um ht president Min Josephine Green would mm uni the group at Ihz CNiB com arms in Cornwnil on April 29 The clubs crack team of bowi Journey to Kitchener to gam Torbnto Entries Capture Trophies cNIB Mgrfribers Hear Of Journey WEATHER TWHS FAMILY AFFAIR LVIHJIOLERA PLAN TAIPH otmau AWAn anwun uch final but In zxpcdnn moflml Ind lkk will amdwlma lnoe ulauon In March lhe mum mnl nnnmmctd The Inland had In epidemic lb am In summer Inn aha Iddmud delegates In In 271 Annual naming of lb Camdhn FainXian Mrkulluu ma non hi 1mm muln um draw was won by Mrl mk Buchanan the Donald Club Tarmac Mn Ray Smith ol Barrieme of with thm games and Mrl Vlrlcy of onllla took two 1119 mgnme my Intent was won by Kn Dav Smhhl rink of Bar The Inth were prenach by Jamel MIMI and James Morley of IODE mounted plan my ply tho entertainment or the February manna my wlll be held onlhe Int Wednesday at he maxml All mambm Asked to came out And paluh in lunch whlcl wlll be mv Tb bulluue wlll also mm euclue ln March will proceed lo so to Ill Bukermedallm or 1h Prennllm ol Bllndneu good tinmm expected Mo games while the mm high aggregate winner was yrs Fm fink mm Dril Barrie came atom 19 WWW Pk file In the Onlula Blind Bowl Tournunmtlveb The member wlll be mu lying la bins mar wflamyv 5119 pm My Igl lhg In addlflun ynu mny aro an um per rtnl ml lhn crnml half your lam by pmuylng llmc cnqulru Tax nmce 072470 Ba 00 am Plus ml yovr Addyn YOU RECEIVE CR EDIT FOR 1000 1000 7500 3000 4000 5000 7550 I0000 You run nva considerany on your lam or this ym by making pay mcnll In HIV duo dale nuuy 1967 1459 2950 3914 49 7175 714 ARRIVE FROM CUBA MIAMI Fla AW Mud pcmm at Ihcm Us rill um had been living In Cuhl mired Friday aboard Pan Amrnmn Alrlmer uhlch had flown Hanna with load at ood In nymchl for llbfl IXM uban nrnlon prlwnm lewd or MullL Man dir cdor the Manltaba Iml Elevator and chairman of lhe crannlulianl Iimlock mmv millre The main wu at Windsor CP 11th01 Dr Georze Pavelcy one of more than 100 doctors im pofled In the province by he goveuunenls medical can inv Iurance commission during May boymtl at the medical care plan in July said in an Interview Wednemday he Ind the other two clinic doctor be licved they should have more say Inrcllnh annin He also said he and he other In dado Pzwr Beaglehaia and James Adamson cl ad vertising their unices was not ethical REGINA communin cliglc up in July by Regin cllmena backing the provincial CC zovcmmenti compulsory medical care insurance pro gram has but it three Bnllxh doctan over dimme on dinic opgmiqn and min Agricultural Sodiety Returns Its Officers 116 directed arc1Z5st Brennan Allan Brawn Carmlhcrs Fred Church Jim 1961 executive nmcm of he Bani Agricullurhl Society were unanimously reflected In office at lhejnaugural metlnz held rm sum Community Hall lay night Prtsident again II Jury Coughlin lint viapretldent Jack Hughex second vicaprep Ideal Hersey and sta reurytreasurcr Elliott Cola The director an lxenian 51Jn5rcnpan £11m Bruwp Doctor Leave 4995 Dispute AT ANNUAL MEETING 1963 TAXES Save DY PAYING IN as 787 IV 2467 1960 1947 MUS 00 9167 with mm permit Ibex pm to run at hm on 1mm collection day betaux ha damage done by he nnxmaIJ Some mp1 lmvl lunber Med In there nra many day fin on value mm In whim man than ntrayl do In mucm running large ll nll be knownde by hit to hm day munAm unclaimed It IN mm ho doumyrd by hi minu Lm People who own pm Ind 111 lhcm run loose Vim be My Mood In mm and could bu mum In pay flue bu tch yeah 90mm pgnkullrly angry EIJXVALE Sta Fin 19 mm two rooms of lhe three mom HiMaIe School 91811 mile from here early lb mornin Nine men of he Elmvale In brigade ought the in or five hours in 1mm 2m wean and managed to uve one mm Camolflaehmtsw known The two room destroyed were inlhe 01d union and fireman saved the moon nngudion Parker and In diredm an Keilh Caldo well flan Count Bruno Chip pcll anenflna Schipilow and Kalhlecn Cunnlnmcn Honorary director are Hambly Owen Sean Smilh Simon Ind Mn E4 Simpson PAY mmm Mr Cougmlu paid rflmle tn Gordan Scoop Johutan at Mealsrd who died kw dnyl ago vi heart attack He val our announcer he said lnd will be ruined very much He was wall known or hh quick Wit and Imdlaustible The flu media of the dir ecer will be hcld Fab 14 where some dedaian will be mecommlnz summer no bl lyre Bievm ill Cyril Cook Del Cole Dobson Ralph Franklin Mn qud Badgara Iuyd OPP Taking Advance Class Hillsdale School Ravaged By Fire 970 IN M75 2170 3160 4950 7415 Much Kfimsam ll ymu um lmlml noun Inf Hutu MIL My IIIIMMII mm min nandulnh nr iuu humhuq While at the collage Ill nlv firm are rcquiml la maku comprehensivc sludicx cl all lulu lncludlnz the many lrnflic Acl the quum Control Act and Criminal Code The pm mun alzo lntludcs phyxlcal mixe and romplrle mtdlul that Conn Dean of flame and bust lhruooddonn stand will Um go to AylmLr or an Inlcnxlve lzwcck lulu Lng course The Tnnmlo mum nix Mk In durallon Thcsc utflcm wan among Ibo first class nl ncw constath rum mroughout um pmvhxco whn war at the school when opened They will mnlinue all 92 lmlniqz unlil Ecb vth Mm Conn J4 Marllcy of Barrie and Cansl Donov an Amslnn are taking re cruibcourle at Hart011m at Aylmcr BMW cachmcnl and Coast George Rankin he Allislm detachment boll veteran of km are participating in ad vanccd police lminlng method al IM Tgronlo Collczg Llflln lo KENNY LEM onnrluu Mn MAN WOIUW FULI FTUNM ing The school has principal Mrs 8m Caslon and two teachers The school board will meet tonight to discqu the mailer ed last nlghl an the commercial lealurexol Ilse AI and said The bacon and lamb carcas ses wet Iuccesslul but Ihe judges recommended that an In have 15 la no mace in Ike thaw ll would be better In cancel the fleet show altar when Mr Columbus said the Ira brigade didnt get back la Elm vnle Imifl 10 oclock and havent thawed out yd He said were will be be school or while because even though one room was saved was badly scorched by he beat fund will requk some renovav loge Toronto and the newly opened polic school al Aylmcr Carylng Shophcni the llon Agnculuiral Sou es la be held at Ike King Edward my on feb 29 217 Since public buildings axe Ir uauy insured 0r onuhlrd of the value damage would likdy be more lhan $100000 The secretary president v1ce pruldcnl and two lady directors cl he society were chosen In repmenl Ihc society at the pon ventian the Ontario Assad lag In Barrie It wan learned Inn nigh Illa Owen Sound at flcials would like to have In racing held there and he Tor onto horse owners would Ilh lquld reply before flu season $100 profit was recorded frgln Ihe raping held lasy ygar IF YEAREND BILLS GET YOU DOWN Mum lumm mmImm TAKEGUI ORDERS FAbT DELIVERY PA 61020 CHINESE FOOD full ll 1U

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