Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Jan 1963, p. 1

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Esuer BOils Hockey More Popular Than Politics Cuban Buildup Said Defensive nance Mlnlster Nowlan said the opposition drew Incorrch Inference ram the auditor gancmls ruport rclnascd Man day Their allegalions would be cleared up when gnvcrnmenl al flcials were called before the pulbdlic accounts commlllce bu OHAWA CWA new Issue ba3poiled up in thy Com Is he government prevenung Ihe auditorgeneral from prop erly dolng his job as Fnrlia ments watchdog over spend lng7 Opposlllan MP jumped through procedural opening Wednesday to allack the gov ernman contending It wo kocplng Audflorflcnernl Mn wcll Ilcndnrsan shortstalled and barred ram Income tax es da me House begins twoday apcclnl debate on de tcnce pulley and Intcmallonal relation Ammunlllon wm not be lacking or any oi the our parlles Talking at prohabiy will include ihu Nassau conference Liberal Leader Poarmnl re cent aialcmcnls on nuclear emu last weakl Progressive Conservative national conven tion which spiii on the nucitnr Senator Konnelh Kcallng mop nun Inld rcparlor he hns confirmed by oflicinl government sources mm new bung ll undrr way HAVE WIDE RANGE WASHINGTON MP The Cuban Inns in erupted wllh renewad me In the Senate over rcpum or new nround thlock Soviet mllilnry bulld up on Premler Fidel Caslrnl island Sennlor Wyna Morse Dem 0ch Wednesday ordered an Immediate Invexlignlian Mme Iald he has naked lhc slnlc dc partmcnl or qulck brlcling or III Senate Lullu American alluirs subcommlucc Illa 51a laid It has been tcnlallvnly lur lrldny llc uh on tnnkt nuns amphibious vehiclu large nmounta ammunillon planes larpcdo ham and other 501ch ycanonL The flurry was loudth oi by New York Times new serv ice report mm the Sum are hulldlnk nml Impmvlnz Manly nopllislicultd gmund and Mr db metL Tho dlnpalch will Iurnu ml menu wcnpunn nro continu LONDON Ilenlm Condlllun Vllcflum SamucL mymr 0M lormrr lvndrr or he Hritlsh Liberal many II lllll ulvinu rlu lo kunr nnxlrly hulkin 1mm lmm Ml Imulon Immc mld udny lllx Ines ll whl Involve generally wrakrnm mmllllon Inc In lllo Inrrc Ilrllhh whitr VH TMNH Lao MPD The MI Mn Lawl Ihnky anillml unvrrmnrul Irmnmlrrl lmlny ml Ihu Ah MI fr Mll vl Ian MIN hunllle II mmmllllnu flnzmm Ho nllanu ul luv m1 Urnnvn nxrrcnwnl 11n m4ummunlu mum Lao nlo Innamlal the willulmwnl Ar America dunner mmnany hlml by Um us nld group WUTA MW The nrnl Inld Walmnlny mllllnry pnlml 31ml and HUM nlnmlvlal mm damn Imam lmflla 01M lulnmod Ivy police or 511 killlnzl mm mumI mid rum mum would he Inlrr la llm mm The flycwuld Immhl wnl rnvml ml ALIIn In nu mnhmh Tlxrulay mar Annrnla mm mm nlmul I70 mllu wrl of norm TOKYO IMV Imklnl mulermmnyl Ill mnln mm mm mur In drunva povulnlnl Tnllyn nullid rnrly MIy Id lnu mm Molina ml llrrl Ilml lmmml 11 lmnrl and killed mum Flrlrrn punml um Injumlv ll mu ml hmwn HIM linilnl um um Early mm Inhl ll wnl man by trash lrmk IMu Mlle may TUHUNTU CH Nlmflm Irpn wfllw mlllm ln Mrhnmhmn Tunmm nm lewklay by NnIkmnl Hmlny Afl Unnlrm lnly nrvnlml MM My Im IM INmmnml TORONTO 1C Dr Fm Nlnvm rlmirmnn of Marla VimTum Tniwm Imlvmry Implhy mnmmm Immmi lo day Ilw mmmimn mll Mr mm of mink modlnzu ln mum wmrm mm luzr rwrrwnlawm hm Imam wmlmru Dale me nwtlnz Im Hope Folly ll EL Thurman Km II and Delhi Flh ll and 99th Year N6 20 Six Die In Tokyo Explosion Former Liberal Leader Still Sick Orders US Bid Mission Out Notorious Bandit Is Killed Tobacco Meetings To Be Held In vCommons AuditOr For Examiner Want Ads To phonn PA 414 telephom number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept In PA 66537 NEWS BRIEFS Our Telephones MAMam Tum It mlhlrmn by Nmkmnl llrxlny lulu mm at Mnxnla My nrmnlml NMNV mu wullm ml mld Ilimmmnl Nlndml munto lmcrrulu rancm lie moved that ordinary busi ness be set mid or an imme dialc debate on lhe nudilor gcncrnis report lhni In mi in Mr Knawiu wardsii was denied access to certain files despite he provisions oi Line Financial Administration Act that notwilhsianding any not he is eniilied in irqa access in all files cvery depart ment Speaker Marcel Lambert Jcclcd the motion ruling the subject matter did nql meal the lcqglrcmcu urgqnpy About an hour later Prime Minister Dlefenbaker lhat Hm 1961452 publlc accounla and the nudiIArgcnerava report be referred la the publlc ac counts commlltce or detalled study Sud motion generally issue and lomd Ihe bail back in lhn cabinet the nearcollapse ol negotiations between Britain and the Common Markel Cn nadlnn mllllary nId lo lndln c0nllnucd Canadlan trade will Red China he Cubnn crisis and on in Canadas 196M cfnlrihutlan under the Colombo van Thc relationship between he auditorgeneral and he gnvem men was raised by New Dem acrallc Party Whlp Stanley Knowles MP for Winnlpez North Centret in in arrive quie enemy menu arebelnzrtiocngcd and strangihtned Bevin expcris directing Cuban In commie lng underground dcpail hung nrl nnd runways it Mid Sovici reaps exciuaiveiy are working on name All closed in Cbuan millinry pgrnnnnai donl know may have nuclrnr wcaponl he mld dunl know lhnl they donl allhcr do my my an up carrylnz nuclear wrap om Stalennd defame dbpanmcn lnlqrmnn ngllgcd about Ihe pom nnldmllilnry tonslmcnnn In Cuba proceeding at nor mnl pace and II defensive In character hcnllng claimed Cuba no llmu runner than wax Ian July Just More he Sovlcl mlullu nnd bombmlnlar withdrawn under pressure mm Imldunt were landed lhcro 1314 he wtnpons Include MIG Jul llxhlcr planes capable of carrying nutlcar wtapam wllh range lhnl could cover many areal In he Unllcd Slam nndy LullnrAmtrlca all Earrfi Examinrr KMUHKASINU Ont Cll Twill who all Ilvmlrrr mix mml lhrir Inmmr nml mrr tlmnu Ihn Iupply Ilwn Imill nmwr Inn rnugnl In Iqumn rumpmy and union mnMn mlnmanl In nrwumlrfl lmlmln ml 1quan Fpmrr Fall lnwr ml lawr Human Itva rm pluyrr In 151 Ilmllfllflfl MW numlly In mum nmmlw In will M1 llrinllnll Illll mm min anmlmu Lumbrr and Hamill Wnlkfll Univ Arm mum non Maglslrau Mitchell ruled Ihak fludwil wan guilty dangerous dxlving because 01 drinking AM JnIrplI Mum Iwnlxlcnl lvl Mal mi the mm will MI Mum unlfl mu mnlrud lenrd In Irvin 4va Ihal plml all Aug II Thu unim Mm lanll ulmlw mum luv muth Him Farm nun hbsldlm In my GUELPII lCP William Hudson 45 of Guelph driver or car In whlch pauenger was killed by flying man Dec 24 was lined 3250 3nd cost when he was convicted Wedner fly on charge dangmul Wllllnm Berry 75 WM klllcd when glnsl an jug ulnr vain nilcr the when car uqu pa Imclg rlonce founded ma Inas cated Hudson had cogxumcd an 3unch of nine mm of MT IEImAN Iran AmAbout 2000 yonua warken Invnded Tehran Unlvmily with flicks and me branch today and beat up uudonn posting v1 cnrds denouncing lhc govern mwt relaunde my weekend an unknown number of luv dent Wm Injqrad Before ume laxch arv rived the wnrkm had driven mas of lhe lldcnll mm the campul charm that lhu rclcrcndum scheduled by the man or Saturday legal The ruler called the Unnwlde vole to get popular dammml rclarm program ht has started or starting The Iranlnn Parllamcnt has unsolved time May ml But Mr Femm lpeeduy polnlcd out that flw motion waI debatable He In vile Mr Knowles to make the much he had been unable to dellvcr ear lier because of up rum The vorkm pulled dam Ihe plgfiards nIndvlofe lhqm 91 are platted 1na cw teem Students Beaten For Protesting NEW PRESIDENT Guelph Man Is Fined $250 In Accident Donnlr Clark 39 of Im Arthur Ima bccrl tlmnl H261 pmldrnl no Ontario Fur fll Indmlrlu Almlnllm Thu nmdalian cnmpmd of lame 51 in and yamr pm durm lumm um n1me mmpnnlr nml lndlnprmlrnl llmlwr cmnpnnlcl tCl Wim plmlol Settlers Take Guns Due To Bush Strike 11m unlnn mlu royal nmlmd pruvldlnl In Iflprr rnl rnml ma Incmm plan Imuvwhml Intruu In plrrc vmvk mm nw rnmpnny lay Inrmlu nl ponr mum nmdlllom It ran nut Allard haan In the nhl amlml wind It wnnh In new lvr mu er The mmcmbcr Boclal Credil group from Quebec Im been hot on tho rack ol Mr Gordon cvrr ulna Ihu UN 11de lam Gammon comm flu In All that he tnuldnl 11an my quankd Frunah upenlllmt Cnnmllnm on he rallway Mn In an my the 27 lop man rugme pong Inc In Klmlcllarfiark Can ldn lelul 11m haw lmn harm rr lrmmk Union mem ml Mirnl Muhhovhm ml MI hour bull In maul Ithtndrnl lam um Huck mm nrnmm wle lo Hm Ipnm In plunl 111nt km rumplnlyml Ihal ml Imrlu rm wprd m1 hit dumywl ll MdyQL Mnin Noun mm hlnv ull 1mm 0mm ll mid Mr Garden and hi nmclnlcl and moltu havo dnmamlrntcd they cant pm vldc ndc ale railway urvlm without cflclu Mr Gnulhlcr Apcaldng In French and the ON ha ex perlmce wlh delldll only and now laknvprldc In lhcm Ta lho CNll mamgcmtnl dcflcll Wm an economy and lncom lent wm me who £qu produce ddIcIlL ARE ON 19 TRAIL Ila nlm MM llml llzum lllrd wlllu Commanl ammmu phaw Inn lrrnthIpmklna Cnnndlmu exccrd per cm In the up pcrlmlddlu and mulor manus rum mnlu he Ler MrIGnuIMér pa urlnz tr lumnl nmmnm drbalu on samnmrnl blll la nlmbum The CNR had lost ihmmndl mlamm bvcauu poor lcrvlcc The deficit was nmlnly duaja lack of good ca He laid the publicly owned CNIl II run by the mast In competent and most nrraganl pennm ha ha ever lrcn WAWA CF Charley Arthur Gaulhlcr SC Rober val mumtd Wednesday In he Commanlllix my bllneflng nilnck on Pm dmt Donald Gor don and Ike lop mnnnzemem of mo CNIL BarrlnfOnmlo Cahlda Thundny Jimmy 24 I953 Winnipeg Meme below um empcnlum and bowl ing wind brinxrout he um unlal in winm wire This CNR Boss Labeled Iricbififiéiéht NOSEMU STUFF The propou mmmlnz mm mum11km by Ike ltdflfll agrlmllure mlnlulcr Alvin llnmlltan and cndnmd molullan by Ihe CPA annual mullnu hue mummch llml am product mmldrr um lhhinz Iuppltmmlnry IWIII rrcdill and lo undumu mm min In Mr 0mm ninja mml1 leullon Iponmr made dch Wrdnnday however Ihal Inch Had wold be ample menury and no wbxmmu lw Itdcllll mrnmcnl mm mllmmll undcr llm Expat Crrdm lnuxrnnm Artwhich undnwrflu purl rmm 511 In mnln rounlrlu lo Iain al IDOMQOW Fpmu Yallulal¢l Wadnudny Loco ulllru an unullm lm mun ml the alrikl mm mum flu Io damn Um an in lulu bush Iflh min Ihu will leno anyone rho In to Inljvfmwllh lrmflluj Mm Ihl Mum lawn Ian mm Id mu Kav mknln mumm tum pumd mim MI by Imny 50 ml 11er In mm mubosm My MI wholm MM film on on In at credit and In II Mu to flop Imam mflfl lo xga lamina Inna depend iii The film mum eq mflI by by uh MW 1mm mum WINDSOR Ont CPIWoll cm Camlda Krnln laymen have won xupport 1mm lb CnnadJan Munlion of Agriculture hr pmpoud fludy which may lrad lo tantrihulory nixmm fund In general lncmucd upon mu wheat Hui rifiofiihfii the railway moom In the ymr ending Mam 31 1961 or night mu ndudlons gimp nan tompellllvo me any pm 01 0mm of the Mum ahn Turner lLManlunl SI Lawrench Gmrw said this lhe fourth year In row the government has asked Inch lcmpomry leginlaflan and me now amounted to $73 Study Of Grain Production May Create Fund For Exporting wellmgfled has dulled nrfimxhla 551mm Iwo ear mum on waxn mu dimer hi note gag 4n 411 My Ir rum mil mumv my1w Unlm Ihe mum an de um Ih hood man II ul mdy ml la the mm by Much ha summon luv 1M 55 Ibo rm Min Gun fill Mid nmuu heavy mum dllkm In the huh pulr rMI only be hauled In MINI Jan ID and Mud flan the Hound In men WALKERTON Ont CPYA Mildtor George Muck of Wal kman ha been 1117110th by the wmmitlee Lo pmme Ihe pumm lmln service on the Klncardine Southampr and Owen Sound line of lhe Cam Lam Nationzlrnaflwayx The mmm high comm timer to Canada Vluoum Amory Ion he arm arunlm Klan convention Ihal 11 Britain calm ha European Comman Mum Canadian agrimllum will late Ital lhurHvrm Inn markets MAY GAIN MORE Mka he lédérnllanl In pm 01 ltdflnl menum lhll dlmllun Iul ll nrllnlnl mlry Hm lrntml level my perfly Andrurchminz pawrr In mltaln nn lZuwpo rlm lur lhtrV and Ihu umnal Iarm In In hp II rcmnnbly law lcvrl Ln lhe long run you Canadian nurlrulxunI may WI aln mart Hum you wIl low Earlier Mn amnion old dekwu hat 1ch ngrlrulA lum policy In be next tw year would Iva rmplml Ia lmvmvlnl he ml Arm Income In tern Canada 50 Deaths In Europe The chairman of the comm lie IlayoerH Mailman oi dusky ooncemed became the railway has made application In lha Board 01 fianspofl Commio Ilanm or permlulon lo cu INVch wilhaut public hearing In today ml 17 wax um and mad narrowed down loo myth or vehicles to pan School bum me getting am the bum Khaols at Owen Sound but only wflh students who Imd onlmain highway It marked he lhlrd day this week 1112 many 01 lbs student got holl day became of the weathm Schools Marion Lion Head In Keppcl Township were closed mad blocch up City IN provincial mow WI equIpngpt cauqd all ma roads Weknésaay um whcnmii deemed loo dangmm la ht memyut OWEN SOUND CP 11111 area wnlkwedla be banned bymowandwindslodayaslhe tom mowlall ar the last week Vilth Inward lb our loot ymlrk All my Trying To Keep Trains Running vampmmuzm OjSoundi Snonalli Feét HERES ONE In lLay Nm NW4T nboul wo mi north of FAnwnXon In mm mm mmcd an day nnrr lunvlvlnz lulmi ltmpcmlum llnm Inlc Hominy who UuIr plane IM crud dawn in blufh rounlry 0m brlghl ml was In wumv rm Saskatchewan when ch11 drcn Mllctlcd In prime home near their Ichml or day because plumd math Fm la Mum lo lhclr awn Nol surprmng wan that in rm Wlllmm and Part Influx Iurl mmpnulu rcporlnl mord II Ilium lnnperngury mm km from to as bdmv In Jan lo In Sudbury Ifl wasnl bad mouth la Mayor ml mm PM Rid miic 515 in Bruce and man Goun 1191 and more mow win high winds wm predicted Ior today nmcc County mginccr said it will uh load trek la plow out mare than single lam on n11 mad in the any priflgAIy wmeianal were ux Mm cm mm 1m Hum half mm were man in all three countries Cold also gripped mud of the ml Europe Britain had mo lemperatura during the nlghl as it maved Mast Canadan mu lhlvcrcd lbmugh III mm and most pro longed cold wave of the wlnur today at Imp mind in arm whcrc earlicr Ihm vme prop mm for relief Temperatum continued In drop throughout Italy giving mu Immediate hope at relie Inr may than 200 lsalaled vi aim rilundred of LBWbound cam munfliu In nonhem Greece awaited leum that would Mw Greek Air Force plant 141 dlrvp load and maflcina by para 7110312 AP Southern Eu rope worn winter In dead continued lull tom today leav ing nearly 50 pertain dead In IlaIy Yugoslavia and Greece The luminoth hundred of mcunlam communiun In lb nly and northern Greece and plied up unaccustomd mow drift uulhem Italy as it xprgadjlanz the Meditenanean 151$de closed Ichaon and admits opeqnlipg Italy munled 10 dwdGreebe three and Yugoslavia 25 in the regenldayl of enng gold Eundrredx ol cattle andth HWku also have perhbei REFUGEES ARRIVE FROM IHAVANA Cold also EHPM much of the In Fukul district 200 miies Ml Europe wesl oi Tokyo 19 persons were Britain had mo lemperatura buried when mounds enguiicd during the night as it maved their humui Snow Driits Six feet High With More Snow Predicted ii mz ELVADIAN PRESS lahmvide mowremoval advicn Driflirg mm Plagued matur No Mqrn Than Pu CopyH Page wealhrr premxk 0an Local Weather raw Far mpleléwnlmafi please turn to page twa Clwd Snmflunies drilling law101113111 tamar mmmmg Mr MMJW 1h nm Iralhrr nllrr lhm daylnl bi lrr roA Hwntr lhr Moms or Cnlgxuy wax or live Irlow lodny Imau most 0w Manlimcl whm rclzlively mild wrauur iug above frtczSMprwailcd Wnincsday lcmpmuxm were cmdtd today In drop about draws Many arms was lo rain and maven Northern New anxwick had eight ln ha mm avemlghl nnd an nlher Iwn Inches wne upeclcd In Quebec snow began Allin lale Wednmlay and we inch wri XMNL TmumMuro ranged rum mu Hm nbovc Interior Ier Columbia was mm mm tram dehaMo nm In roddrn In law high Icrnpommrm five New In 73 nbuvr much Is degrm below seasonal levels Coastal Mm had nnrmal January Irm MEN In flcgrm to provide mowremoval advlcn lo Mawstrained chic In Brit ain monthlung cold Ipcll has paralyud much Ihe caunlryn commacc and canlribulcd to the dcalhs oi more Ihnn 100 yen Tanpcratum In Brimn have ranged mm live to no degrees abovevlcrv Sudburyl nrcragc or the last mml day has been 20 below Railroad officials called In llwmands workers to clear he radar and nuhcd rice and legs TOKYOMP One nllhe Ihe worst snowstorm In Japan ese memory mnllnucd lo lash west coast am today leaving our known dead and least 19 missing The nallana railways re poried nbautlsmo persons xlrandcd at down as wind imm Siberia piled drigu up to qtheirood lav Enable passen inimlhe 35111 consecullva day 01 freezing weather Faced by cial gal electric and ma short ages Power Minister Richard Wood said troops will be used to move coal supplies if the Itself 1am lunch longer Bnllsh railways cut passen grr service he keep lines open or emergtncy coal rains Mil liuns of Erilons shlvcred in un heated homes Japanese Storm Leaves Four Dead

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