Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jan 1963, p. 6

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Fflalnl Flah llmdr mo th Inr Imumum Immpinn mm lm IMlmlim In Nnnlln In Mr MM Ill leurrn W1 FJT AM 0001 III we Sure this club has real good quarterback tn Frnn Tar kcnlan dant know Ill am he good an be II but Ill ry and know wilh lhlx ram He wan tummcnllng on Intent often by Wmlcrn Canndlnn 11 mm nmclnl lo nllow lhc Mann Cur Icrln or Irnlnr playul tn he playrd In Hm EM again lhln ymr Under yearly rolatlnn Iynlrm lhe thumplnn Ahlp Irrlrl wan lo hmn hem plum lu Wm TM nllrr was mm by Kim Wm lo Ipur lnlrml In live game In limlrm Canada dc Nun rm Mhrr la Impl Iha Mnnn Cup MMn was ml Kmrd unHI nrw rxcrullw um NIIW YUHK MIL Illm Ur ll llle Willi lixhlwrmhl bux Inu llmluplnfl rm mwwd out rnnumlun lhrrr huhln llml mum lnlu lmn 1mm Mn Ium lncvln Um In Mnniln In III nrxl Irv munllu 11w myrmda lurxlu Illrnn lmm lmvr hr II nul wary Itll HH II Mini llnlll llu Wnrld le Allmlnllull In dr lrlul In rum mum Ixnmy Lam MIllrflnlllull ur lnrr pmimn IN Im llllr mm nuw Im umth rm lllh Lhl my MHU Illrlln Him Ir Mnnh 10 lell Inhl IHHIA In All Inlrnitu pmmlml Ilw vr lunm lllm uulllxl vlrlrml my luln III Iurfin Her Tlmll lvrrH mu pl Ill 1anin HHMUUHL HI mm to Umnly uhnw nml EM 1m llu I4 l0 rhul lrnurn um HI mvlmmy light mlle will in Nrwnlk NJ In Am NI nu at III Ari IIYI KM my ll HEM We have more than 5000 boy bclwccn elghl and 10 yum at age aHIHntcd wllh hc MLA Bab Sinclalr nearby Aldtrwand mld Tursduy mid than are hundreds more in n0nnrlo who are no Mum wmi Hum ommuVImeu Mao rlnllan In March den lb Onxnrlo Mlnar Ln cram Aswcinflan my lhu game in very much alive In 010 Term were no disclosed but the pact does not include no cut clnust ll ls bellevcd he llKllld or about £20000 in banul and Ialary pcrsonal agrecmcnl will gummm cm ploymcnl lo Vandchclcn wlll rezllze hll salary next year whether he make cm learn or kept Inga ST PAUL Minn AmWI migth leap mm msccnnd uruh In college to Natlannl Foalball League upprenllca quarlcrbnck but Wimnsinu Hon Vandchelcn is so mm dlalanl about all youd lhink was mue realize nobody can just Ilep in and play me ionihail the handsome Cinderella grid der said Tuesday niier hed signed oneyear contract with the Minnesota Vikings big burden has bun limd from my nhouldm think can make It or wouldnt have signnd lhe Rose Bowl hero laid had nevera olher llnc We hm Ortiz Mapped Out Campaign Lacrosse Still Alive 0MLH women can rad signing wilh llw Minnesota Vikings the National Foot ball League booking on at left ls coach Norm Van Brock fln and at right general man ager Bert Rose Vanderkolen VanderKelen Relieves Burden Signs Contract With Vikings Vinnlpcgvnlue Bomber nox VANDEmfiZLEN ten leanlng owlad the Vik TRY EDMONTON CWI exhillillan yam In he Ilaynl THIN Smukr Huhn1 lnn mhln nurnnlnllre la HII DIM hoc cy Championsth lur glnnlmt Mulch In Smeklmhn Imu Men rrlrnml by All Im Irr Ivmldrnl II Tunmlinn Amer Ilorqu AIIMIIHOH llcnd lo gunln lar lhc ll5 aplnle dlnmr Included loothnll cancth Frank Clnlr Ollnwn Rough mum and Bud Grnnl ol Vlnnlpcg lllue Bomhm hockey Ilnu fled Kelly Tor onto and Phil Gaycflc ul Manl mll Md lormtr bunlmll rm Dob lcllzr Mnln ilKakcr was Tommy Richardson pnsldcnl ul lllt lnlcmnllonul llmchnll lmuul nu Smaka Hum umI lo mklmmr nr In sum nlnlml Kilrhrncranlvo Tum lhe nlmin llmkty Amclnllon Scnlur circull Felt mul mrrl Hm HA Brulnr 1ml lmm Mmoon Dunne dnyv 0H Tmll yvln mm mr Hullduu ul hr HM Suvhyr lhn tlull aim ml my mum mumnrnl III Hmm Sulllrrlmm Frh 11 luv In In Clrxllmlankln Frll HM In mum In erxlm Frl will find IIHCI In Finland MMUI 14 err huh vl wrnflKllnfl hnmrlvmlxlp bpnlll Immpn nlrd mll Tuwlay nzvrrmrvl hu hrrn Hucluxl 1m all raw or nanny Llllnp hum lnllvuun hrmnrlnhl um munlxh In murnlhrn Ilnll rm Null 11 mm anm mm up pmrnlly lIrmnM 17 Innl whim lmk Nolnn ml Innuth pahl 1m rum um hum mu un mm mm gununlu lhe Irhun bwl anmlnu omnlnl mm In Ihr unvld rlmnplumllipl meh OTMWA CF Dunlam wnighllinvr Allnn Snllcr was mde lllc Ollnwa arm out standing nmnlcu alhlclc 1962 nl nxmlay nighll annual Associated Canadian Traveller Banquet The 25er accounlanL picked by the capllnll spans wrllnrs and sporlscaslm Mm allvcr modal In lha British Empirc Gamc at lmh Aus tralia and also rankrd 10111 In the warld wtlnhllillinz chum plonslllpl ll3udnpesl Then came the ller Bowl Wisconsin last Milan champion Soulhem Cnlilanua 4537 but no boron Vnndy ml lied Wixconsin from four louchdawn dtlicfl He completed 33 48 passes or record 401 yard and added five ynrdl mshlnz or 406de 0131 He threw three touchdown passes and ran 17 yafli himsel or number the Canadian League lhc first team in show real interest in him had him on Iheir ncgaiia ion lisL Before his showing in the Rose Bowl Winnipeg had good chance of landing the Win tannin slur Ion 21 nixoat wo laspaundcr nnl only be came Wisconsins Intstring quarterback He very nearly became the nu Tex1s top player and Wisconsins alhlclc the ytar aver Grcen Bayl yrs 1nflbackJImTaylor filhl nmwmg son lhé mun flacldng lo Mn door Trail Exhibition Games Released Roach flgreomonl For Ilpril Romalch MIMI FMIL Fla WI Weightliiter Top Athlete Vimnsinlhem in the Rose Bowl low to Minneapolis tom Madison Wis yesler day lo slgn oneyear con tract after being sought by several teams in US and Canadian Icagnea Wm photo pro PITTSBURGH AP you people will believe In me Powell mutt new so in hree Clay delivered llls couple Tuesday as he neared Ihe end at training or his lMound henvywelglll match wllh Charley Powell nmrsday nlxlll The 21yeaerld hennmenan 1mm wulsviflo or ginally pre dlctcd Powell would all in live rounds but as wmcllmes has been hi style he switchgw plan For his as light Clay said he would finish aging Archie Moore In the damn round But after Home talked back in Cassius boxings poo Iaurcatc correctly rev viscd jhe prognosticauon to our rounds xnl onnunenl an Clays new plums but he dld say he wouldnt help pay Cay sins plane are out ol the munlry it the bout ends in an upset 50 reads he latest entry In the verse anthology of Car slus Clay the lighting you whn Ix unbeaten In 16 boxing 59m and he says In 12 pre POWELL MUST GO IN THREE GOLD STRIPE Adams WHISKY gEKEEPS ITS mum uunm TonduvoMW Even meltlng loo aubm cant dllulo Hm mm tuumol Adnmn Gold Btrlpm It will k017le Mom to this very bottom of Hm glamthe mm gram whisky So next ump ynu buy try mallow ouutonhlylomlml Gold lelpu youll muoy Hn myng flavuur CANADIANRVE WHISKVE Scnulsh driver Andrew Ma crackLn was in coma will Indured lkull after In and his ion Sandy 13 were in crash near Avixnnn France when hclr Ford Anglia hit Inc The um wax no injurnd He give much of ihe credit in ham physician Dr Russell Wright who convinced Aguirre that pain in his chest came ram quirk in his pitching mm lion and had noihing to do with his hem got 5ch the mend day the season In 1961 says Aguirre was in church when happened got pain In the thcsL though had heart mark The doctors old me didnt but didnt believe them MONTE CARLO Remem 0nly 102 can an 296 sinners iuccccded In finishing the grud ling lhrceday 2500mile grind the Mnnle Carlo raIIy alter law and Icy roads look heavy loll 91 campefitqrs 11w organizing commute un mounted Tuesday night 27 Ihe crews reached Monte Carlo without loss of points Many cars armed badly bah crud and minor crashes were requch during Ihe rally Con dmans were he first since 1953 when only 49 cars reached cm Nm HEART PAIN It didnt And Tuesday he 30 yeamld lgllhander who made an inns aslanishlng flip flops in the major last year got his dlvldenda $7000 pay boost to $25000 when he signed 113 1963 baseball contract wit the szzrx he underwent comp ele trans nrmallan afler getting first mm on May 20 and wound up with mark and rmajor leggue leading 221 EJLA RM dun KainFa Ecwunl or the change NEW YORK AP May he bubblenever burst mid Dc lml Tiger pitcher Hank Aguirre In 12anan his earnednn average and batling average conanued to drop rate Ihat would tend stock mar ket manlpulalan lcurrying or apple carts Aguirre had 44 Heardand my in my n162 Aguirre Getsquy Boost Despite Dismal Season Less Than Half Finish Big Race Last years winner Erik Calluau or chden 1m yeara runncrup Eugen Bahrlnger of Germany last yearl Ihlrd place winner Paddy anldrk Ireland Brilainl Pom Har per Francel Robert Neyretz Finlands Pauli Toivonen and Rango Aallanen Gran Multan and Sam dcll of Montreal In Ilenaufl reached the flnlsh line 14 min utes late after having flat tin and running out gal Final results of tha annual evtnl will no bc known until Iler lpeed trial here 11mm ay The winner was expecled come tram among the worldl ace rally drivers who so lhmugh wilhoul losing poinu They Included mm hefiball my oflcn he conceden but doesnt sling yqqr hands sumM ASK ALOU Aiau laid at his hum in Sanlo Domingo Ihak he had mailed his contract back San Francisco unsigned think had 390d lesson he aid and think deserve more him they of eredl Reports indicate Aiou wanls $12000 boosirin 3300 Gianls vice president Chub Fancy agree that Mm had good seasonAll can ay lhal he had good year and we altered what we combined nod raise We will wait and me what he as Lo Angelel the mall brought theAnne lined con tracts from pitcher Bob Turley acquired from New York Yan kees and uulficlder Ken Hunt Wright canvlnczd him and Aguirre mmmd the hitch in his pitching larm and becama winner But he still hat on lamenthe cant hit H2 had only two hits In 75 trips last year for 027 average and managed la strike out both lett handcd and rlghlhanded In the accondlalllstgnf gamez He should ask Felipe Alou who stung em quit niltn for he National kuzue champion San Francisco Giants while hair ling 316 hlltinz 25 home runs and driving in 93 mm and now is numbered as an unsatisfied customer of lhe Gianu mgfifi The Giant got one comm out of 11 way when Joey Amal mano signed Iota Ihirdlour win the club Boston Group Nears PurChase 0mm were shorulnp Dick cm SLLoui Cardi nals shanslap Julio Gulay catcher Ron Brain and pitcher Pal Danncily oi Pittsburgh Pi rates pitcher Jim Brewer at Chicago Cubs and pitchers Dom Zanni Andy Rublinlla andlim Mini and micher Camila Car men Chicago White Saxi led Wimer who own 30 per cent the Titans will retain 29 per cent The Banon group will own 51 per gent The remain ng per cent owned equally by Dr Fred 31min of Midwood NJ and Dan OShaughncssy Midland Ten wfll nut be sold under present plans Wilmer snld BOSTON rm Azgnaup headed by Boshm steel Indus fialist Ted Barron In step closer Inward completing the purchase at New York Titans of 019 American Football League The purdlmkprice accord ing to Harry Wusmer whowlll relinquish the controlling inter ul has been so at $1700000 or 51 per cent oflhe club nllgoes well Vismer said well have closing within week 10 days Evewlhlng ls zolng on In the rialde of terms Were Just trying In iganrmpl few details All Mm In My Ad cuan Wu lolwdoy lumpy mu mi mu cuvalh SIDE BACON COTTAGE ROLLS m59t Bum hm III 0M LowL0W MP 252 mus FANCY WHOLE TURKEYS Will TRIMMED SlRlOlN STEAK RUMP ROASY GRADE OVEN READY YOUNG BROILERS BONELESS AP WHOLE BEETS 7144499 STEAK or ROASI CHOW QUALITY CASE OF TINS $139 SAVE 51 log Prim In HUI BLUE BREEZE PEANUT BUTTER YORK HOMOGENIZED WITH IKE TEA TOWEL Canadas Fines Government Graded Meals RED BRAND BEEF PORK LOIN ROAST me 14 tin 99c CALIFORNIA TAGTV CHIEF LARGE CLUITERI N0 GRADE 79 GRAPES nautinn noun Mu 01 hm SAVE 24 fig OF 24 TINS $339 SAVE 81 RED EMPEROR CENT CU on ILICID KERNEI CORN 111E BARE EXMHNER WEDNESDAY JAN 23 M63 By fmz ASSOCIATED mass Hodge was outstanding Sun day nith as the Acts blanked lhe Springfield Indian 40 Tuesday night he turned in an other exciting game athe Aces shut out the Indians 14 far the second slraigh ilme and lied vaidencc Red or the lead In Ihc Eastern Division of the American Hockey League Hockey Inns in Qucbec art enlhusiasll about goalle char Madge and with reason Hodge Iumcd aside Spring icld shots to Ihe delight Quebec crowd at 5531 in chalk ing up his third Ihulqul Ihe season Ballimnre Cllfipeu Ended sixgame winlcss slrcak by de eating Rochester Americans 32 in the only other game Scheduled Jacquu Caron SpringlieJd gnalie made 30 saves but yielded the 0qu goal of due game In Michel Harvey with just one minute 39 seconds Ml prlg Quebec Ace Fans LOve That Hodge Baltimores Dave Crnlghton and Bedroom New Ranch Bungalows from 890000 to 950000 on lhacre tread lots near schools from $50000 down No salary require ments Served by Natural Gas 89 max Allu fun In flolldayl PA uni 59¢ YOUR CHANCE OF llFETIME CARSON REAL ESTATE TURNIPS RHUBARB Romch I525 ONIONS mumu 39 Onurlu Grown WIIhd Ind Wllld omrlu Grown NM noun nu llnwbury vulny Fluid FugI 70nd Iwul WHMI Ind Trimnud4 Na and ELERY HEARTS M19 0mm IIIml Vlllow Cooking Enlth Md Pullllud Nu 5nd JEllY or EMON ROLL mm BLUEBERRY PIE fwvhmhwnAVIM lvhl nail IAVI Nu law 74 7h Do pound lung mPEAS IAN BK JANK PARKE 299 slapped home he goal against Rochester mat ended Ihc Clip pers winless streak It came at 1514 at he final period and broke lie crcacd only 37 seconds earlier mi goal by Rochester Gene Uhriaco NEWMAN George Ford scared gval In the second period lo and string ol eight consccullva seamless periods by the Clip pars Aldo Guidolin was he olher Ballimore marksman and Lnu Angolll scored Rochesterl first goal MamboIm ROG Fries hr floGAV mu TIM HUNTING ggquwmm Imbe We buy my all make mm See Us For Snowshoes Ice Fishing Supplies Barrie Gov Surplus 25 Dual SI Phnne PA 80622 No Gad 49

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