Opposes Bill Davld liriman $61 In nw Alumnaru NunM Inlnnnanrm fwnlw n1 pmd lb NII pl public Map In nmdm nprr min nr wind lwpilal lmkrmnn Mid hwnlay lhc mm Hmru Kmmlu Jr in twin urrdud mum In 1m Muvadlmrfll rnrrl llmpunll nulpallrnl flvparlnunl HUSTON IMVMA MI httm Ilauachuum Idhlatm pmprml urm mum mlnl lulu Inrlu no BOSTON IMUThe Incar old mbmlm Homrmlle buy IM IiHI dodnrl hrlp made nurllcal Hum 71 nglnl My mm nrm had an nznml In making mmriml ymnrm um onrrlnrmt Ilmh Ifl ml an nmlrd January nprrallnll Ila rm ramrllrd mum mm Includinu William Dcmptcy lnbovel nl Svmllonl 0m who rlnlmrd In Mr mlnnl Cuban In nnll Castro xumflln lacflu haw been rrlmmllmm nirrnlmun urinlulinn In Mum The ma um mud Den and no used of prrpmlnz nn lnvnxirm lsalnn Culm The lead of flu limp Iald Iw planned In to back In No Name Kry nnd uh mm lhr lralnm program Arm Healing Mr nwhn said the minor 5mm request was tor the tax ï¬les of lame member at Pnrhamcnt and other againu whom 1h lax officers had tam curtain Lu Icï¬an WAWA CPIFinance Min km Nawlan laid Tuesday fle look deï¬nite Itand agalml opening certain pemml iuwma lax ï¬les uhcn munch to do by AuditorGeneral Maxwell Henderson em vuwu mum mm and Smelter Wnrken ï¬rming Iar reversal of federal ï¬nding that the organization is Can munlslinï¬llraled and therefore inellgible rcprmnl emplny res undtr the Nauonal Labor Relations Act The unlans research diredor Arthur Stuart testiï¬ed he aru Ihe mbvmlve activlllel control board Tuesday that In nu knawledge mm II no single Commie from up to bolvm in the union organiza 13 Released WASHINGTON AWTM In lergajlonï¬l Ufloq Mine Mill Canadian Pnslal Employees AI Iodatlon plan take no action In carry out the worklam pringiple hit time Thiswnx made clear 11msz by Les Hood pmldcnl the xommng modaflnn alter the ballots were counted in nalianAwide vole on adoptian al Ilowdawn OTTAWA CHIn mile of an overwhelming vote In favor of work slnwduwn unwed de mands In flank of Montreal Tuesday we an appeal against conviction on charge wrongmlly dimin sing an cmylayce or union ac vflv The Judge said the prosecu lian failed to prove beyond rea sonï¬ble doubt bank clerk Mar shal Bluck was ï¬red or his mlvfly with 0131 337 of the Bank Employea Assoclalion Refuses Piles Ronald Frederick Hudson yearvold Lethbridze truck driver picked up Monday In downtown restaurant on chatgr nnn15upport at his Iamity was remanded until Jan so an the murder charge HE gid not enter yiea LETHBRIDGE Alla CPL An RCMP dog found he mun body of Bywrald mother our children in mowmm imznlian ditch Tucxday and her huiband wan charged with cagllal mud No SlowDown Ruling Quashed Taints Union Bed CAPSULE Haws Police 7cm crallred Jun 14 vguqoyvsn 1cm WILLIAM DESIPHEY Body Frozen if Charge Husband rm Hum up Inndam ltlngTflz hum vuIrq mudd mu In rme Ivul mml ham nul nnmml me n1 Andilnr GumI Mun llmknml ulwml was WM Cum mam Itvmln Hg nu TORONTO CPLAn Ontario omnmtnl nmdal lpphudl Ihe action he pmvlnce newxpapm In rennin In mt an man run be My Salnl John NIL be muse new In job npplI cnnll mm Hrlllsh mb Tmn Fiber Onlnria Ilumnrl NAM Commly mm Iald nluday um happy Hm Ontario ncwmapm um Imllnz up Um Onlmlu Human Illzhu Coda mar flu wulh Iharc Lake Simcoc papw hr Intliming am Cover Ice Holes BEIJIAVEN DnL CPI th Gwilllmbury anmhip councll has rccommendcd lhal the public be made more aware um Imvlnz Ice fishing holes unv cavch Illegal Council wax luld 5h many hhrfmcn lure mm he M15 uncovered and un markcd creating hazard tar minuand vehiclu TDRONTO CPlA request or plaquu la mark the Mm plan of lhe late John Wale Dafoe will go belare Um nu meeting of lhc Archaeolaglcal and Marie Sim Board on Jan 30 board 0mm laid Tussdax The Madnwaska Valley llama Tourist Amciulon asked that the plaque be placed at Combmneru 25 miles north cl flancmfl whom Mr Dafoe Wu born March 1566 Report Tabled Willlam Cardinal Godfrey 73 Roman Calhalic primate Eng land and Walu died in nation ycllcrday bean mth Papers Praised Dgfqgr Plaque when Mrs Damthy Madam tailed lo mm up far work as an apcralor with Albert Gov ernment TlUphaDESv Only be children were home MAXWELL NDIZIIIHN Cost 011 Govt YORK TOMATOES GREEN PEAS 8m 106 PECAN IAlllS CULVERHOUSE CHOICE HAPPY VALE STANDAKD CREAM CORN SOUYHERN CHOCOLATE CHIPITS 325 PURITAN SPECIAL BEEF STEW it 100 CHOICE QUALIH VAN KIRK nnAsn nxmuxu CHEESE 539 Fag MEAT SPECIALS SQUASH 5UPPKRTDIE MCMIONI AND DOMINO FANCY CflDOKNECK BEANS SMELTS PIES DOMINO FANCY rnzncn CUT GREEN BEEF CIHCKEN TURKEY EITETS UN olflclab say It will hka years to tlralghten nut he Chas Mic IiLuann in the anner Belgian territory The central gavemmenllaccs many prob ï¬rm It cannot handle without pl umrzn muons AP The wflam of he mam military force has ended The PM biflmtï¬si but in Congbpmplem STEAKS 19 BONELESS HAMS 89 Congo Problem Will Take Yeats Till Political Situation Safe ROASTS 69 PRESSWOODS READY TO EAT FORTERHOUSE SIRLOIN ROUND WING NEW ZEALAND FINEST FROZEN BEEF SALE PORTERHOUSE SIRLOIN RUMP ROUND nq Fnean mlmf w111 aman Sup are being him in Ihlll he lempham to chlan aid at maulvo Iongnnn pmject but gimplg UN large will be malnlalned lo guard against new flaw Violence Me Is no thought UN headquar en nf wllhdrawing UN arm completely 0m ol he talks wimd In the UN originally Wu In help the ctnlral government main tain Law and order The III pm Arguin INSTANT COFFEE 19 RICH AND SMOOTH RICHMELLO SPECIAL PEANUT Bumn 33 Wy 49¢ éAVE 20c TIDE DETERGENT 99 PLAIN on SALED DAVIDS arsupn SODA BiSGUITS $31297c FULL OF FLAVflllI nnumn SPECIAL Ham Milne mph any 7kin of Imuble Inï¬ll11 civil mt COULD CAUSE CONFLILT Trouble could come from two mum Most likely In an out break tribal warlue tradl uonal In The Congo The Mher pomhllll Ihal the mm mun among Congo pomlcal clng could lead military 11mth It not Expected but the poullcal Ituallan too my wish lo rule It out Premier Cyrllle Adoula he cumin and the naflonal army has to demonstrate haw loyal SQ would FULL OF FLAVOUR DOMIND rm SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL FEATURE SPECIAL SPECIAL PECML SPECIAL SOUP MIKESW2 sssss 2E5 DETERGENT VANILLA ORANGECHOCOLATE CHEESE LIMMITS SOLO REGULAR MARGARINE 33 4g TgMATO VEGETABLE CHICKEN NOODLE LIPTONS DIET BISCUIT 73 MIR LIQUID be to the government MIL in mm my ram the UN In not planning In Ilquldm Iu Congo area until lhu Iiiuamm is much more able There will be lhlrp mimics however and this will am much the ï¬nan cial mature the UN ha ell or yearn US Ambauador Adlai Slev enxan and UN Undmweiary Ralph Bunche Sn ancx charm lhe nther day con cluded that the major an Im anlo oh nu wax liiichc also an Amerltaiz went on to my lat rcducllnn RED RHUBARB McINTOSH APPLES POTATOES 33119 RIPE TOMATOES VINE RIPENED ONYARIO NO HOIHOUSE ONTARIO NO FANCY ONTARIO NO SNOW WHITE OUR GUARANIEB All mudumflu sold your Dominion Sm l1 uncondh molly gvmnmd In glvo you 1007 SAYISPACYION PRODUCE SPECIALS the UN milltary on would open ha sale or what were really in 11 Conan up what we really hoped Lo do4 and the Is he must mamve uchnlcal guiqanu elfart In human hi One the man urgent prob Inns the rutmflon roads bridge and rallmads damaged or duheyed during be ï¬ghting other project include Dona lerm anilmnu In public adv mlnlslrallonk educallmy healul signature engineer ARM EXAMINER mm JAN 1383 16 OZ PKG The tapllulauon 19mm 33c GIANT PKG until funky 21 WM DOMINION STORES LIMITED OT BKT Vlluu Ellullu In DARRII 224 OZ CONTAINERS mm to 1m to wing ï¬e central gavemmeptx ï¬nancial 9515111 llwfll be mun 11131 of the taxes from Kaunas WW and cobalt mine won at production LI restored The UN is pmung for quick agreement between an antral Mam andKa Ignaz unwind on 15m 91 Prcpldyn flying Tlharnbg is ï¬lm an Hwa to 19ml up kp ymval ol mmï¬lutlan which The Carma would have federal government SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL 659c 43° 25c SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL flaw Er