mm mum man In Jam In mn 11w Good Nru bran mu mm The In Good NW 11 um mm In my mum BYCKS loud market 150 Coiliev SI urge While Eggs Farm Fmsh From Quarters Roof Hind Quarters Boo Rindlnn Bacon in Frown Pan Com or other Mixod Veganblol Ibl Some record companies It Saul pick what he want for The insï¬tulel collection started in 1956 will 15000 om mm the central music libmry and from private do nom Now about 1000 records 14 mg or music perlmmed or mnduded by he mmpom These 023 valuable an musician mung not milive per Iarmanoe at least the one the composer warmed worked almost alone 13 at ring to organize na tional archive of mi ACCEPTANCE GROWS People are only mm getting around to the idea Illa sound 15 wart keeping Saul said in an interview shudder when lhink of that ha been dzslroyed just bemum nobody thought it mmld be valuable Weve been trying In ventilate the public sense or valuesto get records on par with books Not all he insfllutcx collec Uon is as biurrc as iLs recon anguisiiians at lceLmdic and Annmaian folk music The voices of famous menslates men such as Gxufcbilh Khmsh diev decauue and mum make up about annith Ma MKS Budget Plun government rmtu gamed him £l0000 far his 1963 npem ion and even more or the two following years After long ne golialimu he has obtained per mission In mcord nigh may BBC broadcasts Wag were not alimys so brigth For seven years Saul mus5 mm the misc or an army at ants gating dinner to proceed ings in the Ontaria legislature Saul secretary of the lastl tute was in particularly good as be revived the voices of men 1119 British By ALAN WALKER Hme 4cm loud 11iss almost stifled the piano lime Johannes Brahms recorded in ms PahickSaul said pmxfly 11m he pmduced music mm ample the 62mm Communist playwright Berton Brecht singing Mack 11m Knife and the sarcastic lanes n11 George Bernard Shaw Ovaflowing from the British Institute of Bearded Sound are nimgs rangmg m7 nmma 72mm THE wow THE ms Stored Sound Is Valuable 19 E1 Inna urly THIS IS GOOD NEWS lo In nl WWW dock wwk um Some um Mmll Ive rag third when munr too mum trashing dawn TX Wlmin wanzmAY JAN mum Manufaclurc by the induslrlal division shop included automo lch repair and body wark brush products canvas prod chiming concrcle prod upts footwear metal vmdurts wood products and printing UITAWA CPIThe Indus rial division of Canadas fed eral penitcntiarics manura lured 21113674 worth prod ucts in the year ended Iast March 31 and um penitentiariLl are prepared to acctpl new and Iangm orders mm the public service in Canada This nlannalinn was con rillcn reply tabled In the Commans Monday by mama Bell parliamentary mm lie Jusgkv minis we camelalum aerolr ed base men of the little building near the British museum Recordings duul take up much room and Saul Is thankful he hasnt the space problem of book archlvu The roughly 72 00 recordings now in the ins Ime am squeezed Into Kur ime spacg A1117 he Pens Ready To Fill Orders gins cy er recardmg was dmmycd inBerlin during lhe Second World War hut Jew ish refugee had made disc reproduction of It and this 15 what the institute now has Lulu uu uunon fly recordsr Cylinder recordings are rare and Saul my be badly need any jazz The Brahmswhich is the in stilulcs aldestv recordarrived in an unusual manner The uri gins cylinder recording was lb 1m $120 It mlght not have eslhetlc value Marc student of music mlght need that record some dayl Eventually Saul would like to wark on roughly DIE Kama prinv tiple he Brillah museum whlnh acquires tupy at every new publication dance record Evienï¬lhzugll We Lake all the Mom mud and speed and few popular mingx Bu dpnl even like tum dawn Ann moose WE havc 70 select Sam said sadly mm their newest rc The math le rellcg nn donors 10th Names 49c dot 32 lb 55¢ lb in 55 lb PA 35339 The domlmrnl tnmmlllnl he parly In work lhrnuflh demo crnllc nml pramml mrann Ward he changes which all Maple dorm nfrrmryflfl rmnmr mnwra Mn Chapul who nnnounrrd lhc formallon of lhc Republican party In provincial pallnral party in mldDcccmher dis lrlbukd nplrs Ike party mnnIhsln hls auditme We want Qucbcc be me nswclalc Christian and Frcnth nallnn wilh an elmr poarnml tnunlncl of flu world In hnlp mainlaln pram In the wmld and la promntn our mmmtrclal and nllluml Inltnsll lhmuuhnul the world He told lhc Junior Chamber of Commerce We an or In dependence and we want cm gomlc polillcal and ï¬scal In mmsnlvmnas Que CF Marcel Chapul leader of In flcdgllng ncpubllcan vnrly Quebec Iald Tunsday night he party not soparallsl and does not want In build wall around Qucbcc mum 0be oomphI hu mx DOUGLASUHRENCE omimiï¬iï¬rkï¬is man uwmnon mm summun mm mmmwnnsmm mm In In uul about Ihc workings of Scotland anda spacial Calllng crime rcpaner who ha covered Scotland Yard or years old he Iribunal 11 met Bulgarian spy named Nimmo party below Ihc la 19 case and Mmmurlrlcd car on Lonsdale Russian spy pnsing as Canadian was convided In March 196 to gelher wllh lwo admlralty clerks and married tauple at xkealing secrets from lhe admi ralcyt Doesnt Want Quebec Walled Igï¬erfree French Nation He was esulymg the nav enlh pubiic session at the am rial tribunal set up to Invele gale wants surrounding last Octobers conviction or admi rnlly clerk John Vassal fur spy ing for Russia The tribunal 15 named or Ila chairman Lard quclflfc whcniho gladiator rcbcl Spartacus slmck oll lho shackles ol slave and challenge lhc might of lmpcvlnl Roma and 50 became The rcporlcr was Cecil Cal ling freelance wriler or The Su dy Teleg This was lhl world SPARTACUS LONDON lReuterDA Lon don crime reporter told the Radclillc trlbunnl Tuesday about the urlgins ol story he wmte alleging that at least lwo more spies were known to exist In the British admlralty alter the 1961 convictlan ol he Lansdale spy ring symbol freedom for all mankind 107 all tlmul Mm Some Quebec elements threat ened to run ML Gordan out lawn on his own rall afler he told German commuter last all he couldnt Indqualified Freud speaking Canadians an he railway stall for any Ihe27 lap management posts in the CNN But be 515 said that figure ï¬led with Camnmna commit ¢ee show that Frenchrsyeaklng Canadians exceed 13 per cent In the uppermiddle and scalar management ranks at the tall WHY Fina were mJn Mammal Ottawa Sherbrovke and Quebec cityno in Mr Gordons lace ï¬xative but under elligiea or Crime ReporterSaysZ Spies Remained Eyenlflfter CleaneUp Why One matter scheduled or debate In the CNR capital budget and Donald Gordon is president of the line man is supposed to discuss railway taday but Ihe debam will probably highhall into Ca nadl blantumlism Tuesday the Commons spent BdultufdlismProbably Io occupy Commons By um mumm 0mm cm IncHCom STARTS TODAY ynu do not Mch Ihn Mon lellcl Indrpcndnncc you hmo only arm chnlnc Form your own polchnl nnrly and rrcscnl yaur program and your dun In lhc pmplc nl Quchm Ihry have he lam In de cido That In no dcmncmflc my ML In rccopnlzc he existence ol lwo nations In Canada The Slar Mr Churn snld took the mslllan lhnl we mullah wealtan Canadians are here by Ham Min rlnhl do you Wonk he asked The ï¬ght of Hm almnncr The right nl he accuplcr The right he lmmlgmn mmnn colony under the Connduration agrcnmen and lhal lhc province should allow the example of other colonic who shock all ma wk of he nppmsar and take her own dcsllny In hand Mr Chnpu oiled Prlmu Mln lecr Dichnbaktr and lhe Mant rcnl Star as lwa Iyplcnl ex amples AngloCanadian thinking apoul yer The eygencral dench 10 accusation Monday and E35 admmcd Tuesday he had gal the wrung end of the slick and had misinterpreted can versallon with treasury law hrcsday Roy East crime rtpartor for The People masscirculation newspaper apologized or bi statement Monday that Allar ncyflenerai Sir John Habson had aircred in do deal with himthat ll Earl would reveal his sources oi certain informa tion liobsan would not press him In court or ihe names oi Ihc sources Calling testiiicd it was his knowledge oi Nimmo whom he believed in he spy together with remarks made by special brnnch detective at the conclu sion of the hnsdaie case which led Gatling to believe two more spies were still operating in Whitehall branchEntams spycalchers Calllug aald he subsequently saw the Bulgarian in several bar near the ndmirally ofï¬ce In Whitehall Nimmn was talk ing wilh men Calling thought were junlor government em ployegs he said TORONTO CWTire chain man of the Parry Sound board education accused an Ontario leachers group Tuesday oi threatening Iwo young teacher and arcing their resignation in Mr Mman described the pro pused board as absolutely worlhlrxs It would be Incas abla 9f dulng anything to alle nu The hm was given unaniniaul second reading approval In prlnclplehcsday night tha start 01 the subsequent clause byclausc study Paul Manln Lme Ens gave notice that the Liberals will lry to amend the hlll in several ways cannula national emnamlc develapu mentbaard mm AMENDING ti kmnd straight day slnce re canvening Monday talking on the gov amen bill ya eglnbliah school Bbard ParrySdund Has Bean Put On Grey List ll ESSA ROAD lmlwd wot Vonwave coold with uh No menu haw told flu manner no air wound chum tn nanlly Maul that Inutu ubmhld by Wu dhmvuml long Hm one that waler and win donl mix convanllonal rm Ra our ad lom In to ban Mom onth my pmpfvly no mvdu Md leuIImel comrm He mid the three men had resigned but Ihey also had the opportunlly to withdraw lhcir resignallons 01 than own tree will and chase not to da to Winston Davlcs general acc retnryrcasumr he leacheu leduallonffommcnled Tuesday that the mauvr involved dis cipllnary action and has nothing lo do with the school board Elia then the federation has mch the boards latex caller and ncgoualions are dead locked 551pm morons LTD REJECTS 0mm aoma jime vwerc renewed be tween the board and the fed ermion early in December and the federation agreed Io send telegrams to thejhrcc men to scinding It previous Idlers However Mr Green said all lhrce had resigned by Ith and two had found Jobs elsewhere Hm $1117 The board at Pary Sound an Georgian Bay has been put on the iederationa grey list in volving boards education with which the ledemtien has been unable ta conclude contract ne gotiations Mr Green said in telephnne interview irom Parry Sound that three mic pmbatianary ieaeherrwho Icined the Parry Sound school system in Septem ber received letters from the federation demanding they re 1in by Christmas or the fed crntion wauid move to have their teaching ecrtiiieates can celled IMPERIHI contrth dispute with the board The accusation by IL Green chairman of the board was denied by an Olliclal ol the Ontario Publlc School Mon Teachers Federation am Nn Conscrvallve I7 spoke in the debate Mr the govern ment will have our boards natlonal development Allanllc development productivlly and manpowerwith the name pur poses under our dlllcrcnt m1n Isle and without any word nallanmamang thcm 77 rw new In the relocatlan or Industry The board was government attempt lo deceive Canadian that action was being taken In thgcconpmlc laid mee naghplgyment This amazing instrument Will stud Volkswagen of 30 below zero was iihrred by Ihé 17932 930 ENWUNM cmusmucmon mmmvmvmvmmmmu mtmwruuoacmwmuw monommuwmss BURGESSMEREDITH fmimaï¬oï¬cémg mm AW moaswmsou mumum gupcndeq or help Fair 700 ind 910 Earlier Dr David Mac Farlanc profmr economch nl Macdonald Collegu In Ste Anne dc BcIIcvuc Qua pm dickcd Hm Britain will joln the European Common Mum In He wan spanking Tuesday night in the joint conierence oi the Dominion Marine Associa lion representing shippers and the Lake Carrier Association represenling Ursi operators at his centre 60 miles west oi Montreal Mr Johnson said lhcrc are proton deposits oi high grade iron are in caunlrlns and Inn product is being mined com merciaiiy in more ran 40 oi them lie said Russia Africa India and Australia posed par ticular threats to Canadian and US interests SEiGNiORY CLUB Que CPIHuge Jahnxon president ha American imn Ore As dalian has warned Canadian and United Stale Great Lakes shipper to expect more com pclilian irom other iron ore yn ducing comirics Shippers Expecf Iron Ore Boost Silhoucaod against the late nllemoon sun and THURSDAY It boilom of the 00 donnl gel helm VIM dup now You an mayHM wall bvl no dtlvmay II opllouu Mnl aha bone radian bum the mob II In mar with woman Mn Whlvll Then an ovlw mam why Vollm wagon Mar wood wan warm Ilw ravbmlor and oil lo 1mm limit In Momulk dicks pm nth mum TODAY Mum In SKIING INTO THE SETTING SUN TE PAlkwy MS wvwvwU mm from 700000000 Domestic con smnpuon rose only hall as fast resulting In an Increase In loll lumclmiy by 100000900 bush uvvuhu Considering lhc yroxpcclx for grain exports to Europe be 511 production when In Common Market comma has risen sharply during the last decade to 000020000 bumls His next 15 month dcspilc Lhe objection of France plianng mounu HELP KIN KINSMEN Thurs Jun 248 pm 10 GAMES SHARE THE WEALTH GAMES JACKPOT $25000 ODD FELLOWS HALL alder mam 51mm iii00 Clonsolafion Prlxo And ha om mo umminq gim Inidr It In our mr mm MM called panl We dldnl PM Wl fun ma mom II low mull Md and cm mid who am you moving pmblurm no your Vollmgm dual 900 IM but hey to winm dvnrlnv Every Thursday Nighl ll Kinsmen Bingo Night his last run the day was the powdered 5mm of Mort Tremblanb The laurle msm area ShangflLa or sportsmen with Tban chair mm poolsï¬nd luxuri ous accommdatlon CP Virephoto IN 20 NUMBERS REGULAR ROIN09 llMflE THE WEALTH DOOR PRIZE WEDNESDAY Jackpot $190 lEGlON HAIL 7l COLLIER ST HELP KIDDIES lEGION BINGO EVERY