he palnllnll tunad al Wfl ML Ill manna Hammer mm hy pollu Ihn Inlmwlnl lwu nnhrnivy Iludmlu and 1er mnpaniun Imiflmflly at Ilmplmz In mum Dmhl math mint AHMAH MIEH Inunl mum me NWan Guudny In pallcp mum Irwvrl ums Incumlm Hm lrmlrr nl mntummunln lmur Ida who nlulo llu quh mnw valmu In mhl rm Vrnrl lvrlal Flnv Ml Munum 11m mun um nmmnnml Ilml my In mcmlrru uhu tnnllnue In Innan Mr lmmln whliral punyUN llerlran lnfly with IHAI Wk Ill be upcllul numnallrullr My Ilml rl Icmlrlrmem mu llmlrlwan mur anlunzlr prumlmnl Qurlwr prle pump Hun lhr LId llml mm not ulhmnl nlr rmcr In hrzuh unc nl uvml mn Jdl krs lrummfldo nr Hu urn ul Ilm nllclllpl Illwrnlc ulm Krnnrdy My In Ilw inlrrvlrw Mlh 1mm KnII law oi Ihn Kuluhl Nrwpnptn thlllnlml Alnll My mum nnnuunml lhr flpul mm mm Inlvlrr Man 1mm Mm uslmml rm In Inn upamllsl mm wly In Inhlhrtrmhrr Paintings Found DETROIT Ml Thon ncrrr was my plan In Imvc lJS nlr cover or the Day Plan lnmsinn Cuba In Avril 1951 Anarncyflcmml flubcn Krnmdy my In nn lnltrvlcw mpyrlulllrd hy Knlghl Newma rwrn Incurpomlrd and appear In lodny In lhc Hrlrufl Fm Im nml nlhcr Kuluhl nevu paw rday wan proclaimed kind unalliclnl civic holiday In Ilouyn and nrlghbarinz Nor nnda lwln minim communllln mllu east Kirkland 14kt Onl Chaput Expelled HOUYN QuL CP flea Caoutlle and 15 oHIcr Social 0mm membm Pnrllnmlnl lanncd cut for mm of polill cal rallies In In arm Sunday In the wake of Salurdayn chlc crlcbraliom hanorlng lhn dry My party leader Paul Bicmcnu 65 Mon real SaLurday was named com mlzsloncr general of hc 1997 Wmlds Fair in be held in Montreal Mn Bienvcnu Ia president and managing direc tor or number firm 1m announcement was made by Pierre Sevizny associate min lxter Mimi dclcnce al ï¬reman II Manlrcall cily ll No Air Cover Socreds Rally MIIWTHHAL PWLe Hul Runs Fair This wal an International airport Mexico City and they had absolulely no right In imidalc In Cedric Cox MLA or neighboring Bumby said in an Interview VANCOUVER CHA New Democratic Party member Inc Brillsh Columbia legislature said Sunday that Mexlcan nfli 21a kept him and other or hours withlml load and water In ahpart room after lhey ar riqu mm Cuba am intllncd at thin lage think was burning cig arelle Chic Thulin said CAMPBELL RIVER 301 CPDFire Chief Oscar Thulln said Sunday he Inclined to think that ï¬re which dc strayed he 40er Willaw Hole Saturday with the loss three lim could have been linked by somech smoking In beg or by an glam1951 fault BRACEERIDGE Ont Mlsr Michael ULeary 64 cal lspscd and died Sunday while celebrating man at Si Jo sephs Chard here mflcl north at 01 No Food Water Blames Fag CAPSULE NEWS We made manslgno In PAUL BIENVENU Priest Dies Near Orillia mm not rmcr nl Hm nl uvnnl mn vmmmfldo lnr um nllcmm gn lle MM mldml an nub lenleo In ummlmlini whhll Imidl lml wntnrnl Ilr ram Hm MImg wmm an and vlcxmlul ulin 0er hm UNIIM in Emmy Ilmn or Ir Axch nl ullcmlrm mimmlum Irthlmlo ml poor wrllmr my Mlvm Tunmm xhrwlnr and Kim liter lllmmh II nm JIX mljmllrnlorn muml In 0va Friday niclll hrr lrzkmul rm wfllm bl llvr IMmlrmm mum Frtlllnl lln will Mile Indium by With nlumhlzl Invallxln nl Kmulmlm Mmrh 701 mu llmv WI Mth IIIMWMLI Hmvh 7110 Home Cleared CNR spokesman MM mum he Mlldtnl wal ml hnmc dimly dtlmnlntd Four nlhcr crew nmmbm Wm Illnlllly ln jurrd The dead man wnl ldrn lilicd omen llcrvlcux 51 Montreal FM IIJUNG Will Iudgo MONTREAL CIThc Engl nnr CNN mam lmln bound or Manlrcnl 1mm Mfu svnn NY wn klllzd Saturday nlxm when he lummntlw and laur baxmn were dcmilrd In Inburban Cnndinr WEN SOUND WINJud Inmllmuun was mld In be continuing DONN Amnus Schmrll an cdilor of he new magazine Dcr Spiegcl was real Sunday nner II weeks In jail on sus piclon reason l0 other pcoplc arrcslcd in Ihe conmr vernal case only publhhcr Ru doll Auuslcin rcmnln In cusv and no charges have been mph Engineer Killed The Human lag was stamped an and shredded nnd an elligy Soviet Premier Khrushchev was dragged In the street OTTAWA CPLAn anlSo Vicl parade in rent of the Sm vie emhnny Salurday bmugh out about so persons mm Mom mi Toranln and hm llnilcd Slates proposing Io Unilad Nations to rcmavc question Hungary mm General Ammbly Julius Dclrc spokesman for Ihn group said he demonstra lion was to express the Iungarlans disappolnlv MONTREAL CF More than 200 marchers carrying large Hungarian flag and pta cant written In English and demonstrated today outside the United Status Con sulate on downtown McGrcgor Street Editor Freed Hungarians Protest Elected Hrs vlceprcsidcnl Sn the ballotling Ins week at the mmlntians mm meeting here was George Smith Fort Frances Rankin Plclan was elected second Vitepresident Mr Dragged TORONTO CWFrank Bowman at Hudson Ont has been elected president or 1963 oi the Ontario Council of Com merclal Fisheriel About 10009 persons Includ lng large pilgrimage mm dazen countries amended the Iceremony In St Petal1 Basil ca cent Pallolll 19m century Rn inn prlcsl wha founded mis sinn socier credltedwilh shielding Ihoumnds of Jews ram Nazi persecution wax prflv claimed saint nlthe Roman Catholic Church Sunday by Pope John onabae cw miles cm Pclmbarough Msgr Mary was one Iamlly ll Three olhls broth became priem Fisheries Head 1055 and had been 11 prints In Eggebriqu sq yurs Saint Proclaimed flu lhc lhe tho HOME ECONOMICS F000FREEZER Ltd er Doris Noctzel dugjing his visit an East Berlinylelevh mi plan Friday right is Sovict Premier Nikha Khru shchev Is embraced by work IS THIS ONLY FROZEN FOOD PLAN IS YOUR FREEZER MORE EXPENSIVE THAN ONE COULD BUY ELSEWHERE THE Answansro You oussnons ABOUT oun FOODPLAN 671 9711 4805 Muntag Wltmaqm of glow comma Jory1 6JM3M ital So many of our friends and potential cus questions factually and truthfully If you have tomers have come to us with very sensible few questions which are not answered he questions about our food plan It is our plea low feel free to give us call sure to take this opportunity to answer these DO HAVE TO ORDER THE FOOD THAT YOU SUGGEST WE HAVE Tn ntlv Tu AM Arumm rnn WARM WELCOME FOR VISITOR Branch Office Ross 51 Barrie 09 9f Town and Camp Borden Call Collect N0 Ynu nnhr unly llu hxxl In he Conluml with my ulhcr Hnmo Humumks sunpllrs nu Mlh MW lrnzm food Suih us Ion comc buaps Nikolai Padgorny Communist Party leader of the Ukraine Khrushchev was in East Ber lin attending he East Ger man Communisi Puriy Cou grcss AP Vircphola 0d In he vuricly 1an tumulin your choice ulhcr plan lhul oblignlvs yuu to one wcclm superior Ircmr hum cxclnshtly lur nod rlnn Warranty lnr prnlccllwn mini 51 load m1 age pyruvnl vxxl mhIx Umltrwrllrrl lunl ol ynur vmcnt urrmry nmis hosidc lho lwlllpmh our dalry products clc Thn freezing technlque allmh the surgeon 10 place long probe lnlo the skull and tuvthe The pro was gan maximumrbcncli yet not Inter rupt other important control areas only fraction of an inch away The soiullan to he patienla disorder was In pinpoint another are In his brain which kllled would nuance the nervous syn lem signals to slap impulses causing lremurs In the pallcnll thds and lmpeding walldng Dr Muncklon stressed Iha lzchnlque and the apparatus could not be confused with dynnmlc new breakthrough in mournsurgeryr Rather it was another stage in the 5an pm 0053 at perfecting surglcal treatment withoutlosr at safety features The apexanon was watched by Fallows attending the annual scientiï¬c meeting of the 110an College of Physicians and Sun ï¬eons rut Edmonton pnnel ended by Dr George Monck ion the Universin of bertas neurology depnrtmenl discussed lhe lhearelicnl back grgundla In case Dr Speakman pur Ionncd the operation an mid dieaged man sunning Parkin sons disease an ailment which dlslurbs the motor system that controls arm and leg mave menu EDMONTON CPLAn Ed monton surgeon Saturday be came the ï¬rst Canadian doctor to use new Mumsurgical in simment lo combat the eiiecis oi nervous disorder in pa tient by ireezing certain brain cells Medical Tool Freezes Cells In The Brain Own l3 nnl In order ARE YOU PRIMARILY IN THE FREEZER BUSINESS OR THE FOOD BUSINESS DO WE HAVE TO BUY THE SAME AMOUNT OF FOOD EVERY DRDER maddenulnar mm The km peralure the lip of the probe dectrnnicafly envied by tho apparatus In about minus 40 de grees Centlgrade Thisproduces tempoyary stoppage pulses from the men When the urgcan Lhrough ob servntinn and clinical lmpn1so and nation tests ludges max HOW CAN YOU SAVE ME MONEY AND STILL MAKE PROFIT l07 Dunlap Sf Eafl Barrlo Toronto 697 may SI We wlll supply you will menu and you my mouse he nmounl nnd varicly or food you wish FREE Acnssnnou msn We are In he FOOD HllSINlI You will probably Apmnl In Hm ncixhlmrlml cl mmoo in lhe nul 10 yearn on laud This the mall M7 wuuld Ilka In FOR FULL TRAVELVINFORMATION PHONE Ynu my mummy onrc wry 13 mkn We deliver nm la web Thin HIIHI lm drliwry nml nwrhrml rust lmnvu hm 1er run huv In mum urge unlrr lu ynu nrry mm gnu Inmmlng IIrrrynno uvl um um k11an hm 1er you my In qunnllly yuu um munuy you wléli FAST CN TRAINS PA 8452 PA 66525 CALL PA 61562 Return Coach Barrie Toronlo leave Barrie 127 pm Arrive Town pm leave Toronto 430 pm Arriye Barrie 607 pm Comfort Lï¬xï¬ry dud Eme gm If You all Ix 1y For JOHNSON C0 lIMITED CA and CNR Risenanon And Tickm FREE FOOD ANAlYSlS The Experienced Traval Sorvlea If You all And Allow Our FOOD CONSULTANT ï¬k TIIEBARRIE EXMMR MQNDAY JANï¬AILY ma mum beneï¬t has been obtained IheJip is cooled to minus 110 dcgreesCentIgradL and de stroys the brain cells atteclnd The saiety valve the tech nique that when frozen at the warmer temperature the surgeon gets am oppnrtunityto Canadian National Wu Will leI You ycurs on To leo You It gives the surgeon he safeguard knowing what will happen before he has to make hls ï¬nal declslun lncamplelln1 the aneraï¬onJ he said Judge what the ï¬nal mu the operation wfll be said Dr Moncklon PA 525 Snrnln Front St mu