Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jan 1963, p. 8

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In in wiselylaugh battle for lemnd place he emerged as practically everyone choice mm oulxtandlng dclcnccman on rlhe Ice as the Canadians wnnd Tamnln Maple Leaf Gamer Captures Skating Title gay CANADIAN PRESS Gnrncr lmiling Gnlll John flailey nllrr lhe compulsory lig um rallied in the Ikaung Ia win by 19375 poinl lo Haileyl 19117 lhillip Boskill nl 5L Catharine Wnl lhlrd llannld an Cult my lurtd he mrnl Juwnnn ml by hmllhy nmrukn over hl only mmpelllnn Ricky imhl BL Cnllulrlnu Shmrr Ind 547 polnll In 529 or Gruhl In llyurra Aml Um Mldrnld II in In nknliug Mal um II lhl 7th lrcnld hnhlrr nvrr llvmv ml uIHI rlnrkln bl minum Ifrullll In In In Nymph nml lhllinh Fm yvhr Gnmu gum mellnnlul mhlnumninnla mllrr Mul lmhlu llvr Ntw Zrnlnnl IMHIII lvm Ilurrv Anvl HI IIIHI lit ml mm mth mm mu muru wk ulll Mn hrsz n1 IHnr mm IMmfir at Mer uman mm mmrrrh gain in HMer Farr lur rlpplrd MIMI H7111 lvml Inblc leh lmllula mu mi Nu Ynlk Ml wimpy and lel flunml In Ynmmk ullh lb NflHnm lmvlhnll Irvur Imnplun um 11 lnzluIL GALT CWRoss Garner Woodstock cnpmrcd lho junlor man We here Friday night the wcsmrn Onlnrlo gum aknllnz chnmplnnnhlps llandcd far lhnlr lino day with most of tho mnlor gu lllln make The main llll mu be ton lultd lhln cvnnlmz whm Ihc mrrmlay mmmmlun In no Hm ninr It and Im lar womrn ucnls an nah than well In lhc Enld dance ICIIIDI pnln silver dame val trnnJ dance Junlur paln nnd Iimllnr pm T0110 11 Mum Albert Hu Dhl rd Fax Nrw Zralnml Hark nml llrld llul mm In Hts umMl Krrnt mhldlrdhlnnrn nlnnrrl um lm IIPNHNIII uni HH in Spmhwnhvl nnvl Spnrll rmlrn Awnluflnn rrlrlnillrl dlnnrr IIH Jan 10 The Iflyrnmhl Iururry Irrh nlrln anI AmHaml llnl Mm Irclnhnrvl an lumman ILmm nmnilm lbw lw Imk up Uw mm urn uhrn lmxllmll InJIIIy It him W1 luxury It nun mum halllmllnfi mm mm Mnnlni ml lmlr Ihn Irrvl In Ivy alum Ho was terrific said coach Tue Blake And the v1 echoed hls scnlmcnls Frank Sclkeillbnlrc man nglng director announced new era works ago that he club nson your vc cran Montreal Canndlcns dclcnce corps has been the large of vacal section the crawd the Fomm his season On Thursday night he looked his delradars In Ihc eye and rammed their ken dawn lhclr throats TumJohnson cllnw who Isnt noted or pmnluing his adversarles to lake undue llb enles llvcd up his reputation rather spectacularly lhi weck Old Red Fox Ht Head Table $5 2y Leagues all llme scoring greats have had their cats lmmortallzcd In the Prudcn Habs Johnson Lives Up To His ReputatiOn Thrce of the National Hack Sumn Auelmnc of mean captured the juvcnilc glrln championship wllh man 1ch nknlink pcrlormnncc She in Mixed Ihlrd In the gum behind Jacqulllnu Dawn of Gmrgr lawn and Barbara Fall 5L Culhnrlnu both whom dipped in Ibo lrce gknling Cnml Sol nl Slralhroy mm in Ihn Mum rule In ude on lhl lnnnlh 01 her my kul lug Her laud was 3073 paint ramparcd mm Amminen 9146 JohnnyLou Mitchell ol Blenheim wan lhlrd moving up mm nurlh place Illcr tho llz llfll John Huhbtll In St Thoma mnlnlulmd Ml land In win he novice mcnl compclillnn HI noxltd pulnll David Eul lnn ol Gmlph mm mu uru me lo scram In he final Inhuullnn while Thoma Falls of thminu Itrvnd In flu guru llippld Io lhlrd Inc linnl Carol lrhma ol Gutlph won llIrmvlcu xlvla Ilnxlu mung mm pnlnll in ouldislnm Sum mm or llnmlunn and Jme llnmuwollh ol 11mm llnnlrrl mmnml III law prrlml ml ml mm Na IM Mr he Huh II hlumph our llu Hulk Ilnflaln Hle run nlmw nl hm plan In Hamm Ilivllnrl Fl IN lrM Noddy Mim Im III HIHI MI pawn and bxIIMHIM Imlianl llnmi In INN of It llad uh llwy mm lvnm ho NM or mullma II with Ilalllmnr liwm finchrm Anwlklmi MIIIIIIM Iilllmfll Mull lvl flllllaln gnl bad nu my ullma mtrvla WI In um pnmi TN rm made Hm llulkhn 927 while Gruhl flnlshcd wllh GH SHOWING lrmlrlnnrl fill hand Iml Immune urphlrl In hm rlrnm play Friday nlth 1hr nhnuhI ha lvml mm on Mm Iur Gram llnnlul Mury MIMI llw Ilw Inln Hun wny Ii In In IM with ruhly Mn and QmIm Mn was willing lo lradc Johnson because the Montreal ans were giving me ddcnccman the rasp berry unmcrcirully Johnson had given the club many good years He was per haps prune lo chlppy penalties Umcs and was considered by some no behave 0911sth In an nucmpl even lhe more after an opponent might make him lmk had on particular play But he was umnd to none around he lcague in galllng the puck out at his on end and In the 195MB season aflcr year in the brilliant lhndow Doug Harvey he won lhe Norrin Tro phy as lhc NIIL lop dclencc man when lnurics sidelined Harvey for nlno games Sclke claimed he booing by tho Ian was having mm mm on Johnsona already lagging play and change locale would du him good He callmalcd Tom had at least three good yuan lull liaI Insurance Company of Americas Grcaltst Moments Inlcanadian Spons calla lion this picture taken at the Monkcal Fomm are Dem Ranieri Misses Out On Trophies ol Gutlph won Ilnxlu mun In ouldislnm llnmlllnn and Print In lhl aim the Hrds any lldlumy bnnorrd lnr ulnhlllhlnl Ih luxuo man In mm vhyvr no Ell Mam Vnr unin In mm mm man my Mhrr unalir m4 ulna TomMM Imunmu nm lmvldum plum In Knu nail mill Olson Humd In In ml lhc nun pawl lengnId raw hnm lwhmd Illnl In Ii llnlmmu TM mnllml 5mm val lamina Jahn Tiauni pl Illa 00w Mnlnzhrld firm this oh Im nlngham Nd Mall and find Im Hand hr flammm thn Chicago Black Hawk were acting as doomwt or III ml ul lhe league he let hem have Ab McDonald Icfl Winger who has yilcd up Is goals and 21 assists far this mum He also yielded couple of mher good chancu Salk no doubt keenly aware that he league is anly as strong as its weakest link and building up the Hawks was or he xcncml bellrrmcnl ol lhe league McDonald whom Sclke mid was also lakan ridan mm the fans was it bean mmllon nut producing for the Habx DEN BETTING BALTIMORE MW Canal Raunhloom owner of am more Com dtnkd Friday lhat had on NI National Fool hall Lulu lmm Ham blooml denial mu mnlalncd In mu uMuMnL luucd Comman Ilne llouflo hm In Aflldavil xltnyinu lath nnd rvrry one Um Him deI are lnmlly Ilnfmlmlfd the mmmlnirmun IIIWUH Ilml Ifll yam Hmmblmm Id vourrylay nal lnr llmlrllncu In llu mlJ unlufl Irwinmt mud him hm mm In he urnnd Imkm out ul vhlmy nut ol rum or Mluuuh km nmun 14 In noonI1 mum and Ed hum Bun Math John Mu MHIM SM Did Mmlylfl Ibo MM Vir Elxilk and lint Marlimald leoud Ivr IN Iowa Johnson ls gning on 35 and here an lame Why would prob ably dispute Selkes wnlcnllon aboul lww many good years he has lell The little Montreal ex ccullvl also not parllcularly noted as man glven la banev ulcnce in hockey dealing LET MCDONALD no FOOD FILLED BOXING BOUT ROME MPYA lightNavy wcmn bame haul hamon F1911ch Mack Hrmklyn KY7 and Renato mm of 10 Paula Bran was hall riday night hm angry lam hurled oranges pcanuls and Aoltdnnk boula imo he KIM The lehlcn had danccd and marred at almost six rounds hair uhcdulcd unwound malch 11w crowd of mm pacllnl Hnmcl Spam Palme had bun boolng Md yellmg lar more ndion llxrnukhoul Helme Marlo Sciarrl Ilopprd the linhl him no lie Llswn hhfll dchrfi hurmi Ihe ring and an orange ntmck Home on this hack Ir lho hrad Ipallmng both lghlcrl and he rrlcrcc i2 Boom Boom Geoflnon Maurice Rocket Richard of the Canadians and Bobby Hull Chicago The picture on Ih right the thrilling acne began its inma gnlionwhich it nld was one 01 mic ll mzularly conducts AMI month afltr ownermad Gmrnc Ham Chicnzo Bear asktd Inr check into rumor 013 bettinguandaL NEW YORK AWPd R0 zelle Naunnal Fmball mm commissionzr has brokzn his knee In line pro football be big Invaliggllor no yel haveylhe lull 3817ME alternating gamplete Se ral players have been quczlinncd and one lnok drlcdor est Ala Kanax Detroit Lions admmed II had bet an Kama but imislrd he meant he be durum or cizm with Mandi Canal Rmmhloom mm of Bani more Colts dmicd he had bet on his learn Gmllcndcr Jerry Guam lumtd back lhlrdpfllbd Im 1mm lhe partrlul Hum Ottawa Canadiml Friday mm in Java Sodbury Walul um ddmlcd rerun In the Hull Anna lhil uawn But 31 He gave In any dllnl the point they needed to man out at Impm dud lnck mlh Hmptm anltnau in he 7mm Profeuiorul II Is he Wnlvu and Ill lhlv union an HullOflan In and lhry Plan balm he 14 Iwke In lhdr own bathhi yum mm her 9L1 emu pain but of KIWIm Chrcurl MI been row fldrrrrl pimped My all rlyrarnlj Johnny nourl pmro In Tarmla M1910 In ml In Iho NHnnll arm Iurm Imwd ll mm In nu man adorntan Friday mm tar he Investigating il continuing he he has Im earlhcd no wrongdoing of criminal nature and he will my nouns he findinzl as loan pouible Hazel whiff 11 d5 flur rvai la wrap it uv with one annaunccmenl he said briefing lesion or newspaper mm tho had aim far report progms an the ingsllgntian Hm If Lam unndlnu again nuns uéuinzfir any kind bamd byA NFL um nméne ehfiiuiud be not tgvrg gvmyIbing firming mm or by Menu um diulnlum at mu by giving trul Infarmum In dub nnd duh withmfl hmint all the am we would only be Th Canadiml not lud In hm mind but MM umrd Men in IN vrood pr Had to like Ind Juli MIMI hm admiflrd name In people hey firm may nnl be mmpldtly delir nhll chnmmn menu in H1 1961 galley gun Commissioner Rozelle Breaks Silence In Big Investigation Ieny Cheevers Stats For Wolves mnrlmals when any in lime in NHL history two play with seasonal pals of so 2731 faced each other By THE CANADIAN PRESS lrfllVG Infill mm in um IIINO IKIVIC WHEEL IIIGWENT RICHARDSON SEE US PHILPOIT By JACK sumac Candid Press Gm The mandible banal Na ona Canning Mimic ion and Ike Amauur All We Unicn of the United sun has had mm effect on the door rack and mm meet Toronto mi Friday But 37 an auflsamy it isnt enough wgutjn pm kin of Torma national chairman of the MU track and field normtime in Canada kw American wllezzs would lmw lav or talent havent bun able to make nu men because Mth NCAA MU fix but the loss hasnt been tiguifimm We have athlete from couple of mum in the NCAA Alum Stale and the Univzrc lily of Oregon40 isnt on bad And wer optimistic arm mung me nr two other NCAA mime la send amides Trigg who AM diudmr of he Toronto meet addmi we 01 mm of the headliner in allmf The MU Canada has 39 unwed lhe Tamxo 9m mama by me Tomb 12w mm 29 near Gardens and Iheye in nothing m1 doing an Mimic he pcoyle lnvalved rm we would be my pairing lee investigating and kapardizlng cooperation nl the lnAividuzls lnvnlved WOULD TAKE ACHO Ike lads justify dijdpli nary action at me mnclulirm of our inmligalian wch action will be Ialm and an amm mm will be made Rozelle alto mflrmzd that he is lockan ovtr mm mm dammed mat shed some light on he Emblem betting charm which hare never been publirly flirted WW1 lawn tub miued the documenu to vmud um Baltimore and hurrah TONGA0 CPI1mm 11h inx In mm mm Omario water will open Hard Ihn manllu ahead mher union of Ihe movinct the dcpartmzn 01 land and Iamu lays The urly mwm Iiu appr later In In munlic ol Carlztrm Dundnt Ymnlrml Glmpm Gmwillt Ruling Lanark bruit Arm7x Aanz an Pram Elmira Rust Ind Slormvxzc Mm Ind nan nkthdIm Melvyn he HIH m4 Kmh CHr7 Ind Norm llaudm mind by llulLOHavl mint Speckled hrmn and Burma rout in round hy he arch 3min Rim in he prmintc the En fill tllarl llny ll We hurt Um trout in name walm are Mam mm dun In lhe summer month but cull bile in the rim Dr the pub ended nunmm bed ballll TEMI 1111911qu flak rim and nvmémv aim or uh and IMW laid Fri11x Trout Fishing Opens In March Amateur Sports pr Fight Affects IndoOr Meet aim lulu WRIT ROSE OVEN Mn l0 pm Duty It In Tum Cu Iv Mungd On All Raul Omislons Automatic hammiuiom our Speclahy JERRY EM Bierfin 15 znma¢wu 33 dd man we an 244 In amuw Mm wwmmm mm WWW xcmifiafnmusufi and field Mention the Tmmgmuek Im the uni is Ema Edd liyeardd Uniwrrlly Spdnzficid Baldwin Buffalo Garland lift Indi Buflah Pmrixna Springfield Baltimore Pitubnrzh Water 7d 59 andexm 101qu mm at PM Mala al Spriufidd Hakim at Buflah Unthnd Prwidzcte Sprinzficld Quebec Hm We Dam Pnlmiwul LT AP 0112 II 41111751 Kinva 21H SISI ms Shdhlfl 17 INF12 5L Wilr In lullI22 ll121 Cam Kinubm Axis Scdbvry Mailman 33 C121in Gall 15 xIfihdlf 1mm lame VEfl wt Mum 7th ll 5m 9m Penmam ma an 11mm ma 111mm llamltm UIZ 71mm SL Calhnm 71011011 Gut 011 5101191 rldzyn Int 5L Cathunm own llzmilim Sup F551 Ptlubomutl Gutfph Gutml It Hanna Prinhomxdl It Nimitzn Nuun 731 54 Canada MORE 02mm Windwr 621 Al amber HummerWain Wmdwr CLVADMN PEN Ambler hlhelfl We bard mind till 10 sum 60 WIN and WM Will Neda Dilkiol My Cam angr my 011A Saint 01M Juhi HOCKEY RECORD THE WELLINGTON HOTEL L1 AP menu 17 912412745 1115 1121155 15 11351343 1w 4mm Pl 131 51511451 1525 Elfililfi 1523 211113332 112 511115511 THE OPENING OF THE ANCHOR ROOM WLTYAP 1011651520 21 lmllflfl 0153133 17 Drama ll Zillfllfi OINZM NOW FUllY llCENSED 0N IHE MAIN FLOOR min In xéxunaza mhumma Dlheruzn Inciude Dare Turk 75 pole vault Ibme luautn iudllapulbemxadbiw in be war and 15 Ml dxampba Henry Wadsnnh The mile mm hing luv gather am Dam of Kansas mamm inmu mminy and 1313 9er mid mun Wuhan Man wan 5am havoc in Water Iran Spokane znmvrtr Calgary as We mar218a law 2795 MAI dumb Jmw Sew Ham Osmium Hamill Kmfilc OHAMA 0msz 10mm m3 Wanda Queen Mann Lam mrc 9W mmrd JP252 Ouzrz LdBVClLdSaxLI Mn 1m Ink mt omth THE COVE SATURDAY JAY L1 PW Iiinvasion Ema My fill George Dun21a ormam Twainde maximum handyme IWCW Akime mmmcmym Biflr Smimomafixuandm Norma Cooper Leads Ladies lo fim mama or the Canadian barn2i Mi 1311 VI laid HE graffiti ME 31 3ng mm 1an ET Wa Waco Iquheydgnanbalandlhe magi Gene Letoumeai Declines Comtneg 9mm aftGm mm BEGIN RALLY smauwux Iflenleul HEATING FUELS Phone PA 66531 COOD PA nus at firdney In

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