Gad pormnnl nut ovm yruhlunx od 12 nur ml Him is undu nlnndlnu lhu nml Meal love we all nqulvt He can he as nrnr nnd lnlimne he In cxpr rubln cry or lho humnn hlML ml rclrvnul IR IIAIHI mm me many Inllsflun mm In Mk nhmll iml Um liery nnrr wlll lu unwrrcvl Sumo urn lwymul lhc mil our umlrnlmnllnx Mum mm Inn unnumer hrrmnu axk lhrm Inwer mnmrnl llmn II um lnmIKlI lnr llmu munrm Qulck mnwy rr llr la moluuml mmdluns In nur Inlrllmrnnl yrl unm umll lake Ilmn In rnntlllrr Innuvr uMMIullun Wu nmrrl In Irlunllnnnl lmllnuq will uur prrsuml pmhhwm nllrn wr rrlrrl lilo lmlrl nml pmpvmh nwnmrll lmmum 1n rummnuplmn Wr lnnl Illa mlr pvtmm Ihrl 11m Ill try rrnHIMlnnI or pnhllrly nnnlyml IIul lmw nflrn will lulllrtl numlwu In Hm Willa pmulml anrnirw Inh mluhl drumml rmliml nrliun nnvl mw MIIHIIIII Apml mm rnul lih will muth Yd Iaum mt wr MI nhnhl urk Um slmrlrly In mu 1mm ECONOMIST Mnrg making fruit salad4 Class gum Howam supervise the member are Elainu Wyles EV HELL MA Mlnlllrr Hull Hand And Strand lrulxymlnn Churrhu ACCURACY Ls what count Chanch Accountant the lundamehtall Businesl in bookkeeping explain Dnmkcvnla he discusses Pracflcl with ammo Moore CONTRIBUTED SERMON mm 7m God Is As Personal langgflaqw gm my mu As Our Own Problem mutuallyF Ind lnn NIGHT SCHOOL OFFERS VARIED SELECTION 0E SUBJECTS mcozom the bmiiiiéis He mnl lm IoumL llo mm In cum lllILIHI UH Gad mull with pmnns and understand people The 11th ll lhe nlury mccflnu nml the nncwnl mm In lhll nzw nlnllonlhlp nm Bible 111an than Gnd II and hnl nl wnyn lmn ncllvc In current nvrnu lhnl Ind In Invlnxly cnn crrnnl 11 hr rxpulrnco wnunx Ho Mnl own Inn wllhnul Irmnllnn In hrlp In llm cnmmonnlnca urn mnnn lira Ill llm nccrnlln nl dmlh in II lemi pnlu Jesus rmml ll lxmlunlnnllllm mlr ml maï¬a ml udumrnl nl nur mmhllml nml ulrmln lull nml Hlltnmmlunfll love In it that nlkl Ilvlnz ruin Hi It II rmlflnn VHNHHIY err nmlvrnuu Md rrpl mlr lml Irqmnw lerl Inns IM wlrml mm Um MM JMII Ila mun In an Snvlmln Mhl ha wtun nlly Invnhrd In um mnlvlrml nlul In rnnlmlnn hull and guilt In lifv nu rMHI mnl hy mu mrlrncn mu min Inlrl In Imlr In Illmlng umrlrncn Hlo In MNm human Iin null hmlrnmu llllnE III H04 and In No 11w unlrr mlm ruuhl llmrluve my ul Gm Uun my luller nnrl Illulhrr llumir lhcn in Lord wlll up mum IMI dac nal happen In Apilc oumlvu but 11y Iha rcspom lha Implmflnn Jun Chrhll love make possible AI he psalm wriltr wcnl an to my when Thou uldrsl Ink to my lam my Matt said min 1111 my lace Innl will mk Dlltnchnnlmcnl darknm drrrlldlnn Iomllnm and dry pnlr cnnl he mnlwl by qukk qllullnn nnd path ngrd nnnwcr but only lhc 1mm pcnannl IfVll com Ilnulnu lnvnlvcmcnl wllh 30d 54mm our quelllonl wlll nlnln bul can he rlmnnnl ulurn var liml nrw lrlrml In luum SI Jnlm vrm I1 nprnlu nl pmple rlmnlznl by Ifllflflfll Um T0 In many lurlvï¬l Illm Unm l0 lhrm MW Um 0er to lmnno Illr Ian nl UNIV MI and Jackie McNie Tho unlnlmnu ul Hm MIth unnnwrml quullnm we pul la Hm God Ir dunl hm wlll truly nnuweml In our mllllnrllun Ihm m1 Mme In hle God who Inndn Ml wr rnn Mk Hum nitmu We will Mullfllfl III we lllul Furl prmmnl 1m II lb Inwrr numr Hum vnnvr Mn mu mm ML mu NEXT WEEK ONlYl JAN Il76 WEEKS FEB 23 MAURICE HEVAllER JACK BENNY Bath Tuesday and 1hur5day evening the wlnlcr mmhs the door of Barrie Central Cal lnglata Ihmwn om hunk dreds ol Barrie and dinricl re lidenm desirm lo lurflncr her education In one more prac €31 gummy The night school Aiudcnla are oilcrcd nummms courses in In ing Icwing husineu malice cooking unto median cs and Englixh dmimcd primarily far new Canadlmui Smallnah drum on Broad way has him Inimlld But Mr Irhmd mull hill Mm hapdul Compand wllh what other countries are dnlnx on the mge we look lllly declare the director wine has been ï¬lm star malkm autumn lily WILLIAM CLOVER NEW YORK AP Ruben Montgomery eye the theatre with dlecflul cxmpcmllan Mch era In wnncn $1 mil be bewildcrinu Io mm the oneMt play dominant ll ha buoml 11mm annulus lavarilo wlthe new bride and Vbridn It be we ball Ena hostess cooklï¬gï¬clawss where the pupil am Laugh the proper way In In guuu to preparo Tho Min Evum ll eco nomic MAIN In mine lull production mall Mnnl Kamcry Ms campol play wrlghll la mm In pctly them lmlead lnrklinx Ioplcl ol marina drama lmpacl unllnd tnmpnlkn hy pm dunn and lhqmre owmn Monlgomrry lroll L1 Iha rmly my free Du tinge 1mm lho mnomlc lcllm ol lu mallv NO EASY SOLUTION ll mnl be wlvul 01 he lap nl unel hood he mnmln hut meNng mm he dam In hrlng nboul 1m oiflcn rlcc flul my In acmnhnfl II Wularlly THE WORLD OF THE ARTS 11m way miniu nrr nu pul II in ulllmz In my up In HI hat lltkrl Imam hilhul In Ml vllltr Tlhll mumy on In mmo lptdllnlm man Illh plmnr drup lor nn Mica and who rmlmhly rvllnllml lnunl II he HE pllvvpfllrl mme um Iltmunmrry In lrmly tar Inlrnllllnl lhmlrlrnl MHW Grownups Learn Several Subjects At Night School MIMI William Imlmhlr or he an ml Manl znmry now on hi um mu llmmlwny In mm mu nu Ilnzvr nl Knlrnlnlnl llhk dmlml nhhh vmrd In Nnvmh hog Alnnlng prh oucu Zen th hlslpry oflismlhov OneSet Play Dominates Era Alwhahlmhkmih mum to acting all1 hdd his Inlcml lar tom yequ yrodum he From drama paint view TV dmnl 11mm me At all ma momml It doulw In the TV pmpll mm at lime what they are dalnl In any lha mm ï¬eld en tmninnmï¬ Swim Ind PARIS llemPuddml do Gnu bu lmmdtd Fm Ign Mlnlucr Own will In mm on lb Home lrtnly nuthlnz bul lhe lrtaly Ind ht wnnln Irmly In ntaotlaflam on nrltlnh tnlry Into lm Pmnpun Common Namt mum don lo Frtqch myrrnmml gay Th rudln hy ltlephono lo Cauva do Ilurvlllu in linu uII Friday lullaqu lnu nflrmoon Anmunctmcnl by wm Grrmnn dclexnllon maker lnnn lhal he szlallum or fluid M1 lnla flu Com um Mum would continue Jam Thu ham lrrnly up tlymnwLMnrhd lorclg nmdmokumn mm lardxn mnmdmu flu lrmuh laytmml fawde Ilnn many IIan mm tho Fm amnmnll point at lrw Ihrn II no annual modifylnx lhc comiillan of hi lrrnly mm The Treaty Whole Treaty Nothing Bu of Qingdao wlflch ud AVHIIUA mun nmw rn mm AIHAMI who run unm nuuum m1 Mum mm Inwauw mm IAV JIM mm IAIANA In nlwmm mm xm Ammu mum HIM mm mun VII maul IN IIAII II lIOHIJ junkl um mllnlll rm Mm umh ram mm It hm MI mm WU WIWAN TIA AN You OIHHWND JOHNSON CD UNIV mm mm nun 1mm In My Mud 1mm MI lHuy lumm nag4 1le from 1mm 7mm Um SPENCER DAVIS WASHINGTON AP The Chlnue havn saying that man wlll cal sing he wlll ea nuylhlnz The Cammunlst Chlncu were lomd to tal xlnzer Friday The ddzznu lo the East Balln Communist conference Wu Shluchuan In jetted and wound dawn when he Med not wry Indirectly lo mack Sovld ankr lOmnhchwl policy vehement la mlflunm demonurallcn now feel Ilawwlcklnz Ile I4 beyond mending humfliatlan Wu rnnfled mm bool calm and laugh by olhcr Cammunlfl delegate lo ppm mubblnz by Khmfy chcv who mad point of not dmylnl up Although the imprrulon mu liven hat Khnuhchtv In his Wednnday nllhl nddrm had taken mlld lha lcmpm m1 lwrnazh flu rm IIUI Plflnl oburven he ran sldmd the Khnullcbzv mud In In lulu md llm DOYCOnfl VENOM LEARNING to nu ammk while min lnstmctor Bar pupils from 12 Shirley cm Inz machine in Edith Cooper ham Miller watches other en Ind Dorothy Reid In mm Khnuhchnv mum on Irlinl la lummlu ll poll Hon Ind lullmv he Mauaw ulnltncn line or make unlly ï¬crmully Kllnxdwhcv madl clear In would ml down mm 010 Chinm Comm nhu nl purl mnum um an mm Ml um Ac mrdlnlly Khrmbchav thou to US Officials Have Feeling Moscow Peking Split Is Final MIXICU mam XMIMV IAV mwmm mm MANY NEW mm lemmlmmzoduwlr tad mmmlucflml ncwmwtlorimlnm Cub will Ari nxéarbi 300 um mllu lha hunt mm In lm Wm Indic mun Aurpmg 11th BIGGEST IN IIMN 0mm Im IM 09 311 mum mm visit an East Berlin lclevlllon Iaggufy whlle Wu held my floor U8 export noted lhnl lhe hullI Communm delcgalu went beyond palm dilame mm wilh he Chine Commu nist million and made It In poulhla tar Wu to mm mm plglcly that posilion camcquLnce nny nought patching he rill has ding peartd And he bl quullon wauld Item la be how Mao Tu lunz will mm In the rebufl his chose rcpfmqlalhe From the point of View Chlncu Communhu one al Ibo unhnppim dcvdmmb Friday wax Ball German party ban Waller Ulbï¬thll crlflcixm cl Pclxlng or lnlllnu lo tumult ha other Cnmmunlxl bloc countrch helm MIMIan India 1111 de tlroyrd Itklngn propaganda ranlrnllan Ihal It was India who Iaunchrd lhe border nllurkl HELD OVER mum mun mm runum mm unmam 33 7531 SWIMMING UNYIL TUESDAY raw EiJl Yamamolo m1 Tayoko Yamamotm Second mw Irma Hum of Hungary and Hlmbd Kaimat nl Eu loma third row Joe Hum many teacher Mn Basie Smith Examiner mm TOP QUALITY Don Koopmuns PA 66314 HEATING OILS CIII WE