ates IS Story 14 lvv1hcv litemployment own malié passiimate love mm Mm arrlï¬wa placed on the obtain wnrk In Fle humlml mhmlnIc 1mm lwm all ymll of 0M uln at erl at Mm Irndlnl he Anmlnl Winm val muw mlnrln ljnkulluul C0119 uviph umm Me Mn nllrml hy nu Coum rncuky in Sam ml nAlflD manager the Beaver Lumber Mars in Hnrrle or flu ms nlne yum lm nlmouncrd Um he all like up he mannxvrhnl pon llon In mu Sic Mum Mr IAIN ll mnrrltrl mu Iml luur children He wnl transferred hm 1mm Purl Dovrr mm the public relation Rowe and William CakL wolJ Iwo of he our alliclal dc cgaccn mm the riding said here Is need or broader base In the party oruanï¬mllm cf means communication between the government and he people Canada it being advo cated hem by member oi the North Simeoe ngrcssive Con lervnlive Association attending the annual national party meet ing here lhin week This Ahopld 0n Ihu day of the alleged ni cnce LcMny xald he so of work at mm and went Im mcdlaloly la downtown pool mam Upon ï¬nding closed he prncccdcd In rcslauran lvhme he found Erma and Ash ury North Simcoes PCs Suggest Bettet Liaison ggtween Govt Public Lellay lachurg along wllll Emu Ashbury ol Mlnnslnz and Norman Brand of Harrie 11m rape l5 alleged to have lnkcn place In Vespru annslllp on Sept 13 Hp wnl llm qucsgioncd by hll own lawyer Crawlnrd Orlllln and was belng qucrllon ed by Crown Attorney Kennedy when the lrlal adjourn ed lt wlll recnnvcne on Mon day 1030 am bolero Mr Justlce Fraser and lhnan Jury OITAWA Special bet Hemld that Erma then went NineteenAycnrold Battle Le Mny of Barr was placed on the wllnexs stand by his own dclcnce counsel yesterday afternoon dur lng his trial and that We other lar alleged ram 10 ye flange mower ON THE DAY or mm BAPE MANAGEMENT CHANGES AML iMEHS THC IT SCHOOI nml Lml xr Hrnlork llrwdmz lnMr and Fan Enginwrml wall mnkrnmv ml Mmkfllul and unyreruu mm In the Evvxvmuinfl Ftlrmp Yrmw mm um um muman skill In an Anrlom not WM nurr Ihn ncnvlr Lmnbrr Man In Hellcvllla ha annmm ml Hm he wlll tumrd Jim Hulnl murmur of lhe ï¬rm He Brunch In mnnlnl Mlh hm childrm nnd will nsMo nl 47 Mtllln SI Mr Turkrr has hem Wllll Hmvu ur right ymn mnnnxml Mom In Coixmrz and 01uwa uimnlner llwlul Mr Ravi and Mn Caldwell were high In lhmr pralsc North Slmcoe MP Haber Smith Lu the éufdancc and dcmslam Inc govcmmml PWAIII Tunmn pa mm mm arms the delegamJcre unan ill havingAcoledcfncc in Mr Howe said that Ihe deleg ate were not instructed on how la vote but were allowed to ex press lhelr own View While than were dillorcnces of win matters as nuclear The who Non1h Simme dele gates are Jack Gamm and Don Allan Our communication with the public 110211 to be stressed iilr Caldwell alaied and we need better method or inform ing Canadians in detail of what he Conservative Government has accomplished ang organiwlion committees laid ay admitted at thla pain that she had no to wnrk In the afternoon and consented lilt to be picked up nut qgnrgcr to one When they awmachcd he wo man accordan to Lenin lest Imony they asked her am wanted ride ham and she replied yes and gut In the back seat bclween LeMny and Aghbqry LeMay ndmllted knowing the woman for three or our year and one time during the Iflal commented She was 100 wuuuueu activitlus the three throughout the maming including when they wen nicked up In car by Wayne McKay who cnrllcnln the trial appear ed Ma Crown witness to the lime hay came In contact wllh lhecnmplainanl Wily an you can out with nflhc unemployment ofï¬ce In obtain work 111p and Ashbury had to arm hospital to have an conï¬nued Ml of Ike wadmm hum 1m In nun 51L hm Garry mm 11m lvll llmrmv Mt Huer Dmmld HHUWIML an 1mm wm Hmridrll um Inn my any maxim lllllha mu mum rm Hhodcsln nm larmur thief Judxe and min chm jusllcc fllomlinnlrln South Allltb Thm Gllnu 57 Mm at 500 round wnn helluva be mu man In 50th Mrlcm snlmmq Roulhrm Modem Slr Hrld lhan I77 lhlrd Mxlle ho to he Mm In South Thy Huronla Historic Site and Tourist Annotation has milled Simcoc hunly that request lnx gram $1000 far It 1961 pmlccï¬ Tnlnl prnposcd budget or Ihc your 15 ch 15000 Acmrdcd the Prime Munster should sandy everyone that he relpcded and has Ihe confid ence of all hascrvaï¬voï¬ Mr mm deéim Tourist Group Seeks Grant Thin Is by far the biggm and mu enlhuliastlc mmling the my has in gngi thergvntlon ghly rcgarded among his colleagues In the Cornan They pointed out that or polls in the riding Mr Smith had mm In 111 on June 15 and this showed solid xupport and good betweenelections orgnnlv anon apparent he He admitted that during the canverlalion that morning it was agreed that We would try to persuadeher without force to have sexuai reiaiinut she didnt willingly we would let her go said Lohléyi then told the story at haw the girl wan yickcd up at her home and that the live started out Highway so inwards her place at empioymenll He admitted that battle oi wine was produced and that McKay LeMay old Ike Jury that Ihey the accused drank one of battles of wine while wailing ur the appointed menlnzl us and make passlanate love Lousy qualed himsell saying 21 sitting in mm of Ike rll home during the manning mod lo ymuade hcrshe said shed like In bin had to go In wark said LeMay while lug questioned by Mr Crawmd The our than Iclt and went in the plaza liquor stare and got three battle wine as co hum lwnu Im llno llml L1H nllnnlmllnfl My humm lav Mrmm would MI llnunml Ivy Immm Wu Mm ml um mlr munmp and mum glu ml nmlmlluml 11w Fnrmrrl llnlun ery Inn on mnnruvrn In hhmnr Cnullly Cmmrll In cl ml UN nnnunl nnnl 11K nnnmlly In In lhe Himml County Fed rrnllun Auklune Lu ytnr mu rmmrll um um lnkmtlm unml 500 TM yrnr Fnrmnl Man II arguing In ll llmuhl be gri lhm lIrIll III mmunl Ernnl In lhn pm Im lm ml mm he mm ï¬lm anlnl Uniuu uwkrlman um mhllrurd mum llm urrk New boy nru welcome to the troop nl any lime ndvlsu Scoulmmcr Taylor NOTES STUFF erl lrlct Council Maelan nl Com munlly mm on Monday Lust tmnrll mman wnl held UN 17 Flrll nalke ml runurnlnx Vlnhr llnvrr llnlly hrld nl Mldhum Feb II and la Dillrlcl Commlulnn er Major 0llmm In Sunnyhrmk Hmpllnl fur Mr Na Mrkl rxprm tn be 1an awn mun Farmers Union Requests Grant mm The Iroop lnnunale in hav Ing dm avrr lhe rnclurl Enr mm meeting place In In nuly group mlnz lhll loca Im II polslhle or II In luvs equipmcms mu rhmu In place mm II 3mm mm 11 In ow nu 51x boy been Invcmd Menu ll Mu Murray Dlnxman KcndaU TM chllan ngyIor nnd nu mun um The new llcm it is nmcm bcrcd concerned one the Scout Troops An unlnrglvenble error any Troop remember who non In Inflammation and doesnt In lhll column plcnsc udvisc By TED HEAUDOIN Enmlnrr 5m Heparin It happened again You to perm has misplaced or lost new Item nmnng the thousand of nanJitcmry paper that Ian call In about Loo Saturday Feb Irom the audio Ida vilion Italian mo Conluumln leI travel on route parallel to byway 4a In Jacksonl Point and Ihen in direct line across Lake Simcoe ta lhe site the orfllia Winter Spam Carnival Those completing Lha course are upectod across the ï¬nish line about pam SCOUTING AROUND xkiing marathon race distance 55 mile 1mm Tor anlo to Orillia across the Ice of Lake 51mm will be one many inlemï¬ng calmcs be outdoor and sports nixave anza being held at Orilfla an Feb and under the any plccs oUhe Chamber Comv merce The skiing marathon to be sponsored by Ike Rotary Club Orillia will get underway about 1400 pm on 51mm Lalcr LeMay said he put on his clothing hunked lhecar horn and Bresso came down la the tar He said that Bram had asked him he had used force be muu he saw that Ihe woman had been crying and he replied um He said hat when Brcssa came back Ashbury Ihen went to he car as did McKay later When it Matted lanln ac Skiing Marathon Is Big Featurer Oi Qrillias Winter Carnival Invest Scouts At Shanty Bay She responded ta my law making said Lemy but add ed that sh whimpered durinz lb act waman LeMay uld hat Mart lime later She became respomiva In my advances Earner in the week the girl testified hallo May forced I115 JBIHDVHI of he cluthlng mgsromn turned me far dawn xiduroad may then proceeded Lu tell the story about he otherthree leaving the car and he flayed In the bid scat wflh the mlr awnMp um ml Mllmlluml me on nlllav umpunl far rxprm la be back le boy have uouu llolnnd Dlnxman David chllam Brian Tm nuance mnmlllro the nxmly II mink1m qnnla mm mm mm T1 m1 llnnntlnl Ilnlrmrnl hr Inmlrrl Union Ihmu Ihnl unly dnllnn mu lrml In rmlpu for Ihn Union In rnunly and HI Mdl nmnhruhi null 010 11an not Kl mcw 11qu Tnlvlr and Bedroom New mm 1100000 lo 950000 on Illam school from $50000 lawn mmfln Served by Natural Gas All mm and alder mull In um Lnkrlnml IIIplan ulm nrb In Irmml In nllrmIInu Mn rnIIy Al Sprhnzwulcr Park In Mldhum am rrquulnl Ia Iman In lIItIr rrglllrnllmu Ivy Jun 25 Han lnr IMI mum 5mpfufl Dllllkl Iuml horn Hm Land Luke mm nny olhrr mmlry llnnlsh unul 11m 1le IIICWI MI xhlrl During he Mum manlhs Hm Icnull Mar kind dun WINTER ROVER RALLY Opornllon netn szn Km un drrwny ll nm Frb And lmu unlll the II run 114 0qu IV special minus he Jnrnnlcan uniform um um brighlly rnlomd Marl lrcqucnlly tartan pal rm nnd he npmwmw Huh ucluhl hnl made In draw and In In arm ho traditional mm hat FINLAND 3M0 umxu JUMHVE clmnï¬lflnz ky Mud nkull cap unarmed with whlln ilrlpfl dislinguhhu Irnul horn Hm Land at L1er lrnm me cadflru or out cqunlarlal rwnlry is also wldciy worn by scouts In other part 01 the African conunan JAMAICA ugsmum Two florm Inn mmw USlA 5110294 scoulx It In ham lo realize Hm hall Ihe mull In he warld wear wedgMype ha do lhe Am erican Scams Cuba or rm cm Duing Salurday and Sunday there will be ï¬shing derby dog fled races dcnwnslrallonx skin diving under kc lizure skating muwshoo races xporla car and harness racing skiing behind propeller driven mow mobilu lcmlpturing snow ahoe race and other bumest lentum Publicity iar the Province 01 Ontario will niliciaily upon the big funfilled weekend during Illa OriIIia Ys Mgns Club variety show in the mom Later he Snaw Queen will be ulcclcd and crowned allowed by allnjghl curling moccasin dancing and other entertain mcnll Honorabh Bryan Cath tart mnum Travel and mm He lhm old the court lhe rest or the groups ncflvitlu un til In time 01 bl arrest all the girl was taken Jo her home Mr Kmnedy was crossï¬ amlning when the trial adlwm led at 545 1111 jï¬xpen witnesses lrom Illa lamey Gmual ofï¬ce doctor who examlncd me glrl on ma occasion allowing lhu alleged offence and police also willed duringlhc day The rial mnlinun uywurn 11 qumed himself as saying Dont large we have to keep MWH straight YOUR CHANCE OF llFEIlME nu mmuu combined were changed ald Myayï¬ ATTITUDE CHANGES Her attitude had changed from one of consent to ver haughty auuude laid Inlay He said too LhattMcKsyl at titude seemed lo have changed HEX attitude and hratï¬lude Ilny In the mmly curdjng in M13 hey all went rack to Ihc car and started In VG 1190000 on Illam lrmlrlnla hear rum $50000 dawn No salary require ml Im Nu 12th 1mm Airier II he aver Ranch Bungalow from Dr Slvwnrt mld we was disllnrl pumihlmy lht lmnrd mm wlll not recommend rc ncwnl of FM Hrrnm nr Issue umm only or nnvymr period with he Llipulnflon hnl FM rmxmmmlng musl hm hm nu that Hmr Al lhu end he year he nlnllun would ham to upon ngnln lo Um bum The wamink was ï¬rmed la number rndin Ilnllans which have mmblnrd AM and FM optration uxinl the lame programs WINA CmDr Andrtw Slcwnrl chalrmnn of tho Board of Broadcast Gavernau said Friday night lhnl he board may no nmmmcnd renewal litmus radio stations Ihnl In In pmvidn Irpnrnlc pm xmmminx far their FM anem Hunt Separate Programs Desired 011 PM York was arresch an Du In Toronto TownshIp In m4 peel lu nnnlhcr incldtnl and line Crown nnid III ndmiflcd lhe man In Barrie Ho pieadnd Milky in ihe charge According in evidence produced by ihn Crnwn Yorke had stolen $70 camel hair coal $750 blanket and wallet containing an oil crcdii card from Ihe car iiamiliun oi Barrie on Nov 21 Michncl Yorke 26 of Midland was sentenced in six monlhs In jail ycslcrday by Magistralc Foslcr upun conviction 01 then charge The contract is we 87 na classified delcnce cantracts or $10000 or more awarded by the Dcparlmcnt during the latter half Dccemben Tatalvnluc or the contracts In $135l750 OTTAWA Special Barrie lirm Noni Dairy has been wardcd $39776 contract for Ike supply or milk by Ike De parlmcnwf Defence Produflon Get Months For Stealing From Véhicle Norris Dairy Gets Contract £3 25 was 313 5235 Barrie FireflDeparImcng was POT BLAZES AT CENTER Mr Brooks told Ncwxnnrkol ml Exprm rrpomr lhnt he prolcrl cnvisnau nn expen dituro some mom lnillal artn la he dcvclnpcd nboul zoo Mm has been ohlmnn an lion In purrhaso mm Um pic um cwnrr Exnnmlnn nmulm BIO1mm mum III mumm antemun Ml In my hum we wow Ila mm may then Olin In rlcd nul In on operation wnh lhu 0mm ncparlmcnk 11mm and anll thh an Krlso Nebula the mlnlslcr Plans me now In Iarmnllon on Wycnr basis denim mcnl For major provincial park In Simeon County our mllru norlh Hmdlwrd luxhway 11 running cast to Cook my on Lake Snmmo Wu Brooks secretarymanager the Holland anlcy Ccnsorvn lian Anllmrily xlnks Ia his nmhillous pmjccl will be Mr rlcd nul In on oncmllnn mm mom or park In Sir mllru norlh Highway 11 Geek Bay The calmly share according to prcliminary estimates would mount to $14000 whllc the Cily 01 name would be responsible or 528 Natlnnal Health granu would make up the mainlng arman for the total budget 01 £950 In arguing ln favor the Major Park Is Planned For County The Inner will be established In the next tum weeks by the munly Finance Commlum and Barrie will mnsldm its share at its next regular cnuncll mm inz Conmï¬uee ol the Sifnmc County Board Health which has reviewed the matter extan sxvely ln lhls county and in York County where clinic has been set up lound that similar clin II In this manly would cost 115 cents per capiln or years up crnllon mm Ihe scheme and provided the counly can pay its share of he aperallan without raising the county mill rate Simcne bum Council has In clch that it wlll give final mnsidcraï¬an the establish mEnt of Mental Health Clinic for the county provided that Bar ric City Council goes along with Await CityView Of Mental Clinic pol at the construction site 3i Canral Collegiate ycsurday Due to 115 Inst arrival at xllvur mllcdlon wlll taken to help defray uponer Coumll presldnm nmrn non uld rhls In delinllnly wnnhwhllc tludy TAKEOUT ORDERS FAST DELWEHY PA 60281 luau ntpv Africa lhc Sahara other lntcrcslinz 5pm In gemml urea Barrie nndblslricl Film Count cill tour prcscnlallon will be duwnslaln he library on chmdayl mc shnwlng slarllng pm will cover film coverage 01 Israel Ike Arab Republic NnrHI n4 IL Film Council Presents Show On ngnesday he cllnh Reeve Anlhany Heck Waxaga Beach commented We nredealing with humans and H113 illness think is of me worse kind The question Is Can we put ll any longer IF YEAREND BILLS HAVE YOU ï¬remen he biaze was qulckIy snuffed out Examincr Photo and flhn 81