Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jan 1963, p. 10

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my mm run ml rnmmu lllruUl mm hum mum will mm In 094mm um um MM I1 mamm lawn at Wm rum mm an lm limlnl mu Imam mm mm mvm Mum 7mm mm rim mum my mum numm NthML mum mum mu um um um rummm um mu nulmi WM Mm uu n21 mhlfvvd mm mm my lmvnl mm mum In luvMm mm m1 1mm In IM In mrull mm run nn rnmmu Illruur ma mu unmu will mm In Mumfllh mm um damn IIIJul mun0 um Him Wlflllllml mm 1104 III IJIIIHUVIIII Ml Ill mm mm mm DI Ya7 1er rub I61 HIIIMIM MIMI knly mun mum nun mm fink flan my 54 Mir Ilwuy NHL mwnul nunm UVUIM zuvnnn mull II1AL llllll MIAMI 1mm mu 1mm 70 lavrd MI MUN pm by nepmmmx mm by TrMu um ION M30 711 IIWI mm Mum Tannin 0m 1mm 1M NI KITJ wnmmmv ununnv mu Vl 11mm mm mm hlll IMIlldl Ih muhuavnl um ma 1m mrvly m1 mu 11 xnnman mamm Im lull unu at ym Thurmy my ma tummy Aryly flux mm znmlm drtnl vrugram Work by poiniment Experience no um mm at we train you Car an um you are Matwile or wbh lo wwlcmtnl your preunl income or are duimu lull lime Hing arm with lmflc omxmunillu for Idvanrtmenk lhm Mind now for confidmllal Intcrvicw by Irilinz Box Bani El nmlnzr Unuwzl appartunily 10 mm on our high commission and bonus plan Pmlie Amzrican com my now commencing open lion in Canada rcquim salts nut to lnlmduu zmous chil INK Nut Wuk noun van mu 1on on No Imammu no mm mu no collodlnr no dellvrry Cu and Inm mw nu cmlyn farm PA um mum mum am In ma ariaw cm In homework an TrlffimA um mm mm cu in all um um um mum on ulablmud lludla am Countlch menu In Ind Imund 1mm mail fleet mmnu It mm or four hour pd dly Raul 7111 pay up to am per hour Wm Sludla HM Comm De C03 Linux AWL Ian 11 l2 TENDERS nunmaAm imam Barrie Are lxpnknu puma tar medial mull Imllrggzztu txrch wrlun nrw 1° 319 mum Emu nigfifig nu no You st Tum wum um mu sunnu uquluii an mom PA Pumps ol he remaining 66mm In whom you require or your tales Ila For assistance with your help wanted ad call CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING PA 82414 Representative MEN mpanded la lhisuml display ad In The Ban12 Bx ma InIoImalhm EARN WITH AVON FULL or PARTTIME IO Ilsuxewhu and mother needed In sales Na experi ence needed In flan We train Call PA 6635 THIS 15 SOUND TESTIMONY 0F FAST RESULqu In Ad MIG unvle mam Pm m1 Mm midlava FULL 0R PARTTIME MEN AND WOMEN II of laluman call an lmlilution or txpanding intan chemical motalien Teniwry mm Town lo Huntsville ulul 131 history Wary age 2137 ambitiolu bid educalion and lale model car 3r Ialary commission expensa car Allowance and medical and lavinubentfib Apply In wrifinz lo MR COWARD MALE FEMALE 7110145 All OUTSTANDING SALES OPPORTUNW FEMAFHELP HELP WANIED LOOK 1198 Pine Grove Road Oakville Ontario or phone Saturday or Sunday Oakvifle VA 74m ammo Sales Meanlfilt In lamhroho In minor hmlxty mum Dm Illath lint lho DUHA Im Igmmi 0v um minor mm mm MM medal mm mum the nlh In mlr irln 0w nuide Invhu flu 000M Ml all myrrm nl Irnm Him and Iwnn Amva mm Hurley mzanimnrm mm In will play lmnnamrm mm now than my lh mm In In val maEMInO all Iml hit HIM la nmIA affirm mum him how flnlvly mm pzIA pmmm cm owlL mm Immdp mull Had Ir anvmhn In MM urnlalkm nm Wam lllMHlmKH Nll Alllhfll lurl In rumynnfy an many mat lhr mmm la mm ml at mm mm Amprlm Unl hat Minn lrnm llw nun mum erlry Aummnn boyn1 um trdrum ol Nblle mm mums rmlmmn nulmuu Tumulo nnum um nu um um no vm man an mummy Imuuuv 7m mummnn snug um mm nu ma mum nor Immxmnn Immun pump tor munqu Limit m1 7m rmeI rm summ mm ammo Hm Smlfluflo nnan mm mm mm Cm um lllqulumln my mm mm mud Roam 701 mm Ihvlllmml nl Public man In lad rm mun nuuclm 1mm my lulu lhlemmm Na yuvm lumen mm mm m4 m1 lnamunrl mm um In mum mum 1min In onMmd 14 mm on lnrml luggum hr Ifllllmnl ol rub Won om Ila urmd r1 um nu mu ondlxlm at am mm com ol um Ms cumnul rum mdl pl nu 1mm 04 Ithln ill be quulltd Mummll um um be mam aneum nmma in wd Mum mm mm am mm mm mm mm vamum 17w mm my mm am no nule mama Azwml LONVNACTDM ruuvmcm tMlK mmAuv MINT ONTmm suuul mm mm nsuuu pmpuly Indurwd on form nu piled by he be n1an In bu aim by nu mam Seanm Room 975 an mm lulla Iommn 0m Amprior Drops Out 01 League CONCESSION ll 4715 910 25 Inclusive CONCESSION 12 Lot to inclusive noun hnlm only Dakd at Stmud his the WI day of January 1961 6R0 Clerk Township Innis lhil dcbenlure issue is In be med by we Icvying weeL1 rate against specific pmpenies being Ihase assessed as resi dcnllaL larm gamma cial in the Strand Communily Arena Area Those properties flick are messed ax vaca lnn resort or summer eniu will be amused with he medal rule menlioned above The allowing is the area which has been designalcd at he Simud Community Ar CFSSIQN The Mi West Quader of Lot 24 P1d at lo St Johns Road COXC13SIOS WI 11 lo Inclusive Part of 17L 15 no St Johns Hand CONCFSSIOX Loll la 24 Indusiv CO BSION9 M59103 COXCESSION 10 12 TENDERS M7700 repay abie over perind twenty yam or the purpose mn nructinz Communfly Centre Arena in lhe Towmip In mm Slroud frhe cost of CORPORATION 01mm roxvnsmp or mmsm NOTICE OF HEARING Take Nalicg the Ontario Municipal Board has appointed be 23 DAY OF JANUARY 1363 at the hwr of nchck in Ihe Iorenoon at the Skoad Gnnmunily all in the Tawny flwp of 1mm at Stmud lo but he appliwlhm by the snow at me Townshp of Innhfll on Wall of the Strand Community Centre Board or the immune of debenlums In II LEGAL NOTICES 141 mi indusive ihé rim MALE HELP v2 111 Mum and In Im humor lol lo 25 mm mm ml lmnmmv Mmh an no mi lalrn lmlny In mmmallrd lry un Inn Nullule varnl lnUlma Jammy mm In hrlrl ml lml Jamlp Mnl 5M In can mn uu VI mr lmluvu Im 1nI he liq hle ml HIM MI lull ivy Ibo Nu Intr uu up ml my mm William Imxflwll Illllnliral Munch In in than lha Mum AanHmal lulpll In pnpmnl ml 34 and no In tum In leirmmr lumq flank mm uldmm In um Dvlveln 11mm my PM tut losxet Na Camp mm Brawnie lmk ll urn slnflrd on llll yrm nlvjmirz In Narrmbcr hr lullnuing TuMnIrI Me mw mum wrre rnrvlhd and or llxrir Gold ILIn Judy Hell mm Hum annr Lynn Fuiuwn Drbhle llflxn mely hm Gnldunilh um um hmknu lam MM on MAC llna Wendy Felixn Sheik1 White In Urnml hvo Hmwn In Judy MIlermln and llyn 1L1 Mnclun It llw P1d lnr uhklnml Chrllmwl mum on Main um Humhnm tlodlnzl made and HM Imwnlrl nml III In Dnlaflo Ilnwflnl nl Orlllll nml If un druland wru mm nunlull vrzrhnl nldrn llamll MM an lmhrlnwy Mm and Erwin 60m wlll In pnvlnl In nur nut column unmm hnped um Tawny Owl NS Dulln lehml III In lw It month In lrhlm llnl uhhu luv Irad ch HM MEI JAHICNIN Mlmlfill KMMNFJ 11 ngulnr mming look plmc Jun ncw mcmhcr Mu Mark larkrr was web comm Election ofliun look place pruidcnl Mn Norah Drawnrigg vieprmldcnl Mn Ham Harrltr tummy MI ELMIla Sandcrl Irmurrr Mn my min mlumlnmml Mn Alice Remity Mn Jury mhlncmkk Grlvurll mmmil Inc Mr Genny Lhapul lingo Wood 101mm hy 111 Inn lunch wer by Mn Mall Um GUIDES Ian with lruilnuls candy an craku hockey game In Ihe puns presented to lhe haspiml or mutational use New deck 01 card haw been purtluud and also subscripl ionl Tomnlo daily pap Library NW1 mm IS book an dislribulcd wukly Io palicnls donfllion al pocku boalu and mnmxinu lrnm lhe llCAP in November was my pntinlnl Tn km up he sup ply afilmks here It him far more mnlrihutions Phone 112 Mn Wilkinmn 1018 5615 MESS AUX rnecting lhc executive at Camp Borden Simian los vital Auxlllary war held Jun In in he name Fitzgerald 11m pmldenl 11 ll llillan chaired Ihc incu ing One the functions car rcd out by the Auxiliary during Christmas csliviliu was he dcmrallon of Ihe hospital with mammal Irirnmingr lights and decoraliam were purchased and two large trees were donalod by ccfhmmfom 7mm Bar dcn Each patient received 1ng pclmnll gift agtlhc1f floors lhmughout 11 good and cold here wmetima 25 below but the children dont mind ii and we dont have to go aut side In so in neighbours as we come on our iron door rlghi inlo Ihe corridor Four families in unit three Amer ican families and us They are very iriendly which helps to make our posting so much nic ler can see Ihe runway far he planes mm the kilchen window and lhc Bay from lhel iron room window We who also go In lhe liule own Churchill which is only four miles rum Ihe ump You dont see maizy people mil an Lhei xirchr bul guess it became of he cold weather if any one would like her addrcss phone 919 she would appreciale hearing irom her friends of hupbozrrdwspaoe mid that HOSPITAL AUXILIARY 11 mm Mému ARRIVED IN GERMANY umw room daugm of Cpl and Mn Edward Buchwald loop arrivednz ely in Germany Dec she joined her mm and brother inlaw Cpl and flu Kadikafl who live nearher She likes her new posting he addrua it my Fort York CAPo IN CHURCHILL HAN This correspondent recelvui long WI letter rum lra Haz Bmaks calmly of More Gaurchill Mam having Mar ed thm In December She mentions the highways were quile bad in spoil but even Ihwgh they arrived few days later than Ihey had hoped lo hey did ml have any 39 cidenl alnng the way They rpm Chrislmax in halal in Neepawa 312m and 1112 dxild ran had Iun but was glad In get an uur way agaIn Ima gine no Christmas tree The PHQI are very nice stream heal fch hedrnoms with Iqls AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY CAMP BORDEN GUTHHIE Th re 13 tables at he euchm on Monday nlghL Win or wzre Mrs Knccshaw Marguerite Ramsay Mrs Knccshaw Adney Howard Film and MIddltbrook ORANGE wont 11 The quill mmmillcc is In Gm MM ll Harvey and Mn olds 17w supply hall for has an mmisls umflm vuth ml lhrsc who uiuh In hrlp mm ll may go uml mm Orr wry irhKAlin prngram on Ham um pmme by Mr him 0an map he nut mumrlu nu Mias rim um dismbulrd and am mem lwn mkrd Io name rank one play rm Buddhiun and Climb Lnme allowed by very inlvrmallu nmmrip mumd Mm Iht Mnmlnfl Calm 11min mmwmnon uwrnl Irmmllllnlinm In Hm Imk DI nhunlion nml rrllnlvililalinn Illiplfl nl Arlirlrs mm Knnn than pifiurrl my nrww mm clipping nll nddnl lnlrr In the Almly Mn Han Thirty ladies mended the maxing the Uniltd Church Women on Wednesday January in the Sunday School room The prrxidcnl Mn WHI lam Wall canducled lhc busian and Innuunml lmdcnhip uorkslwp 17mm Ian Wednesday Jan 234 and bylrriq 11 Collingwnml Hand Head No 1053 held ils annual mchnz Jan in the orange llalll Worship lul Master Bro Fred Bagulcy presiding The lodge will mom dance in hie Commun lly Hall Salurdny night Feb The master declared all mm vacant and PastCounly llasl er 13ml Russell Copeland from Nanion Robinson LOL No wmludcd lhe Median and lmlallatian ol ollicm for mm allows l1slcr Bra Ira lllalson Dm llarry Wilcox chaplain Hm Rabat llamillon nu Srcy Bro Evan Vilmx Fin Sec1 Bro Raymond llurr lrcasurcr Bra llay Dixon Marshal 11ml Dare Malmn lcdurml llro William lllcsidcs llm Glades Wilmx Nmmillccmcnl nro Fred flnguley Bm Cliff While sidcs 1m Break Bro Eldon Campbell llm Lloyd Andrms UNITED CHINE Hrs Bradley and Gordon Mrs Mlliam Sutherland Doris and John Mr and Mm Wil liam Brethel and Glenn visited trim in Oshawa and Boan vllle on Sunday Everyone was sorry In hear of the accident In one our capable school bus drivch when truck driven by Gordon Jack son was hit by train near 1Mymham Mr and Mrs mamas Shep pard and girls Tomnlu Mrs Summers and girls Mrs Car lo and Imise ol Alliston spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs George Sheppnni sent ram Sea Ish newspaper Same aiilhe past cusiame re dpesl and remedies were in itiating especlally Sheenl Heid Broth Crowdier Stav and Singing Hinnlex remedy 91531 herringuna sprain brought forth comments Some antiques were on display among them pair oi hand waven linen pillow cases dated abvui mo Bull call child hood memory 01 my commun ity caused many chuckle Women Instllule member are asked to uncanny listen to Farm Fomm brnadcast Feb at 530 pm The Institute are buying denim drapes or the arena Christmas card from Kie Ping was received and look ed much as our nwn Only few Chinese word on the cover made It dilierenl Refreshments were served by Mn Campbell and Mrs Pilkey Mn MfiJaniiesGE rééfiabfii my viiilaw and Next meeting will be Mrs Ionian Caldwells Roll cal Haw to check the sniffles ngram by Mrs Enian mum Waggs laundry DryICIenners NI LIMIT IAHII mm Ilin nm BOND HEAD Tuvun Ilvludunnlly dmnn nml rmml OI impl IIlru PIIIIIIH TM anllly Will IMIT Mul In many Tvmml Tirv mm and mm ym rm nun mum on mm mm TA um llnsl Social rnup mrl nl he homo Mrs Vilnm Dermnll Thursday Jan 10 Prcaidcnl Mu Ehln Wllcrlcr opened the running all Call was nmwtr cd by 15 mrmlxm pull was quillrd for Ma llclly Wan and all qulll or Mn Genrudn Mllllulm linxu wrre um indium Allrn and Krn whorl rr an lhrlr rrlum hams mm lmxpilnl nllcr nprmllnnl Nmm day lunrh nnd Mlmmon In Mr uncd by he lvonlru and hrr rommlllru at my Warn Edna Campbell and Helm Ln Thursday cvcning 10 he llnrcrul Chnplcr of Ike 0E3 held Another in Ulllr uric of curhru lame and was In nllcndnncc wilh l7 lahlu in play lriu or the tunan went In Indies Mn flay llalncs Mrs Jim lwrwn 4nd Mn Hayes Mm Paul MrCamlL Joe lAnnax and All my llnwnrd SOCIAL GROUP Cookslnwn Presbylznnn me at the home at Mrs Lloyd Hughes Tuesday evening Jun an WM 11 members pmsCflL Miss May Sulhcrland mad Scrip ture SLLukc 115 Cams pondcncc Included cards hanks 1mm lhnsc rcccivlng huxns at Christmas New hymn books and linen clnlh or the communion table are tn be pur chased was agreed In con linuc sending gills lo vangnl Hall Durng the pro gmmc convened by Mrs Im here were reading by Mn Inllan and Mrs Currlc 0125 EUCHHE Sympathy oi the community attended to Mrs Cecil Andms in the death at her father Mr Hiltz at King City WOMENS thmmE Coohstown Womens Institute met in t3 town hall Thursday evening un am There were 19 mm rs present January meeting was on itesolutlmu and the motto was Resolved Lobe tnithful in all our duties to Home and Country Roll call present written rcsnlutlnn for our luture plans kitchen committee at Mrs chg and lilruIauIi was appointed It was decided to hold tashiun show lilarch 28 This it to be spawned by Mrs Pinkncy The secretary then read 21 ml cction Ways to Wreck nu Associatinn Mu ll Coule convener oi Resolutions took charge nt pregmme Mrs Tas sic mad current events Charles Bassingthwaite and John Bur rutt gave instrumental ducts Mrs Walker read part at an article Memories nt Cooks ton written by Tom Kirq resident lhis villngc from mgssuvramm WIX MmFarll Dnnnell and daughter Miss Louie DonnelL Toronto visilcd Sunday with Mrs Jack Donne The annua meeting and din nor Ihe Cookslown Agricult ural Society will be held Jan 22 he Cookswwn Curling Club Mrs 5611 de Howard WMth 111mm Clarence Gwdlellaw of an spent the weekend his parents Mr and Mrs hen Gmdlellaw Sunday visitors with Mr Mn Albert Gilmy were Mr and Mn Ray Dawney family of Allislon Mrs Pinkney and Mrsl Beach attended clothing man ulncturerl wnvenlion at the prn York Howl Taronlu Mr and Mm Jnlul Dudley and daughter Bexdale visit ul Saturdaywith the farmers mother Mm Igadley Another of Waggs Great Dry Cleaning Sales lard closed lhe meeting with nimble worship period Roll call was answered by paying manilaMp fee and delicinus lunch was served by Mrs McKay Mrs WaLson and Mn Taylor Mrs Beach and Richard visited the ganglia mqll1c By DAUREEN ANDERSON Unlll Fabvuary 11¢ nah luv IIM Ink In 1106 7r HUN luv COOKSTOWN 7h u4h In It II In 310 Tor and Mr and CMI AUTOJWHILE and ACCIDENT INSURANCE Could help you mm lhc bill at lhne zmnzmzlu WILBUR WALTON 52 Newton PA 84000 Ell how many Iraflic accidank occur avarynday In On uric Na mall how urdul you In the whet Mrs Willi Canigan lack the chair or the program Mrs Murphy read poem Mrs Bmley gave short account at Ihe Kawick Conlercnce held on Lake Rosscnu which she allenllv all during the past lnlll Miss lrcnc Mclllasler gave piano solo nller whlchMrL Cause conducted contest This was followed by tasty lunch Serv td by the cummillee ln chargcl HOWLING CLUB JANUARY Team Standings Dee Wins 67 Sirivers 59 Cookies 53 Plnbust ers 49 Pin Pushers 45 Lamb Chops 39 High ladies Mary Johnson 25 men Danny Dan vers 242 Iriple nnd average Len Nicholson 553 Paul lllcComb 605 and 211 Jan ll cam standing Dee Wills G7 Slrlvm gookics 005 Pin mgle Barb Dawney 217 Mm Taylor 22 lnplc 1mm Pinkncy 5m Frank DO YOU KNOW large number were in at tendanee or Llie general meet ing at Cookslawn Unlled Church Women nleaday Jan in the Sunday School room Warlhlp period was taken by Madame Glass Davies and Roulslan Mrr nloukman closed llle worship period with vocal solo The Presidentnlrs Coulis welcomed the members Several items of business were discussed Members were re minded workshop on Bible Study to be held Wednesday Jan 23 in Trinity United Church Thornton from 10 am in pm Tickels or cooking school to be held in Allislon in April are in be sold banquet in the church basement Jan 26 is lo be served by UCW Mem bers were asked lo leave used Christmas cards stamps and nylons with Mrs Don illonk man or use in the shellcred Workshop Unit will hold their meeting the home of Mrs Murphy Wednesday Jan 23rd An encouraging treasurers re port was given also several sick calls Were reported No elecllon nl oliicers look place as the 1962 olllcers were instal led for twoyear lerm held at the home Mn 19 Nevins Thnday Jam 24 11 meetgngr will be For lull dclnils 1w call xtolrn nr ynu or member at your mum mlghl In Injured In your own home In some one elxtn car you Inlth gtl luvolvrd In In actldcnl lnr which ynu were and HM or your parkrd cur mm damned by ll hIIrun drlyer or burned or OVER 220 Cookies 00 Pin Pin Pndners 47 61 Sillglg Barb EStill Canfi Beat aturcll Cnopunlan Inlurnnn Auncllllon GAS CURLORAMA Massey Harris sponsored Curl Rama bomplel at kastown Curling Rink Fri day Jan 11 Ihrnugh their Cooksiown dealer Ted Powell First prize winner was Clarence Nable of Bradford wilh three wins and 29 points each re ceived sweater this rink will represent lhls area in MasseyHum playdowns Sec and was Allan Houghlona rink Cookslnwn lhree wins and26 paints Third was Bill Lowes rink Cookslnwn two wins and 27poinls Fauflh was Ernie Svpurrs rlnk Benton two wins and 23 palms Man Dawsons rink Ottawa wan first prize on the early draw at the Mens Opeh Ban spch Ouukstown Curtlngflink Saturday Jan 12 Members were Drr Armltage at Shnwvitle Qua skip Dr Hutchlnsan Ottawa vice Alan Dawson Ottawa second and Drl Lapp Grestcrville lead Second prize was Jahn Lakings rink of Barrie and third prize Landsharough Webb Sal MENS OPEN BONSPIEL 12 THE BARR EXAMINER SATURDAY JAN 13 I96 Highway 17 Ilu Ram Ind Ilele Inn fipnrlal Equlpmrnl lnr sharpmlnx halnl IHI SURE YOU UV OR HAVE YOUR CHAIN HAW REIAIIKHD AT SIMCOE SALES and SERVICE SIMCOE SALES and SERVICE SPECIAL OFFER TO USED CHAIN SAWS FOR SALE Dylvs Mllo and Save Days Pay average Lena Nich Paul McComb 209 CHAIN SAW OWNERS lrltz Slalth la mlnl WITH WARRANTY Grand Vailey Winner of runs ll oclock draw were Harry Michles rink Barrie second Bradys rink ol Suuon and third Murdie Campbells rink Barrie Rinks were cnlered from Ottawa Barrie Grand Valley Nobcllon Alllslon an blcoke Tornnw Granitcs Anz uslornnw Sutton and Cook Boxing Promise In Adverfisément TORONTO CF Confl dence in prlnt was ex pressed Friday by boxer Ronald Sonny Forbes In an advertisement an Ihe rpm pages of lhe anonlo Telegram promlse an Jan lel Manday 830 pm lhafln my llght with Arnie Spark of Mantrcal Ihlrd ranked Canadian welterweight that in our scheduled eight rounder will attempt knock him out In slx rounds The advertisement was headed Prolesslanal box lng prnmxse was nlgned by Forbes Phnnu PA 63577 PA 60249

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