AUTO PIONEER DIES MONTREAL CPI Gmrxn McNamce 7n Canadian nulnmohila nulhnriw whom an locinlinn with malnrinx wcnl hark lo lhc day the hour ltn carriage dlrd Tlumday For more Hum 50 ymu he wnl utnlnryvlmmmr and mann grr I115 man Anlnmnhllo 2th of Canada He rmlgnrd In 1930 ALIIHZS GET Dflnflll HOLLYWOOD ICIV At Irm Hrln UHIirn dhnnrd mth lrlnllnul man Jmnrl Fllnzcmld I1Inrdey human he lrmlnl Inc wnml ulVr mu lnurly Ned Mlu Hrhn 77 lull llld lhnl FchrnhL II MINI llrr luv mmrkrrmr They mnrrlrd Junv In ml AFR DH HULL ROUTIMMIIQN ml llmlruFlwlll Mum VM mun Mnnlinmrry nhl 11mm day he Ihlnh Ilerrnl dr ADO MANUAL PORT HOPE 0m CPlA baby rillm lnslnrctlan mnn ual prepared lnr course held here In 1960 by the Nonhum berland Durham luberculosll Ind llenllh Armlnliun will be rnmlnled or us In 75 coun tries Flarlr Klng dlrcdar nl henllll cducnllon or heVOnlario Tuberculosis and Health Arm cinllan lold 101 childrenInc lhlrd clan In cnmplele Ihe JunoChat lho manual wlll be lrnmlalrd by the lnlcmallonnl Irradnllnn lu Pnrll ACTORS TAKE hTANn TORONTO CplHarm loll vlrlnn nnd mollnn plclurc ptr lorrnm from live tounlriel hnvn taken common slnnd on lpace age cammunlcnllnnl problem but lhclr ilnnd was not nnnaunml press rclcnn lrnm lhrcmlny lnlcrnnllnnfll tonvrnllon hm Inld Hu dele xnlu 1mm Aullrnlln Inc Unllcd Slnlcs lllc Unlled Kill dnm he llrpuhllc of Inland nnd Cnnndn had uunnlmously nxrmi an rccnmmrndnllnnx to be made In lhrlr mprrllvv ur xnnlrnllans on number cl ll luu prospector whn hasnt seen speck gold or years but still live In hope Nina ynung girl who reminds hlm an Eva already posmued wilh bitter knawledgs of we and the simple but pcrcepllve Eh Hma Ornk Min Ray 011 Picmu 51on clearly poetically and phila lophlcally It lack Ihc lorde only Pierre but many people he meet an hi1 Irzvell giva the cry legend ysflcisrpqmeqn nn old WhIIe In the eve Pierre meets mIssianary prlcst who recogntm the genius behind his sketches and palnï¬ngs and ur ranges for him to study art In Part1 But even In that city In the midst at artlm famous work art and Ihousands people Pierre rcmalns aloof and Ind commt only In his thoughts of the trees rivmand mountain at the Canadian north Tnc hunter rapper and painter crosses almost hc whole northern Canadathe Amie toward the mouth of an Mnckenzic River northern Manitoba along the Churchill and 1L tributaries and the Hip gava the exlremc northern reaches of Quebec To the few inhnbitnnln of Canadas far north he becanés legendary iignrelhe man the magic pgncli 1115114er In mus $7950 SIMCOE ol the untamed and desolate Canadian north and his nalvely aboul the Icemlng lile cities the lleld at art and painting technique is almost unbeliev able And his devotion to crude and unsophlsllcaled ex plesslou at nature is so intense and so complete that he sam ï¬m all social relatinnshlps well as his physical health Pierre Cadorai hUWEVfl is not the lyplmlubelliau ymmg artist who ï¬nds himself at odd with the Institutions and Inn ethics of the society in whlch 05 He lsralhcr child By mz CANADIAN mm In Tho lllddcn Mounlnln Ma Clclland and Slewnrt Gabrlclle Roy explorei young mans search or truth and meanlng ln lile through arll ll FINE MAIIIWFR GI Dunln IA lvilil THE BARRY ZXAMINEQ FRIDAY JANUARY 1m WORLD OF THE VHRTS Artit Locks For Meaning WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF MW NFI and hid NUNS SAFE LEOPOMWILLH cult Bclxlan nun reporlcd main or he Lm not In the Inn bled Kmal province olThu Conan nn Inf and In Rood htallh according to mt Am rccciwd nxuuday by he flclxirm emhauy The means was mm mm Iht Iath Kasai rnpilnl nnkwnngn by Ike Mllm nuptrinr cl Hm Shim Ch rily Ghtnl In the Kmal rrulnn lllwaï¬ United State shuuld not vunh countdu around he 3ch COLD CAUSES DAMAGE LOS ANGELES AHA111 tulluml nulhvrfllcl mld 111m day damage mm Camamia mld wave ï¬ning run In flxfl day will he he won time the rank ol 1548 1055 will run hula the million dallm on club mid More belowream temperature we re predicted or today Gaulle abmlulcly right In hi determination um ï¬ance mould nu he fled to the 1pm string of the United Sul lold repaflcfl he Lu ngalnu nnlaln entail the Common Mark lHglat or economical but lures howevcx Imaginalimy Inning ram lormalive On an rip the lrains crew disembarkcd inthc remale mus keg to pick blueberries and Ihcn held the rain ovumighl lo uwycmldcanlhanAndonl mend rip Dr Miller rode be hind boy and his mmhcan while lhe boy vnullully xlnunmed guitar and sang You are my Sunshine or 150 mileswhich LI long way an 1th NAIL One en more on gaging lnles describes lwo rus rating trips on the rustic Nam ern Alberta Railway in the early Skllfully amen Ihe prablcms ï¬sh and wild IIIc management are colorful personalities Iucld descriptions of rivers and lakeshecoal curving warmand lain 1mm the female raglan where much the research ya done Though the book contains casytmundersland lechnlcal dc lails on Ihe work done by Dr Miller and hi colleagues in Ihe outdoor laboratories he details ovgnmphasiud Intn lhls valuma Dr Miller inulligcnlly more lhan In years upenence In marine biology at such place as Algonquin Park Lesser laye Luke and Great Bear Null tr In lnmlIlM Cool Curvinz World Long mnm Canada an Informal sometime droll uric of rec ollection by the Ialz Nahum Righard 1L Miner naturalism but no lhe hemiflv ily at her earlier work The Tianlule and Street Riches Enmpean Painllnp in Cu nadlan Cofleqiou Vulume ll Modern School 011qu Unlunlty Fun by IL Hubbard chm tumor he National Gallcry Cal Ida canlalm 56 color and monochrome plan Inflngl by man 11mm eer Duly Cezanne Pl um and Brncqne Volume publhhq me can IllHtr lilioéll Every Friday Saturday Night DANCING book contains and diagram howevcr are dl EASTMANCOLOR TOTALSCOPE IOOF HAll COLLIER ST readable book ADMISSION 75 PER PERSON fare dull aid ru displuyed dt gr omcrwiu 1m alcw 15m RAVENS IB WILEY wuno mam FRIDAY NIGHI pic ple eelw bad He was vmmcnflnl la rt mnm he mined whim muting on nary In Montreal Le Dnolr that lhuc minimn delegated by 1th mllcazua had drmnndrd his ruimllm for reason health Th hop and cxpcdaflm the med puny In wrap zaling lhal type pcrlidiau wmmml are lhrir mm IN new ten mm Ihlnk that one ream they hum He laid that an lince mad campaign has bccn conducted Io uudmnlne his position whlch ldcnllcal lo th conducfld In 1332 against 51 mm Mac donald MTAWA CWPrim Mini lcr Didtnbakcr nuinlalninz he has afghan bcllzr armed puny magnum any men manila health Ind Imam with IILI cabinet ml lawn mu chum III of the Engflahipzaklng mm Al Ibo other provinces and of New Canadian he Ipilil that existed In lhe majority Una Fame Conlzdmtiau um Miami We cannot lake what we want other people know Ind pound It Into their head will an axe We wneha mm and Iyu what we want when to my demand What Is Important In the Huh what haweqingaz WM Wm m7qu receive lueoeedad in Informing the ntba pmvlncu Ibo WI Whale my Piffllions then it wwld be ea icr to revixe the mzmtm In accordance with the spirit of the Faulgn m7 PM Says Liberals Try To Undennine II this Inquiry commission he said lhmugh the publicity in m7qu receive nueceedad in xmu mm ML usage uni Hut from NJ experience as member of Par lumen at Ottawa and mm hi travels across Canada people have forgotten or dont want to recognize the buis of Confed erann 51w He favored royal cummls xion in bicnlturalism In with lhe provinces and flu federal government would take part And he added reorientation of Coan cralioni i1 abnolulely essenlinl agree with he oppmilion leader Mr Johnson pushing his Idea for an assembly deltgaled representatives at French and English dCanadakessaniRammed nlion ha been an per mit Quebec In grnwï¬ugrdinz to Its own anvirntions Because it In no hem ob served eilher in the letter or In the rpiril lhe pact ol m7 has become outmoded Each of the two parties involved ha Ihe risk to retake its liberty and la negnflnie new cuntrnd It 3111 poulblgfl In rcpy Lens said he doesnt believe such gather lng would accompmh much at Miami The pmblzms inr v0 Mr Johnson opening the lhronc speech dclmtc and or cansmucnl aimnbly to rgme the cypstigmim 71 Auum of Quebecs two main political panics have agned that the Ca nadian Confederation Is in Me became the Ipirit the Falhmo 1367 Villa alabv Iixhcd it has been but Both Liberal Premier Jean Lesage and Daniel Jphmon Union Nallonnlc opposle Ieader agreed In the legislature punu leader agreeti in the leg lawn Thunday lhal Confedmtlan lhe hourol the Ian chance 1867 Spiritl Has Been Lost Say PQ Heads W33 W41 leaders JOHN Yemen Illndmwl Itll MIXE DANCING tangible idea kilnI bum mper in In um mar ales or molded Minds In two or more dishes instead of one large one rub dish plac ing me int unto keeps the bulk attractive wy the home columnists at Madam Inni lute Guelph watch Son of Freedom Doub hobors in Victory Square In dawmwn Vancouver didnt payauenxion ta Keep sign on he gumsaid mid he penalty manicured grass was churned Into dipper mud by cuï¬mu micelles CF Wimplml ulvvua From the mannotmefgqtasï¬c Falcon to the splendour of the lamorous Galaxie your red letter choice is Ford Fifteen Falcons Including two stunning convertibles and eight versatile wagons Nine trim and terriï¬c Fairtanes with great choice of Sedans Hardtop and Wagons Sixteen Ford Galaxies running the gamut in glamourtrom the outstandingly low priced Ford and to the breathtaking Galaxie SODXL And no matter how big your budget Ford quality is your tor the takingquality so fine it makes possible the Service Convenience features you enjoy in every Font car Backed up all the way by the outstanding Ford Warranty for sum miles or24 months Get all the good news from your Ford Dealer this week Hell make your red letter choice the best one you ever made 16 Galaxies Fairlanggllï¬farlqonsngmmmmmm Falcon to the solendaur cf iha Lam 2194 BAY cnv Mordiié LIMITED 56 MUlCASIER 51 MONE PA 85516 M0zfl 21 Ann 301mm mas 23 NUMBERS conwmnou 515m Proud To Humanmrian vaim ODD FELLOWS HALL Slug ODD FELLOWS $19000 BINGO JACKPOT Lammug mflï¬ï¬‚ï¬mflflfmm TODAY and SAT mun TONIGHT 75 15 035 mm mans IHEAIRI sigma will 353 sad um 5111 55251 flag lzyor lag imqmï¬atc dio snub 5m a4 mum mnuvAansowmw MATH AT 12wa Dan at HAS FEATURE bind that all list were do timid aha the man def SPECIAL SATURDAY COLOR 3117595392 mm