My 99th Year No 15 Kalangn Molsa Tshnmbe scheduled ln relum to Kolwcli Saturday In try Io prevent dnsimclion of lhe Indus lrial Installallons there and lo pave the way or puacdu cnlry Unicd Nullum Conga men by Monday The Kulnngnn prcsldcnl who for 30 monlhs has Mocknd plans reunin The Comm promised cooper11c wilh the UN aim nurhcur lnlk wilh UN alli ch11 hen Thursday nighl Congoltse re ruler CyriHo Adnuln snld Tshnmho was gel llng hls last chance In bring his hrcaknwny province back Into the aid We know the mun Admin unld In speech lmnpnldvlllc not lhc ï¬rst limc that Tshnmha has dccluml hhmclf nme lnmnnunco hl nmhlllnm found nu Independent Male UN maps wrm rcpnrlcd nl rcmly muvlnu lnwnnl lhu Tshll Ilmbv lenr nhoul 20 mllu ram IlwrzL really In Hue slunal tn mnw lnh the viml minlng In dnslrlnl mm 15 mllus nnrlh WM hm kn bullfllll lndny MM Gnllxkrlln Ilrnrl II lmw hm Hz wmknm Thu rudcr Ul llrilnlnA PRIME MINISTER Didcn baker autographs parcel at the request Tomnlu man last nighL James Boglcs is stopping over at the same The Idcr Ul llrilnlnA oppo Iillhn Lnlmr pmly rumnlnn xlnImrmlsly III llvc hullrlln snlvl Illunlxh lrmlmrnl with nu Ilrmlchll kltlnry Ind chl IOIIPIIHI ruwnl Tshombe Talks To UN Officials Agrees To Dismantle Explosives 11m mum wan lunrvl 1m lhn IIIVIA ï¬lm lrpnllll llml up pvnrul In Imllrntn anym uhl GAILnkrll mldiun bl In lhu lam fur lulu llln 1m Imllrlin 1min lmulunl Mlmnuq unqunl muz ML rmlsxrn Wnnimml mm mllllrlnl khlnry durlnu Ilwï¬gflnhl inu lrnlmrnl mu lull mm Ilnulmrnwnl lml lid lull nl cumin nnnwlml In mm hm nuw LIan Ilnlu wrnkncu nwl Iw ro nwinn dmvgmmuly Ill thur pally wukmnnn Mix nlnlh dounr hr Nnbmu muan Mleerl llnzullnl luu lnrn rallrll In In Jnln llw Mm nL lrpvlmg Moll Hm ulhrr rlyM dudwll lu lhulr rlwl mul Ivcavl Imm qu nu ml nu quly nil mnIMn llw mrmhnn aruuml In lwnvl Thru aka Mr kltlnry and Mululninnl wnh IHLHIIMIA Halihirll IWII III Ilutpilnl Klugr Jun mflrrinn hum ll Hun rundHIun unwind plan my and lwrlcnnlllisdnnnm UK Labor Leader Dangerously Ill Tshumlm mld he HUM nrdcr ELISABETHVILLE AP LONDON IHNIanlA For Examiner Want Ads Te phone PA 32414 The telephone number in call or the Business or Editorial Dépt is PA 66537 Our Telephonés mod Hugh xhnw his gondarmc In Knlwczl no mist UN troops and disman lle the cxnlnsivcs they had plnnlnd In lhe rellnlng plants at he UnInn Mlnlm Company nInnz he his hydro electric dam and under bridges Thu Unllcd Naflans In ium agreed nrolccl lhc Knlnngan gendarmcs nnd nut treat them as prisoners at wan fellow rushed Ino min slcrl home young 1me in hand and crlcd We want be married and vlczusn make as hrlnl n3 possible Our cml cnlial hen nm in order and lhosu lwn ladies am more would null as wit 55M lhvy would he so klnd The ccxcmony over the min slnr ncccpml llm cc nnd said Ilemomhrr be mine nlmul marrying in haslc Whats your hurry howl where the Conservatives are holding their annual meeting and mqucstcd the nuographnl chance meet ing with Mr Dicfcnbakcr CF Vhepholo 11m bridegroom swcx nut of H10 door with his bridu und nvvr hls shoulder round Vom nvcrpnrkcd HI wllr hum Mm Iprnl Um nlulvl al llvqllhll tl han umlrn Inlrlly um lmml 11w allmml mo lulu Hm lwxvrtnllnsl llwnlw nnv gum plum Hugh sh pnlvl no mm unmlnlghl dmlllvu mp ll IM Imlly lllu man mum llLlInn wllh nul only lbn le dmlnu In erwlnnru III Mm RNIHN In Ir Ilmldml n1 lnlmvuluvy lerlmldmu nml mhm IhHlwallvI ml Ilmr mmkml Mun HM du mmlt balm HERES ONE IIUUII MITN lhll mm mummy BERLIN Reuters Whis Ies boos shouts and foot slmnplng drowned the voice Communist Chinas Wu Usin dluan at the East German Com munist congress here today when he launched violent al tack againn Yugoslav revision sm Soviet Premier Khrushchev who by implication also was In der Chinese nuack was nbscnt from the congress hall during the Chinese onslaught Vu stood lmpnsslvcly at the speakers rostrum throughout the hail of whiï¬lihg booing and shuuLing His minute speech was heavily lacedwilh criudsms oi PORT COLBORNE CF Faur persons died in ho flames nI lhcir burning homo at nearby Morgans Panttodny father or lhreu and young Hues In housn were humcd to death when they went search In for lvm of flu children In the savage blaze Dead nrc Frank Muka 25 his son Frank Jr his daugh ter Chrisllnc nnd 16year uld hnuscgucsl Gary Knpmak sun ML and Mrs William Knninuk also or Morgnnl Point her ed Ir SCcundsluny window onlo lhn mo shed and from them to the ground In nlghl gown and ham letl Mrs Mqu escaped wilh mlrpl chlld qraILMnrk The mummy slucm bulld Inu housed in mm nnd lunch mnm opcrntcd by he Mukns dawn mm and livlng qunrlm unlnlrs Mrn Mukn said 51w wn pwnkoncr mm hgforg am Mr Mukn nnd lhn Kuplnnk ynulh lhcn want In lnnk or lhu nlhcr two children They wrm no thclr hula The search cu nppnrtnlly became lmppcd by lhu amt1 FOUR DIE ESCM WITH BABY lhn house was an Hm She cnpcd with the baby Thcr hodits warn nuan by Hmnm lhn Mad lhn link my uusn ol the Mam hnl not hun dclrrmlllrrl hul it he lIumI ln lmvc nlnrlnl hi the kllchcn nl Hus lhm Mdnmm ML Io tnxnblncd vnlunlrtr In drrnrlmrnl nl annflrrl ann xh nml Ihe Hun mnrhy cum nnnlly or Winn Immm Hm Irv INNIKW ml 1M lmiry Farmer Lnnmln rmlrd II Annual mmlnz hrm Ihumlny wllh mllry slalo mml Hunt llw lnry Imlually 1m ulavvlnpml Limwlnn nwnIrIIcrI lhnl llvr uulxlclnu II lnm nmnl In lurk nnlhulnll MUM llmn Iruhuml hmll Red 3005 Drown Out AntiSoviet Speaker l1w mnmmuun pmqu MM mmvHvn lerlell any nrrwlnl In Hm slnlnnrnl In lrepflmihillly lnr an In lnnllnh mm Imlucrr xumunnl mlvrxllslna In II II Industry vulmh mmumrr Dairy Industry Needs Authority In llm wllh ll NIHHIHNI awnanon Um rmwrnnuu mm lhrl lnrlnnlml nn 11mm vher nulhuylly wllh llm MN 11ml Minimum nunHug lhn erlmn nlm xllun dalry mudmu HI mm wlxnwlvfll lzlnxm Imrlxrl nypmml 11le day In In Irv llmner Into an mhnllxlnl rnnumlun In wll ymlureru an nu whmlnry xlmluuhm sum dr=lmml In mum unumlian mar Wm mu Mu Mukn run In ho hum Mother BGbY EScdpé Flames revislonisrn term gener ally used by Chlna to attack some nglel poflciqs He mod to spoa above ho uproar but was called In order by the chairman Paul Verna ho told Mm that such attacks against Yugoslavia were pm vacativ mu srANn mqu Vu speaking mm notes said the Tim group of tho Yugor 12v Communist yarly had sur rcndercd to he imperialislsfl They were usurplnz the it CommunisLs Chmcse ddegale told re porters We will not be intim idated by this cheap lnvecuve We stand by our pflnclples xi flie alarm grinned baby mm under my arm go mm the win nnd Jumped she old Mr pf gclghigor Lloyd No to him BEACH STRIPPED 0F STRIPPERS Ar iclxred naval Eumhnï¬air has mm hallle to drive nudists olf Devan bench Al he consuml urging of Cmdr William Spnmlho De von Cuunly Council has passed law selling Him £15 or nnyone caught on he benches willmul clolhes The hnille he beaches Milan lnsl summcL The commnndcr said that irom his hnmu he saw about no or as people pranclng uboul the beach in he hull people old maple In hulhlng custumcs that may did no aka their clnlhca nnd pnrndn nruund nudn llke mm lhry would have to on UN IJL he said Cmdr Spry not llkcly In In lmlhcrcd by nudu or some llmu however Britain In rxpcrlcnclng same at he coldest wcnlhur cur ury Birds Onnrlo Canada Friday January 13 1963 2mm beam helps mu 1le lnm lot me my NIVlvvrrl mum WM the Mayold mm ol bu PAINGTON England my xML LRNDLOCKED SMLORS PASS THE TIME At this point nuke erupted from all parts the hall where 4500 delegaflos mm 70 coun lrics were listening to the indi rect Chhlcse attack on Russia mm Wu had ï¬nished and re turned to the presidium Verner again rose and said chcr rang his chalrmans be our times and old Vu Yugoslavia ls mummy sepv ing the causu socialism In the name Lhepnrty and the party mngmss we solutcly reject the gross attacks China upon the lrnlemal party Yugoslavia Despitu he Chinese delega tlons public humiliation Wu mdcd his 51de on eonde wry note Vemnrx rgmmks met with prolonged applause as Vmsax and stared At kl notes Vewill not relax our won in come differences of win lle saidl VANCOUVER CPD Sons Freedom Doukhobor dls parsed Ia church hulls roamlng huuscs and homes Tlmrsdny mat In Vancouver ltus wandered when they would lcavn downtown Vittory Squaw orgood About mo of tho radlcn sec lhal mlgrmed from Um interior Koolcmay nllcr hurning lhclr homes In Scplcmbcr tmk aver lho squam Thursdny drivan lho nnllvu seagull and pigeon away 91 Ugo sqmpd day Crowds onlookers chumnd HIL gran imn sllppcry mud4 Some 600 Sons arrived Thurs day In Mn Inc 200 or so who mm the punum duy OWEN SOUND CWSon 25 munldpnlmu pin to julnuy prolcsl lhn pmposcd cunnil mtnl nf th pwmxcr crvlco lmm lnlmorslon Owcn Sound lnImcrskm In South umplnn and Pulmcrglon tn Kin cnrdlne Bflfl Freedomites Ioin Friends Take Over Vancouver Park commluno ho munlcl pullllm hns been nppnlnlcd lo prepare In proton proposal mrlnllman Villlnm Mnlhmn of Chcaloy um bum mle dmlrmnn Inc cammlllce and Mayor Ar lhur Duvoy rm Elgln vlcov chairman Will Get Protest CNR Train Halt plumehln we hlï¬nfl hall oi 1M NnUoMl Murfllmn Uu 1m In Ymk ma dwechrlmrd Hahn Flaw teem ohmLy mi 71M IDEA T0 HYDRO RINGS BELL Vithr ngxl move About 150 younger and 100 eldcrly perscm and parents were accommodated In our church hulls mmugh ha mum of mup citizens who or ganized Heel volunteer drlvcn car take he children to shelter PHILADELPIHK AP Ro land Drlvcr who went bllnd anr catlng berrlcs 1n Mont emery Memorlnl Park near hlshorqe diqd Ioday 11w boy hnd no mgnlncd consciousness slum ho mllnp sed Ncsday shonly nllcr n51 lnu ebmics with lw ho had gone hunung or innku Sud dcnly Illaand crlcd cnnl see umt compan Ions led hIm homo and hls par ents drove him to hospital wreathan became lnboml and he Inpst Inga comp lecr ck rider the Philmlclphln medlrnl nxnmlncrl 0mm Aald the brnic mm mm plant know as ground horry Nihor pnlrk whilst mnlnlnl shrub with he ycIlaw hunkI has been closed Rte Berries Boy Dies Barrie man Is 3624 richer today because of sixgple sggglqn Doug Fralelgh nn Orr Ludo Hydro Hnmnn was awarded cheflue for um mount in presentation Ontario Hydro headquar ter th mpming Mr Fraielgh suggested we use of cednin type of liveeighth inch pln to be used in one at Ontario iiy dros installation suit his suggestion he has won iiydros suggestion plan awnd Don Mngcc mnnnger of the Barrie Area ofï¬ca made Ihc presentation in the pres ence of Ferguson On tam Hydro regional mam ngcr Mr lunged sald While his comparatively aim rple type suggestlon never heless it mcam amnl sav ing 951 province wldo jigs 50 gave no Indication Amuknn rmmr and Mn 51mm armed an mo rim mm Some 30m Mame WM In me ml mm mp Wkww OiJAWA CPIPrime Minia ler Dieienbnkcr loduy asked delegates to the Progressive Conservative party convention no to hindus in any way io policies which may in the next iew months turn on is he illadvised or premature Although he didnt any so rp¢ cliicaliy lha prime minister ap parently was relerrlni lo re olullon before the convention which calls ior the adoption nuclear arms for Canadian forces in NORAD and NATO ll international disarmament is not achieved by the and of his 593 enklng to almost 1000 dele gates who Jammed the conven tlon hull In the Chuleau Luurler llolel Mr Dlelenbuker uald hls government will pursuo mndL lnCanadn pollcles ll would not bllndly follow policch laid down by bureaucrats ln Lon don Brussels or lhu lcqlngq It was easy to all In the bleachers and play successful game But It was In dIIIerenI for ha man In oIIlce who alts In the solitary loncllnnss his mum and his own soul Mr Dleiiihikcr snld Canada needs policies which are qund pol racklgsx Bu hu cautioned ngalns enunclnung any party pulley whch did 1m lake Into consid eration lho mpld changes in da lcnco and trade pnfleml no Hm or declara Ion great prlndplcs on mat lm whlch pursuant change noted haw hn mniar dc tcncé commitments at the West crn ulllunce have bun chang ing citing In particular tho Sky boit missile development whlch llqu ygcn nizandancci recently um defence issue he naked ha convuntlon ml to bind us In uni way In lhlnus whlch In the Us of events of lhe ncxl lew monlhs may be lllndlerd or prcmnlur HALIFAX CP Tho pnrlly submrmcd wmknuo plane in lake In western Newlaundlnnd has bun ldLnlmrd us civil lnn nlrcmfl mlssinu on High 1mm Sydncy NS la Gander NM The plane pllohd by Cant Svnroln of Lowlspnrlc NM and believed carrying one unldcnunml pMIMKfl WM hm heard Irvin Thursday Ihorlly nflcr lcnvlnn Sydnoy Them was no len MAIISEILLES Franco nculrrl Tho MIJlun Amtrlcnn liner ExMLr wllh 71 ï¬anmnxcrl nbaanL nnd lho 103m Frmch cargo nhlp Justplum Borgnc cnllldrd Ilve mllcl all Mnuclllu lndnyl purl nulhorluu 11le Na one wnl injured but both lhlpl wnru reported dumngod TMIASI SMlxcrlnnd Intulna Prim ï¬mrlu Ml lhll rcmulu SM vlllngn lodny nn IIII my hnmc nllcr an clamday nklinu hollxlny llw ltycnrohl htlr lo the Hrllllh 01mm wul lrnvrlllnu ln Zurich by wny lhu llny mu Llrhtnmln flu will fly 1mm Zurlrh In Inmlun Sumnlny OTTAWA 1Il rrsullfllnn rrcammrmllnl Hu llmeMl Hm my mcmhm lnrllnmrnl In 020000 yun mu mm May by he rrsnlann rnmmlum nl he lrnurrnive on mvnllvn anlnnnl mvmllnn Tim prnrnl Inlnry nl mrmbm Hm mm 01 nmnmm ll mmlr Hi an 000 nmulal lndrm nlly nnd 000 mme ammo Immnrr IIIVITHSIDH Cnlll Ml Fuur hlmrlml rllercn In vnnl llhml dlllritl Ioulh nl IKH him brrn Ilrlrktn Mlh ml mlxnnlmi nnll Impllnll ma lnmmul 17m nod polwnln In hellWu In hmu mm IMme My huhy Inulna erarnl In nllnlrlcll rrnlrnl kllrhcn mu dlmkhnlnl tn nlnre Hue Irhmll CAMCAH Vnmufln MN lunan 10mm munu who Ihvla mu Fronrh mmlnmlrm wnrlh hm hm drmamhul MI rml In lhe gnvrrmnrnll nnllmlvvrrllvv lnmlfllifl mum ll unlnlmzu The umum rnlulvrl luld Mm mvl urnpapal by lrlnplmnu llml lwlurn Ilyivnintlnu nrn humr lmhlml nmuln Ilclnnronn mull nm Immmco Ihll my Allnl polk npnulnn Illl lymny SEOUL Ml rmulul fury In an Mllmnlul l1 tn Kumm Alumni mulml In an all Kaml mumm mad lo nlny ma man wu rrmrlnl lvuuml ankmnl pull In In lorry Ih mm Yum Ilo will dawn um IMHM the 11ml um lmm Illl pml llnlnnm In Mnhpu out um um MIN um matmi IONDON Ml flylvll Hurlnn wlle Mlur llkhu May wmmul up mm Ml va Imhmd MN mum In um um Illdlculmn 1N wold Mule ma mum uvmimz Imu No Sign Life Around Plane Wreck School Children Suffer Food Poisoning American French Ships Collide Prince Charles Goes Home MP5 Want Salary Doubled Mm Button Denies Any Divorce Paintings Relumed For Tymnny Halt Ferry Capsizcs Only One Rescued Party Plans To Pursue MadeInCanada Policies NEWS BRIEFS No Mm thnn Par CgpyM Faun Light snow mrnlnz colder Low onle below mo HM ionmmw 13 For We summary turn to page 050 Lbcal Weather Relcmng tn the governments minority pnxiuon in the Home of Commons the prime minis ter pledged that he would not sacriï¬ce party printlplcx for tha sake mere leng luppon In the Hauae The gbiemmcn would lollaw policies made for the lake at Canada and made In Canada OTTAWA CWFormamv lugs rough tough political ilshl with Prime Minixlcr Die enbnkcr prime target came beiore the Progressive Conserv ative panyl national canvew lion Thunday night fnlo wmlng from the part new nrxnnlmUonr chm Dalton Camp highliuhlcd the dayIon 01ch of he Oomervatlve hm n¢cusallons against the uh erala unprecedented limit and viliflcnllan ol tho Prime Mlnlslcr Said Mr Camp flycamld anvnto advertising cxccutlvc The party needs hardmased laughminded resouxcelul ar gunlzalion with wlll to win over Libera plans to play mam Every major weakerTrad Minister Hoes Finance Min tr Nawlnn National Prexldent Senalnr Ihorvaldson re Iran director Sennlor Mum Grqsnn Mr Cam and Mr Dielcnbnker hlmscl tagged llhu Liberals wllh mponxibnlty or Mull they said was cum palgn or Hes dirty Model and Ilnndcr Today mom bun 1500 dtle gate broke up nlo mvinclnl caucus meetings to dim the cunvcnunn resolution Includ lug om rrlaUng lo acceptance or nuclear arms which will be debnlcd Mo today and Baum dnyu Mn chlcnbakcr lcl them with words whlch wmu dole galcs rclnlcd mu nuclear arms hsuelho Canadian gov ernments yollclu will bl made in Canada pollclu will mlnr khan llarm Inth mu mum 1M ggpnrnlzl plmae gde In