Australian nears Iiriish ot recorddreaking swim In the argon Basia swnn EKMIrr am itiyearold iooymi butterfly ruin it the nerry was timed In as sea world moia satin Hellman New South Wales champion ships at Sydney yesterday ands flat fmrrrtenths ot so at the Commonwealth Games their battle tor control at maior NEW YORK iCPl Belore Geri Douglas MacArthur got around to solving th problem at the Japanese someone had to drop couple at atomic bombs on them He wont have the same now ers oi persuasion going for him Fridaywhcn he embarks on new peacemaklng assignment trying to putan end ids 2s year amateur sports war President who named the old soldier to settle the coniroveraybctwcen the Amateur Athletic Union and the National Collegiate Athletic Ar soclation hasnt suggested that the general resort to more than conventional weapons in Induc In them to settle their dlitcr cnccs But government spoktsman said Wednesday MacArthur has ment on the AAU and NCAA In amateur sport In Ilia United States rather than leopardiu us prospects In the not Olying Pic Games The boiling dispuls has led to Ylooï¬iaiélaombéi Needed Iï¬VSportsL War strong charges aimed at oth cials ol the rival groups Gen MacArthur was picked with the idea at settling the matter once and or all the government spokesman said II the two sides arcnt able to get togetherï¬the general will gnakle decision and that will Ln The NCAA and AAU came to terms once before in niactin arranged by AttorneyGenera Robert Kcnncdy ths presidentg brother butthey tell oulrsgaln almost immediately Answers Concerning Flyers authority to Impose settley EDMONTON AI Andor son general manager of the Edmonton Exhibition Associa tlon has demanded answers irom oIfIcials of Detroit Red Wings concerning the tutura of Edmonton Flycrs cond lower than his own Goalie Led Olympics But Look At Williams By PAUL RIMSTEAD It was 1960 at Squaw Valley Calil site of the Olympic hockey tournament and rela tively is goaltender named Jack McCartan had led the United States to Its ï¬rst world amateur championship The Americans ih McCar tan lashing his iighlnlngqulck catching hand behind them skated in wins over Canada Ru in Czechoslovakia and others Not many people noticed slight youngster Irom Duluth Minn who was playing centre His name was Tom Williams and his boyish face and flowing blonde hair would have looked more at home on tennis court McCarian was the hero New York Rangers oi the National Hockey ea Immediately committed on his popularity by on ng him up for protes slonal tryout He has iurncd Into fair goaiicndor Hes still nockin around the minors to ave rough edges hewn but there may be day when Isl becomes an NHL regular What happened to young Tommy Williams Check the roster at the NHLs Boston Bruins Yep thats the same guy Ho has scored in goals this season and sports writers are saying its sham he played as games last season to make him ineligible tor the rookie award this year The Bruins took liking to him at Squaw Valley and talked him Into trying out with their Eastcm Protessionsl Hockey League farm club at Kingston Ont two years agolhey had to do real soiling job What Incl was Williams reaction when approached by Boston In Lhe summer of IBM The National Hockey Leaguel Yourekidding He didnt think he was good enough Alter all he had learned hockey In the United States under international rules where bodychccklng and all that rough stall is done only by the incorrigibles He agreed to try out with the team but only it Bnuns allowed him to pay his own way to train Ing camp ltc planned to try for college hockey scholarship it he Iailcd and he wouldnt be eligible tor oollcgc hodcy II he accepted money He made Kingston Frontenacs easily and was star In his first year Mindyou hc wasni body fellow and it took while to leans to kcep his head up Jean Gauthier now wills Montreal Youth Fountain NEW YORK tAPISnn Fran cisco Iefihsndcr Billy Pierce who located Iountain at youth in wind tunnel and two other pitchers who must be sipping some sort at EIIIWHIIIIIIR nrc tarJoa Nuahnli and Hay Wil helmhave signed their loss baseball contracts Pierce 15yearold veteran who posted record tor the Giants alter the National champions acquired him In trade WIIII Chicago White Sos ngrccd to terms mdnuday or an uiimatcd Palmer Player Picked To Win IEJIIIILH IIIZACII CnIiI mm coupla of tcllowr who hsis uncr won llic nrnt boiors reignsrt as inloriirl nr Illng Crosbys 2an national ImAm ateur goll lnlininmrni npcneil today Iiui nobody was partic ularly surprised Atirr all Arnold Palmer and Gary Player hnrr arm Irw othrr lournnlnrnis In lhcir Iiitll Including the that two oi lha lilo scauin And tliryrc cur rrnily anointing lni Inlirr llinn Doug Ford who aun llic worm lvcni last ycnr In nnrlinis ploynli ursinii Jno nlilplre bmrrnt hiitllIIrII special followed the lean InIrnrr In his finni wsruni VrtIlVAiIily nt Pciililo liner is ilensiicwill unaidc layout Itfltl wrrr rr warrini uiih inciiiiricrpnr or llncius Itill ni Arnioa aim dol Litool pull on the llInlli his Cnnnrlrsn will In trying litill iiirk lliry At IIJIIIIIIII nl lnr in riiilrnily Itltlrl In the nncynlnnlng list Irnrgo rtmnium nan Ailic minimum rllim IT Tirrnnlil AI Inlinltoii oi Hrvnttrai Slnn Ilivnzrd oi Viln muirr Nut airlniciir Wally urer nI lnmnin warrant is iravr hlitNltlIJAi Ifli onmlinn Iiielrrlilrin traie Irtriilr inr to world itmrlrptnhkliips 1n iunmnn rnllvprlitinll will Mi held Jim 7121 Anti the lam man 11 bull in inns rum Aurirln imntrrnl rm Asia In iIrIirrI inmin moan Itarrlrivn 0hr Vic tin lnwry inntrrrl no In John Emery oi IlnIWi Uni Nuxnall uyearold south paw who Ilrst pitched In lhs majors when he was I5 signed with Cincinnati Reds while the Iioycarold Wilhelm and shortr stop lion Hansen both acquired Monday tram Baltimore Or isoolrs officialiy Joined the White Pierce was fantastically eticc liu at Candlcrtltk Iark Ihs famed wind tunnel that scemed to rejuvenate his arm lie was 120 at home during the rcguinr season and addcd No in Ihe World Series against New York Yankees The Ilcds come up with three signings nlsu gsillng pitcher Jim Owens and cnirhcr Tim Tiarhlnrkl on the dotted lino Olhrrs slgnin were pitchers Tinh Friend an Ilob Irlttily of Pittsburgh Ilrslss Inileiller Alrx Grammar and cntrhrr Dick llericll at Chicago Cubs and oultlcldcr IIIII iiiillt short stop Orlando litnrtlncr and plIclirr flurry liogrnhurk ot bilnnrsola Twins Canadicns was with minor tawa Canadians In those days Hc was one at Williams beat instructors GATNED WEIGHT Gauthier hit Williams in hard one afternoon at Hull that Bru Ina couldnt have blamed him II he had headed back to Duluth But he bounced back and was evcn more eitecllvc last rea son so eifeclive in fact that Bruins called him up to the NIIL It wasnt easy to adjust Ila put on some weight but didnt carry the puck with the same authority Some people who had known him In the EPHL pre dicted he would be chased out at the lcngue Even Bruins werent articu lariy high on William their plans for this year But he had cm thing In his favorhe was popular in Damon an honest logoodncss native of the US right there In Bniinsliniiorm Who knows whether Williams would have been kept tlils year II It hadnt been Tor tha fact the hapless Bruins had to start thinking oi ways to keep tan Intcrcstl Dcsplle at great tra camp it was the same story He was flash In practice bust In gamcs But suddenly Tommy Williams came at age Nobody is sure what made the diIIcrrnco but thorn II dif Ierencc Indeed And It hasnt hurt his popularity in Boston ltis boosters now arent all patrIoUc tans in the upper seals It has rams solid tans In the Bruins front ottice too Organizers Decide On Sports Poll KINGSTON tCTIOrganircrg otihe nallonnl intercollegiate hockey loumnmrnt docidod Wednesday night to poll sports rt and brosdcasicrs across Canada within the nut fcw works to decide on lull ahlo sports personality aIicr whom the tournaments chnm plonship Iroplr will he named The champ onshlps will he held Marrh Is and Id In Kinsl inn slis of tho tint Intercollegi ate hockey gamc between lloynl Military College and Queens University In inns Participants In the competi tion will be the champions ot the bcalern Cnnnrln Onlarlos Qurhcc Ottawalit Lawrence and Maritime Iritcrcnllcglaie Attilctlc Associations They will play schilnal garner March with the tlnsi and ronsnialion amo scheduled for the follow Chance For You To Made By Roberts Scotties trials last October Greatest Comeback NEW YORK IAPI Robin Roberts 36 who hit the end of the trail with Philadelphia Phil lies and their wag dropped he tore he threw pitch for New Questions isbout the Flycrs Iulurc were pmmpied by an an nouncement Tuesday that De boycott by almost all coilcga athletes oi the current eastern indoor track season and some TheAAU isthe international rcprcsentallvc oi the 05 on Various International sports bodies including the key sport oi track and tleid The NCAA wants Its own Iedcration to take over this role in track basket ball and gymnastics To throw some weight on its side the NCAA has rccumi mendedlis athletes stayout oi AAUsanctioncd mccta Includr lug theblg Indoor meets under way In the East The mains eastern collegesliovc complied drastically curtailing ththeIds gWantéd troiihad bought an lnieresiln Pittsburgh Hornets oi the Amer Ican Hockey League The exhibition association was the WesternLeaguo tran Ehlse for Edmonton under which Detroit operatestha Fly CH Anderson said Wednesday he NHL LEADERS Banana minimumii ruuasnas it JESS By rnz camnuin IIIESS Ialanalngsi Chicago won 20 lost it liedvl points Points Bathgate New York 44 Goalsihlahovlich Toronto Assists Beliveau liloniiealv 29 shutouts Pinnte Montreal Penalties Young Dclroitiso minutes manager of the Natiohnibengue Tied Wings whether Detroit plans to operate the Fiycrs next season It so would the ltcd Wings change their tactics which hang continually stripped the club In tutor at Pittsburgh Ilnmcts and which have collapsed iEdmon Ion Gardens attendance ggdlerson askcd In letter to Theexhibition manager said Abel did notrreply so he wrote Bruce Norris owner at the Dr trolt hockeyksystcm In Detroit Red Wings spokesman said the team would haveno comment until the And erson letter has been received has asked Sid Abel general and studied York Yankees was named to day as the United States athlete who made the greatest come back ot 1962 Roberts who tound new lilo with Baltimore Orioles and wound up second in earned run averages In the League edged anothcr haschall veteran who surged back from bleak campaign Stan Muslai In the annual Assoclated Press poll The Oklahoma football team bouncing back to an Orange Bowl berth took third spot San Francisco Giants given up tor dead before they tinally won the National League pennant trorn Los Angclea Dodgers In the last tuning of the last plaonigame were voted Iourih BOWLING KEAIIVIEW TUESDAY AFTERNOON LEAGUE Etandln Spaniola I2 Buil dogs I0 ircdales Bcagies Poodles Labradors Collies Resulti Spnnlcls Airednics Bulldogs Collies Last radars Sootiies 1t Poodles Beagles Millie Cairns was tops on the day with us not Addb tIonnl high 200 games won ro cordcd by Marjorie lrailck zoo liclcn Gm 231 Doris Thalia no EVERYTHING can run SPORTSMAN At Sporting Pricel ARLBERG SKIS Plastic Tine 5t lngrs HALHVI II Bafcly Binding Nationally Advertised II It Our Price 33195 Who You Think OI SPORTS EQUIPMENT TRY GARNERS Simeon Countys lusting Sporting Goods Oulisl DUNWT IT WEST IA lSH And Have The CIeunesI Car In Town May We SuggestFor Your Convenience CAR WASH TICKET BOOKS WASHES I100 value ONLY 1000 EXCLUSIVE AT BEAVER CARLOAD VOLUME SAVING Champagne CHERRVWOOD 397 DELIVERED Chum no decorator colour lone that goes wllhlany col our sclieriie splendid prctlnished chorrywood grained hardboard Champagne Cherry Is random grooved tor mo dcrn plank rticct exclusive at Beaver Another Carload Voluma Saving EE DELIVERY ANY QUANTITY Batik Mahogany GENUINE LUAN MAHOGANY PLYWOOD 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IOPLAR PLYWOOD Tris INIIEIIIA Rhnt Masoima TIU WHIRLAV Fhrel VALUES and HELP NEW YEAITI GOOD TIME TO GET THINGS DONE AROUND THE HOME BEAVER LUMBER IS READY WITH HELP lDEAS AND CARLOAD VALUES Utility Haidboard 49 ran SHEET DO YOU KNOW ABOUT BEAVERS CONTRACT DIVISION Whether you an concerned with llama lrnprovrrnrnls or In planning an compietl hours It makes good rum to contact Buyers Bill Ball or Lawrence Wiggins the qualified home Improve merit consultants can show you hair to money They will quote you on complain lots or material alone without obligation 99 ROLLER TRAY FREE REC ROOM How To Do It Kilo limbsml letter loam All and Iflflllrlud booklet LII how build your no room pals lvipm Idul Ill Ilium Irll UNDERLAY Vs Poplar 79 Muenitc MIAMI can RANGE HOODS Good Housekeeping Ira toad kitchen hood wI utrl quiet speed Ion Exception ally large aluminum filter for maximum etticlency Factory wired and ready to Install COPPEHTDNE FINISII STAINLESS STEEL MIAMI CAREY MEDICINE CABINETS One piece steel body unit Crystal Snow enamel tinlsh Toilshed stainless steel frame Ounrnnlecii mirrors EXCQFIIDIIIII well mark at tracivs dulgm CLIMAX Model nurmr Model DUETTP Printers III II VELVET ACCOUSTICAL TILE Veich white prrlinlslirsi II II tile with our i000 Inumi hIllOlhitll micro Itrirlrntln par tllc Cnrion Ioln only lilo pcr cnrlon as so It rov rrnnc CARLOAD VOLUME SAVING FREE PINGPONG TABLE DIIIINO Tllifl PROMOTION VITII EVFJIV UAW ISL ITltHlZ NT TIIIIIIII Ala UEII Al JLIIT trim TIL Milnl WI ILL GIVE AWAY In BRAND NEW illilIllATItIN AME Ill ilittaii TAIIIJn DEPENDABLE OUA fleltlr Ill BruItori Alt In or or 312c SQ SsTRETCH YOUR BUDGET NOTHING TO PAY TILL JUNE unurnirnt iirlrrml paynirnt budget plan Trims no low no it trinnlh tn hrlp you alrclrlt nnr lunlorl inning tnnr Iiimo impinrrmrnln now LITY AND SERVICE unrn on us an