Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jan 1963, p. 4

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133 mum and Mlml Tu mlww runnva Fur IMI mm It am mlh llwvx mw Mini wmu am My 94 and flu um bland In unlo Ma AM yo um lawn Ind Irv Ihc mm hum m1 mnl MM qwnlrr up All mvvlnmfl Hm lidMl nl Klolw mm and had mm WWI Mr IIIMIIMIM In Thu Ali In murmul um Inlalrl HM nmlnld um pm the mm mm mul mxl law In mmmnl IMlll Uw In udn DNA Ind dMIm In ml lrr Zv Mn Lam mm Mm lnlrrflhxfi Ihn uwknr UN mrulnl Mu 51mm Ibo mm Yum Um lumidxlnuu llw nu flrnl Tnlwhndl MIM Minn IJII IlvdnlrlM la Mlllxl II plan at Innhvxl lnr lhr mm In uMIr ymmryinn hum lin IM tun mrl ml mm mm limlui rim Mum mm metal mhulnn mu wrrn rend Including lrllrr nl Unuulu 1mm Mr and Mn Lan Louth and lamb who turn urnin In Ncwloumxlnnd wilh lhe Slmnlymrnl IIIIAL hm Aumrlnllnn Mn brxrhlcd Is he lnmwr Jum Trmh Emmame Ilnpflxl Church Thry npprtdnlrxl llw Unlglmnl box nrnl In lhrm lly In WMH ulurh mnmlm rldhlnaflrlr mm min ml rum nl momy Annlhtr lrilrr mu lwm Mlu On Mon Ihl Hume Mm IA ll Wyrlflh nlhla TlNllA lnloll mimlmmry In 50ml VIN Nam Mn Kmllh Ital In ht prnyrr lar lhn mlumnnrirm Mm Mnmmldzr ol Edgar Mu Mmuhmlfl Evlznr Wmlrml II 5010 Imn Ilm blunt Jnux Thr minuln the Exccu in mctllnz mlnininn plmu lor 1963 nrflvilin of lha MS Im Imd by Mu Lloyd Wnrd Mm short snnz scrvlce poem Prnyrr or the New Year was marl by Mm Keith Comlahlo Mu an wn led In prayrr Yor the new txrculho And for hp lll lnrm Inn and Irlrnds ILANN Hm The January mnollng of lha Emmanuel HAHN menl Mi nionary Society wns huld In the assembly hall of the church nn Thursday Evening The newly rlrdcd pruidcnfi Langman wgu ln he chair ple lemlnlnc hal slylcd on rounded llncs can be worn to when tailored lull however And rather lemlnlne suit can he made to look more builneu llke wllh lnllored hat The prlnclplu good color Ipply Just ln all lashions ll your burlch can allord only we or we hats then choose hats in haslc calm xucll an brown or black which will cn ordinate wllll many dlllcrcnl cum But th re cw basic rules Choose nhal tlut will blend both in color and Ityllng wlth the outfits In yaur ward rohe For example it your clothes are tallmd more wphlstlcatnd tailored hat would look good wh res trilller hats yquldtend tn clqshl Ch ha 13 an lndivld uaI matter Miss Lewis empha sim Hs no Ihe style of ma hat hal counts as much as the averall coardlnallnn hat wilh your outfit hairdo are and figure £19m nuuzs And men wayl nolice womens hals They may say theyre sllly ridiculous or that hey dnnt like hembu least they nollce hem and they darwmmcnl FOR 1953 Tha finding Slmela Lewia ashlan cwrdinalur for the Toranlo Millncry Groupk TORONTO GP The only reason womnn wears but Is In allract attention becoming hal adds the final ouch lo lhe welldutcssqd pgrson Hat Styles Attract Attention Add That Crdwing Touch THE SPANISH INFLUENCE in womens hall seen In uzm crealiom bi Jerry Yam Mrs Langman Heads Executive 0f Emmanuel Baptist WMS Mflmully In Anilnhln In mmIl munh nml dunk opmvnt with tho rm Ha II Mladinn llnh melllly In on nun Um nhmnnn In IIu MI mn In mm unnanml mom mum mluiuinm II on Mn alpnl nnrl ormnnm unn mrnu and IIIth prmrfln MI 11an IN lllmln Iml MM ll Mll II In HI mnflld um Im wm MI by mu Arm Hut by muruinll nl mlmh YITAWA III uninf hmnln Hm rral hunk Ihmuflh In nlrnrl lm Im1 htrn mulchul ivy paulirl Imu llununn Mn mlmn min and political runlull HUN ML lhumrllnr ul Ullhlh my nl mum alnmhla Iuyl In Mi In 1h Ollan an THY EXAMINEII WANT ADS PHONE PA um The llwnkrr nlm Imlrd In Jml he goldrn bowls con mlnni on and nuuse um Id wnyn ho clam and rcndy or mvirr nnrl nothan drlllinz mud ever be pul into mu nughl Um life of Chriulnn hm II we llva Hm likt lhln unx ever will wnnl la mmo nnd nm mull wnI dam In pmyrr Iml nlmhmrnu loll awrd Mm Mnmhrldat hm Inn Wml lore Mr Her Hmnkul Mn 5va hr Mr 111 wlnn mud chnllruumu mm nxr and Mn Mnmhridu lnr Iwr Involymlun Mxlrllllmflm mjnyul no mud by All prmnl Am heavy Indra and will Alre you ml me source 01 help mm mm whnn one has Ihcm slnrbd away In hls or M1 mcmnry or use In trying Mum she and Mm Shaw also IIkLnrd he Chrlxllnn lo lhc candlosllrk wlllch was mre lo Alllnl arm slwn mnnrcled wllh he my ply of oil le all nl Godx Spirit lawinz lnln our lives wlll raun us In mnlnlnin xlrudy low 01 EM lfllIHTMN NEIWICE Educational Plan Involves Finding Qualified Professors nr pr nz wlll ha plnlncr than or many years wllh em phasis an no and shape mlh than lrlm say Miss Lew Flawm lrlll and mu Iron wlll be ustd lparlngly mainly to draw lha eya In the Iinu of he hnL paid $15 for Iain black velvet brelan whlc luv Warn least three limes week or five months and um expect to gel about lwn mm monlhs wear out at ltalmu as much wear as would get on of pair shoes Bald Miss lewis pymm sums Many women hair do as an excuse at not wearing hut Because ha will llalltn pm or hair style all women need In do learn to comb lllelr hair or backcomb ll ll lhcy wear ll in high style hat and not be expunxive my llilu Lewis You can buy one real in or $65 but the xnmc style in imliallnn iur in available or 3298 woman xperlment to no what style hat suits her lace and figure Mlxx Lewis says Generally big woman should not wear small plllbox but nor should waman wiLll wldc hlps and shoulders wear hat Mill broad brlm that will ucfgnl her figure delqckl Plaln hals can be dressed up with mu ribbon flowers at how match any outfit you may be wearlng SHOULD EXPERIMENT ManlmL Lah Palms mm In In lay red and black mine Milan It Somhflno 1M nmlvam uwlnl ull nthu In such or mmmmx pmlmau 1m nblnl mm mm mmpu ammle mrmnuul ml old 10 mum mm 111va MM lmuuinl vumhl han In lw xlw hum mmluxl ulwoll olmhm In tho world lldurnllnn IhmlM VIM rm Illlnv mid qulmn IM Ianu Vlufl man Indlvldunll Avlmnru mmh IIy llw um myrllnlulhll and pynhlnulc MhunlI 41mm ll IIIl rrnlnry hm nnl In pm Illh ho mm ullrml In Mr Mud human Irrhmlnr ul cmn my yvl lullMp cun 1mm unyhl nhnuhl nnl Innmun Ihl MI nr nuncuml an al Mum Hm Mr Armrmlc ml ItlA rnlllir wlyrlllhlm Ami Ihmk lump Any wam nml my uan wllhnul qunllflrnllnn cnn um hrr nmmlxnlly uscmlly In vol unmr wnrk uh Mrmny lulu mh Irrvlce Mn Fnlr clnmzh mld The mnllm uhlch drew wnmcn Inln mlunlm Irnlfli INl unl lmporlnnl and mu mo um hardly he drscrlbnl Illlrrlor unhan In the mnln lhry nu pcnmlnlly Irrlrd Ihr slncmrnl1 wrn Inrludrd In In mo Ipflrh min ll um lurluxo drlhrry Some wnmcn uhn Itll they had rm kllls In cnnlrihmr ram rchull Such hm wm unInumIml The only solmlnn wax ndjusb mm by Um volumrcr la Illa Mm Ihal Ihe prntminnnls urn more In nuldr qul and udvlm bm not In take our The male Ilnnnl nmlrd lo Mun hm hm ml the mlunlcm were nhsolulrly nmnllnl In Ihc Islcnte Inc nrulnimllnn let alone Mn rllocllvcncs ru In Ihc mole lmod nf Temple 1th Shnlum she 5am need or Inn Jncms Ink number prnlcsslnnah In the mm pom Hm pmhlrm uhlrh my nallg lunorcd MONTREAL 1GP Many volunlnerl In the wellnra field are Inllmldatrd by he prom slunnls Postmaster General lnlrtlough lgayl TURN T0 POLITICS Mu Jean Cuselmnn daughter or the newly nppoirr led lecnam Governor oi Onlarla Earl flown lum ed lo pnlillu allowing her husbands death Flnl elm ed to the Common In 1955 hyelcrllon Mn Cmelman was Progressive Ionavan tundldale or GrenvllleDun da In Ihe June 1061 ltderal electlon CP Phalm Volunteer Workers Need Assistance think the high rounded bubble In straw and fabric will become very popular this spring All shapes and slzesbrnlom pill baxcs slouclm cloches wlll he shown largely ln to mnnce nlnkanfl wlde varlely nl brawn tones from pale whlle mm new colnr Io deep honey unld phaqnlalreAbrown right camblnatlnn lemon with black Milan ulrnw timed Wm wlde grosgrnln ribbnn CF Wirepholo Your wife had m1 right in summarily move your equip men In he basement Move your ntufl buck upslalrs Imme diakely and make it clem you will nut be reuled Ilka ImnIl child 513mg To DECISION Dear szn know nothing about dlmallc conditions and electron cquipmenl but do knnw snmelhlng about emo llona limal and marriage The basement damp and un comfortable Thc climallc con ditions not good or delicate clcclronlc equipment would lke your adviceIn prlm If ynu pleaseDLSPLACED PERSON Last week she suddenly de cided my junk would hav to go lntov the basement because it didnt look nice right next to her kitchen Without even did cussing It with me she moved everything downstairs Now she has her main machine in here nnd the room messier than even Her patterns dummlcs and bolts of mnlcrlal are all over lhe ptace 48 ANNE ST Dear Ann Landau My hobby rnpalrln hHi and radios It is fun or me and also manage In make lime extra money on the side My workshop was cozy area H19 kitchen used to be butler pantry but my wile never used It SALLYS SALLIES here snlullon or am doomed or liIeIDADDYKINE Dear Daddyklnu Not or We just unlll she gets married And Ihcn guess whatyawn miss the annoyance REPAIR SHOP Shirts lawealers saxevery thing seems to wind up on her back pnurse nothing ms but then she say Its no supposed to Its the sler nowlu wear everything our size on big Teenagers today buy lha Jarg est size they can Indexcept when It come In jeans and sad dle panu Then they buyrlhe lmallcst when asked my wife when my hunting jacket was last night he Judy wore it to hay ride Denr Ann Landau Im lalhar who in ready lo lear he remalnlnl hnin nut my head How can get my 16yearold la slop wearing my clulhes Youim probably thinklng all sons like to wear lhelr Dads clnlhu hul Its not my san Im writing uncutIts my daughl 311 1mm 3mm mm nuiva Mm Dur Anllnnden am 25 ANN LANDERS REC ROOMS UNLIMITED Key To SOlution Is KeyTo Closet VIII flllll Mmlrmllinl ftnm and In mm hum mmlrrnlllnl ulnplan Mm lnr hum Immmrmrnl um Mmullllrullnn nnul In mum ma om lelmu Iflurllvr urllplnnnal nnnpuuocmllnn 1mm mi uthcr lulurm ml ululnr mnmldllnz umunuum rm dlxplnyn nl nallnnnlly knnwn prmlulll um In All cur nmodalllnn um mmmnlmllnn um mnlmu lhl mmura up by Ike huh 11AM Inl qunllly nmmml In how shuw In Intern lhn whale lnmll hum It wutmr lwn yml lhlnk n1 hum mmlununlkm nr mmklllnx think 01 Hull Mmtmmknx Brrvlm ur rm Irmlrnnrn nu nulmml In an Mb lamr ml mam nmmknlly TMyu sycrlnl lmivml lmmllo nfx ml Al qu mm plumbing In pinmum clermv Imk In no Mhlnrl mnklnu llury MI rm mamr how luru or turn nun um Iv unwrth hy mulrr Iulrluan man urll mmmiul In luau IM ylshl Inan In lh mm Ner In mm Hm muMmg mummy ulalny uml upnm Evrry and MMIKIAII MI vq warullml by all Mulrmmnz anlru mum run an flu real luman point came at age scvcnlccn while perform lm at tho Eldarnda Club was seen by Mlnlnxuene he Inhulmu night club queen Slw lnslaicd that join her Id nnd Inuclhur at Ihc Follu Her 1ch my became the use Pa Ha loumi tale circuit ln he suburbs ol pm and be came knuvm as Le Pom ClmvallCr five year later he nlgncd for Park muc Sat yre nouchonne at he Edna Cluh much or young Maurice and with the confidence of youth ho camlcd an audition in the Ca ino d2 Tourslies where he wnl given his rim 19b singing at 12 runes wtck He had just Iurncd ll 11m lexendary mowman with the silvery hnir wan born In Menllmonlnnt Paris on Sept 12 and started whoa at the Emle ac Frcm where he to mind In the classroom un lil he was Thenrhe want to mark lira or carpenter than doll painter and pm maker He persuaded his brother Paul our years his wnlor lo Join him and my run awayvto be come circus acmbqls Maurice Chevaiier is as at fervesccnt and buoyant as he was when he won the hearts of American during his screen days oi the 1930s Hi5 influence on the warid of entertainment L9 incaicuiahic He has been spirited and antrenching lact or in entertainment zinc he was eleven year old Theatre raaio television revue can curt hall and films in each and all Chevalier ha made an lndeibig impression No sho mess personality more closely Identifies with Par 15 than Mnnri ce Chevaller hose ageless charm and jole de Vivre personin thalpcrpcl unlly bcguililug dilly The rtnowned Fmch enter luimr Maurice Chevalier will appear at OKeele Genre far one week conunendng Jan 21 In nqeman show Dear Merced girl should be alluwed 10 make this decision on her own Suuk to your guns Glrl month Jury and braka up My 1011 are now Insmlng that come back to my nrlxinal church dnnl want to What In your oplnlon7MEBCEDEB After rec months of aller naling attending his church one Sunday thg next Sunday mineI decidedrhls religinn had more splncq la otlcrand agreed changepl 1on my parents and they wen unhappy but did no make 11 um Jerrynnd law same religious backgrnund We decided our marrlnge would Aland belterchanw we each examined theothern tell glan attended the athers church and than dccided which one wqujfi chpnge Vern college xrlduate and hold re uponslblc paxlllan No yearn lino started to date Jerry Last Fe bgqnme lenzaggd Famous French Entertainer Stars In OneMan Show At OKeefe mar shown dinnvlan countfies nnd Ilrus 13 then In the Henry Miller Theatre In New York In ma He loumi he US with his revue and scored hrnnd new xucccss Nine years lalcr he captured Hollywood and all America will hlr American lllm debut In Innocenlr ln Parlsf Thll starled new phase of hls car eer The Love Parade follow ed and all Amerlcn acclaimed him wasnt until 1935 Hunt Chevahvr returned In Paris and Il wannl umll 137 that he lound hls way back ta Holly wood whlclr was only too happy la cherlsh him agaln During the ocmpation France In World War Che vnller worked only 12 week in km years Mlcr the war he returned La helslagy in aronc ChevaIicrA pmgress came to lemporary hall In 1914 when 11g loIned lhe French Army and was seriously wounded taken prisoner and spent two years in prison camp where he says Ienrned Io rpeak Enz lIsh Alter the war Chevalier re turned to the Folk Bergen Inlemuuenlly appearIng at French musical films and at the mast Iashlonablc mm In m1 he 12 Far or London In star with Elsie Jan In the revue IIaIIo America He soon became HriIInh favour lle knlnl cm Dunn wllh complain um Pemnal matter will also be under good vibrations during most the coming year with emphasis on romance landm marriage in August and Sep tember on navel in late July and August The latter month should alsn prove exceptlanally happy wlmre family Interests are cqncemed born on lhl day will be lnlelllzen and Imaginative but may be inclined toward materialilm FOR TOMORROW Line up your days activities curly and Imarlly then allow lhrnugh at shady even pace or best mulls Thau unmixed In crehtivn yurauill should benefit gmllly this particular um F9 um amnnn tomorrow ll your birthday your hamscope lndlcalel thai fob and finnnclnl matters should be under excellent influence or the next few months An uther good period is yrcxaged in November and Decemberi Many pressure will be iiiled during that time and there are wonder iui prospects for advancament during that period Dont modulate however pecially Navember when you could onset gains com 1iderably THE STARS SAY mummy ana Lm Amazing Savlngl Barrlo EsmELmA Durlnl 0n Jnnulry See Todly FUR SALE Per Monih In Paris Chevalier live at Marne La Coquelu Show place filled with paintings and other treasures and cansidered one of the most magnificent homes in Pam swinging skirt and 521 In sleeves an Iwool the most attractive lealurea ol his spring unit permt add ltlnn to any wardrobe It In lashianed navy and white worstpd check CHECKS ARE IN DIVIMUN All 12 20 Rec Room In Your Basement For As little As IIAMNG MI LTD PA 60902 Month Robert and Sams Colllzr max Extltameni In Your In New scum Frau The Halt Slylhh Lending

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