Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jan 1963, p. 2

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no Am noun In mm lav Inky with In 014qu nu Inn Annm Madam an hm 41 1qu ML Miano IIIKI cun llnu MQMHKIWIMKVWWJ Amp some of his books II the Regulations lo the Canad Lln Mica Service 19 He ndmfls many at be book he has may be mad In arc at film how many III cool5000m same lhing in in Auk Andy Hm slrz hand these day Mr Hznslr and hi may iflll cam to Canada In 1956 mm Holland and he look up llul vainunz as prulesslou Amer xpcndinz lbw years in Tumult and Va ycan in Lem lnztuu he came la Barrie and has been here for year mm Going In amnion in his hobby In one 01 these aucllnnl weird up tan full cl books and villain in book build 5000000 samthng 11014 Apaxmal 5000000 112m Ek Ilammypia it uadL Hz doe not know what wunlry issued um note but he an find cut and ii the country has fairAumncx rule cgmpagtd dnllan he mim be rich man 11 however the issuing cm lry issued ese lib dimes then Mr Henslr iaid he vmuld be ntisfled la have but few at than mm remaining In his HES ANXIOUB In am print the numeral 1944 can made ouL Mr on ma it quite nnnuus la find out fl has any moment value does he laid and find an it mine dunl know what will do But hen shrugged hix lhmfldtll and lugzsted wouldnt be worth much When he moied 1m hit home 161 Collier SL mud unil he Said he found about 150 books many 01 which had throw away bccause they wzre all chewed up by fall and mi and warn wilhlagg house he has lwu them mxdiul books dating back la the 19605 This week he will 24 the new number of his family clean them with lem gn oil and compile list From the ncguhflom Book pap 19 mum Doing Duly Officer dam duty will be responsible lathe oilith 14 um the men duflu signed to them duly carried out and will report him any lunch dlmpflu lmnuhxfly Dr mglcrtanlhepnrtolanyo lbg hmyila 11311 or yallen Ihefipirit of st Liguarl be In median ol Spirilual Trealim compilzd lmm bi work by Catholic Priest Dd mmpanlu hxhd In biuu marlin wk war in On hrla and prospect an lhal mm mm or name lime will bu bx in km mung lbclr timid lam duln an lhelr mm tcéhérnlgitln Ihal 7m 1ch pamng me mm at the fly Baum home There II no fluid Iquifnl In the cunml lklrmlsh which stand km Srpkmbfl Caulk In middle Ix the unit Han malark who hal no halt in tolcl zrwburanllnrl mzrpn of hi pm 10 my Some wellmpuhud um in UN pminfl luv urvlre ll lou vmdmt Awliu In law mu nllon in hum llllfllllrn Im in Fm 5M rm Mum fin rm mu lmlm IMO mam vacuum mm be mule II lhil Diuounl boom Doubly CanI dun Tlrl Corporation tnlnrd Ibo um won mum and run litmus Auum Alum llul Aluminium 4mm an By THE CANADIAN PRESS CABS BUN CHEAPER Sign Painter Enjoys in mg 9an adjolmyz lhg The war Ihe mm KM Collecting Oldies Motorists Gain From Price War TODAYS STOCK PRICES Implied yll Dub ll mm mm lau II lumuu Kn Mflv lav4a Inmau Inmy um gaming um 1mm again mu um mm may run cm lam mlllrmlAL my im IMMCI mm gull fiendn goma The name on ha omit page might mun wmdhin la tome Barrie cifiuns mu llqfieman My 1m Hr Hemlra also hi day 15mg in Boggyanpvuzlayll book he faund in in Christmas edition 1901 has warning Do not submibe to The Mum uy through agent Imknawn lo you perwnzlly you do you may find lbs you have been victimized Evzry 12w day we receive wmplainh from people who have luhscribad la The Mumey through mmetwindler The whuriplion ol course neypr caches his 011m The inscription the back the Iron cant read than an bmmtd by friend Right welcome the b3 To mad In study but not in lend ButIa mum me No that imparted lmwlzdge dam Diminith lean lxggs glare gut hook find of mam Blaicman Taylérand Company New York and Shiv ago He also ounda Hamil 1899 copy Mtkopohun ufling at 15 cenu with about Mupages Apparznuy they denlnumber lbcir page In um day WARNING TyeAquux 9mm 01 the wootd molarisu uilh In wich Biz oil companies he flnning lo km bubmnllal por lian oi Ihclr markrl hen gal Into IE and wivme brandgn big thunk xi hulimu was comm out at our hide humn for Impflinl Oil Yle had ll be mmpflilim wilh mm mutflandiuu Ind Kmndh Lanzdon urcan umlary the mm mm Gnmlim Alwdallon dtxribcl lb mule 1m In 011 against all diummlcn Canndun Tm an Ihe mum got most the publicity appran lihl lo Iha rnd Krlhiu ll mum nil slam Mr lfingdan mid Mr langdan mid Impala II In the Md of lb hall br muue ll Mum la Alan mlh Mur Imam In Iupplyln div mmer 11 ulrratc yum Irv mad Impala ml on print 7s man How II IHHH ml Imr Inna Runll urnm in Alm her ham OTTAWA UPIsz lnw oflmdm and rcptaim are in mabr pmbleml In crim nnl mmdlon work Chilmum Gmrzc sum the nnllonnl yamle board lay And um Allflrr lemmas and man pm b31100 period to mod the lib nation llc lugzulnl Um more pro ballon lrrrm or young 011ch mlth hrlp tum Umn Away lmm nima Crimlml npmlm Ilrl ln rrruinl undnlinm the med lor lmzer prim Irnlcnca ddrr llmn nnd ghe Mhmlonnl Ilmc lnr rrlovm mean He old pr mnlrrrnre Wrdlwsda Ml more lhnn hall prrwm Mm commit criminal nthMm lndny an In mm lht nuts 16 and Ya In age group maku up In than in per cm the Counlryl Mmlnllun wmnlm 1L1JU mlghlsm dlrumr of pruhallnn IHVIKKI lor nlnfln erd WMnuday fur nallannl pm lmllnn Ml Ilmllm In lhe rrnUymaflrd national pumll urvkn 1mm me munuy mu ngmI unisIa Ilun would not mail mmplm 1nxvdull mun Iuh um um mm In 0mm Tankard playdownl II tjamu norm Jan 24 HKAV mu Honln Jan 14 hurrIuHI doublnlnk m1 mm ugm ynlrnlay nl nar Ik ufling llnl IWMUM 01 III mal amt ILIL mum may Kr ly Mm no inn nd lull on Kmdmv IMMM Mir Ii Righm Km Illa4 Earn MM and Km Nnnrd HI hnrdlill III lad 0be Harry lkl Mle CIMIIN Funk Mfllgim Vilma and mm Im MR HENBTIIA land he hind number valuable be how Iltms that he hal 42m mymm purifier vkum um ramp Ramon and Hank mill mile Mum mm Young Offenders Pose Problems In Crimingl Correction Work Iieved lo be 7100 yqars ola With gold rims Ihey Wat Churchill Wins Tankard Division mum Mam mam uiup Funk gummrnnr lodcrnl mnlml nl pcnal 1ch cm bu woulgl urnc tnns to talc sh EmailEn Icrvlorl and pay 51 per cam 01 my i1 they met certain mum Mr Fon Ilemlquamu nhy nunmmrrd Hw mmdkm Flylnl mrim Mr lun 29 Mil In Ilvr rink 04mm linmnnul HuhII Hnynl Milflary uL lip Ktnulm umlrr Hie CM Hun 0mm Tmn lnu an Mrllan nut uaml in m7 mlh Hm drml ol llndwlnr klm In MN viral linflmnlna ml mu mmmm Iplrmm lmmlqnllmll Him rumn liming Clinton he In lrnmlnml mmm In Trlmnmmmkalhm MAID lnvmca 01w ill FltMef Wing lloavlqualmm Gumm qulnl Frnm Fume My mum to Canada In 4091me MI ha bun on Ike All 04 IN unlmmt lnr Telmmmunlrn Ihn muu nnwlmalm 2mm dimvmd lngl or purchnsrd salu Examiner Flying Ollicer Is Promoted Alt rim Illudiiurm nu an new as any manulndured today In Henstra say Fl LEAN In build 31 auclian Photo The setback ruiicred by lire South Vietnamese iarces in 1hr Makong River delln early this munlh provided number ex nmpicl oi timid Soth Vicini mm leadership in one in stance buliniian oi lire civil guard in in canunander Ia Communist zuniire No other niliccr would like command and he bailalion milled about nimimiy II the mlveriary of the new citadel and an Invitation By FRED HOFFMAN WASHINGTON ANHul Qaut leadership by South Viet namese fleldofllml and lack of aggrmivcnul by South Vizta names soldiers may yrolong lhu war to crush Communlat guenjflm Brigadier and Hum Shaw divilivnnl commandm far the Salavtlon Armyl North tm Ontario Region will visit Bani Sunday and cohdud vicu datloned in Odllla Major Jlm Gillesple com manderol the Salvation Amy In Barrie laid today Brigadier and Mn Sharp will conduct meetings It 11 Mn and pm In the Salvation Army Citadel an Collier sum dad£0 Iveryane to than Jn the mica rhli assessment emerge from talk with US military ofliclab Involved In the Amer Ican cum to help pro Weagegn lavqmmenljn lnllle past year the ed Stale ha led many military advlsen and modern equlpmenl lnla South Vlet Nam and but made llgnllicant progress in lm prnvlnz the firepower mobllity communieallonx and plannlnz ol lu Irmed forum the same time 115 ex perts have been trying Io shape strong South Vlelnameu mlll laxy lendershlpl Results no la have been disappointing panlc ularly the field level WILL TAKE TIME The top 75 commander In 50th Viei Nam Gen Paul lurking look Dale of criticism valued by unldenlflled 118 mil Iary adviser and Issued slale men human laying Harkim uld about 1000 South Vietnamese soldier hnv been killed In Milan In the past yur and lhat almost 30000 dead Vie Con insurgcnls at last lo lhgir mum zm mama EXAMINER munsuAv JANUARY 11 American expels Ire hwpelul this liluaflon will Improve with llma and experience but It may lake yen nynno who criticich the Inkling qualitlu the armed farce the publl of Vie Nam doing disservice to the thousands ol gallant and courageous men who an lighting In lhe delence vbklhtjl caunlnj Synoplls Although Ilill well hrlow lemml normal temper alum In southern Onlnrln thla morning In generally 10 to Is dogma milder lllan chncn day Thin trend lo milder uralhnr ll expcdml lo wnlinue lhmugh Friday Snowilurrics near Lake Huron and Georgian Bay and ovcr mm of lha Nl ngnra Peninsula are cxpcclcd to dlminlsh 1th qlicrnoon Ln wulhcrn Lake llumn wemm Lake Ontario nylons Wlndwr Inndnn Sunny wlth lame Howdy period and no quke cold lodny lrldny mostly cloudy and thlcr wilh chance 01 gm mow or law Innw Hum Wind mulhwul 15 My llghl lanlxhx and frldny anonlo Hnmlllon with Iomo cloudy pcriodl Ind rm fluilu l0 cold lodny Irldny mm cloudy And mlldcr with clmnm of lam mow or mow flunlu 1m Frlda Vlndn wuthwul lb Inlay lonllhl nml Irldny lehcrn chrglnn my Thnnunml North Hay SudA hury Mostly aunny Mlll cnhl day Increman cloud lonluhl ermdy wllll mm llxhl wow and Hal qulln an old Frlduy Vlntll 111M law mum hm Mdy Windwr 11 SI lxmrkw In Klldurnrr Wlngham llnmlllnn In El Ifllnrlnr I0 Turonln II lclmmmush Trmlnn 11 Klllalw Munkukl Celebréte Biithday 01 Barfie Citadel See Lonceraul In Routing Reds From Viet Nam ajo gillup said lfnnrul Trmpqnlum BUILDAfiEfifiEIEBAHHH WEATHER 11 NewWord Game In Quebec Starts With Little Teaser Three children were Iound be posiuve tn me slmcoe County Health Units school lmmunha on program which Included schools The unit plans do do follow upfiwark with the lgmily com ol we uhermmn test were completed in December as well as 1397 Inoculaflons and 631 vaccinallom The rnrrfl Man and pm school Immunization program was wmplcléd earlier with 1339 inomdaflmnvami 234 Va dggflm Summary disuse LI lainken Fox 56 Whooping Cough Seallei Fev er Measlu 50 German Measles 10 Mumps Menin zllh Median Hepaufls SANITARY SERVICES Bun the last month of he year the aanilannna work was spread over he numerous fica aoflvitlu usually required this Mme oi yoaruFilu and Ijrnwer which hnve heénme con gested and dlsarderly during the buy season are cleaned out This nn error conr menlcd Mr Lesagc Wednesday Tho gmcrnmenl Quebec hm not ye decided to eliminate MI phlrae wool is that lhe ex Ian was used In several am In any mna speech read at Tuesd oponlng of the legis Mun me mm is In the midst 711 yfarend mportl MONTREAL CDTimes new wordgame going the rounds in the provmce oops pagan Sat prepared by JoanMnrc Leger farmer newspaper man hlmsell who is dirotlor hc office branch Ihn cub turnl affairs dcpmmnnl The memorandum In French mid quile plainly wulh user When In province not prov Inca The answer wmefimeyls when Quebem olherllmes the answer wqpldntube Imperceqt right The officea rough unorllclnl trmslalion would he French language bureaustarted the mrdAgame ln the latest 01 series at memoranda on style published specifically far Que becs Frenchlanguage newspa per meal The series is dcslgncd to draw attention In faulty French used In newspaper star leg or on radlo and to recom mend correct usage PREPARED BY DIRECTOR The government Quebec has decided with reason to climlnale lha expression prov Inn of Quebec and In gen cral way he word province Imxc mid he and olhcr pallllcnl figures In Quebec use um phrase mac Quebec whenever we can Il occurred any In the lhmne speech Th mcmnramlilm win on In Mk newspaper mens cnopcm It would depend on who gives the answer The Quebec govv ernmunll Olllce de la Lamina Francaise or Premier Jean Luv Inge TB TESTS FIND THREE POSITIVE Gonnty Health Unit Reports 62 Program Harry lnrirldzn charter prolldtfl of CAP Aswlk Ian Kemwnlclt Win51 Ilnrrle wnl Irma realonnl vlccpmldmt the nlnno Emup ha IICAF Amdm lion II are In hum 011k vlllu lo Owen finllnd rand am In llunlnvllle Mnln nlm nl Hm nrw Vitemulwnl In mam mw nlnu In In VICEPRESIDENT By BERNARD DUFRESNE Many pcople nspeclally chll dun who arcnot aware or he act that Ilck animal could be rabid tend lo handle and pal the animal Adults too often allcmpt to treat animals as snmlng that the nnlmal just alck which In many instances turns out to be rahles ll the animal rabid the mamt warns person handllng any part of the anlmal could be In acted by the tallva especially ll they hava scratches or open culgfip thelr hands la necessary to handle any animal that is sick 19mm yamsell bywcarlng gloven the animal has died use filth forks shovels elm or 31mm rather than the hands Best of all call you veterinarian and put in order for the year ahead This inside work coup led with holidays reduced the units outslde work somewhat Rabies the unit reports is still prevalent in the county but icertninly nothing to healnrmed about word at caution isinec Tha um Rpm that his ponsiblllly tor the examinnllon of all animals suspecmd of hav In prmdmg the us sth of Quebeclnstcad cl pxgvlnce Quellle In an aside about Ottawa added lhat newanper men shall remember at the pm ance of lwo nations in Canada prohibits the use of nndonal lo describe tha activitlu and organizatinns oi the central gov emmcnl In this case one must use federal or Cnnadia OTTAWA CWThe CBC new PrcnchAlanguagc TV la arced lo slash it promised spending because of the govern mcnls economy program will be able to proceed on several delayed and some new pmltcu 1963 CBC Prcxldcnl AL nm Enid Vcingsda¥ Did the cast Governors mm with re spect to the proposed construc tion new Punchlanguage radia station In Oitawfl the diniquch ol lnsl Angus are Mug he pnsL the EEG approved the CBCI nppllcmlon now before he boar it would he pmxlble to go rig ahead wllh the un llon nnd hnvelc on the Air by Fchmary 9M New Engllahllanuuan lclch alon nation 51 Jahnl NM new Frenchlanguage TV sun Mon at QurbLc Olly nnd Tim mlm TV rclzmndcmllnl Uon nl Port néxlnn Nnd Shed llnrlmr Ns Knpusknb lag and For ancrs Only P0 P9110 In Ottawa bald Ihe Quebec View indlcatcd Mr Lesaxe tonne federal cabinet minister has no feggral yberal pasty qmblfionl Mr Leger said he ward province In French ha ha eonnmalion of an administra tlve pmil sun in Frch and Belgium not political llly such as slalc or leml slalc if you will which has galldefined lcglslauvo junMic on llc mld Iunds have been pro vided or In Hm CDCn 19616 buducl so Um hm ollm pm am it given DEG nppmvnl can bet CBC Able To Begin Planned Projects Whnlmu II min Mun HmNI Klanr Im INmeIIII lldnullonmm BACKACHE mam hug cnnlmled discasg xuch as rabies lles whh lhcmcallh of Animal Dlvislon ol the Fed eral Governmcnl Drssl H39 an the representative In this dlvlsian with office In the Post Ofljcemuilglng Barrie During the month total of 723 call was made ramming 623 rouum inspections and the investigation 100 com plainu pro has been made during the last three month with the new program at Audiomctcr Testing of Grad students the unit reportst The rural area andmoat vil lages have been completed Tast Inz will continue In he city and lawn yunng the winter months Npgsmq sznvxcus So at 1049 students have been lestcdl these stu dent were zuspectcd of having hearing defects and they hava peen referred lo the lamlly doo on Home vim by the mum In December were made on behalf or blank 41a preschool 403 school 426 prenatal fiber culosls 60 Orthopedics 68 Social Welfare 32 Menu Health to and othar 353 Tm families vlmed In December Prenatal Discussion Group were wall attended new xer lcs will commence this maulh In Alllstun Bunlo Collingwood and Orillla Na Mnior Canadian Army omcm wha have been nucnd4 lnx Mall murmln foreign countries return to Canada 1h month Col Shulor CD Barrie and LLCoI Edmondsnn CD 13 1151 van Snsk have been numd lng the US Armed Form Sta Callcze Nodolk Va or he moniggg own mllu Cat nda will be appointh un cral xtafl omccr grade and senior opemllona 0mm at tho northern NORAD realm 5L Hubert Quc Senior Officers Return To Canada fillllNfl HlOUflLES Vupn XLCOL SllUIEfl EWING HHIWICK RICHARDSON SEE US PHILPOTT Ind PA um

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