99th Yur N5 I14 ntn um uh lad uwv III had nine tnka mr Ike IX Nanl Im Vhlznmanm dun mm mm mm The 59 mm in hymnl prayed ale sandwich and drank mllu and nnswcrcd qua liml in chill drquy wealhlr Laltr about who had no munhl Mammalian in room in hnum and holds ml and Mood Lionally In garden be lurrn we and sidewalk um mm mm brushed by Ilwm Some young htrklcrl flood in In and hhoulld at them mhrr prncnl argued or lltrmmrd In anzue mxh nmn Nan Dnukholmn dramd rilh xx nukhohml MW Hwy mum la Sew mmmlic Party mm ENG 50508 EAT or hobou In meuann sum mcr night pm mas Ihem Imm bangers ln elderly pcmns and while hundred of Van muycnlcs Irod lhe damp was in Alipptry mud many 01 their Int look ptople who but occupch rampage new paper spam or yum In trucks and two char lcrtd hunts lhcy drove mm mm and parked Xhmxselm on lxndm In vmmy 5mm 030 park In he hurl be dmnlawn area Incaan at Ihe cilyl tfnldaph amf ham wit today IM damp park or warmer quanm Some zoo at lhe radical ma lb vanguard of 1000 who were I4 arrive herevloday rum mmpule at Hope we milu the cm dcumded cdmsday MW VANCOUVER CmHedda baning 33d gagcd at Sons of He émpua mu Liberal tonrumour wauld not contract Mr Peath said dinner We wouldnt really km haw Ienezoliauons ol nuclnar cam mflmenu would be done until we helm at inore doubt 9x1 mm mm 200 Sons Reach Vancouver Park Themselves In The Park We dont var nuclear vcapanswe dont arm any Lawns he said Wednesday nixht The Liberal party stands larpcau but weapon are needed until 1th car be adxievcd II pafly due laid Wednuday night Men gnvemmnnl twin 5ch changes in Canadal mmrnitmean under NATO and NORAD The 15 ml dcr last Satur day adromled Canadian acquii iition nuclcar arms under commitments in North anxic Treaty Organiulion and Nonh American Air Delence He was be ï¬rst party leader Izke his mud Dial might mcan minimalt lnz out Ajr he said ouId not mcan an im mediate decision no la empon nudear arms heJoId repofl as allowing hi nomination im flle serenlh Lime inlheNonlg maria riding vi Alguma Nuclear Duty E5lM1LA 0n11cé cum cams VICTIMS car punm HERRE VOurTelephones Fox Hummer Wam Ads Tun phm PA Liam The telephflnn uwnbe In all Im the Human qr Worm PA 66327 Id hurl Haul mum mks Mm In lhc huxlndelphla NM capital 7mm kn NV Paul Mu hJï¬IMsl Lamb The In drug Menu Lus pinion um lho thalidomide tragedy um than will Addrmmg tym osium an birth dLlem Dr clscy laid the dam drugsall wld In Hm United Slam Include ami hmamlnu lmnquilllurl and tommnn cold remrdm as well nx drug used calhmtiu for hypnom as anlldlabtlira and or lflalmtnl ul murninn Lick nm In pngnant uomtn Published modical rrporu have mmod It drugs pa lible taunt birth kickr1 mm by many womrn Dr Keluy um but the FDA can not ad unlil it ha drlinile ni deuce The Canadianhorn doctor riled by President Ktnnrdy at hoping he dmg thalidomidu all he US market is rhir lb AI new immigntira any biaiuzh ugf SfudflS min iFor Defect Causes BALTIMORE AW Dr Francis Kelsey may the us Food and Dmg Administration undying about dnzcn drug as pm It causes of birth de nrm it kpohsrmln said my maxed be causgmcy cared rialrnLm millet room near Stanley Park about mile away In spend the rest of Ihe night An NDP Ipnkesman who extended Ihe invllaliml mid Ihc Sons auId be away from thdlm At Oltawa where lhe Pm greasive Conscrvallve was preparing or ill national mnvenllon slading loday Goodman ol Tomnlo chairman ol the resolutions wmmillte said the wnvcnlion will be asked lo apprme rcsolvllan calling or acceptance nu clear annalgqanadjan lane home amaqg ll nuclear my is naNPxicved by be turn his yearl lle said lhcre had been no readlnn from Prime Minisler Didwbakgr had maivui copy all rcwluhuns Mr Pearwn said thala Canadian her was humiligmd when lhe edcraI government accele nuclear role for its NATO air dirisiun andflml didnt go lhmugh with iL Mr Pcarwn said he Icelsés Vstrongly as ever about acquiai lion olnuclear arms bulCan adafl word has to be honured That was why he had skunk stand dld 1733 Ion changa Hie comJ mimients Believe mt 1h will lake we doing no out 91 Mm He said hemost Important phase the nuclzar commitment undertaken by Ina gwemmenlwax the MAP djl mm in Europe now beinz equipped will strikevrcconnais Janna IF1045 which require nu dgir weapoys 112 mm Emma mm Mellie hm ki Md Mil lvi John Turn Nnnrpdlnz Md Kndfr Md that 031 Mill MM Turn in not lei lAl WMWOI nmliv lha ry liuurr In conmu will ntrunxly ppm unhridlrd lrdrrnl lpcmlimz Km nrdy mainlnlnrrl Du ha lm To d0 Ihis llw pruidml asked ml lhc im phase hls proposed hmyear laxmum Him home be pul lnln mm with he upmlna he nrw ism rar July It This wnuld mean $300000000 income In rul hr be turning liswl rcar fullwnl by more minc hnm lnlrr Tmnmry Socnlnry laughs lull old repnrlrfl Hm adminktmllan dMsnl pm In hnlantc the hook or amnu hrrc yum Calling or anolhcr big expan sion in defence and space mm Um Kennedy proposals bore the earmarks of an inflationary in unlin lo slimulalc letharglc cmnomy nut Kennedy mgucd that us prim an among most able in the world Hm aim is I9 drivethc US pm duclion machlne MAW and in mare mm In work WASHINGTOR cm Pres Idznl Kennedy today prcscnlcd Cnngrcsa wilh an unyrcdcdcnltd 393300000000 spending budget ammpanled by propon hcfly lax cut Amp plunge into red and sharp rise in he nalianal debt In 11 peak 83 £00000 DELEGAIE Ike annual general mew lhn Pm grnssire Conservame Associ 31199 $198Mi11i9n PCConvention Urges AArms By December Mmu mud lry mm mlm nmmunlll mm sum ummr Dunn ma with out dun ermfln mlkyn It Ith mixed MInln mm llm Ina lrln Irmalnwl Mk Ihrn lb Palldl lrmlrr In hm alamllnl MANN Al rud big 11mm AIMIPII The Mum Knlmm aml Nullh rvllmcu luvllnlnl In Win rump 1m ma Wulm flay whrn My numwlrd Ii Humy Illtnzr In Kllnnluhrvl uwm llul Ir lMmsr KMIMI Imllrr Vn llmlcllxlrm lmlklnfl mm mm wilh rlmnl Illrnuclmlll Ith I7 linmullan Iprrrh runpkunuIy yrlnuunl mm Omnulkn wldrly rrnnnlld thlvduhtvl Chum nlly nmmunlul Mnc whim In Irrrllnlni lpy mlmuu plan mlm Mn run drprp In Ihr Smlrt Imlrr Gemulka cva In lhr Ill um hy Mumunlikr Munh rhn Ihnw 15 hnur 31ml Wnlnrsday IhlMfll 1M Impar lamn nmmuniq nnlly Gomulkn was making Hm Rut Irrmrm nmmunlnt pally nnzrru whlch hm hm 11ka nr llw mini mum day by rnllcimu nl hinnl null Ivm mllry nxnm damn lnlnh Communlnt Iradrr Wlmlnlu Gnmulkn lmlay ralllnl Imhlnd 5mm lulllilr Khrmhhrv MM rallnl nn nmmunisl Mm In my Ill Irlmmmihla polo mm Khrusbihv with IAadmx upm dilurcs would be pmposrd dc rnu hxmprl mm 5400 noawo up 400000000 am the cunt year and up no lmmlm since Krnnedy Irmk flchr 11m nlr um um navy Th mull would be 11 mi mand mmpoopoo dclicil he Mde highest in pus war yrau and Ill nuth ln sucrrs Alon lollduln one or some 83 300000000 this year This would mean 1qu il Congrcss nwmrh lhe humid In nnlional debt would lenu lumped Ivy Inlnl nl some m000000l000 in llle Iirxl lhrrq year of the Kcnnuly reign Thls rlsc alone would he Il haul double the tnllr n1 linnnl debt Canada mm gamma rcipls just shade higher than mi ycnr wsoooooooo posed rcslriqians On nullayx other than lhnsc nccczsary for dclcnce and lime and higher imam paymznls brought about by hellisjng nglioml dcbl Total lcdcral axpcndilum would climb by 50000001 mm 394300000511 this year lo the surywould Gomulka Backs Mr Ks Thrust alion receive Iheir name bad gm from Mrs Janice dogs otouawa alter registering Onirlo Candi Timidy January 171963 My Ilnvr Myer wllia mrnlnvlnn named Twnhy man In manI 1mm Hrulrnanlllavrmm Kuï¬kr Mada Iml Ink poll only om In the 57 pm AM wardth at fume Ilabll ha dun In 15 Inc lad rut all In only In flmn at II II Ihhovl mm Mr Ila lean both Cm mm and hltlynulivlu Inl llll MM mu Ht ION ROBINSON Yhfll Earl at Iixm his If In lb Ilnuu nmnmnl lo btmnw Onlaflnl Iimirnnnllmrlmr mm VI Mm Ural mom Aut Ihe sully MAI Nhiml IM Mm In Wm hil ham Mun mnal rlrlunlq mu not Hun la main lnday urhrr pornd HIM mmvding In muurl tlnw In lhc Humno llrlrzalinfl lhm In pnuflnlv My 1m mam mlnhl in mudmlnlnl rrply In rnlkixm Icnlnt lhrlr pallriu law In llvr my picmun when he mhkd llml wilhmil the Smltl mum nil mm lociulisl unle muld and in llxe lluhl ngaiml lmpmlllnm Nn nmmuml L1H lmld lnrgrl Hill ht dcrlnrrd WASHINGTON IAPI in Idcnl Ktnnrdy today mlthntd miximry mmdmg Sigmun 000 or next year pcaedime peak wm rrLucd programs bush in building fallout nhrlttrs and nlumic my nrmiliu dclrnto aullars lnr Hu mming 11 war INC ï¬limfllrd nl LMJDXJJXIIZ umoooooo move than this enr Rowes Racing Over would get large quanliuu new lactical ï¬ghlcrs lhe army among other things wnuld go more Camdxanlmndc Caribou transport planes The North American air dc lance 31ch would be slrcnzllr med through mnrc tlmmnic gear Six additional Polaris alumic luhmarlnes would be ac quired to bring the lam In 0rdcrI also would be placed or nlx mare nurlcnr pawnred al lack submarine Ask $51 Billion or 15 Defence It to mm are Rah ol Welland 001 Gordon Chown of Winnipeg deputy speaker of he muse Com Wm summmhm mï¬ï¬‚shiï¬t Alyr Mm km ln PL Id unnum butth MI Warm m1 muuuu licm pound II Kr Run In Mr wholeIth unm umium mm his hm on tho m1 mud lu rand ham him an mlillrlam In an Irvins In lba old himhmu Rowland ll um Sink County Milan mile mm of Tamale Mil nnmrs urr nu man you don hum IIA he Illrk lull mean gn In mmlr Sn mid mama wm ai m4 mm ml Hu tub lmur Ina nhaurr mm and uh 111d moth lwlni Im Jun Mnl Imt Then hhly Io be break in ammunchan he new the mm mm and VA rnlx unless and flu 1mm rm L1H nun mother of lublcrnazrr 1mm lul llama IM ynun L1va axk LTnay hll be llltk The collagen association was proposed ml uczk mm Inz Illlmkd by rcprcwnlalnu boul 5000 mums mm mince mu up la sludy vrv gnnimlion The llahburlnn gmup laid it would prnltr nitration co lagm councils Ihax uould walk under policy distmsian nlinlion and mapcmlmn vmh lhc uniur zovcmmznu and would name permanent mi drnu HI muagc arm that they would be daminalcd In mxmitipal elmiona LN manlh many lb summer on lnzm were elcrlrd la munici pal lammmcnu Eamzmz the Ontario Cauagel Association Banner Maury the Haliburlon Highlands Properly 09mm Counril reprcscnllng 500 canal said lhcy did run want In join the amcialian whirl ht mid Iifl be built an policy of municipal council mmrol and govzmmm lobby rig mama and lb mm TORONTO Cm group at wmmcr may avmm in Lili lean mile north of Pa llald bygdngsday 5500Cottagets Will Not loin mourn Clegg and James askin member Par Hamtnl or Realmv South CF Winpluxo HERES ONE 09 ctrmm Inclin Ibo mininm Mad km mu Mr Ila1 nm of dual pulvlln 01 Arthur litian Illa Ike lvnme Mm minum Iinmt ulna mm dont Mai ml mum at my nu It Mlle My Ad loflw 511mm Willamet hvm Canadian mm mm out hem tape non hm Wm il lifo Iiw 1mm ml nnmnmml 7m mm In lhllk ll dulyf Jud PM llammrm mmmml mm Mk ha are EH lamp thin Ihmhml The rt lair handan mmh am nu manual Mk Ha Hm Dalian Jumu me luhmlr Tvrmmp An Mtaunt nl haw hr Unit mm Ir npernltd was munml by William Paulin mcmbcv the Simnx Emmy hard milk Ik mgnl muml to Into Ilse mpcd of 711an hull lk Fraunth sulhdrx 1mm Yulk Couan mmlal hull Uni In prmr hem wax dclxmlf need for rhnlr in Name Faun Thur arr our 15 Illth dimrl 3hrny Malvluhnl 1m prminrn IAIN HM banis he rlimt mum mu connu man per NL il in mm nl The rva llama unuH be tesmmihlc iur $2M tr ymr and Minna mm mum womanl In lhz nmalnln 12 This mall Inmath up loday or mm but Ira rm ually adjouer unlil Friday 11 lvrmon to sin number or munril mum npparlunily lo fludy Ihc proposal Simcne Counly Countil may HUN he nlahlishmcnl mmlII health clinic Mart he grew Malian names tlou ckar Emmi read as 01 Iom mix meeting recommth la mexovcmmgn cl Cami hat The women met lodzy Prime Sliniï¬er DMmhakel object resolulian afï¬rming un bound maï¬de in bi leader nhlmï¬u to make the rm our mum Wit1m any dele ualcs anemic and Visin berm registering here Wainw dz night for the hue day medias ol the national as rial and auxiliary Inmenx were many other suggesuom to Ihe chual government aimed expctially xï¬mulaling the economy lhrough tax run and investment and pmmnlian in mm and lhmugh additional dirï¬cf action in the housing lie mousmps cumin The nuclear wapoxal to dcbalcd formally Friday and Salurday name in lengthy re port of the moluï¬om commit lec l2 calll or arming Ihe arms with defensive alamit warhead at home and abroad if by next December mom to magi nuclear dlsarmammt agreement prove fruillm While his proposal tended to dominate informal discussion of the mmmiueel rcpm amang 215mb ng delcgzles lhege also OTTAWA CF The great nuclear debate flufled he Conwrvalive ump today as the Imgrmiye Conservative Assov dalian oi Canada apenzd an an nual lng which wyl qulder Area May Obtain Mental Clinic uéaponx qr Guzman omen ProposalCallsFo Arms Both At Home Hndflbroad No MoroTlun par Copy45 Pay 23 people Cloudy with smnmrhs lib wanna My mm High Morrow For mmplela summary turn to page two NM lla dm Mu um ml mu Minna Wm lhkfflvgv Hmmmh llmr Ilium HIMall II rtry zmMe rum mlm Ill and Mural nu mm haw ma nlyu mom an callm1 Mm elwulim Inn lamrnl Mon prime mlnlllIf Man an win mm in mi uu at Umlmun any munm rul Ilse mall lha hand me am Imam mum1m and mu mrm In de al Illa Nil 01 mum win1 mmny n1 mural mrm Ix ndlralnl Hwy Ime IN humbly In mnmlhm m1 IM hmr II Inc tlmir rIlahliIlltm prdulrl in 1mm it IntId ham mrhuxnu Inon gull wcial rum and ultra staph 1hr mrmnwnl my mounuu n1 lhe mhnu plul Im pct m1 uul Inr amp mm and humJun plus up Mid unhlin PH 3ku In Imdd 135 mu annually We hm Inpvmnlnhly in our mm hmhrn Jud mltw and the mml L1 Swan Imawn In he lwhmd mhru 51M Sh mid Hu munly would be saving grrnl Am money by grain this unirr an mamplt she mrnlionfd Hm on uunde Lu lwin druintd lnr an amminlmml lnr Hr thinnir tumlmllnn mu In lhc manly 116 per 41 Loci Weather chamber In weak nn Oha Jed mid nl prcmnl lhcrmly phm we have at Drilli and PmdnnL Although 1th An good Job lhcir unicu Iimlltd In rchlcnce In Hm Jrr mtyl remark she lth Ihouldnl be looking at in regard In dollar and rent an dcaling ml ample annu 1Canada has made uhirh he Ialdcaï¬nolbe Mlde willle llzem He laid Liberal zmzm mm would dhdmrz use commitments pcndmz disam siom Kilh the Us and NATO aimed al man mdixli ml fur Camdq jn rantiacmaland mflrcliv dennu Mr Purwn called on the govcmmmt to actept nutkar warhead or dtltnsirc Latin In mm commitment WM WM razed hat the tug gmian was apprmed by the wmmillce Dec 15 hm before Liberal bade Pearson Tur onto lpccd Lu Saturday with be advanced ncw date mcnt Liberal polizy on lhc nuclear question Goodman Tannin haimxan the rmlminm cammmec mm press unm tnct the wards readily avail able mean acceptance And Inc mmlulian wet approved by lhz wnvmion the grncnlmenl was in no way commixud lo tarry out Lb ggslcdpoflcy Inch am are unwary bu taken and lhal mrh new lialion wiih he United State 1a are rcquircd be concluded that recognize luliy and con pletcly Cmadasmercizmyw as to make readily available or he Canadian installations and equipment lhai am part of the NATO and NORAD farce luck nuclear warhead as are re mired fur the dclmce installa lions provided that the use NORAD armammls be under the joint comm oi Canada and the United Slates in ihe event In lern 01 nuclear disv mi 1101 by 10 II T53 Power by December WE IF 10w