fx Britons Glad Brief Thaw In bulldlnl up In llw 0ch mm Slrnlt lettn Drnmlrk swcdm dlmlud Irlrphonl The chl llny lho asston irr mnn comm whrcnyln mp Ilml In drlmnu Ice Tug pkkrd up Ihc Izrmnn crrw bul lluv lklp perwho mnnlnnl nhonrd la he II Hm lurllu durlng Inan onorlflcmutnl down vmh the pulp and dmmml rcllc cmldlllnm All per lsled am much western Eu logy hawmn More mow mu lnrrml lor Gunmny Mlxm lrmprralum nuuln lcll htlaw 11m In naulhwmlcm hurdul hit by Ike mow lhkk to wnl bInnhllnu the coumry lide lnday The lemprmlme In Inndnn In ll urly mqrnlnz wan 12 de my IDNDON RemnrnDA Illgh lhaw wu reported In many mm of Britain today tulnu he Icy rlp that hm paralyzed country 0r Almoxl hm Wttkl Modoil maid in removing grown that the veteran caach would remain with he club Vicepresident Ind caniinue In draw Aaiary or he remaining Laix yan his contract Esti mam ui Browns uiary Ind Miler coniraciuai bonuses in year range irarn $60000 to FULLEACK HONORED NEW YORK MUJim Iny Inr Gmn Buy lullback who we Ihc rushing and ICUXIHK hadcr lb Nallunnl Football League last Mason is the De cembcr winner he chkok Award He become candide or Pro Athlelc the Year how on In be nnnaunud at lh nn CHAHNLBY WIN EASILY LONDON UPIDave Cham ley Brllbh and European 11th welght champion callly nul pomlcd Jelhm Cnmn of Phila delphia mrnund Iixhl Charnley wtlahcd 157 pound Clwn Charnley II the Marldl uwnlh challenger or nrln Orth world lixhlwclzhl Imawn Cawn unrated STADIUM GETS NAME NEW YORK lAPlThe new home oi baseballs New York Men will he named the Wllliarn Shea Stadium in honor oi lhc man who wu inllmmenul in Kelllnx National League team in New York ailcr the Giants and Dadgm had moved la ihe went tonsil The clly coun cll approved local law to Ihal titer Tuudly An 11year veteran with in National Football Ltaguc club Renlro said business demand was the primary reason lie parlner In chain oi live dry cleaning firms 1ha way Mi now wont be playing nexl year he laid but emphasized ii he retired lg wauld nu be because at disc latillactian RENFflO MAY QUIT FORT WORTH Tcx AP Vlleran flanker back Ray Ren Im at Cleveland Browns may he In considering retiring 1mm professional wnlbalL be my nun when In Inn St and VOIEI Brown W511 organized In 1946 Arthur Modellhu Brownl pmidenl nld he hoped lonn mum the new canchlnz mu Indunerll manager at press conï¬rm today He ha um choice new 19 ban but aald chday lhat ha ha Ind Icvcrnl wnverutlm Comer CLEVELAND IAPlA new cmh wax expccled be named for Cleveland Brown to day and malt prosnullcatm lamed Blnnlon Colllcr mem ber 01 Ill leanh mulling Ila would tel Ihe guculng game as to wlw will direct the lartunn lbs Nallannl Foolball Lealue club has bun uolng an Alnce Pnul Brawn was ï¬red at clinch and general manager In Wednes day Brown had erved In the dual capnclllu Ilnce hm Bryvygw w3reolj£anlzpd in 1946 flclevelaï¬dLfloName New Coagh Collier Figures To Gel Iob mz nnnnmzxmmn ï¬znxzsbn MN 19 SCISSORED SPORT HUBERT ll would hr Sumlry Park In Vancnnrrr Mmmlnln Pt um Aunnln or hr grmmd ho Irglllallve huumng In Vlc arln nulll mmer at lm Inlnl HCMI squad hm lnnrd Ihe ml hr min they know unclly uhm may Are oInI Iml don Hunk he ludm Illul Inld lhe mt But lhll Frucr Vallty Com munlly ulurlanl had In 1000 member lhe ml Ilncn 0c lobar wunl InId whm Huey are lulu HOPE 11c CF Son at Freedom Daukhnbon Inn an tmnIlonnl goodbye to pie ane Mandny mm manlh or Han and lrlegrnph cnblu hrlnging near than to communicnllans belwun be In counlrlu And belwml much of Europa Imd the Sovlel Union The Danish pail ufllru 1an hm WM no thnnru or mlnrlnz lhe cablu until lhc lcqmclll whlrh mlth ah CAHDSBEI DATE ST LOUIS ANThe St Louis baseball Cardinal Inid mesdny spring training will be gin Fri 22 General manager Blng Derlne laid pitcher and caichern will report on hot dale in Si Peierlburz Fin JAMMCANH ENTER TORONTO CF George Kerr Ihe worldl Wyard in door champion and his three pmnerl who made up mlicnn old medal mile relay team In he Briiish Empire Gamer will compeie the Teicxrnmvniaple Leai indoor Game here Jan 15 ll wru an nounced niesdnx Thu 24year olri champion will run wiih lhc Spence lwinl Mel and liialY and Larry Khlni BOWLEHS GATHER KANSAS CITY lilo AP Lured by record $100000 prile hind 432 oi the noiionl lop bowler will gather here lodny for the opening oi the 21nd nn mini nilmr howling tourna menL Dick Weber 33 pro euionnl bowler irom 5i Loni Ind iiirli Shirley Carmel 38 hnuscwiie irom Painiine ill will deitnd lliiu won an Jan vary in Miami Beach Fla Qualiiyinz hrzim Thursday Freedomites Hold Farewell Party nual Hickok Award dinner Jan 21 In Rochester NY Taylor won over Time New York Glanll quarterback and Andy Bulhzule New York Ranger of the Nullonal Hockey Lennie PREP FOR TOURNEY OSLO APlNorwnyl na tional Ice hockey learn held Sweden to Me Tuesday night tn the ï¬rst an two day world champ cnxhlp warm upvmnlch Twn newnpnpeu reported hmday lhnl Collier already had lined canlract as the Brawnl conch Elam ulentiflc loab ball men very unusual one Brown nld when Collier Joined the Clemmi club at JlnulryA He ha Ideal an Illa In oumnnrflng teacher He ram with the best in the Manly nspcqll ol Iheugnma hm lot confluence In hu Ideal Collier naclie of Miller hm Ky Im spent nine 01 MI union notan muchlnl with the Brawnsu Collier 59 wax member the original coaching lint he Brown but 12 Ihe club In 1m to become held coach lha Unlvpnlty Kentucky Ho rejoined the learn as backï¬eld cud alter he wu removed 1mm hit collate pm 0110me ha 1961 Mama Brown claimed lhnl Model branched HI comm by taking away Ill coaching rewanslbll me and IBM the matter II In the Mud nl hil llwyerl 10 KENTUCKY IMv lulu HM IluH INA mum mnunal munpu lum mmm In Ivyuprlnh um n1 Iimlnl INNHM Illlllllml lhu lulumHnml lwlv It lllll um mllmln mmnIHmA mm Ivnrlnlll 1mm llmu one man utlnu nnnl Hm mud Im IM mw VHRNIYNI Ivy lllo NHL Th AAI nflfllllnl Inv rllvlufl lrva In lhr UK In 1w pm litlrlrllm IMI III 1m unhmmv NEW YOHK MIllmh Brnldrmmul nrmlury Ihn mm Mnlu Olynmlr Aullunll In ha hem charm ulth viulalln the mm ha mm nllnnn Olymnlc lnmmlllce hy Ildlnl ulfll hr anlnnnl CDIIP vlillr Allllcm Aumlmlon III III Irler Imd will llm mm mm Mnnleur Mhlrflr Unlnn Col Unll Hull CKKUIUH IL mint hr AA NM lurr day bull Krmvrlll In Tug WHWIL UH Ilymvlc lalmIIH pruhlrnl and AM NmMrIL lhr urnnmtnnnnn mulmy hm snow Hulr vl lhr Im lulu Farmer In In Me Denny Kid mm ulm dim nflrr lanlng lo 11th in hair llllc llnht hm rnr Does the nmmlcr or usllu mnsldcr ionlhlzn uh 1m emlro ban nn prnlcumnnl box Ing In Denmark being cnn lcmplalrd la hall ho unmru mnlzh hclwrrn he mm mm Ginsunun and flu wofld hammlon Emlla munnsum crullrr mum nnntbcr buxcrl deny In ller rlnnf In Idler In an Knrkkrup minlstcr lusllct cher slun deL pnwulul nppasillnn mumbar Inrllnmml and ltndinx to mum In cormum Am Danish nmnhcr of Inrllxunml lms mund Io Invent In ï¬g chcdulcd hm Feb bclwcen Denmarkx Chm Chrhlmsm and EIIIHB Grimm world Ml rrwclghl chmnpinn 1mm New York The Math mlribulu In two things Buck ever nnd use we can apply these hunllng slallsllcs la the whole province says Mr Dcsmculcs In other words for every live moose shut out gnu nwny uaunddd my 75mins NCAA Charges Olympic Officials Recent Moose Hunt Brought About acts cm took an aver age live to xix ilnl to bring down lhe big nnlmnlnnd in one cam 20 shois The flame and ï¬sheries dapqnmcnl which or ganich ihc hunt in gel ininrma lion on boih moose and ixunicr bciicvc about more animals The hunt hogan mm 20 and ended Oct 2L wllh 300 hunter licensed la take 150 moose They that IZ7cansidercd an excel lcrjl mllo his success statistics show the hunters to be anything but marksman They were picked by public draw and bioL unis Pierre Dummies wilp supervised the hunt estimates per cent wgrc ngpcncncpd MAL QUEBEQ 1GP An cxperl mental moose hunt in Lauren linn lrovincinl Park has brought to light some Interest lng acts abou both the shy or cstqu ang hlx hunlcra Mods Skawron centre for merly the New York Yan kus and Bob mum right former New York New pit cher hire given conducted MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT MOVES T0 BLOCK FIGHT BY GERRY McNEIL NEW DODGERS ON TOUR In Um rm Ilunhurll lev mm In 1hr Inlvlvm mu Amalnn MlIltllr Fm IUun mmmiun In mm Hu Tlmk erl Flclrl Ful rrnllnu Th lrIlN mu Imml mnr In and him It VIM uhwlalul In lhr mm Muld lmrhmll curml lo va Undrr Imluullnm ll Imr Mm Krmmly mlmmlml lo dlwulu ll Idlrdulrll III nlnlt Friday lulrr durum UN Donglnl Mmmlhm Nmrllvlur lnulxmi JAM Hull Vllwll mm llml lln lrdrmllnu mml lu umwml HP Hm mm Hum nl IsMinn nui mlr Irmlmrnl up xmuylmnlml llw lrml uhm him In Um rm Ihnhurll lm Ffllrann Illl Iwrn Immrd ll mks nu unmnnnlnu pnurr ullh In AMI Inl Nmrmhrr ll mu mmmn lvcern nu MU alul NCAA vm PM hr and wullllnu wun lllmml Hull ll olmr lmn rwhxlnl MIIHI rhnmn mul mpnlm leunw rmk nml Hrhl In Hue houl wlm Inldrnmx nmm will 13k only My Amp lrlnnmnnnlml mm junlur mhldlcwlnm HE HM Huld rIlcmrlihl noun will nol he nhr will ghc lhu malch my Lrmlulun All Iormnhllu are order lhc pulicc calmnl luan btlwun mm nr 10M hu man and spun lugllimnciu nm mud he Ihu lmalncnx Hm minlslcr Jualluel Huckkrup nvnllnblu hvr rammenl Ha on hi my cunlrmlm In Horkhulm and will my hum tumM Pnu mirun ol Fradnlkshcrg here we bout in mid Chrlslrnscna hwy Home Dr Vanl pmnmLnlrd Then ll lur as can sec no rule or law ml can prgupl lllln Average use hose shok as yearswith Il more than 20 ycvarsald The hum rrlghcd 1050 pounds dressed The greatest antler Iprcfld was 5213 Inchesbringing 180 poinls undcr um Boone and Crockcll yxlcm compared with Ihu no am 01 about 20 palm The 127 monscprmidcd 72 000 pounds of maul The government regards the Studies the moose thum sclvea Indicate the park is sab urntrd with lhcm rcsulling in an aging populnuun 100 pound moose cats 50 pounds of vcgcmflon daily In winm unnn nod 15 scarce overcrowd lng Bpparcmly has moale 10th or many calm unfamiliar rifles Sflmc or the hunters were ualng lhcirriiies or the first lime Sumo rifles apparently did not have udc qunle sights As ar buck over some of the hunting panicshey went into the mountainous 4001quuare mllc park In groups 01 four and 200 stayed under canvasA imagined mnosc were charging lhcm or about to auntk Mr Dcsmcules speciallst an loose danl run Sher pm ple people run after moose llh 1y qupz tour or Dodger Stadium In La Angela ycslerday by Arthur ReLI Patterson the Dodgm pew assistant general manager Skuwron and Miller wpre obtained by of Ihllhurll In In Inlvlvm Mlultllr Hdvl pnllcc uhlc lllt lislricl Mug héid The mluls whch up by Hullmlnu pwm ulna Had nu maul or mud pulnll wml by une tram In £1 will name Two lcniuc Immln um luulrn Mt ck mul mmllwr in Mm Hullmlnwa hm El mill Ilvnvu 15 NI Ilclrn um nmullrm 5mm mm mmh llu gum hlrakllm llw mu gnmr Muvlnu mmul uM Iy hm flanu llnN lam ml 51 mm vimm mm mm 97 mm lululn lnvnhlng lhn ring umm mnul min inul Lulmulnr smutu rank Ilvlnl ullh mlnll nml Dim Illmhhmu MW uilh llnn Inn llrulns In Inuth wnh IlullUHnMn nnmllrn I1I Hm mm number mu MHIM nqunI lllrm lhrll mmllrl nhm flalnmmw memgn 102 Ullnlnl guru Irlrnwd lmlny nhuw Duluur In third plum Iml until lm mm and Ilnll Glllurl hut vlrrkl lnulrr MI 15 ï¬nal and 11 Hr IMI OITMVA CWMm Dulmn nl Hurllmry thlx liml lnur rnala mnl nulnlml In Inur mm as vrrk In hmm Im plate In ullll Jeanna HIMH nl Kluuxlmu Frnnlcnmx In Il Emum lrulmlnml II or lmuurl Indixldunl narlnz uln In lllc MMlld II of lo Gnrry Dccnnn nab Frwrll and IL Mchnn Nch vllckn Iur AJnKIM to won my GriIln triumph mu Hexlrnm nml Sum Dick Fnllm Milled the lone llLrlrnm unal IMkey Immune Man at Bar rir Arum Ins nMIL nan Caulsnn scored two goals and thIU Dom one la Imd Saxlanl In will ovrr Unlurlal Coolrr Cok pol lrd flu thr Snxlnn gnnl MINE Km Machnald Ml Wu and Calm MacDonald mlh one rounlm or In Imm Scxlnnn Shoo Mom nnd 00 Grill each named am clou via am in In Industrial Minor ey uL Man Bar rir Arum Ins nMIL Dufour Tied With Gilbert Because of dcnp snnw hero Quebec moose mm shelter un dcr rota In wincr nmklnx ann lal surveys useless This mn sldcred an nccnmle census mcumd in ahcr provinces Meanwhiln the major prob lem the biolnglslgla 5L ï¬nding hnw muny nibosa them an In Quebec Mnose at favorite big game animal In Quebec where 3188 were shot this season year ago 3040 were killed by hunlvrs BIangIsls are mgagcd In an Intensive study DI the nnian The Laurcmlan hunt was part II it mlgm rosuIl In more ngid rIIIc wcciIiLallonsms sihly even marksmanship lest Ior hunlcm and more hunting In no vast parks IL was the in lime moose have bccn hunted In Laurcnï¬an Imk since 1927 The department luels blennlpl restricted hunt might prove valuable in easing overcrowding hunt us an unqualiï¬ed success ln providing more lnlarmallon an the biz gamn nnlmaL Once studies are mmplclnd mdro such canlrollcd hunts may be arranged Two Close Wins In Loop Action the Dodgers In winter lradcal Pallerson Dodger publicity director became generalrmanucr But lie navasls assLSIanl yeser day AP Vircphoto IIrim ulna pnnMnl llvr My Hui 11ml mu Hm rumo lmk Hank Mm quhl 1hr flnuudnlnl Ln Angrlu hulml ml Um final IIny II unwn mul hm uhimwl ï¬lm In Mayo luv snmru In ruw 11w Iimux 1mm life Inn lumlmll Maw nrl mul he Irnglhiul Vurlll SHIN In 51 IN un Hm rlmlre 97 llm ITH nxuuls NH nml lpnll uulm Mm pmuclpnml In Hu wHHL NCW Ynlk Ybnkcrl unu 1hr declfllux lmno In mar Sun FruitInn ï¬lm In mir Hm wmhl rlmlmthlhlp mm mm Unu YORK MIW IUV fnlh lamb of the WM huhs drnmapnckrd nflnlr hum llm nprnlnx pllrll In lha ivrruu pmlmllul llnnl um um nmnul Hm 5mm rhllll nl Ihe Year In If Aunchnwl lml mmual rnrrcml pull Final Series Game Top SportThrill CO PLETEJ gun RICAL MIDIIN Saskatoon gave lm son for Main are and expenses back to Ottawa and Ihaugh no contract was sign that made me their says Mia Fred Slcnmrrl Max well Ion ll mom pcrmnnl My in Vlnnlvcz Im 101nm Home of Mn leummulcs In lho Why all Fume Mnx wdl MW 72 playcd mm and couched name IF grculrsl Jblidts fjfiirice seems Bit vTriflé Nowadays Lm Dandurand owned flue Montreal team than and he told Canadians ncquuc him the allowing season In widely criticiled dealThey deal all the great Newsy Lalondn to lhe western club or the youngster who hadnt played an gauge llnlrlnl Ililumul rlnhml Lllhlhl Iwrlllhk PARRY Elmrle In Illan up But in 920 Jnlmt was lusla lcenager witha leg so weak from football Injury Ihnt he flunkcd hls Iryouu viUI Regina and Saskatoon of lhc old Prairie League That was In 1920 before the l45pound natlve olr Ollnwal be came park of hockeya llrsl kld Una will cenlre llowle Mor em and rim wing Billy Bou choru Jollat wearing lha colors 01 Montreal Canadlcns and he baseball cap that became hls trademark played l6 seasons In the National Hockey League He was the highest scoring Jolt wlnger the league ever pra ducedm goals and 190 as sist in regular season play uulll Ted Llndsay set new mark ln the lnlemsos when the season re logger TEAQED F011 MLDNDE WInyIv Bu lhnls all that was needed to dxn m9 recalls Aurel lallah now employed with Qhe ONE otflce slat at Union Slgtlnn here OTTAWA CP In lhcue days when hockey clubs reject offers of $1000000 or player the turn $100 sécmsa trifle In pay fur the contract 01 one Ihe games alltime great left wmgera no If Ndw SERVICE JOINS SELECT CIRCLE Axum Trxwllumlwxlu rimm Ilulvtlnun Tu mwnml mm Anzclry lrl Nrw Yank lm llmmmpxmr 51 Ntw Yolk muwnnrd Ymml Jun ulrull NH lllldlc lmu NJ Mmmwmm mu mm H7 Alimqurup km Hï¬ Amlm Sonny Juans nrnmlhmul knuckuul nl lumywrith hnm ulnn Ihml lulunun in no mlmllu nml Alx NUlfllh nl lhn In lullml rulul lhildmlh 11 win The rnmhlnnllau hr rnllylnu thh mu lhr ltnw lhlld nnll dnuiIUng flmna drew alrs mm mcr mumbled in Win nlpra Including lh 1m 5m lor Canndinn chnmulon Man nrchsflAmonfl Mr players and lcummam um he 1an chk Irvin Julmny Gollaeliu and Ala Couture 01 Whole FIGHT RESULTS Jain lay greatest hc ever llvodl So the $7500 purse given to hlm by Montreal fans in the Forum Inl947 during playall game has to be one of my great Ihrllls in hockeyl That was one of lhe than limes hes seen an NHL game ln person since hanging up his nkales lln rarely watches game on televisinn and never travels to nearby Hull Quel to see HullOttawa Canadian ol the Eastern Protesllanal League DUMIIESI ATHLETES Looking back now Jnliat Old Mme hockey players were the dumbeslathletes them all Thijï¬idnt get paid enough to them services and low at us saved our money or went Inln business 11 lm when Montreal Mur Dons folrled and the player were put aUha dlspnsal 01 Ca nadians Jolial was given his uncondillonal release Inimij ken him from ï¬nding place with nlher NHL teams and he drupped tomsighl unlfl 1947 when he was named lo the Hall of Fame Canadlens won the Stanley Cup lhal yeah Jolint and Mar enz were together for Wu more cup wins192an and 193M but by that lime noucher hmf been replaced by Johnny Hack Ca Gngnnq mé he wankd young blood for thq an die Sf Jollat ex plglneq Baucï¬er was already Cam dlcn and whnn Mureni joined the club in 1923 one of hockey mob calmml nraduclive line was born Don Konpmans PA 6GSI4 TOP QUAuni rop QUmnw HEATI OILS says Murcnz was the hockey player who Cull AFL cummiulnnvr Joe le Mun 1m In nu mm Hm ntKnhulInm Inwhlnn Hu Il lam IIM fllll he Ihnlon Imd Mhlml gum Inn lllt IMHO hark Ilmnnl ll luluLlpnl Md llcu lnr llm lrnnrhlm Mm snhl he 0po1 In Mm llu mummy fur Ill ulunp In cnncrxntd III wcvlrud vll rlllm lmy llu tin or 1mm nlwul Mill knowlouuvpovoooolouou Tod flurruxh Lycnrnld Huston II man mid anlny he WI nu In New Yolk May In mm wllh Tilanl uwntr Harry Winner and Hall the nLw Hmth Mndium lem Um THnn MI play nut mr BOSTON MUTho Kiku mnn Inr Kmup ulnch hm ml in hid In buy New York Tilnm he Foohnll Lcauue any the mup will ing Ia wrnd up In 000 Io RM lhu tum Ming llmngly Gerry Leonard and Waan Hull Mm Seltlles alher marksman and Nurm Jtvhnann and Mihn Marcrlu noted or Calgary 0mm whnn perlonnanco helpnd the Blades taka om scmnd place 1n the Saulhzm Divlsion nandinzl was with lhc NIIL anlan Bruin In lhu 195753 scammtnr lwu game and relumcd to Boston for gnmu lwo yum ago llo 21 polnuIn Wm amu 1hu Icason sum bi will was benched or poor pay da spite scoring 54 palm In 54 game last yur But in cm week Willie ha mapped back JCaInX In hurxll In other Icllun Bob Barlow scoud wine In pace Seam Totenu lo 41 win nvu CAL lag Slnrppcdm Willie ORee Dlnying In an and bursts again In the gond graces the Vesmm Hockey Leaguen Lo Angela Bladu The Frederlcmn NB 12 winger ï¬rst Netra ever to play in National League neared the winnlng Ind clinching gum wilhIn 16 second Tuesday night as the Blade dumped Edmon ton FlyerrsI Group Willing To Spend Cash Inco Eunlyl Lualu Emmi mm nullI nmwr If vim Moran 15 Ms centre with Bill Cook Ranger at 1th wlnl and Harvey Busherl Jackmn Toronln at 1211 Eddie Shara Boston and King Clancy of Toronto are Ms dofenccman and In goal it has to be George Hainswmh of Canadians SPORTS EQUIPMENT mv But Im no kidding myself lhal fellows llke Gordie Howe He dld but only because his funeral was held mere Jolial wha was named to the ï¬rs allMar learn ever picked in the NHL In the early 19305 ignured modernAday players In choosing his awn dream learn The nigh lorcnz broke his leg In the Montreal Farum against Chiclgu in January of 1937 was easlly my sudden hockey experience Jolla recall that vMoreM was washed up when traded by Canadians in 1911 But whun he was brought hack few years laler he was he llnr cm of old playlng almost at he had at lhe peak of his car cer went to visit Moran in hospital afler his injury and he told me he would come back In the Forum said mm Whm You Thlnk From what have seen of Rocketlfllchard he was like hawk the opposing blucllne ready to swoop In on goal But Mnrqnz carried Ihe puck ram qndJa end and Ive seen him go through teams In three cun aecutivc rushes In scare ORee Betums To Good Graces MORENZ INJURED Ive never Scan anolher man who could 1m every an out his eat in lhe MonuealvForum the way Morenz could By THE CANADIAN PRES GARNERS llll1lllM Hm If Flu lfllul KMJNI ly MM hull Nullannllv Admllud It HS llur lllrl Al mum Ill llullc In ARLBERG SKIS SPORTSMAN WI