nm nun slru Mm wrn Vlmhlmhnn llxrrn ymu munlnz In Un mus Illrlwl hi rmlznm llvm Tm luy hum Kluurnm Jmnnhn lury lmal er1 mmmurr lur nlmul yrny Mllmul salary lln lvml Jami dunno In le mu UMYEP INIMIVEMH IVI huHmlmm wmlv pml Julm Ilamu lmunplmrlu nylth fnnnrr mhrlun lmmh Hymn plun Inlulwl mmlngrr lhiluilln mil Im mm mle Illinlx Ilnni 01 Ink WILHELM FIRST CAME up wilh lhc New York GInnIs In 11151 mi 1411 Ihu anlunnl Leanne vIIh 243 nnrncd run tune Seven ycnra Iulcr supposedly washml up Ill Inuzunu nlIng pllcher Iur 1111 rIoIos nmI upped the Axnurlcnn 101qu vIIh 2111c0un1 IIc Immune I1 only pllcllcr Iu Icaul 110111 Innuuus In 111 crcnl yum In 1511A Ammu 1115 many 0115 the knuckchmII 01111111011 111m 101n 151111111sz rrlltI man In 11152 12 zunus In the ammo mummy In 1954 and 11151 Illmzcsl Ilrlll norrnn ImIIII 111mm ngnlnnl lhc Yunkvm In 1051 IInlIIInnnl may lmw mmlvhml Ihc thlvr of 11m IICIII In Alum AwIlIclu 11m 11an VIIIuIm cant be hunt for Ills IlltRI lIckLI 11m knuck cImII Should the White Soxs gamble not pay off they cauhl he mighty sorry for unloading Louis Aparicio wmi inADDED BONUS THE NICEST silken 557 the whole deal will turn up when lloyi Wilhelm the masler oi the bent fin ger technique once again proves there is place in aseball for the knuckleballer This infamous pitch has ke Hoyt in the game when most hurlers of 40yenrsol are walllng for pen sion rights Last year he did superb job for Balti more emling with an earned run average of 194 llis lliellme ERA mark ls an impressive 274 lhu knucklebnll lsnl very popular pitch In that Its easy to hit If not controlled ri ht and hard to pitch correctly Vllhchn never had th problem since this pitch alone bought him ttckct into the majors IN HDS ARSENAL he has fast ball slider curve and possibly 5le ball or two ycl makes use of the knucklcr 50 00 per cent of lhe lime He has complete control over it and more often than not ï¬nds the strike 1011c Thrown with various speeds the knucklcbnll 15 so tempting floater coming in with so Illtlc spin that the hntlcrs awcnr they can read the label on the hall But Its ditfurunt nmllcr once It arrives at the plalc lt slarts to flutter jump around and change dlrcctlon Batters find Illumsulvcs swinging nalhlng bul nlr The main phhlcm with Huyls specialty is or the Catchers because lhcy cant centre the jum lng sphere That was the pmhlvm until the Baltimore uh came up with mllt lwlul lhu size of regular one with mln hnum pmhllng In the pocket nrcn THE FACT THAT Louls never leads in fielding av erage can be explained in that he attempts more tough plays than any llelder in baseball Once in whlle they dont come off and he has to take an error on play where an ordinary shortstop would glmply have con ceded the base hit Perry Resigns Rs Manager Aparicios talents are spread out evenly in var iety at departments rating him with such former greats as Marty Marion and Lou Boudreau He has extra ordinary end great arm and hands he leaves noth ing to be esired on the double play he gets the jump on the ball and is almost impossible to head off he is fair hitter but whatever hitting he does is bonus in the light of his great fielding ability Its really hard to comï¬are Louis with Marlon and Boudreau because they bot played different type of shortstop Aparlcio plays deep because of his qulck darting moves while Marlon lacklng speed and Bou dreau lacking strong legs were forced to play shallow IN MUCH BRIGHTER atmosphere there is no reason on earth why Louis shouldnt again prove him self to be one of the greatest infieldcrs to take up posi tion between first and second bases Not to take anything away frorn Viils but won der how many of the 104 stolen bases he would have had playing in the American League Maury did most of his piliering on the NL pitchers while Louis work ed on the catchers and was quite successful Lets face it there arent any Elston Howards or Earl Batteys in the senior circuit Wills was able to get away with mur der against NL hackstops while Aparicio had to care fully piclr his spots THE NATIVE VENEZUELAN experienced one of his poorest years at bat wlth Chicago he hit 241 big drop irom his lifetime average of 266 and hls base stealing ability was well hidden in the shadow of the Dodgers Maury Wills Aparicin asked to be traded after returning an unsigned contract to Chicago because it called for gay cut He stlll led the American League in stolen uses as he has for the past seven years but manager Al Lopez centred hlm out as one of the main reasons the Sox failed to advance in the 1962 pennant race In one or the biggest trades of the offscason Chic ago shipped 29yearqld Louis Aparicio and outfielder Al smith two unhappy baseball players to the Balti more Orioles or shortstop Ron Hansen disappcinting oï¬tfielder Dave Nicholson minor league thirdbiseman Pete Ward and relief hurler HnytrWilhelmu Compared to Aparicio and Wilhelm who should provq major asets toth9ir hewrclgbs the others are inerer minor iiuieé the big deaL 10 THEMMHE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JAN15 1961 THE CHICAGO WHITE SOX sacriï¬ced one of base balls greatest shortstops to get an unproven third baseman and received an added bonus In supposed ly aging knuckleball artist 50x34 EH AEARICIO son WARD Imnw MIrllm lfuy SPORTS CHATTER By JERRY GLADMAN Hun anmldmlrlcl MM Wuulu mm Illph Ilunlrl In no mm ml Mvnl lnldmu Mzprdhrly urn by mum in nml an Inn 1i Ufllllnxr IIM Mle hvdln nunnzo 71 Am Huytl up My 1hr Inc in 20 ll Illml rnphlrrll Mcll rlll Alllllml muv Irnplel nun mm mmuun Wuwm 1n lmnlmh hnmpl Iltkru IL mam Imwm mlhfuilï¬uhilr ï¬nuo luhdvd em gun BOWLING Un llo uh Walulrr vnnéyln rmr lluzkry Ilnzup MHun lmlule un Mnmlay nigh Yulm linulunyu lwo antla Md Fm lu In ry la lilh Emu lulllpd ho nllwr liml 0m Emil while lmnw llrlnhml Harllrkl lrnmk rmrl Tun Mum Imh hall Ilngln lur Voudrr Vallev Simllnr games have been play nd the lust uvcrul you lhrauuh the wopcrnllon of Han Emma ownerconch he Flynn and Dnrrle my Club Some of the entertainment that has been suppllcd In misc money or the nasocinllnn In cluded Ministerial Anoclnlion Va Police hackcy znmu Fly llhcn nnrrIeL agninst xuchl lramn n5 Junlnr Cunndicn and Norlh Hay Trnnpera nnd Fly then Nlnxnra Fnlls nxnlnsl the local Inlcrmcdlnlc lenm Ncilhvr Flym nor Falcons Inko pcnuy mm ha gum IImms slnunth luppurlcr or he Rclnrdrd Chlldrmn cnuso gnu la conxldumhle nxpome lo 11ran club mm Nlnxnm Falls Tlrkcls lnr Iho name WI an we wllhln in few dnyl The money will came from benefit hockey game to In plny ed Battle Arena betwecn the my Clty Falcon and Nlagara Full Flycrl wmdsnr 21 11s Chnlhnm 131011 Woodstock 2011 all Gal ll 17 1E KW ll 18 xSamla 28 01 xdnwï¬pcd out oUcaguv Tuudlyl new Gal Woodstock Tonlghtl Gums Windsor at Chalmm Barr and Dlshlcl Aswcla Inn for Relaxdud Children will receive another in long lina financial boosts Feb 13 Hull0an Khlgston Sudbury St Louis Banburys Pair Léad East Oro Tuexdnyn new Providence Quebec Tnnlghln Game Rochester nt Bumfla Pittsburgh at Cleveland Sprlngfleld at Hershey HullOlinwn 1311 MB Khlgston 1le 4151 Sudbury 1713 6163 St Louis 82 61091 Tuuduyl new Hull0nawn St Louis Tonight Game HunOttawa at Kingston Quebec Hershey Providence Springfield Baltimore Bulfnln Cleveland Pittsburgh Rochester Eathga even for the ï¬rst lime in ht career three games ago In Montreal and though hat was the game he rel record for goalscoring in consecutive games he pontemd Ie attached more Importance in boasting hls career scoring rec ord past the number games plnggdr Theft are only three guys In his league this have mred more point mm they hnvu played games he 551d then and theyre Gordie Howe Jenn 3ku and Boom Boom Geor non Retarded Children Receive Big Boost By THE CANADIAN PRESS Rnngers Andy Bnthgntu Just about deadlacked In hls grudge match with the aniunal Hockey League record book The wwamld right winner is only one pain away from having many points kl reg ularseason NHL play games played He now has 611 points 1nhl lxu lgaggle games DENVER MP DIIIIM rmllayl nnd Dclroll on In anlnnnl Foullunll erznu nmuumml Tummy pxrxomxn nmo Srpl lhe Mr Farce Academy III ulurndt Sprinul ful Hm anmv dny 1an mlch In llm mull Hm Amrrlrnn lelmll lmnuurl Drmrr Ilrmmn uppn Ihrlr Immn Irnum Ihn mmuuncmlenl dxrw II hlml mm Mnldcul fnl Run lm llmunm Ihr want Mllmll wnr am It Io Inm MM Kum GRID BATTLE OVER GAMES By Tin CANADIAN mass Bathgate Deddloékekd In Reddrd Book BOut Enuem Prohmonal American League Eastern Dlvblnn 13 17 124 127 45 11 1145106 41 mos 20 IE 313512241 ï¬eld 11115 5150124 41 one la 10 170 146 39 waslcm Dlvlslan 2313413111149 Ind 1519 613015035 mm 22 2102125 30 101 12 21 124 15 Onlaflo Senior HOCKEY RECORD 148 113 49 151 48 163 145 40 109 15122 124 117 45 1145 106 44 135 122 41 150 124 170 146 39 In Um unly Hflshm lrnlcn nlunnl Hockey Lulu unmu Tummy nlnhl Um llrnm tlmppul Cnnmlirlu ll lmum hduvc crowd at xx The rms Mn nwlulm 11ml rum hyrnrunc In htIr Inst gnuw nl yrncum My Hullan llul0mwn 01 Tummy nlgml win flu tluhlh In 35 um LDIIII hul Hm luu Iq nnmllrnl have ben Inn All nullnuu nnllrmlcr llnirr llw Mumlvllnn Mmk 5mm 1vide 4n Hy Till2 CANADIAN PRESS St hm Humx dont win mnny hockey nnmu hul my lulu pnrllculnr dullghl In hm lnu he Hmplnce llIIIIOlluwn Camdluxu OHA Jr 11 London Sarnla 16 Kllchener Owen Sound kamlngtnn Windsor Nnvn Scolla Srnlur Windsor Monelon New Glasgow Hallrnx Cap urchin Senlnr North Sydney Sydney Mum Tomnlo Junior Marlboro Whitby Brampton Knob 11111 Ullnwallull Junior Thurso Hull 11 Ottawa ouuwn Northern Ontario Senlnr Kapusknslng 14 SI Porcupine Saskalchewnn Junior Melville Moose Jaw Cenlml Albcrln Edmonlnn lied Dcer lnicmnlinunl Llazuu Port Huron Flirt Wayne Elslem League Long Island Philadelphia Chnrloile Knnxville Tneadayl Result Guelph Niagara Falls Hamilton Pcicrborough Thursdayl Game Niagara Falls at Hamilton Western Ltnguc Seattle Calgary Edmonlnn 05 Angelo Many of the NHL prumls lng young star an within reach of he onwolntngamo plggeau The closest behind Balhgale ls Chicagos mu med Hay whose myoan In 235 gnmes gives him deï¬cit of 33 point to up Montreal 15 10 Fembarn 15 Niagara Full 16 Hamilton 1111 St Catharines 816 Guexim BravesnEnjoy Beating Habs You can see what 12 mean mm that Bulhgale hadvylrnublc break ing Into lhe NHL and Ma only 45 points in his flrst 106 games after the 196455 season But the seven and hall sea sens since then he has mada up for Beflveau has nveraged mare points game than Howe The smooth Montreal centre has 617 points in NHL gamesmare than nine sensonswhlh De troits ageless star has 4166 points In his 1089 mach In 17 seasons Gbolfilon has less 01 an edge having amassed 711 points In 093 gages Ih In lhmlnp AND TRAVEL TIHAT EW CAR 0R TRUCK n1 Imw mum run in Onlarlo Junior ll 15 10 1i IIAI EMMR III In turn 1va huw Irvin run we um um mul mvmnv BARRIE DRIVEACAR ID NAIF AND INFDIIMATIIW fINTAlT 510 7124 9737 15 7101 7937 168 5119 9137 111 71221093 816 710114223 620 9515017 ASE NE CAR 0R TRUCK lulcr will or Cum nhnls Inn 111 lm unlll llw J5 Vd Inn Mann mlh ham IN mm Uulmcl wm mva lur 31 ml Um In ller lrnlcn unmu llrnvn ll lmlun xx The The league nilxuuvcd the ar mnxcmcnl Ilarrls sald Bruce Norris owner at he fled Wlngs of he Nullonnl Hockey Lemma had ngrccd la lnke llm linunclal Interest They won only 10 um lhrir lirsl your lmLk In llm AIIL nnd me only pain on Hm Wu cm nwmun cvllnr um ycnr 11m IHLshurah owner mld he hill cum Ilmrull In II lrnm rompcllllwmm 9mm Mmnnmhndlnnlluumn AusaA cluUnun ullh mujur Innuun minute nuibursl by Guciph In tile iirsl period ivd by Trevor Fuhey and Burden Smith gave Royals their eariy lead Fahey scored lwicc Smith once in the flurry in Pelerborough Kerry Band 01 Pclcrbamugh loll lhe game in the Ira period with lwlslcd kncc Pelcrbumugh was led by two sun from Kcllh Vnghl others went to Lorne ODonnell and Bryan Wsonxflt Martin Gary Marsh JohnConan and Bob Thoma scored at Hamilton Metro Junlor action Ncs day night saw Taronto Marl boro defeat Whllhy Dunlap 52 and Drampmn dawn Tarnnlo Knob Hfll 53 NEW YORK AP Dalmil Red Wings have bans an in terest In Ihnlr Pittsburgh Har ncln arm learn John Hnrrls owner at the Hornets un nnunccd Tuesday mm special meeting of Ihe Amcrlcnn Hockey Leuxutu Man will In lhlx would Insure he Hamel lull any pm In ohminlng players mm the Red Vlvuu The mm on the longuu or Ire yrnrs unHl Inst snnsnn ham md lrnublcs Bill Glasth lcd the Niagara Falls allack with two goals both In the lhlrd period Ran Schock Wayne lluxncr Gary Harmer and Ron Hergnll scored the others Mnntrenla Henri Richard 46 points behind the poinla game pace with MS points In 91 games whllc Monlreals lllcs Tremblnynnd Chicagos Stan Mlklla are each 47 palms flown MontrcaL junior Canadians are among three teams llcd or first place In the loop with 31 points each But the baby nabs Idle Tuesday night have played lhrce games more than both Petalborough Poles and Nlag am Falls Flyers who share the lead 4H Ile wilh Hamilton Red Vlngs gave Pclcrborough extra point 10 move up from second place Tuesday night and Nlagnm Falk downed Guelph Eluynl In joln the leagues elle OHA Group Needs Top Statistician By THE CANADIAN PRESS Hs gctllng so you have lo he an expert statistician deler mine which team has the best chance of coming out on top in the Ontario Hockey Associa tion provincial Junlor grnup Tummoa hardshooting Frank Mahuvlich has 61 paints make up hmjlng 323 polnls In hls 381 gnmes Mammal veteran Dickie Moore In 57 polnls down with 567 points In 621 games whlle Boston Murray Oliver needs 73 palms 1th 16 In gnmcs In Ag on game lastplace Boston plays the lrsb place Black Hawks The Hawk will be nut to nvellse 54 de en lo the Bruins Inst wcck Up 04 that paint the Hawks hnd won four and tied two hub mcclmg wIIh Bruins Tamnlo centre Dave Kenn has scored 139 points in 175gamcs 36 behind and Chlcngu stnr Bobby le1 has 38 points to make up having 3517polnls in ageing Wings Purchase Piece Of Hornets MEI51m Krrp yuur lul wuxm Md 1117 Id un munlr mlr booty We ho IF lnmom Kvullzlk mu ul 1in WM GHLBS mlwlfl lnpvnlun mu SERVICE IA Hm TIME IS HERE The BarkleMldlnnd meal is the lane game scheduled far this evening and should they gel by the Flycrs the Falcons can break second place deadlock with Bradford The Expressmen me idleuntil Sunday while the Fniwna gn agaln Friday night in Meniord double win would give nnnle inurpelni lymph But ï¬rst at means Jimmy Johnsons Mid land Flym club Just chin to get back up the Falcons In three previous meetings he Fal con have lqken pmr The Barrie Bay City Falcons will have chance Io 511p vast Brndlcrd Mels Express In the Georgian Bay Inlcrmcdlnic Hockey League siandlngs ta night when lhey lmvci in Mid land or rcmnlch with the Flyers Calgary figure skater Mary Acklzmd polishes the blades or her skates after prac tice session The 17yearold Barrie Could Lose Bradford Tonight The lag hookup was at the SeagramsIS Star Rated Best Ilcnnunl iii nmomlmr an butlermuting Mum mom nutlnfylns with genuinely no whlnky populur price itttk In mm nuor tum nnnr mm ngnlnnl Um tllmn londlng brundn In prlcn ylnnn Cmmdlnnu Hka Um mum of Uougmmu Stnr brmt Han you rind thin grant whmky yet If um do no unmL Hm you dont gran wlth tho vordlol of Lhuumunln minor Cnundlmm mld mm It bout Im1 um IllnquI AynMull lmdlnl llrumh uuuulnuun SEAGIIAMS FIVE STAR CANADIAN RVE WHIDKV AN EARLY BIRD idddrk On Friday Pnul Megcrx charges make he long drive to Mcalord at erd meeting with he Misklex In 5pm ol low rating In the slnndlngs Meafard has been Improving lromcndaum ly and the Falcons will have lheir hand full Barrie Arena on Sunday and ni ihough he score was close the home waikcd right ihrnugh the Fiymr Midland hapv pencd Io be short lwo or three players at he limc including Fraser Dunn and Herman ave Nickoiishan giving Ihe alcons an cdgc in manpower Barrie will hike Io Midland with luii crew and that means Don Rich will he niong to guard the heir The Falcons have poarmad record due lo the fact Rich has missed near all 01 Inc game because of ob cam miimenls March 01 Photo high school student gm Lip Mn every day worl out In preparatlon for tha gold medal csts in Lorena moved two points In hind Blroud in the South Slmcoc Hockey league standings whip ping kaslown 72 in the ï¬rst game duuhlcheadcr El Al llstan Arum on Sunday Twmgonl emuu by Jack Mar1 toll Tum Wllwn and Bill 81min wlck helped Egbert Jo drubbing Thoran In lhc Mac end game Wills was named Alhlcte Ihe Year by wide margin I1 FLEMMY Associated Pm polL He Hole 1114 ham break ing Ty Cobb 1915 record 90 mien bases in season Will also bufled 299 and led Na llanal League shortstop In bug mu with Ken Briden and Pcler Cam emn each knocked In two lnall lead the Lara nltack Chuck McKeown Jlm Vundcrvoan and Doug erghl chipped In with singles Gard Java John Young and Tom McComb scared lot Cankslown singles went to Peter Vundem past Denney and Louis Marv tell while Jahn Meson Brim Alman and Wnllam Blank counlcd or Thomlan tallies Ihe rpecdy Inflchlcr wIIl be awarded Ihe Frederick MI Ier MemorInl Trophy by the Eagles who have presented IImllar ImphIcs In the wInnm uLIhc AP poll each year slncl 1955 The ImphIcs are given In memory the wIder known Milwaukee brewer and spam man who was killed In plane crash In 1954 Dawn Frmrlhe Australian swimming queen who was lected in the recent AP poll 11 Female Athlete of the Year will not be here to accept her trophy MILWAUKEE ABMaury Wills Lon Angcles Dodlzm shomlnp wlll In honored as Due Alhlcle the Year or 1961 at banquet ln Milwaukee Feb to be sponsored by tho Fra ternal Order cl Eagles Loretta Moves Up In Ratings Dodger Speedster Will Be Honored Slroud 144mm Egbert Cookslown Thornton HUNTING gioulpjnam We buy qu III makes uni See For Snowshoes Ice Fishing Suppllcl Burrll Govt Surnlm 25 Dunlap St Phone PA 622