Justice Warns Jury ItMQY Be Long Case Aeting Mayor Praises Group T2 For Fine Work Assoc Reports Show Good Year nm unrkshop has become bl operan andwe mus db vclop lrrmr armunnng 1y em handle 11 Edutallnn Commluce Min Haiku chairman An Important rhnngc in be Khml vmxmm has Inn lllc introduc Hon noon ulporvhion lnrludmz nll pupll rligxhlr or lull aluminum and olhrrl grnnltd 1min pcrmlmon to 1de aflvmnon Mulnnx Adul Services 11 Fruit chairman In our new home lhe Work being done by 20 trainees can he more 2m cicmly handlM as compared lo the one room we had formerly All our space is being used far production and them no tx lm space or use in Introduc lng new trainees in work The workshop now does du pllcmlm work far no cuslam on regularly and mails au total 3000 New or mail oath month plus about 2500 mhcr mailman mcry wmnd monIh We are fortunate in having Barrio as neighbor to provide Inspiralion In 10 years from Ihe vision to the reality of an association and also he rcnlily of shellercd workshop or re LIrded adults serves to prove hat you luflill he aims and ab jccu oi the association in cradluuhcgrnve program said Mrs Frrcman Guest speaker for me evening was Rev Fred Jackson Slruud United Church He was assisted by Mrs Jackson The allowing are condede commiucc reports which were prescnlcd lo the Rdardcd Chil drens Association at its Imh annual mun 115 mm at the Essa Road Presbyterian Church ï¬nancia support all urgarb nations in Ihe city there is not line we should be more proud of than he 10 years wark accom plished by the Association iqmmna Mrs Maude Freeman presi dent of he Orillia Association or Rcmrdnd Children and re rescntalivcal Region an the ARC Board of Dirccmrs pmught grcchngs from Grillia and the Board n1 Directors Mr Jackson is an ammun magician and 2210de scr law mnlwncr about Ipmvk lumlmw Inaugural mmm we The 10thAnniversary of the founding of he Barrie and my trim Assnclaflun or Rclnrded Children was cclebrnléd at an annual banquet and electinn of omcars at he Em Road Pres byterian Church last night Acling Mayor Fred Smith brought congratulations mm qouncil members and the city and said great deal of and it must be given In ynur found ers as we Iookbnck 10 years ï¬nd see the progrgss made with It seems lth we as Indiv lliualy hould 21ch rmqral and Ie rclnrdcd chxldrcn my Hui APPROXIMATELY 200 RT COUNTY COUNCIL NAUGUBAL game Auocialtd Travcllm In draw $1130 Kcmpcnlcl Kiwanis Vt pra and Em Imimhiv 17 51 and other donalianl and pmjcdx $37395 Flnance Oommiuee Morrow hairman max rctripu or 1961 amounted la 2355112 or Um cumnl ac mum Thin dhburwmmu In our heading khaol workman anodnlion and re malion amounth In 3234 76 leaving SIM xumlul or the yrnr The balance In lhr mrnnl Iund as of In JUN Cily Police constable Genrxe Mcuod rice pflsidml Police Assodalinn presented the Association for Bearded Childv ten with $100 cheque Inward the Sheltered Workshop Build Inz Fund Mrs Juan Gable Immediate past president laid lake hi opportunity to exch my du ccre lhanh In staunch ax ecuï¬vc which has stood medIy behindm and mended mew mg and special meetixigs bé yamd my nudes hops To the dedimxed all the hard under deplorable amv diuans can only say how haWy am In see them gee the line quaners lhey deserve She said We have had much help mm many arganhaï¬nns and individuals and volunteers Hi this combined ellort that makes it possible or us tonight to really ulebralc 10 year of achiuemenl Thank The aboliahmmt yanrnd rcpnns was successlully taken over by parcnl interviews with the principal by appointmmt in everpopular card and rope lricks ELECTION The allowing perm wen el ected by acclnmnï¬on ï¬m lam president Gram Bradley ï¬rst vicepresidenl Sam Sled and Vicepresidem Mn 11 Chalonen recording secretary Green Mrs Paul EmmJ Mrs Mary Baker El Rock and Gauge Smith dinclan my me me sémbiiaard which sun allin usthe as of the King Gaolgs School cast and gives valuable nin ing to pupils in househom an omics and group behaï¬om The mmlml last cm was 21 pupils in the morning In he nutran two wilhaut gram Expch enmlment next term it 14 In the mominl and 12 in the nunnoon lund Raising Commit Mu Margaret Hook chair man total of $115131 was raised mm he allowing 17m mu rummage salts ml bake dnw lick lmntil ynurvlay Mud minus mu Ink lllfl nu The demon was conducted by Murray Finlaymn Executive Director the association Twins livprm fund gcs at Mars musiopx includ She said they drove ï¬zr my WWW martial abouz mime ta oi er wimessa CALL WW ï¬rst wimu tor the lion was OPP Inflatable Harold Wheeler who idenflï¬ed photav mph taken on 54¢ 19 Next Wilma was Cm table George Urauick who identiï¬ed the places in ht photographs and explains that they were lam the 1M concession of Van all KM way so which mm mm Bar rie to Camp Bardett All photographs wen sham to each member the jury Third when far the mm was the mmphiuam who rati flai she was marrkd in Augm 1960 and manta mm hzr hulband Lm April The wanum lamina she used in hilcbhike to work res mum on Hizhwaj 50 Si said the three normed were mfg1 car by 3h Valley about 145 am they came to he W5 hack yin and blew the horn and the an ant and Id with than Sue said Norman Emu yum ed win and the three accused started In drink When my male was mum SUNNIDALE lSpecxn Sm nidale Count held in n1qu muting Monday with clerk Baker administering the will ulnar have SkimHi dcï¬vend the luvocnlinn All In countile were In lumcd lo afï¬ne Thu 41 Run ond Pridham Dvpun Reeve Will Downer and 51111116 Evv man Lwrmu Wulry Ram and Fm Han lhne am manual on trial InSupreme Cour we stun day diang with the rape ran Sepcember IIIyum Bar rie woman separated rum her husband and the me at little girl Charged with rape arr Harry Lemay In Norma Basso 11 Mr Justice Neil Frau told an aï¬rrnah jury case wmgld Jikdy 5124 ave ciai iake he to ink rmn ink She aid the bald than her out and 1h would ï¬nish hitchhiking to work in 55 ES Ea an an amazon nun sun 55 39 £8 35 En Susana pidin ol mm um mam am mm at mm in Nanï¬n Sunnidale Council Is Prepared To Meet With Municipal Board Com Unmck gaid £1127de Complainant In Rape Case Tells 0i Attack By Men Heméié 55 Cm passed motion that The left mu man1mm muL um pmim mmmgz mm mm and man Ev any pm In the radar meeLnz Sound mm in in the Genrmu 127 Devufnmmt AuctLIUnu mt mintrd hm frnm he Cream P11141111 Ontario awning mlurnz at marxufne granted by Mn ater IllStruulkar tie is acting ï¬r Ashfmry There was mam £5 anion mung Justice 17mm Menu counsel and mm Cm 55mm BTW Mm evidence mom brim spring cam pain wmemnywm lavszmede jedv everyqu in be aunt and amminvhrawubum lab 23 1me need at mbmry Embark nyrucnmive man were minslammemawb mm aqua for em YMCA 42me with nkaniE award 12 Itwnmmflhmnï¬m dun tar utilize cnlfrrrmm in vie Hench than an mummy IE arm mu W1 vnir panhamgmiw rmzs harm an aimifle Rh Has Program For All Persons ï¬fhummeémwzy dud aux meme far In KWSW ESE éeguaï¬ï¬aae ï¬naiaï¬vuï¬auéu ggï¬ï¬‚flnï¬pï¬ug as 323 Gianna aï¬gï¬gï¬nï¬u gaoflwuï¬nsuuma Eaggï¬ gï¬gï¬Ã©ng Nan mm was ééï¬aéï¬uï¬ gammaFRUEE ngguï¬ï¬ï¬ek iï¬ï¬daneuanauï¬a giaï¬auï¬ga gauuï¬euflï¬uk ï¬mï¬duï¬ï¬ï¬dq SE5 Ifmkfliirï¬atkrm ï¬vnï¬szï¬anncï¬zwm Ema WWW MMMzm Emu l5 must and at mammaewcrm mammmhbo ms mi 1252 km wwwmmw mkymtzadflmzw mamame mmme nuzdabufldzzuï¬wux kaugme umdAumufymw Liam Mum by mm mimmaws yar Emmmmflvh marrzdamzmaeaizau nu ms at deeinéfghat nanr exhumed Eveturamve 1731sz Km 57m El mwmï¬fnuizfly imamdwmzam Eï¬ï¬iï¬ igu For Violation rm Assessed ï¬nes Inna bins HMIV BILLS HAVE YOU Siam Cma mmmim Wï¬mmd mmwmztw meugmw Isaiah Wk Wuhï¬dsflkh but Mm Kymrib 55 mï¬mmuï¬zh WWMM Batch Md Wm 55 mmaï¬dunamnms WORDS Baï¬asw mmmm Eï¬ï¬huï¬Ã©ï¬‚hï¬mgugflv flflï¬m1hfl5 Eva wï¬ahmgï¬ï¬hflmxï¬sï¬ï¬ ï¬rï¬nuï¬rï¬pï¬ HEï¬d gal flunnnhnahfluwwnq gï¬ï¬‚mwflï¬ï¬ ï¬x mm WKLE21W mmum nag3mm Mia ms cdeSZMunï¬Ã©zffli PA 64