Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jan 1963, p. 12

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K4 1000 Elma Cnnnly Can 1010 Ewloraflum 1100 CBC TV New 1115 Wench Spurn 1130 chm Chm unmasqu uwuuw 11 1am Ten mum Goad Mamlnl nun 5mm Pmy ms um um Romper Roam mo Pawn lany 1w Noamy Kevan Loo 11ml ICvnnm Television is Tonight NHNPS vaun ¢FUTURE9 L00 so 6M 615 no 700 710 um um um 1000 1010 1100 1115 ll Vwznsumv 1mm scum mu thewlnn Fm Don hula Dlul Hucklebeny mind valnml Mum 51mm lllch Nun wmmr Synru Tm Fllmnnnu The swry mu ml Panda nu Cuzy Elma County Council wlmflum CBC TV New Wench Spurn Nzw chm Chm Mr and Mrs Wllllam Cn Men and Mr and Mrs Shanahnn visited Mr and Mrs 11 Crmcndcn Grillla menlly on their 2th ueddlngfunnivcr £331 HOHE BURNED rcA Thursday nighl Jan 10 destroyed the house and turn lshings owned by Mrl Violet Dicker leunalclx no one was hving In at the lime amm Dicker has been pallcnl In Inniiwnod Nursing Home Bar Mrs Everett Mrs Bon ney nnd Menard Bounty attend the funeral at their cousln Miss Margaret llcalcy Bl Elm xlc rcccnllyt plrr llr Sheardawn Douglas imdAnnc Harrier spent the week and wllh Mr and Mrs Cecil Sheardown And Mrs Wllllam Shcnrdn and Mr arnl Mrs Charles Sheardawn and children iolnml thcir ynr gnu on Sunday at birthday supper In humour little Doug law who was lwa years old and his uncle Charles dauble eel gbmiinn flhursday visitors with Mrs CShcardmin were lllr and Mrs Dunn of Edmar Beach Elmvala PREMIER JOHN HOBARTS EDGAR mu unm In In mind nu pim whim SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS lly MKS Ast THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE at 600 pm on KVRTV TELEVISION PROGRAMS DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS look ahead udth Am Iyy Ill Ila Mlurfd Tn llml llamo CARRIER MISS YOU VAllEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL PA 82433 tic or several months and her sislcr Miss Minnie Link had moved to the ham Mr and Mrs Bldwell for the winter munlhx Mr and Mrs Gordon Sheik well Mr and Mrs Wllliam Sheardovmv and Mr and Mn Shelswcll vlsiled Mr and Mrs Weeks Orillial Sorry to richer Mu JpShels well is patient In Rnynl VSQ gorla Haspiml at me nIwrfl mg euchrc party has been plant nod urFriday evening Jam 13 In Edgar School Every one welcomes Come andbflng friend mummy JANUARY 11 E= lo In as me Kiddo Domino Eumnll rm And buy Kiddo will In runnm Cnnml Thu In In ml Loan In You Null ll Ta lluvlr mmmn 51ml Wmld 01 Many noodmm rrv New mo nml anm Ilm fluhm lllmr lo In as me By MR8 BAWYEB FARM FURUMV The local Fm Forum met at Mr and Mrs Allan lbdds hamu Monday evenlnf Jam let their openlng me In ol the mason withtll present Alter listening to Lhe rndlo bmd ml there was lively dlacup slon on Taxatlon who slmuld Pay Some Item of Interest ln the Farm Forum Guide were plclum ol Cherry Creek School and picture ol the pm sent teacher lllls Margaret Campbell ol Churchllland ane nl her former pupils Barbara 32E22 338 mPHnghF cmdlm mum Loulll You Show le Tum Scull HH Pnpzyn mm Rum mm Yon Eur In and HM Chiller wuuur spam Playdlh Untouchlblu CBC TV New Wuum spam New Mum The Nat FRIDAY JANUARY ll mm ml mo 1055 um um 1210 100 no 145 am 400 Tm mum am Momm swam Pmy mm Rampu Imam Popm rm Nonndnl mm 110le Pillow Tn Put murmnund Friendly mm 10mm mm mm Bull mu lnptyz PIN 9ng no no In no mo 10 was Ina lam law mu was In 1115 1110 wnmsmv JANUARY II Dn Up nu humon mauwa um Lawnm 610 Spam uhu Nun 7M numb rm mm 110 Andy Wlllhm no 5mm nob on ma Hue Gun wm rmel 1000 mm IOJD CTV NEH mu Mum Yhul was Newark Iua mm nmon Ilaur CFTOTV CHANNEL TORONTO HEATING FUELS Phone PA 6653 BARRIE Fer hlmd Tombtkono Tumor Nun Wnlbor 590m Dr mem Eguplr Hotdawn Tommy Ambnu Emvln munuey Cnc TV New Nnl wmmr Spam Invle Ummvecltd COOD GILFOHD BARRIE Hughes Thls XML wllI be closed In he near Iulurm Mr and Mrs Norman Kirby am leaving or Calllarnla ml week 10 ml the Iatlers sister or lhree monlhs Rev Jackson Strand wa minister at 6mm Unll cd Church an Sunday and Com munion was observed ML and Mrs Owen Bell hadlhclr baby son Stephen nudger baptized at the same nervlce PARTY iGlllard group weré hostess lo the euchre partthrldny even mg Jan 11 table to play out WInner ladies MyKIrhy Mu Ross Neilly Mrs Bmwn Men Allan Todd Louis Nehlprr Klr by The northgroup will be in chemo the party Friday cvenhig Everyone welcome 611mm Ive always associated horses with lho unemployment Problem said Herb author the current Broadway comedy hil Thousand Clowns star ring Jason Raharda Jr Mos Ihc may left Jobs was because sooner or lulu the boss would ask me lo draw horse nnd couldnt When drew ahorse It looked liku goss between dog and Radio ily At 27 1311 nnd curlyhalted Gardner himself looks like cross between Thoma Walls and Orson Wanna when hey we hag age Tha United Chmch women met at the home of Miss Florence Luck or their Jgnuary mew pm Thursday evenan of last week with large attendance Mrs Nellly new presi NEW YORK AP An In abiity to draw hams led cur loonls Herb Gardner to seek fame as playwrightand he won on hlsAflrst try Norm EM south Wu PM Pu mu Fun NT Ill Oprnin leadark heads Thls hand was played In Icum mnlm Il lunlum good biddlml and good play Saulh Han 01mm rr nnondrd ln lhu dlnmand bid wilh modm anc th When North mlml to hcnns Owl bld lwu npndzn and whrn North lhm Jumped to our hum 01m realized lhnl lhcm was and chunco making grand ll Ahuul nll ha needed or am purpnse were me AK mum and In good dlnmond suit Av tnrxlinuly he bld live nolrump dellhnnllcly hyrpnmnx Ihc np pnrhmlly Halo Ilnrk od Tm Ive mlde blde we at In lmnd Ilnm mo and DAILY CROSSWORD VJ 0Q mm Herb slings yearning be North dealer Dom sides vulnerable an minimu Elmu mnumu an ID Ilumukl IIllll WM tr mum 111mm 41mm pudmt mi 9060M Ilnry mm 108 Inn it nvlnnb mm nulllun ll Unit mm Human1 WW Mn No in wither In mama 11 on Ind 19 All 11354 lama unm who 60M Imam Columbi 11m bidding Jonh Noun um QAKu oxnom CONTRACT BRIDGE unu v1 05 clmu mum 4mm vqmnan 9M Minn am dun lnnoutw THE LIGHT TOUCH By JAY BECKER Creator 0i NebbiShes Gave It Up To Write By HAL BOYLE den opgned lhe meeting and MrPage conducted the luslah lallon ol nlllccrs Mrs Weaver nnd Mrs rsherman Todd con ducted worshlp service It was declded lo send two members lo the workshop in Thurman Jan this Blbla study and programmu planning Delegates werer nlnted lo attend Pres bylerlal Collinzwood Fehll BullCall was answered by pay ment oi lees and resnlullnn or the United Chumh Women Mrs Nellly dedicated the olfnlng Thu Study Book was reviewed by Mrs Frank Kell and her helpers Mrs Bill Roll Mrs Kcilh Kull and Mrs Sawyer It was on lilo In Korea and discussinn was lmld The next meellng wlll be Mrs Glrvarj Sawycra Every an weldgme YOUNGPEOPLES UNION The young people of Chllrchlll floral chnngu me at Bar ra Huihes home Sunday evenlng Jan 13 with road atlandancmfdcan Spence was in charge of the nmzram The next meellnfl will be at Bonnla Canslables requested partner In hId seven hearts with any we at he Ihm hlxhcsl Humps North duliIully responded men henna which became the final contract luluIn 15 Comm writer at 13 He burned the rudlmenu of stagecml ln hls youthby working as an orange julce salesman and hat chmker In Tlmc Square lhcalrcs and recalls scelng one play no times There followed several rus lraling years as commercial arllsl years in which he sculpted bunnies and walruse or my lipn or drew endless pannls In animalcd lilm car tuom an comc snur Gardner was making good living as creator al the Nebblsh comic slrip when he decided to chuck it all and gamble on his writing skill lurking in an $13 amanih unheated West Side apartment he turned oui Thousand Clowns in 11 years ran an immediate bell 0mm rcnwncd lhnl ll West had been dealt vlkhl clubs ho wauld molly wrer have an cml he hlddinz In some polnl Since wm hml been silent lhruunlmul Olusl crcdilcd hlm with lwo Ipndcs and hrnrt thnlh plmcn seven clubs and hrnun hm dinmnndm Tomonnw lutetllve wnrk rom bum ll Alumna In In an ll West had opened the ace clubs Ogusl would have made lhirleen lrlck without anyxlmu blc He would have mlfcd In dummy and discarded dia mgnd from his hand Hut Wes thrcwdly opened lrump and Ogust now had to solve lhe permem of avoiding dlnmond loser could not know Ihi point when Ihc mum of dlamnnds WI located thhcr It was bcllcr In finesse one opponcnl er the other or lhe queen or play lnr the drop the new by nshlnl lhqncc gmq Inn Mlcr rounds trump he cashed um AKQ ul spades lonrnlng In lho procrsl hal West had slnflvd wllh lo apmlu and East with our Thix nnrmrcnlly Insignificant clue led hlm to guess the diamond allu supp currgglly Il In Mlcr ruflinl spade In dum my he plnycd dlnmnnd lo ma ace and unnlhcr nn bnck lo lhe lun Wllh flu llncsse Iuccccdinx he could then clulm thirteen lrlcks 0th 2210 pnlnu minim unr All mim 8115 111qu Ad 311w uni mu ll flout Ilwllnnd Dr Iu 16km mm mu ALEXANDER How Mucu 52w =1 HI Lars Go YE THAT WAG cwcto 111E MERE ExAlfiNER WEDNESDAY JAN 1958 39mm A1 m1 wacar xfivEr 5577129 mm L07 mw HawHM 294mm fiuifir film mom Xcoxmeuhns Wu mm unvm want sump nuNNlN EMT mm

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