LanKJN Unl 111an Im mml mmlnl lb Illalry qum tnnmln amu lmlay Ilth Nynnlr axlrhrud hr Alrl lullun Mlnlmr mum and huly Mom Hum Lair 11 than lhv mm Inln xlvllll up In lnur ltd In Mme mm umlwr Ill Ilmmrmufll Mill ay nrrhlrnu rumled BUFFALO Ml Illlmlinl mm mun Imrnr 1m ulw lnrn wlmln parlrd mllnml Mruolwlllnn Hullnln Imdrr ml or 19 uww Mandyy 11 tax law lrxvmlnl hu Hum hm yum Inlrv rnsl live llrml M1 300 MONTIUML WIN11w mullnn mlnhxlmlrx lumlrra mm haw nppmflcxl Quclvtc Suprrlnr uuxl urhzmml lanl nwnlh whirh PM Ilu Clum dhm governmrnlu rm Imullmml HEM In mm 1an cube mmmllmnl Dairy Meeting pm and mmlr InIn rum in max nvnmlvx nmtlllnr The Hm ml lime prupla me MI in HAMILTON WUSmlnllsm has mlrhml the MINI mm Anlllnllw Ilml vrlxlo ln work mmulllp and mmlc lllcm HAI lm Faun llmmry ml Inn Unhmlly 1M mm cnnhrgncc Mnydny Sadnan pm on 00 Drills The two uhllc man wmlnx uniform almllnr has worn hy Tranlcal Pnrk workmm held up Volnoy WnIIo the cashinr and John MIrphy62 guard Ruling Rppealed MIAMI FLL ANTwo mm wearing men uniform dil nrmcd guard locked Mm and cashier III close 01 Tropical Park race Irnrk and ch with anraxlmnlcly 3103500 Includ lniWflOfl In cash Indians Given JCredit 011 Food Firemen laid they helped 11 1th PEIIonl escape Hue Han All he vlcllrm were Noumea police laid ASDUHY PARK NJ AP Four persons died and Iwo other were Injured Monday nlghl whnn Hr men through lhrecnlnrey Irnmc rooming Iqusc 3ritish Cogs Mchrmnn rand Fcclzy now an $15000 ball on he charge an nlxo on bail nwalflng appeal 1962 canvlcllan hr attempt lnx to obtain police Informallnn or which they were each un lenced to la monlhs TORONTO CPI Magis Irale Joseph Addison urged closer supervision oi publication oi minarll Indium Monday when he committed Joseph Mc Dennult and Vincent Feeiey inr lrial an charge oi dairaudlng he Keevii mining group by rnlaing may values oi heir en praoeriy Track Thieves my Canada Monday Lord Wakehurst Is Hailing Canadian Ladm of he historic order In ilxday lour Lord Wakehursl governor Nonhcm Ireland and Lord Prior the Order of St John at Jcmsalrm was In Ottawa with Brig An Johnston the St John Ammlance Soci Four Burned Watch Closer Dr Slogan sald 1h arrange ment Allows lndlam who go out and cut wnad tn collect food from the store Ihe same day WINNIPEG CP Emer gency food credit has been ar ranged far handle Manitoba Indians to allow Ihem to work Prnureulvc Conserva llvc member Parllamenl said Mgndux Joseph Slogan Selkirk rld lng said he crcdlt was ar ranged at slam on the Broken head Indian Reserve 50 miles with Wlnnlpgg Lord Prior Visits 10 11137an EXAKHNER TUESDAY JANUARY 15 196 CAPSULE NEWS LORD WAKEFIELD Ikcn Ihm Ilp Inld cannol ways flu nnvlrllun lhnl Canada In hflnl pmprlletl hy lhg mm mg rn My hlslnry Ami rnllcmmml no VInlmnl Inln mm Mm ml mmr loam nl Imlmlq up Ignlemml wlm lhl v5 TORONTO 1Ilrmlunl whvumrnl Imllmle llr mnmrnl lwlwrm nnmln nml lhe Unjlral mm umlhl pnulylrl llmllixhln mnrkrll nr 1M rmmuy and mm Inlmmnl II romlml Inmrlinly LIImnl radrr John Wlnlmnnyrr nl Guyana 5m SMINM CF Uhch member of Parliament say In wH vole ngalnsl nuclmr wcnp on or Canada cvcn Am move Ipansmd by Llhtrnl zoyprpmcnt tIcclcd 11 June In Immhlnn West was com mulling Monday on Lihcrnl Lmdcr Pmnanl advocacy Sal urduy ol nuzlmr wtnpnns or Canadian lamI nller mmmll mtnls lo NATO nnd NORAD Falshaw 30 of Hnmlllon nnd Margaret Faye Johnston II Burlington lubarnlory lechnlcinn llnmlflon hospllulhnvu bun llvlng In Kirkland Lake alnce mm car and clothes bemlng lhclr Mammal were Iound an lonely hunch um Brnnlu 0m KIRKLAND LAKE 4CNA lower Royal Canadian Navy pctly officer and aanan both presumed drawncd In Lake 0n lnrlo Auz have hem lukcn lnLo fusladx Ptopelled To US The Human Calhollc Arch bklmp cl Chicago called or lon tn remove the In vaults discriminallan in clllu churchca and schools CHICAGO 1APlAlbm Car dlnu Meyer hns ald church men that lhe Mun or the United States mny be deter mined by what do nbnm ha race problem In the next law yearn Homers of Ihe group spear heading the centre project are all of Indian blond Liberal Objects VANCOUVER CPLA sneinl ccnlre or Indian was in he planning stage today nwny 1mm Vancouvers Skid Rand ma where score Indian women die ench year as null alcohallsm proslllullon Ind slgm llvjng conditions Pair Found Prevlous naulntiam provided that Amerlcnn publishers cauld shlp periodicals Io any large Canadian post Mile and have them mailed at five cent pound However Ihe regulallnns also allowed Canadlnn new dealers to mail us periodical or our cents pound Mrs Olich was reported in crilicai condition in hospital with ï¬end injuries WOTMWA CWThe post flce department has plugged lo ole which permitted United Slates pubï¬shers save one cent pound on magazines ngd newspapersmnlled In Can Ely Race 15 Problem HAMILTON iCFl William Oiicr 57 Hamilton was killed Monday and his 52year old wife was seriously wounded in what police believed was an uliempied murder and sumdév Police said Oiicr beaivhia wile irene with hammer ihen shat himseii with ZZcaiibre riile Centre Flamed High alons will be an address by Framberxer general mama at tile American Dairy Assacla lion report on 1961 aclivltier by the advefllslng and sales promotlan department and um delay food service bureau r25 olu our and lite annual rban quet Dr Hannam Wawa ytesldenl of the Canadian ch erg Agrlggllyry Postal Loophole Wife Beaten JOHN WINTIHIMHYIIII SI Lizwrcnce nnd Great cu orrosas wmfcw Exccuuvu Wm Prcsldenl William Dodge 10le led lalc Inst year below the The sources snld no Iarmal offer has bccnmadc but the Idea ls being lrlcd out on some key unlun leaders who nlsn hold Influential paslunns In tho CLCs execullve couucll indications are that at least two lapranking unionists are opposed In any compromise winch would get tin SIU or Mr Banks oi the hock before the federal Investigation balm can dncted by Mr Justica florgis Into iabmj striic an thu The propnsal Involves tha early departure American barn SIU President Hal Bank mm the leadership Ihe union wilh three mani lors taking over contra an élmmonlh trial to reform thn VITAWA CPISome top Ca nndlnn labor leaders are being sounded out lnlormally an den to get Ihc Seafarers Inter nallonal Union of Canada Ind back Into the Canadian Labor Congress reliable sources sald Mandny The repad quotes the same source as saying Ihree cabinet mlgmets delegated by Ihnir em league then me Mr Dlefen Mr Dietcnbakcr In repdrted to have InInrmedhlz colleague at he development and to have uskcd them lhesc mum shauld he brought la Ihe general convenllon assembly would you support me Le Daynlr says not one 01 the mInialera replied and the prime gflnluer left Hamming the con DEMAND RESIGNATION Lo Dovoir quotes fn source who occupies an important past in the Progressive Conservative party organization as saying heprime minister was angered by iive nonconfidence motions lhot reachcdthc annual meet inzs resolution committee Union Hééds Hear Proposal To Get SIU Back Into CLC MONTREAL cmLe Devolr says no cabinet mlnlsier replied when Prime Mlnlstcr chIen baker asked them al recent cabinet meeting 11 they would support him If nonconfidence matlnn came to he llnor at the Progresslvw Conservallvn nnA nualv meeting starting Friday savs Gilvemf No Support FOR SEE GOWAN STREET The man finally agreed In such an inquiry nfler unwny workers amllalcd with he CLOrefused lo hun dle SIU mnnncd ships last July The boycglchsullLd In blockade of LnWelland Canal and lcdu Mr Juche Norris puhllc Inquiry The CLC esiablished lhe Cn nndinn Maritime Union in 1961 to fill the jurisdiction ionncrly held by he SlLi When ihe in ler union baille between the CMU and ihe SlU erupted inin violent struggle with ire quenl disrupiions in shipping ihe CLC called for federal in vesiigaiion the lurbulcni me iicldl Mn Bank was brought in Canada in 1949 when the SiU inunched its bilier bloody ba tie to crush the Communi dominalad Canadian Seaman Union The SIU was an afï¬liate the Canadian Labor Con gress until 1960 when it was expelled int raiding another CLC nfliliaic Norris inqulry he made it dear that the CLC was unnlterably opposed to Mr Bank and his hierarchy omcers In the SN but had no issue with Ihe rank andlile members he union LeDevolr says the disease nisa known as shaking paraly six pravnkes the kind of tremb ling lhal many persons noticed the prime minister underwent during IE June 13 cieclion caml palgn The report says Ihe resell lions cummiltee of the cunvem uon win make sure that none the ï¬ve motions nonAcnn Thc repért snys csplfll Indecision winch exaspcrated the cabinet ministers wan mo livaied not only byrihe prqcar Ions government minority 1mi Ions but also It is believed by mAIady sullercd by Ike prime minister known Par klnsons disease The newspaper says the cab inet ministers called for the prime ministers resignation be cause they were more and more aware that the spirit at indecision which chnracierized the Dicicnbaker government es pecially since June 13 would them powNJr baker to Remand hla resigna tion far reasonslol hemlhflnnd that theyconlcrrcd or four hours The coveted Motor Trend magazineCarottheYoar award was won this year by the entire lino oi 1963 Ramblers Tire popular Classic Gtho peweriul Ambassador V8 and the compact American The award was given to Rambler tor outstanding design achievement ond engineer lug leadership the panel oi automotive experts took 26 pages In the February Issuo oi Motor Trend magazine to outline the roasone ior their choice oi Rambler The ioiiowlng are excerpts train their remarks to show you why itarnhierisiCar oltheYear tor 1963 UnlelrieConltrucllonlhlslnlosldc slng represent real ndvancument and tlwblggonlslnxlereasonweghosoRambier CaroilheYeariiotenlydoesthlsnewcen elructien method savo approximately 150 poundseverlheoltlerdesignJmtltreeulle In unit so strong itll take punishment Here are the reasons why Motor Trend Magazine chose the 1965 Rambler as the Gar of the Year VIAU MOTORS suspect was arrested and to be arraigned here luday Zzcallbre rifle and plslnl were soiled DRUMMONDVILLE Que CPD young priest was waundcd In the right arm by chalihre rule bullet Monday nighhwhen he prevenwd man from selling slim he trashy tery of Roman Catholic church in this communlly 50 mile east of Montreal priest shot was Abba Jean Clnudp Lamy 25 His wound wai not severe In Montre Demo spokes man said it will be about month helm the xlle the mill decided pcnses also ellby 29 or con to $92287200 for net operating Income of $868400 compared wlln $8888300 year earlier SITE ls UNDECIDED The Cape Breton Post say it appears almost certaln Ihal Domlnlon Sleel and Coal Corpcr rallon wlll not bulld proposed mulllmllllonedollor rod and bar mlll at its Sydney plant The paper my the mill probably wlll be built In Quebec but not or seyeral years RAILS REVENUE DOWN OTTAWA CWRailway op erating revenue in September dcclinedJM per cent to $92 175600 compared with your earlier lhe bureau statistic rt allqu Operating ex SEEK TO DEVELOP SANDS The scramble or permission to develop Albertas Athabasca oil sands gathered mumenmm Monday wllh an announccmcnt 1mm Shell Oil Company of Can ada Ltd Ihal want In build 32500900 plant on the serva Shells annaummen came on the eve of hearing Into an appllcalian from Cities Service Alhabnscnllmned Cl 123 Services $350000000 plan would produce 100000 bands Crude day mm the normash em Alberta reservaby MD Priqst Halts Fire Is Shot In Arm lldence rcachu the floor and that it In doubtful vme confidence will be taken unless the convention overmle Ike president VIHEVCANADMVN mm flSINESS BRIEFS Hundllnn and Drlvlrrï¬ ploaslngly light and rcsponslvu under all cornering condllions good boulevard and lllgll wayrldoJlrorolsnlunypilclrorchopplnuss nollceablo evononroughroads ï¬lyllnnProgrosSlndcslgnlSlhulhcmO ol Motor Trends Car ol the Year award Amcrlcnn MolorsRamblersarulhlsyaars best examples of aulslandlng doslgn clrlovcmunt Navrslyllng ls based on loan clcan llnus that are apparent lram almost nnyanglo lnlarlnrflaom InIlComlorlTllolunglll cnud wlrcclbmlmgivcnmororoomlnsldo and lhls moans Increased drlverpas scngcrcornlorl Tlm lnlbrlor ollers plonly ol lug room Rccllnlng bucket 50115 willr headrests mo opllonn well worlh lho extra expenditure Economy Thom won be many cars ol this slmdelivoringrnoro lunlcconomy than tho baslconglncd Classic longornnd nalurallyhuld Ils resale value He said Canadas grass na unnal product Increased by eight per cent last year with volume Increase or seven per cent Thescvenperccnk nulpul galn compared with rise of six per can In Italy live per cent In the Unllcd Stale nnd France four or ï¬ve per com We have made tremendous strides In Ihe year Just pasl he said at the opening of Water loo Lutheran Universitys mer nallonnl business management caurse Monday Trade Minister Hm my Cauv min autalripped rec wnrld In dustrial countries In economic growth last year and expresses conï¬dence that slmng Expan sion can continue In 1963 Hees Says At Business School Canada Can Expand Dining 1963 Commissloncr Gordon no ertson left the Northwest Territories chats with mem ber 01 the territorial coun ngmgyoo mom cm PA 6488 NORTHERN LEGISLHTORS HAVE CHAT Chnadal merchandise Irnde last year probably reached rcc ord hlxh lava and we can ML mes snld his lradc del partmenlx domestic econumlc program now 15 exerting major influence on the growth and dlvcrsiflcntlun at our econ omy In Japan our per cent in Ger many and Sweden hm per cent In Belgium and The Neth erlands and one per cent in Britain Canadas xrawlh tale had been ucecdcd in only three of the last 17 years and had hcen accompiilhed in the face in creasineg competitive world condition Text of his sizesch was Issued to he press before delivery The it gpnual 1nee4Ing Lag of ï¬ï¬‚avlk Houmorscmct Thats what lhn experts say They nra echoing what Rambler owners huvo been proudlyclalmlngforyoarsToproveloyaur so Ramblers exceptional value see your anblnr dealer soon Take est mm In lhoC1rolthu Yomlho1963nmnblor Askyour Ramblcrdmlur furyour 1m plintollllu 26pan Molorlmnd mliclo In summing up all we can ndd Is that It looks like the new Rambler will be an oven bullor buy lhan It has been In previous years anun Ind nunQualin hasalways been one olAmcvican Molors largest sull lng points and conlinuus to be on the new models In addition to the longrccognlzcd owncrappwclalion features Inherent In all Rammormho Yacloryhas doubled ha now carwarmnlyto 24 vnonlhsor24000 miles STAYNER rwmu Junrm own um Ulilizing newly lmtalled Dalaspeed ayslnm AP rank milled mam than 8000 words mic or 1050 ward per min uzc NEW YORK MUThu MW dated Pros ulillzcd new elab lranlc cqmpmenl Monday to send ml advance text cl Prey ldcnl Kennedys Stain the Un Ion message to some newnpa pm In six mlnules Mr llces said he comment that lntcmnlianal initiatives to wards freer trade in 1963 wiil bring substantive and early movement towards Ilse reduc tion mum and other bar riers to trade reasanaï¬ly expect an expor surplus er the wconduar In row New Method Used In Setting Type CLASSIC 770