mama by FEW Chï¬slian Diors American Look Date Of Leadership Workshop Announced ByiThomton UCW brigaémavmééingm me banva lhazkmmiatmmdgiv in eridmce appreciation lorlhemznybazkdsoflri and and Iakm to shutin niorlalheuuiflmashohday Mudllmimxiorihfmm ywraxplamud mo wmmwmwm lbopmlamzlabehddin Thniiy 01mm Min Maxim Wmï¬emh lhisflddliflhmlhilnent fmGretnemkdlbemd Mukuangrhlhch an r2 amend by the plying of feel and sick unhoriï¬mubmmem pantie Imtr um nunrad MINER WALT ADS PHOXZ PA Ivy 181 mm mmmium or In Prim lurid for mid Md b9 Hales in the mm men are mer la do 000000000D00900000OOOOOOOOOODOOOOO6000000000000000000000 77 vvrvlvIn wi xmmmmm mmmmmmmwml gggyrgumgmuu SATURDAY mum 26m mu HBVHNTAGE now of iviimrinszLï¬iv Low mans HANNELETIE BlANKElS VISCOSE AND WOOL BLANKEIS VlllOWS SHEEIS AND PILLOW CASES BATHSIZE 1ERRY TOWELS TERRY FACE ClOYHS UNEN IEA IOWELS Dr Caldtmue was ham to ad dress the ï¬n formal meeting he Planned Pamlhood As sociation of Toronto which was mud on provisional baxil in Idle Thor assocuXiqn ix mound mime Camrin sine aunn of Amenm aylw The medical and public health pMcsgiaps i9 Ihq Us have av jam ï¬lagmmg as esumm pa of ï¬nial medidne she Iald press um Ierfme ondax TOROATO lCPCanada is ll you behind Ihe United Ema as far as planned 113an band is mnwnnd Dr Mary Calderon media directnr man Parmlhnod Feder nm BARRIE EXAMLYER TUESDAY JANUARY 1251 Slur 0f Illegality Surrounds Acceptance Oifamily Planning Walkers Great January Fabric Sale chance to new lor the entire family and save with the lesl collactlon ol sale priced fabrics imaginable is00600000000000000O00OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Another of Walkers OldFasnbncd events Gigantic While Fabric vvvwvvvvv WALKERS 3°000000000000000000OOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOO HOUSEHOLD 1le Sharing cream makes ï¬ne substitute shampoo in an emer guny Whirind lathermm havé 111 Toronto associalinn will join the Canadian Federation Saddles tar Population Planv hing which ha nmflaku In Winnim Vancauver and Ottawa Iary No one ï¬n Canada really knows whether birth control kgal or not 11731 me We are inlereslcd In milk nll1e Individual he Hgm In space and limit their amily as they She saifi 1h agodnlion is no Miss Mary Anne Murphy daughlcr of Mr and Mrs Jos eph Murphy Sophia St has returned to Tomato whore shai mending rchool St Josephl Murmw Park Mln Murphy was involved In car accident near Fergusonvalo while spending the holidays with her parents you would like to dry your parsley for later use lood ex 11 al Macdonald Institute Guelph all us to dip bunch in boiling wnlerumil It vivld gmn put It In 400 de um wan to dry and then mh bclweeu Ihe hand or UIIWKb course sleve store In lightly covered Jar BRIDAL SHOWER Mrs Eric Roberts cummin ed at misceflamm shower at her Guthrie resldence in honor of brideelect M133 Gla dys Wilson and newiywed Mn Donald Harris the Kdrmer Mm Beverley Kneeshnw Bradford Miss Wilson ol Bar rle farmerly Orillia will marry Rldaard LaVerdlere Barrie Weshnoun United Church Drillia on Saturday allernoon 311 oclock RETURNS 10 SCHOOL 51qu gnosz Mrs Lnan In nisï¬l SL uniï¬ed by her daught erlnlaw Mn John Lannnan were moms at stark conon SATEEN mmcs CHINO mamas DAN mvm cmcums connunovs EEHkrï¬lmsI PRINIS FLANNELETYE BROADCLOYH IMPORTED PRINTS MOBILE HOSPITAL MOSCOW Reuters hos pital on wheels oomplzte with operating tabla Ind anesï¬neflc equipment hll begun rolling the anemny line at the Riga bus body Works the Soviet new agency Tass repom Filly have already been bull and man will emuu this year Mr Nlcal 531d ear public reaction tlopl many school boards mm using more expen llva materials on school bulldv lnu even though such male flnls would reducc maintenance coals ggï¬gï¬gggi 11 MW ShivaUniv mmwmmA flflflflflm Ladlu flunnvlcllc nlecp cunt hullvu Irnnl dnlnly polka do pullern wllh omhrnldurod rim nl neck Ind pocket In whilercd whileblue Silt SML 249 Approximalnly calm wllh lav dcslxns lhnd Clearance nl famous mnkc In Chlldrenl Socks Conan and wool All wool nrlon combed cal Ion qualities Vnrlnua calm Including white size 4V to 94 Manufacturers clamante ï¬n qunllly Crib Blanket In Viscnse and Wool Blend quality Color whlle yink blue yellow mud or gm xivfï¬g 98c each USUALLY MUCH HIGHER PRICED Imalely W330 In large scletllnn wllh lovely handAprinlcd floral or Paisley lhnd rolled edge WEDNESDAY MORNING SPECIALS Pairs s100 USUALLY UP TO 59c PR 30550 cm BLANKETS LADIES FLANNELETTE SllK SQUARES CHILDRENS SOCKS SPECIALLY PRICED 277 each USUALLY $398 SPECIALLY PRICED SLEEP COAT USUALLY $398