an ulva II on nailnun lmnh rlnl n3 1m 7me rumm mny our him Atwinprl mm rm tum flunl lllvuhllnm Barrie Examiner Jan 1923 Coron ers jury placed blame on tcamster for headou collision between auto driven by Cecil It Brownlee of Barrie and team and wagon on Highway near Wood stock Brownlee was killed when tongue of wagon pierced windshield and struck his head Dr Brcrelon elected president Sunday School Hockey League Mr and Mrs Richard Crawford 0m Station celebrated golden wedding Samuel Fisher defeated William ltusk by 10 votes for reeveship of town John Little defeated ll lluxlahle for mayor 425 his third term Voters over whelmingly defeated three money by laws for highway paving frontage tax and garbage collection Congregation honored Miss Jessie Bryson with pres entation on her resignation as or anist amt choir leader of Central illetiodist Church Sills took over as choir ieader and Frank Dutcher as organist Kiwauis Club luncheon at Wellington llotel had llev ll ll iVelinood at 01 lier Methodist Church as speaker Wnrden of Simoee County Amos lraln past age BO returned to nllllliuipai lite on being elected recvc uf Elmvale many fyears after holding that office Don ald loss and It Boys MP united In denouncing the Dniry UFO governments Zhighway program for municipalities jllarrie Coils junior hockey team opened mmiu Am Mum ulhull II Dfl limlll NH Vlmnu mum lme um ml lumnu¢ mu In no 9le mum nun mm I0 way Im runmm mum ISJrnln Observer Commissioner Wycliffe Booth of the alvnlion Army suggests Hut dilfcrvnt olund lircntc 13105 be issued In chron Irnflic I1w nlalors to lump lhcm cxprrsnwnys John Murray deputy Chic Mclropolimn roronlos police lurcu docsul nurcc He brlicvc IhL dcmcril point system Is working out quile well There are probably almost as many cures for the current Irnmc Ill 1m prnvinu 15 time are Mr lhc mmnmn will In urilhrr case do he rcumllu pruvt camplrlcly cumin vxccpl In onu frumman Hspvrl dmlnr urgvs ml or cold 1chch suxprnslnn nppmrn Yttlorhvc In llm raw or iralfic Infracl lmw the Canadian econamy is to main tain satisfactory rate growth the Chamber says there must be more em phasis on increased savings capital in vcsimcnt and productivity and less on new welfare programs Mnma mma null mm Um Humanl ml vnmnl 01 mm 1m hmvl mummy Ilnlkhyl uurhL Innnn wAIII rnmm Mm lululm uuml ll Mamum mm ululn munr mm nan1 mmm mum mm umw mm1 muu mmudplmn mn lw mm uer mm nod mu My 40 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Topgham president of Chrysler Carpmtjono Canada Limited warned in an addiéss short while ago that Communist or at any rate pink cells existed on most Canadian university campuses These chIs according to 11 Todg ham create distinct danger that some In annual brief Iolhe federal gov ernment lhe Canadian Chamber of Com merce has called or slowdown in gov ernment spending reduction in in come taxes and early efforts to bal ance the federal budget Mr Todghams warning has been be liilicd and criticized in some quarters Siudenls ii is pointed out are by nature rebellious carefree and inquisitive lot These cclts according to Mri Todg ham create distinct danger that some students will become permanent con verts to ideologies which are alien to our traditional concepts of freedom and democracy There have been recent reports that the RCMP has been carrying out very limited form of investigation as to ac tivities or the Communist Party on Can adian university campuses This is probably veiy good thing The Importance Of Profits Mml sill aurrv Huvmlmhly will Hm No Invasion 01 Freedom Is Being Committed By RCMP This advice is as sound as it is timely The Barrie Examiner COLORED LICENCE HATES Walls Publisher MONDAY 13am Exitth OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Published by Canadian Newsï¬apm Limited 16 Bayfleld Street qurie Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE JANUARY l1huollluwn iuardlnll rivho hllnnnallnn mmlng lluuuuh ulmul our pmmlml Nnrllmmlrrr laml Slrnll uuxrmly Ilhliralcd by slalvmrnl In lhc mm ommum mu wrrk llul by mnt we gel Drpuly Wme Minlnlrr Youngs mmpwhrmivc limllmu hm cau ago updaml In slva llmr pfrrvmral rrpum lluw muth anything Iwrn Icarnml Ilnre Ilw vanu rrpml and how much Innucr Mll IhvI nminmring surveys Iakr 11mg anzllnna mrrh muhl bu answcnd wllh out Inllhmdclay WHERE LINE WA5 DRAWN 15L Thom llmtsJournnl 111m guvmmwnl 11 New Drlhl an nnunm that lndln has cxpclkd 50 1th llmmln rur null hullun ullvlllrn 11l1dnmnul Include scvrml lmltnllnns nr hlnrsc mllonnln Hnnly 5mm Inside Indias nurlhrrn lmnllrr ommlsslunurs vluwlllal Ontario hlgh ays should nol become dlcwayl llul labelling car also labels lllc lrlvcr wnulll happen lull lrlvcra car as driqu by some one else with loan raffle record or wlml kind deal OHM cmurgc mm lrmlln Ear that had mlurml plans or mm lll nor III In Ihu dcmml point syulcm In probably II nmsl advanced melhml known to ex pcrls but while the avchlcnl rnlc shows no prcrlahlc Inn across the mvlnvr the MI munins ml It would much mm It Ilmsc MIII mlllllrlc accident nconls Mrc no grounded law season by beating Coidwater 64 In goal was Albert Tuck 0n defence Keeley and Bertram Forwards were Jack Armstrong George Powell and Leighton Emms Subs were Hargreaves and Willows Fred Walls who with his younger brother will founded the Barrie Saturday Morning weekly news paper which was later merged with The Examiner moved to Hamilton as district manager or North American Life insur ance Co John Powells Grand era House was featuring iliary Miles Minter in South or Suva ilirs Beattys New Dreamland had Alice Brady in Anna Ascends New chimes installed with organ at St Andrews Church much ap preciated Ovenden College private residential school or girls started new term following Christmas vacation Frank Foyston oi iliincsin former Barrie junior star scored ai three goals as Seattle beat Vancouver 32 in Paciiic Coast League hockey Jack em moved his new City Cale into new rem lscs lorrneriy occupied by Anto nettc iiat Shop and remodelled as restaurant ii illyers awarded $75 damages by Judge Vance In court suit atnst To ronto man allowing auto accident Married at the home of her mother in Eimvaie on New Years Day Lily Kerr in John hieCow ol Barrie Barrie Band supplied music or the first Eliotfflsitl dance of season at Stroud tin By continually appropriating an ever lncreasing snare Ill Cdlflfllb dustry and individual alike government is succeeding chiefly in destroying in dividual initiative and enterprise and is denying business and industry directly and indirectly the funds which are needed ror growlh and improvement It should serve as reminder that the investor enterprise system backbone of Canadas economy cannot function efficiently if deprived of the mainspring of profit motivation Brian Slaight General Manager Or not Any illegal means of course is very much the business of the RCMP acadt While one must sincerely hope that this is the case it is noteworth that Mr Hodghams cfitigs ï¬nd themse ves in the position of havmg to admit that Com munist Cells in point of fact do gxist on university campuses who whlle they may engage in amild flirtation with cam us communism are not likely ta be ected byJL PEl IS IMPATIENT out 1mm Urn palm Dr Nllmlm lMl Um no mllllons nurlmnuy unrnr lunaln In the mm May when Imuld Impm llvrlr In my um Invllrd In minim In MIdim gum dump purple at live Inmn vb Handy no Innlrr pmdlfl In allumunnlnu huznluy In nmy Iclllul and lhrir mun Ampluxu rm mum In In mlru hy Ahnu nilh huhn mlav with kmluup Thul mmrynr food lmllly hrllcud In food In Itndtd la he talc by human not dinnrdtd onla lhu urbane dump 1mm mu Ho Inld In llw wllnm lmx carding mm hm ha unwed un mumm ponlonl ul humr Jam mul lanul lrvm clulumrn plum nnd runI htm IIII lamxer took lulllml llml her unployrv loolnl Illmuxh llw mime nuy mmninl ml are In her load In mm In Iluv nnnnum Mm tall in animal llml nod Iurncd 1m plnlrl would he um um term numn Sand pvt In mr han mid lr umd Ilflurl uul mumII nun lohn mm lluv mlmzn Aml lurfl he dIhwmhrr In bf Wfllhrd bdmr Mi Irnrd mm lltlumnl luau mu uumhlml um mm In mail hvrmktl hugt We dont no lar an the mrlhlcnl Texan who traded ln NI Cadillac became ll nah rny lull llul Mt da dlr ud many ankles no btv llmy lncnpnhlt ol lur lher cllccllu me bul bccauxa lhe acquinillon or lalrr model would bulvw upon wml prulize In he or ol the ncizhlxm Ilbvve nll lhue pnr Ilnmmlnrlanl nxrml we um wanton ln Ilull pmbnbly much In lhan hnl llle nod run Iumcd In Cumdm ncluully talcn GOOD GARBAGE KINGS Ilrm Ihe tune he lleglna lunch munlcr M13111th Dr Claiflmlmn uordl The mum at that dislin llnxuiltlcd native 0t Oakvllle On monk and lhotkcd Ml nudmncc parliamcntarlans But usual romcnallan amnuz that mldlcncc rcvcalrd INIle nccrplancc at hi1 avgumcnl that Cunadian nrc prodigal with hftr bgunty Seventeen milllon Asian cwuld enlayva bettcr standard at living than they naw have It they were permitted to come to live and scratch an lhe gatbagu dump at Canada Speaklng beforerlhe Voluntary Health Camxntttce at the Scnatc and the Home at Commotu Dr Brock Chisholm armor dirtc targcncral at the World llcalth Drganlzatlan gavt this vivid example ta contra our plenty and waste with the pttlablo Ilmgglc tar men existence by the warlda lm tarlunatn nationL pra rm have advanced ram Nd house to solid wealth was vividly shawn by the conviction of lunch caunlcr upcralar In Regina Ior umng unwhole some food Al Ihc same lime lhls Iny dilating prosecullon lends vivid subsianllalion In an amnion with whlch one the best known Ilvlng Canadians re cenlly shocked loo he most prominent Senator and MP1 by anuum uhde OTTAWA REPORT fly PATRICK NICHOLSON WAWAJun how far the We Could Eat Less And Be Healthier Dont Throw It Out George You Never Know When Well Need It Again ml mu mr lmnr lhc but Inn II In mumx autumn or gumL um male more mvlmflh llme of ynur ran 1m nlnylln momflx IM wrml Iulrly mind 14 blood lill luv ILMJ Ive nmr huvd In rum man He Lu no alan or rnrlmxk HimTIM an grumble mum at II In My any man than wmdul fur luver If Illaknr Wlth rim mm Im lluuu lul he InI uhraly luv lmvl mum Nu NVNRUI an lulan If It Hui lulmcr Ilnle One Hula mnlrl me Why MIN 19 lnfliuufllll Mrlrn ern he Imm In has had lm warn Ihan Um nodal II n1me In mm In uan mm lml pmmurd hy law In plumb liciM hind III mt ham to uh Ilnmml Hu plmmhmmml ulml My nwdlcllwlm Iln lnlnrlllnl luluaha an Mimicml lml rpHrlec To al um damn have In hrmmnm winUm nnylhinl mumma mu llw nrnmu hrmhhmn flayed any pail In In Imuhlr will MI Illlrmpl In my llnwurr mm nl Ull Irlltr Illlcll omlllnl or lucr Hy unlarm In llw Indc yio alwllqur Hr 111 In Iurp Krlllnfl mt jmlmcnu or lrcalmcnu bul Illll hnrr mnmlllan cvrry nlnnlh lnn you win mat41 Dear Dr Mnlm Nthe 1m aka had nmoul rcnkdnun and mu men tal hospital mu nImud nllrr live months and have been Well ever Ilnce ucrpl hat nutter mnvuhlonml Iml um manlh nlmnugh mm Is no Ilm al rpllrpxy In my family had around One doctor mid lhnl portion at my hrnln ha been damned um Im ll bcmrnfl mi have mnmmon than lam unln lle prunith plurmbarMml but IlIll hmo flu mmuhlonL nlwnyl early In llu Imminl whrn In bni llccrnfly Im In dlflntnl type prntlllioner who laid my prablrm Hm mull of mnr Immnzcd by hm dh plnrnl bone n1 lhe hate my Ikull He luld ml In Ilnp the plvcnalmvhllnl Ill Ind had ury bad mnvulslon ll JOSE MOLVEIK MIL flier would be no call to rc unc surplus Iood Ian on Ihe cansumcn glam our national obexiu and our well uockzd urban dumpx agreed than parliamentarians luau that we nhould mvlm nur Ideal Ortrgcnmm serving load an sign not xmemily bl loolhhneu We wnuld be hcallhlcr mm In me away lo needy Maple the last 21 per tent at the and we cal and day mmmcnted one doc ar In IM nudizncc food served lo one person un mor cqmumpflon lgy annular The story it so dnxuxlmg mld the magistrate that Jail is too Eood or man who would run suntan be way he did The mural 01 this story ol the nod 00 load lo be wasted in perhapx In the comment of lime nlerlcd parliamentarians who heard Dr Chllholms mic lurcl TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Suï¬ersConvulsidns Once HadBreakdown dauM ll you nml mm an mom Irmhlr lrnm tum mu varrlnafltml lml yvu Ihwld ham Ilmh Aml me sum IMRKPN to Inlkl pnlc any lmuhle hum poHn urrinalkm in Imr mm nm quulltm Mr no ml mum anwme llml you an Im nmne tar Ihc ml of ymxr life Thnll uh Hie Uniird flakl ln mu lhnl myane cnmlng Hull munlly nlwv wool 01 Imlnl had unalllm vmclnnllan ulan he Huff yuan lArIunlly Immunlly dmxmlm mnnlm In ill Iran Mr mum himr than lbm 1m hul ml lnluul Inn good muln 511m Are you me It mu cnupax llmk HIM nnume Um run Immune Ia Imallpm lhe resl ol my 1m and mother nrtlnallon Illl never be rmulrrd II um nu1 cause Um allurr aperi rrxr mlhrr car ulllnl who that nlluly In rtal many cam Um Dr Moll had my Hut smallpox Ntclnnllan ll mu no when Ind in lull Ianr broke aul vIIh mwpox for ma mIIublu In an effect 111i wmclhlng cancrrle lhal can be lmnll Mud and II happen in be varm lrmlmcnl can be Him or AMlhzr Important Ilrp might null bz In lnmllgalc uhelhcr mmblnallnn of Inllrlllmllllflnl drug may be and tillltr Man with or unload or he phenobar mm same luch drug have been dtwlapcd In meal yearn miq havq cllminnled mnvuhlom CHANGE MAP Ntw map of he Caribbean Ihow he capilal of lhc Domin flepuhlic by In old name of Santa Domlnsa or year II was Ciudad Trujillo THE CANADIAN PRESS 1963 Bdmln and Spaln armed nn alliance ngalnsl Franks 151 year 2341 lodayln 18m aler Napoleon forced the Spanlnh kin lo abdlcale and placed his brolhtr Jo cpl Bonapch on the throne War with Spaln ln whlch Ihe national alpirll ol the Spaniards was dcd by English arms occuplcd many French troops and two major ideal at Bay Inn and Cinlra upped heir morale 119 dcleals marked the beglnnlng of the wane of paleojs nyendgncy 1m Pruidcnl nonse Elt yd Prime lllnixlfl ml The King Delu Enark ceded Norway lo Emu 2n TODAY IN HISTORY 51a TMI am qumlnn ml my nrr In tho lame ilmlvf would um dimer hhrn yml mrann Mr llIerlmhrl Mra ll bclmlnu llml Imndn II In uhuw good tlumpl by dmInx nurlrlr unamm ml my lhal MI MN WM MI lwn unwed un Iml Mr My nnmr II llul uru 0mm Ilval Iva won an rm uh and llml IN NH Inlmnr urn lhwfl he with Ir In the um mm um um hm pmnl ml nndur mm INF Irluurd In Unllwl sum and Ike ROIM Ulllmf would Ihal random mu no In mmv In In mu mhshv would Hui mm In pail mun changed Iho pklun drnv llrnlly ll you want lhry hnef llmnw mum ml have phnu mm cm 0an 1an ullh anrnllonnl wrnponn Inn llml Dldrmmlrr lm nlwd nnrlrnr dulm or lllru plum Hm Canada In um Gm rrnl Nnrllarfl mnlmded mm mr third pnrnlrnph him In prmlde nurlear Ilrlkr num hllily or IM AF dhllun In Humpï¬f Ilanit Dmr Slr mm mm mmrd In your Morin Jan 7lh WM II Our nrlenu Fallryf In whlch you mkrd and nmwmd In Prrllnrnl quesllnm on lhll ml nclnx llrfllllffl la Hrilaln and he Brillsh way It lbfy arc reludanl lo Ilve hr out he dly and Ihq provide 1n annual problem or lha col lam lrylnz lo ind nrcommo dallon or them ANSWER INNth In the last year hi1 roux people internsled tn Ihe we lare xtudcnu ram other counties has established one re lidenual ccnlre at Wimbledon II In healed In rambling Vic arlnn house uhlch has accom modallon lor 29 sludcnb And hue Mudenu mm mm I7 dmmnl cwnuiea Includinl Ghana Siam Ceylon and Nip in The trust although II Is not clasinz In cm In he and Ior mldenlInI cvnlru In other 11m due cancenlrnllnz on London AIlIwuzh several slu denl hostels haw nprung up In vanoux arena al In landon dI IrIcI he housing manage or Iludcnls III extremc I5 particularly diIIIruIt or nvcr mu uudcnll Imm cmergtnl tounlnu Many at them med Ipcclal InciIilIelv and all are In Med ï¬nal undcnlnndinl and Iwme mm guldnnce McLVTYnE HOOD LONDONWith the numberof overseax students comlnl to Britain 47 study inctwin by Ihousands each year andlhe grcalest coneemrnllon of them attending 1mm educational lusfllulionl the problem KM lug hauling ammodalion or them ha become Increaalngly serioul Nuw an nrzaniulion known student flexldcntlal Centrfl leh 01 which lard Luann Is he chairman plan to do wrnelhlng lo rellcva the situation 9n large 21 an as Qpaker charity Ihis ar ganizauon ix working on plan In ring landon with eight or him minknun crimes or stu dent rnmr anneal NEED mmr Ha nlw uk In quay Overseas Students Facé Housing Problem LETTERS TO THE mm HIHNDEID UN ENHVV hm NIH rule of nn Mnl Imflnl fur lurk IM In Ill luvlu law pail MI tllnlt In nlflhlhh Mnnb ml mum Ualmmy Im Illllnl In Mr Dirlrn hnlrr nlu mull him Ier7 Irllu and him many nnudlam would mm mrnd hlm rm he and hnl lnhm an lhl quullon and mm um um um an an la umifhy Ii Mm Nurtuly mul DOIIIS THAN WNW Ilml mud Ulnplnn da The Srrmnn Maunl ollm mhllnn prrcrpll And lhr rla nl All ulhrr rrllllam whirh Ind belle In unlvcml hm lhulml III MI mvlmd In lnlluu an hrllrl In public In our rhumm In our lmrhlnl which or our Ilhllrnl lulurr mo lhrII him Illmu and my THIN Ilhmllon ll mflrrrvl 30 Min lhlnl nr the Inc llml we 1m nuclear carom make Ihc Inlloul 1mm enemy upon and ham our own any mnlrr In be dccchr wmhrl mm nuclrar wnr nmmmm an Imwufr mmll Halt Ihe rnulll will he wrrlflr IN no only wny la pmcnl Uml hauntum In Immcvll nkrly uuyi lounnll unlmully oullnwlul lurk wrapnm How can we kmihly do um ll tame llmc ulc Imn And not In Iraq In Illlulnl In In dut uuwn In IIIll Rip we lalnl non Gullllanl The Christian uinnrr whn Imv on realizing ml he in HM In romptlillan wllh olllcrl but In cnmpflmon will Mmsall The Robert Mennell Home the residential centre In Wimble don and the lruul flm at tempt at communal centre has Iricd out new Idea Io help in coping with In pro Mun In rclurn each fludcnl calves degree pemnal lenllon not normally the la mcruas visitors to London He also recrivu better food and more healing Th uperlmcnl al Wimhk don mm In be worldng suc ceurully Iponwr now wan to unand Imir ldca Io other areas In London In make greater contribution to easing the acmmmdallon question The lmmedlale ochclivc fund cl 115000 which II how ed will be enough In Mable ma lnul lo nan al lml lwn marl Mum and II on way to he mm of eight or nine lnuead Iimply providing accommodallon as ha anhw dax hostel duel ha under taken to create lamlly un dents headed by maiden warden and his wire Mn Amanda Barry chair man of Ike lnul appeal corn miltce nyl We are trying la give he nudentl chance la undmland about English life We do this by making each Ihc mid tnh responllble each olhlr or the upkrcp and chIare Ihvlr home APPEAL FOR FUNDS BIBLE THOUGHT nu 1imum ini