TwoDay Youth Rally Considered Success Keith Wood chairman the Barrie Yomh Fellowship made 1hc statement today Canadian evangelist Rev Barry Moore of London was guest preacher THREE TIMES lwoday Yauh Rally held In Barrie beginning Saturday night Codringlon school and alluwcd Sunday by three servst at Emmanuel Baptist Church was considered In be very successful In hcgmnlng he rclcmsd to he Hayannc New Jerseycw York min rouplc of years ago which plunged into 60 to or water because of an open In bridge Filty people were grapprd in waterylgravc lsun 15 pmlcccascd by her hush Laurie Wilson who died 25 cms am She survived by sms Thomas Sundyl ml nnrric Donnhl nu Slnyuur and live daughters Pup ers In lohinsnnh Mm Jmic 4Mrs Klllmnilcr Mum Iron Nessie Mrs dale Pnlvrlmrmxgh Wlllinm anlacr Tummn am Durham Mrs Sullonl Mitl hum In his ï¬rst message Saturday night Mr Monrcdcllvcrcd an address calla Three Times and Youre Out In sxplc Ich waangsirg nals Applying Ibis imxlucdiamy lo everyday life he Bald Your MUS WILSON Funeral service was held at Slcrklcy Funeral Home for Mrs IJlllahcth Wilson Bil Harrie Mm All in Hamil hignn Pullman Hrc six of Iwr 11 urnndrhimrru ll nah Tms dnlc William nllurn Tommy Ihlbinsun Frank llnhinsnn Dnvld SuHml nml Dnnuld Iiurlnl mm In Hurrle Uniun Cumluy MHH SMMII IIOUHIITON Funeral sorvlcc mu MM ur Mrs Sarah Amy llnuuhlmu L1 Mm Illrd Innlwlml lllmlc lnspitnl nllcr erzlhy lllnuss nl Iflhkkl Fun llmnc She ns prrdmuml by bmlhurs our hisms mu Niun ll mm nlrlnlr INL ha lumul um mm muml ll mum In It WIHy vuul mwhy Wm walk mm day Humm KEITH WOOD Ml chair man the Barrie Christian Youth Fellowship Rev Barn HEAR REV BARRY MOORE OBITUARIES bun MU lralns passes along ï¬les track heart beats mlnulc God has Ihrce warnings or you Many have passed one nr two and have nnl obeyed or stoned to lhcm and warned that these signals should be obeyed for salvallan ge was divided in to three segments Haran not yqu hearts because flu Spirit or God will not aiwnys s1rvc with man an b02151 no mm or tomorrow Mrs Houuhlnn as prude coastd by her husband Hubert Ilnughlnn She is survival by lhrrc snns flay Furl Frances 0nl Ken nulh Hurrir am Alvin Poml hnm Saskulrhcwun and one daunhlbr HUI Mrs Thomas Lninsanl Barr meI MIKE 3L l3 Mclmlmi quorul nmsx will he lwld Tummy an El Marys Hnlnlm ullmlic Church or Mrs Maude Illuuhclh Mellrhlu 41 um diml 10 home Sum 11w ma um he mm iémbi ruw nm Huria will Mnryl Ccmmry Mr Moore snhl that some of the result hardening ones heart when voice or God is heard an meus In scn silivcncss to God callousncss cnder pleadings and hm one bcwmcs settled In his own Your heart win never be lender again as it Is easier In say no next time Since he spiril of God will not always strive with that man Gen 63 one should labor hard or camcstly You cant he saved Ers TI Ham nichmbml Mill nml Louis linker Barrio HOV Cecil Dunn of Con lru Unitwl Churrh nmuiuml Iullbmxcxs were mpth Charles Imkvr and IIHIIKC flanker ymnulmm Bob and Donald Lninson llrian and John Hmmhlnn ride hmlhcr IAHHL Ilicrrrll of Hur He and aid rm Mr Funny rlc llmbotiy is All ilw mm fluriul iuw in nmric Uninn Cvmvtrry ry Mach evangcilsl and Mayor Les Cooke right look over passage In the Bible Ier Skldm Wilh him an hr xhvuMnlmk which anvimu Iv harm mu ml hum Ir hm Um Mme PHI Jami md Saturday night at coaï¬ngton street th belore the youth rally began Mmz TugoSylmnus 0ym via 60 president of the flcpub llcï¬ql Togoi sh Sknllh 52 former pannl mem ber ml he CDC prcgram Court of Opiniun in an aulomuhllc accidcuL Tomnln John Collingwuod Heads 59 Turanlo news unal Ysl nnd rndlo cnrjnmcnlalur MunlrtalDrV Gordon Hauld 79 tumor diwcxar he cancer clinic at he Royal Vic lnlrm Montreal Malcrnfly 0pr lil Lynchbum Va Dr Vflllum Scull Toronlolmm prom mr Lmcrllu religion link Iolnhmcan Vngxcnu College whenever you wanna be he and You must come In Him tourecghe grncclf no then warned that tamar row never exlsts and to em phasize Ihis he ciled many ox amplcs at people he Md been aware who had died very slim lime nucr cenain things were said Talprl FunnosuRdlrcd iin Pam lingllsun BC veteran Chlnclc nnliunfllisl military leader of stroke museum ILC 1min Iluckl Yen 57 Im er ul Cnnndnn um Olympic sprint nar Perry Williams flurlm Alnsllnmnn Gomez dc Serum 73 Spanish author In AmtMinn Aime Um Spnnllh CINI Wnr Many persons redcdicattd their lives at lhis meeting and some lor he ï¬rst limo pm esscd faith in Th km 01 lmmlmr Ulrnw Inn has hem popular in Scul Lmd nnd Ireland many crn lurln lull urlgllmlly htlrlnl whrcl on an min was Almost 200 pcrsons were prcsm cm Sunday afternoon at lhe Bible School at uhlch Mr Moore spoke again The theme his Sunday delivery was Temperance and Moderation and he issued challenging message lhase rcsenl lo zuc ccpt and serve risl as Ur Savior and Lord of your live By THE CANADIAN PRESS hm han IIMUY Brll IM Ikhlm Knr vium In hum Jim NJ nml hmlm Film IIr HHHY IIMH DEATHS lvlmmwr EVEAL THEFT Barrie city police are 1m Vestigaling the then of small amount of money mm coin laundromat machine at the Simeoe Plaza on Sunday MEET TONIGHT Earnc District llunlcrs and Anglers Conservation Club meet this evening at eight oclock in flu Orange all Al landale brie lexecutive meeting will precede the reg ular semen at ClYlC NIGHT Barrie Cl yCouncil and senior cily employees have been hk vltcd to allend Clvlc Night by the Kiwanls Club ol Ennle The mccllng starts at 115 pm DUB LATE The regular meeling Barrie Clly Council will be slarting one hour later than usual lonighL The regular meeting will get underway at pm to give the munclllors the apponunlly to allcnd Clvlc Nighl The rrliring prcsidcnl Ralph Robertson spoke briefly to the meeting and thanked everych tor coapcmliun during his tcrm prasidnmt He urged lho dlrrcturl and munbm to aim the same support tn the new slate at otticm Mtcr lhc election 151963 executive is allows past president Ralph nohcrtmn president Gmme Jackson Vitemuldcnl Hill Brethct soggclprytrmsury In Cook livery mlpe wlll Hm lamb am pmlml and um mm by Hun nnlm ul lowl ily In uhhh ii In Own In mlw man mo Hum nml unbur uur mu mmulrd mm qu In 111 MM lvo mml In lmlm IIrn Mira 4m lhrlr daily mrmw nm IN chm nmnu and NMIMI may mm myth lull hmer Iu Hrlm Hun145 wil hum luv My nhmn the Hand rm Jerry Nelson icldman or the IlalslcinFrlcsian organiza lion or Em Central Ontario presided over he clcdion of ofï¬cers or 1963 far lhe Simcoc Holslcin Cluh Various commuters Mm av painted or the ollwing prov cm Mulch Mm nmvmml at the dirctlar mocking or the Simon County Holstein Club which was held on Jan at Barrie lani mung to he held on March at he arm Don Mcjah 5mg The mmm bianufl will luku ace nl Cooislown on mm cr mmIni illuw mr Ml cvml ml lake plum on 1qu VAHMM HHMI Srlrinh For many yearn mrlaun xraups In 5mm uunly hau lulknl nlm plrpnnmz rnok book MIMI wmld Imhm lhc mu nod pmhum pmlurrd In llm wnlry Ir Min and Tomi prlnxlnn nmlmc hm mruuy Ernie ndrnul Vldmln 4mm mu mwmcv Ml hr Dun mud mrr mum humlml nwn he Innvwmlnl wk lwln plrlmvnl or pulnllmnun DDTILE DRIVE The Navy League and Sea Calm will Mid Ihe annual boulo driva on Jan 16 and 17 mnmm mtclmz no mm MI mpclin uilllbc sfllcd dclrgnuon from the man Axrlcullural society made Hm prescnlmian lhc Huldrin Cluh la mm the annual Luck and Wlulc Shaw at Hie 961 Hflllm Fair This ilwlnion nnnlml mman will he held nI nmrnlon on Nov ZR mm lama lupmfl ns nm Imk vnll mm he graillly M17Huunln 1mm Holstein Clubbers Elect Jackson County Cook Book Is To Be Reality mm In Em n3 anmul Immlurl mu Imam only no Mm Il ya Bud National Defence Employees Assoclallon Camp Borden and DisKrict protests against the lnnccurac newspaper cov erage given the announcemen salary Inman or civil gcrvanls Presldcnl the Iocal branch of NDEA Collins 101d member at meeting held in Barrie lhal there were 1500 employees at Camp Borden and only 88 these had received salary igcrenses newspaper head lines both in local and nation nl papcit gave the public the erroneous impression lhat every government employee had re ceivcd wage increasel Sur sequent back page cxplzlnaliom that Ms wax not true by many of lhcse paper was averlook cd by readers because it was only cw paragraphs in previous years will be glvcn lo the 1963 Club work In order luimpmve the in nncial position or the club Ihc directors approved to hold draw or purebred lloisleln heifer call The draw lo lake place 1th annuq rdceling Jerry Nclwn outlincd the ad vnnlagu county Judging school or Judgns and 015mm blender In ucncml It wax dccidcd in MM this school on May 15 and he mmmiuce will tclcct he place Innr dale TRAINING SCHOOLS He said thn NDEA cxpccts some other wage ncrcasus and will present brlcl the led ml govemmlnl in behalf of The South Simmc training schools for Hm Homemak In pmlcd Separate Dr Sam met will he hcld as follow Alliston Lihrury Jan 23 and 24 Slnyncr Masonic lodge Jun 29 and 30 10 1m to pm each day Anyone Mlshlng km cluh lo lake this project min ed Ia attend one hm Ir in schools For lnrxhcr in formation plmso omacx the ham tmnmnisl nmno Dc pllrlmcnl Azruulwrc Allis Inn haul Il Imk ln flu hook hoped In hm me lml uh Htln pm va Um mr POTATO CHOW Willard 019 was chem presidrnl and us hllrwlc wan der iccrrtnry or he Scum Slmcoo mm 7mer lhclr annual nmllng km neck Dhumlan orxnnilnl mar krlin Itd In In rcmicll ur lur lhcr duvrlupmcnl dufm Um rommx rnr Iltprrnmlulnn mm SJIJHLI Fwd ducusml rmhlmu rclnliu lo pron and mmpdihnn In In tale he nothch Says small Percentage Received Pay Increase mm Um llnl nl lly Um members who did not receive salary Increases as soon as parliament rMonvencs Inlar Uni month This was he hm meeting 1963 held by ihc local branch and the president outlined lhe work done by the branch Ilccrs The branch held 10 executivev and ane general meeting during 1962 There was also one meet lng per week held by the ex cculivc to carry on Ihe mutlne husincss new Icatnre of NDEAs work was an annual picnic and scholarship award or he child 01 member who gained the highm academlc standing In Grade ommas WORK umrecorded discussion suit on sclKImprovcmcm will be heard lnnighl the moldy Ys Mens Cluh madlnz at In Culnr Rail Tloslaurnnl The discuulluri scrim will he lamented by Dr William This year there would be two awards $25 each one or box and nncor git The president said that many civil servant were unsatisï¬ed wilh their staff organiutiansl conditions lor bargaining with their employers had alter ed so rapidly in the last two years that Complcleiy new concept was required to adjust ta these cimlmsianccs to ob tnin the hos working conditions for rivil mrvanls NDEA wax immosl in this licld to meet this challenge but unfortunate ly some other organizations of civil nervhnts were not making plans to give their members the service they will require in th turn the prcsidcnl said 1110 mlcs molvu zmuml he mliludcx of Jtc person mluhl lnkc and dual also with lxlmvlmlr Hil nlll be allow rd hyn panel Ilscuulon Malian on the floor mypon cd any legislative mm In give Ontario minimum wage law and gnu support to program ï¬ve Hm cducnlional program In incruusc the school xtnndinz who mmbhi mu he mi Club mrmbLn Ys Men Plan Panel Debate SIDE BAcoNLmssï¬ GRADE MEDIUM EGGS QUTTER 54c LEAN DY YHE PIECE BUEHLERg F099 oumoajsr £1 BARRIE CREAMERY NO LEAN SHOULDER Lamb CHOPS MON TllES WED SPECIALS and job skills the local um employed NDEA mom her be local winter works campaign committee and highly concerned In the nvemll Jabs available in our area NP Aexpcalth2 the NDBA cred unwn WI be approv wilhin he next few months The president also announced that the Ontario Conference NDEA would be held in Barrie ma Ihls your and dele gate mm branchel would be in attendance The oldm Imrmn mum in in the cuncimrm nprmion at Sunmrkm lpccch arm 5110 DC He also said that be Ladiet Auxiliary plans In Mid ball and flu he tentative date was jny nr June Il XI expected théi 154nm 911090 rhenmm aydgucm would attendlhis Moore vlcopmidenl of Marketing Mansfield nub bcr Canada Ltd armounm the appointment many as 3ch managtr industrial moduds Mr Lock lcy has had many ynn ex perienoc In rubber compound In and procrssing and in be Ilch Industry ll 9mm will be Barrie Madman an or Mamlield SALES MANAGER OLDEHI TEXT 39 mm BAHKIE zxwmmt JLANMBY Wasaze Beach A12 0mm of Cammerc e12qu mg 151 Mar meeting Friday In the council dumber in the 1way Alur the mania mum was mm by an Secretary the pruldem manned mm and paper and make aflht 01 311 Mary penditum lb 153 This wan Miami by Dead incumm arm When chm llzureswm letmined the membm aim ed the certain famine to flu mum expenditures and do dded hw tho remaining mon lel would be mm As an main obkctive of the chamber 11 advmking various means of shutting um imaged land these will be anmunced will be good mme mm Illa publla Sloan ï¬nancing publlzlzinz eta will be dis outscd Mu Lynn and ll the clam ber wanted to mum the Grey Coach nervch in ma as in the past year All mud flu is was wtixlactory armament and Lhould be cominued Mr Lanzcvin reverted on Ibo wcpeu the lim dd train It was deddcd lo km meeting of Ihe Schemean commiflu in the village ban Jan at pm All who an interested In hit historical wot are urged to alum It not necessary to be member Holeucflamber hoped hm scuooxzmoml 0110 iii projects flu chamber is the mmatidn of Scimmflmvm Thin re mendous mm and win to quir great deal money It will also be tremendous ml La the area both wilurally am ï¬nanciqllyL Sam Pljnio mad Ind ob aimed permission Idrcrï¬u the Beach on his station wagon 1119111111 be the mu 11yearde Omztvilk man was found dad bin home early Sunday evennf by hill mothen Barn pradndal pom re ceived call ramming policl aid Consume Arthur Cain 0mgcvifle was dispadsed He look Coroner Dr South with him to the arm ï¬ve mun sculpt OpngWUk France aid 717 mi In cm suicide SL1an Diet Ind dip hanging Heus Iiï¬ng COUHTY COUNCIL Simmo County Council Vi hold in menial 1113112 mctflnz mam nfltmoon at adocln The round Ile probably comma rklh dam msiam Ihil red and then it vnu adjourn far he web to give M1 communes the op portunity formula go or the year Make Plans ToBestoze 13 Schddiiértbwn each day duniz mi in mm it him Suspect Man Took Own Life MAN WORRY nmm 0N YUM HOMMII Val CHINESE FOOD IF YEAREND BILLS HAVE YOU REMEMBER Caddo um