Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jan 1963, p. 2

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ml quulltm dlchl an1 In Inner Nruman insim 341 jun wan Io slimublc him 1m ca whnl ls going ml amund ml and nllm pl1yl cl la see lhiclu slice run Fram now an vicwm can ex cmporary Me on the mull ncn Ncwmnn 45 was rduclanl to he details about uhnl Changes has in mind or he dram ytlrpurtmcnl Bul hr mud ll klcar In an imuvicw lhal uhnl want most in play iv Ernst of tnmmcnlary an the arld luday play wilh racy malism The yuhllcly Wmd tarpon inn lrym for years lid it MH UN auntie BBC Im ago mm II have gul Jusl lhe an an moving Canadian 110 came In Britain iusl hm cars ago look over today at in BBC Iclcmian drama Al Dr MIC hr laid Ihinkjlbuc mum at Inb ulmu nmnc ul rm ram lhc but In he an In To Minunra rm unu v1 mm Muml II new unlrr emu lnm me and he want In wnlc play aim mh mung mm 11sz pairs of books om pair nl skates our hock Vey sticks and one puck lhcse in boys are ddmmined lo 11 we 17nd inla lbs net Al WINNIPEG Liberal ader Pcarwnl support of my eararmsunder NATO and ORAD commitmentsor Ca adian arm caught Manitoba bcrals by surprise An hour before Mr Pcamnx announcement in Tamale Salurv lay me Ianiloha party tabled radiation Midi said subskaw liaily lhe same thing Mter ncwioi the Pearson an unccment spread the resolu inn 35 bmughk up again and asst with an amendment wp ning the Mara leader nda didnt pm wimm fight tam Bmwn of Brandon and Da Lid Bowman at Winnipcl who oicod abling of the original rcsolulinn tried all il down the sccond lime Nuclear Arms Support Surprises Manitobans nghl 55 Canadian SNewman Heads British Drama The motion passed by sland By CURRIE DONDQN lCPlSdngy Ngu nid 11m Acr of Kinp mmmuu In Avvur ledmlllvfl an In luk my 10 hum mnmn nu mum nu mm mm an up Imu mu in In ruq nun All nan my 11 mu Ma nuny mm ETODHYS STOCK PRICES nmpfltd by If Jul wan ll TOURAGAINSTONE 18 PAIR IN SCHUB HOCKEY ACTION my zh fnnnlvmu Lu immm rm In Us In Indn4 In ru llv in rm Inn 1mm Imp nu An IBM In NIVI In lmlmu INDUSTRIAL MIND am Liberal and my allm was liberal hem me but cum mypm Mr Pear Mm 911 hisyclicy in vote large majorin at mgrawdclzgalesz Mn Bowman said he could no reason why motion made only Ihis morning Ihauld be gbanEd the mare nod of We are making this Liberal body look about as foolish have aver uen ii To accept this just because Mr Pearson laid it is ruddy immense and dis honnrable nonsense Ihat Mr Iimwn fohrxer Mural candidate for Brandon Saudi laid we do not flop this pmliv lamina nuclear weapom this course will lead Canada and he ml at tho civilized world to disastcr classical unu that was pet prnjcd cullumi Mich 21 Barry Newmans prtdLccuor and same othcr highbmw pm duclians will he conflnucd bu will try put them in lbcir right place Newman Talon name who became than de xiuncr nncr inhhing at uth at lhe an 17 quit lhe CBC llmc years ago and came here drama nupcrvimr or the MIC Tclnisiun Campmy which sent the commercial network The plump hula man who film had btcn rifled nlrd ofl Clark Gable my mm durnpflvt Innis dnnl but he mm almall bam lully um he LI lunanl fle qurd nnd alklnfl nhoul MI jab he mmcd mm the lnl lm wile nay he is min cnc Nu was nuch lumupar llmlarly with he Sunday up in program Armchair Thu lre lhal nuc tame up with an nlltr The lmxu Mm vmvk and kg nay Newmnnac pmlcnionnl rrpulallon has bun dcunbvd vulgar ur mgnnl brash brllowinz and dtdadlc 1de hum why he unile Iprmdinu bdrm Ices on the left LI Dave Mum Is 14 90 Cum Sf Ronnie Mc Leér 15 Parkdale Cm and Larry Bell 10 RR Bar mast In disbelie at what he Mum Mn mum quva in My um man In ms nu mm mva Inc NailJui rm m2 may mm hm lhhll nmv rm hm hm NI II llml mm mm mmm Mum mu rm 7mm In nu hm In In guL raw mun um eh Inlva it Waller Gordon 1mm party financial criUc in he Hausa Cammuns attempud la soothe the rumbled delegam when he rpoke the convex lions windup banquet He mid Mr Pearwns Ime men wa made uplam 1qu of lha kind micl pol icies and delence polities we xhould mive or in Canada said Mr Pam feels the Um has come for Canadas defame policy In be haud on In in dustth Ware the econ omy and tar Canadas ddmtc dallan to be went wisely Canada ha wmnfitrnen mu allies an counting on than musfi honor iL would be Ahamdul lo do otherwise 111i does ml mean we are panunitged to one mm indd MilenaV wallrimmed mustache and the 1m lin he alwzyl nan but crcryfirnc give an inter vitw come out looking in wrne kind an his habit at making than blunl nanmenu ar Ibocb oiled 2nd lhm mare calmly qualilying lhal he means L11 5L 1th firm lal 0mm Imam Mm am lllnn Tamnlc Mainly dear and mid today and Tmlay than ol lame loud and hr mm lluny Ihu mornlnl Windt umlhrxx 15 lo 23 bmnnin lrninl In his ncw be ye lpomiblc or about IIer of drama wk mmpand will 1qu lum ham or and pm grams In farmer past II it reputed to hm lnkm an In pay lo £5000 Imm nom hul me Mum hm nntr been Innounwi Iorrtmu imm by It Tur wmlher mm 410 am Rqum lnum mid rum Iinm flip vvn Canada and mud the Unilcd Sultll ll mlmlayly mid noflhwcu Superior when mmlmum ltmpcmlurn will be unwrally nlnul 40 below Irm Clrzr kid prrvml on ml DI mm lry An amnion in in thou art15 ruined lodnuhliau oll lhc Gvral Lam the wow L1th and ma umds an Hum htavy dulnnL 11er change In Ihc 1mm Alba pidur LI Inktly lo cur Kn he ml day or Inn Inh rm Niagara nthm lair 0mm um Mnlnly dandy vim 5mman am nmudmblq dullmz um mom Ini damn um Illlllmxm Mainly Ira Ind 014 Iomthl and Twyla Wind mumml la 11 Imminx Ifll I5 lhil mm llahlmlml la Im timid Iilh kzllnfll Irvm m1 Indzy mm with fuMfl kmva WWI mmth l3 In Mann Inniflvl human LII mm aim Lnnvilm Variable Wuhan mm mnmm mm and hmday mid Want In Novflwm Lat umv Guni an 1mm mm mm um um and heavy mini Indy flout Iilh AnnHalli lurk ms lfldli Ind MIMI III Inlay do nyvsiud la lrmighl Tlmunml pen Sudhury llrfly flout If IncDani Na mu In dule Mu mam on n34 15mm Twig rle look intently the puck which they will deliver any second now and Steve Poll am 12 ll marl inlemfled In the camtra WW Wm WEATHER FORECAST point which be had made emlfimbxlhehstrndan Surclyie said than are nonrqu opportunities in goods that art not competitive with 10KYO MP Japan has manan awarluuilia In in crease in exports to Canada prwidad it all goods did are not in dim Win with Canadian mm Ca nadian Janice Ikming laid Ioday Flaming head of Canadian gavtmmutal which at gmdcd hunky quaAmie em Japan anxious In mm in mfavmble trade balance vilh Canada In 1961 Japan in gonad mm Canada WWW worth at mods and mm In Cafladq only mumon may PARIS Raster President de Gaulle old was ovula nce today he does not think anyone Hunks I1 can mhwihe la The Bahamas am in which Prrsidmi Kennedy cred la Iupply Franc rid Po laris minutiae mung Speaking the AngloAmcr imn agrccmecl at Nassau at build mammal Ended NATO lam dc Gaunt 135d peat um Franc intends In have her an alkali detract Franc also mmlderrd nec mary and normal In have al CI but did not Inn In late rith to While its an ddtm he laid For thin lime the Unilcd In uw kiah 3mm The nmld urnM any with mm hardy Mu la In 1km huer mm mm by nu Mml panmm ullm In Kind km Tumult we run lane Mum 13 hath7h vn mum minham 51m 12m lndxaav vam 51 1mm AN Am confidewc and upixit dc corps eight eardd BandyAnne Bell anny Mes one and all mlhaut dlnfl in stoppth THROW HT 7mm mm and ban win rm rm mmlrd Imdunnd lath Iapan Can Increase Exports To Canada Declares Fleming my wk Canada mu nab Math MUM France Intends Own Defence Chumving Prices Still Unchanged Fleming am mango radii tuba damss title altar and vinyl punt CVanada has 1mm um In time Wind Irilh 313de amp zrafion quuas impan nu charges hum of he died Japanese emanation an kna flian prnduman n1 similar ilenu he In day eminence here Jim main quota and mmhaxxu Fleming indium Uni Japan Edi We diversified in Man ghauld be able In all hide Wen mm mm In Canada goods I1de um be lamly mampdifin with Canadian uIamiauuru He did not name the com flifi which fluid 11 in thin WW Indicale Whal amount Canada could absorb Fleming made he ulna point during Japaziide zlo visim broadcast Saturday Dur Im be so mimic bmadmsl filming mxgnioncd by Se Japan Cainda Society 6113 translaud the Canadian minip lzfx remarks inla Japamse nurmn Mr Mm bk Widen Ml ML L1H WM tulmlhl 10d um cl MawI Ind nu mum in IIquIlnl win ml of today School third And hqu 0va nnd winN dIIIImM The lam armnoanlui by wind mu mil nl rm In bout IrIl hut In lmpuamm our mmh New Val 5421 uqu malan mo Wmiamnilb Ind lb To mum am all mm min mm In lhe 10 and Ith 5mm lnmly nullalo fly hool manned upon lacuna nivrxlmin Vim Mrs rmmn um llau than dunn suburban and aim mllvnldflmd lull Bulhh 5M Tomb WMWWMWW 31 Gm ma wing nnk last aim Examincr Photon has yunM Clide Cadf ol Oalnlk kfl beam mm pride ha hold Ito the hmin hflpfid ram ull lm out 1mm ulq 021 In Baffle Snowfall Closes Buffalo Schools soled canvas IS THIS BEGINNERS LUCK alley flown mumdmes Ill lug opemisejpecifl Bmssels Sprouts CaliL drum 650 750 broccoli CaliL Ms 1154 18 425475 cabbage Ont mi wirebound ualc 175 775 Tm bag 50 1h 250300 400450 Savoy large crate 10 1135 crate 1734400 car rots OnL bu washed Imlso cauliflower Calif 12 150100 16x 100400 celery CaliL stand ard cram 550 cw 800 Itch OnL ll qt bash 30150 Iti luw Chinese bu 1752 um Ital head two dozcn 75250 37 L25 mushmanunwi lb canon 21515 onions cooking bag so 11 Na 173125 TORONTO CWTrading we extremely quit and prlca changm were few on In Tar nnm wholesale mm and vege table maxkeu today In Lb fruit seam pean aw pleg and famed rhubarb were In the vegetable Man good swim local cabbage car rots anion and turnip sold on study basis Imported caull flower and lettuce sold at manger mica The mm market was well mypfiafl and Applu cold storaga Madmsh bu 100 100 155215 Spy bu 275350 qt £065 Russel bu 450 500 Delicious bu 154 BC D4 lide bu 300175 BC Deli da aha laney car i551 5M beam r11 min bu 1504150 waxed bu 90 Beets TugsTchfiéd cralu stock Pricei mam YOUNG PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVES yummy Younx Carley ne phm cl Emlc Camy riglll wn mahlnx only umnd mum fixhlnz Ihmugh ma Irv 11m nu lie nm Hm In cauzM anythllu mine at mm Ontaria Nat Appoint ack Gamer Policy Rééearch Head 1m WATER TANK mm rrrrrrrr 15 BAYHElD Sl BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIESCOMMISSION tomato Try Hydro Rental OnL Bose bu 4755 Auiwus box Canada exlra ancy 525650 potatoes PE 75 lb 136415 dchvcred Loo L15 50 lb AS150 lb £144 NB 75 lb 1754 50 lb bag LID120 10 lb 29 Ont wasth marsh bu 160175 rhu barb 011 holhouso In lb car Ion 20150 Na 100 L25 spinach Texas repack cello 12x10 aunce 200 Zfi Squash Hubbard bu 152110 buflcmut bu 100 300 tomatoes hol home 10 lb carton 125 225 turmpx Ont plain bu No LIle per bu waxed 1501115 series matting and mn fmnces will be held with people Muslim the pmvlnce The committee alter gathering lgvemd orglly and In written Mr Gamer longtime ud vocah of his type or commit tee commented This In an excellent way or finding ou what th young people want We will simply mach out over CHICAGO APfiWinlerl Icy hIasLs envelnped the major part of Ike Unflcd sum today and no immediate general break In Lhe severe cold was Indicaled Dcath blamkd on the wintry weather uposure fires and mm acddcnls on ice and snow cavercd highway passed the 40 mark The unscnsonable cold in quhern Texas soulhcm Call Iornla and Ariwna lhrealened damage lo citrus and vegetable traps Farmers started their 150 pmnips Onl 12m guncccclos 150 pugs The commutes under Mr Garners chairmanship will have the rcsopnsibilit of de mining from the Ontario some existing prob lam in such department noflhem aflalrs highways hy dm development land and for ens mnservalloni mining dc vdapmen and Iravelrand pubw ficity Ihe pmvinceabd ask the quell lraperty damage Including heavy loss by rash of lites gamed ian 115 million of dol XL low um min in uuly tour of Vlflflr uxlng Imly Iingk book um tinnm package tlxml hail ll nminn lth Will Freeze For While Longer The belowzcro zone extended mm he upper Great Lakes lhmugh the northem plains into the northern Rockies Tempcra lures plunged to nearly 60 below anMontann over the weekend flay Cily Molnrx Lhnllrd urn plum la nunmute line no qulxklun Mr llobcn llcrl lllrlr lo lhflr Inlu nlnIl Mr and Mrs lllrin reside ln Hur nc II Nuxlh Short nmy lmvr lhrro rlnldrrn Ilrrl amp In lho Cnnadlnn Armed SCI vim null 159 nlul xlnce llml limv has been mum Anhy mullvt Snlrl In Illa fly llrxl ulcndl nullnl luvlmllan In III many Muuh nml vnllml cmlumm In viall Mm at My lly Mum lellml ml Drnd mudgo rats manlh ago vcro cold spell mused mllllanx of dollar damage ln vegclnhla and dim crops In Florida Eu Florlda escaped the current cold snap along with areas at the Carolinas southward Lh witherst Georgia reported in Tennessee Kentucky and narthcrn pan of Georgia and Alabama the same HIM it was 34 above in Anchorage Alaska Although snow dlminishcd in most areas howling nnhw storm on Lake Erie battered setflons or westem New York xlalc The wind blown snow roundedErie Countryrarifl to else degree Niagara and or Ienns Cgunty go melnnlxfll The storm dumped Inches of now an Butfalo and up do fun In rural areas Winds were up to 35 mph and vlslbllity was tut lo zero al times The Grcalcr Buflnlo Airport was closed far one hour Power service was disnxpted in some suburban INHIS Much of hllchlgan was snow covcrrd with blanket whim measuring 17 inches rcpnncd in Pcllslan in he lnucr pcnlnsula No early relic mm the cold was Indicated mil sum JACK GARNER PA 66568

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