nï¬m Illwlln mh cullnim uml valance nl lun Fuilclnlh Tulnms IKL or Gold lImIx mluin nlmul 22 11 minute nlxml II Sprc Cnllnn uwmy Vulmlu nl mm ï¬lm nlmul CAFE SETS RODLESS RUFFLES RUFFLED PANELS Palyclhylcne plnslic llnod Ilmwn only Size nboul 54 flK Spccinl pair SHORTYDRAPES Dolcd cotton In Red Grccn Blue or Gald coluur Size about 27 HK Valunco In malch vabnul 47 Special set track will 24 runners Completn with cnd brackets bridge and hruckd scrcus Packed in lube Special scl DRAPERY TRACKS TIER CURTAINS Genevieve Hutchinson 14 and Joseph Vill 16 children U5 ommrs stationed in Naples were found at cli nic in southern Italy this wank three days alter they had disappeared ltnlian pol ice said the two vcrerecov nlxml 25 72 Spcrlnl FOUND IN ITALY Iml Emu Inc 113 Sprcinl Carl Check these values against your neéds SALAD BOWLS erlng from minor Injuries sulfaad when thc car In Mulch they were ridlng rim of mud The boys tamer ls Air Force Lt Col Joseph Vlzi of Pan Huron Mich The girls Inlher ls Anny Col Philip HuLcMnson of Bulk lon Maine ONE UEpAY JANUARY 15 49 49 49 No Ml mndn plnlllc ylkhvr ll Bu lumhhu mm lumlvlrrt Nlnl ltl Her PITCHER TUMBlERS SETS WASTE BASKETS llmllt In nvmrml pinkml and to nm bpcclul rarh SHOWER CURTAINS Muss In warm mluurx Sr glass cn Sprcinl 12 glasses llQUEURS 3llcrcd Enrlllenwum Spcclal each lh glass handle CAKE PLATES wilh spoon and fork Irnnslnne china bowls Special set PRESTIGE Is not bad faith unlhc prime ministers part he said It Is the effect ofa profound convlclio Mr Progressive Conservative was defeated ln Bellechasse rldlng by Gilles Gregoire of the Social Cred rnrly In Ihe federal altcum asl Juno 18 Mr Dorian snid the prlme minister was as interested In the assimilation of New Cana dians as In the Frenchspeak in lhnlcgrougli In an intéwlewwilh Le DeA vnlr he says Mr Dlefcnbuker ls haunted by the thought that we should be purely and sim plyCandians MONTREAL CPDNoel Duh Ion jatmer slate secrete ln Prime Minister Dlelenb ers cgbincl say Mr Dlefcnbnkm and severalEngllsh spanking cabinet ministers lack confl drum in their Frenchspeaklng colleagues Referilng to Lie Pragrésslve Simple Canddianf Is Haunting PM nunllml Mum Fpnlnl My In Mr Why men have accepted the princl ple of Worlds Fah ln Mam mal before the June 15 club Mr Dorian said the Progres sive Conservative party too altcn plaglnrlzed Liberal party mums WAIT The dian canstb tullon should be changedThe atanumy the provlnces Iho delegation ol legislative and 11 cal powers and the representa llnn ol the French element In ledcroldepnrtments nnd Crown corporations should he the ob Jccls of clear definitions spelled outlln the constltntlon llsell He said he prepost royal commisslon on blllngunllam did not answer the nccds of French spcuking Canadians vis vla lbeli role In Canaan Conservative party In Quebec Parlay 391d Wh acking Is no as much the men but influence and prestige which the leaders of the party should give them Ilien hurry to EATONS in Barker Eriy 149 STEAK KNIFE SETS 114 49 49 49 49 hmyumnl um Walnul rnlmlr or Inc llllvlï¬l NHL th1 101nm nlullllmlm MAM Mum Nah Irrp and nklf FpNlnl lnlnhu ml mwl rarh Tlucnmnl rml Iron Kprclnl rnrll ROCKING CHAIR PlANTERS Im on Icllmy mllnn lmrk Hlllmnulrmml roIlnn mm Sjwclnl TEAPOTS FOOD CHOPPERS Hmnmh In1rd woulL ï¬lm About 11 20 Sprclnl cnch PADANDCOVER SETS mllvll nlumlnum limclnl rarh PASTRY BOARDS Inlishcd nlumlnum 4qu cnpnclly Special tench Slamlm stool cullan Mndc About 9V Inna Spcdnl Inch EMPIRE TEAPOTS lAZY SUSANi Sal paring ullilly nnd carving kacI Smlnlcs uol blade with Pnknwood ham lllls Special Jplcco Stalnlcss stool wilh Pnkawmx cs Mnshcr lndln lwmllne Imk slotted turner mlld lurncr basting ulollcd spoon Spcclul any KITCHEN KNIFE SETS POTATO CHIPPERS Aluminum with black flunk handle About 10 cup capacity Spccln ouch KITCHEN TOOLS Mirror pollshcd steel blades plnxtlc handle Special sol at PERCOLATORS The structure to cost 500 000 or mare wtqu carry 15 to 20 passengers in each 16 en NIAGARA FALLS Ont CF hulldlng permit wlll be sought next week er Whathigh sky llll slmllar mi wheel on the escarpment aver laaklng Ihe Horseshoe Falls If Mr Diefenbnker had to quit his past Mr Dorian said George iices trade and cam mcrcc minister and Manitoba Premier Duii flobi would in spire his caniidence and would be capabie of making lhe re sulting draconian changes in the putty Hamid up to thu arty association to lake 11 man at its mnvenlion this week if there is any qeslion replacing Prime Minister Dlefenhaker as party leader Sky Lift Wanted For Niagara Falls Hons Why was ltnecessnry to wall ï¬ve years before naming Quebec parliamentary secrov my la agriculture when Que bec farin problems are dlfler cgl to those In Weswm Can Jne Imk urnrr basting moon or Mlll mama nuuuucr Mitchelsan farmer reeve of Ihc lownshlp and now Niagara Falls alderman said Sunday night he believes the city will honor the lownshipl commitments art partner In Toronto Inn acting as Vengl near or the project wlIl go to Vienna to discuss maintenance probiems wllh the opcrnlor 01 he sky 1m there spokesman for the consulllng Inn aaId he hope the structure will be in optimal kuruatu ednruclure would be in part Niagara Falls recently annexed Standard Township had approved ha mice In principle provided nu ndcpcndcm consultant ccrllfled the safety The Idea was suggested by Hans Mercnlk of nearby St Dnvida who came to Canada hum Austria He got the Idea from similar In In Vienna Mr Mercnlk said Sunday night he plans to form his own company next week and pro ceed wlth he constructlnu He laid Innnï¬ng arrangemcnlx hangs complcled stationary hub would can taInn remnant and two storey base would house load ing ylnzfnrm and retail stores dosed pIallormarln zomhmta ride or view 01 the falls 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 Z49 49 49 49 Shop in person Vlmvw wllh mm Pilflll I47 Mp vrnl raylnu Mulllmlmr randy Inqu nbmll INSET ï¬lmM nth Munnmr mm mm rnrh ka mMnr SIN Alum IN Hill lnr UTlllTY MATS nul rnrvrt In nunle rnluuvl wn nllh Alum 774 Byrd1 rmh SCATTER MATS NOSED STAIR TREADS PATCH MATS Mulllcnlnur ml Nmk ruhlwr Elu nbnul lni 11 Slwlnl rndl Illnvk llllfl nIMvrr Mum rlnl cm CARNIVAL MATS INK MATS Hmvyflnugu wlre Ihltkly Connd with an llc Slze Ahmll lb9x8 Choice of rd or llluc Special each Durable Vinyl munhacked nylon zlpprrcd open nu Colaun Navy Blun llraun SpcclaL mrll BICYCLE BASKETS nbuutrï¬ long Special mch or lcll or ï¬ght hand BOWLING SHOE CASES HOCKEY STICKS UTILITY BAGS Nylon with Whflu handles and Mman zlppmd all lop About 15 long Choice Navy or Brown Special carh The commission 1335954110 tnvesllzaflon reports to Deal au lharlues Recommendation in eluded In the reports are designed to serve only as This would be altered as service in municipal council by the commisaian no lninndedlo interfere with theJMni auton omy oi police form Our serv lce is to assist lbcal nulhoniles whenever lhey desire our help Slnce flu commission was created last Aprll has Invcsv ligated complaint about 10 mn nicipal forces he wym Judge Macdoynldflmyx the In spedou whosc appointment wlIl bd announced In one manlh wlll be doing nothing but In vesllgaling camplalnu nhou 11cc farm WINDSOR CF Judge BmccMncdnnnld at Windsor chairman ol the Ontarlo Fallen Commlsslon my the DPC will nippoinl lwa Inspectors lo Invent lgale zomplalnla concemlng municipal pallce Inrccs mi minimal MOSDAY mama Two New Police InSpectors To Probe Complaints Forces KIN nlmfl lflx 114M xv Such procedurqjor Ontario would he policy mailer or nuomeyzcncrall depart ment to daddy In England lmpccmszem era the Constabulary vlslt each municipal palm force and make anngal reports on hair efï¬ciency and admluiglralian guide to action by municipal councils Thin an police term In Ontarlo mu with Adelaide PA um 24HOUR 5ERVlCE sALEs andsenwce All mm HEATING EQUIP aowms llellinx and Air Conditioning 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49