Campus Becomes rdrml mm Jul In wHzallvlz In tawnym nun lhal MIMI nllrr tndill nr 1le unlrmlly In 511 an mm Win ml many In Mum In IlnI IM In Trulyday llm mm my Mumv1 55 Indndmcnu but ltd Hewrnl prymu km 1er mm mme mlruy Ir rmyuuu munly pullrrmm Ilm du prun llu Irnwmlmlnn um mt mmnz an lrdnnl mm wlm wrrv nrmhy Shldmu druwuimlrnl lmhln rnfflrlln Tlumdny nihl ulvrn Mrrrlhlh wrul In rul Mlrrn lll IM IN IrmMmL mum llmn Vn nhldonln unlxidn mmnnu km mu hum lernrnlrl n21 lnvro wtrmn 1m al MI MN rwr kmwlnsfly mmme In umnmny HXFUH mm Unl vryINy rt MlulMlmrl Ilurlrnll Imw Atrium up In lrmprn hair lmmumrnl rnmpnlgn nunlml Jnmu ll Mnrtlull Ibo erm wlw my ha may quit mm unlru mum Iilun llnn lmnmrl mu rnnduclve In lumluz Inca Inuld ncxnllnle Mayor Vmcenl Bank an nounrtd Iclllcmcnt the mike at 135 am today mare lhtm hour nflcr fly and unlnn Tcprmnmllm xlnrlcd amour Ions almcd 11 gelling Hu mm back 10 work lald l7 cily lmll cmploy us member 01 Local M1 at he Nullnnal Unlon Public Emplnyrc CLCI and walks and park rmphrm mrmbm of he unionl local 35 will re turn work Monday am wry pleased he mid Caulurl or both pnrtlu In tho dispm yrcparlng stale mcnl Unlll lnlh Ilnrlexl Thursday he Hm concrrlc brmk in he dllpulflHu rlly had ccnlcndrd llml Hm haul of It two hr urrr upxrnll nnd mum Ml be nngullalal Um name llmm Im NUPH 1m 3m mm all Ilnln mm ST THOMAS CWThe 35 day strike by 51 municipal my Plgym L1 am The acqulslllon plan has up wldz open Gunnarl LaBlne family with JosLph Gunnnr pmldenl ighling lo we the plan appravcd and Chmch his uncle and Gunnar dircclnr dctcgmincd la Map it Wédncsdayn mécllng was ad iaurncd to M5 nflcmocn when thanholdup were udvmd that Shareholdm were called In Tarnnto Wednesday to consider company plan In acquire Mc Namara for $16000000 but the meeting was adjoumcd hdm even in vale TORONTO CDRound Two or he Gunnar Mining LtdaMCv Namara Corporation Ltd ballla gets under way Iadny as Gun nar uhmeholdcn mm or the second me in Ihruc days City Hall Strike Is Ended Union Members Return To Work Mr Jusllw Emmet all tanner clue fuslice Sask atchewan and Mrs 311 Round TwoContinues In The Gunnar Battle 99m Yaar No For Plummet Want Ad Talo phom PA Man The telephone number lo call or the Bmlnm Editorial Dept PA 66537 Our Telephone JURIST IS SWOBN IN Th drlmnrlmllm um he IVWII lulmll IIan Nllv III Clmmrllqr lnlul VlWIml IMMI llndrnu llu ml IIrllly hm Im at urmlllnl an un Iru rampun nunml In mm mid diulpnnavy Um IMIM Iv aim nnlrul unruly aernh 01w Illulml Hulwhy NEH nyhI Why Mnl you home Mr nlurvl Whrn Mrmlllh nrmvnpnnlcvl Ivy Hun lull Ilquallmfnl lurn rnlrml lho mlrlnla law lhl mm llmlrnll and HI Imlrml III Um Mil Ilnl In The Illulthll hlmlfll lnln llle all llng unxl Haller mm mun TM lmmmlmllvm Inlirlr IQ rmmm nmuday mm war rnlly val wrll Manual sum numlwr nl Illklrnll IIM Inm nrd In lhn ml llll nl llx rnfrlnln whrrr Mrmlilh mrmv nlIy Iinrl mil Allurnuyl um tlnle mullml nlml llxe lnvrnllsallon which may lnll nrmlhrr Urn Hum wrrlu llrrnrnl Ike Ilrike no nrllan MI aim by he rummlllm on nu ulllmalum luucd ha 17 fly ball cmplayru Ilul mnnlh ordulng hem tn um work by Dtc 27 or are dil mlml for in cmmcfll pm mlucr and unlon llm medlng on III floor nnd ll fnllr mmlnz on he llul II now appear ml Hunrnl Ike Ilrike Local HI mm were let lng rcmxnlllon the local In their bargalning 15an Local 13 mcmbm were seeking new working canlmd glvlng Ihcm hlghcrfl city bylaw palm undtr Secllon 69 of he nlarln Labor llnlnuam Ad excluch Local MI mrmbcrl mm Ihc provi sion the ad plum ho lcl hart McGuire Onlmla labor department row Lman ullirrr John Sander wn Toronlu lrxnl mumcl in flllpcnlv pmnnncl com Mchlnenl unitu Local ML wm Included Char nppmcd to he mave and any Gunnar would concrnfraie on the mlninz duslry and not become mtrely banker or conslmcllon built nus The Laninc Iarnlly and In sumulul mlnlng opcmuam an almost legendary Rioting Worse The Gu in manhgemcnl want to acquire the heavy can trucuon ï¬rm for $8000000 cash and 800000 treasury ahnm IL ugh adyaunirurr April is wauldnl he connlplclcd yum late Thupdzgy The motion was made by Walnherg counsel or Charles after shareholder asked for ndjournmtnl unlil McNamaral 1W2 flnanclal r9 p05 Amade availabh count pollunnra mgglqn lo wear bniad tmfles yesterday shortly after he 64yearold Jurist was Mom In an nyrmnl Ihc Ittond Hr mum will uh ham Mm pm why In llrllaln Hwy IMNI valwlm Inzly mum mm Immu all Iho nlunn kw gId damn 11w TIIIIM Ia unlm Alumi PII In auraler In Mail In In aflor vnlcnm Hurral 3m 15 San Allanllr mm Dr Lhnyrr MI lelal nllr mum MM we II It min uvl IHrme lmmn ul mth pkmrnlnu mnnnl lhn nrhlrnu lu Iarul WWW lllrulrulu Hilt hh dnflnr Iahl lodny In Irllrr In lerlIh mrdirnl Journal MHVII nl hhlnn dn Imlul an 61me In lulinlnru ll Ihy mnllnug In Igltrhrml Thry wm Mflmmmnn Tur rmml llnl hlllngunl rnml Ilznl ML Andrmn mm ommxluon lo Ilmn um lumrmhul The 11an rrnd lllrdIXIK rtdc HM and In Italian nu unu parking 11m rmm Imam llwv llw English mbnn Ecavlwmucn were mvml Thnmlny Scmlmmugh mm nntnr llunnld Andcnon Ihe Fund and Englinh lwn dnyl mm momma nmmlly mul slxm or mmly an Ivy Am mlan Am mlan Ha MM ha had had lhrm mnvcd brunt of plllvlltlly Now ryhody Imam where InterBreeding Might Blind In 1952 Albcfl chmcl Win nipcg pmxpocwr cmpiayed by mining lyndicale headcd by Gunnar aund Ihe campany lamaus uranium lodge In mary Channel on he nonh Aid Lake Athabasca Sn 519 kalchcwnnl ncavcrlodcc nmL Marlon three wan asked by her mum AM muld carry uremia 3991an 1t 100 wuom lvlllnmmlA er in trike in mo on he eastern share of Great Bear Lake in the Nnnh west Tcrriiaries The mine he came Eldornda Mining and Ro iimng Lid and was cxpm by he guvnmmcnl Jun Bilingual Signs Get 100 Protests Gilbert LaBlna Josephs father and Gunnar pmidenl un til he Inflated stroke last May Icamed with hmlhcr Charla early as 1006 La ung far admin Earth Examinpr puisne judge ol the Supreme 9mm at Canada c9 Wire avianr TORONTO rrsldanal HERES ONE mm nmmlly merrly nml lmlllc Ivy ampe roanll lrrclrd Your tmxlmdlml mrIuu nun Iranml Imdrr It lam wall mm wle on Gen Foulku vnncr chair man 01 um Canadian chief of mu commuter mld he lm never anendcd cablnd meal Ing HI slalcmenu lhl wcck about Canndn role In NATO came from brieï¬ng the whine and Mmlcl by Gent Lauri lentL Ihcn NATO rammandcr on he Implications of lhv North fun That wax Hum dllflï¬nt lhIng mm cabinet mcellng lald Char kc dunkd Thurr day that he ha dllclnud cun fldznflnl Infarmallnn regarding Canadal NATO role but callcd nr hall lo lhr controvcny aver nuclear weapon 11 time we stopped lhls nomcmc he said In an Inter view 1mm hls home hem Cuban Prlme llinluer Fidel Castro made lastmlnule de mud or $1900000 ln cash be fore he would release 1113 Bay cl Pig prlsoncu He claimed Ihe money was awed lrlm or lhe release last April at up other prgoners sick and Wu girl had come ram source with which have no Idem cation It is appropriate and hung far Catholic prclate of he United States to have pm in he liberating or he Cuban ï¬ghters who love their country and the faith of mea lalherl he said Cardinal Cushing released statement Thursday Identifying himself na 01er respanxihie or the collecllun the 51000000 112 said he made the statement because of the many rumarl concerning Ihe mysterious dy BOSTON APJflichaid Car dinal Cushing Roman Catholic Archbishop ol Bomn has dis closed that he raised $1000000 to help liberate Cuban invasinn prisoners 11w prdake also said he wgnlqd clarify rmrlx lhal Ihe STOP THIS NONSENSE Vlhe maneyï¬wgln admin11 Cardiridls Gift Liberates Cubans VICTORIA CP Gen Calls For Halt To Arms Dispute Burris Ontario Canada Friday January ll I963 CclumnAdvances TowardKolwezi FOUR TRAPPED IN CINEIN mu 5mm MM bum in Tmmln Non vm mkm Ir mm In Inflow wmlfll wkM Nd lhun Wednw nm dlmule and but work when Gen Nomad mld Cnnnda cummlllcd to nuclcar mlu In NATOA Gnu mum cited lwn occa Iluns whcn Prime Mlnlmr Div enbnker and farmer delmce mlnlsler George Pcarku told Pnrllnmcnl 1h ugrncmcnl wan being madeFm 10 1059 and Aug 1960 Its true he gnvcmmenl has agreed lo nutlcnr role fur the nlr one They bought the alt planes But hey havent bought he nmmunillon Khnrcl no omclal Itcrcl connected wlh Ike an lhn C911 qgn an nzrccmcn Mxï¬na havent made any dis clasurc any discusslan In cabinet nglan Justice de Varlmenl spokesman said he cardinal pledged the money as the direct result telephone call from Kennedy asking help Cnrdmal Cushlng he added 5de Kennedy lo keep the 000000 dnnnlinn nnonym aux Kennedy dld wt There was no ï¬gure men tioned tn the phone call the spokesman said The almrney general just naked the cardinal what he gould in to help survey by The Associated Press of 25 companies Indicated that contributions to this special fund ranged from 510000 to n50ooo was announced at the time that the other $100000 wnl con tributed at the request of At tomevacneraI Kennedy by an anynyyu donor the 353000000 worth load and drugs used to pay for tree ing the 1113 prisoners Gen cious Clay head of com milke which advised and as aisled families the prisoners obtained $1900000 loan as his own signature Then he sent telegrams to Industry lenders seeking cantributlnns award the loan M170 Mam ounmho Imh 19 mg II ruulnml lodsv CI Wm NM Mm Flaming whase husband was publisher at The SunTlmc or more than 50 yam had be seriously 11 for two days Widow Dies In Owen Sound OWEN SOUND CWMrs award Fltmlnz widow of the farm publlshcr the Owen Sound bunTimcs dlcd Thurr day In hospilul where lhl had bccn recovnrlng from mm lured hlp lullnrrd wmu month ago MrL Brown xald the last aha saw the boy he was standing at lho window learn streaming dawn ma He had been cepan In his parents bcdr Mrs Brawn who owned the house Iold an Inquest Richardson his wile and Earl Paige 42 Newmarkel were sleeping In he name had when the ï¬re sinned In this town miles north of Toronto Richardson Laid he and MI wife clasped by Jumping Ihrough nn upslaln window NEWMANK151 Onl CF Arthur Richardson who lost hls nlneyenmld son ln nNav lire which also killed boarder snld Thursday Ihal he his will and boarder consumed lwu bul les of whlsky on the night of the blaze Inquest Is Told Whisky Drunk CARDINAL MAKES THE BEST RABBI that point he asked me Are you really the archbishopI oh him lhoughl wag hd he said Well want ion to know ynure the best rabbi In Boston He LEM it was $175 gave Mm $5 and tald him to £19 9hnnse BOSTON AWRichard Cardinal Cushing old this story Thursday as Illustra tive the ecumenical mull The other night dDHV cred speech at Ihe Slaller man when came an was raining so haile cab The cab drï¬ver was Jewish When we arrived my house asked him what the are was IHNNMOIA Flu All Hnmnvrfl inltrrndnr rmnl muru AM dclmml Thuvulay an ï¬lm miufln with my mm um an mun xIM mum In rlNlrmk ram mundl durln an Iwaud anrnrpum drone nimnfl Imp1 rim nllnhla may Hem nl berth um Ira mch In plm MI Map mzwlmx NJ Mm ml um um um Mum ffth tor N91 ml Vanï¬mmxl nu ma Nmmk fll balm mm In In wrl mu nu ma OWEN ROUND The yawn Irrvlrl lhv ana dlun NMlonal MMqu Ixmv belINn MM 51va hm Im mlhably um Hmllmml in the mar lulu The mumny Lu nnklnu nwllrnll lhmrrl r4 TIMIIWI mnmluumn la mum TUIIONM lCl Tnnmln pod hnvu all IN Ile lb 1th hm Md In Allan Innlrm fly rmmcll mth mum mrnxlallm mm Mh mmmlun me put rlll In uhlq Had mu in rvrvy Tnmuln park Berra Reported Turning PlayerCoach MONIHHM Cl llrlwrm 3m null 00 Canmllan minrill Ilmlrnll will Mm In rnnrrl nr than their plam Mr up In Eunm ml Illmllflf borqu nl mw L1H 1er Imposnl Inumnltnnnl Mr Tmanth Awklallnn Ilmlml mitt 1mm nah fluxmlny GuelphOwen Sound Trains Halted SlltatHELD Trx MI Canntllnn Vial kltltd An nlhrr ptunm wrm tnturrd om nttlratty nhm lhrlr nuton n1 urut mm at mum and rrmlml nmr thl withvnt Tn town Itlumlnyt 11 Trxlu drnnvlmmt public My tdmlitml the dud man In Strum erm 11 01 Cornwall Ont 11 Ink tar tho Cnnmttnn larltic Itntlnny College Students Hit By Restriction nlhrr ptunm wrm um 1m mum Missile Fails During Testing cml lhoiuané ot doUnrrlwta replace The In was In noticed Ahortty all nu 11m Icnb tang Fin Department nsporer ed In In alarm and wan mm to um one mum at the Mm contlning Ytrrl mud cqutymm Haw the bum portion Dummy bmlness minislrator old The Examiner that ll wnl mu lmpomblc lo osllmam Ibo damage Muwugh It would palmsu amount lo Poets May Win Ballle 0f Words noon nearly hall of lhe lwomï¬an barn was smoldrr In ruins silualrd no dour Inn 500 yards from patients at be hospiml There was no lass lo and the undo mat were kw Hm bnm quickly removed by the em yIaym PENETANG Stall Fire ery my dcslroycd large came barn at he Ontario Hos pital Pmdang Canadian DiesIn Texas Car Crash The dam mppllu much of In power or mining plants In Jal dalville from where the UN launched In advance on Kol well spokesman UN hand quarlm in leopoldville said UN Indlnn platoon had readied Knkqndn on the BMW River 45 mile we 13deth and Tshambe remMd lo Elun bcthville his Katangan capilal Thursday night after leading bloodless UN advance to Mm kambn communications lawn on the Rhodcsian border 110 milgs from Elisgbethville ems st government earlier threatener to sabotage the Kolwrzi copper mining plants and blow up the huge power darn here It the UN af lzcked Kalwezi sugruss Pom Tshnmbe responsible lake the most severe In confunnï¬y with law Penetang Blaze Destroys Barn Adoula Warns Tshombe Against Sabotage Attempt NEWS BRIEFS uu mm mm HuixnaSTym No MorarThan 7i per Copyl4 Elï¬n noticed 11m Icnb xl nsporer Wm mm Local Weathef CAMPOBEILO NJ CW much of main lnlrlzuc LI planned as purl at dcmamlm llam might protesting doer bdwem mldnighl and Am flu flnouvell Memorial nrldgc belwcrn this Island and Luke Mn Pqul nrganiztr Gilmon Cnldcr nId Thurday plan In clude mnkbbclluc Iihmllfll In which wmwne In dual Ir Inx la hml lhmugh barbed wlrc Berlin wall containing lhe winter WWW of hay and straw was mind It contained mm lam of hay Mr Donny mm that at no time wtu my patxni lbs hospital or tmdnlcc In dame Finmm am sml unable to de tomaine me muse ol the Maze pres con ference that every movement by UN map In new direction in his province must be new Iialed beforehand The British consulate in Elisabclhville said Tnhombe had sin guarantee only or the movement UN lroops to Sakama The UN annaunced in New York Thursday night that TainanAbe was me lo mow about his province wilhaut re main and denied that he had ever begn under hquse arrest spokesman saxd an tamer announcement that Tahan was under house ants was wrong and that he would be as lung as he continued In coopemle with lhe UN Berlin Biotng Protests Bridge Tshomb urs ay drove ahead or he UN column ad vancing mm Elisabethvflle In Mohamho warning his solditn not to resist 10 PROVE INTBATIOXS nhumbe laid reporters ln Mokambo that he made his our Thmsday lo stop bloodshed anEI 115ng my good inlenuons More indian troops readied the mining raiiixead Shanzo iawe west an Jadoirilie with out meciinz any Kamngan posiiinn UN sources in Knianga said Thursday nim that UN mops would prnbabiy advance today irnm Mokambo Inward line important railhead oi Sa Kania 30 miles away was looking or place In lard Lhrer river