QBoydl Caï¬qdidn Mounties Commlssloner Hiuvlson of the Royal Canadlan Mounted Police has fllaced theRCMP in fair and proper ght as result 01 his staï¬ementon the now famous Orlikow case Lionel Orltkow Winnipeg school teacher found himself the centre stormy controversy recently when it was disclosed he had conducted partyot US students to the citySCommunIst Party headquarters where they heard speaker expound on Red propaganda The lncldcnt might have passed with outga ri ple of Eubliclty unfavorable to Mrs Orll ow it is brother David Or Row New Democratic member of par liament or Winnipeg North had not broached the matter in the House The MP branded the questlonlng of Canadian university students and faculty mem bers by the RCMP as emulating police state methods fa Shortly afterwards Lionel Orlikow found himself in some danger of hls position as teacher and ot loslng val unble acholarshlp in an American unl versltyt Subsequently hls status as teacher was clariï¬ed and there now seems to be no llkellhood of him belng stopped at the Us border Pldï¬Ã©dflï¬ Sympathy of fellow Wlnnlpe gere has one out to the teacher and gustly so ut the RCMP have not been treated as kindly Perhaps the time has come to re assert the right at this tine body of police to act as they have done in the Orllkow case and in other instances 10 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Jan 1963 Osmond Rowe named Queens Counsel in New Years honors list First new Barrie citizen was baby daughter of Mr and Mrs Cecil Gray lnntstii str born in RVH at 450 am Jan Virs Evelyn His cex elected deputy reeve of Collingwood became first woman member of Simon Council in its 110 yearar Barrie Coun cil started renaming some streets in town Among names which disnp eared were Charles Charlotte Davis uisa Frances Parry Elizabeth Baldwin Cot ter inne James Burns Wales ot Ev erett acclaimed reeve of Tossorontio Kiwanis New Years Eve dance held in Eastern Star Hall with music by Fisher and his Coilegians President and Mrthoy Kightley received the uests At Barrie Armoury Oitlcers less music was Walter Perkins or chestra Major an Mrs Clark re eeived the uests At Club 10 Joe ltlcNeilliea and tor dancing to large crowd Other centres of 1053 festivity included The Elks Pinecrest llall Robin dsie inn and the various messes at Camp Borden and 13X Depot Angus where the new C0 Flight Lieutenant blur phy in wcicomcd Mrfaan Mrs PORT OF CHURCHILL magma LoaderPost It may come as surprise to many lha nlmosl all the wheat orrlhc Upllqd Km dom market is 5Mde through Chuï¬hlll over route 1m 15 1000 miles shor ter than the Si Lawrcglcp rqptq Greater Patronage at the Hudson Bay route vla Iurchlll by lm porters of goods from overseas mtght wel result In rtlll lower ocean freight rates By proper llm In of tlellverles tn take atlvanlage ol the roules open season wholesalers re tall ï¬tnre huyerr aml purchasers ot lleavy goorls can galn materially ln llme and can Avllllluhad luI Hm IN rumM HIV Mruhyl IMI IIYllflly Ilnlldnl Ilrlrlld Wr KIVNVIII NAILI uhlllh MIAN AMI null In il IIIIIIKIIKN llnlflll 70H IMMII Milli IIIh Ill Nil WIIIHN Mnmnln Mn III Ulvhfl llllullllnl lvllvllfllafl flllll Hub Hr MIN yun ï¬lnll MIY 1r ll Mlll In 91 In IMM IIM nnlh lmmlh HIMQ Urdu IM BIIIIII Mllcuhn Ill us m4 1mm mu nu Hum 04 Unnmn Au Tom mmn plumI Nu 6mm mm mm Huh ll 1h KMMIII DIHV NI Ilhul Annrlfllnl FIND ll Aw mm Immum MIN ll DIIIUIVH mud II uhHrfllen 0W Nth In IN mum rm mm mm mm mm IN Wégkiï¬lévJnï¬inilrllcconl lhls Is democracy as prnclkcd In On ado 1110 winner the world havengrow lng chmnplonnhlp nl lllc llnyal Vlnlcr Fnlr ma Ind It dlfllcull lo sell Ills urn He has crn dunlcd cnlry to the nlnr Ilmc1lrnl Tobacco Mnrknllng llnnnln nucllnn 51er Why llccausc ho Im been whim umwlng right whlrh nre Imml only In reflnln qualified lnmm mr mm mm mu Emit Examintf The Barrie Examiner IS DEMOCRACY FARCICIAL Walls Publisher Pubiiahed by Canadian Nevï¬hapéraumfléd 16 Bayfleld stieet Barrie Onlaflo THER EDITORS VIEWS Publisher Brian Slalght Geqeral Manage munsmv JANUARY 1p 4m DOWN MEMORY LANE Ufifï¬if The RCMP is not secret organization employing the cloak and dagger methods of the Nazis oi Hitlers day or the Com munist policeot the Soviet Union One of its chief duties isvto check on sub version and on people who ac ver sup port the Communist movement in Can Eda fllieBCMP officials were not called into the Orlikow case until they were ï¬pped of As matter of routine they Interviewed Mr Orllkow and were sails ied with his explanation sinister interpretatlon was placed on this interview it was not done by the RCMP Mr Harvison said He went on to say that we will have arrived at serious state of affairs ii policeman in democratic country cannot seek as sistance arisesponslbig citizens without creating unwarranted suspicion Mr Harvison is right its the RCMP job to help maintain our democratic con ditions Its likewise the duty of every rightthinking citizen to assist the police in this mission even to the extent of submitting to questions and offering in formation which may help them in the exercise of these duties We do no splrit people away to Can adian Siberia it they do not agree wixh our democratic principles But 116 Can adian eople through their golice forces have right to be kept teas of de velopments and protected agalnst any lorm of subversion bridge Wilton and children returned to Bogota Columbia aiter two months veer ation in Barrie llir Wilton was manager of drug manufacturing firm In South Am erica Sid Money installed as WM oi Corinthian Masonic Lodge Doug ltiohns and Don McKenney led Barrie Flyers to 82 win over St Catharines in Junior hockey Hap Emms Flyers tookaecondplace in the nineteam lea gue right behind lliarlboros Sports editor George Storey wrote column re viewing past year In town and outlook for new year Curlers took pride in new building erected at fair grounds thanks mainly to Harry Armstrong and looked torward to artiï¬cial ice or next season Barrie opened the year with new mayor James Hart who had deleat ed the towns ï¬rst woman mayor litre Marjorie llamllton alter two years in oi tiee This is Centennial Year for Barrie 100 years since lllario Lanza starred lnmovle at Roxy Theatre Be cause Youre llline News editor Charles Scolty Taylor opened year with column on how ties of Scottish character Announcement made of appointment of Gordon il Needham CPA as resid ent partner in the Barrie accountancy oitlce oi llerbert Harris and Co The world champion had farm with growing rights aml he sold it he wants rights now he le have to buy an other arm which has rights attached Iikc any other armors would have to Vhal 1005th board say This is the cxplannllon This Is democracy There are 1521711 ncrcs of land In Ontario that have grow lng rights but lhc board Imposed cul hacks thls ymr to reduce the planted mercury 10 1111071 acres No new grow Ing righls have been Issued plnco 1051 Anyone who cnlcrlnlnx the Idea we are llvln In democracy where man has the rccxlom to engage in prlvnlc cn crprlsc as ho dukes or can 5011 Ms rmlurls as he wishes In ccrlnlnly mlsln nrmmL Dunncrncy has been lrnmplul lnln lhr ground by mnrkcllng boards that have ul form If llctmurahlp lo dc prhc pen tlwlr ch right and Nb crlira ndcr their dictatorial acllnnn dcmocmvy Is Ime GOOD SUGGESTION Ollnwa Journal new klml arlmclal Huwrr made at mlyvlhylrne said In be tough lhnl lmuqurt can hr Mnmprd and Innhcd nunlnsl roncrcle wall and illll nnr up mm Nu duubl makhuz arllflrinl Huwrrs mnrr rllmzml wnlrflnltiun our mmlanl Hvlng Hut If the wurhl nuhl heal will In lho door lhc man ho malwx heavyduly win ll vmulvl lmlld hi huay In lhr luor of the man Mm rnultf Illl llllln he Mme dur Ahlllly Inlu sumo mom prlmnlc llcmt W0 luggril tnmwr pnrkrll lhe lhrml uml lo scwmg buttons limp Imam lha labs on milk lmltle taps the merry be up No doubt mak ng mm al 11 mm nllnpw ml at up roarhr llm hm alnp wilh hull lamp porhhahln and Inn mmr on which Inning law are pnnled EIiiht TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH By JOSEPH HOUSE MD but Dr Molnar What signs uhnuld on watch or lo deter mine whclhcr an acquaintance In addicted In dapMIMI ML Conlrnry lo llctlun written or wardolmnulh uddlcllon Ionar collu la not emy In dclccl ln ll early stages Deprived ol dnxgsl addlcls be come nervous and mmellmts even vlalml But Ihcy mum to nnrmul hehavicr just rnpldly once they get drugs Pupil or lhe eyes are usually small however than is so much vnr lallon ln peaplc llml this ls hardly reliable sign its no more Ihan helpful lndlculion llmu addict became mare dependem he ulllmalcly Iums la Injecting dmgs ma vein of In nrm wilh hypodermic and than the needle um are give away Dear Dr Molner Our lun ycarnld grandson speaks cw wards but nDuns only No rem His hearing is very nhnrp and he has good mtm cry and scams bright ml mlCl very much and communi cam most or his ulshcs by pointing In what he wnnls or gesturini We are very worried Ihnl he my be mul Ah Mule whcn he speaks words 01 Course ML think yuur ex pecting lac mum lrmn him Therel In or different In ï¬le nge which youngster drcidc la alk Ive even knnwn of youngmn lhul didnl 1qu at all nol um naumunlil abqu um ymrl old And at 1m me luck hflxnl Aluppcd lilklng time lugicnlmindcd baby can gtl whul he wnnls hy palnllnu why Ihuuld he Ialk 0H lccllan nnd nnlicipnllon thildl wnnls may Indccd Ilow up InIr need In lpcnk km dont hmw Hull hll notcunrfly mum any harm In lhe lunu run 11m bul In prumalu uprrch In him In Inlk In him In ndull lnnuungc but limpie wardm tuunc and hel liker In lry In Innlnlc thn In chlld la mm mlmh lhnl helm uuuhlnl mmy Ihaul Ill younuslvr Dear Dr Mnlnm My ryn hrv mm In Iwnllcn 1mm llcrpmx Drar HIM ktn radiux wllh In nrfl he nnlrlu rrunrdlng he mum of llnnlp IIHVII 11m urnnu lo be lurk ol lnlnrmallrm In Irwrrl In mm Illrrln and knoulul nl om do cldml on my knowlnlgc My lumlly mum unto Huck ï¬llrrl In PHIL Ova LI MK IlI Iml hrrn lmxub lrn Nu In nrvrqmndm rlnnm mmrau Ihry mmnl In Irunlll Hu lllld wlh mm llquvrd um will mm luver In linzlnml anl yrur NMNIH lwavlml IIy WNW mm lumrl up mmrfl lur hunt In WlllnmlaYr Aumn 91m Hm Allrtl In in llnlr ml had In rlznmm Emu nl union IMI Mm was lhrmhl Mable mi 1mm Inrwnnl In lur llwr ï¬rm nznnlru ml and llnmnn Narcotic Addiction Not Easy To Detect LETTERS TO EDITOR MMthIl 0mm Bimrrrly th IL II 4M flulwrl AD THE OTHER FAMILY that sometimes Is noun or Inter before Ihcy subside II Jusl lie on he bedtor few minutes or mom 1th swell have had my eyes chuckedMn EB Swelling can come mm aye diseases such as glaucoma lmchomn conjunctivitis elm but youva had your eye checked The lissuu the lids are Ihln so any flight accumulation fluid can make obvious swelling Hence kidney or lim dlscaxc with fluid relenllon can be cause urhcr severe hypoflly midizm How Ihyrold activity In accompanied by buggy skin and swollen lids So is lrlchlnosis caused by wanna not killed by thorough cooking olpork Allergy Is entirely pompr unsillvily lo feathers In lh pil low or Io wma matuinl In the had clolhm ADUZ Littiiicnsicin AP flwrcn nn mllmad siniinn in ii capital oi ihc principality iicchieminin International lrninn pan lhrnuxh he tnuniry but dont niopi Liechtenstein ha no daliy ncmpapm nn air parlx no customs nilicinls nn army Vilh 17125 rcsidcnll UlCI lenslcln my muulry hat has mind he wan and lur muil that have mm Europe or crnlurin The Llrthlrmtclnrrn hnvl no durlupcd lourlsl nllracliuns Youm wrlcanw In coma hut lald larmzr Gunlhcr Va gcll but we donl no em uur way In you here Modulcmldn in Hm unhe nl Europe Comma a1 ulunn mllos It much 17 mllu north In Iath nnd about 50er mlu In went mm pulnl The Amlrinn prlncu Llrch ltmltln banal the Irrrflury mm two other bankrupt nahlcr mm and Imlndcd Hm llnll In 17 Swlurrlnnd Ind Ammn um lmmcdiul ntluhlmu Iha 5w nuyply harder nmnlt Iliplmlmllc uvrnunln lIan nlmmll And me at their nunmy Frnm lhu Amlllnm tome Ilmll lhr legal Iynlrxn NM Ml mum and mm dlshu nwlmminl In mam Inurr min mnnnldu qu hmph II thy nilrlnl mun llu ulnr llru In mule mm ml lhr oulnhlm nl Him He own no mlll and Hm Immunle M16 nr nl Inml Nun vlmynnll HEM nxr Unlvlrtl Llrrlr lclulrinl lumrlnhrr lnrlln lnrnl whim hl xnlmllnllurr My In ml mm 10 ml lulrll hum mum and min lnr linmrnL lizninn mrmmri mum hy lmllnmrnl am up pnwlnz llu lruinlnhnn hum of ymnlvr Iv mm mum and hum lulu nn durnlnu summ The rriuw mnlmll lug Ilmm ol III II lMullvy which mwlum ml Ihllc leuur HI II Ml In mwl nbmnd Ill IJfKMNuhiI umiumrrl Imy lllllAHl II III Mile 171 IMHmP lhu 31an du vlvn lmm Inlmlrlnl ml hohnnu in tutm Eumvt la Liechtenstein Is Cozy Country Where You Get Away From It All IM IN HIIY For me do live In Christ Ind ta n1 II snIuFPhquylnnl 121 No man has over lived unlil he has Iircd In Chris and no man ha ever died who died in Chrinl iubstanllal but not enough In It Imp Ii cglgnynganll Ucchlcnslclnn npccially he mllslrnlian ol Iorcixn cam pnnln whmc dimlan need no reslde In lhin country Hanan able Inml Na Ilst of lime 11 Mr puhllshcd disrmlon helnz pan It nervlu oflmdl Gov urnmcnl nmcnu any 5900 lo 6000 nuth nm are xlgncd up hen lnr an annual In $100 3150 web Mail It llwlr Gcrmnnlpenk In Swlu nrighlmu nn lrmc Innlx hul llw Urchimlclncu like the Austrians nu lnrzcly Roman Calhoun By THE CANADIAN PRESS BIBLE THOUGHT The ï¬rst General Assem bly of the Unilelenllpn was held In London 14 years ago lodnyin 1M5 Brllish Prime Minister Imlee chal lenng all peoples to choose between llle and denlh and to outlaw war Delegates ol the lhen member slates elected Belgiums Foreign Mlmsler Paul HenriSpaak as lle lire president 13 10 ms m1 Amerlcan mains mam scan and showman William Buffalo Blll Cody died 1m The Trcaly Vcr sallch was ralilicdl Tllrmrn um Inln ï¬lmde mnch In St llul Mm demand by Dana TODAY IN HISTORY By DON OIIEARN T0mNTDThe Ontario Lflr rug are lllenz dangerously The party as you have ready has scheduled policy cou Ierenc or late lhls monm It Illa beta wng open allalr And all are being Men to give lhelr View an policy and party plaglorrn To server ml in Invit ing sudden death The question party policy conference has alwny been canlrnvmial buour pphucsï¬ wDelegateI wlll attend lrom all over he provlnce more lhqn gm are gxpeclgd menu DEBATABLE It bun be custom of the CCFNDI to hold them For he most part the older parties have not held thema leash pminclally And the question of whether they are wise lo attempt Ihem pgbably will always In dtbab One reason or his is that lmdilionnfly inour munlry the political leaders havs HI party programs and pouch an have lived or am m1 them LEADER LEADS been allowed lhe more mum ul lhe men and lhclrmanlu have been One good reason In lhla is that ll ls almost impoy slble lor convemlun lo really sol policy QUEENS PARK The nllnwing ï¬lm aré nvnil able at the Barrie Public Li brary during January Anilrdh Whnlthunt mod em whaling expedition in the Antarctic imm the Launching of he whaling aviary Illip until the close oi the whaling mum Boy Mm Band The Was Vancouver Boyl Band one oi Canadas but and winner of European compciilions Canndal Mom Got To Work progreu report an nuclear meanh and mm of ht cm slrucï¬ve applications atomic energy all On Color TM ani mated cartoon deals wilh coal gun poisonan caused by im ymper care the ham How should good cilizen ap portion MI spare lime and tn usy bclwem his obligations In his Iamily and hl cammunfly tiled the Fram River has had on the Axial and economic velapmcnl of British Columbia llarvul In Th Vallty color nu Saint Jnhn Valley at New Brunswick harvests bumpcr crop of palate with 11 help speciaily designed machlnu Mule dn Clam color ducnplinn ol mad lankcrl dally hazardous climb up he snowbound maunlalnside la village ln me French Alps Sceplre And 11 Mac ml nr Th opening certmonch Cmad1l lwcnly lhlm Pnrlla mcnl In lhe House Common and he Saul with Queen El imbth Il mlarmlng hrr dune ns Queen CamAdm Actldenll Donl Happen ML dcmonxlrmion thawing whal cunld happm lo machlnm ha war me wrong clathu on the Job Amlc OHIWI rnlar An In Hadnclion lo lilo in langnlrlung whxle Itllltmcnl an fund he caskm Arctic lehw llunkn The Cr and Chippth Indians ol Norlhv un Manltuhn mm the Inn Md lundm In lurch nl caribou LIBRARY FILMS Mm will In IM mm Ill UV 5mm my Nan Jun m1 Ontario Liberals Live Dangerously Chlldlm The Mannth Delegates can express spin ion on what they think the pub it wanu But the urealer than of hemr an alwayl totally igwrantol Ihe uranium of ymvidlnz hex thing And Loo alum Ihelr oylnwn are based on what they think might appeal Ia Ihc public their Ideas ml good ball ralher than in any ï¬rm belle In the mg wants THE ECCENTIUCS Aside mm M5 any party holding any inch public calchv as calgh can policy meellnz mm the danger cl being dflmned by its eccentrics any meeting lemmfla can be the loudest mien and political parllu have mom lhdn lhclr aharc them And unhappily their prmals nnd oplnlanx can nflcn be In most widely reported part Ihgir proceedlqy And stamped at least part the public mind is HI belief that lhe party m1 mm for whatever whacky thing they mgyhavc bpcn csplous la rue lhal the UK the political parties do have na tional policy conferences But lhcre both the press and thc public are polilically more ma me flay can may wcfl put crackpot in his proper AIOL Bu mgflxey aredaggtraus thing to play amid mm Lil in Swis Alpine villaxa as seen through the eyes In children when the lradjliam the past are passed an Leach Ihcm lo live menlmuly Diary Sidewalk swer lulmdcn culor Tue story at the building nf the OKlde Centre in Toronto mu Ilaangl the eye curious IVMEIOB The Doctor ordned Clay Th manulacturinz procum English China Hagan Cave The MM the bird and howling winds In th Hebridu arc and to support this piman union ol tmdcluohnl Fingzll Cave Ile Am in Ax color How child Emotional devclopmcnl keeps pace wilh hi phylit growth and he behzviwr exhihils al certain am Kumal The Sleepy Hunter color Puppet gum In £34 kimo costume at out Ihc old legend abvut deepy hunlcr wha because of kind ad zalncd wile and fortune in 31 than last hem pom Look Alt Slay mm Trafï¬c lately rulu lor childml HIuflralcd by he or TM who Walk Into the path or car and ins mkm lo polite head qugrlqm Ingram Job An example Ihe mulinz walk 01 Scotland Yard clluuane mlor This mm show Norm Gaynor 1min lawxmne Fall and mm ha other 5mm lound In lhe par lln II anlllln For lab Bum The elemcnll Mb tutcm initialirt good perv Lona nppmmnce work halpill and ammy la along rim olhm namam at Tnnworlzllu The oucuulve my in be It ulnpmznl lrnnspollaliun In Canada are mnraycd in hurry 0mm way uuh mintth liz um In 12 United mm HEART DENNIS ml ducau count or nearly pcqgnl all damn wu hmdl Yum do nu ma mkmmd Arr mm 911va