Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jan 1963, p. 13

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GODSON MOTORS Limited 129141 Aylmcr St etcrborough THY EXAMINLR WANT ADS PHONE PA IN Irrnmnr Huyllytll mu ham Own pm Mull hn am IM mulhvrlnl pmm ml mm In 1mm lug munm rm in rumI lMIllnln Wm mmnf um um 71mm My umt Hm UI In WWW Ill um um ulnvhnnn Hui mm hnm llvh Ummml opporhxnuy for mm on lull nr pm Unw Imllnn Amrri Ill Company lnlmlmlnz cmhllrua lurnllmml pmgrnm rmulm Mull nl Mala And Innnird womrn mnkc cull lvy nwaannl lwn or hm nllrmmm rmmm Mrk Eluny ymu Muxk am mm H100 In llflfl I4 IIMIUI pm llmr on our high mmmhlan and lmnu plan Inr mulltlrn IN hylrnlrw M1 llvvl DI unir Illnmhw Mnnlun vinl mum um Iumon ml pm mum mun um rim um MMIHml My mum thn In lllnlt mm mwmm Iml MI LETAI mm mulnd vy loul nmr Tny rnmmlnlnnl mm lml mnuI Ml mull luv nth Wm In Dal so nun lumlulr LXCITINO WOYIK IN nmrnomcs nu fa hrrnmu Imcll ll rnln N17 muud mm nmronlu Trlnlnl mm mumnun TV Inan do my mum town In 1mm Maul nx 0r mm It mm In hm rm mum Mum mLran nr CANAM mu memo mums Young man 35 Nquircd by national conrcmloncry rump nny Responsiblo or calling on wall and wholesale lrndc In Barrie Owen Samd Huntsvilla urea Slrulxhl ulnry $300 per manlh and expenses Automo blIu luppllcd nogulnr merlt Incrram Salt txpcrilnce mule salesmen In bread mllk ctr an met but not essential FULL 0E PARTTIME Are you mw ulling or do you wish to sell Then we have an opening or you Prestige American Company commenc Ing operation in Canada In quim lalu ital to lnlmduc our pmgmm on an appolnt men bash High mission nnd bonus rate Experience not neccssary but car an asset Our Lrainlng pmgrnm will start you of quickly For mnIIdenA Hal Imean mile flux 92 Bar rin Emmlnor FOOD PRODUCE RESEARCH hrs day or night $3500 weekly Experience unnecw my Must be neat and de pendable Age 2132 Car essen Uel Permanan Apply In per son Queens Hotel 520 pm sharp Thursday GERMAN lfllFfllBD Pup mind on Elyllekl Sinfl ml two to Inn monlhl 014 No col Teltphonl PA um IM plus INCENTIVE PAY Full monthly xuaranhe Insumncn Benefit Available PENN Mill Pup our manlhi loll In vicinity cl MID Av Inul Brown Wflh buck mlrklnn on Ice Anlwefl In mm of 3mm lpham PA will ng IN CANET uv with long cm loll muuy Mldh nu Aflyonl knnw Whl Ibwu cl thI do plum phone umvlll 150 count Io HELP WANTE WRITE BOX 00 BARBIE EXAMINER TAILDMNE Allmllom Douhll bnund coll nude Inlo Ihlll hmmm custom mane emu lulu than or lldlel Ind mu Nomen Fnnl Wmvun FM Gym Sqnm PA LOST FOUND SALES REPRESENTATIVE MIDDLEAu My would ms to mm wmmem wun lune nq hm upmu Own bedroom Lovely vuw but Telepnom PA um leuflGAnoNl ol nu yin dumefllc lelll commcrflIL ll mud Ind bonded Crown Buruu nl Invefllllllonl Vlnunl sum or leXEPhnnc PA £6551 CAB luvlnl vlclultr 01 Pa ll fur Clm 90mm 710 nlllrnlnl In Irrll no am weekly PM PA 121 080 Nu H5 vanrun TELLING no you turn inur forum 011 fig urle so telephone PA or Ip polnhlllnl mmmL OLDFASHIONED shun nldlnl Pull Ilm Hum Ind Cunu Rid Far alarmlllnll tllaphonl FA 61690 BEAUTY wor celdmvu by mum hnlrdreuet gem own ham or no In In Dem 11A 305 or rAmNuznawMm on run to cm Borden Telephon PA mm turner Inlarnullom SWING DON lelu dune bxoum mm ha chudnn up pm Kellomhll Tzlwhnnl PA 817 afternoon iPERSONAlS MECHANICS Modem FORD Dealershlp $200 PER HOUR FEMALE HELP PART TIME MALE HELP In AUC ION SAL Salunlny Jan I0 pm sharp LARKH illAIlIrIAIN ANNEX If Hayfield 5L AUCTION MIA lull lino ml um Imd mw Imnl luw nwliaum ml HM mu Inn Nn Irrrrrl Tnml may be ur mum mum lummlhla My mu Inul inva Imam wm rumw mm md Ivulnml warm IA um mu rum mm by my Minn an lhvnuh 7mm my hum Aan rumu ArL mm Ia AUCIION SALES Shnrlhnml lIssonllal Snlnry commensurate th cxptr lcnce Apply In writing In BOX 105 OHILLIA Ont EMPLOYMENFWAMED CLERK STENOGRAPHER MAGISTRATES OFFICE ORILLIA nnd ucnml nmlnn1 In mum we Gr Anna Now bcr law new report curd handed out In Slroud School They Ml apeclnl porn for Innlsfll Township and nrlluul Iron Special plnrrn nrl Jolt tor luck mnrklnxl on It Izmnhlm rflpomlqlllly tlL IO HELP WANTED Mr and Mn Dwight Nelwn whn spent lwn weeks with hair Ian Irving and any In How mnnvmr have rclurnnd hrlnu In lhclr urnndduughlcr Sher with Mom or vlsll while It vinz Elulne nnd Hun nru mud lng lllru week In lIarldu rypuc 5CII00LV NEWS Club me Monday In moment Slmud umw Church with small nllcndnncc but Enlaycd the weaker Lorne Ham Barrie mnmbcr SL Gmrgua Mens Club Mr and Mrs am Wallace have movcd Into George Mu holInndl apartments unlll their new house La complclcd MENS CLUB Mr an Mrs Ernie Wench hava bought Blll Youngs hnusu Al narlh end of village and will be moving lhcrl aflnr some ran avytinz hAnsAhcegrgionc Craigvnlc LOL No 605 held thelr regular meellnz Jan with good mendnnce VPM Elwood Pagan presided In tho nbscnze of VM Mu Goodyear who L1 working in the north munkry Bros Dennis Corby and Jack Ncsblu were advanced lo the Royal Arch chrce Lodge closed and rclrcshmcnl Mm served Feb will be next mi uhix mccllngt Mrs Charles Sproule lelt Multan by jet plane past week or onemenu Iaur 01 New Zealand Australia Hana Kong China and Japan LQL 505 The executive Strand Eranch the Canadian Bible society wish to thank collector and donora Thu amount realiz ed was 545 mg mun rday evcnlng about 40 del egate gathered the home of Mr nnd Mrs Gzom Weather ill for shower and gelhr gather in honor Mr and Mrs Doug Lowry nee Sophia To Inez who were recently mar rlcd in Barrier MELE SOCIETY Unit of United Church Wo men entertained their lamina at pot luck supper in the basement we church Satur day evening About 50312ended and enjoyed the plctum shown lsylllms Yates Barrie of A95 ra mupu snowmz JMUH lanlllH findimur Last Thursday night Slroud Leafs pllyed Bradford Boston Bradlurd with Ian at Top scorers were Teddy Gard ner Brian Fisher and Brian Jackson This is the Bradford District Hockey League Sroud alto team under Ia year of age that play In Thornton very Thursday 11th 491M sum The Wamens Institulc annual saclal evening wlll be Thursday Jan 17 lnlorm of pot luck Iupperat 630 In Strand Com munlly Hall All members and Inmllle are lnvlled ugcxay The New Years dance In Straud Cummunity Hall was apnmorzd by the Hall Board bunch served also by the board Instead Womens Institute EOSIAL EVENING iconnacwion earl day vlsuars with Mrs Sam Broley were Mr and Mrs Clarence Broley Toronto and Charla Wild alln olvTamntn Mr and Mn Everett Kneeshnw and Gary of Bradxord Mlu Janel Ayers ol Vlclarla College Toronto has been spend lng the hollday with her parents Mn and Mn Mel Ayerst Mlas Beverly Ann Ayersl MEN Burlinglan Huspitnl Mr and Mrs Bab McDonald and Brlan of Creemore and Miss Barbara McDonald ol Toronto spent New Year hlhe Ayaqsls MALE FEMALE By MRS BERT MUHIOLLAND NEWS or sTRBITn HOUSIIIIUHI INT mum ml um mmllmu Iva unvva llum Mlmprr by mm vim mum for Him llwn with Mann lnm vhrrr are yuu unuufl nnlml Illv Ilrll lhu rungvrcm llurl Mmud lrnhylrllnll Hnmh 1m Ilmrly mum It Irll quuunn wlwlr suing prnun nu uncnnllnni Ara wr luwlnl wlmlmlly Mr nmw MN Irvrlnplnz humility and mm luulvcnm ll van hallrngu lo nunu numb the leillmhlfl ul Nrw YrM IIrrrinl mullr Ivy lhn clmlr ml Illf mmmhl null rlwlr lrmlrn Mu Walk um rnjuyml Ear rmnml Im Innlu Mum III vivsrvnl In fillvuvl IIrn Inylrvlnn by lrh Sunday Frhfl Mr and Mn Hum ln mmnrr vlulnl lrlwdu In cmumunlly mu Sunday Nil lrullrrl Ilw hmrml vrl Mu rlllL 1an lo Mlu Donxm Jun Wllmn nnl nflcr hrr alny In 0an qulnrlnlhnyflnl Hurrch Univin Ahnlrnh rrlurnrd In chum lhln wrrk Mimi Jllntl Ayml und Mnry Mix In Turnnln Dnnnle Gibbon nnd Tollll hulhmlnml In quhh Mr and lung May Mflnhtll nl lha WI Ire mlndul lo kccp HIE ntnlug Jun 17 uptn or Annual MI dny mm and lumlly night An lulcrrulnz pmxrnm bdrm plnnncd Ia lulluw lhl pol luck ll Mr and Mm Camp hell were nmonz zunll Illtfld In dinnrr party It Ih horn or Mr and ML chr Mllxtun Fonowlna dlnncr n11 wtnl lo enjoy cam IL lha bowllnl alloy FAMILY NIGHT Many compimcnls are bclnl handed members ni he Board oi he Sixth Lino Cemetery or ihc splendid chnpci they have had eroded Bad weaihnr iorcod lho Work xioppaxc and the building not quite iinishcd One ihc mnin pnrl bn done is the Item work an lha irnni The building is in use and the interior nirnusl cam plcicd The iionrd has not born lax in ihnir endeavors lo prir vide modern and upiadniu chapel and many hours havo been given in nlnning Thu cammuniiy ix inrlunaie lo hnva publicapiriicd men who wiih no Icmuncrniion will nsuumu Mich dullc at good citizen Anolhcr bonrd whlch ahnuid he given large measure oi prnlsn is he communliy hall Ronni These folk with lcnnl rncourngcmnnl and oilm criil cism olicr much in ihclr ici luw tiiizcnl Thm an olhcrl in lhls communin who do much ior us all and mm Thank yogi Your cum MI apprecia ie Munday uvenlng Ralph and Ray Cook attended the service In Allandnle and assisted In the music with the choir of Essa qud church Mr and Mrs Suther land Barrle Ipcnl Salurday evening with Mr and Mn Dow ld Cnmpbcll and lamlly learned with re grct on Friday oi the passing oi two at it elder citizens Mira Mary Cowan at Ark Eden Nur aing home and Mrs Ferris at Royal Victoria Hospital Mlsl Cowan was born and railed at Knock and came to the village so years ago She was one oi early member ai Stroud WI member oi Strand Presby terian church and up to few years ago an active member of the WMS Auxiliary Although in her and year Mm Cowan retained an Interest in local ev enia and any at her visitor found her cheerlul and ready Io chat Na years ago owing to advanced age she went to live with her nephew John and his wlie In her iormer home at Knack and in August ailing health necessitated her being moved to nursing home She will he missed by family and friends Mrs lerria came to in nirill to the arm on No Highway and 81h line where aha and her late husband built up one oi the progressive arms the community in later years she moved to the village oi Stroud was his member ol the Vl where she was always willing to me her talent oi mu sic The sympathy oi the com munity is extended to the am iiiel Sorry to report Mrs Hand is In Royal Victoria iios pltnl Barrie 0va mm of Essa Road and SmrudY wax well loved not my by hislown congregation but by the whole Immunity Hi5 Intercs In ed ucation his ready wit and dry humor cheery smile and kindly words wan him nplnca In the hearts all who knew him The Iympnthy all gnu lohk beloved wife and lnmlly LAQIES DIE Many In this community were saddened to hear on Sunday at the passan of Rev Slnclak DJ at Ottawa tanner minister at Slmud Presbyterian church Dr Sinclair who spent 20 year 1119 pastoral charg manJones Lynn Ferguson Gr nLlndn Ball Ewen Campbell Gr JoAnn Versnge Sheryl Anne Oakley visit ram Pub llc Health nurse Mlss Gnndlel low wnn enjoyed by lw slu dcnls the nenlm room Lynn Ferguson who planed second In publlc speakan contest ln Nov emben on Jan ll wlll speak nt the Fredede Campbell Schnal Camp Borden ayxyms bAMPnEiL um Mm lrmml mum MM mm mm mm llplullh InK IF md 51 lnlnlr IFHN la mmer Mn lnrmnmm xluln filll all yrnllnz llm 0wa Ilunnlmu mull Ink Holm NutH Nulmld HM ywllmlunry Invflllfinlim llatl dram umnlru hh Ila Dw null It hour hernlmlumvl rral Iudv mm mapulh le unlrmu lmpnml 0n Ivy unduly mint an lllnnawdll In um um unv md Monday in the mull lllnrluuIII mllmL 11w wml MIN HUllifi Ilivll pm mm run lmlr Im Inumnupnn Slur mm Vrdnuday mam llm curry cu lu Id mldu um 01 Im In anhlunlrm the miller dr pnrlmcnl MM It In condmllnu nu lnvullunnan HM plnl lvul lullml In mnmrnl nu In 15m So um Inpfll hack qumllng maybe lluro wna nu mar pump Iypounuvlllcnl errnr nu own hryund In Muld llmu xlouhlcrhcrkcll hm avgrxlhlnu nmwnml 0K Wl llnuhlrchuk nll wt or dcn II was In wnk Mxm we in Ith cnurl onlrr mum aside 11 lcrm tar llny Drukl The chch numhrrn In hi to mllmmz pnpm didnlbjrh SAN FRANCISCO MllAl nun Warden Olin Blackwell who uncovmd plat la lm nolnrlaul hank mhhcr wllh forged dunlmcnla mid VcrImm day nlsh jll pauibln cunvlct Mr Lcsngc anld lhe Inlcnllon In mnlnlnin In spilt ma Immucllnn hdwccn lxA nnd Shuwlnlunn chamlcnlt the HE to ac uirc shares snowman In uslrIc Limited which will have Quebec char The Quebec government un nounced Dee 28 that liydru Quebec planned to make llrm und deilnilive alien to share holders oi lhc ll power cam pnnlcs Shnrcholders oi Sha uinigan were lo be ollerell $30 share an offer that would ln cludu the right In acquire All 85 each an equal number oi shares In new campunyShawlnlgan Industries Limitedlo which sels oulslde he llrma eleclrl enl holdings would be run irrred am said Wednesday UM government and Crown owncd Hydro Quebec were comrlclcly unaware any Mgolallons belwecn Shawinl tan and BA The RA ngrce mcnl dated Jam npparLmly cannot be invalidated by he province because Shawlnigan tChemlcals has cheral char Warden Checking In Forgery Plot nu wwuuw interests in Quebec government because Shuwinigan Chemicals subsidiary oi the Shawinigan Water and Puwcr Company iha larger oi 11 private power companies Mr Lesagel government plans to exproprialo at late can oi 36933001000 agreement an nounced Tuesday In nil com pany boosted its ownership in Shawlnlgan Chcmlcal to two thirds 1mm one quarkr uni alqure ghan 1251000300 QUEBEC CWPremier Le Inge says his government ap patently cant do much about deal by which British American DH Company Limited acquired cantml at Shawinigan Chemi cajg leilcd Oil Company Deal Costs $25 Million Like fly In spider web painter works on In flame of the doma mo of new ho an linouh mum nul Imp Ivmv an Mull Imr lrrrx rlmblo lat lmmuhzh nlmaluw nl lul Mr Huhlrr nl Dull ur rrplml apolon tum Mu Hum FunkmlL wile Ike proprlflnr Manual View Cumy nflcr mmlllnllon wmk wu time by the Onlnrla llu mun lllgllli lummlulnn whldl UMMNI Uu mall Milod lmlmlly Hm lnrldrnl Inch Iylm July mnon Tum11 xmm mural II In Late Iaurlll mu Ill weighed In 911 it NH my ml In OMIID Hnrrly mm Lam mul Drnlu ltd wlld tuner ol crime brim ha wan cnplurrd New Orleans lalluwlu ulr lndlnnnmfll hank huhupl lhnl neurd £51500 lrlor lo Hun he hrnku ml at Culllomlnl flan Qumlln prlum lwirl Ind mun aprfl Mluvwl prlmn Inr Umlu prlwncr he nnlhln Itnmllnnnl one way nr nnul He btcn hm lmf mmn Um Negro Couple Geffifipplogv dont Iumw Drnhl rule in III do know whnerrr hundlrd he wmtr wnrk lintw In lwlul In nlmul Hulk Ind about rnxc Hmylhlnx sol hm nl mm mm pr rcllhwuxh lha rrzulnr ml Vilh lhc forum up hm nowadays iln cnncrlvnuln pm vm like hue wuld bu made anl enough In Ilflnd up Huckth uld Hui check no cmmlly dnum ll would work HIST FLY IN WEB Funcc Vlcwm were appoint rd lo Mlllc any dispule when In line once did no mm with standard sol up hy lhe Act and lock from adjoining pmp my could get into lh land lhruunh lhn sham of Ihe no lento and he uunrr warned lhc lance rcpamd or upland Vn rnmcmber about lcn yam Perhnm llmre are lhoac whu are wondering what Fence View and Pound Keepers do Well the purpose oi the pound keepers was and in to have place auilnbla in which link which has been bothering farmer or other property owner and has been driven on loot lo iho pound can be held until the owner came and pay the charge and recovers the stock This is not in do with dogs which came under special Act and are now being retained at the Dog Con lral headquarters in Miray Onen the mailer that will he rccelvinz early altknllon will he the appolnlmcnt of pound lawyers and fence vlcwen or lhe ycar These are ouLollhe past lllcna which are still call fur and have be re vlewtd annually In use one at he nppalmecs has passed on ur glvcn up he strenuous dullcs nllnchod Ike appointment xhlch la lhankyou lab al the esl fly 11554 We regret that we were air mu from the lira regular meet ing of Innlsfll Council the year on Monday last However we had rcprucnlalivc there and will be paaslng along to our rudm any Infarmallon lhat nay have developed at the met ng livestock building bring wn tional Exhibition grounds in siniclzd an the Facilic Na Vancouver CF Wirephoio INNISPIL NOTES Absent At Council But Rep Reports ll lhc hudw lnr the coming year will be linnllzcd lhll early In the yenrl llnwevcr with he Hulaharmin uln mclhads lhnl prevail in me lownship will he presenl man agement it could bl lhnl llu nslimnlcs will be ready la be lnbllxl soon One he nmllul whlch will likely cam up or discusslcn will he salary Irv crcnm all down the HM We have heard that llle Police Com mluion wlll lace lllll mlltl ln Duelr llm maellnl cl he war and Inbslanllal lncrcue ll llktly to be nqulred lo mtcl Klu bmlgnl that dcparlmtnl ncw clolhlng ll Also In be we lho rcqnylll cep Adiuxlcn are another group of olilclals who are In authority under the Sheep Acl Thcy may give vuluauon on lhe lass ol Iheep cauud pm sumany through destruction by dogs and lhclr valuation is dif licull lo mm as ha been laund when the township CD deavourcd tu apycal Ibis How ever lhe usual valuallau pm on would barely cover the lasl ol the lack rullcrcd although no apparent damaflcs were shown Purebred limp are usually al lowed or boiler value Ihnn mnrket prim bul this is ngnin disputed point between lho owner and the valuaum uypcar NOT sm Back lawycr who owned lorm properly in lhc lownshlo and lived In Toronto allowed slack lo trespass lhmuxh hlr llna fence When lhe maller was brought lo Coml under he Fcncc Act and lhe lance vlcwcrl were called In glve the report this legal man was not aware that he was liable or Ihe dam age There are still lance flow In the townships Also pound kcspcrrl Aumshmu la be ublcd Natural Gas You Still Cant Beat We md In the Toronto web and pnptr nInnIIed In lhII are the 41¢th 01 Min Mary Cow nn In her Mad yrnr Min Cow an wn member of on at Hue planter InmIlIu uI Knock In In nlslil nnd Ilvrd In Show Iar While we down here are run ntng In the run although the cold wind Iront baelr over the border is rtill chilling the wea ther down to the 60s we have been In charts and had our tcet it not the whole body in the mi The report on the water temperature war jurt nvcr so degrcc this wrck and that is just slightly colder than make tor pleasant rwimmlng llaw ever it tr pleasant in the run and beach combing morninl habit when walking along the rand and seeing what the tide har lctt strewn along the edge at the wattr Sphngu lea ani mals at all kinds and vegeta tion are all there and clearing away this debris hecpa many mar cmplaycd upccially where thu property is public Shellinz ll an art in itult and it one known the more valuable types and concentratts an the pcrtect anu rather than the Ilightly damaged it can be abwrbinlv We have agreed that one large cilar box lull in the limit that can be carried an our rclum Journey and this will mean int torting and dircardinz dnrtnz the uawn DEATH OF ONE REPEL DEMONSTRATORE GLASGOW AP Pallce clashed on the my 01 lhe Uniltd Slam consulate Wed nesday wllll Icon of demon slrdon prolesllng llu arrival at Duncan the new Polaris depol ahlp the Human About halldonn of lhe dcmamlra km rim to push pnsl police to enler lb consulate but were moved back onlo he ildcwalk and we hope lo have part forwarded which will give the citizens detailed account of what their tax dollar are 19cm 91 COMBING VISITSWARSAW MOSCOW AP Premier Khrushchev lell Wednesday night or Warsaw and Berlin Moscow radio reported The broadcast said he had been in vited In visit Warlaw while an mule in the rim tenures the East German Communist party opening in Berlin next Tuesday PLAN JOINT STAMP HAMILTON CF Poi maner Genernl Ellen Fair clmh laid Wednesday the In tend to 31k Edwin Day postmaster vgeneral of the Uniled Slates whether the 05 will cwaperale issuing lump cammemarallng 150 yam peace betwun the two coumriea HELSINKI lReulenl Fill inndim announced purchaie oi quaniiim oi war mulemls mm Russia and Britain fien erai mu communique said Wednesday lhe Soviet Union in nuppiying MiG lighten equipped with air Lo air miuiiu two irigam lungrange iieid artil lery nndnillp engines and am pilibiolu equipment worth 120 000000 new flnmirkl abnut $37520000L The agreement will Eriuin covered purchau oi antitank guided miuiiel ACID SEPARATE HOLLYWOOD AWActress Linda Christian said Wednaday lite is nbininini Megicnn an nulment oi her mnrrille to no no Edmund Purdamlhe were married in Mexico last March Ind have been lcparaledi 24 menu um um éxmmzn mimsnn 14va 19 6115 FINN BUY ARMS WORLD NEWS INBniff Thc ninlehcerirflvl run In nllnw hrr church Ind nhup lnr The men arzrd that an Dec MIL meder mud hrr our yaunml chldren Dena Guy Kipper and Kim In mmncr hkely In came In ury lhelr hmnh CIERGED NEGLECI The Chlldrtnl Md Sod Iald II will appeal for legal Kuardianshlp the chllflml Illtr lhi monlh Illu MIL Dzedwra In unlencrd Myeawd dnuzhm malm In be plncnd In outr home and two older ban 18 and 17 will remaln at home with myearold unrle Him lhe womna ch drtn already have betn placzd In aster home by he Chil drenl Ald Soceg Mnnilaba Mrs Rlla Lllen Dudml was Icmandzd 1n cuxLady one WM pendan preunlenco rcpqu WINNIPEG CPI Win nlpcg mulhcr uhlldrtnv who became lhe centre of comrovérsy In November when sentenced two ycarx of vlrv tual house meal wax con victed Tuesday on nu chum aghlldxgez lmerciai lying accident killed 454 pony last year com pared with 1155 in 100 fine mauazina Flight international say in in provisional eslimnl ul 1962 air nccidenls Hui Ihe mic oi nmiiiics per 100000000 passenger miles was icsl than on per 100000000 mile or he Him time time such recond keeping began EXPLOSION KILLS OULU Finland mnicmA nailpeier aciory blew up in lilil nnrihcm town Wechicsday idli ing live persons Fiiiccn wan injured one seriously Some wen injured by hmkcn Kins irnm window up in two miles awayi many years unlil umbie lo care for herself when she went la live with Mr Mphcw John and Ms wile She has been mi dcnl nursing ham for past law monllu KASSEL wm Germany MutantFarmer police Cal Fran Lechlhalar was un lcnccd to we years imprison mcfll Wednesday filler retrial on charges of manslaughter ln Ihc death of Jew ln wrslcrn Ruxsla during Iha Second World Wan Lechlhaler was nnginally sentenccd to all yuan for mid Inn In murder The ledenl hllh court quashed lllc realms and ordered new trinL 0n House Arrest Neglect Charges PARIS neuter French newspapers give prominence In pom that Franc may rlade her first hydrogen bomb he Pacific wlthlnlwo year ahead her Icheduled nu clear ymzram The Independent newrpapcr Le Hand rays ho advance party at Igchnical and admlnlalralive mission la begin work on test ban Manama lrland in lhe Pa tiflc Alli TOLL INCREASES IQNDQN Rantgrn Cam VIHITB VANFANI LONDON ReviewPrime Mlnlflcr Macmillan will visit flame Feb 13 101 talks will Premier Fanlanl It was my nounmd Wednesday Aulhorila Ive sources litre Iald the dis cuulonl are expecled to Include Eurupean Common Markel and NATO problems Ironmwu qnmzs later loll lo mend mcrrlu

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