AT PEARSONS SHOES All Lclaim spend he said as he 1ch crossï¬ amlnalion by Charles Dubln commlsslon counsel Mn Dubln suggested lhe uniun has free whccling expense accaum sys cm The Amcrlcnnborn SIU prcs Sdcnt said he authorizes ad vances lo himselfanywhere from $100 to more than $1000 hen laler sumcllmcs months By ROBERT RICE OTTAWA CPI Hill drunks bass lhe Cnnndlan Seafarers Union says it Is rc suItsnnt receiptsthat count In justflylng his 500000 expense advance In thn ast our yearg The 51yenrold unIan prcsL dent was not troubled by he dvnwrr bolum Mr Justice Norris lcderal marina In quit Tuesday Ilml only about $3000 his $80000 expense money was hackcd up by actual rc ls quvouchqrs SIU Boss CrossExamined Reveals His Expense Account Two SMALL children iden tiï¬ed as Susie and Rlcky were and wandering bare All OPEN IRIDAY NIGHI TILL um WOMEN LINES HIZlZHANGE In AAAA tn ll Ila sald his membership somc 14000 sailors who man Canadian lake and man ship judgod his expanse agnlnsl he rosuks ngnlns unionwon WM wages and working cundiflans llr dubin argued lhat Ihe Its smishclnry to our mcm bershlp said Mr Banks who earns $20000 year SW pmsidern jOf edurgu It could snapflcd Mr Banks the qucsllon wus ll Mr Dï¬hln said such mum coal he abuscd sample expense account unsupported by receipt or vouchers Jan Isisad vanced $500 spent $150 or tel ephnnes $75 for Inxis ms for cnlgrlalnmenL later submlts In general slaw mcnl shnwlng hnw he spent 10 money SHOWS AVSAMPLE not and cold on we sixecu In from of Victoria Hospital in London yesterday They FLATS 399 599 ILLUSION and HIGH psuownoors 699 gig CHILDRENS SHOES 20 on ALL HANDBAGS 349 general membership did nut know about many facets the unions ï¬nancessuch ns $475amth luxury apanmcnl In Montreal $15733 hill la lurnlsh the lhruehcdroom nparlmcn wllh twn 000 sofas I4 mirrors rndluATV console were spotted by nurse in front the hospital at 141 Ylmpholo HELP KIN Sale Starts Thursday Jan 10 900 am KINSMEN Thurs Jun 108 p111 GAMES SHARE THE WEALTH GAMES gingerszaooo ODD FELLOWS HALL 52506Eoixanlen Frlu Evury Thduday Night ll Kinsman Bingo Night Mother TWO eft Alone Not Charged Mr Hanks snld he bllls were available to he linanclal cam mlllcel clcclcd at lhe uml monthly headqunrlcn mccllng shortwave radlu lllll Icl and alarm clock radios or the $15000 spent in the last live yearn to give Mr Bank spunklng new Carllllac annually Police have not been able to delermlne how lhey came to be wandering alone In front or the hospital Earlier II was be Hcved Ihcy were dumped Irom car as Ricky nnd SisIE and lhrec years appeared mm in Supervisor Alan Can in Childrenl Aid Society said the society will applylor temporary custody 01 tile children HELP KIDDIES CF The mall children zbaxelgot In we age They good hcnlth Can ha er In the appur wlth home my are AquN can hzlp mich the pain quickly Ind effenlivcly Thanh Io instant flaking action Amxm ready to so to work If you are lmublcd by palm in your Ihuuldeu by abhan in your mm or joinu or If your ï¬ngcn km ID that if an 2mm even to Iign your name ynu may vary well be xuflning from arthritic or rhwmuic pains John Fisher na public speaker lea commcnlalor he nppelullan By JAMES NELSON omwn cm Mum tiratcgy in the weeks and months ahead nppnrentiy lop lilb curreni 351113 of cabinet business The cabinet met or nearly our hauu Tuesday and yinna nnothcr meeting today After Tucldnyl siiling Prim Minister Dieleniiakcr set aside reporlcn qucliiona about nu clear nrrm policy He mid the cabinet had been considering number of permnnei appoint menu and announced one oi them Achingvin Muscles and Joints and Arthritic Pains can he Effectively Relieved Fisher Named Head Of CentenctryProgrctm JOHN FISHER the weele Id nppnrenlly 351113 ca nationallyknown and farmer ra or who earned MJ Canada will Amm has bruugln rm relief to million mare peupl Khan any olhcr brand pain rzliever So you no can alwayl put your canlidrnc in Armm for an gentle rclicf from arthritic and rheumatic pains as wcll hose everyday achrl and pain Ihlt come to 011m from mtrcxulion hulandy in case yaur luflcrlng and make ynu ul balm an Tile prime minlller also told reporters he personally did not agree with some recommenda liana this week oi ihe Giamo royal commission on govern meni organiialiani Particularly he would not agree to turning veieranx hospitals over to local administration For part Tucsdayx meet ing the cabinet secretariat wink drew while flu ministers lalxcd more about party politics than meydid about governmgni ad minieralinn Tim secretariat il lhecommlsslaner Can adaa nalIonnl cenlenary admin Iilralion Mr Fisher has been Mr Dlefcnbakerl 510000 year special assistant or two yearn uqu Woan Crawford 353 iWHMWEkï¬ibï¬Ã©ï¬ih To suaver Be tum you get genuine Axmm book for the pack 33 wilh Ihe Baycr or change in the wcalhtr you Iufler from arthritic or rheumllic pain or ache in your musclcs or joinu Ink Asrmm today and feel bum fun Be tum you get genuine Axmm book for the pack mnqu age wnh Ihe Baycr mmm mu mm In addltlon ta next week Conservative annual meeling whlch ls expected draw 1500 dale and an pqual numbrer Coupled with lhis emphasis an political dimussion was IE early arrival Tuesday oi key Conservalives or next weeks annual party meeting informants indicated that the leading candidate or pariy president is John iiamiiioni energciic young Toronto lawyer and Iormer MP for York East guest and observers Ihe cabnel is Med pmarlng lo meclPnruï¬ment when the slon resume Jan 21 normallyprmni nniy for work ing session In record cabinet administrative decisiom Sister almr all 50 felt Why Illan blood all ovayaw Illf7 KIWI WSqu NDAYIS Mn MEMO WWW EMW Mum hWamcr 8m Pï¬jons Future Shawn II 700 and p121 Anuu DUNLOP St was Thu Lady mm War Lover pm Added Fealuro TONY DEAN JANEY ICURTIS MARTIN lElGHJ MEUEENWAGNW Sdme men lava war the way others Me women NOW SHOWING IMPERIAL