Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jan 1963, p. 4

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Egccssive drinking at alcoholic bever ages has been problem for manklnd in varying degrees for ages It has been and is cause of man at the troubles in the world But it ls true that liqu or is not the cause mall the crlme and unrest This fact thought to light in rccent report tram the Communistdo mingled country of Czechoslovakia that the government is growing concerned av er the rapid increase in alcoholism Police reports and federal checking have revealed that 24 per cent of fatal highway accidents are attributed to dunking Crimes committed under the influence of alcohol have increased 20 per cent since 1960 Liquor ls blamed torthe one out of every seven divorces One out of every six suicides has been an alcoholic The government plans new law to combat the fixing wave of drinking which could be partly attributedto the higher standard ol living sweeping Europe It and when the Czechs evolve workable law which will curb alcoholism it should Ontarios New Democratic Party lead er Donald MacDonald caught the head linu with the promise of an NDP pro vincial medical care insurance scheme at premium cos only 80 cents per week per family No 120 are Cain week sand1m finial1 bigger Ending WdfirTo CuIAbéEvils Not CqflSed By Alcoholism aving reg cred the 60am lhejNDP leader went on to explain that there would have to be other charges six per cent addition to personal in come taxes and three per cent increase in corporation income taxes The prem ium payment in fan would produce only $51 million just about onethird of WAR DAYS 20 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner Jan HM liiayor Donald Llaclaren urged economy in town spending during these harsh daysf long hard road was ahead betore vie tory could he achieved lle re uested more donors for Red Cross hloo clinic Andrew Cumming defeated Walter Downey move or Vespra nine years Fred iood won over Grant lililier or reeve at iledonle Seven new mem bers elected for Simcoe County Coun cil Mackenzie Beanie reeve oi Alliston Malcolm McLean deputy reevo Col lingwood Fred Wood or liledonte Cleve land You deputy reeve at Orillia Vil liam Guwanlaek de uty reeve ol Orillia Township lZarl lichardsono deputy reevc at Vespra Ski training or troops started at Camp Borden New Years was ushered in by the Kiwanis Club dance at 00F Hall with Russ Nettleton as general chairman and mus ie by Waller ilrombys orchestra 0t ticcra were hosts at Barrie Annoury tor the dance which atlratted large num ber of guests including many from Camp Borden An Air Force orchestra supplied music Two members of Ian adian Womens Army Corps posted to This Is Faulty Gue sswork ALL TO BE SLAVES ISL Calharincn Slandnrdl Sorlalisl doctrine demands llml there be only one nmlrrlllc Stale and all of us shall be lls slaves In keepinr wilh thls doctrine personal Inillnlhc is wing stifled rec cnlcrprisc lhv rcmll of prrmnal Initiativehm comm diny wnnl and the Illa of each minn is nlmlu ram blrlh lo dmh Slalc am for the good the Stalc Avlhmhd and mu nu rm omu lkrulnml um Md noun pm In In may tuna na mm and mm nun In runn um IlAllini maul wrnrunw mm nuqu tuna In MI wuum uv um um mun rI mun umm Mum dilly rm IMIIV mm mm mm an null In rm up ynv mu mm on IN mum mm 01 54 0mm m1 mum mm ILI 04 man mm my mum us Imam Au Toynu mm tum ummu mu mum lml Vnwn Hull mm mm Humm rul pM 5mm nmam ImI ma Aam In lvvultlklc rum rm nImm mm Irvku mm Mum 1m Mmuw rm mm um um pubuml lrnln ImsL Nils is the Ivory Socialists ho hum lmn nhlc In lhdr woolly Ihmrir Intu praclicc havc discovrrcd lho am of He and have lmml many chor hlmd mcizlisl lhcnrlcl out 01 the win dnw Tannin wciallm Imp Jr bran Ianrly unalrk In em lhclr llwnrlu by am largo must not all nmdlam him been able In cling In Mr rrrdom The Barrie Examiner Walls Puhugher Earrie Exanfim Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Baylielq Street Barrie Ontario OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE hugher Brian SléightGeneral Manager WEDNESDAY JAN 4m belwelcomcd by every country in the waglg jugudiqg thqse of America co ism of fin ance or society It rangesirom skid rows to rich and influential and well educated men and womenl The Czechs intend to do something the report says aliout the traffic fatalities the crimes sulcldcs and divorces attributed to strong drink But like their western counterparts they are apparently doing little to curb the caus es of the other 76 per cent of fatal high way accidents No laws are being sug gested to curb the wave of crimes com mitted by peo le who have not the ex cuse of drink ng What about the five out of six suicides who were not driven to selfdestruction by liquor or the six of seven divorces in which drinking does not enter Czechoslovakia is tobe commended on its plans to do something about alco holism and its inherent dangers But in its rigorous war against liquor the gov ernment still overlooks the fact that ll quor has minor part in most of the evils it would cure Mr MacDonalds estlmate of his pro pogglg $165 million anqufnl cosy needs to he made wrlh regard to the NDPs guess wark on the cost of governmentvopurv ated medical insurance program When the federalprovincial hospital insurance pynnJlgd chquihe stag dis ago the total an nual cost was estimated at $365 million This car the program will cost approxi malcy $800 million There is no rea son to suppose that the estimates of the cost of compulsory medical insurance are any closer than were those earlier guesses Barrie for recruiting This weeks enllslmenls for active service included Kenneth Astridgc William Kelt Russell llljnnlkin Alfred Stunden and Rex James Tinney Judy Gar land was starred at the Roxy in For lite and lily Gal and Lucille Gleason at the Imperial in Shes in the Army Now Rev Dr Thomas Green at Burton Aven ue United Church brought New Years message of resolutions to Barrie Kiwanis Club ihomas Spence Sinclair prom lnent local industrialist Barrie Tanning and churchmen passed away at his To ronto SL home suddenly Lleut Glen it Kell ot Barrie landed with roup of Allied signalmen in North Air ca Major Raymond Massey famed Canadian actor stationed at Cam Borden on spee tal duty Lieutkte Mayhew promot ed to captaln tn Royal Canadlnn Anny Pay Corps He was on the xlatt ot the Bank at Cnnmln at Ottawa on enlistment Clarence Simpson and Stewart appointed to General Councll of Boy Scouts Assoclntlon In Canada George Flnc purchased Barrie Bowllng Alleys from ltrcltle Hudson Walter Coulln elected rcsldent at Church Hockey League th Leonard Cocpcr as secretary choice nolwilhslmldlng numcrmm nl lempls lo subordinate llu findlvldunl wholly nml cmuplctely lo IIIc Stnlc But because our nnndlnn soclnllsls lack the rcslrnlnl lhnl c0 rvrvrlenre my lull Iron lo mp nib Iclda om nlmndnncd by nldcr wiser comrmlca cismvhrm TOO MANV FRILLS Guelph Mercury Probably many wlll agrnc with the vicwpolnl cxpmml by Dr nrdnn Prim dircclur of ulumllnn lnr llnmlllnu schools lhnl llmc are ltm mnny mm In our ulumllmml IvanI 11m aim dunHun II In it the vlud rnl illln In In lmnmrnllc mwirly nml mm mm or rmlurml wmk WM and our Ir Jnhx as wn the II toxin then must nlluw llml mlumllnn II can laln more mm Hun It does lodny Comparing Tnhndnx mlucnllnn wllh MI nthrr nations Um Mhnnl dlrcrlnr Irrl llml not lmmh mlmmh Is llnlmsdhlr to have lvughuluvn Ilnn pm ram In mll mrioly Schnoln railed mclvly which my oxlsl Vitlnrin Tlmm Them In nu lmllnallnn hm In Mlnml iyunpalhy UH Sous nl Frrmlmn Dunk hnlmu purely an sonumenlnl hash Hm murh us while reeling nun ngnlml HIE scultm Umlr Ircmlom umvemnm under he prmm rhcunulanm cnnnul hr rrshklrd wllhuul rcallnu allanger mu nutlull 11w muhl Nfilfid the hem nm muvcmcnl ll olhou ll mu lulurc dale FREEDOM FOR SONS Dear Dr Molnar What your Idea about chest xray required annually by an em ployer Then has been much dlscusslan concerning Illelill feds posslhly lendlng ovum cerMn ILAlM To clear the alt lcla dlsposn lhe cancer idea No Ihls wonl cause cancer ByJOSEIH MOLNER MJ chest xmy rcqulrcs about nnccnlh second exposure and comparable amouan in other diagnaslic xrnys Hs Ifue that in the early day some doctors and icicnlislx were bumcd by the rays but that was lhc result of hours excessive exposure Al lhu fan one nrdinury may year at lcnlh ucond 16000 years would be required to ac cumulate only an hour ex posumar 600 years or mere mlnule These figures ought la 21 your mind at ml The more urgent concern lhnne dnyl ovcr Inllroul mm nuclmr cxploslnns and what cl led this may have on zuneuu Will he Increased rndlnlinn rc null In more bublc belnz burn with drum Whtlhcr II lnlleul luml rndlnunn or from an xruy mnchlnc II um nll rndlnllon Thenlore we want to avoid any mdlnllon even small nmnunu unlcu hm II load unsnn or II would never hcsllnle fur nn inslnnl ovrr we split mend rmllmlnn needed or an xmy um nciuurr would perm nny xrny wllhnul sand mm If very Imnll amount but It all add up wry $11911an OMBW CW Delpllr Ill numlmy Iuccmu In he lllm nlnynl rd CMnn mman In have MINI In lhr mvlllrnl mch lmlulnn of India nb flrrvrrl herv NL An Indian ndmlnhlrnlm and lMInl wnvkrrl move bntk lnln Hm Nmfll Em Ianlln Agrnry uhlch Ina Chlnrlo IrM for nrnrly duh wnlu ll ll hemm hu mom and mm npplrenl Um he lrflrumm of Hm mn llrr mu munII mumlmmlm mulnunlll ludmrinhllrm Inc 11n thlnrnr It now mm In her mnkhm wlllhnl Wflp nrnlluhl or he Invmlnn Im um In yrnu lmllnn llr lrrnlrlilul omlpled lmnlrr villnxu mu 1mm Iunr lunlul Inm qunnliuu nl Cammumxl lummgnnvln mulnlnl rulnml In rilnn In new dln NIL mm Will VILLAGE InnHumilva hnvn IIUHMICII ml IlrIl llw Chlnru lrlod In nmlu Hm Inwloulun llml llu rm Iibmalurl undy hmr 1nlrllrl um dldllhulrd Anmnu vlllnzm hvmm rrlml rnlarlul mum null Ihm um Mnnlru or In nhL Tluulvln mum whtn lm will ackrll In leuIIIINI In hulk mmmmn 10qu md my Mnmvalnu lmu 11w hilw mm Mum In whlnm Ilwy Alw IINIIIMI In mun nmlnla Mnm whum In lholr human Madmen mululed Ila Ihn Ullnru lmk nwuy Illm ML mnln ml llmr Illumlu llnhlt mund in mm Jun um To Be Influenced Tribesmen Reluse Now Young Fellow Lets Get You Started 0H Right Avoid Radiation Unless AReason Because oi the slgnlflcancc an applied In hlrlh detects the Im punanl lime or prolectlnn is In early lifesay unlil 35 years or There has been some change in routine testing Instead chest may or everyone then is now growina praclice nlving lubcrcuilm or skin task to 1601115 under 35 lb lest is negallve no xrny required It is positive showing that me person has been exposed lo rm then an Hay is taken Ii his shows no dlsensc than an additional xruy every other your rnlher lhnn every year as In lhe pnsl is taken Thai covers Ihe childhearing years or the most part Aiicr than Ihe added radiation is less significance Butand mark lhls welluh thcr xrayn are lakenvnt once here any symptom many time raising Iuspicinn of TE The chest may nl com5c useful In dclncllnz mnny alhcr condllluns ll nn lmponnul usclul ml and hope no render will hosllnlc or an lnslanl when mm reallx Medeq However Is also posslbh la rcducc unnecessary Him by reply cxchnnglng lhun Ax nn example lens hull dozen xrmy crossed my desk IhIs mornlng Insurance companies or one are cansclcnunusly nsk ng hcnllh dcpnrtmcnls mcdicnl ccnlcrn or Individual doctor lhcy may lch look nl man may lnsund anlmng ncw ones hm avnldlnv dupllcnunn exposure but Dr Main wm milk mum on much vrnlclllln llI ha body 5mm nwl nrn shun pull tllhmMh PHOTO EDITORIAL 0rdlnmlly no pmon who II ummcly mulch to pen cillln mlxm hnvo lame ruubll hut Iucll lmlnncu Mn rarc In llu cnrly tins of Canada the ar rhnl 01 the llrsl nhlp mm mm nllrr lhc iprhu hrcnkvup mu llm slunal or rtzlrhmllnn mum the and of lwlnllun or numllnm In Inland cmmnllmum To day how no 10 nlgulllrnmo In In nnlml uf Hm lhi TIME and tour mm arr lhc Mr and nnmlm puinlly upml llalln Above npl Vll Have any pleasure at All that the wicked ihuuld die gallh lhe Lord God and not lhnt he should return mm ways and liveElddel 21 Th1 Lords desire has ever been that He should save man nnd keep him from clernal danh LONDON was rcal night on Leicester Square when lhe new Empire Thcnlrc suc cessor In thcmrc which wn hlsloric In London was open at All the pop an afllclal luncfion was shown In lhc May or of Weslminslcr Alderman Negrcm nrrlvcd nnd walked bclwncn he rank he guard at honor provided by he Klngs Troop of the Roynl Horse Arl lllcry But as dlsllncl deputi um mm lho old Empire Then lrc where musical comedic reigned suprnmc lhe opening cLrcmony pmvldul showing of MGMs film Jumbo mavle ubqu clrcus The Emplrc sin has hmn domlnuflm Icnlurn Lelrcslu Square tur nonrly centuryr During that time It had mlan m1 melt In all llw varying lrcmls In muss enlcrmlnmcnl The new 1963 njyla Empirn Theatre um clflcrlninmnm ccnv re cnmhlnixm dance hall wim luxury mallun plcum um re 1an 1300 pcaplc mu Istinnlhlfl hmlrlcnl hlxlury has been wnvcn nruuml lhc Empire site In IBM mu lIldnrnda xmnlc hull combin ed with rcsluurnnL msu cm Um nlv It was destmyul by live REPORT FROM UK HISTORIC MT By MLINTYRE HOOD New Theatre Opens To Pomn Ceremonv TRADE IS OUR LIFE BLOOD 1U OTTAWA People llving In Ottawa today will proudly rc tnunt their grandchildren how they xnrvived Iho historic New Years celebration at the dye of 9111 yogu pan alhutmcn Iced ns although engagement books show that Ottawans were hosts and guests at more com vivialily than ever befnrc No he danger lay in leaving the my and hospitable warmth party to rglum home The year end newspapers headlined the lrouble brisyl Biuér cold and blizzard hit letarlauNo relch expected un mi So Ottawa wns not alone In the Big irceze But Ottawa with no settlement bigger than cluster at igloas between it self and the North inle gen emiiy ice very much chiller than other Ontario centres At this time oi the year we Ot tnwans envy balmy Oshawa with its lnkeshore beaches and Wetland deep in the Banana OTTAWA BEFORT BCIL her parts Canada felt the ycarcnd chill tun as did the 01d Countries in the Old World One Ottawa newspaper re ported It was cnld today in lht Yukon ngh temperatures In the day were 51 halow at Duwsun City 44 huluw at Snag and 34 below at Whitehorse hiver Vcll bore in Ollawa was 66 hulaw or more 98 degree rust on me Fahrenheit scale when swllchcd on my car on New Years Eve Chev rnlez ll startedAd DEGREES DONT COUNT lxty SIX below in Ollawn frhals impossible you may say Well it was lhu equivalent at 66 belowwhcn you take lnlo accuunl lhc Wlnd ChlllFaclor which as shivering veteran lram polnla decp ln the Arcllc know all about ll look the highly orgnnlzed Canadian Army begin to measure what the Eskimnes and he furtraders had sullened hm years later Thu story goes that lhc lhcn Prime Wales lnXur King Edward Vll rude on he Hm fire englnn arrlvu the mm of lhc ire The rca Empire aloly had In beginnings ln lam when lhcalm was built on lhc site In 1837 in response lo the mod 01 that era it switched ram he lcmlimnle beam variety and became one or the worlds most famous muslc hall 0n the promrnndv nl lhc bark of he Ilnynl Circle the mnnnlmub luwn gnlhcrcd nlghl after night AIHHVM TALKIES he mplrc crtcd ugam In staging tunil mate theatre productions Hut It wm not long bctorc lhcrc camu the new bmkunough in unuluinmcnt In 1921 the lust ltvc pmductton was staged at the Emplrc It was the mus Ical Iuy Lady Ilc Good wtth Fm Astaire In It larllnu role year law he lLlnnlro Clucmu will scullnfl ucwnr modulion or 3500 people rc plncvd 10 0M Emil make It mum on luxury ll cml msom la hullLl ll lmd clnlmrule Lhnndclwrs nildrd lnmc nnd hnmlmndo unwell ln llw entrance hall and iuyrr Ils Hm unnnrnl mnnnnrr wnu Viv Inn VIIlI Damm Lurr llm By PATRICK NICHOLSON SixtySix Below With Chill Factor llnm nwlr ls pmcnlnd wllh gold hcmlml mm by Im Iloumluel right mnnafcr lho Quebec Elly llmlmr on helm ul his nrrlvnl Jan wllh lhu ruiulllu kahno mm llrllnln Allomllmz am lnlhnl vkcvruhlrnl llm anlunal llaxlmu Funnel mu Hmvaxd 1mm lwluruhlcnl of anmln Slum 5h lnm or centuries without arithmctic Living working and pcrhapl fighting in the Arctic the army had to know just when to give up battle and concentrate on bare survival So the army took up MW system at measuring the nlfectlve lempcmturr called the Wind Chill Factor This derives from the human but unscientific discovery that cold reels much colder it there Is An strong wind blowing tun the arm pa phlel on Arcllc Survive assc Tem pernlure aloneducs at give mu picture of Ihe relative com fort outdooractivities Hu man camlort depends upon the rule at which hen ls lost from the quyl The number of cal ories whlch will burn up of one square metre nf skin in one hour is called the Wind Chill Factor Al VCF of 100 one can sun bath in comlort but when the WCF rlses to 1400 exposed flesh will freeze OTTAWA Dunn ormn January conditions on the alrllelds at Vancouver 0h lawa and Winnipeg rcspccuvaiy show VCFS of 790 12110 and On New Years Eve in Ol iawa lhe temperature was uni unbearable nor unusual 15 below But the wind blew at rare and bitter miles an hour That combined to give an intolerable WFC of just over 2000 which sequivalcnt to 66 below in still airt At that WIC according to that mme army pamphlet exposed urea of flesh freeze within one minute Travel and lift in temporary shelter become dangerous ignorant and perhaps blissful he entire papulatlon at Ottawa wns risking danger in order to tho nightr with that mcmnrable Big Freeze now no more than phappcd cars and broken finger nails Ottawans are thinking petitioning the local metemln gist Io announce no the tem pcralure Ywhich we can expect but the Wind Chill Factor which we mush carjusfl as they do way up north at For Churchill ccssful operator or lhe Wind mill Theme The first film shown was lawncy ol the Wells starring promising young nahes nam ed Norma Shearer was silent film but accompanlcd by full orchestra In me the Emper was chosen as he loc ale or the lirsl Royal Film Show Muller of Like and Dumb When lilm went lhruugh temporary slump Um Empim produch lavishslugc shows In pull in Ihu customers The Inst film uper at he nld Empire Cinemn was Bu lur which was screened Ihm In 1939 and ran for 75 weeks By THE CANAflMN IIIESS Sir Anthony Eden re llnncd Brlllsh prime mln Sm slx yonr Inna today In 1937 because cl Ill hcnllh llcsixnnnon cnmo less than we mnnlhs Her lhe Angla French invasion Egypt timing the Suez mm or um The ntllnn mllcd Ilonn of anger 1mm In lxrilmn nml nhwml nml Eden can under ex lrrmv nrcmur In PM man He was nrdcrcd In ml nnd mm on Imliday ln Jnmnlcn Iml shorlly nllrr his mum he mlmml and an MnnnUInn lnnk over Um Kuwrnmcnl Jul WE Ill Thr Duny IulrlY lump mu hm used In 11 um mine TODAY IN HISTORY

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