Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jan 1963, p. 11

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His next oullnI was against New York Ranger and Frankie mmc rough wilh 30 shulou and he camc Mr Zero In next game which lloslon won Brlmsck lcl one get by and llm nnlasllc alloak ended lrlgld Frankie who was not so rigid aflnr all wcnl on to wln the Vozina Trashy and led the Wins to their first Stanley Cup In yam Along he way he picked up lhrrc man shutouu and war hls resh man year had ended lhc nostnn fans had long Ilncn orgollcn Cecil Tiny llmmpson fin The mlrlh lzuhAnwrlmn name wlll definitely in an 15 fichmlllhd April 22 May In the booming Akr scraper cily nl San lnuln Hm Hob llnmlllnn Let hrldgc szmmln conch nuyn he has no plans of chum Ing he l2man mater mlulnally picked to play In lhc games Vic Lynn roach of lhc Sanknlnon Qunkrra mid horkvv uzlms ll Swrlnn and fluhmluvnk L1 play Imunl Imck about on par wilh Ilw Vrslrln lluvkry lmunr nw Quaker lnnl nx of the Ross had faith in Frankles abiltty and pointed out that Brimsek had the quickest pair of hands in the league But Art was no fool and he was basing his flacts on what he had seen not just hearsay Dvrlng 0hr Hm Thompson was out with the tn ury Ross had Frankie undergo test and the chunky oungstcr came through with flying colours In prac Ice scsstons he fined 25 shots at Frankie from 10 out rangeNand dtdnt score goat When Tiny return ed he vargjyen the very same test and was scored upon six times In his first start In goal Brimsek was beaten 20 by the Canadicns in Montrealt This gave the Boston an only more reason to holler or Ross head served on platter But the managers taith in his prote failed to waver and he stuck with hlm between the pea against the Black Hawks in Chicagor Brimsek rewarded Arts confidence in him with sparkling 50 rout SPORTS CHATTER NOT some FRANKIE Ever sineflu Boston Bruins of the National Hoc key League traded Frankle Brimsekaome 14 years ago theyve had to make do with goalies of lesser yariety to comparison tothe onetime great star Frank filled the Bostonnets from 1938 to 1949 missing only two years when stint tn the Coast Guard service during World Warn interrupted his active career MAKE 101 nlullr HTIN KIIOI Allv Finlnml IIidl lmiflml lrmlh In My IML lilln mu lnlnvmh Emlnn lad ml wan mnml Tul why In Hm Irmvp 1M lDu mm n1 mhl hr humr vlynlnvhm mp lull Hank 17 11ml LONDON Ilrulrm INA crllrr lIly erlraltd ilhmlvy Tnvm 1mm mm In Ianllrall Aumlnllnn np lhlnl rmmtl maid flrvIfl illy II Mme lu nllwr Mnmhrhl Tnn ur IMIhh Tnun In ll Imnlh lmlml Jan Shani Iurnnlo Argonnuls have signed oltcn llVO nml defensive guard and tackle Ich Shun of Ohlo Unlvmlly The 2ycnrold College Edumllon ma jor made Hrs nlrhlg Mid American Tonfcmlcc lhls season and hrlpcd hls team got mm the Sun uwl in 11 PM Texas Shullz lillh drill the San Francisco 40ch and Mlh of Boston the AFL will get shot In ullcnnhc guard In llm Argo lineup But Franklc didnt let this bother him He worked like an old pro staying on his out most of the time and using his quick glove hand and stick lo slap show T111 Bru n5 tnumphcd 20 and the jam changed to cm Thu big om nma in the third game when Boston patrons wcrqgivcn their first look at he kid whod stolen the beloved Thompsons 50 He was greeted with cold silence enough to make any man shiver where he slood 1111 lnur of Hurnjm Walling angrily to see who Eoss wouid lck to replace Thompson the Beantowners were me ed to the hilt when it was announced young Frankle Brimsek had been called up to fill the vacancy Then out the blue live game after Thump sons return the tiny one was sold to Detroit or 515000 Boston fans loyal Thompson supporters were so arroused they accused manager and coach Art Ross of everything under the sun In spite of hls impressive showing in his initial game Brimsek was sent down to Providence Unfor tunately he had been filling in or the injured Cecll Tiny Thompson Although Thompson was aging at 33 his spectacular goal tending remained the same This was proven the previous year when Tiny won the Velina Trophy for the fourth time wonder how many of them knew that the day of Frankies debut in the NHL one of his teammates had to help feed the 23ycarold bundle of nerves his dinner But somehow he pulled himself together and won the 1938 opener against Toronto One on oh In Brimsek refused to show his new vousness and become cool indifferent and deadpan ned Because of that they called him Frigld Frankle To the scribes Frankie was sullen colourless er Iormer who did good job but hardly ever succum ed to postgame Interviews Although ghey labelled him Fri Id Frankie few of the writers were really aware of ow tense he was before game Man mm1mj maxim IAN 1Wl During his filaying days with Boston he was tag ged with two nic namesi One Mr Zero for which he was known throughout the sport The other Frigid Frankie given to him by hockey writers of the day The Mr ero monickor resulted when Brimsek set National Hockey League record of 231 minutes and 54 aecands of shutout goaltending This mark held up strong or almost decade after ln IIICIIMI IMHH Mr ero Ind Irrlvod By JERRY GLADMAN SCISSORED SPORT Illllfl NW KILLHI QWZHM Ull HUM MM mos Im In 11mm lmnimr in 19 inrrnu um ulnyllvd with me pm nul yrar lhn lieuaran game and mum uld Tun vlwy ll mwlrvl him me man In Al lml mxnllrg In the rmmllra uhm dm wl lmn will In IMI Mal Mu lakrn larl 1m Mmuhl In mm numhfl Iv lmn nmnnl In In rhnmphm mi Imaer lmhnhnl 1an In hnnwmll bwnlm Ind Ma it Mmhiminr Ipmrknl Hm IMIN lil1 lumini II In vhk luv Imllnml MM KHIIM lmI OIrM Jntmllu Irnml lh Mhm uhllc Dan ulllmu Mm his hwl Jml Van ullulnl lnr Calumy In wide nprn malr Ilmtun nmnnnrd ml nnr lllflul goal ml IF Lulu mm NNI Irlrnl fl7 hlrvr Knnyu lnl WI and llfm Karehaw III Imml IInuhhI nr In 1mm Ihllr Iinfllol IrIII In llulh Mr limy II In Klrlu Tnl innl nrr Mlll llmr Illll Ymhxun nml Ilnh Mthrr Illh mu nun llu Lu allntk mlmllnl DUI llw MIL WI erlul JIMtn mum hrmlr anlmuur ummwl Ifdlnnulnn HUM mnry uul lulllmul durlrvl He rnr Srnldl Ilmued My my ho Vunumvrr Iquml hnmk Inl In hill Mrh III Ilkky Gnlhy plrlml aml Illle Tnpp mw Ulnva mule MU IHlhlrl In ilrn PtIIIHI Tmn Muslin and Jnhn IMVnL Cnunlrrl by Jlm Tux 42 My Mnulnuuhfln and Wayne ulllmu rumbled Hachmrr la pm lrlumph ovtr luxth In Ilw MII Puer II John Muurlnn Illd Ilnxcr Cam ram unnd our lnr Ihorlwmlrrl Hmhry nml Qurhrc Imldml Ihelr MIL mnllnx Had lwn nah Inkm lnlxl lrnnull and bury Ktll lrnrrd lar mm Ind Huh Jnmnn nnd Inry qu nnaditnl unbarmurd De lmH In NI Ilnulnlu llrlrl rrmnling 10 xhlflunl Tmy Gwa nmI Mm rnrh rmm ul llflllrl In ulu unnlln Jnhnny Lynn III In In the mom ha nmo Me Lrnn pollcd laur mulls but It wasnt cnnunh III Sudbury xllp trad by Hullloflnwn 65 Tnm nanncrmnn banned In lhrrc lor lhe wlnneu m1 Collinzs had lwn nnd Lu Knvnu nmV nut nlhrr Hull goal came mm my Devil Mnrlhum nnd Pelcrbam play ed In 22 III In the Jrv Squirl npcntr Tn Vinny cul Iecml Imlh Marlin lnlllrl uhlle Amly Prrnnl nnd nnry nnynu Kimre or cm The break In lhe ziycar squabble over he administra tion aianmhur spam derel aped mesday when collage Icadou annnunced at their an nual convenllan hereamt The Bradford Arena was the lean la busy weekend had ule here rm less than 10 games were played in the Eradlord and Dlslrlgt Minor flockcy game In the first of an EPHL lyke lulu dauhlchundcr Kmuon set back Syracuse 34 Adrian Van Der Hulsl wm lhc MK man Icorlm two goals while Jim Brown knonkcd In mm Waller Jnhnmn pm Syracuse an the Iwrcbnnrd In he Iccnnd Ht Jnmle Vim nyl mark yrmlllcd he mur uln or lctnry III Gurlp Mank rd Hnmlllnn 10 llrlgtin 1M but Bolh lhclNallanal Collegiate Alhlelic Assoclalian and he Amateur Athletic Uniun went on record as rcudy lo begin de llhenallanx under Gen Douglas MacArthur appointed by Pres ldenl Kennedy to Mme lhe dispule Ihal has threatened to ruln lhe US mud or the Olympic Games next year The purple war expeclegl The next expected frathe allomeygenemla ol ice In Washington where spokesman mid meeung Is lenmiveXy scheduled today lo set date for Ike slartoi ar bitration pmcdure bclwccn he NCAAsupported US Track 4nd Field Federation and Ike LOS ANGELES AWAlter 72Abour period packed with Intrigue and rumor the United States amateur spam war was headed 01 nllon Busy Weekend At Bradford qucodae Purina hnualzd It 151 in the wintervbdok odd or the 1963 Queens Plate The Jockey Club announcéd today that 133 fillies and cans are It eliglble or ha mm running oi in elastic Junnls Sports Wdr Heads For Arbitration THEY TIED FOR SECOND FHHIF TO ME WINURUH III IlllDv Canadian lerrnlhm at Awful hm will MM mllmal mm In Ier Inn 12 ufu annvunwl today mlmz AV Inflan lwyl um nu llu umnllmz mun mu mm 11 In Inlrr ulllmul HHnlnlml rmmlnuuwu Nnnm ammuni um Dr qumm nml nr mm llmm nu mum mum mul Rania um Mrmnrlal IInI rHaI deI Hum NI Impmprvu Thr lull nHrcrl llml Nm as upmllnn ummnml In nrfllcrnl rimIr umkIIIrd nml unlmflul nwmm SANTA 03M Fnlll MIA Hymn malpracllro mil Mn hm Turnluy loliawlnx Hm mm l73rnrnl mm le hmllvall lrrulul hy doclm lnr hvokrn nnklr umn mlyl nmy mum llu lrmkrn ImHn In muc lllr mlnuunnr nl Mullllnmrl lulu 5th llIIIirIImI Vnmnk Mull Irnl mm leranI ml the lmy Nuv an In Incl Ull Mum deI fluqu dun lwanz although It was he mos powerful Mac in cre ation of the Track and Field Federation last year but one several members the ar ganizallon Mcmberlhlp also is held by high schools Junior col mm and other groups Includ Ing lhc YhICL vaulun ll made In the 1m cmllon charter or mambcrship hy Ihc MU Ill well but has not an The MAA has mluxad lo hilmte nlone in the diapme wilh lhz AAU Eric Tcwxxar Icnrcd two on In lead Ballnn 21 nlpper our Ihu homclnnm Gram Scnll alllrd the lane marku Im hr amt Th1 Ilnlll dldnl are to well In the wand III In may win Indly lmunccd hy Aurnrn six men llgurcd In Ihe Icnrlnu uith ml galmz In Paul OHa hamy 1lm Charmnn Paul Smilll IHII Mclnn Milt Al enrn nlnd Eanly Sznet HratlIord oak In rd nne but ll wnl clm ulnnlnu our nullnn mldfim llrlc Hil ltnhlndcr nIrk Colby Sandy Phllpnll nml Dim CnIIIIle my vldnl be non lnr Hw llrndA nrdlm uhllr lrln Mnrkle nan nnhh mid Jr lnllrl munlrd lnr Ihc Invlmz lenm Col Don Hull the AAU which had refused to rccagnlzc the edernllon n3 imylhlng but puppeII organlzatian at the sa AAwanls to lend refresenlalivcs from he Mer aton lo represent them that would be she pgemgaljv rnwbuum iiuii made it ciear that he slill considered herNCAA ihe prime are in the movument against lhe AM that began when college and high school groups sought mare say in the administration of 115 amateur aihiciiu Thrcc lama were played In Npth Yark Mlnnr Harkcy League Bradford Arum on Saturday wilh Bradfurd laxing on In lwa cinakanddngger exchange oi telegrams with the president their willingness to proceed with arbitration an mcmberl oi the icdcratian and AliU oili ciais conceded inchw York that suchlan arrangement was agrccamajta them can sgND Suit Follows Players Death Honie Team Loses Two At Bradford it Toronlol Woodblnl nee track In Canada flchul harie race Welcome Pardner In shown wllh Jnckey DJck Armstrong an owngr Max Ball at Calgary alter winning rgcelast year CF Wire BRASS GLENN Brass Glennltd Menils Boys And Simiants Weai mm MEL muss nuv wnn CONFIDENCE DUNLOP Regular 500 Regular 600 Rogulnr 795 Young Mnnl Sludtnh Spnhl Graup of Tnpuod Model 1101 Mum dun will uh nml IN MI Ihrru mm yumm max 395 SPORT SHIRTS BY VAN HEUSEN TOOKE AND DLUESTONE CANADAS BRAND NAME MANUFACTURERS SPORT SHIRTS MENS READYTOWEAR SUITS SAVEf Normally mm by ludan Canadian nlnllcn 2995 Mcdlum uh dink so In Avnllabl In all wool and laminalu Latex Ilyllnu Ind cull Wldz choice of color and plflerm Gray mcdium check Gun patch model with dtlachnbln belted but COAT N0 flu 19 Iamlnnlcd cm In Now small muted thflkl SHORTY TOPCOATS Exchanges Or Refunds Cheerfuily Given MENS BOYS AND STUDENTS WEAR Spul MENS and STUDENTS COAT NO Nu Now RANGE Reg $7000 NOW $5250 RANGE Reg $7800 NGW $6240 RANGE Reg $8800 NOW $70 40 RANGE Reg $9800 NOW 376 44 RANGE Reg $1 1200NOW $84 00 Extra Pam available 22 Reduction $1750 $1560 $1760 $2156 $2000 llvl YOU SAVE 20 TO 25 TOP COATS mm flynm VIII YOU HAVE 00 Every cloth has lmn upecially Icleded or III contemporary nylan Ind lzulinz wear ing quallllel will Iallnr suit to your axle Every nrment ordned from our large ultctlan will be lndivldunlly cut by Mild Trimmed llned and uwn wllll lop quality malerlall truly Tailored by nkllled autumn and Inspected by expert to mm the hlghug ItanQard workmnmlIlp Range Special Group broken sizes 50 off Range reg 5959 to 6995 Save 20 Range Mens All Wool Blend Suits $3995 GET EXTRA PANTS FREE FOR RANGE ONLY TAILOREDTOMEASURE Smile flow 36 zo 302 as 420 302 26 20 302 This xale is simply ourwayfil gaying Thank You to our custgmm who made 1962 such axilccesslu year or us We loqurward to serving you in 1903 MENS QUALITY JANUARY APPRECIATION $2699 SALE3 BAIRIE Made ham nnmllln 11h Illallllnl fyn MIMI 13 Sulhnm alrr lfchrfll MFNI IVDMIIMKHHN AND Detachable Hood Navy brown and ollvc flog 1405 and 1505 SAVE 20 REG PRICE 1995 IIH INGTII JMKIJM Y0 IIHHV IAVE BAVK 0311071 507 ON ALL OTHER BOIH MBflCHANDIEZ MENS QUALITY CAR OATS 1599 PARKAS BOYS WARM NYLON 100 all WOOL Gny nr navy rolorx 110111 No 5000 Reg 1405 or palm 2900 NOW NOW PAIRS $1990 MENS SLACKS ma umnv mamas me our Lana sewnloss You 000 PA 0301

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