mm nuns um mt nu MUM ï¬ll In lilltd AM mu MM Mr Mum mum um mu wam uphflcd mud Al la b4 Nu Nlnr ooh244 Nlmmahi tlli nub01m an mumqu Wm when math In man an mmha¢l MI mad luv nll putkm n4 mrvmblkflhlk 051111 MN with l1 unkind mum In lmNy In all 1nd mun In haul the pnamnalm Madman Mam m4 Mum hm am It mud Md RM no main mm hy In kzMM W119 85M him hirul Rm In pflpb nnmh MM Ind mm mu kqnl by Mr rubr Ilqu 34 mm loam Ibo Mm Annual Tan ll mm um Ilbflndmith 11 mum lnvrwvnlinx pump in an no lhv in vvuhhm no Law at lmao bdrm lhzl uvavaflsm il mm In mubm Max kflfll Mrle yrm an awa it AMI Mm Ibrir Maom haw 1m lkwfl r4 IN MI 1M unir mvslwl Mk III Airlift my 1M vl KM remnant flu and In In and II Pin411 whim rimlrd Fuhn In The my In TumI uid hr mail liflzlnh Ihm be sou am 0mm and mm lam runny bl in Ta oMn or bar In inflame will me null rl Im bdou 0mm rm while which 16344 nu mum main in LN If 11 Idï¬l In mmnly any hair llill In 001 DIN Pith Il lot PM Al wt and Dr Izrnl 1mm IM wil MAI ml unit In mam wwralilm Inc In lhrn mmhtn at WFKI on mantum anuhy lhird panelnl In Mind lbnhmw Iwnrl meU lhc In It me dialm ruin12 In and bury hul all In EnflnbIm New Drmodallc math nl Illth mm mm Oahu mum be icu 1min at Qxltt Hrwh an Q90 bcv up um He alga nil he tau row lirrue to drive In me Canada accept nudtar Impala far in NORAD Vuodon idem nqundmu and Mutts Canadian xquadmnx art lull lraincd In handle mam muin Iilh tiler comm mil or nude IJIXJA he laid Whether It has hull hm In North Bay or no rrmane In our planning the general said The United Sum Anny oflp 53M Camda In WA mm milled lo nudrar anm under NORAD and bk pmilinn In In mm Ihm NORAD was He added howcur lhal Lack of nuclcar arms in Canada 111 ml 3th NORADS mrran phasing Gen Geman mad his ammer Ibilc Pm in ddmcc which 73 pan he New Map NORTH BAY CPILack mclearvlipped mind or cng warhgads on Human mi aunt in 112 Rodi Ll fluid Gen John Ger cnmmanfler the Noah Ameriwn Air decc Emu tynern 135d Tue Chaput Predicts Quebec Republic CPlThc Canadmn Air all1er GEN GERIMRT cm commander in dicta Norm Arnan Air Ddcuce Com mand Gatorade Sprinfl is greeted on arrival RCA 9MB THINGS MORE IMPORTANT 99H Yul No Gerhart Paints Out Canadas Arms Gap ForEanmAdzIdt phoneFAbmmulwhou mmberlncznfathemnml 011 Telephones IV miniHer mmaury NI xkink mind Hui mm at MIUW vb mm Ind Inna In 301 Ann mull n14 um nu hemh AMI and am man in mu mm ppm num mu mini ll mm mm iKidflS MTM Mum Mum lain pm lhminl intidï¬i MP4 in pugu Tun 1139ng 61 Ple Kum Pï¬ï¬‚lfluh in tffldllpflflfll pn mm 11 NM Bluntid dud IM yumA progress by Ihe Am aunt Audrm hm mm unxk lung him win nabkiuud mum mimle cl un Brunokt Dr upped Tbe Fund Minn uinrd whmz by Dunn hum and Iauvitr ll pnmc minim ol amdaf Dr 197 said We in turdKn main aiml izul nan Pm min amount nl linden aging1m mm ck den lbal WinkCanadians hm lrmiom cl worme 90 ml and Iqflunl am nuclear 12me an mind In achieve the pur pose Hm miniln lm dz Iizwd 0r but mirth the inhuman Hummus are pay of ORAD CirI luv bni twigs up In 3vualzml Bomb Injures Some In Crowd Ht Mass Bally For Nkrumah rbaim Mini il be be BamzrrrB wflxewaér minim Km my and having mm aluminum beer P9 In Malian Mauis ueaponl available 011qu 313mb said Gm Germ There are thingy In llul are me imyar He did IVA clabmak He predicted min gm 5qu lb VORAD negm mm mm Sun at al imam military abljnhmzmx along ddmu ium nuclear had kg Gum mid fully trained la handle nudmr Irtzpom and I11 no and 1415117 mm Periods Sanctum muting would be needed be mid but this Iould be matter of only 14 HER WINGS WORTANI Wirqu natural 12sz am mind iconpi nuclear usz or that mailer Harm North Bay soda uiq hi men are In vim hi am an dxaindmuumnd He is Sulion North Bay Ont yw tuday alter lure Immun Air Eh 71 amp Examiner Mr Hm val glvint lhe lomnï¬on you 6051 need my elucidation on lhai Ml lnlfl mm hr mum uhmd run1n mm kar Nah 11 M4 hid unvqu III Mfï¬nft 111 1136571 mp Iulll ll unitary MIN mums mm 15m Man In Im moa my mm Tho Imidcnt IAI mnth pl In For rim yuan ww aM mlth mum lnhml IN hum MM mud two which ï¬imvmhn allilial ll nil and mm ï¬lm lmn flu admin AmM Immin rm dun lwm Ilw mud Mu lhxrh m4an um he picinn mm Mound TN and IIJVIIXVJNI Ihrn Mu in hard but Im uall Imp xv Imlnl M4 mum bun lthfl Iho qum nill Admm by Mr Hm Tm dfl 111 In Hr llm dorml flunk Ihnn ml be an riman mien the government de luln in Ibe Common OTTAWA JUNPrime Miniw In Diclmlulur mum loday lo Mai IMer he holds lhe name mu alml gnuml tltflian 11 Trade Hum Hm He had no ronvnml that nary about mid cud muofln nuulln hotan did lhe nine Iin durinx lhe Cubzn mm he Gm Gerlml cloud hu Inter view by cmnmrminx on quu ion concerning British upon lbs Unitrd Kingdom Vulcan bonuer had mtnlly pene mm he ir ddmu wield of Ike Unilrtl Slam ualus and period lralnlnz lor pummel once tuck mi xilu had been armed would put km on full combat readineu ylhing ml up la complete elf my nalurally think in our dalence lyuem EFFICIENCY MAINTAINED For hat mall we would like lo we good anonal nu clear Ind cameulianal weapon available or Canadian Voodoo 1d interceplon Every mllilary man unis lo we man and bd ler weapon available but wet have certainly been able Io maintain clï¬ciency and title nre readiness in NORAD with out Canadian uluadmm being ppccl will nucltar cap ol new loBEï¬nge flzhlrr ran flees Has Doubts About Election Gm Cerium mid he cum bk me the range of int teptan encoded lo mum dip lznm hrouzh lb Iypmqnl Mainer wrh an aircrafl it not in uiflmce al pmenl he mm E4 imam mmmandn of Ottawa rector NORAD CP Wirepbolm manner 15261 namc odor NORAD and Mr 11 Hazy Alright Mmim uuf NCVI mm flllup lh mlnl mmmunlrahmn mum bumnd In lmIl lullknle Mnilhm wlwgram Iimul Wily It 57mm And th mm mm lMly ï¬lnllmu lm hr RMMI um llw nvmymiu ll WnIlvinnrml Munsz All hllnr tummy wm lmidwl Armed opened tho duplay HORN IAII Kill and lmi nvrr AI Wrfl Carr mnnyl Mr ddrnru mlnum why mlartnl mnlmmIal Franz de Null4 Incl 05 In nanml vy hmmrllm Km Admmm alum lhal Flu4 Hr Slmuu HM DIV Fpirnl Mlaiv Relay Sands First TV Program OTTAWA CI WWIIm llvln mm rnuhml unrlmngrvl duvlnx 30de th mo mmunur ptlu hum Imlrnng Irrr WM hlfll rradwl month Mill The bum nlzildiu mid May 1min pvlru yunhlhk baud on llvrll anlllnl Im ML ï¬rmly Nm hurl lONTE Anm MIY lrrmh M14 Mnnnran nfllciall Ir tr mud any um In lnrh nnmday la rm um lflmamh dumb Hui lm rufllrd lho calm vii HM um 1mm mum um lhr urmmnt II mnflmle mud nl Monaml pmllrmj lax unnle Inn wlll lnu many limp lmln NEW YORK Mll Th Empire Hill Hmldmu me MmMI IaHru Hal mam In prtdann 11mm lmlay uhrn lua nlmn in namazrd Mllm on Al hum Ihm of III 102 mm By llfl Am Alwt 31 lmn aim the blaze wan mu dimmr he nn um mmr1 undrr wulml Hut mmum lalrr All the bulhlml wu HOpflml In olflrr unrkrrl Ilrrmrn Ipalr ltd flame nzzln on Ike 1er floor And the nmcmru rlaml mm mm NEW DELHI AP Tu CnnadinnJmIIl Caribou rampart pLInu haw nrrirnd In India part of In UnIIenI NnIIanI anm aid again Communm China The plane were Hnwn hm by Indian pxIMn who had plrkrd Ihcm up In Iht IIIINI Slum nxr IIInrnxinnl hlflminml plmm lull Ire nmI In tarry IprI and lquIN In the Ilnmnlaynn um mm the Ilium Von Hansel Takes Strauss Post wxnox AP Film Mar Ilcr Annrll ave hinh seven puund ounce um 17y mmrcnn Imlon Tummy night and wan rrmrlcd covering ulidnnorily The Myenmld brunette nnd her Mde unwind 91an leader Armand nuMo mm MIniM IMAM Canadian Cost Living Unchanged mmm mum Iau February France Monaco To End Dispute Empire Staié Building Has Fire NEW YnnK MP The dmirman threeman ham Jurilu imminlin New Yorh mnthong ncwmpcr blackout my the Indy will conllmu dnpflt what he called 41 very uh ion minakc hy the bud of uriklnx prim union local In rennin lo mantra Pier Angeli Gives Birth To Boy May our in department he like the old maid Ln our town luay ready hul newr call ed Ion III landon Buckhgham Palace spokesman refuud lay when he would Charla wax accompanied by Scotland Yard deledlve when he lelt Lon don Airport Canadian Planes Reach India When Charles arrived Mu nich Airport he wax ï¬rmed by several Gcnnan relalivu Pnnoe Gear of Hanover hi1 wile and ma children While no detail their ch were immcdlalely known AI wax behevcd they wuuld drive GevmI home near Munich and then cnnlinue on Swltwland about no mlch gway Charles will Liy wllh ral alim in Switzerland for MI in warts thaljday He came London will MI mother Queen Elizabeth Tues day ram Sandringham ill Royal Familyl country home In eastern England The prince was one of in am clan paxsengm aboard Ihe Viscount airliner which car ried total of 29 penalu Says Union Head Made Mistake alarm olï¬clally knawn at the Prince of Walcx lcll Ellt land unexpectedly early loday and MI exact dcsllnallon wan not anmnudl MUNICH mien Mum Charm 14yeawld heir lo Ihe British Ihrane arrived hem by git today en mule la skiing vacaflon In Swllurland Tshombe Accepts UNPICIIIFOICOIIQO HEBESZV ONE Bpriiï¬ Onrnrin Cumin Wydnoxdly Jnuary 1963 Prince Charles 0n Holidays Goes Skiing Sizn in mall lawn ï¬re NEWS BRIEFS WNW 1C The farmcr NATO Auprcme com mandcr ha urged Cannd mm her nchEar ml In the Wuhan alliance while US alnmlc nulharlty dimmed new lulurmallon la back up argu mcnl Ihal allomlg weapons are virmauy romme ï¬MlLlNG Maiu Txhombe walk wilh avKalangeso guard upon his relum yesterday In Ellsabelhvnlle from Kolwzfl Today hll renewal or thmall Scientists Dont Agree On Bomb 11W flu In Home Nl Mignth umhllll lrn mum nul ulihmu hllnlvlal mlrlmr nulrrlnrnl wllll ll 19 mulme Ivl mllllnr unr lvml In WNUIII IUDINI Gm Mylavl Imllflll Amlmmnnu Imam Imp uy lhnl In war HMVINY Iho Us unM nnl Imllm In nln ply mulrn mlwvlv we lil duvlllanl CHM hm minim nhrn mMrd uulm I1 mrpu mulnr unr mm llu nmr uniInn DITAWA hnuuu rlm In um rnhiml dblva rnulrnlinn nl Urn Lauri Nur mul llml mwln mun Ilgn mil Irrlunnl ullh In Mam lulu null uun nudrnr mumuh um um nusan nnmllan Ilfll In Iiulnm er ulllrllml nuwrnw nll Hm urmmanrlrr mm mm prru murmur lmr lnll urrl ml lrmmla Innl 1mm flrll mm may hnvc hem hmlhc Hu lnlarlockl that loud mxlnmnliunlly were nnl hnpmlnnh The lnuwnnnca wnl hr lnllln upernllnn nl MHHII In or um Hm lwmh ThII 1an Ml Ivrcn Ilnnr Thu bomb wm In all punmw lkfld 111m wm no pnnlhmly nurlrnr drlunnllun Iml In sumo lHI mu HA Luxnp dhlnl muku IIIII clear Jan 14 m1 More ll cmhm anp cluimrd live Du bnmhs Iix lnmlnckl um by lhe all NOT MATTE Dr Ralph Lapp nuclmr lcirnlhl Ilnd lormer cnnsullnnl lo the dclrncc dcpnrlmcnl mid In book ml unly Ilnnln much mccllanhm prewan bomb mm exploding Thl um retortnu to 11 born Jnlllsancd mm rr ï¬nd 51 Jan 1cm More crmhrd Bclll In an lawnlaw Ihal ner that wide Narlh Carolina narrowly raped bcing blnxlcd by magnlon bomb In 1001 II we Gcn Lauri Nomad whn re lircd from NATO Jan In In mm In an Interview that It would he waste Canadan tawnlihre lanes la turn them lulu nonnuclear role In NATO Meanwhnm BrIguGcn Bflll military Heapuns thlel Inc 15 Momh Energy Com minsinn wld that line m5 ha United States hm mud and madcd moral hundred nuclear mh without one accldcnlal or uncanlmllld delnnnllun orstad View On Arms Disputed In Ottawa to blow up vital Industrial Installation in Katanza placed lhe UN Conga reuniï¬cation drive dellcala Jundure AP Wirephda anld ma nvl lrwl jrl homle M141 ml min mu wm mIIIry mde ullrlhry ml An muner rmer NI unulll III In Ilm MI Illmr Mihlulrr IllrIrnlmhrrl Han mmy Hul umuln do lml mm In rnlnm Ihr nuclrnr lmnlly prnmlmr lull ml 1Anmilnn form In My mulear mm In equippm ullh nu rlrnr wlpnm llul polllnu uhlrh Mm mum at lhe hrlghl lvlmnnl uralhrr MI mm lluwlnu lnln Ivlllsh mnrkru nor mnl rnll All 75 mnlnr mad IrndinK Inln London hnd dllflltmul Icy Mrhu Many rondl In wulcrn lunnlund hurdnl bl by ww Ilnnm In he Inn lwa weekl Illll were cvmvlclcly blankd One rand In GloucesterMn tumorn nnm Iml Chdlcnhnm wnl black lnr richl milrl hnzurd In lhn Shrfllcld MNIWM Inn whim cu vmhillly In plum la nrur 1cm lhrm wrrc mh Annnlnlll munixhl In nonhern nnd HDIHI rnll England BOBBEB FEARS BEING ROBBED LONDONJREUIHI flrlluln and wulcm Europe Illll warn In he nrlp winter Ireneup lndny an In frozen mow and nlunh made mad lrnul danger 0H WAVIIINUTUN IN HMIIII Irimrll 79 In polka rhn mole hlm Tum lw lrtlvl up llqunr IIMN llllml lm Ilnylllhl hm unllr Im Imld In he nu NI III 11h IMI All Ihnl vwmry PI HM The Bélgianlahned Unlon Mln are camrnny which rum Ks langal rch cuppcr mlnlnl In duslry had warned that Kntan gun nendarmellwcre placlnz ax plosive charge dnml and power nations In the Kolwui am The company Ippcalzd la Ill responsible parties prennl lunher damane to vital Indul trlnl Innlallallonx which would bring human Ind ecanomlc tragedy la Ihe enllre Conga The power station Ind Imm Iarmcr urved new mm Funaurume about so mllu rum Jndolvllle on he mad Kal wezl Ih 1m mnjar Kalangan own not occupied by UN Imaps Some eleclrlc wer line were aim dulroye at lhe nml But Ms mornlng Kalanuan gavcmmcnt Apakuman uld Ka langanl Tuesday nlght New an electric power subItalian And transformer belween Judolvllla and Kolwul ll ahvloul that In these circumstances will abstain 1mm any declarallan agalmt the United Nailons nyowuu STATION This annual essentially in rapidly applying the Thanl ian willloul new spilling oi hood and wilhou Helm deuruclloni have returned to Ellaabelh vllle wilh the Lola alm of re Ilorlng calm and can In Kn langn and to all people in possibly The neeulanls vpmldenl mld Tuesday night in terse press Ilnlemenl Tshombe who relurned lo Ellanbelhvllle xhonly alterv Than spacial emlasary Ralph Bunchc Iefl lhe Kalanzan cap ltal Tuesday said he wished to nvald new Ipilllnu blood and ustleu destructlon All Roads Leading To London Have Dangerous Icy Patches ELISABETHVILLE Reuters Presldenl Malse Tahomhe Katanga lm Indicated be In Willing In carry out he plan Ike United Nations Secretary General Thanl lorlhe re unlllcallon 01 11 Congou But Blasting Continues May Be More In State Nov Mon Thin par Copy10 Cloudywith light gnaw Low Ianlmr 29 High unwrrow 31 Pleaxalumh page we or complete weather lummnry Mvrm uhl ll mm in In rnnceluhln In own nut rim Mr um um UJI mmM duly runHm luml lrnlnn In muInr ml ma Itlprml In any uul luck MI 111 mm ï¬lmInn mmltl IP vly In nw ulr dIuInn lhmxlh plubnlvly nnl In llMl an irnl Ihrn ll IM lully Mde III yrar with FJM Irm nl FMl mm wunql run lm bun lva Inlulmnnu uld Illl Inland In liumpn ultrmly In ML nudrnr lnrrr nllwll mull mun The llnnul Jva lmllrly hm hm alvm full nunlur lmlnlnu In the Hi Aml hm urlylhlmz urnlrtl In hum In any ml Imer Itll Nu lrnr Mnllwmh MIN he mp pIInI In In Iru than an vmr Local Weather Um thul mlll nurer lmmlnz wruhl Irqum me lo mnnllm nHrr Iluv Ilunlnl nnldvl7 ulrrmml Nurlhcm Franco lmd lunpo mluru Muund ruling and name IllflW menu Some Ihlpl In Hunk wnlcrn mdlncd or limb and Marked my mum lcrhrenkrrl In fland mm In ranlinwtnlfï¬nrapm flu cold mp mnlinued mnpcu luru In purl v1 Rwedcn plunged In 21 belnyv Sinckholm mldcnln walk or 11th lo wmk Mn the rilyn wnler mm and llromcn lmd mun nwnnn mm the kc Ind lookv lhrm lo Im ma llcurrnngcd dulm wm 1150 El for In nlhcr Engllnh uncctr gnmcx whlch were pounoned ll lhv MIRM II he Mill1rd Ml wrrk nriflah npprll Inn were dis lppolMDd In when Icy wcmhcr turctd pnslpnncmnnl al three of he rcmnlnlnx In 00 bnll Ansoclnllan Cup lhlrdround gnmu due in plnyrd lb nluhL ELISABETHVILLE manic President Make Tshnmbe Knlanxa pravlnce In The Cwngo told prw conference here to day he lnunded In current Acorchcd earlh policy ho Unlled Nations smacked In lnnxnn lawn or Kolwezl Tshombe Wams About Kolwezi lured Tahombel military rs murcea In drlvn lhnl helm late last month Represent Mm nl the central Congo gov ernment allowed the UN arm Ica and have begun lo uh ovcr the provinclal adminislm Inn 11w Uniled Natlons hat madt it plain It will refuse to Accept another negotiated cease in wlth Tlhnmbe and there have been reports ol muve la uga Mm pmvlndul prclldent rather than with the Independent algtu he deslres Looklng tlrnd Tshornbe Md reporter who asked whether Ihe Unlnn Minlm mining in tnllatlons at Knlwul wen ready to be blown upThnl ll true UN source ald Tshombe had been prnmlsed lreednm of mm men In Ellsabethvflle ht did not lnclla Katanianl thl was mm Kolwczi run miles west of Elisabethvflle that Tahomhe 1ch Tuesday tn thenhodalan border lawn ol Klpushl and then drove the reg malning 31 mllcs lo Ellsabcth vllle by can Bundle UN undersecruary or political niialrx and tha UN civilian Conga dirccwrRa bcri Gardiner ni Ghana ieii Eiisabeihviiie bciore Tlhomhe Arrival la avoid lhe embar rassment oi havinz la limb in Kniangan leader Kolwell In Mambo mllflm headquartera