Parker To Return Hopes Bob Quits An enrller estimate ylnccd the additional lrnvcl can at 730 OPENS APRIL 11 The Inurnnlional League Ion will open April 17 and end The 1m mmn In vo Vin elshl mm mm and 9armed week lnler plan to Inlk Mlh Mr Bouncy Mrt Rooney awnzr lhl Slum lhll week Pnr Iler Id Mondn canl My ofllclllly bul he wnnh mo back Im Aura can work mglhlgq aut NEW YORK AWThe In lernalional League olllclnlly no upled lndlanapallx and Llllle Rack and adopted lszgame Ichadule Monday uller receiv lng promlie mm Ihe malor lenlues nhwrh lha addlllannl travelling com lnvolved III III forced expanflan to lo clubl Inlgrnauonal Leagua pm dent Tommy Richardson who had reluctantly yielded tlu malarl edch to acne Indlan Ipolll and Llllla Re lwo ol the tenmranha now delunc American Amclnllon Iald he could not estimate how much he nddltlunnl travel can would Amount to untll thorough cam pnrlaon Wfll made between in 1961 and 1963 lchedulu Lime Ruck ml to hava Jolncd the AA lhin year but he luzuo folded Id nlhcr no guest lald but the mm nnva lgreed to pay whatever me can It be PMSBUHGH MP Coach Buddy hrkur Plllxburlh Steele KurtI he will back wflh he anlonnl Football Luxuo tum next umn but wllhoul Illr quarterback Hobby Layne hnpe nnhby II rcllnnx haw ukcd him to roll lhlnk he will lhlnk Bobhy hu bun lha 1mm nunrkrblck than ever mm In all my yrnn In the NFL but ll llml ha llmuld um All urml pln myxlqui pl Jug Acme Gear Dixon 1cm nnd Marv natru right the Montreal Mount nu IArkér Ind Llyne bun armed one of mmm cunth play pnrlnmhlpi In tnunmll For ll tJIrIHrll Ill Mrnll Imd lulrr at Imxlmrghlhoy Wmlc NH hlnmry Thry 31ml 1th hml heir mum heyday In the 1va when my Inl Dc full Anni Io Ihm Wulem D1 vlllnn lulu and we value unwnl 15 LEI ILME CUM II qunrler lmk ll lmkrrl Mttlm lln hhed 19 win lhe hutmum League Accepts Teams Adopts New Schedule PLAN Mhlll WI My MINT JOHN NJ mu nallry mm nlllnr CNNTV ml ï¬llulladlw hf unnmlnrrvl Mnmlny hr In Ilqrml nun Illa nialltm In pulp lnlnlnld lyu urrkly paw rnllrd ulmu vlmvflnu Nm 11w mum mum In dullrd VIIHJIIII If lLulry rummumu nml llu mm mmM mwr All mujnr mm mw In my Allnnllv mmlmn Tnnr In In llrnll lnr plmiml rmmnafluu IuM lnp mm pnml matMot ml Deï¬ne Ihal Ihtfl CIle In NIMNM QUIT IMï¬ICIMLI ET LOUIE Mlr mm mllnall mwl Inqulml II handnl plumL rm Tny ar Iahl Monday In nlmml quit prnlnlhmal Inauha lml your inns Wm be dlvlded SCISSORED SPORT KEEPING IN SHAPE lnla two liveliar dlvhhm Richardson said Bumla Richmond Rochester Emma and Toronto wlll com prise Ulo Northern Dlvhlon and Atlanta Calumbul lndinn BDOUI chkmnvllle and Mill Ruck will make up the Sam my Dlvlllorgi Team will me each div 1le rival ll llmel nine game home and ulna on Ihe mid and each team from tho other dlvmon 1a Um The dIvIIlon Iuderl II III end the lawn wIll play In bexIbIleven urIu nr lho Internallonal Lenin pennant nch nlchardwn The ucnnd place mm In mh dIvIIIan 31m wIII meet Inn beam uven nerlel with the tenant place wlnnm and ma Int place wlnnm meeting In Im other but at seven Inr the rum lo pIa PIcIlIc Com Leanne nhnmp on In lhl Junlor WurId Serlnl In pan yen he plnyol vlln nm In tho Inlcmallnnal Leanne And lhu Amulcan Auoclntlan metIn the Junior World ScrkI RIC rdla patcd na lexrejallan problem In mm Rock cchrlnl he had been given auurunce Negro playcn will recclvo lhn lame lrenlmenl whim Although he dld no any who gave hlm lhn murlnce wu believed In lh clubl 31yur hluary mlrk Hm luvs mm ond plus In lhu Euler Com hymn Lion clnhed wlth the Steel In the NFL PM of Bowl ll Miami Fla last Sunday Parker unrlad Ed Brown qunrmbuk and did no ul Layne nlo lhl lama un III wlnlnx moment lhl qulmr Llom won plnn to un Brawn my No qulrllrhuk next year and Hun why Had Su lnrhr uld Thll II lootbnll tum lva hid mm ln bun hen And 1an Were tumble wlnnlnu um lmmplamhlp up mama Emlern Football Conference Iry lllelr hand at hockey Both men learned to ma ro Luna decldn to quit ll ould mark lhu Ind mat cmer um vlvnll um of any NFL qunrlublck lrom Eld Lucknan and Smumy laugh ln Ulla irnlmm Layne II lha llml acme pm In lhn lemme will 15 yun Ind need em morc ycnr of mvlre In Ha lh nllA Ilnw mmr Nnrlnl record held by Haul Layne holds awry major cn rerr pmlnu mark In mu league nmy lnrludz Tandy 11mm 100 mu nllnnpll 7m comvlellnnl MIL Hm Ith 21mm ml lnlllccpr lonl My Tnyhr MM lhnl nlur hr lln Illml Um mum uillq an he lhnnlm would am am grime Imnlhrr uy 1m Cm Ilimlll hmlrcl IlH Hill Inn man Flrll Hvllllwl lflrv lmnl ur anlnr ulm mulrl hum Tuumm Ilnnl Mm In Jmkmlnllle Fl Ihr Inllrnnllrmnl Lulu ho drcMnl lo milk Hm ILIIINIT lllXINl MN 05 Ylnllrnv Nnrurilnn lutlmmlu mpva Mummy plumul will luv bun un pwrulnnal Imllnl In Ilvv Nnrdlc munnlu 11m nova wall Ilmulnl Iler mnmh Ivy lh Nurdlt Imlvril NIUNH IA III TRY EXMIINKH WANT All he so It mm Fwd Frlck In confercnu between the lame pmldent and the commlnloner Monday mornlnu HAS NO WORRY In Cleveland Gaba Paul president of the Indium nld ha wu no longer wnnled about the Integration lnue beema at mrancu rum Prick Paul uld the cammluloner muted him out Negro plly wlll halve equal treat ment In um Rock and we luvs advised hlm lhat we no longer have oblccllom to our Jacklanvllle farm club pllylnz In Llllle Rack ln 1963 Earller Arkansas Gavl Orvall Faubul reluxed la commnnl ln Llllla Rock on remarkl made Saturday by Paul about the ln lezratlnn lune Paul uld he would not vote exlra Irawl fund or he Jacksonville club until Faubux auurcd lllm that Negro play would be alven the lame acumen an whit playm ln Llllle flack REGINA CP An unem plnyrd aolball coach and um poaflkm he vacated have opened mil speculation Th auh Suva own The Head coach of Sumchzun Routhdcryof Du Western Owtn wnl reported Monday In gain to Town Argonnuu of he Enmrn Conference ll lina tench bul held conch Nobby erkowfld Iplked lhll mnwr in telephone Interview 91 Football Conlergncc erkawnkl Inld he had cup of mm with Owen Sunday night In MDMII ML but noth In wu laid About my can In Jabl He Inld Owen wan In to MI hflmlAlLOHEId sznv mund Conch ha Ytfll In the Cnnndlnn Luau Iur Ml job In Inkln floulhrlm lrnm vercnnln IllaHM Into lhlm pine and In ul umllflnnll Alum sun ny Ho udd ha had commitment that havn lch up chm lo homa unlly and Ara keeï¬lng In Ihnpa by playing wit you Merl near their hnrnm NHIONTO ICIDDIVI Milli world Indoor mnrd holder fur yum will mum In hll nullvt country whrn mm mm In the Imvyurd flrnl nl llll Teleanmanle 1111 In door lmqk mar Frldny MI 134 Still No Report Ilarn Bmlhur Mllll AIM Ilvrd In Campbell urd nml all More mman In Cluelnnd wllh In Innll llr nllrndcd Pur duu Unhmlly and now lulu In lzrmlunlr IIIIMCIIUI 0n OWens Future MIMI wnu rlnclud In 11 umndn lnr Ihr lndonr mu IMIIM mm Inn Mnuh break llw mum woer Ilamlnnl No II mnhrul lhlnl III the warm In llxe moynnl IN rum lwhlnd world hmnplon hum Krrr nl lanrn Nld Jmk mmm ul Onkinnd CIHL For Track Meet TORONTO IllIA pmwlnl In huld Inm mmu min In Hu Tluunln lnmulun mu lbkrly will wnw lnlnu Ilw In lmal lmanz nl Ilw Inland ILImrII Nonrumnl Aunrlm Ilwl huh Mills To Return maul L11 ninhll Min haw lrrn nlmlulnl or Tur Illlul 0M mehiun mm Al Mnlmuk mrwuy nur nnullrrllulln Inn Jun Mu arr hklmlrd Hmrmrn move hm Mun lo Mullllvfll and llumlo ur In lmulnnl Vreum Fnlr gramm nu mduu Imhwn Ay um Mu Jun duh Proposal To Como Bolero Commifloo NEW YORK APLTwa more Itnr llama Paul Hornunz and Alex Klimt have been hum duced report belting scandal nun fled to wirl Round the Nallann Fonlhall Layne Thu Hornunz mr ha back or Iha champion Gmn Bay Pacfm was rtvenladu Mend Ind potential bullneu moclale of man whn ndmll ledly has be heavily on yro loglbnll angel 111m devielapmenll who flat Monday nmld tumor and coyjeclurg Thu lhl same man em play Phil Handler mlmnl coach of Chicago Bean and II ncqullnted with Bear fullback Rlch Cuuru who already In llzurej lhg Invlealllznllon That 11 buslneu par ner Karrn Ice Qeienulvg hackle for Delta Liana hfll been questioned nbnuc gnmlr Hnl vryugnqlgly by FBI null That Uniud State Sen ate lnveulgallonl lubcommlttea pm to look Inla ha lltuallon and Ihat the NFL In wnllnulnl awn inveltllallan N0 WRONGDDING Mbuplta the developments there um has been no disclos urg of wfqlzd New lnvogllga lion ume Into the open In Fri day when WEI reported that George HAIII owncruanch ol the Bean and calounder ha lugua 41 year no hld asked NFL commissioner Pete Ra zella to look lnlo published ru mm of unngin LOS ANGELES AP Tm clack Ind ha ulnar mm along but for handwm young box from Argentina Um and Hill Thu nlght In Sept 21 the flauntold Alex wu knocked out In the 1th round of what had appeared be an any 10 togAd boxlnl hqut attlclanmnd that the lnveslflatlon In one of levgrg gondqgu cyan year Lain then was lacond 61 Italian to roliavu pmlurn on Iha bflllL and um will nolï¬ailcï¬u Rangy Alalandra Lavornntn nnw is In Us outh month or uncomdoulnegl Th Mxt marilni here brgln urgcry In removerla menlly Wll removed mm the Inland EB unit flu Cnlilomll Lutheran Hm pllal when ha wu Men nIzhl ol lha Him to run pallznll mom meinm ol the removal threebyHvalnch lectlnn ol lhl Akull human 11 th nixfool llvn box hu remained un camchum Dr Dlwlll Fan Ihe n2uro lumen who Wu called in lo W955 certmi will not Iva up hope But know then will bu long period olr yglyubql Fax dumbed Lawr Imu condition mtlc or lullannry mums huge TORONTO CF Mnybc loolbnll mmmlulaner Sydney Alter dldnl rulln ll IM me but hl wnl In Illa mup In Inme quaxlm no mnlm Mm drclnlun he made reunrdinu Hm nlnylnz the nu Guy Cup llnll In any Taranlo HornunngarrasvBOth Invalved In Rumors Should allowtd Ihl xnnw Io mm wuld Man Called It lmllllme Should ha hm Mashed rlghl nul nml mmmw Inalhrr the lollawlnl dny1 should he haw mmle ll weKama olnlwlm mien Tim Ind ulhIr quelllnnl wue klrked nmund nflcr VI niwa um Ilumlxerl hm Ham Illun TigerCnl mm In nnly lumlny unmn In tho bl lory rnoIhll In leh Amulrn llnIhr called ll with nlneflnlnum ml 29 nmln mxmlnlnu and wilh crlmulnl Hnmhru nlxull 2121 Ind nnluml ll mmned Um polnl lhu lnllnwlnl Any Mun mlllm mm unml paint hv ll cdituvl um humian mm mm by tn dlan lmu In HI mm unmm yrnrend poll how lhty lhoulm ClockMovés On But Not Lavorante Ann poxMy IIMIHI LAIYIIZl MINT Illndlnul 11W 50 ohm mnl Hmrny Qurmn llutnl Tnlhrlalll lmuramn Huh Grouwy Lakelhlo hlnl JthII Full Hank and Clarke lmlllood IA may Kuawllml when Me Bertram lumbar Nelllu Arum look up hlzh mm luvml wall will whil IMLHIP Mn luul hm Mk HI T11 hidden on In Dub Kellm Halter In Soup On Any Decision BOWLING Iveclflc Indlvlduall or men The concern lame play coaches Ind club omdal ll Illa Ihere Lno substance to mum of henlnglcandnl However It is known that wagerlnz on NFL game in his buxlneu and MI grown with tho popglquly aIAlhe calm The Chicago American nald Abe Snmuelr who admitted Inl llng up to $99000 In single antbnll season known Hnmung Handler and Guam mam smum The newspaparv qunled Sam uels lumbarcompany owns and duplicatinlmuchlne execuv ï¬ve as laylnxha ha knnwn DURHAM NC CPLThan former Noth Carolina State hukelbnll playm who last car were granted Immunity or lextlfylnz or the slate dur lng basketball gambling lrlal have been thawed wllh complr acy iiu Durham County grand iury returned indictmenil Mon day charging Donald Gulls xher 24 Binghnmton NYr and lwo Bronklyn yonihn Anion Muehibauer 23 and Stanley Nizwiuowski 74 with accept ing or agreeing to up bribe in game against Duke Gallagher now United sum Army afllcer Allegedly took money to lhave point in game between North Cnrallna Stale and Duh Jln 61 Duke won 4734 wen flu sllurarn puzzled at Illa tram outcome Lavarunlcl opponent was relatively unknown heavymighl ram San Francllco Johnny Rigginl Alex 15 Abla mnva In any and thgnn Alex welghcd maxim 1921 and the Argentina was comfortably ahead aim our round SEEMED T0 TIRE Hut releru Tummy Hm valHind later Lavarnnu seemed to llre toward ha end each mund Just before he and In mm nlggim caught Alex with nhllalld illnigh right to III annrante badly hurt wal hanglnx on whan the bell launder lhc llxlï¬ opennd main landed rlghl lo lhe Namath and Alex ell hack hr wnrd hll awn comer Then Bifllnl llnded on over hlnd right lo lhe held dld not appcnr Io be domain or knockout blow Bu whrn landed the Idem Jumped be rfn Ibo ham and halted um anornnh then flow dumped of MI Itool Ind co lnpsedl Mlnulu later ha wnl unlud mm ho rlnl an melcher Three Players Charged In Fix Wu hll Ihlrd knockout in row IIHCI March 10 It mould hlu bun hmdlvd And II In any camnmlan la flu cnmmlnlancr ï¬le an Mm vol conï¬denceMm low If and huh nllnchod FAN MOVE mum of In who rtplled cum mm on and nnld Alter nlnyrd ll Ixmly on they wnuld have dune umler ha clr lllllllflmlL Tutnu nine 01hr Inld Mu limit would lmvn horn rnlltd Ill llnlfllmt alumn MM would no hm hm nllaml lo nurl In 10 Ihh unwary ndmlllm um 01mm llnllorl hnmlr Ilnl he IIIIMNMI wu Hutu Anallwr l1 laid the Amt nmqu hau bun plnyul In Ilnllh could mu uld ll Ihnuld Im Incn mndn lwunmn Mn poinl mlu and KM nlhrrl Ime nu umullnn Fwflmll Luzua fur nnl hnvlnl up lrulnlmlnn la handle Iudl Ilhm Haul 11w uhn uh llnllvr did unrny vluhl Included mm mm lllr lunvlnm MURDOCK Now WHEN ALIGNMENT WHEEL BALANCING IIOFI Aflmlnï¬ï¬‚ IIIIIVICE COMPLETE ION END MMZNMIW OVERHAUL 27 TORONTO ST III IMrk InIIl Il PA 81202 HARRY Hornung about 10 years and of lend Mm duplicalina ma china lranchlse or Louisville Ky laid Samuel employzd Handler lumberialcaman logaboqt 10 12 years Thre hmerlcVan alga Quoted Casam an Iaylnz lveVmet Abe ï¬amuels few llmu but knzw hlm bushels Chum was the lint player whose name wu pubiished in connection with he investiga iinnu He said iui Saturday he ind taken two lie detector tests at the requen of thé league an in wax and the other inst monih and had Inlwgred no in quutiom about iixing games being niiered bribes and ii he ind evzr inigntiomzii iurnbiedi Harnung told lha Amerléï¬n he wn Inumud 1n lhe dupli cnung machinz ranchiu He said ha has never been up proached about xhaving pain In lflmb has never been asked to take Ila detector lest nnd know no teammate who but been banged them un inure uld 1m outive no player would be nupd enough get mixed up wlth any gamblers Horn nnz said It would jeopardlze his career hi family and his future WOULD JEDPARDIZE L08 ANGELES AWThere Isnt much left In go or Ar noXd Palgnag lowln hugmoney The only oflier major pium left Iorlllmer to pluck is the United States Profuslanal Golf or Assaciallaq champlanship re handed am today wflh cheque or $5000 repm Mutedh Intplace ï¬nish for ma ï¬rst time In eight lriu In 111350090 In Angelgs 0P9 111 remarknbié Pa met ï¬n won the US Open tho Mulerl an 131th Oplen Unm In year he had put captured the Tournament of Champlain even at La An gcles orlhe Colonial Invila ional at Fort Wonh Palmer comeled II latter liluatlon In Palmer had Ilnhhed no beller than leventh the L0 An gales ï¬xturewhich may not be the grznlen II but in lreanlreï¬ lltle Amer heunderpar 66 Monday for 71hnle mm lhm nroku better than AI Baldln Toronto and South Mr cal Gary Plnyer degdlqgkedA gm Ipcand ngL Balding binned out line 61 on the final round or MI 271 and $1800 In priu money His other mundg wqre 63 99 5nd NW ORLEANS LI AFL Two lop nulclala the World noxln Amclallon wilhdrew lhelr bbfecllonx Monday to mum mllch buwwn heavy mum thumplan Sonny Llston and lormrr chnmplan Flnyd Pnllennfl Pyysn mum George Knudson Torunln Illa came up with urea launh round gelling or 231 He wnl lied with Iwa other rIu Linen Tu caml Wmh pmldcnl of the WM and Emlle nmnrnu nl New Orlenm chainnln of In world chumplomhl commune ruclnded lholr an mud on condillun lhm wauld be poll llwly naming Mlown mlcd uglrdlnl lhlrd mnlrll Lmon Ind nmndnu nvu lhuo Hum msnnl or lhelr Dunn of hull Na canicmlrr Evldle Mnrhrn now In In mrnlal hn1 Kllnl lemlng Iauanan an Um canlendnr 24 Anolhrr member Illl ha WIM cnmmflltd lho nrlll III hrrarh lhn you um um mnlnllnnl uhlc urhhl mum mm rInum In Iluhl con lrncln imrr Manchu lhn lun have bun commnlnl ln alhrr nihIilms unn ï¬le hunvywrlnhl II In flnpll 23 Ilu vlnl lnl man In on mun hl cuol CamiRay rub NotMuch For Palmer To Win Now But Cash WBH Withdraws Fight Objections CASH AND CARRY LUMBER 249 mm AT BLAKI BUILDING MATERIALS THORNLEA Karras involvement In gheJn vuligatlan was revealed by Ike Donnit New said Jim Bug maria partner vgflh hIa brother John and Knrm In Detroit bar were questioned by In FBI last week L05 Angclea where ha in wgrking out for the NFL Pro Bowl lame Sunday Karran told The Associated Pm he had been told by Jim Butxicaris that several pollcc wire talk lng to him Sunday He didnt my what khgd ul quest ns Jnsg uesllona abnut Eambllng 1nd at sort of thing IS RIDICULOUB This is ridiculous family Ind the Buillcanl buy have iamiiies They are iryinx io hrard us guilty oi something Earlier the aroused star lineman laidThe News Ive pu an 100 per la the Lions every lime gala an hp tgclgl Karral denied report that uld he would ult the Lion or we the club forced to 11v uphls Iqtmst In maï¬a General manager EdeH And rson cl 1th Llayu said To ms this Is much to do about nothing Were gain to uudy this and when Alex came back to Delmit well mak decislan theres no mum to panlc thinkall our boy are clean pros in 215 place and won 5750 Stan Leonard of Vancouver ended with 13 or 735 and lorrtso Allhuilgh Balding ran Into some gm In the EEYIY going Monday ha named dawn and birdied three flu last four halal This II he but lVl evar done here In laid Thll should give me 10 MIL deuce or he rm tin PGA Palmer slarled the ï¬nal 18 hole three strnku behind the lender An Wail Jn Alter ulna hfllEl Arnold wna In Iron by one stroke over two that anonymous players Don Fair fleld and Huston LaCIllr 15 IN TIE Mlaway on the back nine Pal mcr was In £10 with Wall Ind Fairlield Then came Ihe Palmer touch He birdied lhl lflh and 1711i hale Using puller an In 1701 Palmer hIt nharply ram 50 led In back of and below the 1mm Cnrbul Lake Iuflm ram luck or oxykenallull because Iurraundlnl hllll pnvem Ilmng wind from blowlnl ncmn In nurture In he mm and Ill lacklnx lhh wlnd wnlor all In clrculnle prupnly and nxyun In tho lmur layer ho lake not replrnllhed MERRY 110 CF Fllh an dylnz In 13h neu ham becnmu hey cant let enough oxyfln The problem nu wane In wlnur when pmwnu oxy rnnllon Ind whll oxygen ru mnina In he unler ll pnnlally used up lhe procum da compmlllon Al he Xnke bollom he mull Mn bun lo wipe nul lhe MIN lroul populnunn About every mm ymrl Thl all however lhc prov Iurel dopnrlmrnl rrcmulnn nnd mnsrrvnlinn uu lrlcd la da wxnelhlnx about ll nmnm Norlhmle ml the nml game brnnrh lrclnrrr In the lmhlulc bl Inh crlu at tho Unhmkly Hrllllh Columbia dlrecled expul mrnl In pump nlr nln he luke llLlI IN All nutInch phmlc Npl lnld In rlrcle 2000 lrrl in dmm ftmm wns umvnmhtl 1mm mu 40 mluw lhr lake lurlncm Cnmprrmd Alr rnpml llnnuuh nan hnlu 1v rnlml flinch Inur Ilclorr Hm mmlmenl Imam hem wu nu muolvm mum at drplh Mm 11 day lhu nxygrn In co lcrl Lack Of Oxygen Lake Fish Dying PA IWll czni Ive nm mum EXAMINERI TUESDAY JANUARY 1963 ml Sid MIDI manngcrcnach at Detroit Red Wlmls signed arm Manday with the D5 trait club The 1er an agreement he will play only at the Wing at mgNatlnnal Hpgkeg angue The lGeamld en wmger II In his third season with Delrall Red Wings at Ihc pnlarlo Hockey Assoclallon Juninr Rania Jilicg ljockeyuLugnve Abel lefeel tall welglu 170 pounds and has scnrzd 12 goals and assisted nn xa otherl In this season Sid Abels Son Signs Contract The ball sped slralght on tho cu aniplypped in The daflnz stroke prompted veteran Mike Souchak to ob mve Here we go again New year lame script But youva gall va Ihu guy All My biggest break cam on he mh laid Baldjnl hit bad drive In lhe In barely could get swing I1 and the ball flew out and rap anlo ha men Then holed an about IBMaoker for blrdia 11ml hall wu lulu rul an and won have gonn about Iix feel past the hole but dove In tho hole So break on one hole WA BIG BREAK Buldmgl all round of or loppcq all urlm mull wu talklnl to my IeI Iller bogeyed lhI min when pushed my drle the reel Ind want aver var Thu nailed down and blnflad hm out tin hit our hnlu had men pull per ml liun and at 60 eelha lakea maximum drplh WM 11 pain pcrumilliq mm or Dr Narm cole nnd memhcu cl hil tum will leil tlua lake In hmk the In cover And not not to llnd nul whnlhn the ï¬sh nunIv lna If none are round Icuhn dim wlll ocnrch he lake bol tnm or dud llsh QPlCcrry Aha ï¬nnhalchrwln ï¬bula Yurklnn Heglnn luknlchuan Junlnr mum knlmn Mnnflnhl Junlor Drnndan vlnnlpca nmrs Lnkrlurafl Senlnr Onlnllu Junlav II Drumn mum 5L Than lulsnnhuru ll Wlmlmr MUmedium nnlnvln lulrrmllulnlu Oxmxle MI Illmln Iulrnmdlnla Fm mm Full Enhur Mldlnml lmllln HOCKEY RECORD Illll CANADIAN PRESS mm mm lo 11 mm rm And lmlu WHITE ROSE OPEN mm In 10 pm Dull fllmrll VA am Tonm Cm Airmanl On All Ropaln Ormistons Aulomall Tummlulom our Specially SID ABEL £5