Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jan 1963, p. 8

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BUD ugnrdlm Ma pcrmnnl Imlllm when Rogvrn Ilnrnsl died of hlnrl attack In hlcu on Salunlny lmclml hm me of Its most rnImml finrnvlcrs Ilw grcnl hlltor who Mk III lInl ntllkv ur Ihc Inn llmc plnyvd My part In making the game whal In lmlny ShamI Hrlnc Hunks hlrngn ulu 1m xlu mm alluwhlg he vxumplo by hockoya llcx Kclf lhal uf jnlnlnf mlltlm lirnlu In rmnpamnln fur an nldnr manl In lIn Chicago and for that pofllku wont In lrrfvm with hlx bunnhall ll ham hurl 11nd no wa rm rmmn why It nhwld lmlhnr Hank liddlu Shack he rnmlmncllnlln rlghl win or wllh lorunlu Mn dc Lvnfs has acorn XI Oil lo ale wllh the help of undny nl hln hnl rlr In 7hr1gu 110 In jun Ihrrc short doubling hII tnlnl ur IMI sramll Aml mu mlk wrrku ngu lhnl Shark vm hvlng tumhloml ma halls ham So It Isnt luml l0 llndurnlnml why he Rajah mzulu cncmhs In lmsrhzlll llo wnn lnught In weak Ills piece when he lhnu ht hv wan right and he anurlnnce of me man hr oftcmlrd WM no vuanurncc This hIt mulls where it hurt most bccnusu Iho stock Ilmnshy hml rcrcrrcd lo had been bought Lnndls nn nvcslmunl or the lmsclmll rtawry mhllslcrcd by the cmnmlaslonern orflvu Everythluu an Imil In the crnnh 1029 To llm day he llml Immrrn Illslhllll lulu rmnlmllnu Landls lhe pour in vcxlmrnl mulml In llnrnsbyn exile from the majors nllcr hlx rrlrnxo nu manager lhc Hruwns In 1037 1111 111mm EXAMINER TUEDAY JANUMWIL 1m Sure rcpllcd Hornsby when asked it was true he was betting the ponies Then must order yen to stop doIng so No the Rajah stubbornly said Ive ardercd you to stop thundered the judge Look Itog anltI dont ItInk or smoke or to the mats or road anythan but the box scores ant the averages Ive got to have some rclnxntIon and thts Is how gel It 140 kIlk out of sturIyIng the arm nmI lryItu to but the races IIkc the horses because they glvu me last nctInn Thlfl In muly hard volcv he added Its no flrcnt lhnn buying Mock In lhc mnrkcl except use my own numey In slx comawtlvo unions 1920 to 1025 he led the National League in hitting and added another in 1928 He captured the triple crown twice and in 1925 and 1029 was voted the leagues most valuable player He was also one of the first to be given niche in Cooperstown Hall 01 Fame As manager he demandsd strict obedience from his players and was never heard to give praise For this he was resented by the players but to him base ball was game which had to be given ones hest pos sible effort Through his long career both as manager and player Hornsby left many an enemy behind him One thing about it though he didnt bother with the small guys When Rogers picked beef he went right to the top Listed among his sparring partners were Sam Breadon Charles Stoneham Phil Ball two generations of Veecks andhe simply despised Knee shew Mountain Landls who was the first commission er oi baseball In the first of his two main bouts with Landis Rogers took on the judge in the latters own office At the conclusion of meeting in Chicago attended by representatives oi the Cardinals and Yankees to discuss travel arrangements for the 1926 series Lan dis said Ive selected the New York Central Railroad as the official route or the two clubs The Cardinals Hornsby interrupted will ride the Pennsylvania Did not make myself quite clear young man he asde dead serious Yes re lied Hornsby heard you right But weve used Pennsylvania between St Louis and New York for long time and Im not going to lake the business away from them now Wllh Hm llornshy plcknd hlmselt up and walked out of the office leaving the judge In embarrassment Although Landls was powerful man In baseball there was nothlng he could do because there was no clause giving hlm the right to tell hall players vhlch railroad to use The rcmnlch came about sewn years later when Landls summoned Hornsby to his office to lnvcsllgntc lnlk or R0 crs allegedly borrowing money from 1115 Chicago Cu players This is hard 10 believe considering his incredible record H151lietime average of 355 still stands and at one time he had backwhack seasons of 1425 and 403 His record of batting over 400 In three seasons is matched only by the late Ty Cobb in modern his cry The outburst shocked everyohe in the room In cludlng the judge Bezaun Ihmlm Rogers Hornsby was taught as child to always stand alone ortell the truth he lost one job after another In baseball and lived the life of lonely mam Strangely enough the few men Hornsby cared to talk to or any len th of time were the baseball writ ers Not for pub city purposes because Rogers de tested ll and never read what was written about him During his earlier playing days he had befriended certain members of the press slmply because he liked to talk to them The Rnah as he was known played major ball for 23 years many of them as amanagerl Some of the old timers will tell you that ll Hornsby had devoted all hls lime to playlng ball lnstead of twoway man he surely would have gone on to greater teats HORNSBY PAID THE PRICE lhe puzzllng thing about it was the former great slugger actually preferred it that way andat tlmes went toextremos to prove ll Although he showed up every day to play he seldom talked toanyone during the game He ate alone roomed alone and went about his own way alone SPORTS CHATTER By JERRY GLADMAN NIZW YOIIK MDA HM llnn Ivy gmup Unllrd Mulrx lrurk nmchrn minim Hu anb rm nllrLl Allllrllc nnlrlemu mu rnwlnl In In rlmknl In In Augrlu lmlay ullh ILLM lnlrmhuliun rrmlu mm hman II mrmlml hum rnnulmlhln In Imlunr mvrlt Anlldlmml Ivy Um Amul rim Alllllllc Unhm Illillllllr MINA Tcny Fm Iluh Amlrrmn am Huh llunmluryn Iiunml llwlr Hm lmmlmll rnulmcu ullh Ilw Irnll Tluvu Mnmlny Fm wnl IF Thmn Mn vrllol plltlwr lml mum Anvlntun wm an umml Ins numlll In min Ill Ulirnzu um llm Nu llmml Iflnrlw lllmvwmrl mm mm llu W4 tmwn Mlll Inmrr nl llu Amrrlrnn AW Inliml Adrllr MCMM lnrlmi lhe Imt hick or llu lhuy mun and mm Inulor WHNI lho lone nwkmnln lally Its we had Hersheys Mur ray Perrys 1354 name doesnt begin with an because the way he bangs in those goals he sure ranks up there wim he Spflngllelq 110 BALTIMORE AP Wecb Ewbnnk who cancth Bulll mom Calls la lwo anlunnl Football Leaguc champlonshlps and who hasnl hnd losing season alncc 1950 may lose his job godny Don Shuhl 33yearold dorm live backfield coach with Dz mil Llons hns burn mnnllontd promlncnlly n5 Ewbnnkl luc censor Lthnk has your to no lllrccqeilr Conlmcl Illa or $3000 Mason In llle MIND Girls llockcy Anglia doublrhcndcr plnyrd AllNon Saturday nixhl lho Arr um blnnkcd Hue Daredevil while my rnvm on over Chocknmm Lynda Allth Willi luv nnd Inuy Hing nnd Ilnrh Druly with one rndl Mvrrd ha mlnh to mahlo Mnxlnder Smnn nnwmn Io hold on lo the ML MONTREAL CF Andy mlhgates ganl game pace was the homes in lhe Na tional Hockey League last week and kept the New Ymk right winger at lhe hand pl the lens Ind ual pqlnls list ln mostncent action at the Barrie Arena Paul Meyer and McKnight each knocked out hat tricks mi McFadden dllpped in with pair to pace Springfield to shellacklng of Erie Reid scored the other Springfield tally while Lakes goal ltch the losers mm shutout Pony broke loose or live In Almost singlchnndedly heat ing Cleveland The other Hershey marksman were Vincer and Simmom Gill and Qulm couhled two each or Hershey and lawn grabbed single Jimmy McPherson added his name to those scoring Irlples on the day helping Kilchmer vicmry over Sudbury Terry Norton and Rlcky Ball Colt pmldcnl Carroll Rosen hloom general manager Dun Kollcll nnd Ewbnnk mm hr their annual uvnluallan ol the mason Slgns pain to Ewbnnkn dcpnrl puma NHL slnhmcs re leased laday shaw Balhgnle scared laur timesan average of once gametn Increase his loygl lg 20gaals am nsslsls son Torontos Frank lInhov Huh who picked up Ive palm Iasl week In narrow Balhgales lead la single point has 23 2021 Eucyks llnemnte Murray Ol Iverwho earned three points Is fourth wllh 36 and Bath gulerlincmnle Den Prentice who salvaged only twa assists fifth with 35 Ha 1h second player to reach Lhe 295031 1mm My gea The leagues biggest pmducer last week Johnny Bucyk Hos Inn Is in third spot with 36 paints The Bruin winger pIcked up six points on two gnals and our asslm Sixth Is Valhreeway deadlock between Detroits Gordie Howe Those guys are at it again scoring goals and quickly maklng name or themselvet 1n Legion Minor Hockey Doubleheader In Alliston Track Coaches Hold Rebellion Ewbank Could Lose His Iob Ranger Sets IHOt Pace In NHL Scoring Race Springfield Trio Are Tops At Arena HUN lTII TIUIIIIS Illllr Uh Immune mlkllu mrlllut mum lhmugll Rummy nlchl nhuw Mmdmll mm ncmml rlnu 10 In 49 My nur 1m mul Nurrnwy Mlm my Ilnrr lmllvll In lnur innm with fipvingllrld lndlnm hr Mini Swrnry Iml lmn lln Irmlrr mm Ilrnlghl urrh nml lulu hnl luv nuIKl lulu 217 mu mm Hmlnulleld Ind gunk will 21 Pollock mid Dnnny chle nnd irrd Gm holh ltflhnnd rn wih M5 lrnuuo hack xmumh hruln lhu lml mum with lhe Lenin McDavlll 10 former mrmlmr ol llmoklyn Dodum Mu 1m Angrlu Dodficrl the Nannnl Lluuuo Ilc wm nur chnml 1mm Iartluml llmvcrl In lnclllc Com Immune mm 20 MW nrllnn wllh Nullunnl Lu no lmahurgh llmm In 1900 um wllh Juri wnvllle and Symum IE Inlcrnnnmml Lvniuu lml Irn lull Mman Hanth rm Iruml wer pnlnlt IxI Amrllrnn Hnrkry lmiuu play LN rrk In ml mu Snunryu mum rm In Imll 1mm llmlno Qurlfl Mr IrlMlml Mllrnvhnn Irml wllh name nun at Montreals chil Richard and Chicagos Stnn MikikanAll have palms but lhey are ranked In lhabfirder because Howe has aals Richard 14 and Miklta Cnnndicnscenlre Jean Eel vcau alone In ninth place with also lends the lengue in as TORONTO CWPrank P01 Iack Renew mmmitvr Tor onln anlc lmnlu Ihc Inlcr nnunnnl nuhnll mum nn nuuncul Mondny acqumllnn nl lwo new pillhm Tied fur lmh wilh 32 are Bemie Boom Bonmb Geuflrion at Montreal andAb McDonald and BobbyHull of Chlcago The Boomer has 18 goals McDon ald Ia and Hull Toronto ééntrc VDaw Kean ranked lath wilh is hexanly player nmnng the lap 7A pain geuersvwllhout penalty his EEKISOXL IIAS SOLID LEAD Louis Kenny hll Ihe three mark or Rochester as the Reds whilewashed Spokane Bird mched the ether No goals by John Scott and singles from Bill Mason Tom Vinccr Jim McLeod and David llitchcmn provided the mar gin for Kingstons 63 win over whltby Bob Lynch came up with two and Mann Martln one for the losers N010 Buy shaded Chamam in close Kilt by way of Ron Bobbettes wo markers and single mm Murray Brad Xly Smith and Ilamld Dobson each scored or chaflmm siala with 27 Last week was big nnc for Montreal goaltender Jacques Planté who recorded his fourth shutout ol the season and took the lead in the Vezlna trophy mac Cnnndiens whitewashed Rangers 6Q Sunday night Flame haiéixnwed so goal in 743 gamés goalsAagninu average ol L92 Runner up ndded singles to uld the nausea Brian Camilla Wayne Tasmna and Gary Mllflon triggered the red light for Sudhury ln unomer 53 win Dan Ma oneys three goals enabled Providence to whip Buffalo Rldeardsand Curtis collect ed singles forlhe victors while Bill McPherson wilh two and Bob Walton with one paced Bul Iain Comwnll blanked Windsor the tune of 60 on goal by Doug Lamb Greg Kline Geo rgy 5mg and $00 Lang Marshall Cum Sweeneys Lead Leafs Grab Two Southpaw Hurlers NICW QIIK Ml vmln WEE EWDANK George Kennedy is skipping rink with Harry Michie Jack Webb and Chgrlie Safagramj Jack Kennedy has Bruce Fea oock Johnny Ough and Frank V¥e imam Knight has Fcndley Ken McKcmie and Bill WolIcnden Three Barrie CurHug Club rinks are In Oshawa compet ing In the hreeday bonspiel lbere Barrieites Curl In Oshawa Spiel Hrrun plan that outdnlcs the Ainxlcncwunt mslhml of mvinn money and pnyinulhillx rnumnr AIHHVT 0th mmvrulrur HANK urnll Ann Hlnur nrrmilrnnv MJWII Us the rxclunivo llnnk of Commerce Saving and On one humlynu use our npotinl lmonnl Chequ inx Account 10 rut the rust of puin hill Cthum mlunly 10¢ lllllplllvll lo lfif on mlvin count 0n the other hand you build yuur mvinns whom Del cuts the cost of paying bills builds savings and interest at the same time CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE mum 0vcr1260 branches to serve you The Barrie Pcewecs of the Ontaria Minor Hockey Lengm won ll seventh straight game Saturday by ddealing Rem 74 Myths Beetan Arena Peewees Register Seventh Straight one bl the lira big catches Whitefish takcri mm Kemp Iell Bay this winter The to Bill Macherson and David Frank Haae of on display FIRST BIG CATCH Reid showed the way or winn era each scoring two goals Sin 3105 Want to Greg McKnight Jack Lynch and Brian Cunil Mike McKay mum two or Bcclon and Paul McKenna and Mike Sage had singles TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA H414 lhe Ilfiwnmna eqde hank wouldnt say exactly where he caught the fish ex cept that St was In Shandy And to make chcquinu mom runwnivnt wu pro vitlo Luo ncrvirca nnL given by any ulhvr hank Wu mml you an iinmizctl Alillllllllll your rlwquinu uwunl my mumI You ulm got handy walkt sin lurmnnl Chmuinu Kit they will mm inlrrml in your Havimm Avmunl Ask nlmut lhv nilnew Saving and Spending Plan at your local brunch today Ruth Fowler and Mary Lynch each named ll goal lead the Allhwn Hornet to $1 vie cry over Newmnrm In gm flayed at Newmarkd Bay My Hales biggest fish weiyncd close lolaur pmmds He was fishing out of shanty in 110 feet 01 water Examiner Photo Hornettes Win At Newmarket

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