The report is in seven sec tions The first two are an ax tension at Ihe November report which deal with supporting ser vices iur government They dis cuss public inlormnllnn and eco nomic and sinlisiical services The other live involve direct services or the public These tare nnlilled cducailon health lending guaranleeing and insur ing the post ofï¬ce nnd miscel Inncous activity This vouli rec the govern men in concentrate on iLsma jor responsibilities in addition Ihe growth of ihe public service can be checked and Inc other instiluliunspublic and privale serving tin Canadian people can be strengthened not only in resources nvaiiabin lo Ihe 31 in upcflcncc and In hpspilnl care or velemns lhc mmmissinn strongly urges that Ollawa wilhdmw enlircly mm he ï¬eld and leave ii to the public hospitals ll adw tales vhalling lurlher conslmc lion ol velernns hospitals and selling present activetreatment hospitals In communilicsi Continued lmm page nnc agencies the actual prnvisiun of servi to the publia leaving lo the ederal government the delinilinn of goalrnnd slnnd ards and the pmvision ur inam clnl support or other incen lives FAVOR FREE ENTERPRISE lhc ecnnnmy also would bring addiliona taxes into Ihe federal puism Méslol he inajor recommen dations are in he healfll sec lion It warns thnl il pmsenl trends continue the gnvcmmcn face an additional expendilure on velemns hospitals 52mm 000 by 1980 when these hospitals will be almost enurer occupied bx chrunlgcasea Expendile lhis mï¬gni Iude lo provide active real men beds to hnuse chmnlc and homeless veterans appear un wlse from every standpoint Even loday 70 per cent pa tian were chwnic cnsm nu belle lo lum the whale syslem aver lo public huspllals in gradual switch wllh lhe federal government to ulnlng ï¬nancial mponsibully or madman and chmnic care For new facilities the govcm men coqu canlrihnla local or Jgnvindul pmgds conflicts as lhe uisznnce of over 6000 naive beds in uai hospilnls not occupied by acule cases while in most corn munilics more is substantial shortage ni such accommoda tion And it wpuid avoid 0t uwa duplicating UM chmnic case nsliluilons now being built by province Ind communities Slmllar proposals are vanccd or lndlnn haspimls but or dinerch treason Th sharply criucal of the Indian hnspi ms Too requcnfly tho qunl lly care in not compar able wilh Ihat pmvldcd In com munlly huspllals 1n the same urea The haspllnis 1m xenon nlly old llltnulypcd and inad equalcly xlgzllpd The cnnclusxon wax unmvld nbla fllnl lhc um by Indians at cslnhlishcd community hay piluls II hluhly be dulled lmmcdinle mm should be Inkcn to carry his out In linu with the lcdmfl pollcy lo inle xrnlc Indian with he general ponulallnn Veteran Hospitals Irrscnl plum In Icmnslrud he Charm Cnmscll lndlun Hos pilnl nl Edmanlon nl cost of 37000900 nnd cxlcnd lhn Coq unlctlm Hnspilnl nl Snnlis nra ulrgnuly vglncd all Lenin pcrwnntl also come undcr Ihe gun The commlslon am no compelllng rvnson nhy scrvlcc personan who me In ncrd nl hospllnllmllnn In ï¬lm nhouhl not he lrmlrd In com munll In Ml Much lhu $35000000 ymr mm on urvlcc hm 1111 cmth In may IN Inn Una €leer mm In Mn hr mun llmpllnl in prnllrn Hnrlu nnllng lhnl Hm ashd xrlun ng ï¬tnmnn 011 Indian Hospitals Annlhrr mm llml wrCnn rdrrnlhm mum In pmvlvln mnlirnl llflll hm Hal mm or xnllnu null ltnnmrinn lishrnnrn Im rrwnlul lml um nmnlnz TV Hum Hm nnmml pm IIImI rtrllrrlrtl um mo WM uhmho nhuw the syn cm nlumnzhu hnm ullwr mum the mml Military Educalion GLASSCO REPORT run nhl um um mnllclmml mynl mmmlulon In 1w nnml lhn rlllclun ll WEDNESDAY Jackpot $310 IN NUMIIVJL TAMILl HUN HIM Tl WEALTH mmn rum lEGION HALL COLlIER SI lEGlON BINGO EVERY Also recommended lnr clo sure is the preparatory school at Esquimall EC run by the direclomlc naval cducnuon It allch high school training for sailors who want In lunhcr lhelr carver Ihmugh cnhy lo surv lce wllcge or universily Far north schools shnulrl he Iurned over lo lhe territorial governments Dnlence denun mcnl schools fur the educa tion of sorvicemcns children ought lo be seriously reviewed Cosls ol lhe prep schnnlwere clearly excessive $1900 student year and he umvinA ciul school system could handle the role The dlreclurale lLself which also handles tomspew dencp courses should he abol The report gives lop prior Ily lo he inlegrniinn oi Indian children lnlommmunily schools and expresses concern ihal con siruclion oi special Indian schools is hampering he fed eral integration policy It notes cosis at $6241 year or In dinns in regular schools as against 351 inlndian dny schools and $131 in Indian residential schools What is news In one man is pmpngandn Io nunlher he commission says of public in fonnalinn services warning that when aggressive efforts are made to win public support these services become active parligipants in the politicnl pm rcclcd n1 mililary educalinn particularly the exceedingly hig costs at the three service colleges Raynl liliiiulry Cpl lege Klngsinn 0nL Callege Milimhv Royal St Johns Que and Royal Roads Victoria The commission estimatedit costs $17000 or enchrcamr oil icer obtained from lhe nur year course It urges that Royal Roads bemused because them Is no valid mason or con Iinuing iL critical review Ike siLeor lhc service college sin is proposed Publicin should be stricuy the inlormnï¬on sccï¬ons ol the armed arccs for their mass on puhlic relulinns mlhcr lhan nlonnatian and to urge that the government review this sit uatian swipe also is taken at ha external attains department or the opposite reason The de partments information services both home and overseas wen Inund lo be woefully weak and need or complete reorganiza an Olhur recommend Slresshe laid on mare and bet Icr paid lranslaiurs lnIorma lion niiiccn be reclassified inio higher salary bracket biling ual ofï¬cers be posted to one 01 the lop information jobs in each department advertising con lracu be awarded by comde lian inslead of by mlnlslcrs and 1mm report oi depaxlmcnu in ies cxpcnslvely designed ishcd You olï¬ce operaliom won general prnlse but the tommlr sian laund um wider applica llnn or buslnos lechnlqucs could him upwards of $15000000 from Ihe present noopoomonqm budflcl ll also qucslioncd msl cilicu ms guru 1560 report of lhe drpmmcni showed in am upching dciicil Working on what it miltd in cosls lhc myni commission said we deï¬cit really was IND mo ll urgul Um Miltr ne rnunlinu be adopted lo rcnccl lho linancini piclum necumlcly Public Iniormation ï¬mcsludy programs In cl cd Iinco 1931 had achieved Postal System qun Shawn 700 Ind TODAY YOUNG GUNS OF TEXAS ONLY PLUS DAY MARS INVADED EARTH Béï¬Ã©ï¬Ã©ï¬sflan Crawford WHMWER HRPPENED TOMORROW TDBHBYJANE 34 wmmn mm Ya pd In an hymn annual savings of more lhan 52000300 These could be ex panded with additional savings at 37509300 year Almost all the annual del lcil was due to losses on hand ling second clns mullnewspa pers and nther periodicals The report proposes lhnl Parlln menl make an annual grant In cuvcr lllls lnss leaving all other classes al mil to pay lheir nwn way wilhohl this Add burden Aclivlucs of the governmen annuities branch which sells mnuiuu to the public provid ing for maximum $1200 year in paymenls war running deeply In the red and further sales should be discontinued Annuities were introduced In 1908 lo enmurage mm among lowIncome gmups and provide securin or old use old age pensions and lnduslrinl pension plans had elimlnnted this need Also more annuflies have been purdmsod by pmpla at some man than by thou in the lower inmme brackets An lmmedlnte camum was or cenhral slull of ccnnnmlsls In um finance depumncnl ln help willl broad economlc pol icy Equally vllnl was the need to boost slall and salaries ln lhe nnmlnion Bureau ol Slplistlcs and make llle Damlnlan stalls llcian independent nl political conlmll The m000000 nnnuul cost the two services wns mind in he undny modest So ar an additional $30200 000 has been paid by the gov 3me and it is estimated that another WWW will be needed to cover the eventual cost or options granted lo pur chusm prior to 1943 This op linn allowed purchaser to pay premiums based on rates pre wailing at lhe tima purchase with nu Mum increasevery valuable to the bum and costly lo the gomnment Unnecessary duplication was found in the nperallon of lhe Vetcrm Land Act adminlslm flan which now employ more Hum 700 and com 5000000 you In Job should be Iplll between the Farm Mil Cob porntian and Central Moflgaga and flowing Corporation both nlrcndy In the sauna Held Thu VLA organization wonid be ten minted nudes but mum sell to few illustration dmwnd lhecanal su lemi Ccnlrnl Canada built century ago or trade or de lenca but now uszd by plcnlurn an msi $1309 year to Tha mmmlsslon Idcnliï¬cd man than me Imall scrvlcc ao opcrnlc Thu Include two ca nnlx an ma Richelieu Illver three linking Ottawa Montreal and Kingslnn and mm between Lake Ontario and Georgian Bay lhcre an no 0111 Gum mould Miller be mvercd by lull at the canal 1de nvcr lo pmvlnclal open on National parks shouid base Ices nn nclunl msu Charm for park entry nnd Ihe use at 01 mums would be rqlsrd he $00 un changed since 1906 mulled In largo deliclu or this Icrvict The patent nlflcc which Issued 31000 palcnll year had backan 70000 nppllcnllons Iho ahawcg was higher revenucE ms to mm lull com of an pandod service Econonï¬cs Staff LendingInsuring Other Services OHAWA CmScrappy Ma yur Chmlune Vhluon wns em bmlled in one or her billeresl halllcs loday Her she suddenly proposed lhc annexation cl IE hss Whitlun lold lhc new lnwn city council in her Inaug ural address Monday night that she has changed her mlnd about he annexallon issuewhich aimed sharp She had ï¬rmly opposed the Idea in lhc past and had av orcd form of mclmpnlllnn gov ernment but nnnexnllun had become errible neces sily Our leelmgs are vm only negative Nepean Counclllar Grunt Cannan said We will light it all tho wayl Thls complch breach of faith She said sine will mess ior an curly meeting with Ontario lin nicipal Minirs Minisch Spanner io discuss the takeach of he builtup areas oi Gimp caster and Nepean Townships Th township have combined popuinlion 38000 and iorm crescent in lho east 0th and west oi lhe national capiia REACTION 510le Mr Carman said he had spoken by telephone to Reeve Aubrey Maudie on business in Tnmnln and Ihe reeve had been highly lndignant Hi wqggis my myrith Gloucester Deputy Reeve Ah llun Pnrislen cammnnled We wlll Ilghl lLThe people Involved will nol approve We are very surprlsed that she would change her mlnd now Immedlalewre ham lnygshipï¬lï¬clnls was glgrrqy Just Ilka woman marked Gloucester Councillor TORONTO CP Thu best way in hurry development In the emerging nations 01 Asia and Alricn lsto provlda mam molh help In the development their mass media commu nications Ray Thomson chain mun Thomson Newspaper mingled snld Monday Mr Thomson addressing join lunchton meeting of ma Canadian Club of Toronto and lhï¬d Empln Club Canada In am campleldy convinced that somclhlng constmcllvo must be dong hurry along the development 01 these emerllnl The Canadianham publishinx cxccullve said the needs of emergent countries an nhnvo all edumllon and Mum Into nation NEED EDUCATION For both mass media are allImportant wcnpons In lhem new nnllon there are hundreds million g1 peyplu who mqst ll lhm oblcdivcs must ncmmpxishcd ln than new nn Ions In lrncllon Ihls Ime cmnlnly In nnt more lhun dw ndu be educntcdahi thmï¬i chon names the zrowfll of Ko unicorn has Iakcn us Icvcml Mm lurlu education and experb mm In develop our Intelligence in when ll 13 lodny has lakcn even longer for lhu world to ncqulro lens na Ilnnhoad mu nlcnlcpendnnte and anger null lo Inculcule In us our npprcclnlfon cl Ihu bcno 1i dLmocrlnlcy Whitton Changes Tune Reaction Unprintable Publisher Says Emerging Lands Need Education Integration ll rrhemnl nnllom an to DIG HITS Thoma Keenan dont lak her on seriuusly Township omdals cslimnlcd Illa lhe proposed annex liun would aflec 90 per cent at Ncpean 365000000 assessment value and mughly onethd of Gloucesters $19000000 assess ment The citys Mal sim men stand at $500000000 IS FEUSTRAIED Mayor Whimm Wsald the city has been lnlslratcd by lack of cooperation from the townships which have lower hem suHidenlly badfy 70 hi pmpgred Io work to get 0mm ralse the standard 01 llvlng and keep pace with heir growing populations he nld their proglqglmullAlqgm to yum the pun mgtoqu Mr Thomson Inld lhl could not be accomplished wllhout modem mass commmlcallonx medla nor can It be accom pushed wllhoul ndequale adver llslnz lacilllles slncu ndverlls lnx ls on esscnllnl part 01 dis lribulion and disuibullon is the most ollcdlvo zeneralor ol pm ductlonl He nuld Canada Britain and the Uniled Slates are pmicu larly ï¬lled to give the son help needed in developing mus mmmunkgllon In the develop in counlrlu Thll LN PM 1r Mn vrm YONY DEAN JANH sumsMAM maul WENWAGNER WHEN Some men lave wan the Way others ya women CHARLOTTE WIHTION NOW SHOWING Addad Follun IMPERIAL my rates thnli the ciiy Cash sharing proposals had allen through repented The suburbanllns were using mm Ihe citys munlclpal service In lurga numburs but wen cscaplng city mes Township spokesmen count ernd that Ottawa should wipe nit 1w debt and digest torri lory absorbed In 1960 annex ation before expanding further The citys population has jumped to 270967 from 201015 in 1951 Greater Ottawa popula lion has soared to 430000 mm 292476 in the some period LONDON Reuters Over night mil mndl mad treach erous in many pam 01 Britain taday The told snap dascly follow lng lhe thaw which cleared must Britains min roads lhe wars snow of Ihu cenmry gnve yew urgency to move sched ulédlo he made today to avert countrywide power blackout Leaders at live trade union will attend emergency talks to day ta decide whether to accept or reject the electricity councils appeal or arbitration to settle the dispute over the uninns yay claim The unions have threatened to begin Wednesday worklo rule campaignwhich has the disc of malowand refuse work overtime If their clalml are not met Cold nap FolloWs Thaw Jet TCA home to Britaln or Europe for two weeks of holldny on 17Day Jet Economy Excursion Return Faro and youll save up to $138 over regular summertime jet economy fares Jet ln D08 comfort to England Scotland France Ger many SwltzerledAuztrin Ireland Qb 860110 gm um HOME IS 138 CLOSER TRANSCANADA AIR LINES AIR CANADA its the wonderful family time to see 101 Dunlap am 13ml Tutmm In 5m even morn Illh TCAI Group Tnvtl Fun in 25 prrwm at man for umplzx Tannin to Mndon 1110 rclnm Mammy chm IM DUNLOP In your Tn Men wand ICA moor ll Toronto BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE Britain or Europe again by TOM for mm and CNR Ruomnom Ind Tlckm JOHNSON COIIIMITED For Vour anvHom Call Now Hundreds of fee aband oned Iciephane wke are lang led In the antlers Ihls dead elk 1aund by hunter near Red Deer The ninegangs World WldI Trml chvlcu ABANDONED WIRE FATAL on to any other country in Europe via connecting nirlineOr choose BOAG 70 jet or lowcont turboprop Britan nia services to Britain in association with TCA Pay just 10 down before you leave on TGAA Fly Now Iny Later Plan Home is $188 closer peo your travel agent or TEA now rum mwn ICA Imy mm Luuruan mum hm cum Damr In MI Mam ml ml TORONTO To London $39570 $3957 down Glasgow $36650 $3665 down steel wire was lining between trees year ago by the Alber ta Forest Service but has llncc been abandoned CY Wkepholo PA was Ilmlu 31 PM