Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jan 1963, p. 4

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LONG LIVE THE QUEENI Manchester Guardian Changclcss ageless timeless tireless ucen Elizabelh the queen mother assuring constant in our nallnnal life ithrcvcr she goes her rcscncc bestows tranquilirjnfilconlinulylife will not gnly go on will go on graciouslyr or performance at each ap carame nd each appearance per nrmance 13 never less than perfect One of the most controversial recom mendations perha would have Ottawa withdraw entirely mm the homilal field The government now has heavy invest ment in hospitals for veterans and fine record of service to these exservice per sonnel But the cost is very heavy and could he reduced comiderably the commission believes it veterans use are handled by regular public hospital LIA Way So A11 Can Win Almost every section of the report criticizes the trend to perpetuate any government activity once it is establish ed This fact is well known to the aver age Canadian and yet it is problem found much easier to solve in theory than in actual practice Every new gov mment department involvesjobs and ob mean Keople who are anxious to ng on to eir employment The Glarseo report has oilered several ways out government diflienltics none which are easy but which in the long run may prove most helptul in restoring the government to its principal function the running the nation rather than the entire economy both private and public Nobody won Is the inevitable answer In most cases to the question asked at to the mu long and bitterly contest ed strike Recently something new has emerged ram the labormanagement rituation in the United States mmething which is promising for more intelligent and con equentiy better Iuture For three years nine men have been eeting as refresentalives of the Kaiser fiteei Corpora ion the United Sieeiworttv Iers of America and the United States uhlic They were not engaged in strike gegotizuons though long and costly fleet strike had given rise to their com ittee Rather they were my ed in ex mention to find way an lonnula that might prevent other xtnkes The third report of the Glassco royal commission on government organization ls an interesting document on all countl 1lts theme follows closely on that the two previous reportsellminatjan lwasteful spending and reduction of 1mineral activity in fields of work which Mould be handled much better by private agencies or provincial governments Aumm an 04 rm umu Wurlml on yum mu rmm ham Mumv1 mum mm am wuu rmmu qut nunn rum amp mrmum mu VANv nu um gumc nu IMAM mum mum mnv lawn In10 mu humus nu um Irv mm my ynm mo mu mm 9m mu nu mi 04 own no Inna WI n4 ma mu HM mamn Aw 1m myu my munu vn £001 Fin1 In mam mm FOOum Om Awmw no Hum hm lun mmmu mum rm mm to yamu pg nun vm Cravrn Duncan McClng had bun hoan mayor by crlamallon and cr Jnrvin Int drpuly verve xlmayor Imam Inc 15 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Jan 1928 Town alemycn voted lo purchase met of uric Gas Con for 815000 and operate nl public uliIily 10 with water and light Majority was on IB ln avar mm Crcswlckc lawyer 28 wax rm youngcsl mcn Barrie cvcr voted In In municipal omrc lie but Ed Hymc or rccvc 32 major Viclar Knighl Ideal Frank by 455 for second duly ncvc chdcd ald mm in Ward Four thl Harlry Mike Livingston and Charm Lowe In Win Five Wu Hunt and Kr of Board Education slang with Want Alb nrywn Dr IL Simp nn George Smilh George Now md Mn ll 0rd Jam Doran brat Nu Vllmn or rflfllhip Vnpr hy MN 00 III Await Illd nunumymmm Glasscou Report Offers NewMédnsTo Economize the chute San be ccompiished The Barrie Examiner Walls Publisher 715mm Examinpr OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Bayfield Street Bank Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE ublLshcr Brian Slalghl General Manager nzsmv JANUARY 1m 4m tour votes Judge Vtsmer ruled Pu School Board could not proceed with con Ltruction oi continuation sehaoi at Thom ton and issue of $10000 debenture due to irregularities in voter iii ii Otton 80 launder oi Ottan Hardware in Top onto hospital with injuries sustained when Itruck by car Cooksiown mourned sudden death at Mrs lL Tome on Jan the iormcr lnra lrcnc Alonkmnn who vjax leader and worker in all mmniunit aiinirr Kiwanlx iul luld annua Rosebud luncheon when daughters were entertnflmi Spea ker was Major lilark ltoblnsan oi Algon quin Park on iiird die in Canada litu rir included vocal wins by iiitrsu liii tired Walls and Van Nm duct by liiurirl and Mary Thompson Instnimeul al try Mabel Sprnii and soirctionn by litl like iuir members lililm Sprott liiildmi McKnight Armrt lrlre Lorine trier and Margaret tilrhiartin iiir and Mn ltnrxe Stumicn Aliandalr riciyratrd 30th wedding anniversary Ward Tole driver tor Scott font lo rrlvrd mlan injurirx when kickrd by hamV liainr ii Krndall itmtrd mmmillu ni liml Wadnwnriili Fut mno linir and if llnikrl in annual Now Yurn live daan ni Simeon Fur rtiru at liznir Atnmury limirrltillx ilnw lariny liral Midhuut lvnrrrtry in nun vague linrkry Hindu mrge Kin lmy wpranu rang win at various Inra rinmitu durng tlulsinm Arawn Frank itavrll all um open ed Indoor rclwnl over lull mrt limo Iiurr New Dreamland Thratrr ina iumi JarlrlrI nnnau in limitm and limit Jlmr in water lilm iirlr i1 trap err intt tiring nid iazhimml rtrli icrl that girl Iimuld nnl pmer lo nun rxvclil as last lemrt Vial ldttorial mutme TWOvPARTV ORDER llamlltan Spectator The US seems to have absorbed Its social revotutlon Into the two arty fab ric wilh notable lack of rismptlon This doesnt mean the pattern is with out its individual conflicts Yet there Is by comparison with our uneasy patchwark com romlsc almost sense of xumloolcd cadmhlp and direction They have come with promising plan As announced Edgar Kaiser chalnnan of the company and David McDonald grasidcni of the union it con templates king an exact measure savings in costs which may result from inauguration ot technological lmprove ments in steel productlnn Labor will share in these savings to the extent at approximately onethird Displaced wor ken will be retained The company will profit by increased elticlency The gov ernment will gain in taxes from the steadier operatlon Employees long have been uneasy as they saw mechanical imgmvcments ap parently taking their in if this for mula can assure them of participation in the benefits change it wtli re move great source friction One could say that the foregoing is the heart of the commissions report The federal service has become colossus too big to be operated effictehtly and aft en too cumbersome to give value receiv ed lor tax dotlays exgehded The commission bviously wants to give private enterprise chance in many fields in which lhe government has been dominent for too long This is healthy trend and it followed through by the Diefenhaker regime could hel in giving back the country to the peep Vlherefiouldbe rumblings pl discom tent in military ranks over the wmmlss ions proposal to close down Byal Roads military college The commission finds no valid reason for continuing this college especially in View of the fact that the cost of educating career of ficer comes to $47000 It believes that existing millla colleges are capable of taking ug the ack One at the most important observat ions of the report says In part The growth of the public service can be checked and the other institutionspub lie and privateserving the Canadian people can be strengthened not only in resources available to them but also in experienceand skill without impairment at tervice l0 veleb am than it should be made Sentiment enerally is In favor providing tho 3351 in hospital and meqicaljlreatIrllexgt for 19 men and women who risked their lives for their country Every elfort thenshould be made to provide this ser me without ngnl hnspjpals If pogsible AVIIINI Mmrr Lavfl lumlinl lhe nqu Hulr iJI mam mmmlliu ml In mimy hu Inn nud In um flu nnluli ymnmmw In ur III rnMar mman at um kw wlndan hum rallmn nmnann pnlumlnx Any leak In nlmml urn Into llvr Mr danmnm TM lllk II Inlllrihnl Lu wllrn Immnz hrcauw mm nl lumrs Ml anm nunv hm Hwy my mu lw pmrul lzlmn munlvlhls ll mlneru mm lumrl my may nnl um lhal mnnuhlv may bu mum um lhrml and My my mm cnmrnmliun nmlnl rauro unrmwlnum ram and In mlnmn mm but Dr Homer have lwo large varicose rdnl the lenzlh my leg have these veins dripped how great are the chance new one lammm um operation dangumufl 1111i an1 about hormone van in In nature gentml ad vice no specific Just we would not ndviu he wnlinued um of any medicine even plrin or lung pulodl unlm In need oulwclnlcd any 905th obJedlmane featum OM exodlrnl exnmph ls hor men use by wnmtn having ha fluhu in menopause They am used he rrllr allordcd hy hormone and dont unlizo lhal nllcr modtrale Hmc Ihey danl need In medication any more Dul hey kcrp demanding honMun because lhry 1m llraid Ihc hot flash will re or In Inkc nnolhcr ample some prop hccame hnbllun aspirin cairn and may wind up with math Irrilnllon ll thty hnmn to mmawhnl unmlve la lhll gamman dmg There he unpluuanl Iymptoml ram overrun nl har lnonn In some mm Acre Iled hm gmwlh or trndenry ta dcvrlap timer mnmallna nr lemlnlne lerhllu d3 prndlnx an In in Ilu mllcnl and flu lype olhnfmnnu In nur pnrtlcuhr man mm my lYou nml lhc mr mumI up has lnlln lhrm dont know the drum hm ynu are telling hnlnnccd mnlo nnd lrmnlc harmonu uhlth II guard ngniml pullan ynur na luml hnrmnnc balance MA rqullimlum Your doctor lmvu nll Ill and II wacm ynur mnlimllnn plum um um wnuhlnz In In Ihrflw any undulmhlo IymMonu uh pear Thr mt mhlm Krrp an yml an and dim nrry Ilr Molnnx II that dnnrrr In um In rhnd rnr 3m llvr mow Iunnlmz Mlu Once lh Jain are ripped removed surgically they are zone or good 1111 does not mean um olher vein cannot become varicose later but It doesnt mean that My Will rilber Sometimes removal 01 fie faulty vein ends lhe mm Dur Dr Molnar Fur lhm yeah have btcn taking andro gen Ind estrogen one manlh Ior Paxttl disease but 111er read that il It not advisable to mnlinue honnone over long period Could yau advise bel ler medidneIMn DG By JOSEPH MDLNER MD Lorne risk Evolved In any try however mm but Hm rank among the lawrisk ones TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Al lq hg upfrngiqn lhcre ll Stripping 01 Veins Involves Some Risk THE SHAPE or mmqs TO COME 011 uns MANA imam 35am on for In An alllnr lmnllgallnn lnr Ihe mammal Inmuh mnncll he tnuml ml MlNIMm lnllllllfi mr auvlim war ml Ilm nanm nulim gum mm Irlvvprvnlulru MWM Ana yqu rmrml rlvlvnu nliuvl 1h quld mam um um nol LIuI wrk bun dan In mm mmmsllan In Hm low trnwrnluvrl Im Hnmlllln Will out Ilml rnxim and mid hum lrr Hm pluvldn lmmmlum Ilrlvurvl Inning pmul mu Irrlnw mu and nativva plmlrnl lmpa 1an mm Hm Arum Mnngr vllllrr hm Illa unmllno wnmmpllnn In th dmlu ulnlrr lw mm and your rnmlmxllon It Imllrml larlnr QUEENS PARK AM Suintdlwnn ll llw Ingl al plnre Vur nurh Inonvrlh my IInlcunr Hnmlrlln llw unlvrrinn drmrlmtm thnnlull cnglnrrrlnu SASKATOON llnm lmn xlnu In um rohl mny lw fnml mm Al rrmmh pmnnm helm umlulnlrn Al llw Unlwrally Smknhhewnn And th GNP incrcme not up whal Mr Macaulay hiring uyg we need Hut no will particularly trillral thou who had prtuthtd loam lhe mu Hm ygnr Aidas nne flul prtnrhrrl Aha wrilcr Ira1y my ha In thL he an rmlrd murh more mlisfntmrlly than many of lug cxpgclcd And hruflmlnlaler parsonally mg nip lat ol mdlL pncricii In rullrd up hl lhlflllflvffl nml wtnl work Fman venom dvrtl Ihrm wm mnny Joly mud Juxl III Impailnnl of mlnl nplhnlnm began la cl Ahmad Uncmplnymrnt he mid hnd been decreased by LimoUm Inrgcsl dccrraw In any year linen the war And he GNP had rim hy le pfl cent There were more uncmplaytd In ha rbdurcd In any ytar linlD the war of cnunc here is monoxide Icahil will be diluted by fresh air and dmwsiness may then come an 10wa encugh la warn you Re mcmbnr You cant smell car bon monaxldc By DON ollEMlN TORONTO Han Robert Macaulay minlller ol eco mmicu and developman gave pUmisUc report the end of fin Dur DL Malner Can dam age In hair roots result mm use of the new type of hair dryers wifln plastic hoods Mrm as University Investigatingrf Cold Weather Car Starting And hll ollnrll Imdnuhirrfly Macaulays Eiforts Bring More Jobs Nififiiii not Mm ulna III IIVO yml um am pm um yul Idan yum ml will In my hm hm ml at yum lulu null Ian In yml VMI Huh Ilulhl IMUL 1m mlmwunu Hun mm llmnir nun my and Illr hurl mak um ntw mm In Chlill er Illt lullhrr lmmlgnllunl MH umllmu vrstanh un mmllun In wnmlup mum wlnrrn rnzin xlmllnn and Rmhp mrnl mmlnul rnxmflupvh All Irmpmlum hum with Hm mmlmlllnn nl Hm vapor In llrllnul In drlny en KIM nlmllnrz lrnl llmnmln nnld llml mml prmmn brllcva II lnnm wnlnllll lurl one lhnl rvnpnmlu cnslly In nerrl nl luwrr uptu lum Hul nlud Ix dbl lrmll lurll lnrlurln rmnmrr rlnl prmludl wand lh enun wauld nnl Ilnll II In ml too nlallle or ml vnluml rnnuilu Andi Is in nm lhlnz lhnl must come lint nwru ararnlhcr prnhltmu medicare cducallon menu or mflnlplpnlillrx um my cant he met unlm here are lhu dollar bill Hum lopny mj lhcm for he minis or however wilhaul Iaklng away any periannl crcdlt lhnl lubsunllul boost to he econ omy was given by he 5200000 000 lechnlcal school building prngrum nnld for largely by me ninja govcrpmunl This In good nn ccssnry ln vestmcnl count But It doesnt provide permanent Jobs or mnlribulo lo he producuvn Iidc of lha etonomy we did Rim um um thing we um Inlklng nhoul W9 ssmmv And unlm mummy ll flnurlahlnz lhm wont be he dollnr leHnd many Ihou here are wlll no lo pay or cos cnrrylnn he uqcfnllloypd Hut ll muting Mnmulny lhn mnn lomllnx ll nllnrk cw mnra Ilka Mm And we mlnhl hn rm any Ilrrrl stirred many other Includ lnx his cheral cousin In trade 31ng carnmcrcc FIRST PROBLEM In mn llrutpFomcm Ami It In ld ycl bx nnyAmenrq BIBLE THOUGHT By THE CANADIAN PRESS The French explorer La Salle reached the Nlrgara Falls 234 years ago today 1679 La Salle discoverer of the lliuissippl Della came lo Camda In 1667 and made uvbral lur lrndlng and exploring expedillon bclore he was killed by mullneer nl hls party ln whnl naw ls Texas 195 Gen De Gaulla was elected president of Jay was France ISISBritish forces exac uatcd Gallipoli in the Pink World war TODAY IN HISTORY An increase in population was registered in nnly fnur of the baraughs heading this list was Wandsworlh with an Incrcnse of 16975 allowed by Hamp stend 3713 Stoke Newinglcn 3165 and Kensinglon 3112 Tradillnnnlly simple Cack ncy dish lhe smothAsklnucd eel ls rapldly becoming con nolsscurs delicacy ranklng with caviar dovcr soleund IcampL As result of the new dc mnnd world price in eels are swarlng and rumbles nrc being heard ln Lnndonl East End The extra tanner lime knocking the price up to tw0 mudsix comes 11 bit hard on the working man whose wile and kids are caunliug on him bring ing humu canon or supper The cmzc wlll probably wear or man and the In wlll move en lo somclhInK oLsc said lypical ccl ancicr as his live chunks were dextarouily acoopcd Into Ihc chlna bowl at illrcolcmncr stall Ncnr group obvluus rel ugcu from he swanky West End were doubtfully cyclmz lhn wabhllnn blnckundwhim mass which chumcd in me light HIP MJssingkcrusnne 12mm dnsll ncknr sprinkl ing of pepper dip the spoon and down he lhrnnl slide the nuuitioux bonebuilding uhflc flesh lhnl lusttl Is claimed gym lhc man at the The lranI Mind VGcrmnna ourth nll the eel boom law yam um and wer in am The number at people resident In lite City of London that mile lquare area which encompasses the business and financial heart Grcaier London was given as only 3767 At the other end at the scale ihe borough oi Wandswurth is listed as having the highest population with figureon 847422 Among the other one boroughs from the endpoint of population are 1an with 228345 Lamheth with 223763 and Lowlshnm with 211753 The smallest oi the boroughs ore iloihorn with population of 12003 and fins bury with 32887 lNCREASE lN FOUR All he other declined ln pop ulallon The largest numerical loss was ln St Pancras where the population tell by 13512 but the smaller numerical lossel in Eclhnal Green Bemundsey and Westmlnstcr represented great er prvpnrlional lasses in terms operccnlagc ad by 111471 to BJWAN nn represent rate de crease 045 per can or each ear These guru cover what 1ngan elondqn Admin LONDON CmThe pralclflr Ian cc is slilhcring past peo ples palates nu cxlra 51x pence bowl lslratlve County tho City at lon donrproper and the 28 Main pofltan boroughs wNDON Delallcd inure or the 1961 census 01 London fun Issued by um General Rel ate Ofllce show that In the myear perlod httwccn 1951 and the population of what ll omenally knpwn aalbondon de REPORT FROM ILK Ereys T9 Eels The Newest Rage Thé report issued by the Gen flvlvkrn Mann VICTORIA and GREY YRUSJ COMPANY By McINTYRE HOOD Well 59 Phunn 3252267 Orlllla London Population Drops 317147472 Invest in Guaranteed Investment Cerfiiicam Solid Safe Secure llnlllfix In pm Mn vy In hull In my pm nma mm Im Jul yr III mm 0000 In 3W1W lnlnm mm mum lmlml flnrl llnl llmlunl INTEREST For purely statistical docu ment this report gave mass interesting Intoxmation at how and In what conditions the peop le the British capital live ml Rankin Oliice contain number of other interesting lull concerning Londons porulatiom The avaraze numbern peoplt living in Damion per am was 427 Thil figure however varies great deal between heroism 1n the city oi London or in Ilance Where icw pcnpie iive lhe density was low Bl lever to the acre In London as whole per cent the population in private households were llvlnl at density of more than 15 persanrper room which the report says gives some measuru al the crowded housing candi Iinns This prupnrlion was con siderably higher in Paddinzton with 203 per cent Kcnslnglon with 195 gar cent and hung on with Lper cent It was much lower in the City of Lon don 13 per cent Woolwlch 98 pet can and Lewlsham 59 peg cent with relatively low density pnpulaiion wen Wcaiwich with 177 per am Greenwich 211 per acre and Poplar 284 These boroughs however include large areal used for nonresidential purpar In tandem hem war 1114717 private houspholdx ln 911395 dwelllngl Thu population 09 cugied 40109147 rooms The average figure at person per room worked out 077 which varied for Individual bor oughsAbetyvccn 068 and 955 known stall Owner is Tubby Isaacs who has been dispensing jellied and live eels since he was nine salt that 10 per cent of Ihc eel that pass lhrough Blllingsgm fish market are sold by beam ing mpound Tubby the other end the will however boroughs with hiuh den sity of pupulaflan wera Paddlnb Inn with 561 people to the acre Soulhward wkh 763 and Ken slngtqn wllh 797 am More long member at he smart so were Humming at midnight stalls in the Aldualo ang Shngcdjlch CBS PETROLEUM mum PA 85226 SAFE CALL anm Tum mum QUALITY FUEI CLEAN PEACOCK DEPENDABLE BRUCE

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