The Sunday movie Issue vol ed down the December cl ecllons was brought the are again at the nauguml meeting of he 0m Township Council ycglerday allelmnon owner of he Shanly Bay Drive In Theatre and his attorney mmm Chal oner appeared Ware he coun til to appeal and request an other vote be held In the sum mCl The appeal said Mr Chal oncr ls berause on the count or the voles cast only lhlrly three and lhlrd of he ellgible were represented The great number at properly owners are summer rcsldenla who ln Ihc wlnlcr when the vote ls norm ally held remaln lhAlhe Mr Chalancr said We feel um he vole was not 1me re pmscmallve In nddillon It has been Draught In our nuanflon lhm an omission 500 lo 600 names was apparent on lhc cra list issued at the last cction We bellcve lhlx omission lo be on man 0n lhlx partlcular Hem he Inld we 1ch those people Almuld be given lhc opportunlly vollng on his question which wally mm the tourist Induy In reply to Mr Chaloncrn Inlcmcnl nbaul lhc omlssion names annshlp Clerk mdhapc laid lhnl the names PROPER MEMBERS 01 the Ora Township Council are shown Bk lhe Inaugural meeting ycs 730 pm in the Canadian Ger ml Ilodric Awliloflum mm film m1 IIuw To Drlve 0n 1m nnd Snow Ill also be thawn Tka manager at 1h Plant Survry Dpmmcnl lnv dunflnl Accidom Yrcvmflon Auofwlnm l9mnluwlll Tho Mngkc 01 Hm in lively dcmonstrmlm shnhlnz the danger encnunrrml In Inc arim and nrmmd lhe home by taking llmmmhlc Ilquidx for xrnnlnl mUnx hrm wnh Irvilfltnm Mr MM who was mined for Ihls drlnumlrnllm lho Unilnl Hahn Tram Ina and uplmlm an mlnlnmm min and sham Mm rmlld Imppm by ule lmlr spray near IIgMnl dz mo dcmonirnflanA VgincsiinyL Hm dmmmlrmlun hm can mm mm HT INAUGUBHL MEETING TORONTO CF Mrnzltrl hmn callnxrn mnrlnllnm Monday ninhl lam Ilm murky Hnul an Unlnrlu nuurn Anurinllnn lnr mlfllml nrliun at llm unmlchml umlndnl Ind MrnhIIW lulrml INTI Muml lrlvznlrl rpm uninl 10 mmnrr mung III II Mllllol anmllm Mr um Irunlml lhv ml uwdallon prsuuu To Give Display Of Magic Of Fire Cottagers To Form Association To Hit All Political Levels Sunday Movie Issue Looms Again In Oro Ihowl flung on lhv volers list were base lakcn unly from the assessment roll and that he Mr Tudhopc has no aulhorily add to the Us If the name Is not on the assessment rnlL to the Incomplete reprey cntation which Mr Chaloner had hoped to current Mr Tud hape replied Yau realize that vete held In 1963 durlntz the summer would consist at the same llst as 1962 You cant re vise the 1962 list It Is lmpos alble tn dn so until the 63 sessment roll ls completed or 64 taxation and that list must he returned by September 30 Twse omitted mm he list consisted of wives and but bands who owned properly Bald ML Chnlancr Councillor Elmer Shellwcll said is the assessors duty lo put on the rule lhosc who belong lhcm Ilcmc George MncKny said The mu on the prypcrty er lo have nnhalcrlnscrlcd ML Chaloncr suggestlng lhat was lnlcnlinnal wnnlcd to point slcn DOESNT AGREE flccvc MacKny mid The 1962 council has cu opcrnlcd wilh Mr Bell It gave him the vale even though Ihc pd Hon didnt have the Icquircd terday From left are Ross Currle road supervlsor Councillor Walla Key Ur our 0mm Hum mnbhy Ilqultk are used duco Hm In lho demonmb Hans And rmnll supply gasoline ls handltd an up pram may cmL EXPLOSION Exvlmlm nm crowd by min mm and In six dmps of gasoline In mcinl cqulpmml Imnll nmmmt of pmpnno lu an um on minr nwclnl cqulpmcnl T119 Iummlrnlion has Men rm In many mm Ike vmvlnro lo vnrhm nndicnm rnnulng tu WM Hm Chlfll Ilml Fire lmvm tlon 0an mm Mm limo he dmmulmlim have bch mulutlml lmro lxm wry MA bulimic and high llvelr mm llm drnkmxtrullon In use floor cleaners hvw wily ï¬res can Hart and um tlrgpie way rumba ins mun min in mnlul In In nrlll nl Ill lnrmlrru ll wlll haw lol mm mm Minn plumm lhr run so In 1hr Irghlnlm nml any Inn nmrunu Hm lnlrr II 2000 rulingru In NH MIw IlrMnmn mm mm llny rnllnzrr munlvd Um nrgnnlmllnn IHIIII Mn Mmlml luur mllflzru vnlrl In nmnlrlxml rlrcllum Ill nlnrllnz mm Mr Huml Inhl Uu NMnlhm hl rnllnzru numlnllnnl punlnrlnl um manlmunn ha lwn nMN In pml by null may Um Mm thvrln lnunly Ila um vrfmlvut In Ilalvmrnl IMl mum Iry WM llrn MIII MIMI Hm runwaan lhv flirllnn nllulrll In rural WHVILHI In Ivhlvnidlnllnn I1 HI Amlvla nml mlmr IIVHIHL said Im not any amisslon bul manly oul Ihe amis number of namu do not agree that the majority oi lhosc who voted against Sunday mov ies was as small as ML Bell ruggcslcdi We are very well aware of Mr Bens problem Mr Chnloner replied that We ch lhis would be alter lo Iour isls ii summer residents be given lhe opportunity lo vole Thu council ha the power In call the voter cpuly ecve Gordan Cald well sald Th oy deï¬nitely should have vole but ll would not be alr to the ratepayers ll other would helpllnancelhc vote It mlglll be dillcrcnl mal ler lLlnham vmmun lhl 1m ndd rm Mr Chnhmcr suggested that Sunday sport be includzd il Ihc council was to Eran vote He rdmcd to ski resort in 0m Township which operated un Sunday ML Shclswell ma ha complained a11qu SUNDAY SPORT Mr Chalnncr rcplind During he summer complaint was lodged against Mr mug and no am also while nlhtrbusl nos mncems rcmmnnd open duiing he summon Rifle MacKny mq think they did 30 because lhcy knch lhclnw was beipg yblglcd Mr Bell look the floor and mid They aim know lhc law Mains other lhlngs canl be Ilcve Ihcy would bu so Ignorant nut Io nollce whnl goeson ncxl door Clerk Tudhape sot Campbell mike George MacKay Mr man Sanderson Bblhrpirllu ngrccd la mccl nxaln In he near lulurc and discuss Mr Bolls problem Cvnvmcr or min will be Mn Alvin mmnmon Shh nld vrry lntomflng pmï¬mm hm been phnncd by Harold Ynzrr of Farm Svcd Cman In Ilmrlov He hm nrmnuul Io mow mavln nnd nlldu and provide door prllrs good lurmul upmcd The nauxurnl manna um Vupra llorlirulturnl Soddy will luld next Tummy pm In the mrqrmryLunch Room Mldhuru The now executive will be IWDIH nl lhk mmlng Mu prL lnr Um hrlunm lighting cunlm wlll nwnnlrj TM Klmmm lnh of Harrie rmnm Nu dinmr mum might llayfluln Inigo Vlrcmrulml mhn mlrr will In he rllnlr nan wlll In hrn on Kim Unï¬lmm llnmprr pmjvd Nu fluidnm nr Hrnw Han WIN nllo My rmml Io hill Hm Dimid High 71 Sprint lulu llnl vlsll Pnllrlwml lhrl HWHIIIL Kim mm and Ilwlr gunk wlll pm rml In nmn llnnlm Ilw Anny Ihyulrnl Training mm Mmm zynmnsllc Ilwlny hnluvhvg nnlnnnl mamhm 111 WVHHIIII Wrilw Ill IAVHJDN MINNIIMHIJH 1MI Thu lily Ulnhanl EmmiINN Iorlallnn nnnnumrvl hula Hm lu ilzrml unwan ullh ha NM ank WNW FM nr pulnlllm In lmulmfl nllly llham vamle ml Society Holds Meeting Tues 11w mu nunnzvd Ivy ijvr rmuur Kin To See Gym Display The Inaugural meeting of the 0m Township Council yesterday saw two new faces taking pan Wallace Key and Kenneth Gil christ are the new councillors The meellng began at 10 am with the swearing In of Reeve George MacKay DeputyReeve Gordan Caldwell and council lors Elmer Shelswell Mr Key and Mr Gilchri lllr Key an Gllclnisl re place Lawrence Fraser and Gar dan Caldwell Among some of the llems vuled on and approved during the allemoan acsslon were var lous appalnlmenlsl llecve Mae Kay and Councillor Shelswcll were appointed to he Jarrell Community Hall Beard and Do puIyneevc Caldwell and Cam cillar Key were appointed to the Guthrle Commpnity llall Beard Roads supervisor floss Currie was tsappointed building In spector and Assessor Camp bell Rakes was apminlcdrhafl lnspeclar Tawnshlp clerk nmhupc was reappointed wellare Inspector and lax col lunar Other nppolnlmcnls were De puly Reeve Caldwell as my resentnuvc to lhe Nauawnsaga Valley Canscrvallon Authority and Councillor Gllchrlsl rcp rescnlnlive la the Barrle llok pilalA noard Councillor Ekner Sielswell Cmmcillm Kenneth Gilchrist and Depuly Reeve Gordon Caldwell Examiner Photo Two New Faces Ht Inaugural 01 Oro Council Pï¬mlmg the township bulldA lng baseman was approved at gm ghoul $507 Council alsa ngrccd lo retain membership In the Rural MunL cipalllle and Townships A550 cialion The next council mccling will be held Feb WOMEN CHILDREN DIE ISTANBUL hukcy AP Thlflccn chlldren and lwa women dltd 1n ire lhal do Ilroyed lhelr lwaInmlly home In the Black Sea village of Ter 1111 prm rcporll caching Iv 1an yeah Sunday nlghl ilosiyunl Vluflcdxll undetermin ed lnjurkl 11m Jlymmld drlmmmnn ol MIdInM Flycrl he GM Inn flay lnhmudlmn 1mm my aim ln hmnilnl Lm nlnhl Mm rmthan lMu Hm Imnk during 2mm nt Orllï¬m Ill vhyrxlchn loday mmlul he could man dcnnlle nmmmm Garlrpy Injglr In No mm unglnr look nl unlucr mea mi multnllon with nxrumn nu vhyIlmn MM ï¬rm lrpy wnl m1 mrlrrlnn lmnl pnrnlynlx mu mmlrd In Ilmy mil Orflllzl Th6 doc lar mum ml my wllctlwr Hm Inwhry vimr hm xnltrml limitu lmrll rIHIrr nve mmr lemlnl llmkry lrngur playrr with MIMI llru In hlml MMIMHI nflrr lwvl Man uilh llanlrl ivlmmr lliule mm thwlrul ml YMMV nnnlo III in Iuvynl Vi0in 11w Hnyul Canadian lulu lm nllifl Mud II Ilalnl lvmulim ml Mr lmk vuuhr nwrllnl Mr Mumla ma Ivy IMIIM MINI lot Inmwrnwl bingo Local Puck Star Is Hospitalized Face Lifting Is Scheduled For Legion Hall Ilockny um Ray 9in 9¢ inflow ramo In mm In is much mom respected Ihan flu United Slales Professor Geyrge Doxey on HILCm ndian Club here last night Univers lhc Uni Stale is rather mspeclmi es pecially in South Aldca be cause 71th segregation polie ea in the South Canada has abundant oppor lunilles in the bunnies and meessof Doxey ssociale 95919599 °l WWW LY Professor Doxey South African is barrister Lin colns Mn former member of the British Foreign Oflice as ndvlsor an Alricanaflaifl and lommPmIcssorof Economic Capetown and Johannesburg untversifles Ha and Ma wile have lived in Can ada about 13 months Speaking on Some Aspect Canadan Phat in the Inter national Ecunomy Prolessar Doxcy said We dont kmw haw the world going to settle down after these eruptions CANADA CAUGHT PROFESSOR DECLBBES In Canada are caught up In the economic pmblemx in Britain We can no longer pur that exclude other Professor Doxey said We have 101 la hank Stalin and Russia or because they have caused us do of thing or the good that we might not otherwise have done Soviet Communism kept the Eumpean countries from re vetting hack to their histaric squabblns TllLi WILL bommo man Canada Has fRéSpect Denied The States WINTERTIME IS ICE FISHING TIME IN THE COUNTRY me cold war the struggle between Russia and the other nations lo the Mexdumped maria heldlhese undegde moped countries upto ransom so to max He said Hesides abe Euro pean recovery and the neovery In Lhe Far East most countries hava mmhined heir political emnomy also British politicians never agreed that the Punch and Germans could get along and Erilajl has always nltempted lo mamtain the balance of pow er In Europa Mler the last war it was quite clear that Bï¬laih could never maintain the balance of power Britains trading agree ment In Obs Cammnweallh gradually declined he skid ammm DECLINE The Canadian market enjoys quite Iavorahle trade with Bnuin Britain ran her am my to standstill during the war Alter dye war Germany started fresh with new ma chinery supplied by the Mar shal pl Prolessor Daxcy saId Brilain sullen from no lull employ ment Only 17 per cent ale unemplowa He said People who have struggled lar tulle employ ment hav always thought that live or six per cent unemployed familiar some on Kempmldl nay as the Ice lhkkcm Foot slrpv In lhc mow leading lo ï¬sh manila will be pm mlnml nummobim on city nixed favored entering he common market became it would pro vide the cold blast Fresh air wudariky wiaa rtually full cmplnymenL Bri sh Industrialjm have With reference In politics and economy Professor Doxey said You haveyour period re evasion between me elections and Hm you have your boom period just before and Just af ter the elections He said Common Market gegoliplinns shwld have ended nle whale 0110 level by dustry had planned or the common market and then of cohrse didnt come abom he said hAugut essor Doxcy said The Bnush people were prepared or it think it is going to some about and think we in Canada will have to plan to see wha contï¬builan we are going to make in the new economy Fortunately the great nat ions the world have had has In make themselves respectable angl grhgl me said lgdlauomsm in béen dying most slowly in the United Stal The corï¬mon market work on faxr basi Nuw ynu negotiate Iani reductions on percentage bay He sand think we can we single economy in Europe of 320 million people which i1 What it will be Gonn mum Toronto ML mmlonably In manly al Orv waillna or while ï¬sh In ï¬rthate his babbrr Mr Brice the hun dred who are almdy on Um k1 Irving lhcir luck Exnmlnfl Maul Taxms one lower our liv mg madam because they force the price of Iood com nfldilifs to go up his difï¬cult in understand especiallyyilh Ihe mllain economy In Europe and the my cerlaIn economy In my own country DISTINCTION Influx then be Ahaxpdistincï¬on between what is economically desirable and whlatlirwlilically manoeuvr ahe Hexaid Britaini vmblem joining Ihc common market and losing her slam as n2 inn is vastly dlflcrent mm Canadas ear of being swal lawed up by IheUnited Sum Asked 3M Africa would mn in gho elfan of Mr Didenbaker Pmlessor Daley mld doubt it very much Proggrs tUaxey waffourdl or me speakers scheduled to address the Canadian Club this Univmlly was scheduled to speak yesterday but betame Sunday and was unable to ap pear M1 speaker at the Canadian Club will be Brig Stephen Inngrigg an Enflishmzn who spent many years in he Middil East llewili on Avail emng Mncz 1963 Din chngth Hagen IF YEAREND BILLS AVE YOU