Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jan 1963, p. 5

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Three Sisters Die In Flames 10fl0510 ICPITha NI Cl Donal accuun Canadlan Home and School and Pm Teachw Federafinn urged Sc urdny the some Independent qgenq an tgsearchlnto Wins Seat 111E BARRIE EXAMINER MDMIAY hiva 1561 MlILIKEN om CPI 111m young dams dim Sun da 25 boarder tried Hall his way past flamexrand smoke lo réscue them mm Iheir blaz ing 5mqu bedroom Their maker 1m FJnfly TORONTO CPITwo Melto polflzn Tomato juvenile court judges disagree with suggw Linn that he names dmmlc juvenile 1me be made pub lie to wake up he pawn The pmposal was made by 011 Conflablz An Ihnny of Edmonton who said parals are hiding behind the publicity ban which courts Im pose to hidd juveniles lie xald mest delinquency is mused by lack of paremzl cannoL Marine 5n Jamei Ghana of Burlingwn VL 91m 121 P0 land following his conviction on of inwlunlary manslaw gnu in an widen case poses civilian clothes at US Marine detachment quarlm in Frank mt Eamany Way The Pnfish court suspended hit one year untrue Chase 22 was yard at me US embassy in the one alum on fun nil vine The CDC spend About 370 may al iu bupgd on mm whim has bgauqn p1121£rgvlnmfia Menu audience SUDBUBY CWH111 cl the mo mm Laid 11 by the Inter nzuoxul Nithl bmpzny Canada Out nw an wosz lg Sugbug 13nd 1th pm of Ontario rmu imam lhe Sudlxlry oflict MI Na gonql Employmrnl Smite mid CAPSULE NEWS Mr Pter laid Ihen no till 556 unemployrd pawn nxjmred hm but IN II lul than Io per ml lb mm nun work um and not bad In previoun yum BOSTUN MNPkkdl nul tide mnlmrrrflnl hrv Ens land llqllyfarlqod and Coun 14111sz wilh man rim bum ammunld lng Banana TM Ha bumrr Imph llmz of Salrm Mm mu uran on lulu ol dumm Inz line pmm Police laid Mm Illa Mullth Humll Il lllll dm lb Anll Fommunlzl nnlcdvrnunn Bl lnluh Yr dom thlm Innkr ino mad Inn at wmr 73 prrwnl to Alan hll drmondralbnn Blames Parents Out 01 Poland Study Impact mvdm 1mm mamIn mnmmlln ram him Irbllri Rahmlay nl late mm rlulnl Hm um mum HIVHy JIWM Jnlin In Fli dayl Mrva 1Mrhrhl dam vlulwm lha Mm r4 upm land Get New Jobs Bums Red Flag HIIMN HEM JAMES CHASE NEW ORLEANS APEThe ederal Appeals Court ban or llississippl Gavelnor Ron Barnett and Lieuten antGovernor Paul Johnson Jr to thaw cause Feb why they should not be held in crim inal contempt or blocking de segregation of University of Mississippi An order tigned by six judges we 5th us Circuit Court nl Appeals said Saturday dial the two official show cause either by pleading not guilly by other meanshey will bl tried by the Appeal hurt Boarder Danie Sowiluk suL cred burns In his face head and hands when he made re peated 3112mm to gel up h2 flair to rescue the children ODay amj her two other children Morris stand Daniel amped mm bathnn floor as fire wept Ihmugh me menroom brick house in this village on lhe nadhcm nu mm Helmpolflan Tomnlm Dead are Clara Judy and Catherine VANCOUVER CF 1112 Province Vancouvgr morning newspaper say New Demo cratic Party member flue Brilish Columbia kgillalure visiting Cuba as member lb Fair Play or Cuba Com miltee The newspaper quotes Mn Cedric Cox as saying her hum hand loll New Years Day an arrangements made by the Cu ban ambassador in Ottawa and the expense at Premier FL del Caslm two lleeping mm ripped tinnun he nahwell of mom ng house Summy wounding Mm Inna Szikra 29 In lbe 359 xhngder and chest TORONTO CPI1WD shotgun plamlired fin fun lo awakeq wflsiadnry condiuon In my pita Her lwa young children walking up the slam ahead 01 her wen untouched HJSAHPTIIIVILLE 11 Conn MU11w Human Calh oll Hum ol Hllmhtlhvfllx Edouard Killuhryr Saturday pmlmnl to UN Heprumlnlhl EliI Mnth unlml flu flu rant Imam hy Unllrd NIIHOIII room As InllmlUOMI ramm Ml Incrrd la Ill mum llllhop Kllluhryu Inld ha mmw nualm mailrmul mulnnilm Ink were mm mum by UN Imp mlnn UM holy Ndurle mm Inimwklmr firm Mrhflflythl fllhllnl mm lumr in In Wrflnnlnl Tm on rally SfmAnyv Thu deth ol Dr Hubert Slank Bonk umch ulm uhm body wnl mun near that he wile lumber Klon an in Sydney Australln lub urh allu Ncw Yam Eve pur ly mnnlm lilycry Doclm have bun unable to delcrmlnl lhc rauu In death Ind pol in In baffled by hi mymry Fluman Kmnrlh 1mm Im dcnvml tummy err he lul lrrnl hm Inlrmnl lulurm Ihm In Ml lmm IstlxIrr In Iltlnnll lhllo lghllnl be Hm rm kpamnenl lirlnll mml unml mom Jump In Inlorry Inui nm mum Blasts Injure TrWA Innadlan umllm helm luv wmmlmlmflnm llm own or Unllnl Nlllmu mrnllonl Knunxa Cox In Cuba Death Puzzling Protesis Sacrilege Show CéuSe Firemen Hurt Canadians Help NIKONTI llFlw llrer DR GILBERT BOG By ROBERT RICE OTTAWA CPMr Juslice Norris resume his ane man investigallnn Great Lakes labor strife todaywith burly Hal Banks president at me Seafarers lntemauonal Uninn of Canada échcdifled tn be the star wilness The Vancouver iurisl has hem digging into the turbulent mari time labor situation since Inst Augustin an eflurt lo get to the bonom ol an inletunion fight mat has disrupted shipping in the Si Lawrence Seaway and around the Great Lakes All our Allantlc pmvlnces were fatality free during the years first full weekend but elsewhere in Canada the pic lure wasn nearly so msy Canadian Press Survey ram pm local time Friday on midnighl Sunday ihOwed total 33 accidental dealhx of hem in traffic filer were our fire deaths one drowning and six deaths rom other causes traffic and one mm In skating collision Ontario was mm with 10 deaths our on lhe highways thus In tires two by carbon rponaxjde poisoning and one by 1119 survey does not Include Industrial fatalities slaying nr knawn suicide The Ontario dead SATURDAY Clarence Bnmner 54 Ful lxrlon Township farmer in twunr collision In Strauord we stopped with hundred mile of Florida Thu weather had warmed up considerably ev en in that am and wu had put aside nu lupcoal and ovmhocs Mt Lu need them again thin win Hawaver when won out to lho cur lhll mnming Ule Win dow were well rested over showing that It had been cold enough to lrmer ny curly mam lag the wcnlhcr had become con lldcrnbly warmer we added mllcr mumward Our first slap In Florida Illcr signing In the official Wnlcumo Slnuon was at Tnllahassm the capital city of fly 165 WI ruched the State at Flor ida this Wednesday mumlng coming In mm Alabama where Iha IIaIu TM Is bustling in and appear In hnvn developed commerclally lime our Ins VIlII The sum LtuIsInlure ran In session but wIlI convene In early spring un lm specInI union cnlltd II II mmaurcd IhnI lhl like ly It seeml UmI In dlvlslan of fund Inr expendIIura lnr ha comlnx year In xlIlI not IcIIIrd Ind tame II drpnrtmcnu nrn upcdlnl In blgxcr Ihnru man my have no Inr beau npporIinnod The only IIcIaII who are nmund Ihn Cup Ital ll Ihll lImI of your an Ihe Innltm and mm of lhe mm nnl Ictmnrlu bul Tnllnhmsm wlll be busy place hm Hm Irglslnlnr mm In adver llncmrnl In nu local paper mk Inu or npnnmmu IhnI quhI be avnllnhle during lhu muons mum IndIcnln Hm Irnzlhy Ilium armIn 0m lha Inner unIvrnlIIcs In Um muIlI Inr colouml pmpln Ix Iornlrd In IIIII rIIy nml IIUIIMIIII Mu rrumInl IIqu nllrr Chrhlmnl leldnyl MIMIan tn llIil Huh rnm mmlly Ivy Mrnnm mum and be Ilnry 01 HI aod Idling no lmn lmn Itnppinil our nl Clrlnlmlrhu NI Iman and leIl wllh plrnnnnl ap rralnr r4 mum mnrl Mm rmlu drlluhllul Fllll nnd llmh luppln meal Norris Probé ReSumes Banks Chief Witness By THE CANADIAN PRESS MalnhMrlw Inrnlnl an rlvrr nl Ihe mum mum xlrpcmlx MI lkhlnx llrnlrtl in Mukn uhrru lhn Ilv tr ml mum Iwn mm nul llshrvmnnl mmllm lur many 3mm ml no Inca mm Hm vlclnlly haw rnl INNISFIL NOTES 10 Out Deaths During 1Weekend 5H FAILURE keyligure inflw dispute ueliec 113d Alhe wprsg record Arrived In Florida Fruit Trees Woeiul WEDNESDAY Jackpot $310 IN ll NIMMZILI ll MZHUIAR HOUNIM SHARE WEALTH noun rum lEGlON All COLlIER ST BINGO LEGION EVERY Paul Hall president at SW mm America and bass of the pnwcrfu AFL C10 MaxMime Trade Department me priv ately with Ihn Canadian judge for threebolus Sunday Mr Hail new to Ottawa ram New York or the meeting up parenlly pusarranged earligr The judge has said publicly lhal he wants Mr Hall to give evidence However since Mr Hall is an American clfimn he 15 beyond the power subpoena and would have tn appear vol unmily INDICATES WILLING Severalmnnlhs afic Mr Hall Indicated in Montreal that he Hector Douglas Rodriquez 29 of CIarkson shortly alter fur niture van pinned him against the wail of neighbors house Kenna Younfl 25 of ham inglan in bin at his runs per truck pa ked Highway 401 near Gananoquc Police susv peck carbon monogde polsuning Bruce Thompson 43 Sul Ion drowned when his powered sled broke through In on lake Sirlrrlcoe 45 mile north Tor on cred lo lhl trade bulk for our ist fishermen wcll us the commercial Lust January cv uyana was busy here but now the box are relumlng to or wllhoul fish Tho tourlst are nu coming back and um mmmcr chi catches do link more hnn supply the lnblcs the fisher mcn Big boats anq small are led up the docks and busi nm Ilandsllll Gerald Tibbs 30 of Torontn when his car crashed lnlo parked taxi in Torontor Clara ODay and her xis Judy and Catherine when fire swept through their suburban Toronto hnmn in the early morning Herve Auprlx when struck by car while walking along county road 30 miles northwest 01 Cornwall Greorge Céoper 67 was found dead in Ms carbon monvxlde filled Toronto hume We paid our annual visit her on our way south and our hos less was outspoken in her dc light to have passcrby come lo stop over and eat one at her tempting iish dinners with the accompanying hush puppies Thing urn slow here Furnished cottages moi motels nro vacant and them who depend on fish in or living are dcspondLnt We enioycd the dinner but the appearance of one lonely tour ist did not rhango the dflprc5 Man in the little village which has no other lncomu to tail bark onr oystm are apparent iy still in good cuich further up the Gulf but not in the nbundA nnca that has mind the Appoin chlcoin brand market invour lie nmonu oyster ricnim Same thing mm tn hnvo Iliumth tho hnhiln the fish in those poril and unlru things becomv more normni lhusu Atuily inhu hliunll will have In ilml nomc ncw method oi burning in living The road lulu the port In llmmuh bush and iwnlnp and unleal one wrro lmklng fur ll only law who knnw ll would llnd lhnlr wny 111 ll devolnpmrnl rammcncd couple yum nun alonx lluo lowlylng pull mm which um ho lmlll unly nllor Ilmlxinn nml Illllmt srrml In lmvu nllrnrml lcw lmyvnv Tlurm nrc lama han lmlll lhrra mnslly uml In nununn Mum Hm pmnilinl ulmln mu NPLY AT YOUR LOCAL NATIONAL EMPLOY MENT SERVICE OFFICE FOR CANADIAN VOCA HONAL YRAINING UNDER THE FEDERALPRO VINCIAL AGREEMENT COURSES BEGINNING IN BARRIE JAN lb COMMERCIAL CLERICAL BASIC TRAINING FOR SKILL DEVELOPMENT sumccrs IN GRADES 709I0II11 lllhlllll hahnmu MANCHIJMS llanip Dishirl Tnllnglale Ilnanl Tovonllualnr FHIlI TUITION PLUS LIVING ALLOWANCE ACCORDING TO lILIUIIIIIJIY SUNDAY IMPROVE YOUR QUALIFICATIONS YOUR CHOICE OF 40 COURSES GIVEN THROUGHOUT ONTARIO 30 of Torontn crashed lnlo Toronto hgr xis UNEMPLOYED MEN WOMEN man wmlng to teslfly but later he seemed to have changed MI mind There were reports Sunday night that he met the judge to negotiate terms or limony but this could not be confimled officially The Americanborn Mr Banks was subpoenaed to appear lo day sunrise development when lhe commission was ad journed late in December or Christmas break Subpoenas were also served on Clnude Judoin president the Canadian Labor Congress and film Robeson national viceprcsi ent of the Canadian Brotherhood of Railway Trans port and General Warkgra The Judge Issued the three subpoenas In an em to speed up his Investigation which bogged down with series of rank and file witnesses from th Sunfarers Union They are testify alter Mr 11ng gap11319993 cvidgncm After making sale landlng the nircralt underwent repairs and resumed its flight 39 hours behind schedule Saturday another iCA Vix count also Flight 50 which orig innins in Winnipeg made safe emergency ianding at Winnipeg aiier its nuse whch lacked in reirncied position None oi its 28 pqsgenggu or crew oi iour filly per cent ll that pnlhclie sight to see whole gov es with the leaves of ha lrces and lmll Hm would have been harveslcd lying on the gmund Tho heaviest hll appears in be the eating vurlely of orange in lhey seemed in be the most len der Grnpelmli were not hit in hard as ornngcs The Iree dam age is liable in Mind the next your blossom us well and wllh nnolhcr ms nnllclpnlul lhl weekend it may just lcnvo the cllml crop luml loss in thin purl llum nlnlei FORT WILLMM CPLTho second TransCanada Mr Llnes Viscount to develup trouble with It undercarriage In two days made sure emergency land lng he Lakehead Internm tional Airport Sunday The aircraft Fllzht 50 des fined for Sault Ste Marie and Toronto lmk off at to arm with 46 passengers and crew of tour When the alrualts maln landing gear fnlled re met if circled or one hour 10 miles west at the airport to ireduce its Iunl load before land Wu arrived in he cums belt and find that the tales dam age caused by the mat at not exaggerated In this west sec tion young trees look to have sullnred the mash An air sur vey madu by the State Cammls sinner In an nuempt to oflicially csumnlo Um dnmngcs has stub ed that more Is at least per cent km and salvage of flu mum Ihnn inshore and it is cool In the honest weather However the owners are not winter resld ants and the places are an em ply as ho summer heme Innislil GROVES VOEFUL SIGHT Tourist nru also not plen Illnl yet and many ol the plnc cs allll have vncnncy Ilgn nut Ihmxnh lhry nu usunlly Hllld by now In nll Flurldn 15 MV lng laugh llmu lhls year Two Viscounts Have Trouble Lv which lakes look the farm picture in the decade 01 the sixties in Illinois USA PM essor Schwart Ioopera tive Extension Servlce Unlvcr ally of lllinols stale that we can expect hp allowing changs ln laimi RICHMOND Va AWThe sniper skikcs unseen by nlght clung his victims tram behind wig burg gunfire He stalks by nlghl an old neighborhood that spruwls from Mnin Street lhu James River In Rlchmonds west and The neighbmhoo populalcd mostly by Negmcs has come lumw terror From the car that has struck the nclghbor hood has sprung lndignnlion Earlier thls WLck clgm mlnly Ion umcd ovnr la police of clak 3400 reward cnlIcclcd by their churches The Ealor change will be In use labor more efficiently He has shut times ln mumhs Only one man fin seen him He died he ngxt The snipér has klutd our men and wounded seven olhcrs nXLNegrnEm bureau has extra men Into tho nrm nklllcd lnvcstlgmarn have lowed pry cluc Tho sniper ns struck Dan leavlng Hyeamld bny dead Each nllnck by lho snlncr has followed nearly Hm sumo pat tern Thu Vldlms have boon mm usually young men The xnlpcr strikes nncr dark usln hlghpowmd nuDanc plslol withnul wnndm mm hehlmL TODAY and TUESDAY Postmaster Geneial Edward Day and P05 Ollico De pmtmenl unployoe Miss Judy Brumenwn ol Michell SD Farms Will Change In Future Have NonFarm Income Sources By KEITH CLAY Alsuclale Agrlculluml Repreuplaglvt Norlh Simeon Sniper Terrorizes Negro District hm Um II 11 um If nva II my WWwdi 04 wula film mmamwrmormmu JAMES MA JURY MHBHUH MEI MIA min uns£ 10an IND mu HIT LS POSTAL BATES GO UP nut and ob He believes that many farmers are using their nwn resources poorly but do not realize il Ilc Intels ln crop production levels sail icrlllily use of labour time spent on daily chores elci Capital and Credit will be cnme mom lmporlanl There will be more emphasis on using bur rowed funds tool in arm lng and less emphasis on be coming roe ol dcbl llc stale that movement In lhls dirccllun hlghly dcslmblc lnsolur as laxmars mnke good use of tho barmwcd capllnl will continue to cm phasize food production The hounr land areas wlll be armed more lntcnsivcly In grain crops and mom emphasis will he plac fd on hay nnd pasture product on Livestock pmduclian will In crease mmc rapidly than popu lnlion gruwlh Moro ofllclcnl use will be made 01 labour hulld lug nut cqulpmcnl nnd more ccouumlcal galns will be sought mm livuslock Tu reduce risks and avoid having all your eggs in une hay kck lnrmm will have com binauon livestock enterprises parllculnrly heal callln and hugs Fnrmx will conllnua lo ln crease in sin llc lhlnks lhal ll size llmit will fully employ hu npcrulur unrl lumin labour will prcdomlnalc In mm In Ftrlilizullun will cunllnue lo inchuse and crop drying methods will be utilized more Pmlcssnr Schwarl also believes that here will In increases in larger volume grain storage un Ils both on and all lhe arm IMPERIAL pose in front of big postu remind Idlerwriters that postage rates go up one com starting today They are holding sheet of the new Imur win he organized so that each opemlar will make full use of his own time and the building space available for bnlh winter and summer manage ment Mr Schon slates llwl many farms of the lulum wlll he more closely interrelated wilh nonarm nefivilies More people living on lorms will have im porlanl sources of nonAlarm ln come Ono llllnols arm family in our new has nonvlarming in come Ural exceeds lho gross vol uo ol the form producls ll sells Ono larm operator In four work all lhe form 100 day or more How many armors can say Illa they are maklng full use of all lhelr resources all ma llmel fillnlr land labour building utilimllon qualin of stock machinery overhead msls elc The capital lnvcslmcnt mquir ed lo manage the average lnrm loday is at least twice as much as it was even on ycara ugo Therefore believe that tho day past when Ihe lncrnascd bus lncsa Imusncllons of tho farm can all be kept in mind wim out the aid or arm records Flnnlly let me say that lha Ontario Department 01 Agricul ture In each Counly prepared lo supply arm opcrnlurl wllh an approved Amount nook lnr rccordlng urn farm huslncss We will show you how ta use these records properly and If you wish send these books nway he Farm Econarnlcs Dcpnrlmcnl 1MV Guelph or an nnnlyfl your overall lnrm manage men prpgram Thls scrvlca wlll only bane lhnse lnrmcu who want In do mmclhlng about lnndnqunlo In mmc and who nre willing In mnku nny ncccssary change In hrlng lhis nbnul intent George Washlngtnn slump which will be muimd on all first class mail Air mail was rise mm seven lo eidxt cents AP Wimphom TUESDAY sum V2

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