Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jan 1963, p. 2

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lrvlvmmla Ivr mm up l0 mum up 10mm nmn IIUMMII mun LV lmmm Ocldl up In mm up an III III Pmllnn man lullle hlemhvldn rmmlul all Ivnry luwu nn III In can hr mu 01 NR Ill TIL mm nu ur Ian Im Elli Amun Ahmm Alton Iml Alumvnlu mum ulnhnp Cnrlcr said lhu lylxhupl da nu ndnnlnmcr Ilomnn Cnlll nllc svhooll Ila mud ll wnl untammnlo that we mm up nrnle church Once you pl lhln we have In hnn re gretfully nnnrnlo Ichool lcm Dung Flamr Nrw Demo crnllc mcmhcr n1 lnrllnmrnl lnr Purl Arlhnr Inn lannrr lmchcr loll tnrdul lbnulhl nhnulvl ha mun lo punan mum Ilnnnru nl lhu lllpmul Hi Im mnn CAUIDIIE Ichtmll rnmmll my hp clrmrnhury rer Emlyn Davies pnsl prcsl den lho mum Convcnuun Onlnrlu nnd uchoc nnld Im plcmcnlnlion lhn blslmps rc qucsu would be dlvlslvn nnd uX llmnlcly hnrmlul Tho hishop In looking on ho xchool very Inmcly an arm ul Ihu church llcpmcnlnllvu of n1 Prnlcslank dcnomlnnllum while voiclng dllugmmunt wllh lha llomnn Cnllmlin mun unwed he blshops brie mcrlu ullcsl midy Jhc hlshapx brief presented la members the Onlnrlo leg slnlure Oct 28 sought cxlen film of Onlurlna separate lchnol system lo high schools and teachers college wall In In creased tux support or all up rnlc Ichoals wax anc of lo prominent clerks and hymen who discussed rcllgluus educa Ilnn on the CBC program How TORONTO CPLThe tem lary of Roman Catholic blah ops commutes that drew up brief calling or chnngcs in On larlos separala school xyslem said Sunday 11th he brch con niqed n3 poll threals Mos nev Emmett Carter of Windsor auxiliary blshap Lundnn mid ha main purpose ha hrlcl was to slnla hon eslly the churchl puimon an It In Ichonls We in lo any they are cs scnlinl he aald 1n lulnvislnn lnlerview In nu something were prepared lo ncgutlnle Iiku bags In yrkcy Eight men workefl or almost six houra thin morning to re trieve car which crashed ihmughlhe in about onLLhnll mile south Sandy Cove llgh Concession lnnlsiii Town 1p ammo said Last night wnl driving to the fishing cabins and trying to stay close to Ihoro as pos sible when suddenly noticed thalan 9nd dip Heinridr niannxcd to out and close ha door but re Mmemhered the house key GOES THROUGH ICE nnII 101 mm of Tomnlol RC Bishop Says School System Not Something To Negotiate WORKMEN HAVE WATERLOGGED AUTOMOBILE ALMOST OUT OF THE LAKE nu Mn Arm nou Mun1 mm mm ml llmplwll um rm rmv MINJO mm mun rump Wunl Car Takes Dip In Cold Water HUI 417 that TODAYS STOCK PRfi rflllwflrd IV Flynn lunan Pu flurlt IIM lnj mm hl Inm Inmruw rm 1m um Mm nulumnl In In Hum nu Hum Iluu hum ML Tu hm hm III mum ml INDURTHIM on 4mm MININL Scirntim mm ho Inlo wnl puwcml hy Hum 41 rlcl MLHy unnll ll wuld hn hm mm hrmlnunm hullrry nuo pink mndc nl maud mt ulm un lmmcdlnlrlmls Ihla Dldurl wilhnul nccd any arm xlwclapinm The Hamvcry wlll mrnn un lllcspll NEIIIHL reduce lhn dnngnr of rmllnllun mud lqwr lhe cm Ihhnlna ulnlc health Acnirfl may Nll 1w nmlnun Ircnnd In um ur omrntlon LONDON Rculcm Three Hrillsh Iclcnlhll hnve Alumhlnd on revolutionary new clcc lrnnic phntoxrnphlc plnle cann hIn givan lnunnl xmy pictures Dr Pullr Rnnby and hm other ulcnllm wm 1001an or lowus luminous panel Inqu dashboards whun my mndc the Illscovcry Thrlr tltdmnlc pholnzrnnhlc pm Is mnxlllvo In both KM and lnvlslhle rmllnllon and It um ho Med 111 lum 10000 llmrn Ontarion separnie lchocil ad mlnlsiorcd by nuionomou school boards derive tax sup port from provincial xmni nnd separain municipal tax levies on Roman Caiholics Corporation may onporlion ihclr municipal taxes in my wny they deem iii and Roman Catholic lcnani may direct his landlord lo pay his pofliun oi lhe lnndlord pro perly taxes to he Icpnruis school system On the major asks of schools lo permit chlldrcn ln escape from the nnrxaw paw chlnl View lhclr parenu he said York University laid anythlng approachan religious Indoclrlnn on should not be taught In Ichool any more Khan ertlcu lar pollucal belie shoul be The fish shame are about mile of share The car went Into the water about 15 cut of tha share This morning the water nmund was lrolon car wns allsunk in Abnut slx lock water Walter War nlca of Harrie in Scubn equip ment went undorwnicr or about half hour oday as Er nle Nash gnragcman Innlslil iltawnship used cable to haul out were In the car When ho turned to gel he ken the add ed weigh forced the car thmulh hree finches of ice Steel Plate Makes Instant Pictures um 1m 1qu 1m 94mm In Mng mm II Ilmi mum on wnm wlnnr Nwlmll Nu 0n Monro um lmr lumpmu Innuni II at un 1mm Tum In Vmu Tull Tum nu nu unw up nu 1y 11m lwmnl nulwummlllu ml the rnhlnrt has lnum ml In mlrwlnu any mu yenr mmwnl Ipvmllnu lxy drum mrnl only nhnul wr rent ny nmmml um ho muurll mm mm nII drpnrlmrnu tn min HurtMm Inner Ihnlr wrmlluu mmlrrmmll nut all Mum Hwy ummll wh IMJ IN Imam nr nvprnvnl thy rnlury lmnrdr hair If IV mm In mend slg In ch yml Mnln nl lrm In in Ir lhu pnrln km cm lllllq drqur by Irllinn up pnmnu nu wmld Allow rlmu Huhll In ha Mk mom nhrml mlortllul In nrrd and mum numvy nml tur rrnl lmrmmrnl pnlky OTTAWA Tl hungmun llmmclnx plnnlllnl hill rnugm 1w innry of the ultra unv trnmrnl Prol Sham my here In every Indicnllun at he Iummcr lhcnlre hrcnmlnu rmnncnl Ihlnfl and mm Hm he auc cm Hwy Is llrsl lvm ycnrl in onllnuud lhn ulnbllsllmcm them bulldlna may bu nut The mnn wllh Ihn Idea Tar unlobam Jack Sheri 31 ha mm In Atndln Universily An English prolcssar five your nzo An actor hlmsnlf he fell Into mm and dlmllnn during Hm rcuulnr universin Icrm be for Ilmllns Um Inmmcr play house Hr that uhcn May houm an nmnlwr prancl was formed mmu Inlka Hunted ll wouldnt work The ale proved dillcrrnlly It was stnflnd in ma aummcr ml and drew sham 3000 peo nlo to lrsl acvcn produc llons Last summer he and lcnce or the same number of prescntnllons man In 9200 and vlnns have llvin mum or seven mom lhows next summer The Idea In produce popu lnr works nlmcd chiefly lourisk audience In Ms unlvcrA sily lawn of 2500 ncsucd In Ihe Annnpnlls Valley Gen German Pagadar Elan Edd the interior minlsler placed he number under arrest at 300 but unamclnl reports snld many as 800 suspecu under guard meamcd lnla len by plane has and Iruck They were jalled In various places In the cagla Gen Ricardo Perez Gadny president the ruling mllltnw junta told pomlcal leader he mm arrests were necessary to preserve order for nnHunal elm llnn scheduch June government communlque said earlier that the platlm planncd In assassinale chiefs of lhe Irmcd forces and important business lendera WOLFVILLH NS CPLThe Acudln Summer Playhouse burn an Idea and ed by non rmm work In growing Inlo an nslilulion Federal Govt Looking Ahead LIMA Peru AP Police hold hundreds of person or questlonlng today about what the military government called wide mnglnc consplracy In bring his capbermlnlng cnunv try Into lhe Soviet camp Workers sludcnts and poll lcol leaders on omong the cap llvayo Some are Communlsls but hero also are member 01 lolldozen other political par ICE Plays flimgd At Tourists 300800 Arrested In Soviet Plot hénlpnm phi4m fldlvnitl 1m mm flyMu film rmmuu I0 MWl Hm II um CUSDENS hm Hum nul IIM pnkylpunn AM In Srnul luukrn In nmnu hm um Ily 1M1 Hm noullnl umulnllon In In dlmlcl wlll um qublul Vu rould have zrcnlnr In cruuso ln Ml groups In lhc Hm lrlrl it we could mum mum lrmlzrl as In many mm rn mllmcnl II ncmslly rc Ilrlrlctl became nl lho Inch Iumclrnl number Imdm nu prrlcrllwd In mo pnllcy 01 the orlnnlznllnn Ind HI rum Scoummler Mrrrlll Hulchen hmth unrrlo Troop mu mul lrd In New Hrumwlrk Hum mm mm Ho hm Iwrn nrllvu leh In Inurlh Trmp nr he lnnl Iun yrnn ml hu will ho mlmd Srnulmnllrr IhHrher hmk ml min pm In all lrlrl nrllvlllu LOST IIJIIIN llrtr lunvu Hpnnu run Ildrr lmpoxtnnl Hr It uhrrr rm nrn rrrlnln In llml nml Inn H7 Third Bnnlo Troop Colller Street United Church lend the Held In lho numbtr 01 Milan with flavor Crew lwn Scout Troop and lhrce Voll Cub Pncks TM remarkable prnvtmm hen mmidcr mm 105 mu l4 mnnlhs ago we didnt have Illlllu Rom Seoul in he DIAHIEI mid UN Dia lrlcl Cmnmlsslnmr Ihennw kar Iarlu Mlh hm over Emu Exnmlnu 5m new rcvluw ol the anus rnxls lrnllons of London Raven Scouts and Cuba at he end at 1061 lndlulcd Um ha scout Inx populallon Kcmpcnfell Buy Dlsulcl has passed the 1000 mnrkl Dlslrlcl Commissioner Vllfrcd Onrcchl Iuld Thls Increase In largely due to tho lormallon ol new groups notably Flnl Crown lllll Troop nnd he reacllvauan Flu Shanty Buy Troop REMAIIKAHLE Norman IL SIncIaIr was barn In Ontario County In m1 and was educach In puhIIc school and hIgh school at thII by He altcndcd UnIvcrsin oI ToranIn nnd Knox College galn In his BacheloruI Arts degree In 1893 and MJI In 1900 Hi Iirsl pnsIomI charge was In LII lle Current MunIIouIln Island and there he met his Iulure wIIcv Miss AdelInc ShandI They Funeral service was held at two oclock this uiiernoon in West st Presbyterian Church Ottawa for ihe Reverend Sinclair DD as who died in hospital on Saturday Jan 5r hirerment was at Ottawa where Dr Sinclair had been iiv In at ms Lawn Avenue since his retirement from the mini lry He was pastor oi Essa Road Presbyterian Church Allendaie or 20 yam and Wu moderator and clerk oi Barrie Presbytery chairman oi Barrle Board oi Education or six years and president oi Simcae County Trus tees and Rniepaycrs Associa tion for two years Dr SInclaIr survived by his wile and lnmlly Dorothy John and Mrs McKlbbon Jean at Ollaw Rev It Sinclair Madoc Rev Sinclair Oxhawn and Mrs Morin Mary Port Arthur There are 16 grandchildren Today at the there is weight training senior Judo the Ladies Auxiliary and lb YI Men Oiub To describe all of the activities places and time waud take up considerable time and anyone making more iniarmat ian 5ncnll the oiflcc VFoXVIh same program lhal will he continu hlg In the new year GIRLS JUDO SCOUTING AROUND The new year Isnt quite an week old but Already 1he YM YWCA In Barr has formulat ed an ambitlaus program for salt In lhg co ngnmnmhs Ynur rulumulll 1M me Dr Sinclair Was Allandale Pastor Barrie Iormuldtés An Ambitious Program GUEST PREACHER REV DR KENNETH McMILLAN Gnnlnl Sunler Th Canullm Illlzln Sodon Wonk nigh nvvku 710 pm In lh Iolluwlng Chunk undtr dlrnllon cl Luui Clugy GIorqnl Angllcnn Flru Daplln Ollu Anglia IM AmyIN mic and lNlllhI llnldum AIIMIINM class or girls age to and Cambium Sorvlul Colllvr 5L Unllod Clwrth Number Grows In The District lly TED EAUDOIN WEEK OF PRAYER JANUARY T0 10 I963 Openlnu Sunday 700 mm nml Clnllng Thuudly 730 pan Brlsnw Mr Ed TMMI mm and nix mull nlrhlrd HM rle murml Inlcly mm their Inurdny lrek he no lnmls Scnulmmlcr Hrhlnw Inlrl lluy didnt make It In lynx lulu nu lho kr hnd unna out In mor uInn my wcrk writer and lnnlnml they lrrkkrd 1er mil Nnrlhensl Hum 0n gumlny Im Hwy Innw Ihnrl In 2n hrlnw ltnlprflhfltl llnnly nmppL The cnly wuy fur Smut Troop In oblnln lnnz pnnll thnl the Court 01 mar cl onrh lvaldunl Troop musl pm Um move and lhcn run the mull war he lnng pnnu thing about long pants or scouts clipping no he lost one Irom Ihn Fm Press Weekly Vlnnlpcg Cnnndinn Boy Scouts and Scout lander were given In green llght ln Ouawa lo switch lo long pants rum knee pnnls In deparluru mm Micnr nld lrndilionfl This move Inflected uboul 5500 Scout Troop arms Canada and nbout 114 Boy Scout allie Inl clothing dlslrlbulon ram was must note mm the Stnrc Drparl mcnl Ollnwn Smut llcudquml on son to the flares and dal rd Nov 15 mini nll Hurlbul to wnlth thclr flock care tully In order In mm lhll tom hm dclnnnd Cubi ureflflnl picrmillcd lo wcur long pnnls ODD NOTIIN In November 1955 Dr Sinclair rclumod to Barrie to lake charge nl the SM anniversary the nlricinl organizallon of Essa Road Presbyterlan Church and the sun of the opening and dod lcatlcn or the present church building Dr Slncl pastor ate tn the Presbyterlan Church were at Sault Ste Mnrlr Coch rane Belmoro fiverton and Barrie His succnssful mtnlstry here was rum May 1929 until his retirement In October 1949 In 1934 he was elected Moderator at the Presbyterian Synod n1 Tarantnvkingslon and also serv ad an the Ontario Board or Edu catiun were married in Toronto And celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at lamlly dinner in 0mm June 1957 week course will start next Tuexdny pm for both men and women An analnoon course wlll be also be held on Thnrxday nllernoon at 215 pm wém baby 5min nonvita provid BALLROOM DANCING xixweek course will be slar led Oakley Park Public Schual on Monday at pm Both mar ried couples and single men and women an Invited to attend up starts today at 739 pm There will he ndemonstratlon by the class tnstructnrvw mm of the pragram BRIDGE INSTRUCTION 116 finlrml vnmw rm CONHHIULIIUN LTD Mnlc IA um George llnvics SINCLAIR DD HI Eerthcy Majorchnrrnl George Vnnlcr DSO MC CI Governor 6mm Cun adn In lhc nth Gavcrnur Gen crnl In anccuslon to hold the mice of Chlcl Seoul cl ha my Scout In Cnnmln Mora ncwn ncxl rck nn World Jnmbma he held In Gmm Canada will lend enn llnucnl 435 mm and land to lhls Jnmbnm In Murn hon Grcctc 1mm Aug to Ann 11 Io aérvlce wasvm dad by ncv Mr award Temmrary cnlombment will be In the Al liston Cemetery VnuIt and hur lal later at St Johns Anglican Cemelcry Cookslown Boy Scaul Week In Canada will celebrated February lo 21 Greetings mm 303000 Canadim scouts wlll be lent during hat week Io aver 5500 one brother lcauu In 145 noun rlu In Mr on meeting places tuhx llell and oven will cu nllcnum of their mcmbcr thin and of pmnu nnd Irlmds on Vorld Spouglnm Ca ccnlre the world Boy Scout Movement Ind Cnnndlnn MajorGnncrnl D4 Spry nnllve ol Vinnlpcx ha Dlrcclar of the Bay Seoul World Bureau uhlth In 1053 was moved in 0mm rum 14m don Bum ll homo Ilnce It in czplkm In mo axon Rover Crew mccllng the new year will be held Jun 11 at pm gyflewflotq The body was at the Hughes Funeral Home In Cookslovm un service at St John Angli can Chum 215 pm He Is survned by hlx wile Myrtle Nixun daughter ZeIIn Mu Huston Lakevlcw granddaughter Cindy broiher Cecil Barrle and sister Ma be Mrs George Reid ML mica PflANK IL YHIOLLEY Funeral service was held to day or Frank Bmlluy ch lmenlal No 27562 mm mm landers who died at home in kslown onFrIdax um van 11 non la collecllnn mm lhe an Gallery Hum lon ll Includes works of such noted arllst as Llsmer MacDonald Jackmn llomer son Albert Rabin wnnnd ennctk of the Commun ity Program Branch of the De partment of Education will be guest xpenker at the openlnl Wednudny at 815 Admittance is by Invitation only or open ln5nlght Howcver the public re to he Egghlflgg anylme af Ierwards durinn libriry hear course Will bl offered on Wedneldayn pm and another 730 p314 under tha diracllnn of Mrs Chillick SWIMMING Cuum for women on Friday eveanz and or boys on Sutur dny mennoun The lesson are at the Drum wlth rans pbonalian provided by chartered us Starting Jan ncsdays bpginnlng 415 pm Children aged six Indleven are acceptable for we as older membermu BarrieArt Club will monsor an exhibition at original painl inls Fer Watson In Winter atnihe le Hail Jan In In niVVKexhlbiilnn nature 1th ragagagd perkdrwnrks MILLINERY JIZNIOR ART CLASS Barrie Art Club Brings Exhibition Mnlllng Adllllll Box 400 Burl UIun Ilnlo yauv Mlduu In nddMlmL you my mvo nn rxlrn prr cvnl on 110 smmul In yum law by yupnyhlu llmug Inquire TM ulli PA 11217 YOU RECEIVE Yull can uvo conslrlurnbly on your qucs or 11115 year by making pay mmls In advance duo dalu REDIT FOR 1000 1000 2500 0000 4000 5000 7550 0000 OBITUARY ON 1963 TAXES mmy 1967 1459 50 3914 7375 9834 Luke SI Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Luke Ontarim Niu 5am Georglnn Bny Hnllburlnn regions Windsor London lla mlllan and Toronto Cloudy and mud loday with occasional very lixhl snow nr freezing drizzle Cloudy and mnlinulng mild Ncsduy Winds mulhwcsl 15 Algomn Tlmngaml rcglom Norm my Sudhury nnd 5mm Slt Marin Claudy and mild Kodak nnd Tuesday wllh periods luhl snnw or lrcczlnz driz no wind southwm 15 White Iver Cochran roA glans Clnudy wIHI crlndl or Huh snow lmlny um Tuesday Turning Hula colder chay wlnd thl rumml Trmprrnlurel an Innighl high nmday Vlndsar 12 37 SL Thomas 32 Inmbn an as Kchencr Im 15 Vlnkhnm 2w llnmillnn 31 J7 SI Cnlhnrlnu 32 J7 TUWMD JZ I7 ltlcrlmlDURII Trwlnn ll Muskokn 32 Synopsis mics nl wcnlhnr lyaicms are tracking caslward across Cannda wilh he pres ent storm truck carrying mesa Ayslcms through Nonhcrn 0n larlo Th result in mild wcalhcr over mos Onlario with mile light snow or lrccz In driule occurring wilh each disturbance Forecasts Issued by lha Tor onla wcnlhcr office 430 am cast 100 presented the Feslival lhc Epiphany at Trinin Anglican Church an last night befare an audience at 50 The play was prascnlcd as climax the Epiphany season The author member of the Young People lhn Church long with lhe director mem ber of lhefiasl and soloist are all anonymous The slnry the wlse mun ch presses the truth lhal men have been brought lrom ku and by ANONYMOUS DIRECTOR of the Epiphany Pageant glves final makeup touches to an anymous player whn purlraycd one of the lhrce kings who Cast Of Approximately 100 Presents Epiphany Pageant THE name EXAMINER MdNDAY JANUARY ma llV PAYING IN WEATHER FORECAST Flmnry 987 147 1960 1941 4915 7400 91367 Aim 21 um mlny Iumln mm mun munm n1 mmmen lulu InnHun uuml mm Innnth um to man mm mum mumrpm umnmmnnu mm Hmuuanl mmuxuu rmla All you no murun an llu um m1 bum mu omn lmm an Anlllopllc Bulh Fa KIDNEY and BLADDER nRRIAI9 many ways In warship Christ The narrative breathes he scn se wonder and thanksgiving lhal through the birth Mr child and his subsequent lile £10th and resurrection the world has been redeemed Klllnluc North flay Sudhury Earlwn Knpuskasmg While River Monsanto Saul Sic Marla Mount Fans Timmim There were about 20 liula girl playing the parts of heav enly angels 20 young mm play ed the roles of monks Along with the mm In lhcrplay 20 choir singm rendered their no mmpnnimwl byhil paid lribuln to Jesus Chris at Ills blrlh nle play was presumed last night by cast or 100 the Trinity Anglican Church HallExaminur photo Thg play was well received 990 80 75 19470 3le 4950 7415 9700 Much

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