Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jan 1963, p. 10

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IIMVI Wm MI Vlrmll millMN lMlJrmulv 111 Ml rqulmun ruml hr vio llnu numumhm Sunday ml llru rm lihllhnfi Ilfllin TM uroltl New Nk nlthMt on lwmlny vim rim 001$ In putt II alwayn an rmnflmnl rer mm am pm an IN In wind lirm ghm 1le nmr munu and palm In um Mu run in um um m1 Thu thy lur lhmllml Im yiu up In mu my min In melmy mu pm my rm Immm Swot qu Janmy mm lnr um my Um nly um Murm 51ml ll FHMIHHMN axnplxllA Vnrrlumw 25 I11an Slrnl unth 01 John Audion NIP Iull hm Inlunhln lvlh0ll furmlure Tern rmh Nn rrwnr 14 PUBLIC Nomi Take mice In lhe 511mm Court Assim WIH bu hold in he Court Home Harrie com mcndng Monday January 1961 the hour at oclock In the nflnrmon The Honor1M3 Mr Jusflm Fraser pnsMimL 055 Um Sheri l3 AUCTION SALES DATED It Iho Cily Barrie in the Counly of Simcoe his 131 day of Scpwmbcr AD 1962 10 according to regiswrad Plan Number 1227 Municip olly known as Welling on St Barrie Ontario ALL 01 WHICH said right Interest and equity wimp ion of we said N01111 nos Blaxom in and to he midhnds and momma shall one at ule by public auction at my arm in the Court House CRY of Danie on Wodnsday the mu day of January AD 1963 the hour of 120 oclock in the allomoom and 10 directed against the lands and tumman oi NOR MAN ROSS BLOXOM Detenti ant at the suit of Barrie Plumb Eng Supply Company Limited Plaintiu have seized and taken in execution all the right tide mm and equity of dempfion of NORMAN ROSS BLOXOM in and lo the 011 CHRISTMAS TREE PICKUP UNDER AND BY VIRTUE 05 an Execution Kauai out Thu Supmmg Com pmrjo mu cm or mm by my Ilen uzy lhmnsh Fddly In my hm Apply Penellhl 5L Apt name EMPLOYMENT WANTED Female required by localInduery Must be fillyquafllied type aka shorthand and use didaphane Full maze ol bew ems Saiary commensurate For appointment Ielephone lEGAI NOTICES General billingclcrk requiréd Immediately Typifig not required but helpful 3712hour weekg company paid fringe benefits Apply hat certain pared or Ind of land and premises situ mc lying and being in the City of Elani2 in the Com chmposed of lo accorqin AUCTION SALE Saturday Jan 26 pm Sharp AKI COLLINS An interesting position is open to the rlght person secretary to our salgs manager Shodhand he tut but not cssontxal 3712hour week company pa fringe benefits Apply to Personnel Department 12 rm Mam mm mow mwun T0 WHOM 11 MAY CONCERN IO HELP WANTED JEIHKV 01 IIIJN AULTH Km AND smaumn SHERIFFS SALE OF LANDS County szmmc ROSS HUGHES Sheri County Sim uy llmL DeVILBISS CANADA LTD BARRIE ONTARIO DeVlLBISS CANADA LTD BARRIE ONTARIO Numme SECRETARY PA 85928 SECRETARY CLERK an Hmrl MMmm hul Han My mm an IIIV litMal lMWfl day In vmi with 1mm and Mn Nrw him In labia awhrv May Munhi mm lllm mu Ir VIM Mar WV llumw In Walla Mm lll lnLIul ML and Mn It Honk ll muman nVlr th mrd unalth lhlly lhnlry Im nmmM In duna in Ink mam 51m nflrr lh hmum ML am ll Inn hm unfit iunwy rmlphyvl lrlmk on NM Vmfi Ev Mn llryrr mum wrfl mlll lm minlnw Lmzldnr llr Imrl MrI WMhIn Hm GMN Illflnl lulml nl Hr umlr rmmry wldml Inf Mt Hunml Gnulcy um in 5mm lMpIMI Amxm Minn Him and MIMI Mrnxvry vpvnl Insl wmk with Mr IIle my lurk Mr and M11 Ill Hydmnu Hank Mr And Mn Ilmhlkk nt llMfll he MrlberMunny wrddmu In Tommn Dec Mn and Mn nouhllrr Md lmmly INAF Simian Mnlan nml Mr and Mn Halmul and lxvyl romMu Wm Nrw erl Iflh Mr and flu Dcnmy mu Inmily Mr and Mn huh1 Jr and Inmlly And 11qu mm New mrl Day vim Mr nml Mn Mylu Hubert Mr and Mrs Bean and family alkyd wrrk holi day wllh Irlend In Datum Mr and Mn W4 lludditk Ipcnt Ncw Ymrl will Mr And Mm my Tbmnln Mr And In hlgar ml lamkly vixilrd low dnyl Lu wok with rlrndn In OrlHla 1903 Biggest Nezdlecrall Show slau mocked numer losilx our new Ntcdlncmfl Camlag Plus nvrr 200 resh IMau dcslknx la knit crochet sew wmvc embroider quill llm ms pallcm Send 25 mil nnwl Mr And Mm Mmmy and mmly New Yearl with Mr And M11 04 Sul tan Omnzcvillc ThirtyIve mu coins or this pattern Ina slnmpl plcase an Allcn Brook care Barrie Examiner Necdlncrafl Drpt 60 Front 54ml Tamnlo flnlnrb mldmls add km ulu In Prlnl plainly PAT TERN NUMBER NAME AN DRESS Pallrm m1 dlanx far different mzs necessary pal lzrns list materials Includ cd4 Make mg mg By ALICE BROOKS NEW RUGS from scrapsl Clear instrucuom tell how to weave braid hook or cm chclllug £117 to my cast 11 MRS MAY DHNh FROM SCRAPS FEMALE HELP BBXTER summn 518M351 MM the nle cl Imrvml hum Minion 001 II mt Mammums Mr and Mrs wish to announce the cngngcmem at their dnugmer lake place on Date suppams PLAN MONTREAL CWThe publican Party Quebec tenuous pnlchaI party founded last mnnlh on plat form independence or Quu bee province has plcdgcd cnurc mpporl Ihe Quebec avernmcnll plan Io take over 11 privately awned electric SANDBUIlG IS Bi NEW YORK AmPoet Carl Sandburg was E6 Sunday They gave hlm brilllant literary dlnner and ll moved hlm so deeply he said he never could express hla feeling even In poem Ills publlxhers Harcourt Brace and World gave he dinner In honnr ol Samlburga new book 77 mm enlltled Honey and Salt published Sunday DIE 0N TURNPIKE BENSALEM TOWNSHIP Pa APlSlx persons were kllled Sunday nlght In tour car crash on he Pennsylvunla Turnpike pollce reported No 01 the can lull headon BISHOP CONSECRATED EDMONTON GP Rev Canon Henry George Cook 01 Ottawa war consecrated Sunday an Anglican Suffragan Bishop ni the Arctic in lwwhour relig inurpageantry here Most Rev Clark Archbishop oi Rupertl Land and Primate oi the Anglican Church Canada conducted the consecration car many in All Saint CnihcdraL BECOMES sumon OKLAHOMA CITY iAPli Oklahnmz Governor Howard Edmonde 37 resigned Sun day night and war immediately appointed the us Senate amazing me law new Rm Kerri The announcement we made by Governor Geaer Nigh who moved up from Iicu icnanbguvemnr when Edmond wn reugned Engagement Announcement HA3 OWN OBSERVANCE MOSCOW lAPilile Ortho Alox church ceiebrnied Christ rnal today wiih midnight man in file Moscow mhrdral and in limiied number 01 other churcher lhrougiwui lhe country Th old style calendar followed bribe Orthodox Church places Chriumaa Day 13 day laier ihnn its observa iinn by WeriemTciIurchm WORLD NEW IN BRIEF Place the News of Your Engagement Fill In this form and return to TEE BAREIE EXAMINER Bnyneld Etrcet Barrie Ontario Chime lor Nollu $150 THREE CHILDREN DIE IN FIRE Mr Now dlildrm din In fire 54m day The mum Mu £711ny 01 Nam lb Man mm mum while A8 COMMIHAL TORONTO CPkTllo provin cial cabian has been asked to commit to omenlal institution Albert Eannlntr 62 of Tor onto charged with kllllllfllll yearold inllwr Crown Attorney Henry Bull oald two ysyclllo trisle report on Gardners men tal condition has been received and on the ham oi the finding he request or commlltal had been lorwarded lo the ileum antgovernor FIND OLDER FORT OITAWA CF Archaeolo girls searching lilo ruins oi lhe mycaroid Fortress oi Louis bourg on Cape Breton island have uncovered the ioundalion oi building older ihan tho iorlress Oiiiclais said Sunday the building could have been eroded around 1713 seven Egan bciure French engineers gan work on he fortress 10 INSTALL ASMASIIER WAWA CPiA powerful new niom smasher capable oi bombarding ihe nuclei or core oi atoms wilh booms oi cloc lricailycharged parllclu hav ing oncrzier oi 70000000 cloc iron volt will be installed at Canadas nuclear eslabllshmcnl anClIalk River on Atomic Energy oi Canada Limited on naunced Sunday that insinua tlon oi the machinedesigned to permit precise measure menls oi lire shapes and mo I316 oi nucleiwill begin in powzr companlu part npalielman said WILL RUN A8 LIBERAL REGINA CF Waller Erb lnrmu Saskatchewan health minister who ruined cabinet post and the COP fairly at the height the prov ncel medlcnl mire lnnirancu controversy will 5ch Liberal party nomination in Regina now reprcxenia theimral riding of Mllellone in thclcgislature DIES IN CRAB PORT OF SPAIN Trinidad Iamny Smimellus yeamld wn al in prominent Swedlsh newxpaper publisher wan lntnllx Injured Saturday in the crth ol his plane llls la thcr publishes mug nl Ewe dlsh newtpapers at Church Marriagn to Imulm Hanivl rmuun Ya with mm mm mm ma mumu howl Ham Judy Ind ulhalnv ICI Wit It bring tMng like 330000 words the Ideolaglcal nut pul hm since New Years Eve and nppnm In lndlcntc Chlna Is dclcrmlncd In mainlaln the debate hlghvllchcd lcch The lam article like previ ous mlitorlala dld not mention the ad that he manpublished crillcism of the paper tiger Hum came from Soviet Pm Seeks Bill To Bid Family Farm Units ILDEIITON Only CPD Tcrmlm Ilmlumily larm llie mosi Mable anemic unit in Onlarln Mricullum Minister Slcwarl say he will lnlrmluce bill in Ilie provincial ltflsln lure Mum ll ncnmcncs ikcly mxt manlh ulxlch will provide inanilnl nulslnnrc or II can alilhhmcnl mrpomlu Inmily larynx ML Slrwnrt did run clnlmmlc on the NH In speaking Saturday The alum rum the sliii unpublished New Year edi Iian oi the Chinese Communist party mainline nod Flag is lawn in printing oi he mag azincn main editorial Balurday Mulch many diplomatic nasch here law as lhe strangest Chinese conirilluilon no im in the ideological dcbnic raging In the Cpmmuniai wanid By ADAM KELLEITLDNG PEKING ReutersAll Chl Communm newspapch caned new long anlclc Sum dny defendlng party Chairman Mao TscIungl famous dlclum hal Imperialism and all rc nclionnrlcs art paper tigers against crlflcinm by modern rcvislunisls and rightist ap ponunlsts In the world Com munxt movement Ll cml party has also been prewndlng Illa lt l5 still dcvelnplnz policy Under the clrcumslancca nolhlnz could more rcptchnnslbla Back in 1956 and 1957 the Lib eial govcmmen had already taken the first decislve step lo ward nuclear weapon on Cam dian sail Ihe government dld not realize lls cnmmltmcnt to ac cept nuclear weaponqu Lcwlr Bald Ihcn ll was guilty monumental wlldeccptlon The NDP member sald lhe Liberal varly had madelhe 11m move lawnrd nuclear Ila run or Canada by negollnllmz an agreemenl wllh llm Unltcd Slam to acqulre Bamnlc ml sllcs durlng leeral Leader Pearsons arm as exlemal nt lalrs mlnlrlcr IRETEN RE POIJCY ML lawn laid recent frcve lathns about Canadal dclcnce pulley xhow lhaHhc Dietcn baker government has bccn either woefully Incompetent or dcflberalcly decellIul or time ChineSe Papers Carry Article Imperialists Paper Tigers TORONTO GP New Dcmncraiic Party member nl Parliament said Saturday 1120 Progressive Conservative and the Liberal panics have al ready madc Canada member at nIIcicgr Toronto York South said at the annual conmcnco the Jewish Labor Committee mm the Dielenbakcr government azrecdas or back as 19504 lo assign nuclear otrlklng capacity to Canada nrmad large in Europe VGoiyrt Deceitful Or Incompetent lulum II MN nnnnn NM NM HM lllmu Mfan Mlnnumluru IHK lmvrll on wmnmhy 01h mn ru The hm lnuv um nlhrr our 1h mu but Im an Inu Mrntll T1IE them ol UM book mu llml nod lmd pm upon1w nm In awry man and In nu mlgrd on him MI mum ml xlll llw mSnllrr Ifllll addan In nunn an 4hr numl HM lmk II him All lllrmlinl rlumrlv IIIIOIPI nit1nann um rll maxrd an Ilnllynmdn nut rim ch Dr Hnymand Llndqulll rm lur of flu Hollywood ltrnhyle rlnn march nurprlud Cnmnl 1chle when ht dluloml Ill 1M 51yumhl nrlnr luul can plrlrd clxhl lmptm bank xlrnlinl wlfll hll HHKIWI boA Ilrh Jnrk Cum he mavlu nu portray nudmwlh nur Iluth wm ammqu Enlar dn mum al qulfl but dtrp HIKIOUI MHIL nulmmre unnm who wish nl up corporal arm wllh bmlhm or parent he said Young lnrmm would not have huy new machlnnry or Inwr nddillonnl expense which would lha cute lhey Ilarlcd up an lhclr own iiowzvcr in an Interview innr he mid the bill duigntd in urmgihcn lnmiiy innm wlii cnmvicmrnl he ledch Fnrm Crcdil Corporation which pm idca iinanciai nuistancc to lurmm Carson Landed As Religious lmpcrlnllml me of nuclear weapon or lnllmldnllng pwple and or nuclear hlackmnll ls also llkc paper llgcr ln III we he rcmlullanary pmvle and can never Inllmldale the mum be afllnle wld more Ihnn zoo mlmbtn In Mlddlctcx chtmllan nl Agricullurc nynunl meeting here he factor that decide the destiny humanity has never been any weaponfl In alwayl the muse 01 lb people No he nuclear wzapon but the xlrcnxth of Ihe pea la the realest power In world Impeflnflxm alwayl fled Inilmldate people wllh lhcwen pans II dlrpml Hut whal ever Ihe weapons my be they cannot altar impoflnllsml alal wenknen being divorced lmm the people Eu Ihe urllcla appeared be clearly unnwednz Khrush chcv when II Mid AlllaM Instead named the Yugw slav modem revlaionlus having long crlllcized he dictum mIer Khrushchev who lold the Supreme Soviet In Mounw last month he payer Igcrt had nuclear lcflh N43 YUGOSLAVB POLID COUNT DROPS LONDON AP Only 315 cam Pollomyemll were re corded In England And Wale Ian year he lawen number In nearly 59 years the hull mlnhtry announced today 24HOUR SERVICE SALES and SERVICE OI All Typu The IIkely mull II that when Parflamenl reassemble Jun 21 will be pruenled with umth nuclear in accompll He laid her are report that he RCAF recorded Gm Nor liads preu wnierence and play It to auyane within calthat Ht claimed flu RCA circulala lileratm oi all mu yromoiinz nuclear policy or Canada Mr lawn mediated lhai the icderal government would bow to military pmmrcl and ac cept nuclear weapons at harm and overseas Igmgvwoop 1AP Adnr It now appeafl Mi Lew IBMIBI when Gen qufind visited Canada In 1959 Canada role In NATO wu dllcmsed BEES MILITARY LOBBY One of the truly frightening am In emerge lroni the prelr on Illuauun Mr 14le MM 11 that he Canadian military cspeclnuy Ihc leader of an alt umhave mounted erlul lobby in Ottawa Mr Lewis lamJailed slam Gen Lauri Narxmd retired NATO wmmander In Europe let he cal out the bag Thur day when he laid In Otme that Canada we already with mined in the amnion wu nhur an ammo Eouw HOWENS an lmfllflnli IA Md Currnh rcnppolnltd tommlurc clmlunzm at conn mucus muuna Thursday mm Saturday It will he low day nIur Um Snnunuml mm IIIK lha new council today he are he mmmfflrc will mod la mnaldrr rccomxmndallon mmcll dam ml rtmnnlm Local MI an mull bylaw The urlkm lgnarcd tho Iwarnlm and cunlimnd picket nu The 17 nmploycos currenlly are facing possible dismissal The possibillly mulls from an ulllmalum contained In lcllcr from councils personnel cum mlllu handed by Alderman Thomas Cumin bLnl thIn Dec 21 ll warned llxe commll lee ould recommend to he mm cauncll Illn lhcy be div mllscd Illcy lallnl lo lclum to work by Dun 27 Up to nnw weve only bcm attempting ta innp the case he lorc the puiliic Mr Parke sntd Whethcr thL situntton turns into an nllaul ttrike when mry possible economic meauure is used to have these tynrgntnlng rights granted de ptndn cnttrcty un what city council dcctdu ta do FACE 111 Parker represents 17 clty hall employee who won on strike Jam lo gain rccugnl Inn of he unians Local Ml as llmr bargaining ngcnl ST THOMAS CMH €in cauncfl does not grant all mu nIclpal employees Ihc right to be represented by union ac llan will be taken by Ina Na llonal Union of Puhllc Employ ees la bring complete halt to municipal npcrufinns E4 Parker union field representa llrc mid Sunday mnyr 7mm II ram lhlllu mm 1qu Iin unu4 mmm al rhnc 17 City Hall Strikers Face Dismissal In Fight For Union Secrelary 01 Labor wu lard Vlrlz talks with new mcn at New York hotel Sat urday during mediauan el lorts lo and lhe 14day long TIa dependable source CHSI NIAGARA NANCE COMPANY llMIVED nut II mun an um l1nmlimm Mrryhlnrrc mr Niagara lnmump In WOOJN or mum fur mme Ilflllli lllillgu Why Ilmll you SEEKS DOCK SETTLEMENT READY CASH for unpaid bills FOLIO DECLINES IN US ATLANTA 31V iAltPullo continued in decline last year In the United States with 35 percent drop from 1961 0M cases reported 707 were pnra Iylle reported lhe communica hle disease cener of the US department oi health education and welfare Hy mearison LEM eases em reported In IDOL the cenirc unit In ill weekly report that number sat were pnrnlytic Mr Parker said Onlarlo lo cal have contributed more than 0000 In strike gralulllcs lint Dec Were nmv nblc lo camlnue he slrlkc it becomes ncusv Thlrlccn Iclcgrams from un lon groups wcrc received by muncil Saturday urging it to re consider ils position regarding the employees They were sent by locals and other union grnups such centres as Lon dnn Hamilton Calhnrincs Woodstock Welland and Tar onln BACKACHE pancd under Section 39 he Ontario Labor REIZIUDM Acl shore strike that has tied up pom lrom Maine to Texas Wlnz said the ulure colloc live bargaining Is at stake In the dock slriko AP Wire photo In

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