Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jan 1963, p. 7

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nanr mm Shir There are more lhnn hm lxmycrs in Ibis warm Gel third on and wow lhin woman Is an unm moiher ll mauld nnl he dilll cull what yuu sny In your Inllcr lg rcumnnhly nrcurnlc Drar Ann Lnndrrl Thm Icl lcr mm the km Mm wzlhhll quit Achunl In the 10 grade to CAP limnp llnrdcn Iflr lies hnve been in iull mur Ilm llollduy MlWln Amen llmso rnlmnmlun wow mm Mr Lnflmy 311 luplnr IImu who Raw may vrinr to HIV dowrnnnu ch puny Hm ul liccrn Mr Sh mul Mr merlvm tnlrrlainnl hwndx Dre 11 while and Mr Lumphtll mml IIrHMMIuI mm mm llu luhlniuhl Hm rmr Huxlun lay mu Hu day tlmwn by mnl MM IL Gray tor InIr 0pm mun nml lrl yum nlnu MM well whhm nn lhnl Iny My will hn had two miser able marriages since ours Now she living with man hut he says this perfectly right because nobody knows Nobody excpr our daughter that In send support money for the girl every two weeks without all It got on my Hes back mud cant do one 11an about when get my daugmcr or lhedny ltqko hcr dawnlawn in buy Emmi beenle he another docsn spend dime on er How dld go Into his llx Slmplc My wife lawyer wns smarter lhnn mine 11m OTHER SIDE Tha lnw 1an unrk lr It hr Intchunks of Justice but pmplu hum 10 help SCHOOL HHUIJW SI nml Mn DJVIN Fh AM In Hmllmln mu FO IIMI nmrmm Imml mm Nrw rnrl tvn pllnr lo Hm lullvilm In mm 5111 um MM Klwluk khml FL and IN uuvl Mu Wm mck mm llvrir mmdhu Inm IIIM nn lwnlhm rtvhl lIy hnlhlaylnl In runny Unliinmln walked out on my will be cause shu was naggingk BIDDW slunld hnlllenxc 10 the car the paldInr home and everything In it including my bankbuak with 530 We had an llycamld daughter and wanled In be as fair as possible Dear Ann Landon Why not tell the divorced mans side of fine story Thm one whom at you knew it or not unanuuuun made in one color you pre ler The Moss Stitch hord en will preservo the Chane ANN LANDERS Knlt your own smart jacket for spring This design comes with raglan sleeves In Iour sizes14 to 38 and can be BURDEN NOTES Win Her Custody In Court Of Justice RAGLAN JACKET um Ibis and um diHl mum Ilw dilldnnl eyrl lullnwlu llml mkn nml mmlu me lmL Vnn uh rlnhl nr wrung JUST ANKING nn nm hlylhdny rnku Is rm HunnL To mlxlrrn II II 1anle Nu mml monnlng lul pan nl llm ulrlrrmian Thu rnkn Ahnuld lmu hrrn ml or Hm chlldrvn 11m randch were Iluhlcd my lho childnn lanfl Happy Irm day In You lhauxh until my nlslrrnlnw wuuld rut lht mitt lml the llllnl lhn lvirlh dny glrl mndn wllh Mrw on he candlr nml llwn hr nmllwr lmk llm rnkn inln llllchen My alslcrInlnw In luhlu rcfrrshmenln There In the rcnlrr ha Inhle wax LIUIC cnkc with lwaulitul dcc omllnm and mmllrm Far lwa whole month an up of the world Then bus nus gut slaw and was lufld went mm one place In an nlhur looking or job Thu first question was Are you high school gradunlc Drnr Russ This column rc tchcd many lullm 1mm drop oula who d1dnl have your good sense and urn now conxumrd with rcgrcl Conumlulalluna for having lhu judgment and tho courage to go back to school to sorry Inr lhc hlmdmh whn Wr0c In In me lhoy didnl Den Ann Lnndm look my lun younnslm birthday party last Mk The hlrlhdny nlrl wn lhcir chhlycnrald cumin had In chance to make blg money 00 couple of my Inld me was crazy waste In schoo when could an mnklng In dough quit in my Juninr year work In mill fur $91 wcck It was more money lhan my dad made was out mark for two months and finally go job as Janitor in nu oflicc bulldlng Pay $58 wank After our mnnlh decided was his fool and Id hell go back to school nr might he making 358 week for the rest my file aw Im In collegen place never lhoughl Id lieand thank my lucky slam woke up In mmWES lake job fur $68 week could have been wrilten by me TRADITIONAL CM often If wu would like the leaflet with this design limp ly send sell addressed stamped envelope to tha Nee ileum Department 91 thls paper mquesllng The Bord emd Raglan Jacket Leaflet Number 263 COLD WAVE PERMANEN $750 now truly $350 now unlyl U0 new only STUDENTS January Specials As soon as you decide to cleanrup after Ihe blg haliday yolngs get after lights and wit Unscrew th bulbs mm urnnds Christmas lights and wash themin the dlahpalg Drawlh wiring taut through the old of well lathered lponga or cloth and rinse fine same way with clean damy mange or cloth There is less chance oi break ago or accident the lighu are replaced in heir sockets be fore flaring Wind the Iliiiil of lights around large raiiar or piece cardboard or limpiy call the wiring COIL ll LOOSELY In my event keep Iho wire iwseiywound or called because tautnm my crack Ihe insula iian or break the fine wire in side Ii ynu are raving ribbons pm Vclean ribbons under damp cloth with fairly hat iron ii the ribbon in even slightly ngllod it needs in be laundered While alill damp place each ribbon between iny era ol waxed paper and then iron Far convenlence place small bulbs in lhalllEl before Im érsing In suds Rinse under InuLel and Iurn them out an clean terry cloth towel lo blbl them dry To avoid creasing wlnd rib boa around cardboard tube and fasten with straight pin To take care wall hang Sngn and tree skirt quite Job Paper Items should he dusted well on boll aides then The Invasion was launched ihil Ipring and has been de ciarcd mccess as the Funch housewife discovers the practi cal nnd economic advnningcs oi doing all her Ihcpping in one pinge nm iirsi inno sicre in Paris was opened last March he Bciic Janiiniare depart ment siorc siiualcd on he hanks oi the Seine close in the historic Louvre Museum in April mend store lnnolionlpnrnassc was npcncd in the Laiin Quarlcr iunivcrsiiy district of Paris ngguumr CUSTOMERS Thu Ipnclaus modernv air cooled supermarkets ollcrlng an unllmilrd choice at produce present mum tunlrosl to flu lecnl Imall loml loud Ilore normally ynlmnlwl by larlslon hauncwlvu PEGGY MASSIN PARIS Haulers Super markets and sellsew slam have at last Invadcd Paris one the baslions ol the cqrner slum owner and the upannlr market The newest and mast Import nnl chain Frenchiupermar km called Ianrance Iliprivcd from the ward Innova Aon Inna he Bella Jnrdlnlm slalisliu show that hi number or atwppcra nvcgpgcyqboulflJpW dain cxcccdirfi flu mast npllmlslic cxpeclallam Al Int Parkinm won out zuflaxlly But many lhtm have Iinco become rcxulnr cl MIL vnh lho ndvanlngc man production method the clmlce qunlny and rclnil prlm their goods nm vnsl lmprnvemrnl ovcr lhoxe lho local Alrccl corner ha7 Frenchuomcn nlxa nnvrrclnle the nowfly In lhcm at finding nll Illm nl Iood untcnlrnlcd In one Alnrn lnxlend nl heing nhllml In lrmln rulmd he nriuhlmrhoml ram Hm lmkrr to Illa fish market In huldmr In Ina VlKflnMu malksl flu wIM Imrn Supermarkets Paris Success Proper Storage Is Important In AflerHbliday CleanUp Iuvlnl Inln flu will rumMa unch humI Tum 07 mml mum vIu lmmmm Mer lrFUIIR LTIL For Flno Fur hyELEANOil noss PA 81900 folded flat mm original crease linen Vacuum It usually woo an bath tides and haul It in the air and run or while to vwmage mothl Linen and nlhtt walkable fabric should be gum dared Remembn Ihat bright calan usually bleed wash them upmle Ind mmlenly ol suds an Hum lo fluih away excessive dye Avoid much because It al lram lilverlilh da n04 irfin UNDER THEM Mm removlng any Imus tablecloth Ind napkins thunk be carefully hundred drlnd and put awnyImlmned It is better roll table linen than to luld them Tb pruvenll wear diminution aim crease when pauibk r011 nud mm my wont maud 9114162113 Wllh and old Im mu tee is each ornament removed wlpe with My sponge and dry with not Ohrlumu melt and man would be Elven the lame care 44 DUNlOP ST EAST All merchandise In our lore car rlcs lha original price tag Make your seltcllon than havo 20 deducted when paying DRESSES AR 0A1 BlOUSES SKIRTS SWEATERS GOWNS HOSIERY mama1 SllMS ms THERES ONLY ONE SALE YEAR AT IHIS IS YOUR GUARANTEE OF GENUINE SAVINGS STORE WIDE In Unriuu THIS Is In STRANSMANS ONCE YEAR hand ml give flier grip1m delicale visas 91° NEW M3 mould In checked any Jewell have been burned met them ulna either glue ur na polish ap plied Wet alum demaflons mo bile Ire tanned mm dam on lraycd edges with cel nphano have or trim the rough edges with yinkiu shears Pine calm an be nishpd lhrougfi um and rinse water want every fit was or rafllsde€rflvnl wnv In and are in minty ham mud vim cardboard dividers dip Medium when tree 0mm flwyfinq another ml 94 We mflybu oukmcer gag dmggfiwmg Wm Una gleaming diam Inn 50 now the house us may myW olher year Ind 11 back to their mm mm LADIES WEAR MORE Zmy year hundred bk advanuzz this mpgunity la buy qualxly mmhzndue at an prim wmrm cons CAR com BlOUSES swmms GOWNS with MOSCOW AmThe Soviet Union Ill send thousands at mum Ind mflml Indenanvfiulomzam wwwmmgaw daring In flaxnann finchaimanollheconmfiuu on calms relation with or zjzn canalla mowed Pdv Halifax HEADS CW1 ID VIM ABROAD BARR in am Mm mum BUILBABIGGEBBETIEflBAHHIE TAKE ADVAMAGE OF THIS EXCEPTION OPPORTUNHY DISCOUNT SALE dmvnénmmmugca Eben from Danni 1m magnum PA 84284

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