Government Agehcy To Aid New Industry In Ontario nan in Ha AukI164 ruuni mm and um um mm In rumqu Imm Humv cmlm mm mm th Imun Amlulm rmm rm mm mm lmnmnm mlv mum In In om TM tum II um NM or Auuwlua mmn mu rm mm lanlenl mun Ivnmml mm In hllm Inn Irle IluulM NMlll mum mm mu mum numu umm mu ll 13IHN4 MI Dian uunun mmr mum um lllfll lllllV AflvllNVl llVllN lllYllll Illulhflnn II luhkrlyflm mo mm rlnhy uuuv Hm mm mm 1r mm In um an mm um mm mm mm mm mm rumn hum mr nu ma 1mm mm 010m 424 mm An Tannin Mn mm Human ma ct 43mm llrnl vwm Inflch 10chvaV nulnldlu on lrntlclnsx hum Ihr Irmlucorn Ill unly ml Making lhn nrmm lnkc nuvh mlucllnn may lnmnnrnm nu Canada CUTTING H00 SUBSIDY Nin nra Falls Huvluw Mr Dhlcn Ikorl nullcrlty mrlng nc llnn lrlmmlnu $22 mlllun mm Ihln years propnml govrmmonl npcndlng will hit ho mulucurs In Mr pnrkul llupkn vlynrq will hurt thom llm Inml Barrie Examiner Jan 10 1018 Dr Robert Sprott elected mayor John Craig missed by 10 votes getting his fourth term Town ratepayers en dorsed central site for new collegiate George McLean elected reeve Peter Soules anti Christopher llorsfieltl first and second deputies Aldermen elect ed were ll 0rd ll Reid Beelby Dr Ar ll Brother l2 Tyrer Payne It Lennox Adam son Tom Pearce Bob Finley Alex Clark Graeey Capt lerc Sarjeant medical officer with the Britls forces wrote his parents Mr and Mrs Albert Sar eant ahout his work in Palestine he Ping chase the Turks from the Holy Lami llnrrie Coils junior hockey team heat Aurora 117 in first mo of mm rchetluie Gordon Meek ng was conch tilinty Moore was autstandln tn goal with lex White and Scotty Sutrerland on defence Dalton Doll llieeking was centre with Tony Dy ment and llabo ilouartlls on the wings Max linsenfelrit was the capable sub There were few ehan es in County Council lleeve bimpson was re turned In iiny iownshlp Amos lraln WQR DAYS 45 YEARS AGO Test tube and text books have not yet made life something to be taken like doctors prescription mere followin instructions Everyone has indivi ual talent but he can give ex ression to it only through initiative en erprise energy and invincible optimism He must come out of his emotional shell it We should as notes the Monthly Lei ter oi The Royal Bank of Canada ex use ourselves to context of values in ich high performance is encouragedi The cultivation of excellence the ursuit of achievement for its own sake latent force in nearly everyone Bringing his sense of values out into the open part oi his mind is one way to make the lat ent urge effective in action How effectively we live is the expres sion of our sense of values Every man is worth just as much as the things are worth with which he busies himself sense of values is needed in prime llfe as well as in the market place All our lives we are exerclsln choices pre ferrlng this to that dec dlng between better and worse Llfe would be unin terestlng If we dld not set certain goals and commit ourselves to some method of kecplng score it is perhaps signiilcant that the On tario budget made announcement of plans for an Ontario Development Agency which will provide financial assistance and consulting services to rovinclai businesses The industries hat will be helped the Throne speech said are those that can demonstrate an ability to contribute signiï¬cantly to wards Ontarios economic growth The government statement indicates its For the economic health of Ontario itls necesssr that more job opportun ities be prov dad in other areas of the rovincc than Metropolitan Toronto urther concentration of industry with in tho Toronto orbit can only cause more transportation problems croato the need or more subway and super highways for which all must pay but worst of all could slowly brini stagnation to other parts of the proy Sense Of Values In Private The Barrie Examiner OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE Tho Qurlmc Sorruln have asked to have the phone book printed In French The ldrn Is lhal Us mnlm ho quhcc Llhnrnll look had in quvlwc Immune lhny hadnt MIKNI Hm Impo Hwy dont change the mom lmok can hardly undnnlaml In Engluh MR nmwlto made wall He um HODJJOU Hmln IMW fllilllflfl nml 5000 ahmlln Many lhnnuhl ho mu Im lnr lht uvrrlhrmv ho uovrrn mrnt What hn Iakl Wth WM mm Inlrtl wan Illnl ï¬nrlnl mlll In and or ynu ELOOUENCE IN FRENCH Vnncnuvcr Sum All lhn Frmlcmnnmllnn mrmhm urn nmlurn mpvrlnlly when on cant Illl dnlnluml what lhnv My Her Mk or glass mm Hwy do It wllh flood of rluuuumc bcrnuso lllom undouhlmlly will ha 105 lncllnallnn armors tn lrmlucu in rndn pork or cxpart will Hm mu hnl Innmln wlll lnxc markets Mr lllcfcnlmker llllnl do well Xllll In rural arms in IL ymru gunvrnl vlcclhm And next limo the fur nwra my be 0er mnru unfavorath In lhu unscrvnlhw in Flos and Harry Carter in Tecum seth Tom Simpson was tied by Robbins oi Vyebridge but retained his seat There was censideraable anti eonscription sentiment in the township lilr and lilrs White received word their son Pto Edwin White had been killed in action on Christmas Day Pte Donald liiacLaren homo on leavo rior to leaving for England Ptct PVilliam Lines relported making recovery from gas poison rift in France Pie ltert Fraser hady wounded at Vimy Ridge arrived home and met by man friends at Ailandale station Pte Pattenden 157lh Bn invalided home to illineaing Central Methodist Ep worih League announced carnival for Monday night at the Mammoth ltink with 15 bands Shortage coal in smaller places given as reason why troo could not quartered in Barrie or rillia this winter iilcCut rheon oi Oshawa appointed mana er of llarrie Gas Co Stormy meet ng at town ratepayers held in Grand Opera Home to discern proposed new site at collegiate at iair grounds it lar rett objected to rnnnner in which board oi education had handled tenderer We may the reception given our sense of values or disappoint ed by our failure to realize our values immediately but these worries and burn ed fingers and disappointments are triv ial in view of our goal Our real busi ness tn life is to ind something that is true or us and to live by it Our scale of values rovides us with bench mark from whic to measure our progress and point to which we can return for fresh utartr nonpariicipatin ectators Values are ve not talked about There Is time for meditation but there is also tlme for action We must at tend to the job in hand and work at it caiinly viggrouiy witnqut iiistraction eople This selffulï¬lment is not selfishness To say that we should seek within our selves for the values that will give us happiness is not to say that we should descend to seiicentredness in an animal sort of way Part of our sense of values must express itself in making our contri bution to society We cannot realize high values it we are content to exist as nugparilclpating spectators he is to satist something within him which is unappeased if he is to be him sell and not pale reflection of other P921219 In Barrle such corporation has al ready been formed to help develop in dustrel Indicating the local vlgor and ores ght whlch has jumped at this chance Now tt could be even more helpful with government backing Industrial expansion depends on cap itol and this is not niwoys easy to obtain Faith and confidence in the product and me ionce are needed and normal land in mtttutions donotnlways want to ris their capital Thevnew plan which is prepared to guarantee loans up to total of $100 million will holp many in dustries get started part the same program the government plan to encourage community development cor porations to assist with local or region al industrial developments awareness that Job opportunities must be provided icy growing labor iorce NI TEA MOM WNW mm New mw mnlmim In hlrr Hum I01 rummfllnhlu Mncmlflm ruclun Na nlhrr pm Illm lo ha ln Drum The fian ol Sandwich whn MP lnr South MmI Vlmmnl Induhmlrmh llou Iml rel lhnl In prnwlull bl llw mmmllm mrrl alum Unu In In In nnlrnl munln In the mm Mull All In lml bun wvlllrn alum hp Ilnilily Ibo 7an um um lnnl IlnIIhnm In HUII llllru ln relunl In Hm mm nlumvmu iml lwm pun wrrulnllun Illlmlll any nlllulnllwl In hwy nm qnllo umlrnl £an uhrlr llloy aw and urn rm Hum mnynl IIHHM nm Fan Flmlwhh Hqu In unl hr hum Ilw Imlh when dumlml llw lrpnrl lendinl II Walzuwxl run lnnhlhv Ihll Wodlumil mm mm ml MunM10 In um In um pm mum nnllmln up hln INK In the mine nrlmdu and In the Illk nl lluhllnn Mr llnmmlnry olnrllnn ln mum l0 lln mm nmmnm IEIU III 76 mm llmu In My llld canMar thn port of ulrd mmmlllu nn rdnrm at tho an lanla ll wnulll Mlptnl lhnl onl mm mm ll any lumen In nklnn ldVlmlnEe cl lllo polle MIMI ll rmmmemln lmd Slnnsknlr the onnhllng lcglslnllnn ll IMSNL lull lnllmnlod lhal hn will Iurrmltr MI penny lllll lyrrnmu rllxllull cunlul Am In the llnuu nl ammnnll mu nnmnn Up In lho ma MI an nnuncrmml mvlre mm Md Impth or nnmlmlllnn Mp Ilnlhrrhnm and 129 Ill 70m Vlllny rccagnlzcd In Whltchall hnwever that my only temporary expedinnl ln deal with he prelcnl nllunlion But It will at lcml give mm for aoma pcrmnnonl mlnllnn In In wnrkrd out and put Into cum Monnwhlla Mr Hmokc In np polnung nn nlIpnrly parllnmen my cammlllrn Ia oxumlnu Mm ml of Inglslnllnn um ha ncmlrd he longmm unawtr Vhllc hull Inwym hnve warmd tho cnhlm lhn lha rnblcm in ex credfnzly complcnlul II In vnlvu not unly lho Ham mviremcn nu cIHum but ulna he larcu cudu whlch at pre Acnl lnnd Ia xho nmcm mars dllcrcllnn lhln other min In Innnxlng lhclfl prlvnje mnlm Commanding afllceu said Mr Bronku are being told to real nppllrauons to and or Pur llnmenl us dcclamllnn 01 than of occupation which re quires 51x monlhx nntlce Ihe hycInchns In Ratherhnm and Coins Valley will be taking plan In about line manlhs tlme lhls wlll nullify lhe pseudo vnrllnmcnlnry aspira of man dulmus cl mum on Ih mvlcu any TEMPORARY By MclNlYRE HOOD LONDON Over 500 service men In Britalna armed forces have tried to secure their dis charge from the service by tak ing out nomlnnllon paper or comlng bywlecuons but Ihey are no going to get away with in Henrxflrooke home secret aryuhns put crimp In their hope returning to civlllan Ilfn en Iha numberl Involved became rldlculoua Administra tlva action within line force will he used temporary menxure to halt RM dumnblll zallon arcs pending longarm Icglslnuuu REPORT FROM UK Puts Crimp In Hope 01 Getting Discharge Mnï¬ Wham SALVAGE OPERATION mi Ill Monm rain claulnr capMu nl hmlllnu Imln hulrr Hum Iny Ilmllnr bll FOR RUSSIA II II lmn lo hnllova It hul flunln IA Al the prmnl Hm helplnn an the nrrucd um um dtrtmplnycll IllillAh llrel In dmlryAl lime uhrn lhu 1n xlnslry world 1m um hm qunrtm cl In lull Thnt Add up In mm nub lnnlinl program lnr any unv unmcnt Io Mho In Ilnxln yum Ind Ilkcly lhnt ma rewlullons will go much lunhzr Ihnn nimply helnu prlnl ed on the mm Common order pup The oihcr resuiulions deal with domestic maliers They ask ior new schema of mongngo guarantees iur house purdlnm iar aboiiiinn oi the existing can ilai tax or poilcy oi deaiing wilil any restrictive praciices by Employers and workers Ieulsia ion In deal with unaiiicini sirikus ii nmssnry provision ior heavier pcnnilius or crlrnrs ai vinicme and mmpcnsnllnn iund ior lhane nlinrked or in jurcd and encouragement by word and deed of revival in our rsllgious bellcis naiive nun uiy and mutual rcsprci iar earn oiher The ï¬rst two resolutlons ramK to he contradictory In thelp terms and lnlcnt One ask ltlr Macmillan to recommend to Commonwealth countries that regular nnnual meetlnxs of Com monwealth prlme mlnlsterl be held at nltematlng Common wealth capltole lot the next ark hlm to persevere wllh the negotlntlons for nrltalne entry Into the Common Market on Inv ornhle lormlr to lame ox tcnt the tuluro rclotlons wllhln the Commonwealth depend on whether or not Brlloln enters the Common Markot these two resolution do not mm In tlt well together ERIE yuncuun AID to conslder hava been pinced on ma House Common order paper by ï¬ve Conservative mem burs Thelr aim they dalm glve heir party Miller pmgrmlvo program for lg WW Worries About Spot 0h Daughters Arm Irhnlulnd la lw owned Ill nllnï¬ Mumd Ly In 1M ll rml mmmo wl In you ammo Imvmw WORLDS FASTEST GRAIN HANDLER Drptlldlllt on he type mm are cxlmnely Irrlom no xlcdnd nmzr tum mrrrly mum lhnl you keep an laulan llml nnd drnllfly who you nhnuldnl you could Hm m1 count up Iron In em ho chltl mullcnflunl and Irnmely lmmlldnl In mnny ln Itnnm nm blx qucsflun hnl mums ower Hum normnl numbtr of mi M0011 cclls Thorn nra neverl Den Dr Molnar have nry low blood count and my doctor has prcscrlbed Iran medl clne which Inkc mry our haurl keep lullan 131009 at wan and am afraid Ill get lrcd Whal low blood couan Someone old me um he very IEEIDHI ll ncxlpclcd mysklvblo cnu sxrmlugl of flood 11 nully licl glandular mythic And more Some dont but my can he removed surflrully and In lnmlllur npcrnllon lhe hem nngiomn canllnues la mw can nult ynur ductor so he can send you lo specialist But dont be pnnlcky need removal Ihll can be dune Such spot is called hrm anzlomn Id gamble Um ynur doctor suld It may dllappear In cw years because many of them do but Dr Mahler My our mnnlhold daughter was born with Info red spot on her arm Our amlly doctor says It collucflon llny blood vet ml and will disap can when she or but mm to grow bigger and lhlcker every day Should take her to spa mum ll mssibla to have It removedYMn LD By JOSEPH MOLNER MD adty valuable orders or mi in Ruuian Ileol have bun coming to Wales andScmland During 1962 about $11 million worth oi Russian lleei has been sent In Welsh and 5mm millI This in about raven time he quantity which cam over in 196i TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH maul vlnunm alpvalnr we LIAle long 11 Ml MII and un MM Mm tm lmhII ll an unlnml mm win win Ink cl Drink Aklm Inmnd of whole mllk mu drlnk holler lhnn Ice trmm mmtnu or mind Sugarch drinks are Illll bum 1mm lhn ulurla Ilnnd mlnl Ax 1pm lhu hullcr Ihlnnrr mold xmvlu no umndl can do It wllhuul Ihnynnc mlhlng you In on Inmad adopt new mode llvlngand eating Follnw hm rules llnp Inclumn mcnl Innckl go my on fully or Irch foods and rlth umry llemL No pln cake doughnull ll yau cl hungry enl rult or raw vpuetnplnz nmpl prnlrlneux lcnn poullln llnh thrclc Now me Ivarand your lcl out loo Look up he ward dlct In the dicflanary Youll find that It mennl Imonz amer lhlIIKI In hnbflual mod 01 Ilvinx Sa danl go on cmh dial which Ilnnu you lempuurily mn arm you to ilnn cMInu ngnln Ind II no Road or your thin or your hmllh braid which ll dou no permanent load Dear Dr Mahler um and want your advice concerning dial knaw It Iml heal for girl my age In on die but Milk you will agree with me when xiv you he mum welzh 140 am cat Ind my measurement lll $2M JBVLWILMA your daclnr determined the cause Finding and cunnx ll better naturally than uan unfly taking Iron to make up for thq deficiency urge that youd do well to go r1dol IomkoelghL Naver alter In your declara tion of God powar to Mint Irom evll men wlll ntvar fail you nan And harrwfllfdellurï¬ an at mine hind HapDun hl m7 II be so our God Wham we no able la deliver II from she hungle lux Alert to the danger our own Minister of Mona Hgnlth Hall Manta Monlallh has moved with cammcndnbla dealIon Ind mm to prom Canadians azalnnz lhll newly revzaled threuthln Iefllng up special committee the Haunt of Common lull month Mr hook II the danger to both nun klnd and wildllle which mum mm the ludllcrlmlnule me of cummarclal pelzlcideu There wu lillla that wu novel In the book When oxthe flthne thu complete picture wan at out loam gayflrudyr Illme Re Thu le prln by the wallknown naturawr Rachel Canon hu Eraclpltaled lull dren battle elweon the multi mllllon dollar Nelda lndullry and orluulzn on audioled to protecting nunklnd nnlnn IC clcgnul polxonlpxln Illa v5 OTTAWAThre monIIII no InolIur book wu vublllhud Irom III admired pan at hlzhly mnrded wamln that In Ihu USv Today um book Illndl the up ben nIIu IImhu bun muted book club cholee nd he bun oIlend In spacl chew edIv Ion In the 1500000 randm In the US and eluwhm Can IIILIIGI Egyor BIBLE THOUGHT 1mm mm In ku MI day Iho um WM III wun lnuhlu rm HIM ll Innnm yum nl tho Ilmv UP Wm nlol Remember when iile weier luppiy in Prince Albert wn contaminated from chemicli industry in anolher province Remember more recently how million oi doiim oi damage were caused In Chicago by glut of bubbling detergent in the uweze lynom which backed up ihraunh loilctl in the human Remember even hm lowing red uppiu loid on elm comm in the rent do prenian which derived their my appeal from an menie spray making Ihem dlnleroul to exit Bobby McDonald commute may educnla In to be wiser In our me hm Vllulbll but dangerouu palm Agriculturallm have ox mmd worry about the pol Ilblu disturbance or the hallnu nalura by our artilldnl In venllon All might ponder the 1m flout lesson to bl learned mm the growlnz vol me of chemlcnllln our daily The commlllee wlll um In Invaluable purpoge by brlnzlnl out lnla the open bath alder ml mum and alerting Ill Calla lung to 91¢ Iltgmlon in the background will lurk Iuciu mectm an the warnin given on beimi oithe Amei can Meat institute that one day manipackeu might be forced to reject million of ion oi mm canuminnied by the toxic mi dun oi asiicides thus mining Ihousnn vi laxmm in the U5 and disrupting the nuiionl meat iuppiy irom coast to com By THE CANADIAN PRES Wllnmu wlll be called balm lhls commmee Sclenlllicevl deuce wlll on the one hand Ilrcs that pelllcldes plny vnlunbla role while on the other Imfllnl that than wlmnoul chemlcal Ihould not be mad Indlscrlmlnalel by person un alerted la thu dangerl lthOEMAfllON SERVICE mLwm cmrimi bum ccllnr Adenu will harm an examplu we want to ï¬nd out if cow on the ml rles uh ran which has been wrayed Ih grasaho par exter mlnalor mlth the harm child in Toronto who drInkI Ill mllk In powdered form Bobby Jill The Red Army rccapluud Belev went Mulcaw lhey dammed but III Genmm lnvndm yurl nun todayIn 1m Du Hue Sucond World It blllzkrclz mrlhadl lha Gelmam he nussinn pm plo luuzhl lcnntiaul hnldlnl ncllonz or lhalr hamclund and In early 1M1 launched Ihrlr cmlnltroflcnsln Hut wn In all Germanys plum or II Ircand clltmlve The chairman or thin commlb no will he Bobby Mellonid the alycMld Con urvntlve MP lromh Hamilton Bobby used to am on tho 0W bull lrIdlmn mumbor the Hamlltan TinnCnh tenm But who cripplld Iho brllllln nun loolhuller and todly he om at he mm liked and max eflecllvn member In House of Commonleverpru um mum and conllmctlye in mnnnar which putt to sham other zraduaturam thumh ofpmlmlvnll Ithlallcl mm llrpesrlaen hart mum McDonald luxt how his commutes mlthlnldl lqlpxpomm tails In lhil ï¬eld Manlelth pzclally chugd It In canIIder Ind report upon tho dungerl arllln from cerium nulon 91de by the uuol chunkls to kill wtedl Imam llld other pol TODAY IN HISTORY hzjn 11