MIIIIM rim MM Ill ln lyld Amlullvlfl lwMml IIMrvl IM lnlvlvany hill lqmll prr ml nrrrmr In Im hruuuim am mam aim or mm 1qu nml urn mulmll MINIMUM rluur In Irl mvnlnu ml rnmn Imm flu pmmum nu ll Imm The Mlmtl an Tnml Hm nmnnnv LIMIIM 11w mnpnny drrlnrrd lhIIrml nl lr rrnll prr Ilwr rnynhlc nn lrlmmy In Ihnrrlmldrn Irmnl Jammy In mpm In Hm ml qmum um Lama mm mm mm leMn er lmnmr In lhn 1i rnl yrnr rmlml Srplrmhrr IMZ nlvmlmlrtl In 73411 mm par nlmn mn pmd will nrl lmnmr tun Mo ur It mm prr mm or IM lml yrnrv lnrnnw tum Incllllln JIIM mm In rnlmrnh In he nmmmh DIVJIJM In Wvl nml 3771 In IMI Mnlwnl Hrurrlrl Md CM lalidnlnl nll Inrnmc or lhr lis cnl mr rmInl Septrmhrr 30 1061 nmnumm Io $0571 $190 par 11mm rumpnml with lnmnlldnlnl Ml Income nl mch nr mu per mm Inr Ihr mu yrar 511M nnmunlnl In illJJIJJM lulllpuxrll uilh $10652 pen nuuhl nnl he entitled In any cxtmnlion 1mm Aw Nan lrdl In Ihis Instance gnrcrnmanl elhlcs which enforce impartial ity bermc lhe race Issue stand clmcr lo Christ than Ihn lily whilc rcligious clubs which bear Ihc names of churches over lhelr resirictud door The shnuld not be laxcx Urging general adaption ol lilhing to help churchu act heir ï¬nance In holler shape the ministers Mom Spcclal discounls lnr lh clergy and special considcmllon lor churches ln llnancial and warld transadinru land In cheapcn lhe body Christ In lhe eye he secular order DEEMHKE ZXEMITIONS TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Their ï¬ndings were included In bookch on church iimnc ihg wilh emphasis on the dc limbiliiy Di tithing by church members Timing involves giv ing 10 per cunt oi Onos earnings to ones church The rcpun wasfwriucn by Rev Carl Sayers icar oi Sl Slcphcns Church in Hirm ingham and chaplain of Ihc Mi chigan Naliunal Guard and Rev Bertram While direc lor stewardship and evange liclsm or the Episcopal diocese olmhllchigan Vï¬hére nil clear instances where churches would be charged taxes said Hi clergy MDIL We lhlnk cxample allwhile congregations in our Inner cities which exclude Ne Ero ilizons from their fellaw ship DETROIT AHmo pram nenl Epilcopal Anglican clergyman suggestud to more taxes should be collected from churchesparticularly all whlle congregations which ex cludeNegrqcs uh XI Ian m1 mm mpmn lnduflr mum This tandem dual lraclor failed to make mm on the Queen Elizabeth Way curve Suggest Taxing White Churches Compllrrl Ivy Flynn Dunlap St Run sunmul Iummlrl tor hl wnk zndiu Drc AvnAh mun BULLETIN BRIEFS Annle MIN LM NM In tnlm or If Ml nmnlhu rnllrtl NIIHIHIHY IId mununlml I0 or rrnll pry than ll mumer Wllh ml innlllm mun or mm mm 01 turrqmmlmg rrllml Inll rut HRH Ila mvl hr luvln mmny mm lrllupï¬ml Inmmmr nmlun Ilnm 112mm ulnpnnyx almy mm 1m nuiuu Ilvllhh Amnlrnn HI II II lmlflmry IIHMNIL mm uvt lmnmn Iur llw hva lal MIMI Ir4rmlnr ll hm mm Mmrulml Invirr wan Ml lmnnuj ul VJIA or mg mm ha Ill yrm Null Int1mm lnrnmn lnIIl run nu mu ummnnlv pm ml luv mu mm lml Ilwmn mm In um 51mm haurlu ll wr my um um um mnu lur Klu le munllu nulnl Orlnlvrr 11 1001 Mnullnml In lzmnun nr 471 mu per Ihmc mlvumrrrl mm lmumn nl 121mm nr mm MumJuLllw mnruvnulm wr lml Lu yrnr 11 mlrunrrll hm M72lll In 5lllflflfl Kmuullall 1er lyhl er lnlnlnr lnr lllr Isml yxnr min lnlwr 31 um nnmunln In 576103 70 cull In ï¬lm In mmmrul wxlh nrl lnmmo ummxm nr rents prr IIMP Vnr lhr rurmmmllnfl wrimI In yrur IIN mhnnml Mr rrnl In VWJYILIH pm nn lnnu 10 mm which xrrr ls rnrllrsl T110 Km arnnp II no m£icnrd 11er many nhnm lmvu lmn lrmlrr nl fur unxlrr the lrvms or flu allrr ANCIENT SVMIXOIS Misï¬ttan lhc yulc 1m and he how are relics mld nchrnllon lrom pre limes Aunlhcr lmpnrlanl ilcm lhnl will he up far discussion will he proposed renovallnns he legion qunrlcnl Full dclails at he proposed plans will he pre icnlcd the metling for the cndarsnllnn of lllc members Tao long have we churchmen had rec lax ride In America It time to pay nur commu nity laref 11m Barrie branch 01 the Ray 11 Canadian Legion nn Cnllicr sum will hold 11 1963 inaugural mccï¬ng Mnnday night beginv ning at MS pm CapL IL Blake president said loday haul the new executive will deliver inaugural addresses gTavVï¬isense or special pram gatich proved to he um undo ing old Israel and certainU mes new Israel as well Pm Instant as well as Camolic churches ought to encnurage hi incaI liming as means of raising our ecclmiaslical CM unship The null qucsliun In Amar ica is not whether the stale should give 11x money for lhe support or parochlax schoolshu whether it Is not already doing so for boh Calhoch day schools and Pmteslanl Sunday schoak by not collccling publioschool taxes from bub meeting their corporate duties to the warld government mm Legion Plans Its Inaugural Jnhn Lnlxnll Lhullrd er In just was 5L Cathmms 0nL spun into retaining wall and landed on It side so in nu In DRIVER UNHURT 1M Mun nmduunim im lulu lmdom of nltmu 11w uld mrmlvu whn rn rm llw Allmlmn Itmlmsy nxumlay nllrulnz Harm wr INIIIIan drvlllwl IFIIIV Hsnnllulv 11w HNNI III lwfl In qu ulxlth lrlmn II mnpznln lulmallmv nl All Im Imm In III Hn KIA uhhh llw Jrhu valll Hlkuu PM the Mm ulnar llmflar SNrnUIUay Im Hnlldl Mr nmlmlnlly mxwuz Um mm mm qumd lhlmulmm lh faunl IMnu UIAHAITHR ILIMN iclnl Sn IH lulmlcnllnnt my me Ml mnn Hum 10 Arm ulMlnx In mtmlry rm ounulml 1mm Hume vl um um mmul nl plrllwJ lullnn ollnhmll lmm Ihu 0mm dul Chmrh Iul mum Inumllnnl 01 nllleixl mnmgmwh nnrl Hal nrnnn wd Inlle Hum lnln null mm lhn WM Um MIMI tn ullrr In HI nmmlmlll HHIIIUHH Nu ammu gum mu nhln lur lhe numb mm rrMnlmu him In Iluuln Iml Vrslrm ullmnlu pm Ihc nu Inr pl mnm than 15mm par Mm mil Inml 5mm Impu lnllnn nl 120000000 Alf llllan Mlll MOSCOW ncmrmm vlal Kornnmznll cnmpalnn nKaInfl mlnarily nllxioul Iccll was brought dmmallmlly lha are le wock with he min In In Unllrd Slam rm my or mylum Ivy milk hrrl at mm Cheran group 1M um um mmklu the nrflmdux thurrh are Ilm main mart or Savirl nlhcm pnvpn Hula rims rrlizlon mud IL on mumn Inward Cammunlsl ulnpln In IIIImn Niagara unrlhun Lake Huron wtalml Lake Ontario muons Hamilton Turnnla Cloudy and cunlinuing mild l0 day and Sundny Occasinnnl mow pouihly mind wilh mln or rnulnz drinln Sunday winds liuhl Enslcm Lake Dnlnrln Hall hurlnn rcgians Mainly dandy today nml Sunday Chance at Lake St Clair soulhcnl Lake man Luke Erie region Windso London Cloudy and continuing mild Iodny and Sun day Ocmsiann wcl snuw or min tonight and Sunday winds light Synopsis Mild cloudy weather prevails across most caskm Canada this morning This wcnlhnr ls oxpaclld to persist wiIh lillle change Ioday However dcveloping law Is expected to move mum of the arm Lakes lanighl and Sun day bringing mixture of we snuw raln or Hazing drizzle lo wuihcm Ontariol Procipfln linn nmnunll are expected In be light Work Fulan enA Iitlon for conlcrcncc with local Progressive Conserva Jim said Eridayï¬anadanrnaL remiss in her NATO obligav Nona 1H said in an interview ma Canada has never failed In honoring hcr commilmcnls la NATO and will not fail now or in he futum He was commenlim on statement by Gen Lauri Nor sladr whn mired this week NATO military cummandcr that Canada was the only NATO country which had Hal cam eluded bilateral nuclear agreement with be 15 maucr or training and equip Iurccasls issued by the Tar ontn wcalhcr ofï¬ce at 430 am Religious Groups Under Fire In AtheistDominated Russia Works Minister Says Govt Meeting NATO Commitments aner mounting bank and hiuing the wall The Imck carried small park at cars Driver Thomas Mum 41 JIHINSON LIN CRASH WEATHER FORECAST MON DENY Imnlumlng mm NM 71lmvl haikntn urn Mr Iilllnird tn runlmn rnmllh all In pmluu mm lhwn WWW mu new Dr lallruon ml Hm nptw Hon II rry murh up In Um alr lml 1M Mnl wngum Mrly will Iain he urm II slmly Inkma iner Mmh mnu Iuymlnm lmlmlrnrn 11 mt lo ml Ird rnnvhlmfll fur llw lulu Mt lwliuul III 0b In um mlln an rm Vlnllrry lhl Nullf llp ol Wmhmilun Klnlr rird by mm and Mulch have been ruled lllrgIl nusa Includo llm rtlmnl mImlm In umknake mil llnry nrvln In mid thlldrtn In Mlmol I0 nllnw Um lo Jnln llw Cammunlxl You llo Mm In nnd nthpmifll no In mm lldm la the udm mrnlhh lnnw hul fllkmi Mr Mlvv lhry Hull hut mml hr nulmkmu Mn In lsunc mmm luu Iliumm Ilul rcrurrrnl our action hm ban lnkm ngnlm 50d mrmlm mummy multh In long Imm lmpriwnmanl The court charm nllcgc Ctr in nlJviUn mu hcirrg rar wurshlp nnd fncdnm MIL rqgggou play an Musknkn Norm Buy Sudhury Enrlmn Kflpusku nu whch Rim mencc Saul Slc Mann Mnunl Forcsl Tlmmlnl Georgian Bay Timagaml Cochranc Algomn whim Rim regions North Bay Sudhury Saul Elan Marie Cloudy and mild Mlh occasional line snow today Sunday paruy cloudy and lillln colder Winds light Fnrrcasl amperamm Low mum my Sunday Windsor 27 32 SI Thoma 27 32 Lnndun 25 31 Kilchcncr 15 32 Vinxham 30 Humillnn 21 31 St Catharine Z1 Tamnm 27 32 Palerbcmuxh an Trenton 15 30 lue light snuw Ialc Sunday Light winds not much change In lcmpcralyro To Look Into Pacific Secret Thrnuclcarrarms problem will obviously rcqulre lurlhcr consullalion in light of the cur rent suggeslions of join NATO nuclear form lllr hillan cummcnu were Ihc lullesl by nny member of the ovcmment Prime Minis lcr Diclenbakcr declined In make himscll available lnr comment an the mailer despite rcqucsls by reporters External Minister Grccn in Vancuuvcr repeated previous statements that Cam ada has lived up In It NATO commitments ping our NATO mop with nuclear weapons has bean un der careful and continuum re vicw by Ouaw escaped uninjured but war wanted or shock All east bound Lramc had to be de toured CF Wirephoio xeul kt Fumrnl Home In Harris un Itl noon Inlay m1 mu liven lakm to Um milkm hrr mm John 5mm or on Monday at 130 pm Tlu nrvlu IIH mmlurlrd hy luvcrrnd M1 Elrwud Irnhylrrlnn Clumh hmIdIwIIIhEIn llw xlxu HM Cumlvry lnnllfll Tawn lhlu Funeral mva wlll he held Mmdny or Mrsr Mary Mir Iowan 91 uhu rflnl Thunday In Ark Edcn Nuning mm ï¬lroud She In rurvlvcd by hrr nc hcwr Donald Frank and Jnm annn ï¬hc was pmk mud hy htr Innnil Mr Ind Mn willlnm hwnn Slmud and on nephew Bruce Mr menh uld one bl ndvnnlnflc ol lhe board would he lhnl paymrnls lo vrnducm hy anriu wnuld became mom unllorm Mr answorlh uld the league which upmcnls H000 dairy laxmen wlll dran plan Appmml by Agricul lure Minlslcr Stewart or me Dr lnrio Fnrm Products Marketing Bnard The league held IL an nual mcelim hcre lhls week Lhcru mm and concen lrnlcd milkproduct In Our lnrlo unu hnd melt own mar kcllnz board or Invernl yum Merchants Face Loss Of Sales In New York TORONTO CmThe Ontario Whale Milk Pmducers League has dccidcd become man kcllnx board and Instilule plan In markel mllk mm n11 fluid mllk producers League Pm dcnl limzrson Famswmh mid Friday mnlinualian ol lhc mike for more than another our weeks will result In dramatic Iowdown In mun aclivil He said it becoming more apparent each day that while stores can ride 0111 natural buying pCrIDdï¬udl as Duisb mas mewflhoul newspapers lhere Is no Kuhstilulc or the daily pnpm over Lhn long pull NEW YORK AP Mer chanls face sharp loss sales because the New York City newspaper strike an ex eculianLthe Nadomliflehil glarchanu Associnuon Iald Fri ay So far hawever lhey havent been hurt badly by the our weckold strike which has closed nine New ank daily na porn said Edward Enzle manager the NRMA salts prnmolion division Engle gave in evaluation at the slrikel mad at press conferenre balm the opening Mnnday he associations an nual convention now and with dclimle slowdown in xalns volume which will become increasingly serious wilh each passing da he saId Both men have indicated to Fire Chief Belly Irwin Ihal there Is insurance lo cover mm at lhe lass 1h re was noticed by neighbor Robert Lawrence who turned In the alarm at 1142 pm Fast work on the yart ol deparlment was credited mth containing lhe blaze that had good um below firemen Arrived Chief Irwin who vlslted the scene today hasnt been Iblo lo estahlm how the blau lot atarted Ixm to on wwwm apartmem Werner Gupta chry SI the time of he omhreakv shnrtly alter ll pm Mr Gaspm was next door having come with Ihc lagdlqrd Jth reach BanIa Fire admcn was called In blaze ale last night hat caused abaul 31500 dam 319 to home and furnishings on Henry Sirect was the ï¬rst serious fire of 1963 ROLLS SIMPSON tTIIE BAflIHE EXAMINER SATURDAY yANUAflY 1961 Milk Market Plan Advanced leMmuL wotJIM AIS0mm I00 13 KIM pr mi max mm the mn Damage $1500 In City Eire The ï¬re ol myddanï¬ned or MISS MARY COWAN rA um mm OBITUARY lIm Inn Bally In 1001 breakrlns armarics in Quebec City and Arvlda Qua provMed Inc In dcmorld with machincguna and nulpmalic rmcs In all ol 1961 only one po liceman was shnl la death while In lhc line al duly and llml wax In mollvcles Incident at pollce tlnllon Involving l7 ycamld boy wlmsc Impounded zzcallbrc rlne was being rc lmncd lo Mm Helen llml no pallccrnnn had been killed Me 19574 These new modcm weapon ï¬gured in lens mu an robberies and wtrc rccav cred at lhe ulc oihcr hold Murdm look man up swing In Montreal lo 21 1902 mm 12 In 1961 Caunlinx mur dm Invrxuzalrd by other lhan the Mnnlrcal police 1mm urlng olhcr robberies nr Incidents another policeman and our more crim lnals dicd Robberies and attempted rat hcrlcs of banks and Caiascs Populnlms credil unians within lhe jurisdicllan of UH Mammal urce actually wem down in numberla 35 In 1961 mm 41 In mlbul gunplay was lar more lrcquenl POLICEMEN KILLED 10er cnmmal and two po Hccmcn were shot to dualh In mph mhbqry gases By GEORGE FRAJKOH MONTREAL CPICriminals an turning Incrmingly to the use at om Montreal polka say aflcr preliminary analysis crime statistics or 1962 and worried about lnr Ihe last 10 years said lnsp William Fitzpatrick thiei ol Mammal dclccti We 53 In violence was most Inwa in 1862 in robberies Police Note More Violence Biffiiï¬ihélé Aclrw June Allyson clut thes lhe hands oi her bhil dmn Pamela and Rich CONhTflUCflON LTD Bafï¬n PA um Eeoxge Davies leHug ANNA Bu £03 Bani Plus tlalo your ndhrn In auldlllun you may mc an oxlta var rent on he moml hall of ynur lnxu Iuy pwpaylng llvan vhqulrr Tu Wm WNW You can mn comldcrahly on your 11x fur his your by making my mama In advance of due dale YOU RECEIVE CREDIT FOR 100 7000 1500 1000 4000 5000 7550 No00 AFTER SERVICE FOR DICK 0N mmy 984 W67 14 2950 JIM 4917 7175 9314 Eccumn he ï¬rst era In operate so close In lhc sun Mariner whlch passcd Venus Doc approached to within $500000 mile 01 Ill sun Doc nue radia valce lailure oc curred ancr 130 days Illghl During um lime Marlmr Accomplished um ï¬rst suc czssful midcourse manoeuvre directed from Ihc canh hcn lhe mm was 1500000 miles nlong Iu path Became the rim spacecraft tn openMe near another nlzncl and send bark inrnrmaliun mm Um plnncl WASHINGTON AP Mar iner II Ihe Venus probe last rndiu CDnIflCl with lhe 111th Friday 54300000 miles out In space The Nallannl Acronaullc and Spank Adminislmliun mid lhe crafl hunched Aug 27 was 5700000 miles beyond Venn when It went ailcnl The agcncy said failure communication wilh Mariner had been expcclcd about his limcv see he earth mm such great distances and probably perfumed lhe anlcnna to turn away omclnll Enid the lungrang scnsors which kept he Halls antenna winkd toward Hm earl nq Iongerflwege able to Sinks Episcoï¬ai Chumh Ul Beverly Hills today olIowIng 97d 11 as she leaves All Venus Satellite 1153 LOST 1963 TAXES mlrr Aulplrru mm and Wild HHHMHIJI Allnrllllnl GUEST PREACHER REV DR4 KENNETH MEMILLAN Gnnorll Sucrolnry of Tho Canadian Bibla Saduy Comblnud Sorvlcuyll Collier SO Unilcd Church Wonk nigh larvlcu 730 pm In 0h allowing ChurchI under dlredlon Lacl Clergy SD Gwens Angllun Hm Biplls 59 GHII Annllun DY PAYING IN Save WEEK OF PRAYER JANUARY T0 10 I963 Openlng Sunday 700 pm and Clcllng Thursday 730 pm 987 74 7467 1960 3947 4915 7400 9067 Burial will be In St Jamel Ccmclcry Strand NASA said Mariner ll holds communlcnllons diflanre rob 0rd or uendlng buck uselul In larmallon more Ihnn 3000000 mllcs Funeral service wlll be held Monday or Mrs Diane Fenis so who had lived in Innlsï¬l wnshlp since 1919 She died lhc Royal Victoria Hospllal Thursday She Is anrvlved by one mn Milton Toronto lhree daugh lcrl Mrs Cliflnrd Dora Webb Mrs Arthlu Hilda McNbe and Mrs Wllliam 1VIolclta Black all Smud nine nrand thlldml nnd nine greatgrand thlldrcn Her husband James Albert Ferrl predeceased her Mm Huh Illalong ml dcnl SIrmoc County was wrong no on farm near Lav ender ncar Crccmnre bum mnvinu lnnislil township wnh hcr family in mm Thr body is rcstlng llm Jennill Funeral Hnmc Burrle Funeral scrvicc will he mnduc ml by Rev Ircd Jackson Jam Church Slmnd lhe funeral ham pm Sundly Plan Service For Pioneer POWELL funeral services or her hus bmut aclorpmduccr Dick Powell AP Wirephoto 990 1990 1475 2970 3960 4950 7415 900 Edith Much