Irina mu ma ll 13 um gum mo unsth 1m c1ch Nun mo Wanna NewE mu mu co nun no mo lumen mu Mommy JANUARY mm Tut mum ms Good Hamill 1an mu the com um an reminded of he tanner tooling course In be held in the church basement Jan from ID till oclock Each anernust bring place of sponge rubber about 10 lnrhcs square ar an old town place or masonile gr glass about 10 inches Iquare and rays or cleaning palr air gloves and piece of ply womL size by lncheL basking In piclurc Crag Proizhcl spent New Years with friends in Callingv wood Mummy JANUARY 00 500 00 510 100 no 300 on ma 1145 on 111 ma anllnl xmumu Cau mm Bunny Tum nmo rm Lucy Show Benfly mublmu Candid Camera To Tell Th2 1mm Hm Gun Will Trsz NHL may Jullea pam Unllmmd TV Nell Wumzr New Spam 1qu Binand Mrs KanL pent the holiday with their family in Toronto and came ham to find lhc Iumace all waler pipe from and burst mm the ex Irgrpe c0131 the weakend OAHalldran are spending Hus week wilh rel nlives Oshawa fly MM HANDY The younxlalk are enjoying lkallllg any pond here WONDER VALLEY By MR5 WING CARSON ll ynur unlrr hn mini Ivy pm mans Is No ammo Fokmissmwc Inf Klldue New YYI vma New Wan mu lnunll Andy Grumn ow 1mm nklvl Jaumll Hamper Rnom Pony hm Noamy Hepan iuumn DRIVEVOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS SIMCOECOUNTY NEWS TELEVISION PROGRAMS Wm Mind To hur llama mam VAllEY TAXI CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU CKVR CHANNEL Two World PA 82433 China To ml TM 1mm LTv Nm mo Nam m4 5901 Newark nun mum on lkru llulon Hour tummv Mum no mam nn mm was 1m nu Ilm rm um 147 mo Km mm 71mm mm llnn 11mm You raw In ronnm Hm mynu JANUARY no man no Domino ma mrnanu rm ma nu mm ï¬lm Thelln IIInany Warn Hm Inuklnl Al You lmpl In Cunnm Line In 3382 Unilcd Church Womcn will meet Wednesday Jan at gun at the home of Mn flowni All ladies welcome Mr and Mrs Chanel Cola spent New Years wilh their daughlcr and sonlnIaw Mr and Mm William McAnhur Bond Head The Vannuillï¬lnccllng Gren lcl Unllcd church wlll be held Thursday Jan 10 510 v30 um um 1115 10M Ruben Sinclair and Inmin In thelr recent bereave ment CV and Mn WW Angu were dinner gun at the home Mr and Mn Prophet Mr and Mrs Prophet Jr Barrie wm also sums By MIKE COLE Human Home and School Asiaclallon wlll hold mectlng Monday Jan 74 The teacher wlll be ln charge 01 he pm gram Everyone welcome Softy Io report Mn William Noon Is patient in Rana Vlcv larla Haspital Barrie Min Cheryl Cole attended the New Yam1 Eve party held by the Young People ol Cenlral Church Banit 220 245 710 TORONTO man but lkru llulon our BARRIE mu Spam nunn max rowan 11mm sum or Thlnu nu 1th Marla Neck Slnl mm Around rmnmy Gian mm mm Shaw we may mum um Papm yam mule Dame pl L1le Warld ry News uulher Spam Immphy Don Hum Dmny Thoma carry man Show mum CBC TV New Gmernor nznmx llemu Wulher Spam New DinKemIu Robln GRENFEL um im F22 221 Pm Pan 09min tadsix dubx It in an my to make misluk in dmm In certain hand unlm you are very much on your lots Mflhanical play work out wrll in mm dull they an hound lake lhcir loll 1mm lim mu In omen Look 11 ml drlm dipped WM led club aim in dummy with Ihe ilnz DNLncr land wade Em allowed ow and South wan wilh Ihe hnL Duer Ihen mm the Me at rlum dip urdinx hurl horn dummy In ruflrd duh nut pland heart which Wnl look um he qufcn hut lhem v1 nothiu Wu rauld hen do to Man the contract Soth duler Neither tide vulnerable Fur ls year wnlh Ihe Kcmpb lle Aggicullural Schogl hag Mr Park wan vruenlcd wflh KEMPTVILLE Onl CF Parks recently appointed dimdur In Ontario agricul Iure department mi and map branch wax hanortd fllunday mm or his work In prnmolinz enstem Onlaflu Arming DAILY CROSSWOED 17 AQI 532 Qlflul hhh Auditory man 11 HAMI Whm he with two Wm flue quickest way far man to mak an enemy to 11m lha clgarelLe ansand large light In clgardle ol the olher wife will put up wflh husband who heal her In pflvale niwayt light bar ch In public The thing at men an most lauidlous about their feet Their Ahocs usually have better shine man thou ol lkinny mm Cnmmed 17711 10 lhak More mamm muEk Top Wm rink HJHH rm mml nlll mm 1p II flulhl lulu unima cum Aflunq ï¬le minim Ilaak It lymbol the good llle to many but actually It ll one of the rim overrated Ipd lama leu of loodian example of the vlcwry of mohbery over real values II you hadto choose be tween gating nothing but ma Mignon and navy nr nothing but rice mi gravy youd probably last longer on Iha latter and enjoy It more Rice holds in flavor appeal 35 than any other single AGE AND THE SEXES woman over 50 who lrfel to We her ycarxby wearing no much makeup look no mare foolish lhan man over so who Insists on playing en nis heg qlll youyL Soil Expert Gets Honor To Work A0508 Llllmlllll ma JIM mnlnclcd uk yum 1an mkan Jule mu an m4 rum it My lvl NEW YORK IANJunip lng lo oonclutlmtam haw main d9 yen ImAwlbe Aileééulnve who brag Ihzit that door in open to any one actually keep that door Him nu mam mum 313116111 TOUCH CONTRACT BRIDE mm mm 005 4A NOBfll an v14 QKHOOM Filet Mignon Poi Snobs OVerrated No Flavor By Al BOYLE roadway mm 15 um Imuni 71m mm nu ma buxu tor Mul Hm mm hnww 4A4 no aqua i1 Tylumml Mlllnvrl By JAY BECKER On Ilnndly Amth maul 1nd macaw by Mr with 10 Klfll Huwcver in Unis can East nhauld have can up with lhe ace He Ihould have realized Iha Sath had be are duh law are xcldam uudzrlcd galml ml tanlmdll and Ihal drclam could wln Ihc nude and discard Man 1mm dum my on the on of clubs lin Incl was even pouible lar Scum lo havt had lhc A0 club Ind diuard lwa heart ram dummy at one and mqu hem the contract would have hart Ian wadr luo heals nnd diamond la in down one is possible that Em his parlm had be QX of mad and Illa declam mlth linme he Jack but lhl ll Imlndmd hope The medu ol the are rluln In Soulhl hand and Wllnll Ih qum nlw Ihould hm driml Ele la up wilh Ihe nu ol spasm Immediately lle had brllrr dunes of waving the mind hy al Lnklng hem Um by playing palmm In Hum So Scum made our warm In made heart and dia me We 09 NW Emmy me than in most hands End Ihmld play law with Ihe when made It led from dummy Thin ol lown Um gemml priMiyln that mound hand an dcfenm usual lyuplayl low The Smith Memorial Award was premnled lo Arden Baker Bmckvllle or his can Irihulion to allow larmeu dur ing 1962 and the Ewing Trophy or the up pasture man In oamm Ontario has awarded lo Gama Ralph fllchmand cheque at the annual waft mace lhe Baum Ontario 8011 and Crop lmpmvtmml Auocla on He Is one lhe axsoda ï¬anl 011mm cgrtilicalq wllnwach gnd Whenald mm meet only at luneral they are no bum oh friendstheyre jun old man who Invariany mm wrinlham neck Invariany think man who invariany wear haw lla hasnt qulle grown up No manger riding up alone In an automaflqyeieva or never comment on any thing uupt lhe walkerun less one of them has born drinking FOLLOW THE MALE The real that no many women have lam up bowlinzylsmatl whtre lha men in Pew Inlay main man cal 99 Indulge than 133 II ban to mama why woman who cheerfully carve up chicken In har own kitchen acts to squealr14 hh about bailing her own hook when the pa thing 11 man who nnHu Ihrouxh every In lml mo madly in good span He mm likely la be merely poor player who docynt have laugh tense to keep his mind on lhg my Bankers dont like la make loan lo borrower who my um all money isnt every thing open to that he canflnnu an at Ml pretty ucrelary gnu mm Mmoiz whle 11 um m5 klkrn be um n1 ham Vanna J14 pranu an Cdrmm IDADEYOU anfl 952 xflHgi vw 79 gr Imam mmnwca noun mmmau WW nsbnmwamwo mum AUDACIYV lflmmlm IS HIHHXU YO WI MY WHIL 151112 BARBIE WWII BATUKDAY JAMMRY THANKS An You moans THATS ms BILL SAID mour RAVE THE HERVE THANKS YHATS OHS m1qu mm auilitoim out