Fillth Plans Change In Power TakeCher 11m Pmnnrhmllnu vnvtlnmn llnn IMHNI Ivy lmh rnl Amn Imu levln during IIIJ pul lulu mm vmwrnllnl perAmuHmI Jan ma Hm umtlnlmul lmdnm hmxl Ilnvrr lur nll Ilmr In the Unller Mn lwgnn 1le ynnr mrmlny wm Hm Mmmh ol mlnl mva ulll vinzlnz In lolllfl pull hp nullrm Dmly ultininl voice the Chlncsu Cummunlst puny any In yearand editorial that though the 1m harm wul norm to good poor huh wall the Inca previous yum meant food nmducllan sllll cannot meet tho dcmnndl cl Mllonnl cnnslmcllun and par plaI llvlng nmndnrdx PEKING ReutersDcspl¢e mum in 1961 tho prndutunn uvcl ol Cnmmunlsl Chimse In dultry and agriculture nllll mnlm law and we are con lei WWI $005 ms pcklng rem pig Dally Ia told press conference My whole puslilon on the Electric lakeover and partic ularly lire iniquitous and unjust legislation oi last March which in as its objective ihe depriv ing oi tillzcns of hair rights at acres in caurls will bu made clear in licy siniemenl which inicn to issue at ha Appropriate lime Emancipation Date Mr Fulton unopposed In his or the provincial party leadenhlp at convnnuan Jnn Iald Monday the company wauld rcmnln Crown corpora dnn undcr Conscnnum gav emmtnl VANCOUVER CPleierai Works Minister Fuiwn indicated that as British Columbia Pm gresaiva Cunservative leader in will demand ruvision of legisla tion under which Ihe EC Elec tric Company was taken over by ihsxgvernmcnti Editor Retires MIMI Ornunn our wlmo IZymr cum on ounvm Journal lmk hlm ham nth mmm lo Drmlll ml hm mmmmrrtl hi immnl the nrwniflpltl Icnlar MMnr lln wlll mm the Mllm of lwmlvlzM 1Cl Wimrlulnl Bed Food Low ally drama in 1123 eyes tab kle myiflih almost as high CAPSULE NEWS maw vmm lA 11m 54m jhqsa twq WM apn IIMITAN 0IIIMW UP TO THEIR EYES IN SNOW 111 that Ind Ar llmr Kuwwnm mumor lllllnry nl Qwnu Unlvmfly Rumhm In Ilwial lrmi pan mud mumylm IN mil10M HIM DA Mill JOIIANNKSHUHO MIIHA Clnmllnn ï¬lnlrnnr myl whllw HIM Saul lern In rum mar lurlnl mnlnurnllnn In IVES ml huh VIII pmflh Ky rprtlnlly In VI ï¬rmly Innlth anu llnnnlltm Inuihwnrd Illmuflh llw neighboring llhmlulnx Green Doubts Mr MUTho Norm Ameflcnn Mr Dartnon Cnmmnnd nnld Tue dn lhnl Cnnndlnn alumni of mm were on Incremed nIcrl Ilnlul lhmuuhuul the Cu bnn crlnln 111m mu haltI In Hm nclwork nulrdlnu nmml pol llhlo enemy hcmhln nllnclu umkumnn uhL PORT DOVEIL OnL CW The lmdy of Joy Illchnrdl 25 wan lnuml lay her pmnln nm xlny In hrr 1mm In um tnmmunlly lndlmllam min HIM my 14 Ilrnnnlg llowvvar Chill Cm hh Mn Irwin uld cnuu of denlh wlll nnl he drflnllnly dulcr mlnrd unlll mnmmm nmlnnllnn mammal Al ho Nlnl In Elmcon No muh rlnlwcu wm luuml an the lmtly would be good thin nunln wnuld hull nuclear test lng ha been dlmnmunl In tho Inn cw wee macth ll cenlcnnlal mile flone with President Kunnedy culling an all ucLlom of mo USnorlh and soulha hold spuclul commcmonflvo cera mum VANCOUVER CPI Exlcr nnl Mlnlu Minlslcr Gmn I1 ha doubt lhu Ilnccrily Snv cl Prcmler Khmahchevl ew IYour offer In hull nutlur lest IIX think his oHcr wnl propa gnndn Mr Gmn laid pm to ercncgllwndnx NORAD Alerted Body Found Risky Prophecy as themselm In their back yard The to at right got so busy hefalled to nodes when uwlzp Emma C019 DAVIE FULTON CHM Conmhh lnrk WAIN MM hm nunr mm mm m4 In ImmhI lnr qurxllnniu almul cum hmklng and Hum which mum hm NM Wlul hn pen nllnmnl da pcmln on nmnatlonnl ovrnlu on nur lmwlnl Illfllfluh 1m MMI unwing mvnalh an 11 many Imam mm mm nvcr hm ponml mm hm 11mm with perm all Iml lwo Hum Imnmrn mm rhnmu Mullnl unlerm and than Ila Mlan lul mm lndlnn lroubll with uni llkcly In hl Itb NEW DlIIJH Mlrlmn Mlnlnlor Nehru Inn lhnrn In MI elrmcnl Meal In RNI Lhlnla mm mm In the lllmnlnynn bonior IIIpull Fur lm nul llvn your 1nd mull prepaml Animt ma Chlm ho III Minx SASKAKOON CmDr Dnlxlelh prcaldcnl Iho Sup hlchcwnn Culllï¬l ol Phynl rlnm mm Surflonl ha pmvlnru lot 100 dnclon during mm Ihn Kuvem mcnll rampulmry cum lnlurnnca program Ila ulrl Monday In In lnler vlew HIM unlm the prmnl nlmoxphero Impmm lhm will In drumr nl mm medlcll mm lcnvlni in ma Corporal Wounded School board uflchnII ware nun making plum or accom modnllan mm lho WaL lnr Moberly School burned Enl urdny whcn nnunlnll Ilmck flu lwwlorcy brick Smmllh School 13 Much nwny Youths Arrested Tho bullet grazed the hem ol Cpl Joadnlm Maschel who wan Iakcn to the hospmfl said he nnnaunccmcnt quoted by tha East German newl agency ADN VANCOUVER CHVIM Ilmck It mend lubuxhnn south Vnncouvcr elementary school in three day early Tut dny sclilng morn than lhm Hm whlch unread Inlo threw nlnrm blaze WlNNlPEG CHAn Indian chic hu threatened to call on his people or mass pmleu march on Manitoba nickel mlna It talks fail to provide jobs here for Indium BERLIN mammAn Eds German corporal was wounded mesdny bullet fired by Wes Berln police during serious border provocallan he Eu German Nullonnl D9 nnca Council IaId Chief Gilbert Macdonnid lb Nelson Houu reserve nld In prepared statement the big nickel min at Thompaon the nnly plan we have or our pcoplo to Work at prelanj Nehru Pessimistic Dalgleish Warns Schools Burned Indians Object his hutfflppeql nvmj IILI eyeat Hallus 12in oiniihov bung CF Wirephom mumnmn om 11M ONTARIO GROWN FANCY GRADE COLD ITORAOB STOCK Durnl Slummk Bund Suva 21c lb iiiï¬oN 72° BONELESS SHOULDER RED GRAPES Ls25° HAMBURG STEAK W41 ldonl or Pot Rom th Mlnud PENN HALVES IN HEAVY SYRUP Well Trlmrmd SHORT RIB Loan Mmy BLADE ROAST 59c POWER EVAPQRATED SAVE 6c FhNN HALVED IN HEAVY SYRUP TINS pm U5 NO GRADE CRISP EMPEROR CANADAS FINEST QUALITY RED BLUE BRAND BEEF clNTOSH APPLESiéE ROAST 62° Expert mmmtd Imuly and SIVI flu lb Suva 12 lb Suva 13 lb Saw II lb FRANKSSI Shaplyl All on Suva We lb SAVE 6c 29c 69 69° Jam unavs uncv WHOLE WHITE Marsh Potatoes U5 NO GRADE CELLO WRAPPED SNOW WHITE Cauliflower BRADFORD BROWN NO GRADE BRUSH Vegetables Fancy Peas STRIPE ECONOMY SIZE 20 OFF Toothpaste Potatoes YORK FROZEN MIXED SAVE 4a YORK FROZEN Stew ST WILLIAMS YORK BEEF OR IRISH SAVE 12 TIDE 20 OFF LIQUID 63° POWER EXTRA SPECIALS YORK SAVE 85 BEANS PORK 2256 BETEHEENT Rnpberry or sirwhen 3m29° 51 450 roll ml M49 ID ID Amy HIM SAVE 17 SAVE SAVE Ba 6c 45° SAVE 70 29c 35c