solemn GOSSIP EILEEN DIX PROOF OF THE PUDDING Whether theyre plain orianey hot or cold spicy or sweet theres wealth of good eating in the wonderful world of puddings lo many people pud dings are considered coidgweathor desserts And its this act which prompts us to work on this theme in oi the arrival of theibiustery month of Janua afteralittleexploration into thereal fpu dings we were convinced that its unlimited theres type to tevery season every taste every occasion So herewith we present three new pudding recipes to add to your already abundant collection Theres wonderful New England stylelndian pudding that boasts spicy fiavor ahd aroma Then theres smooth custar type pudding with loamy lighttop ing and maple flavor lAnd finally anelegantvers ion of everyday rice pudding iriend of mine who travels across Canadauvith her husband in his work tells me that the quality oi the rice puddings in res taurants across our fair dominionds aiar cry from the way mother used to make it Well say no mor on the subject For were strong supporters of that old saying about the proof of the pudding being in the eating MAPLE PUDDING Makes Servings cups ilk eggs 34 cup maple syrup Va teaspoon salt Va cup ohopped pecans Grease six custard cups Preheat oven to 325 deg Scald milk Separate one of the eggs and beat egg white stiff but not dry Beat remaining eggs and yolk slightly beat in maple syrup Gradually stir in hot milk and salt Fold in beaten egg white Mixture will be slightly lumpy Pour into custard cups and place to pan of hot water Oven each in preheated oven 45 to 50 minutes or until nite in serted in the centre comes out clean Cool then sprinkle with chopped pecans Serve warm or cold CREAMY RICE PUDDING Makeslo to 12 Servings 131 cupraw white rice cups milk 14 teaspoon salt V2 cup sugar teaspoon grated lemon rind teaspoon vanilla 1a cup whipping cream Va cup toasted silvered almonds Rinse rice in cold water Combine in top of double boiler the rice milk and salt Cover and cook over hot water stirring occasionally until the rice is ten der about hour Remove irom heat add sugar lemon rind and vanilla Cool Beat whipping cream until stilt Fold into cooled pudding Chill Just belore serving spoon into pretty pudding bowl and sprinkle with toasted almonds 0LDFASH0NED INDIAN PUDDING Makes Servings cups milk cup yellow corn meal tablespoons margarine 14 cup light molasses cup lightlypacked brown sug teaspoon salt 14 teaspoon ginger teaspoon cinnamon Vi teaspoon nutmeg 1A cup seedless raisins optional eggs Grease lziquart casserole Preheat oven to 325 AlysocniL horas nouoay looser iMrand Mrs Dennis Gar vey oi Windsor and Mrs Ian McLaughlin oi Phelpston spent the ieatlve season as guests in Mrs Albert rloner Sampson Street RETURN TO EIIIP Arthur Brown oi HMCS Shear watcr New Beetle spent tho iestive season at the home oi his parents Mr and Mrs Brown Queen Street Mr Brown has returned to his ship Sheorwater st Kathryn Ann daughter ot Mr and Mrs Donald lrvlna Coulson of Tomato arrived at Toronto Western Hospital New Yearo Day Kathryn is the lirst grandchild oi fan andMrs Fred Coulson pillow Strecl and Dr aners Keith Bonner oi Toronto and Ihornbury NEW YEARS DAY GUESTS Mrnnd Mrs Donald Bush and Mrs George Coulson oi Angus were New Years Day guests at the home ol Mr and Mrs Fred Coulson Rose St WEDDING GUESTS Outoicity guests attending the DobinsonIrvine wedding held at Essa Road Presbyterian Church included Mr and Mrs Lancelot Dohinson Mr and Mrs Dobinsoa Jr Mr and Mrs Ross Webb Mr and Mrs Ray dolutstoa all at Strand Mr and Mrs Murray lrwin Painswlek Miss Jewell Elmvale Mr and Mrs Lloyd Wilton Mr and lilrs William Barrington Mr and Mrs Cald well all oi Toronto Mr and Mrs Ross Cobourg Mrs Torry Nixon Cookstown Among the guests attending the New Years Eve dance held at the Club Pavaion Orlilia were Mr and Mrs James Camp sail Miss Evelyn Gillham and Peter lruax all at llarrie smurfs saunas NEW chowsky happily look over varlety oi glits they received The December meetlng oi Central United Church Women was held inthe social hall with the president Mrs Bridge presiding The chairmen ol all committees reported on the years work There are now 215 members oi the UCW at Central and the visiting committee had made 460 visits All unit leaders reported on the work in their units ior the year The election oi olllcrrl was held and Rev Brcnn In stalled the executive in an im pressive service in the church sanctuary The cxccullve ior 1963 Is as iollovvs prcsident Mrs Doldgc 1st vica presldent Mrs Jack Slcssor recording secretary Miss Ruth Smalls corresponding secretary Mrs Tom Bshop treasurer Mrs Ken Dobson Chairmen oi committees Christian Citizen ship and Social Action Mrs Beth Cameron Community Friendship and Visiting Mrs Worrall Cooperation in christian Fidiieatiml and Mig lnnary Educnlion Mrs Mar lcy Finance Mrs Allen Flowers Mrs Ray Bishop Lit deg Scald milk in top oi double boiler over holl ing water Beat in corn meal with fork and cook stirring occasionally 20 minutes Stir In butter mo losses sugar salt ginger cinnamon nutmeg and raisins it being used Beat eggs well Stir into corn meal mixture Pour into prepared casserole Place in pan oi hot water an bake in preheated even about hours or until kniie inserted in the cen tre comes out clean Serve warm with ice cream whipped or pouring cream Mos as other YEARS EVE CELEBRANTS Dr and Mrs Bole as winners oi door prizes at held at the Armoury Monday the Grey and Simcoe Forres iera New Years Eve dance Elect Executive Forl196v3 Al Final Meeting Of Year erature Communlca and Periodicals Mrs Orville Dob sonManse Mrs EGlll ham Membership Mrs Beckett Nominations Mrs liar old Noland Press and Publicity Miss Olive Robertson Program Mrs Marcellus Steward ship and Recruiting Miss Wal lcr Cook Supply and Social As sistance Mrs Beatrice Lenion Representatives Oliicial Board Mrs Doidge Board at Stewards Mrs Gillhnm Christian Education Committee Mrs Grilliths Miss Iean Keith Missionary and Moinlea unce Committee Mrs Allen Mrs George Evans Unit WHAT THE FOR TOMORROW Wriltrn mailers are favored now communications at all types are under good sign aiso crcdtlve cnlcrpriscs for those who are exlrcmely syslev mile and methodical FOII THE IIIBTIIDAY ll tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope ridicules that generally speaking it would be wise ior you to be conservative in ilnanclal niiuira Ior most oi the year Early September and early November promise some gain but in the meantime you should lr to build up your or Icla slow and review mailers with an eye to linding mistakes Dy ESTRELLITA evening leaders Mrs Frank Adams Mrs Walter Humphrcyl Mrs Donald thien Mrs heavens Mrs llussell Emes Mrs John Murray Mrs Linda Feltis Mrs Del Jackson Mrs Jock Slcssor made lnrewell address to Mrs Brcan and presented her with gilt from the members at UCW MR William Lowe presented Mrs Doldge with gilt irom UCW as taken at appreciation Ior her leodoriaip in the past year Mrs Mary Mavens and bcr unit conducted the worship sch Vice and the meeting was lol lowed by dessert and calico STARS SAY and avoiding mirealculallons which could prove easily later Your next rcally good period along monetary lines wont come along until the lot at less when you can start making plans iar expansion Where Job matters are con corned do not expect any un usual diangca hclorc Novc bcr but it you have put iorth your best ciiurls In the interim you should make good progress clween then and the end oi the year Next July and August should be interesting irom social standpoint but where romance il onncemed only the month ol McKINNN runs TD 113 DUNLOPST JANUA if PRESENT THEIR ANNUAL or run SAlE This II your golden opportunity to acquire luxurious new Iur garment and at the me time IIVI many many dollars In tact youll IIVI more than you IVII thought potllhil and still got guaranteed quality Sole Starts THURSDAY JAN Compare and You Will Buy at McKINNONS CONVENIENT BUDGET TERMS IF VOU WISH MUSKRAT BACK JACKETS murkrnll Ilrgulnr tattoo Man rnlca $18900 MUSKRAT BACK COATS Warm and cuddly null and luxurious Craltrd irem Iln rsi northern nuukral barks and in rich mlnk hlmdl IIrllulal W000 SALE PRICE $28900 BLACK PERSIAN LAMB JACKETS llyml drop louvqu ldnrk tonne nilnir trimmed norm unlrlmuwl GALE lIIILIIII Inln BACK PERSIAN LAMB COATS Dyed thin and tumou rmrly rraltwl gnmwntn In uplo ihrmiuuic alylinr Tillutmvi wtlh mink and lmliimmnl Mid iIlliiilt nun $39900 GREY PERSIAN LAMB JACKETS luxuriously styled irom Iinrst northern mlnk blended Natural and luxurious Always line iashlon choice BALE lllltlED irom GREY PERSIAN LAMB COATS Dear Ann Landerix You hear from ailkinda oi autubut lll bet this letter takes the prize We have been married ior 12 years and mybuaband still can rles his shirtaand shorts over to his mothers house because dont lro them to suit him Tho Think it tho madder get iron organdy curtains well enoun so that everyone who comes into the house comments on how lovely they look My daughter won iirst prize in the school Halloween costume contest She was row bad ironed close to 2000 rose petals beinre lrewed themoa eridress Do you think ought to insist that my husband leave his shirt and shortsiior me lodeas matter at prldclPEARLIE Dear Penile So long as your husbands molher is alive and able toIron his shirts and shorts shes going to do it Accept the situation and consider it your good iortune Millions at women wouldbe happy ii they could get someone to help them with their ironingtor irco yet INIIERITED Dear Ann hndcro group at us girls were sitting around talking about our kids Mrs mentioned that her slxyeanold son walks exactly like his dad lils dad incidentally walks like his dad When the three oi them are together its uitc right My iayearold aughter has the same walk have Many peo la have commented on It In is because our children iml tate uni Some ol the glrll say its in the genes in the sums ray that voice quality is Inher nava srur rwms SPRINGFIELD lilo iAP lfwins were born in dilicrent years at St Johns Hospital livepound nincounce son was born to Mr and Mrs Jack Burks at 1181 Monday daughter weigh iiflvIlVE pounds 12 ounces arrived at mu am Tuesday Mr and Mrs Burks have Ihrce other children November appears intercrtlng in your chart Iic earclul in dealings with hh business and personal as sorialcs during September and October child lzorn on this day could errch as scientist Invaainr or statistician BARRIE ozucarrssru Coillll SI PA Fancy Foods for the Christmas Party Season to Kinds oi Cold Mull Variety oi Rye Bread Kinds Imported Cheese Kinds Imported Jam Fancy Chocolates BARRIE EXTRA SPECIAL vuwszoaoo on 0N LY She od Canadian Beaver Illl ENGTII Al Inn Yin and doubt Natural Full Iongih and lhmuunncr lmulh Trimmed and un trimmed CHINA MINK JACKETS iDyodl lim is luxury and value minlrlnul In riolirlillul parli ngo llo Ium to are thus Midi llllclzl lrnin MINK STOLES nice arlrcllon oi natural mink both wild and mutation IIAHI PRICE ham An amazing raring hm BALE PRICED inml $24900 hum tenor am mm Luxurious China Mink Stolen Dyed Two builillul nrlu Irnm ramo Ilnn quality and mniunln nl lluoo In nine which to union ms ONLY Brawn Persian Lamb Jackets Dyed 0M nuunl pnlcl mm mi rival minimum on Im an hind Illmnmi with 329 ONLY Canadian Squlml Siolu $29900 EVERY GARMENT FROM McKINNONS I5 FULLY GUARANTEED McKINNON FURS SERVING CENTRAL ONTARIO WITH COMPLETE FUR SERVICE FROM TWO CONVENIENT LOCATION Dyed nns II min turn 159 liiin no point III DUNLOI ST EAST DARRIB and insole Ican you clear this apt PAEK Dear Ringers Our children do imitate to walk on and the work but theres more to it than that My expert tells mo that the simlariiy oi walk is not on mimicry but also hip join way our bodies an at together This at course herited Pass run encrr Dcar Ann Lenders What can do about boy iricnd who Isnt visually cheaphes Just thought an We both smoke In the middle oi conversation will look at him and there he is with cigar ï¬to In his mouthlit and every How he gets the cigarette out oihls pocket without being seen never know then must oak him tor cilaralle urget one out oi my purse havenevcr mentioned this to him but it an noys me terribly especially when others zre present Im sure they mus notice it too there polite salutioniMAGI CIANE GIIIL IIIIEND Dear our Friend Absent mindcd people should be re minded Remaining silent about something which annoys you terribly is ioollsh lilllJIiXL time lhls occurl simply say You iorgotto oller your cigarettes dear lIIl WIGAN England AP Po lice are searching ior New Years Eve revellcr wholeit his iaiso teethstill lightly gripping cigarin ngans civic centre